Part 22

Saturday, October 1


Jack and his mother, Sara, continued to fuck until the break of dawn. It was mostly because Sara kept saying, "Remember, we can never do this ever again." In a sexy, almost pleading, tone. Usually while eating mouthfuls of her son's cum off her face. Jack would watch this and immediately his humongous cock would get hard again and they would fuck in mutliple positions until he unleashed his cum all over her body and in her mouth and the whole process would start anew.

The sun had been up for over an hour when they were both realizing they were too tired to continue. They were in a 69, Sara trying desperately to get his whole massive dick down her throat but could only get about half in before gagging and having to spit it out most of the way before trying again, while Jack was lazily trying to suck all his mother's pussy juice up but she was constantly making more so it was a pointless, but very fun, endeavor.

After a few more minutes like that, Sara came, "Mmmm, cumming again, Jack..." she said, too tired to even yell out in pleasure, she pulled away and said, "I probably can only cum one more time before I can't even move anymore... It's been a full night of orgasms, but I'm going to fuck one out of you at the very least. I'm sorry this is the last time..." She said as she got on top of him in and started riding her son's cock cowgirl style. "Fuck, you are so big, son, I don't think I'll ever get used to it." Then a moment later, "Except I won't because we're never doing this again."

Jack grabbed his mother's tits and manipulated them expertly as she ground against his pelvis, "Don't remind me, Mom..." he groaned, 'I don't want this feeling to ever end." He loved how tight his mother's pussy was, it was even tighter than his teacher Beth's. It wasn't just that either. It felt like his mother's cunt was made for his cock. Like every part inside her cunt hugged and squeezed his cock just right, designed specifically for his pleasure.

Sara felt similarly, but more in the way that Jack's cock was made to be fucked! Especially by her! She pushed the fact that this was the last time she'd get to cum on this glorious dick as she moved from grinding to jumping on it like an absolute nymphomaniac, totally addicted to this amazing pussy pleasurer! Sara just couldn't get enough of it!

She came, hard, "FUUCK!" She shouted, too tired to do much more than that as she felt her son start to cum as well. Fill me up son! Fill Mommy's pussy!" she moaned, not caring that she wasn't taking birth control, just wanted to feel him filling her cunt with his sperm just once...

She collapsed on top of him and Jack put an arm around her. "You made me feel amazing Jack." Sara moaned softly as she slowly started to drift off to sleep. Jack was already snoring away, his body completely failing him as his energy just completely ran out..


Since it was Saturday everyone else slept in late. Jo was the first to wake up after Sara passed out in her son's arms. She got up to shower, passing her brother's room. She poked her head in but saw he wasn't there. All at once she realized he spent the night in her mother's room and it was like all her suspicious since she caught Jack naked in the bathroom with their mother was confirmed.

That fucking bitch! Jo thought, trying the door to her mother's room but finding it locked, she blames me for this shit and she's just sneaking around with Jack by herself! What the flying fuck?!

As she showered, Jo was incredibly angry, Fucking bitch! She was just trying to get me out of the way so that she could steal Jack right out from under me! What the fuck!? My own mother is a backstabbing cunt! Jo wasn't really considering right then that the man they were fighting over was her brother and Sara's son.

Once Jo was done with her shower, she went into her brother's room and sat on his bed. She swore she would sit there until either of them came out of their mother's room, and then she would unleash the beast featuring inside her.

The next to wake was Clara who went to use the bathroom to take a shower and didn't notice Jack's bedroom door was open until she came out. She saw Jo in there and came in, "Hey girl, what's up?" She said cheerfully as she sat on the bed with her cousin.

Jo was obviously angry, "Oh nothing," She spoke bitterly, "Just that Mom and Jack spent the night together and I can only assume the worst."

Clara rolled her eyes, "You need to calm down, you know your mom is probably just keeping him to make sure you two don't sneak off again. There's no way she'd do anything with him."

"You heard what your mom said!" Jo cried, "He jerked off all over her face after she sent me to bed! She's sneaking around behind my back! And so is he!" She was obviously extremely pissed and not able to see reason.

Clara clicked her teeth, "You take this shit far too seriously, Jo."


"Hey," Clara shrugged, "I get it, you want Jack all to yourself, but Jack's a horny bastard who's willing to fuck anyone with tits right?"

This angered Jo even more. She didn't answer her cousin, just glared at her and waited for her to make her point.

"I'm just saying, sorry," Clara explained, "But I thought you weren't going to get jealous anymore?"

"I never agreed to that." Jo responded, staring at her cousin like she was about to attack her.

Clara didn't seem to notice, "But you were considering it, I just say, fuck it, y'know?" Clara said getting closer to her cousin on the bed, "It's all fun and games, Jo."

"Oh there you go with your happy-go-lucky bullsh-MMM!" Jo said because then Clara started kissing her. Jo's brain was completely confused but her body seemed to remember when they were making out in the locker room yesterday and before Jo knew different, she was kissing Clara back just as hard.

Jo felt her anger melting away as she gave in to her cousin. Clara pushed her back on the bed and put her hand under Jo's shirt. She pushed her bra up so she could start pawing at her breasts. As she lightly pinched Jo's nipples, Jo started to feel really horny.

But Jo pushed her cousin away, "What are you doing?" She asked softly, her mind fogging with a confused lust as she stared into Clara's beautiful eyes.

"I'm showing why you shouldn't be jealous," Clara said before kissing Jo again. Jo had never really kissed a girl before, save for the short make out session she and Clara had in the locker room the other day. She was really enjoying it though, Clara's mouth and tongue was much softer, lighter than making out with a man. She was loving it!

Jo grabbed Clara's ass with both hands and pulled her into her. Clara stopped kissing her long enough to remove her shirt. Jo removed her skirt and bra and sat on her brother's bed in just her panties. Clara started sucking at Jo's nipple for a moment before going to the next.

Jo was getting very horny now, "Mmm, Clara, I can't believe we're doing this..." She moaned softly, not sure if she wanted to go further or not.

Clara did though, she wanted to go a lot further. She moved further down Jo's body and grabbed her panties. Jo lifted her body up and Clara pulled her underware down Jo's legs and off her feet. Jo bit her lip as she watched her beautiful cousin slowly lower her face to her pussy. She tilted her head back and started shouting in pure pleasure as Clara began tonguing her clit. "Mmm, you're making me feel so good!" Jo moaned.

Clara was loving her cousin's pussy. She hadn't lied before, she really never had sex with a woman before. But she'd always wanted to, just never considered Jo as a viable option until recently. She lapped away at Jo's beautiful cunt. Clara knew she'd never be able to get enough of Jo's delicious nectar.

Jo began to cum, "Oh god! You're putting me right there! AAAAaaaahhhh!" She moaned out, knowing that with Jack's door shut, and all the bedrooms were pretty much soundproof with the entryway closed, so she didn't have to hold back, "Ooohhhh ffuuuuccckkk!" She finished as her body jiggled and danced along with her cumming pussy.

"Oh wow!" Clara said excitedly after cleaning Jo's pussy thouroughly with her tongue, "I've never eaten pussy before, but I think I want to do it a lot more in the future!"

Jo's head was clearing as she came down from her orgasm, "That was really intense, but I think I may, um, I think I should go to my room..." She mumbled and grabbed her clothes and ran through the hallway naked, her whole body blushing nearly as red as her hair. Jo felt nervous, embarrassed... and incredibly turned on.

Jo got on her bed, her head riddled with thoughts, Holy fucking shit! I can't believe I had sex with a woman! And my own cousin! FUCK! I know, I know, I'm trying like hell to fuck my brother, but I never thought...

Thinking about Jack, Jo remembered that she was angry at her brother then, Fucking hell...Did he fuck Mom last night? God dammit! I should have just held him down and fucked him when I had the chance! Mom's like the hottest woman I know! Why would Jack ever want me again after her!?

But that thought made Jo realize something else, Fuck me, that's it isn't it? I used to date like fifty guys at a time, but I'm jealous of Jack for being with even one other girl. I mean, it's our Mom, and we're brother and sister... Ugh, I'm a hypocritical moron... But I'm also not going to just roll over and let Mom reep what I feel I've sewn.. FUCK YOU JACK AND MOM! She thought suddenly, her anger coming back fully, YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT YOURSELVES!

Jo wanted to talk to Clara again then, but was still feeling extra weird that she let her cousin eat her pussy, instead she took out her phone and texted back and forth with Rose for a bit, but not about anything important since Jo knew Rose didn't approve of her "relationship with her brother, if they could even call it that anymore, so she definitely wouldn't like Jo telling her that she just had sex with her cousin as well.


Rita woke up next but just went downstairs, made coffee, and read the news on her phone while she drank it. Clara went back to her room, though she thought about crossing the hall to bug Jo, she also knew she probably needed a little time after cumming in Clara's mouth only a few hours ago.

Sara woke up first between her and her son. At first, she felt a bit dazed, only realizing she was in somebodies arms and they were both naked. But the fog of sleep cleared and she remembered everything.

Sara took a long breath that was filled with sadness and guilt. She stared up into her son's sleeping face, even then, after a full night of passionate lovemaking, she could feel her very sore pussy getting wet as she remembered the amazing night they had. But she also knew it was like she said, the first and last night, We can never do it ever matter how much we want to. She thought bitterly.

Sara pushed herself off her son's body, her skin sticking to his, probably because she had a whole lot of semen dumped onto her body last night, though Sara cleaned up most of it, there was still some residue and it was very sticky.

I need a shower, Sara thought as she got up, grabbing her robe, which she put on. She knew she couldn't leave her son sleeping naked in her room while she showered in case anyone poked their head in. But she also didn't want to wake him, afraid of what they needed to talk about.

"Wake up, Jack," Sara said standing next to the bed. She didn't want to touch him, knowing any contact with her son's body made her liable to lose all control with him and fuck his brains out once again.

Huh? What?" Jack said as he stirred, he looked up to his mother, and then blushed and looked away as he remembered the amazing night they had, "I'm awake," he told her.

"Good, I know we need to talk about what happened," Sara said as she handed her son his clothes from her floor, "But not right now. I need to shower and you should go back to your room. Okay?"

Jack agreed as he put his pants back on. He knew once he got to his room he was just crawling into his bed and falling asleep.


Jack stumbled back to his room. He noticed as he fallowed his mother he noticed that she was moving her hips funny as she walked and he wondered, Is that because I fucked Mom so hard last night? He wasn't sure, but the answer was "Yes."

Jack came back into his room and took off his clothes again to climb into bed. He pulled the covers over his head, blocking out the light of the sun coming in through his bedroom window. He thought that something smelled an awful lot like pussy in there, but then thought it was probably him since his mother's cunt had probably touched every inch of his skin last night.

He was almost asleep when his door burst open. It was Jo. She had been waiting to hear their mother's bedroom door open and her brother was back in his room.

"Um, hi..." Jack said, feeling incredibly awkward all of a sudden. He had been dreading facing Jo one on one since he fucked his sexy teacher yesterday, not sure if he should tell her about it since she'd likely lose her shit about it. But now also fucked both of their mother...well, Jack really just felt like an asshole right then.

"Hello," Jo said in a normal tone. After her "talk" with Clara and being alone with her thoughts for a bit, she was much less angry, but also tired of feeling ignored, "Okay, I know we keep talking about this shit, and I'm just being stubborn, but I also know, just from the look on your face, that you and Mom did something last night. And I think that's me. You keep pushing me away, over and over again, but you just run to Mom with open arms and say 'fuck Jo, she means nothing to me' and I-"

Jack interrupted, "What? Jo, you mean everything to me. I mean, you're my twin sister, and I know you and I haven't always gotten along, but no one is closer to me than you. And you're so sexy and beautiful, it takes everything in my power to push you away. But I don't want to do that anymore."

Jo blinked, "What? You mean-"

"I'll do whatever you want." Jack said.

Jo almost ran to him to embrace him on his bed, but she stopped, "But you're still going to fuck other women, right?"

Jack really wished he could stop this conversation and talk to Naomi before answering that question. She had talked to him before about ways to seduce women, she didn't say anything about dealing with their jealousy. Instead he just stared at his sister until she huffed and puffed and turned the other way and walked out of his room.


Jack sighed. He got out of bed and locked his door. Then he called Naomi on the phone.

She answered after the first ring, "Hello sexy." she said in a husky but playful voice.

Jack just went into it, "I fucked my mom last night." He announced, somewhat proudly but with a healthy dose of shame thrown in.

"Wow, two women on your first day of fucking? Who's the fucking stud?" Naomi sounded impressed, "I'm stroking my pussy now just thinking about it."

Jack's cock was immediately hard but he had bigger fish to fry, "Um, that's nice," He said, feeling like an idiot.

"Nice? Haha," Naomi laughed, "You are such a dork!"

"Yeah, thanks," Jack said with a laugh, "But I have a problem, Jo...basically knows that something happened between me and Mom last night, also I've been kind of distant to her because I don't want her to know about Beth, or, well, you for that matter, but she knows something's going on and, um..."

"And she's jealous," Naomi finished Jack's sentence for him, "Well, this is bound to happen as your harem grows. More women will become jealous of others and you have to be sure to devote enough time to each of them, but," Naomi added as she had a thought, "You also want your women to be reliant on each other as well."

"What do you mean by reliant on each other?" Jack did not know at all what she was getting at.

"I mean, that the women of your harem should fuck each other as well as you," Naomi explained, "Unless that makes you jealous."

Jack thought about it, "Truthfully, not even a little. I actually wouldn't have minded if Jo still had her army of boyfriends, she's the one who decided to break up with them."

Naomi thought about that, "Would you share the women in your harem with other men, then?"

"I don't think so." Jack said a moment later, "I mean, before then, do whatever you want, but if you want to be mine then you belong to me." He didn't mean it quite like that he just phrased it like that.

Naomi however took it literally, "They belong to you? Hmm, do you want to be their master and them your sex slaves, mmmm?" She moaned out in pleasure as she dipped a third finger into her aching cunt, "I'm fingering my horny pussy now. Do you want me to be your slave, master? AH!"

Jack's cock throbbed as he heard the squishy sounds of Naomi masturbating on the other end of the phone, "Um, I didn't mean it like that..." He said. The thought of being a "master" as she called it really intimidated him. He wasn't even entirely sure what that meant, knowing absolutely nothing about BDSM having not even heard the acronym before, and wasn't sure he wanted to find out either.

"Hmmm," Naomi moaned, but then the squish-squish sounds stopped, "You wanted advice, sorry, got distracted. Well, jealousy sucks, but it's like I said, not every woman is going to be on board being in your harem. Maybe just let her go?"

"But she's my sister!" Jack practically shouted, "I can't just leave her behind."

"Why?" Naomi said with a laugh, but then added a moment later when Jack was silent for too long, "Okay, fine, you need her most, or something. Then go and tell her the truth. I mean, maybe not about everything, but definitely about fucking you mom."

"What?" Jack said, not believing what he was hearing, "won't that make her even more jealous?"

"Yeah, probably," Naomi said, "But it will also show that you trust her. And, well, it might blow up in your face, but you'd be surprised what women do when they think they're competing with another woman. And, really, a harem is like any romantic relationship, it's built on trust and honesty. If you start lying to even one of your women, it will all fall down like a house of cards."

Jack considered it, then considered Jo, he didn't like his results. "But it might turn out badly?" Jack asked to confirm, already feeling like it was a lost cause.

"It all might turn out badly, Jack." Naomi explained, "like I told you yesterday, the only thing you can do is try."

They ended the call. And Jack crossed the hall to take a shower. He felt it probably wouldn't be a good idea to talk to his sister while smelling of their mother's pussy.​
Next page: Part 23
Previous page: Part 21