Chapter 03.1

As I pulled onto the campus of the state university, I could feel the anticipation of the moment tingling inside me, mixed up with the horniness I had felt since I'd woken up this morning and called home. There hadn't been much conversation -- it's really hard to have a phone conversation with people when they're fucking, especially when it's your husband and daughter gasping and moaning between "Hello" and "How are you?"

I had burned up the cell phone minutes, stroking my wet pussy while listening to Jilly and John being swept away by their morning fuck, my daughter nearly screaming into the receiver, "Yesssss! DADDY'S REALLY FUCKING ME GOOOOOOOD, MOMMMM!" As I plunged fingers in and out of my wet snatch, I listened as my husband pumped away with his cock, plunging it in and out of our little girl's cunt with total abandon pretty much as he had done since we'd broke through the walls of taboo and let our fantasies become reality back in early April.

I could almost see my handsome man on top of our tall, shapely daughter, ramming that long, thick dick of his into her wet, bald cunt over and over. It made me ache just a little that I couldn't be there, to share his big cock with Jilly, kissing him and kissing her, tasting him inside her pussy, tasting myself on her lips, abandoning all reason and conventional morals as we indulged in sweet incest over and over! But, I was on a was my job to bring our last family member into our new way of life. I needed and suddenly wanted to fuck my son, Scotty.

As I parked in front of his dorm, I reflected on how difficult this task might be. Scotty was our oldest child -- a near genius young man of twenty-three years old, due to finish his graduate degree in cybernetics in the fall. Spring semester was over and I was here to pick him up and bring him home for the summer. I was here for more than that though. I was here to seduce him and guide him into becoming more of a loving family member than he might ever have imagined. And I knew how difficult that would be. See, Scotty has a mild neurological condition -- a slight form of Asperger's Syndrome that had made socializing a bit more difficult for him than most.

Scotty required an orderly world -- one that was reliable and structured without too many deviations. It was a world of rules and process that did not change lightly from day to day. Whenever that world was disrupted, it threw him into a tizzy, manifested by tantrums or withdrawal. As a child, he would weep or rage at his mischievous little sister's "unauthorized" trespasses into his room or at any unexpected changes in school schedules or any other unanticipated events. But, as I had learned from long experience, my son could and did adapt to new situations and while becoming sexually active within the family would be one hell of a new situation, I was confident that I could help guide Scotty through it.

I glanced at my wristwatch and seeing that it was nearly four in the afternoon, my late arrival would no doubt be seen as an unanticipated event. I should have been here before noon so we could make it back home before it would get too late. As it was, we would now have to stop for the night on the way. This would no doubt upset Scotty, but was part of my overall plan.

I climbed out of the minivan, feeling the breeze warm on my bare arms and legs. Most of the dorm's students had already gone home, but here and there were young men and their mothers and fathers loading packed boxes into cars or trucks or vans for their own trips home and I was aware of more that a few of them were eyeing me.

I was wearing a sleeveless summer halter dress, a floral print on white that contrasted well with my olive complexion. The short hem showed off my shapely legs well and the light cotton material clung tightly to my large breasts, scarcely contained in the lacy strapless half bra I had on. The halter dress didn't offer up too much cleavage, but it still accentuated the shape and heft of my breasts and neither my dress nor my bra did anything to conceal my nipples, thick and erect in anticipation of seeing my son. High heeled sandals completed my ensemble as I strutted up the steps of the dormitory. My shoulder length black hair framed my green eyes that my cat's eye glasses seemed to accentuate.

I grinned and somehow managed not to blush as I heard a couple of faint wolf whistles as I climbed up the two flights of steps and walked down the long hallway to my son's dorm room. I was proud of my zaftig figure, all tits and ass as my husband liked to proclaim. I sometimes envied our daughter, Jilly's taller and more slender figure, but I was comforted by the fact that I had been turning heads since I was a teenager. While my normal dress was more modest, since becoming incestuously involved with my daughter -- in certain situations, I was enjoying dressing up much more sexily and to be honestly, dressing more like a slut. Certainly, showing up with seducing my son was such an occasion to dress so sexily..

I scarcely had knocked on Scotty's door before he flung it open, his green eyes, so much like mine, wide with panic. My son needed a haircut, his black hair all askew and falling into his face as he exclaimed, "Mom, you're late! We're going to get home late if we can get home at all." Even in his panic at the upset of the status quo, I could see that he still managed to give me a long look up and down, registering and recording my sexy outfit. "Mom, I don't know if we can drive home tonight. It would be after midnight, Mom!"

With long practiced ease, I reached out and placing the palm of my hand on his chest, pushed him backwards, allowing me to enter his dorm room. "I'm glad to see you too, son," I said, stepping inside his comfort zone and kissing him on the corner of his mouth, allowing my meaty breasts to rub against his T-shirt covered chest. I could feel him stiffen up against me -- personal contact was something my son had difficulty with.

"Mom. It's really late. Why are you so late? We can't make it home tonight, Mom!"

I put my arms around his neck and tugged his head down until we gently bumped foreheads and looking him in the eye, I repeated, "It's good to see you, Scotty."

I locked gazes with him, not allowing him to pull away and after a few seconds, my son began to calm down and finally he gave me a bashful grin and said. "It's good to see you, Mom." I lifted an eyebrow in expectation and he moved his head and kissed me back, aiming for the corner of my mouth, but because I deliberately shifted, more or less bussing me on the lips.

Still with my arms around his neck, I felt his heart pounding in his chest, more likely from his anxiety over my tardiness than from the fact his mother was mashing her tits against his chest. He confirmed it by repeating more calmly, "Mom, you're late and that means we can't get home tonight."

I nodded and replied, "That's correct. But it's all right. All it means is that you and I will spend the night in a motel. Is there anything wrong with that?" I felt amusement as I saw him try and process this. "Is there anything wrong with a mother and son staying overnight in a motel?"

I blushed and he giggled a moment before saying. "No."

I nodded and kissed him again, this time a brief kiss full on the lips. "Good boy. Now, let's get you packed up and we'll be on our way." I dropped my arms and stepped around him, dragging my breasts across my chest as I did so. A quick glance around the room confirmed that he was ready to go -- a small stack of boxes and crates that we'd have to haul down to the minivan. My son lived a pretty spartan life -- only keeping what clothes he actually needed, a few computer games, some DVDs and books, and a laptop.

Scotty insisted on carrying everything down, leaving the arrangement of the boxes to me. As he announced to me that he had the last load, I was leaning into the side of the minivan shuffling things around so they wouldn't shift or turn over. Before I turned around, I caught him in the corner of my vision checking out my voluptuous backside -- the light cotton dress stretched tightly across my backside -- thong bikini leaving no panty line.

I spun around and said, "And what are you looking at, young man?"

Scotty looked down and blushed and then with his face turning bright red replied, "You look really pretty in that dress, Mom."

I felt a flush sweep through me, a tingle blossoming between my thighs at his words, but acted amused as I said, "Thank you, Scotty. I swear there must be no good looking girls around if you're staring at an old lady's butt!"

Scotty looked panicked for a moment, but saw my grin and said boldly, "You're as pretty as any girl here at the university, Mom!"

"Why thank you, son!" I said. I did a little shimmy dance, making my barely fettered breasts roll about my chest. "Am I as sexy as your college girlfriends?"

My son's eyes followed my bouncing breasts about even as his mouth gaped open at my little bit of teasing and then he hurriedly brushed by me to set the last set of boxes down, unable to look me in the eyes as he muttered, "I don't have any girlfriends." He paused for a second and still avoiding my gaze, said more bravely, "You're sexier, Mom!"

I came up behind Scotty and wrapped my arms around his waist, hearing him gasp as I invaded his space again, this time mashing my tits against his slightly sweaty back. "Thank you, sweetheart! You make an old lady feel young and pretty!" I showered him with quick little kisses on his neck and ears until he squealed with delight and broke free of my embrace.

He retreated a few steps and we stood and looked at each other, Scotty giggling until he nearly lost his breath. I was gratified that I thought I could detect a faint outline of an erection beneath his crisp khakis. Finally, I said, "Well, sweetie, if we have everything, we should get on the road."

Scotty reverted to type by agreeing vigorously, "Absolutely! We are already late. No way can we get home tonight!"

We climbed into the van, me driving because Scotty found driving too disorganized. Not being able to predict what other drivers would do unnerved him. We hit the highway with my son talking animatedly about his graduation thesis which revolved around a new artificial intelligence program. It mostly went over my head, but I was happy to let him chatter on while I waited to see how long it would take him to notice that in getting into the driver's seat, I'd allowed my short dress to ride up my thighs to my crotch.

I had almost given up hope of him noticing when he suddenly went silent. A quick glance over confirmed his eyes were now locked onto my legs and crotch. I shifted my legs a little to allow my thighs to open up and reveal the tiny swatch of cloth that passed for the gusset of my thong panties -- a lacy and gauzy white material that allowed my trimmed, black-haired bush to be visible beneath the thin cloth, below which was a wet spot, standing out pink and dark against the surrounding white silk and lace.

Scotty's face was knotted up in furious concentration, his tongue peeking out and worrying his upper lip. Another quick glance confirmed the rise of his cock, now a prominent bulge in his pants. Suddenly, my son realized that I was watching him watching me and he began to blush once again. To prevent a new burst of anxiety, I winked at him and then asked, "So, any new girlfriends, Scotty?"

My son laughed and rolled his eyes. "You know I never date, Mom. I don't get girls and they don't get me."

"I doubt that," I responded, tossing him another wink. "You're a good looking man -- I bet you have to beat them off with a stick."

"Hardly, Mom," Scotty replied, squirming uneasily in his seat.

"Well, they should be, son." I gave him a leering grin and said teasingly, "If I wasn't married, I'd be all over you in a minute."

Scotty's expression was somewhere between tickled and shocked as he said, "No you wouldn't. You're my mom."

I stuck my tongue out at him and said, "I don't know why that should make a difference. You're a sexy young hunk. If your father said it was okay, I'd tear your clothes off in a second."

Scotty sat straight up and his arms moved about in front of him aimlessly, a little eccentricity of his that indicated that he was confused and unnerved...the human equivalent of "DOES NOT COMPUTE!" I reached out and stroked his shoulder and murmured, "Everything is okay, Scotty. Don't worry."

I let it go, letting the conversation and the teasing lag while we drove on. Silence reined for awhile, but it wasn't too long before I saw my son again glancing down at my exposed crotch. I hoped he appreciated the growing wet spot between my legs -- my teasing making me more aroused and making me nuts with the need to take my hand and rub my pussy. I began to smell my wetness as well and wondered what Scotty was making of this new, musky scent. I wondered if he'd ever gotten a good whiff of wet pussy before.

I decided that fingering my aroused pussy while driving might be a little much, but when I noticed him shifting his attention to my breasts with my hard nipples clearly visible against the light cotton of my dress, I couldn't resist bringing my left hand up and carelessly caressing my breast, idly sliding two fingers around my swollen nub and pinching it through my dress.

A little squeak escaped my lips after I pinched it particularly hard, sending a jolt of carnal delight racing through my body. "Mom...are you okay, Mom?" Scotty asked, his voice a mixture of concern and confusion.

"Ohhhhh yeah," I breathed out. "I'm with my most favorite man in the world. I'm doing just fine!"

Scotty laughed and said. "I'm your favorite man? What about Dad?"

I spared him a glance from the road and winked at him again. "Well, I love your father a lot, but...there's a special love that only a mother and son can have."

Scotty's face lit up with pleasure. "Really, Mom?"

I reached over and dropped a hand on his thigh and gave it a squeeze. "Absolutely, Scotty, don't you feel it? I love you like no one else, son." I rubbed his thigh a little bit and said in a slightly pouty voice, "Don't you love me, Scotty?"

My son trembled a bit and hesitated, that lip peeking out and rolling along his lip. "More than anything...anyone, Mom!"

"Am I your best girl, son?" I said teasingly.

Scotty took a deep breath and let it out slow. "I wish..." he replied, looking out the window.

"You wish what?" I said, sensing an opportunity.

Scotty was a long time responding and I thought for a moment I was going to lose him again as his arms came up and waved for a few seconds before he paused and dropped them into his lap. "You wish what, honey?" I asked again.

Slowly, Scotty turned to face me and he said in a hesitant tone. "I wish I really had a girlfriend like you, Mom."

I smiled back at him between glances at the road and then replied as I slid my hand up his thigh until my fingers were almost brushing the large bulge in his crotch, "Well, darling. You know that's what Moms are best at...making their son's wishes come true."

He stared at me, eyes wide with amazement as he tried to process my words. I returned my focus to my driving, giving him a little time to work things through, enjoying his not too subtle glances at my aroused body. We drove on another couple of hours, saying little until the sun had set and I decided we would stop for the night. We pulled into a small and older motel -- a leftover remnant of a chain that no longer was in business.

I left Scotty in the minivan while I went in and got us a room. A middle aged Indian woman got me signed in and glancing through the window, said, "One room or two, madam?"

I finished filling out the registration card as I replied, "One room, please -- one bed would be fine."

The motel clerk tilted her head and gave me a curious glance, her eyes flicking towards the window again where she could see Scotty sitting. She smiled at me, a knowing smile that conveyed understanding. "Of course, madam." She handed me a key card and said, "Room 118. It had a king size bed. It's around to the side and is very private."

"Perfect," I replied.

I picked up the card and strutted back out, smiling naughtily back at her as she said, "I hope you have a wonderful stay with us."

I drove us around to park in front of our room and we climbed back out, Scotty stretching to work kinks out as I opened up the side door and rummaged around for my overnight bag. As I yanked it free of the clutter of Scotty's boxes, I knocked a small box of DVDs off the seat, scattering them across the floorboard and the pavement.

"Oops, my bad, Scotty!" I said as I squatted down to pick up the jewel cases. I heard Scotty give a slight squawk only to go dead silent as I slowly rose back up, examining the DVDs in the parking lot lights. After looking at the titles, I gave my son an amused glance and said, "My goodness. You have some interesting sounding movies here, son." I held them up, three of them fanned out in my hand -- TABOO II, HOT MOMMAS & YOUNG SONS, and AMATUER MILFS WHO LOVE COCK!

"Somebody likes older women!" I said teasingly in a sing song voice.

Scotty looked strickened and his arms began to come up and wave, but I tried to head things off by laughing and saying, "Calm down, sweetie. Momma's known about your porn movies for a long time."

Scotty stopped waving his arms and said in a confused voice. "You do?"

I tossed the movies back into the box and headed for the motel room door. "I'm your mother, Scotty. I know everything!" I worked the card key and opened up our room. "Grab your things and come on in and we'll talk about dinner."

By the time Scotty came through the door, I had the lights on and my bag put away and was standing with my arms crossed under my big breasts and waiting for the next unexpected event to throw a loop into my son's day.

He tromped inside, a backpack slung over his shoulders and he closed the door and then turned and stared at me for a moment, studying my emphasized breasts for a moment before he turned and saw the single king sized bed. Scotty's mouth dropped open and then he turned back to me and exclaimed. "Mom! Mom, there's only one bed. We need two. We can't stay here. We need another room. There's only one bed!"

His backpack slid off his shoulder to the carpet and his arms were waving about as he continued to report the "one bed" situation until I slowly approached him and as I had done when I had picked him up, put my arms around his neck and pulled his head down to touch mine and I stared into his green eyes, saying, "I know, Scotty...calm down."

For another minute or so, he continued to wave his arms, but finally they fell to his sides and he said with tears in his voice, "But, Mom, there's only one bed."

In a quiet, but firm voice, I replied, "I know, Scotty. It's okay, we'll both sleep in the bed...just like we used to when you were a little boy."

Scotty swallowed and said hesitantly, "But, I'm not a little boy anymore. I'm a grownup...I'm a man."

I smiled and tilted my head to kiss him softly on the lips and said, "Yes you are and I'm a woman and a man and a woman can sleep in the same bed."

Scotty processed this, still looking panicked and he said in a near whisper, "But, you're my Mom. That isn't right, is sleeping together like grownups?"

I gave my son another light kiss on the lips and replied, "I won't tell if you don't. It's our little secret and it will be alright." Scotty started to argue, but I placed a finger over his lips as I often did when he was younger to silence an argument that had gone on too long. "It will be alright, son," I repeated and then I kissed him again, a little more firmly, but still closed mouth.

I let him go and was relieved that while he still looked panicked, he didn't pursue the argument. "Honey, I'm going to go take a shower. Why don't you find a phone book and get us some food delivered...maybe a pizza or chicken or something."

Scotty immediately looked relieved -- I'd given him something more "normal" to focus on. I grabbed my overnight bag and carried it into the bathroom while he sat on the bed and began perusing the phone book. I closed the door and immediately got a case of the shakes...partly from nerves over the naughty game I was playing, but also from the need to pleasure myself. I felt so horny that I wanted to scream!

I took a long, hot shower, taking my time soaping up my curvy body, barely able to resist finger-fucking myself to a screaming orgasm as I slid fingers down between my legs and felt the sopping wet and furnace hot morass that my pussy had become. I had to lean against the shower stall wall as just the slightest touch of my fingers against my swollen labia or my throbbing clitoris took me to the precipice of orgasm. I resisted in the end, feeling somehow that being so horny would give me an edge in my quest to seduce my son.

Out of the shower, I toweled off, again nearing orgasm as I gently rubbed my mound dry...well, as dry as I could considering it felt like a simmering volcano of incestuous lust about to erupt. I combed the wet tangles out of my hair and pulled out of my overnight bag, a sexy negligee I had picked up just for this trip. It was a fire-truck red baby-doll nightie with matching panties and bra, almost as diaphanous as the silky material of the negligee itself.

After a short debate with myself over what consisted of too much where my son was concerned, I put on the panties and left the bra off, letting my large, meaty breasts strain against the thin, nearly transparent cloth -- my large, puffy areoles and dark nipples clearly visible. I looked at myself in the large mirror over the sink and nodded to myself. My breasts spilled out over the top and sides of the negligee which offered a peek at the already darkening and wet crotch of my panties.

I started to go out the door and then laughed, almost forgetting the nasty, red stiletto heels I'd purchased to go with the outfit. I climbed into my shoes and admired how they helped to accentuate my full, but curvy legs and then opened up the door and walked out into a scene that I could never have envisioned or planned for, but which lent itself perfectly to my plans.

As I stepped out of the bathroom in my sexy negligee and said, "Well, honey, what do you think?" Scotty was at the door, about to hand a delivery boy, money for a food delivery. Both young men turned and gaped at me, utter shock and amazement on their faces as they beheld a voluptuous, scantily clad mature woman posing for them.

"'re one lucky fucker!" exclaimed the young man, long, greasy blonde hair framing a sun burned and freckled face above a thin frame wearing jeans and a T-shirt emblazoned with the words "Gus's Good Eats."

Scotty stared at me with a mixture of dumbfounded amazement and lust for a long moment before remembering we weren't alone and exclaiming, "Mom! What are you wearing?"

The delivery boy's expression became even more amazed as he took in the sight of my son, me and the lone king sized bed and exclaimed, " lucky motherfucker! You're my new fucking hero!"

My son spun back around, his eyes wild as the young man's words sank in. He shoved a twenty dollar bill and a ten dollar bill into the delivery boy's hands and squeaked, "Keep the change," before grabbing the large sack from him and then literally shoving him out the door. After throwing the deadbolt, Scotty turned and said in nearly a sob, "Mom! What's wrong with you? Why are you dressed like front of that front of me?"

I struck a starlets pose, thrusting out my breasts and replied, "Whatever do you mean, Scotty? What's wrong with my nightgown? Don't you like it?"

My son stood silent for a long minute, one arm twitching while he studied the situation and me, eyes roving up and down the front of my scarcely covered body, pausing to take in my barely concealed mound, wet spot growing quickly as little spurts of pussy juice erupted from between my labia before going up and eyeing my practically exposed breasts -- my swollen nipples visibly throbbing.

I began to move, slowly stalking towards my son, my stained and wet crotch being more exposed with each stride I took. "What's wrong with how I look, Scotty?" I purred as he backed up into the door, cracking his head against the solid wood. I concealed the wince I wanted to display and pressed into him, taking the slightly grease stained bag with one hand and lightly resting the other on his shoulder even as my breasts mashed and flattened against his chest. His heart was pounding so wildly I'd have been concerned had he been an older man.

I looked up into his eyes and said again, "What's wrong with how I look, son?"

Scotty instinctively looked down to avoid my gaze, but found instead a bird's eye view of my seriously exposed cleavage and looked back up. Trapped between looking into my eyes and gazing at my mammoth tits, it was slightly funny to watch my son's head move up and down until he finally summoned the courage to whisper, "Nothing, look pretty."

I smiled and rose up slightly to plant another semi-chaste kiss on his lips before I said, "Just pretty, Scotty? Do you think your mother looks sexy in this nightie?" I leaned into him a bit more and could swear that against my thighs, I felt his cock throb...certainly I could feel its length and hardness through his khakis and tried to contain my shivers as the presence...the weight of his cock made itself known to my bare skin.

Scotty's tongue again emerged, worrying that lower lip and I was tempted to take a crack at licking it with my own tongue before he finally said so softly that I could barely hear him, "Yeah, Mom. I think look really sexy. I like red."

I gave him another closed mouth kiss, lingering for long seconds this time as my breasts drug across his now sweaty chest before I replied, "I'm glad. I was thinking of you when I bought it." Then I turned away and headed for the small dinette table on the other side of the bed. "Let's eat...I'm starved," I said, shooting my son a wink and feeling his eyes crawling all over my backside.

My son hesitantly followed as I unpacked our supper. He'd ordered us chicken dinner -- pieces of fried chicken that were surprisingly good, coleslaw and home fries and including two individually wrapped pieces of pecan pie. We ate quietly, Scotty nervously gulping his food down while I ate a little more daintily, trying not to get anything on my new negligee.

The pie was delicious, but a little sticky and syrupy and while Scotty had been discretely sneaking glances at my barely covered body all through the meal, he stopped eating and stared openly at me as I slowly sucked my fingers clean of the sugary food while I gave him smoldering smiles. His hands fluttered just above the table, but he seemed to be trying hard not to let his anxieties take hold.

Finally, he worked up the courage to ask, "Mom, why are you doing this?"

I smiled coyly at him and said, "What do you mean, baby...doing what?"

That tongue of his sneaked out and ran along his upper lip as he formulated his response. I waited him out patiently and finally he said in a low voice, "Mom, you're flirting with me."

I giggled and replied, "Is that a bad thing? A woman always flirts with a man she loves."

"But you're my mom...Mom. That's not right...not normal."

"Well, I've always felt that if you love someone, there's nothing wrong with showing how you feel."

Scotty shifted in his chair as if trying to get comfortable and I wondered how hard his penis was. He said, "Yeah, but moms and sons don't do that. It's not right...they shouldn't act like they're married and stuff."

I leaned forward, allowing my breasts to strain against the gauzy material of my negligee, tit flesh spilling out the top as I asked, "Do you really believe that, son? Remember, I can guess what your fantasies're not the only one who's seen Taboo."

Scotty's face was now bright red and he said, "But you're not like that...not with me. You've never been like Jilly is with..." He stopped and frowned, not sure he should continue.

I finished for him. "You mean Jilly flirting and being naughty around your father?" My son nodded. "Did you think I never noticed?"

Scotty didn't say anything for a long minute, but finally with a trembling shrug, replied, "I never saw you say anything, but Jilly..." He stopped for a second. "When I told Jilly that she shouldn't act like that, she said you didn't mind -- that her teasing Dad meant you were...were...were getting laid more often."

I laughed and replied, "Did you believe her?" When Scotty nodded again, I said with a naughty grin, "Why?"

Scotty couldn't hold my gaze and he looked down at the remains of his dinner as he said, "Because we could hear you guys. You started doing...having uh, sex a lot more."

"Yes, we did," I said in a matter of fact voice. "Now, do you think your sister only teased Dad so I could get laid more?" I raised an eyebrow in expectation of his answer.

It was a long time coming, but finally he said, "I think Jilly wants to um..."

"Fuck her father?" I finished for him. Scotty nodded, his face full of guilt. I reached out and took his slightly greasy hand and squeezed. "Do you think that would be such a bad thing?"

Scotty trembled as he said, "It's's...." His voice dropped to a whisper as he said, "Incest."

I squeezed his hand again, hard and long until he brought his eyes back up to meet mine. "Again, I want to know if you think its wrong, Scotty. I know what kind of porn you like...Taboo, stuff with milfs and sons. Is incest something you fantasize to?"

Scotty jerked his hand away and shoved himself away from the table. He stood up, his arms beginning to wave erratically as he said, "Mom, we can't -- we shouldn't talk about this."

I moved quickly to join him, moving and dancing as he tried to avoid me slipping my arms around his neck. Granted he was taller and stronger than me, but I had been doing this most of his life and finally, I had him in our usual embrace, his forehead, now warm and feverish against mine, whispering, "Its okay, Scotty. Nothing's wrong." We stood that way for a long time, but finally my son begin to relax ever so slightly, lowering his arms to his sides as I held his gaze with mine, staring into his green eyes lovingly, keenly aware of his still wildly beating heart throbbing in his chest, feeling it deep within my breasts to spur my own heart into beating faster with love and lust.

I began to move, gently swaying, leading him in the smallest of slow dances, finally whispering, "Put your arms around me, Scotty. Just relax and breathe. You're with Mom...nothing's wrong...just relax, baby." I was encouraged when he did so, his arms slipping around my waist and then his hands pressing gently against my back. I yielded to that slight pressure, pushing myself more firmly against his body.

Slowly we moved in a circle, scant inches of ground covered at a time as I allowed him to calm down and hopefully get a little used to his mother's meaty tits press into his body as my thighs brushed his erection which pressed against his khaki slacks, yearning to be free. "Feeling better, honey?" I said after maybe twenty minutes had passed.

"A little...maybe, Mom." He trembled in my arms and said. "Mom, I'm scared!"

I hugged him a little tighter, feeling him begin to tense up again. "You don't have to be, Scotty. You're with Mom now. You're perfectly safe." I reached up to kiss him on the cheek, but he jerked and I wound up bussing him on the corner of his mouth. His body stiffened, but then I had an inspiration and said, "How about I give you a backrub, son? Remember how you liked those when you were younger and you had a bad day?"

"I don't know, Mom," he said, his voice hesitant, but also with a little interest. I'm sure he was recalling days long past when he'd had a really bad day at school or had trouble dealing with his baby sister's shenanigans, how I would sit next to him on his bed and rub his shoulders and back until he drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

"C'mon," I whispered. "It's been a hard day for you and I think it will help you relax. I guided us towards the bathroom, still with our arms around each other. "Get your pajama bottoms on and I'll dig out some lotion and give you a nice backrub."

We stood next to the bathroom for a bit, him looking at me with some uncertainty, but finally nodding and saying, "Okay, Mom." I let him go after kissing him quickly on the lips and Scotty grabbed his backpack and disappeared into the bathroom. While he was in there, I dug around in my purse for a bottle of lotion, finding some with a pleasant jasmine scent that I thought might be soothing to my son.

He took a little longer than I expected and I had a sudden flash of worrisome insight that he might be taking the opportunity to jack off and was about to call for him to get a move on when he emerged in a white T-shirt and the blue stripped pajamas I had given him at Christmas. Any concerns that he might have jacked off vanished as he guiltily hid an obvious erection with his hands.

"That's my boy, I said, slipping my arm through his and walking him to the bed. "Now get that shirt off and get on your stomach, Scotty."

He frowned and began to stiffen up, but I held up the lotion and said, "Now, this doesn't work through cotton, son! Off with the shirt!"

He nodded and yes, "Okay, Mom."

He tore off the shirt and quickly climbed onto the king sized bed, squirming for a few seconds as he tried to get comfortable with that erection. I made him scoot over so I could climb up and sit next to him on my knees. I poured some lotion into my hands and rubbed it in an effort to warm it up.

"Ready, Scotty?" I said softly as I dropped my hands onto his shoulder blades and began to rub. My son stiffened up at my first touch, but after a few firm but gentle strokes of my hands up and down his tense back muscles, I felt him shiver and then let out a deep breath in a long, contented sigh. "Feels good, doesn't it, baby?" I cooed. "Momma knows how to make her son feel good."

He made a little grunt and I'm sure that he recognized that my words could be interpreted more than one way. I worked his back and shoulders, admiring his rather fit form as I did so. Scotty, like his father, was just shy of six feet and was lean with wiry muscles. When he'd first started college, he'd put on some weight and his doctor advised a routine of steady exercise. Scotty had resisted at first, but we'd bought him a membership at an exercise center and he'd adopted the habit of going certain days of the week and using the equipment. Once something became routine for my became important to maintain and the fruits of his effort, showed. Feeling his strong body under my hands, I had a sudden new appreciation for how good looking my son was and it served only to fuel my newly discovered desires to have him.

Slowly, I shifted myself about on my knees until I was straddling his ankles and really gave his back and shoulders a strong workout. Of course leaning down into him also allowed me to rub my breasts against his butt and lower back and while he seemed to enjoy my efforts, he was wide awake and alert. I wondered if he could feel the heat and wetness between my legs on his pajama covered legs. Running my hands along his fine body had certainly fueled the fire in my cunt to new heights.

I finally halted my massage, finishing with a series of little kisses right up his spine to the nape of his neck, raising goose pimples on his flesh. I moved off of him and said softly. "Still tense, huh, son? Well, roll over and I'll work your shoulders and chest too. Maybe that will help."

Scotty turned his head and looked at me. "I...Mom, that's...unnecessary, Mom."

I raised my eyebrows and gave him the "Don't Argue With Me, Young Man!" motherly scowl and said firmly, "Roll over, Scotty!"

My son's eyes widened and he did as he was told with me following along, kneeling next to him. I poured more lotion into my hands, smiling confidently down at my son as I admired his well defined chest, a spackling of black chest hair scattered across it before descending down in a narrow trail to disappear beneath his pajamas. His hands wavered at his side, coming up in a desire to hide the very obvious tent at his crotch.

Once I'd warmed the lotion in my hands, I leaned down and began massaging into his chest, feeling the frantic beating of his heart. "Doesn't that feel good, Scotty?" I purred as I caressed his body, working over his upper chest and then slowly descending lower towards his flat stomach where there was just a hint of a six pack. "You've grown up to be quite a handsome man, son," I said just above a whisper.

"Mom..." Scotty began in a hesitant voice as my caresses became lighter while moving boldly below his belly button, just skirting the waistline of his pajamas. The tent below crept a little higher, a single button on the fly containing his swollen cock. From all indications, my little boy had a huge penis.

"Shhhh," I said. "Just relax. Mom knows what's she's doing." I worked my hands back up to his chest and then to his shoulders, bringing my body closer in to his until I was working his tight shoulder muscles while my breasts slid back and forth on his chest and I was face to face with him, my dark hair swaying and tickling his cheeks.

Very gradually, I lowered my face towards his till I could feel his near frantic breath on my lips. Lower and lower until our lips were just angel's kiss, then I extended just the tip of my tongue and let it lightly wet his lips. I felt Scotty tense beneath me, but I kept him in place with my weight and my hands. I pressed my lips more firmly against his while my tongue probed, taking my time -- feeling no hurry as I kissed my son. Scotty trembled but didn't try and force his way up and off the bed and then I was trembling as I felt his lips part and allow my tongue to slip into his mouth.

A burst of orgasmic energy detonated between my legs, my panties now sopping wet as I French-kissed my son for the first time, my tongue exploring his mouth, discovering his tongue -- timidly responding to my overtures -- a shy, wet thing that hesitantly joined with mine to create a sweet memory of our first lovers' kiss that I will remember fondly all my life.

We kissed for a long time as my hands stroked his shoulders and his arms -- his hands tentatively coming up to wrap around my back. He began to get into the kiss, his tongue gradually becoming more aggressive, intertwining with mine, rolling off it and curling around my tongue as he grew more confident.

As Scotty and I kissed, I let my left hand slowly slide off his shoulder and gradually work its way downwards over his chest, running my palm over a rock hard pebble sized nipple and then lower. My son didn't seem to object until I slid my fingers over his pajamas and palmed his throbbing cock pulsing underneath the soft cotton cloth. He tensed up and worked to break the kiss, but I held on, my tongue in his mouth while I deftly undid the single button to his fly and slipped my hand inside.

Only when I had my only son's hard and big cock in my grasp did I let our kiss end, saying softly and calmly before he could get a word in, "You can stop this with a single word, Scotty, but I hope you don't."

He took in a gasping breath and then whimpered, "Mom...this isn't right."

I slowly stroked his long and very thick shaft and replied in a whisper, "It's only wrong if you want it to be wrong, my love. Mom loves you very much and I know you love me back. Tell me you never dreamed of this...that you never fantasized about this happening. Of me doing this..." I slowly worked my hand up and down his throbbing dick as I finished, "To my sweet son."

"Mom...Mom...Mom," Scotty moaned over and over again, fear and desire struggling for control of his expression and his words.

"You can stop all of this with a single word, son," I repeated, "And it will be okay. You can say 'No' or 'Stop' and this all goes away." Scotty opened his mouth, but I quickly stifled whatever he was going to say with a quick kiss and then hurried whispered. "Or you can take your first step into a new and exciting world...a world your sister and your father and your mother have already moved into."

Scotty's eyes widened as my words quickly sunk in. As I stroked him, he whispered back in an awe-struck voice, "You mean, Jilly and Dad have..."

"Fucked, oh yes, Scotty, yes they have. The last several weeks, I think your father has fucked Jilly more than he has me."

"And you're okay with Jilly and Dad fucking each other? You've seen them do it?"

I giggled and said, "Absolutely. I gave them my blessing. I've watched them fuck and..." I grinned evilly as I finished with, "And I've done it with them...both of them together and separate. I've done things with Jilly you wouldn't believe!"

"OH MOM!" Scotty cried out, his hips starting to move in rhythm with my stroking hand. "I love you!"

"Do I need to stop, sweetie?" I asked teasingly.

"NO!" my son blurted out. "Mom, please no! I -- I love you, Mom!"

"I love you too, Scotty," I said before lowering my lips to his again, feeling near orgasm myself as I comprehended that I had least for the moment. As our tongues danced together, rejoicing in the incestuous moment, I carefully fished his erection out of his pajamas, freeing it to stand tall and proud in the warm air of our room.

When our kiss ended, I turned my gaze downwards to get my first glimpse of my son's erection and I gave a little gasp of amazement. "Oh,'re beautiful," I cooed as I stroked his long shaft up and down, marveling at it's length and even more at its immense girth. "I never imagined you would be so fucking big!"

Scotty, nervous and aroused, somehow managed to give me a prideful grin and then surprised me by asking, "Mom, bigger than Dad's?"

I laughed and rolled my eyes. " men." I stroked it slowly, assessing my son's cock. Finally, I said, "Well...I think your father's a wee bit longer, honey, but..." I gave him a good squeeze and continued. "In all honesty, you're a lot thicker than Dad. I'm not even sure how I'm going to get all this big dick inside my little, wet pussy!"

Scotty groaned and looked at me with such longing and desire. "Mom, are we...are we...Mom, am I really going to get to fuck you?"

I replied, "If you want to, son. Very soon you're going to get to fuck your mom's brains out!" I kissed him again, another very wet and luscious kiss while I continued to jack him off. When it ended, his hips were moving frantically and I knew he was close. "Do you want to cum for your Mom, baby? You ready to give me a hot load of your sperm?"

Scotty's face was now clear of stress -- a huge grin of lusty satisfaction replacing all his doubts and concerns. I leaned in, my lips almost brushing his ear as I whispered, "Cum for me, son. Imagine Momma's hot and juicy pussy wrapped around your big horse cock, making Momma scream while you pump my wet, tight cunt with your hot cum!"

My son moaned and his entire body seemed to lurch upwards and then his cock throbbed hugely under my fingers and I watched with gleeful lust as his cockhead swelled up and began erupting with powerful streamers of cum. The first few blasts shot upwards over two feet before splattering on his stomach and my extended arm. Subsequent blasts had less velocity, but I was in awe as my son's cock just kept cumming, his hot, thick semen flowing down around my fingers in a steady flood.

"I LOVE YOU, MOM!" Scotty cried out again and again as his hips bucked and twisted as I slowly stroked him, working to increase and maintain the intensity of his pleasure as he just kept cumming and cumming. To my surprise, an orgasm burbled up within me as well as the pure stimulation of pleasuring my own son brought me an explosion of incestuous ecstasy. My son's moans were joined by my own cries of delight.

I'm sure it was only long seconds that our orgasm swept us up, but it seemed as if my son kept ejaculating for long minutes before finally his eruption stopped and his hands scrabbled against my grasp to end his almost tormented pleasure. "My god, Scotty," I gasped with awed appreciation in the tone of my voice. "That's a hell of a lot of cum!"

I sat up and as my son watched, brought my cum-coated hand to my face and licked up a thick wad of warm semen, letting it play on my tongue before swallowing it with a loud smack. I reached out with my free hand and stroked my son's black and sweaty hair, just as I had when he was a boy, while I continued to lap up his white seed, hungrily and messily running my tongue through it as I cleaned my fingers, saying with a semen-garbled voice, "This is a man's cum!"

With a lewd whimsy, I put on a show of sluttish wantonness as I smeared Scotty's cum over my lips, swirling my tongue about his thick and delicious semen. "Oh, Scotty, you are so delicious, baby!"

I licked my hand clean, then wiped the smeared cum on my chin and lips and sucked it off my fingers. I then stretched out and cuddled next to my son, showering his face with kisses before finally pressing my lips against his for another long soul kiss, Scotty's tongue now eagerly seeking mine. Afterwards we curled up facing each other and with his hands tentatively exploring my lush body, we drifted off to sleep, echoes of saying "I love you," serving as a romantic lullaby and ushering us into a blissful slumber of sweet and naughty dreams.
Next page: Chapter 03.2
Previous page: Chapter 02.2