Chapter 03.2

I woke to the sensation of my son still tentatively exploring my body. I opened my eyes and realized it was past dawn, sunlight seeping through the drawn blinds in the room's solitary window. Scotty's fingers were lightly trailing over my left breast that had spilled out of my negligee, circling around my thick nipple, just touching it lightly before running down below and sliding under the silky material to gently rub my lower stomach.

My heart went out to him as I suddenly realized that my sweet son was likely touching a woman for the first time. His social backwardness had caused him to retreat to his computer games and research, leaving his libido to be satisfied since adolescence in self pleasure, never knowing a woman's loving touch. I felt a little guilt that it had never occurred to me to relieve his needs despite all the years of my husband's incestuous fantasies with our daughter that had led to our own improved sex life...fantasies that had grown in intensity until I gave John my blessing to fuck our more than willing daughter.

In truth, the thought of fucking my son never really occurred to me until that fateful night when Jilly and I had discussed her fucking her father and then she had come on to me, igniting my own incestuous desires as I confronted the sudden attraction I had for my own daughter. Before that first incredible fuck between John and Jilly had reached climax, I had the epiphany that I needed to draw our son into our newly realized relationship and as my husband and daughter screamed out the glory of their first mutual orgasm, I was fingering myself to climax imagining Scotty inside me, his cock filling me with his hot spunk while John fucked our daughter.

I felt him shiver as he then slid his hand lower, over the gauzy material of my panties, discovering I was still wet and very warm. He brought his hand to a stop over my vulva, palming my never calmed pussy and I wondered if he could feel the little spurts of wet arousal his touch was triggering in my cunt.

He glanced up at my face and then back down to between my legs before doing a double take, realizing that I was watching him. "Mom!" he gasped as I crossed my thighs to keep him from withdrawing his hand. The increased pressure on my cunt felt wonderful.

"Morning, darling." I reached out and stroked his face, soothing the panic that was already building there. "Everything is fine, Scotty. Are you enjoying yourself?"

My son grinned and said, "I'm in heaven, Mom!"

I leaned in and kissed him, thrilled that he readily opened his mouth to accept my tongue as we kissed like the lovers we would soon be. As we kissed, I ran a hand down to hold his hand in place as I spread my legs. "You're not in heaven yet, son, but..." I intertwined our fingers, then used a finger to tug the wet gusset of my thong aside so I could guide his fingers inside me and as Scotty gasped as he experienced the slick and hot flesh of his mother's cunt for the first time, I finished, "But, you're getting close!"

I rolled my hips and worked my pussy muscles to suck and massage his fingers and whispered into his ear, "Imagine how my cunt will feel, wrapped around your big, thick cock!"

Scotty moaned with disbelief and desire and said, "Mom, are we going to fuck now, Mom?

"Soon, baby, but not yet," I purred as he swirled two fingers around inside my fiery cunt, my juices bathing his digits as their touch sent bolts of pure pleasure through me. I writhed around, enjoying his probing fingers which brought a gasping quality to my voice as I said, "Scotty, we can do a lot of naughty things, but if you want to fuck Mom, I think it's important that you ask your father for permission."

My son's expression became a mask of confusion and doubt, but evolved into comprehension as I explained between moans as he fingered my wet pussy, how even though I'd given his father my blessing to fuck Jilly, it had pleased and thrilled me to hear my daughter ask me face to face if she could fuck her daddy. In the end, I think it allowed her to cast what little reservations she might still have had about letting John fuck her and enjoy the moment more and I wanted Scotty to feel the same way.

"I love you, Mom," my son exclaimed again. "More than ever!"

"I -- I love too, sweetie," I gasped. "OH YES! RIGHT THERE!" I felt my ass rising off the bed as Scotty's fingers curled upward to the roof of my vagina and almost instinctively found my G-spot, making me gush pussy juice like I had sprung a leak. My son, inexperienced as he was, knew he'd found a good thing and just hung on as I began to shrilly moan and orgasm, loving that it was my son giving me such pleasure as the carnal pleasure itself.

As I was coming down from my sexual bliss, Scotty took his cream covered fingers from my pulsating pussy and held them up to his face, examining my juices closely before jamming them into his own mouth. A curious expression played across his face as he tasted cunt for the first time and then after sucking them clean as he pulled them out, he grinned at me and said, "Mom -- I like how you taste, Mom!"

I hugged my son to me and kissed him, tasting myself on his tongue. "You're going to love a lot of things about me, son, before we get through...maybe some before we even get home." I glanced at the clock on the bedside table and saw that it was after 8:00 in the morning. "If we get on the move soon, maybe you'll get your next surprise before we get home."

Scotty sat straight up, his eyes shiny with curiosity. "Mom? A surprise, Mom, what is it?"

I looked down at his erection, sticking out of his pajama bottoms and giggled. I reached down and taking it in one hand, planted a little kiss on the head, tasting the precum already leaking from his piss slit. "Well, if I tell you now, it won't be a surprise, now will it?" I climbed from the bed and stretched, knowing his eyes were on my heavy breasts that pulled taut as I raised my arms above me and stood on tiptoe. "Now grab a quick shower and no playing with yourself. The only person who gets to jack you off from now on is your mother!"

Scotty didn't look quite pleased as he climbed out of bed with an obviously painful erection and I was sorely tempted to kneel in front of him and suck that big cock, but I had an idea in my head that I'd been toying with since all this had started and I was determined to stick with it.

I washed and fixed my face while my son was in the shower, him humming a happy tune. I got dressed, Scotty looking on with awe and lust as I put on a short, black leather skirt and a black bustier that lifted up my breasts, exposing much of my tit flesh, while making them look even meatier. Scotty gushed, ", no panties?"

"Not today, son," I replied, my skirt hiking up as I strapped on a pair of three inch stilettos to complete my sluttish outfit. I marveled at how much I was enjoying dressing so sexily -- most of the time I wore nurse tunics which had all the sex appeal of a turnip. Showing off my tits and shapely legs was doing wonders for my ego and my libido.

While Scotty packed our stuff up and put it in the van, I checked us out, getting a lusty look from the same Indian woman that had given us the room last night. She seemed sleepy but was still alert enough to remember me from last night, flicking her eyes towards a window that looked out to where Scotty was putting our bags in the minivan.

She looked back at me with lusty understanding and I felt gooseflesh rise up on my body as I realized that she was looking at me with certain longing. "I hope you had an enjoyable night," she said with a knowing smirk.

As I signed my credit card bill, I smiled back and replied in a teasing tone, "Oh yes, my son and I had a very pleasurable stay."

I saw her eyes widen in shock and she gave a little gasp, but recovered as she placed a hand to her breast, covered by a brightly colored sari and murmured, "Then, I hope you'll stay with us again." She licked her lips in anticipation of her invitation. "I mean that most sincerely." Her hand worked a little circle around her silk covered breast.

I raised an eyebrow and not for the first time wondered how many people shared my family's newly acquired tastes. "Well, I'm sure when my son returns to school, we'll be back this way again."

The woman flushed and then quickly reached under the counter and produced a card. "I pray so. Please call me and I'll take care of your reservation personally."

I took the card from her trembling hand and scanned it. It had the name of the motel, a phone number and her name, Madiya Patel. I smiled and said, "I'll do that." I put it away and then strutted out, wondering if the Indian woman could see the pussy juice trickling down my thighs.

Scotty certainly noticed my wet thighs when I climbed into the driver's seat, his eyes quickly going to my crotch, my rucked up skirt now displaying my naked pussy, labia swollen and slick. "Mom, you sure are wet, Mom!" he said matter of factly.

I grinned at him and replied, "I sure am and why not? I'm sitting in a car with a man with the biggest cock I've ever seen and it's hard and thick for me!" I ran my hand down between my legs and rubbed my pussy slowly, smearing juices across my blossomed pink flesh and through my trimmed black bush, making it sparkle in the sunlight coming through the van's windshield.

Fingers shiny with my hot cream, I raised them up to Scotty. He stared at them like they were something holy until I giggled and prompted him. "Like something sweet, little boy?"

Scotty had the good grace to blush before he took my fingers into his mouth and sucked them clean. "Mom, I really like your pussy!" he gushed, a grin breaking out on his reddening face.

We both laughed as I reclaimed my hand and started the van and we hit the road. The next few hours passed in alternating silence, as Scotty eyed my seemingly eternally wet cunt and the rest of my body, breasts flowing out of my bustier, and conversation about how things had led me to seducing my son. I had to caution him multiple times to leave his cock alone as he would take to rubbing the big lump in this khakis while I described how his father's fantasizing about Jilly had eventually led both his parents to actually fucking his baby sister.

Periodically, it would all become too much for Scotty, his eyes nearly glazing over and his arms coming up to announce that he needed a break to process it make it all work inside his very complex brain. I would go silent then, focusing on eating up the miles until my son found his voice again and would breathlessly ask me another question.

I left one fact out until we were approaching the city beyond which our little hometown was located. "Now, Scotty, you should know how things really went from fantasy to reality for Jilly and your father," I began.

Scotty looked at me with curiosity. "Mom?" he asked.

I took a deep breath and said, "It all began late one night when John caught Jilly in your bedroom, borrowing some of your porn mov..."

"JILLY WAS IN MY ROOM! THAT BITCH!" my son exploded, interrupting me. "Mom. She knows she isn't supposed to be in my room. That's why I want a padlock. That's not right!"

I had to suppress a giggle as I watched my son have the latest of perhaps hundreds of tantrums that had begun the moment Jilly was old enough to walk and had learned that it drove her brother into an insane rage when she got into his stuff. It seemed particularly humorous in light of the fact he could still get upset about something so seemingly trivial less than a day after his mother had jacked him off and let him watch her eat his fresh semen.

Finally, Scotty began to wind down until he was muttering to himself under his breath. "Well, it won't happen again," I said, reaching out and squeezing his arm.

"Mom, you always say that," he stated like an accusation. "What's so different this time?"

I smiled at him and said, "Well, mostly, my son, because she spends most of her time fucking and sucking my husband and because John took her into the city and let her pick out her own pornography." I left out the lap dances and the lapdancer...after all, I didn't want to spoil my own surprise.

I flicked on the turn signal and began to move into the exit lane to go into the city and said, "In fact, I think it's only fair that I take you and do the same thing."

I saw a puzzled frown transform into a confused smile. "Mom, really? You're going to take me somewhere and let me buy some new porn."

I let my hand on his arm slide over to teasingly caress his bulge and replied, "Actually, your mother is going to buy your porn for you. After all, a young man can never have enough dirty movies!"

Scotty giggled, his sister's trespass all but forgotten and he studied the streets of the city, scanning for our destination and clapping his hands when we finally pulled into the parking lot of the All American Adult Bookstore, all its many American flags flapping brilliantly in the summer sun.

My son was out of the car quickly, eager to go inside, but he remembered his manners and came around to open my door for me. For that, I greeted him with a lingering beaver shot, spreading my legs wide as I set them on the pavement, my skirt hiking even further up to reveal my glistening wet thighs framing my sopping wet and wide open pussy.

He helped me up and before he knew what was happening, I had my arms around his neck and our foreheads pressed together so we could look at each other. In a soothing tone, I said, "Now, son, this is part of your surprise, but we might have more fun than just buying some nasty porno. I want you to remember that whatever happens, its okay...just stay calm and enjoy it. I will be with you the whole time and Mom will never let anything bad happen to you. Understand?"

Scotty nodded his head slightly and after ogling my breasts, areoles beginning to peek out above the bustier, said, "I think so."

I kissed him then, letting my tongue explore his mouth and pursue and capture his tongue, a naughty thrill racing through me that I was French-kissing my son in public. When it ended, I took his hand in mine and we began to walk towards the entrance and I said, "If you get scared or confused, just take hold of my hand. Your momma will take care of you."

Scotty looked down at me with such a blissful smile, it made my heart ache with love for my son. I felt tears threatening as he said, "Mom, I know. I know you love me and I love you!" I paused in the parking lot and tottering on my high heels, kissed my son again, wishing I could announce my desires for him to the whole fucking world. Then, both of us took a deep breath and walked inside.

Scotty's hand tightened around mine as he was startled when something in the door bonged, announcing our entry. I smiled at him and said, "Everything is cool, son!" He nodded furtively, his expression one of a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar. His concern gave way to fascination quickly enough as he gazed in amazement at the immensity of the sheer amount of porn and porn related goods we encountered as we made our way through the maze of rows of DVDs displayed on the long, oddly placed racks.

My son was silent as he scanned the room and I knew he was processing and memorizing everything for future reference, no doubt identifying those areas he wanted to focus on more fully. A wall with a large sign that said 'Wall O' Cunts' caught his eye and he took us that way and he spent a few minutes eyeing plastic dolls and fake pussies -- some plastic, some made out of some hardened gel until I leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Now, Scotty, this is something you're never going to need, cause Momma's pussy is going to be yours for the asking from now on!"

Scotty gave a little squeak and then he shivered...the erection in his pants seeming to grow just a little at my words. We walked by a wall display of vibrators which seemed to hold little interest to him until I pointed to a reddish-orange one, long and narrow like a large carrot and said to him, "That's been my favorite one for years, son."

He paused and gave it careful study, his face turning a bright crimson. Scotty licked his lips and said, "Mom, can I...will you let me see you use it?"

I grinned and leaned into him as I whispered into his ear, "And you can fuck me with it too and lick my pussy juices clean off it." My son gave out a little groan -- loud enough to draw glances from those few folk we hadn't already garnered the notice of. A young man accompanied by a sluttishly dressed woman old enough to be his mother seemed to be of interest.

As we walked back towards the DVDs, I could feel most of the customers' eyes on us. A slender black man with slightly graying hair grinned wolfishly at us and when we passed a middle aged white couple dressed up in their Sunday best, the woman, a small, trim platinum blonde winked at us, although whether the sly wink was for Scotty or myself or for us both, I wasn't sure.

Scotty came to a halt in the DVD classics aisle, studying the varied "Taboo" offerings. He picked up a copy of Taboo III and turned it over, giving the written material as much attention as the lurid photographs. Finally, he said with some emotion, "I really like Honey Wilder, Mom."

I smiled and said, "Oh really, why?"

My son grinned up at me and replied, "Mom, I always thought she looked a lot like you..." He paused, his eyes wandering downward towards my meaty tits overflowing my bustier. "Mom, she looks like you with Kay Parker's tits!"

I let out a yelp of laughter, raising my hand to squelch it before we drew more attention from the other customers, but being too late. "Thank you, Scotty," murmured, trying to keep the giggles out of my lap. In truth, my son was correct. I did look a lot like Honey Wilder only with much larger breasts than her perfectly sized tits. Over the last several weeks, Jilly, John and I had sampled much of the Taboo series and I'd become very familiar with many of the key actors and actresses.

I reached out and tapped Taboo III with a fingernail and said, "Well, I think you'll like this one then. Honey does a sixty-nine with her son in this one that makes my pussy cream every time I watch it." My son grinned and clutching it, moved on.

As Scotty perused amateur MILF videos, I became more aware that besides the customers, that there were several young women, some not as sluttishly dressed as I was, roaming about the store and approaching customers, sometimes disappearing with them through a door labeled "Restricted Access."

Finally, one approached, a small raven haired girl -- her thick locks tied back into ribbon bedecked pigtails, wearing a sinfully tight and short Catholic school girl's dress. "Hiya, I'm Aimee," she said perkily in a little girl's voice, causing Scotty to spin around with a video entitled, "REAL MOMS EAT CUM!" She sidled up next to my son and eyed first his very obvious erection and then my naughty outfit. "Care for a lap dance?" she said coyly.

Scotty's eyes were huge as he turned to me, his expression more than a little crestfallen when I said, "Not today, honey." I eyed her nubile body and had more than a fleeting fantasy about maybe having a girl's day out with my daughter and maybe getting together with this young slut. "Maybe another time though -- you're awfully cute."

She smiled at my comment and mouthed a silent "Thank you," but before she slipped off, I said, "Would you know if Sindy...with a 'S' is working today?"

She paused and her brow furrowed a little and then she glanced around. "I think she was in the back, getting ready. She usually works the noon to eight shift." She spotted a guy in his thirties, slightly overweight and wearing a Cubs hat staring at her. She gave me a sly smile and said, "If I see her, I'll tell her someone's asking for her."

Aimee strutted off, making me appreciate how sexy saddle shoes could be and while my son returned his attentions to the DVDs on display. I watched with anticipation as young Aimee, after a moment's conversation with her new target slipped her arm through his and they strolled off, disappearing behind the "Restricted Access exit.

Scotty was showing me a Japanese Hentai DVD entitled, "MOMS WHO SUBMIT!" and explaining Japanese incest animation to me when I spotted out of the corner of my eye a tall and striking woman emerge from the back, her bleach-blonde hair tightly curled, framing brilliant blue eyes. She was incredibly endowed, a bandana halter top barely containing or concealing her immense breasts. A slight roll of fat overlapped her low riding jean shorts, cut off so short they almost resembled panties with her luscious ass cheeks jiggling. My heart began to beat a little faster as I recognized her from John's description. She wasn't the prettiest of the dancers strutting their stuff in the adult bookstore, but she had a presence...a sexuality that was so powerful that I could feel it from across the room.

She scanned the room, quickly settling her gaze on us. Smiling confidently, she strutted to us, her breasts bouncing and rolling, always on the verge of busting free of their skimpy containment. As she turned onto our aisle, I saw her full, shapely legs were encased in some sort of open toed high heeled sandals that laced up her ankle. For some reason, that seemed to turn me on and I felt a spurt of new wetness splatter against my thighs and trickle warmly down my legs.

She stopped scant inches away from us -- Scotty sensing her presence at the very last moment and turning around, barely missing colliding with her large, prominent breasts. He gawped for a moment, taking in her sheer womanliness and sexuality and gulping before managing to squawk, "H-Hi!"

She smiled at us both and extended her hand, saying, "Hi, I'm Sindy with an 'S,' not a 'C.' I understand you were looking for me?"

I took her hand which felt warm and soft. "Well, you come highly recommended. We were hoping for, quality time with you. I'm Sandy, by the way and this is Scotty."

She gave us both her flirtiest smile and said, "I'd be thrilled to give you and Scotty a lap dance." Sindy reached out and took Scotty's nearly limp hand -- his mouth hanging open in amazement. She nodded towards the DVD's in my son's hands. "Do you know about our discount policy and ten minutes free when you buy two and ten extra minutes free for every extra DVD you purchase after that?"

I looked at the four movies in Scotty's hand and grinned back at the tall, lush bodied dancer. "Well, Sindy, I suppose we're going to have a nice visit with you, then."

Taking my speechless son by the hand, we followed Sindy towards the 'Restricted Access' door, both of us admiring her mostly exposed and swaying ass cheeks. Once past the door, Sindy took us down a long corridor and said as she glanced over her shoulder at me, "So, who recommended me to y'all?"

I licked my lips and replied, "Oh, my husband, John and my daughter, Jilly."

Her reaction was immediate. Sindy spun around and fell back against the wall, her eyes wide with amazement, her breasts heaving from the sudden shock of my revelation. It had been six weeks or so, but obviously John and Jilly had left an impression on this slutty young woman. "Really? You're..." She glanced at Scotty and then back at me, her eyes roaming appreciatively over my scantily clad body. "You're Jilly's mother?" A shiver went through her and she eyed Scotty more closely, maybe seeing the resemblance in our eyes and hair, maybe in our similar cheekbones.

"And this is...Scotty is...?"

I squeezed his hand tightly and said with mischief in my voice, "This is my son, Jilly's brother."

Another spasm washed over the tall, young woman and her eyes fluttered as she slid a little down the wall, making me think for a moment that she was going to collapse. One of her hands idly cupped her breast and with her thumb and forefinger, pinched her hard nipple bulging against the cotton cloth of her halter top.

"Sindy, are you okay?" I asked, trying to sound concerned, but already pretty sure about what was happening.

Sindy bit her lower lip with a very sexy overbite and nodded as she straightened back up. "I -- I think I just came," she said, her voice a little. "Oh my fucking god...are you two really mother and son?" She pinched her nipple again, harder this time and she gave a little wordless moan.

Scotty was looking a little unnerved by it all and looked at me and said in an uncertain voice, " she alright, Mom? Maybe this isn't such a good idea!"

I stepped closer to him so I could slip an arm around his waist and kissed him quickly, rolling my tongue over his lips as she watched. "She's fine, son. Sindy's just really excited to meet a naughty mother and son like us."

Sindy pushed herself off the wall, wobbling a little on her high heeled sandals. "Yes, I', I'm good, Scotty." She pointed towards a door near the end of the hallway and said, "C'mon -- let's get inside before I cream all over the floor!"

We followed into the room, finding ourselves in a small room with a barely adequate light overhead. Two straight back wooden chairs were positioned next to each other with a small table to their right. Against another wall was another table holding a CD player and what looked like several tubes and bottles of lotion as well as a box of tissues. Along one wall sat another wooden chair, sitting next to an old fashioned coat rack. High up in one corner was nestled a video camera on a bracket. I nodded -- it appeared to be the same room Sindy had entertained my husband and daughter in.

"Make yourselves comfortable," the young woman said, pointing at the chairs as she stepped over to the CD player and sorted through several jewel cases. She selected a CD and as a slow, bluesy number began to play, she turned and began to slowly stalk towards us, her body moving in time with the sultry music.

She studied with the intensity of a big cat studying its prey, again trying to find the family resemblance between us. As she stopped maybe four feet in front of us, Sindy said in a near breathless voice, "You really are mother and son...fuck me blind." As she swayed to the music, she ran her hands down her body, sliding them over her stomach and down to her thighs before rubbing her jean covered mound several times. "Fuck, you two have already made my pussy so fucking wet...look, I've soaked right through my panties and my jeans!"

Sindy held up her fingers and they gleamed with wetness and then she leaned back, thrusting out her pelvis and I heard Scotty gasp as we both could see the growing wet spot in her faded denims. "I can't tell you how many times I've fingered myself or fantasized about your husband and daughter while getting fucked the last couple of months," she hissed.

"Yes, you made quite the impression on them too," I replied, watching her edge closer to us, working her body lewdly as she moved to the music.

"They...they hadn't done it yet when they were here," Sindy said, looking at me coyly with those big, blue eyes. "Are they?"

I shifted in my chair, my own pussy getting hotter and wetter by the moment. I rucked up my skirt to expose my naked pussy and my wet and gleaming thighs as I answered, "John has his cock inside our daughter's pussy constantly now."

Sindy mewled as she drew closer to Scotty, my words working as well as fingers or a cock on her -- giving her little orgasms. With her long, full legs, Sindy began to straddle my son who stiffened and said, "Mom?" his voice edged with fear.

I squeezed his hand which I had never released and said, "It's alright, sweetheart. Mom's here and nothing bad is going to happen. This sexy slut is going to give you your first lap dance, son -- that's your surprise. You know what a lap dance is, right?"

Scotty nodded and while he didn't relax any, he didn't appear to look like he was going to panic and run. Just the same, I held onto him, tightening my grip on his fingers to remind him of his mother's constant presence.

Sindy straddled him, her body hovering just over his -- her breasts so close that I'm sure her nipples beneath that cotton material was scraping his chest while her mound barely avoided contact with the tent in his pants. She reached out and cupped his cheeks in her hands and brought her face close to his until their lips nearly were touching. "So, Scotty, have you fucked your mommy yet?" she said just soft enough to hear.

"N-no, not y-y-yet!" he stammered in reply.

She glanced at me with a curious eye, one eyebrow raised and I said, "Soon, very soon as he asks his father for permission to put his cock in Mom's pussy!"

Sindy moaned and began to move as she said, "Oh, baby, I bet you can't wait!" She began to give my son a lap dance -- her crotch now rubbing against the erection in his pants while her tits rolled and flattened against his upper chest. "Just imagine how good it will feel when Mommy rubs her pussy on your big dick like this and mashes her big ol' titties against your naked body."

I heard Scotty make an odd, almost giggling noise as Sindy ground herself against him, her massive breasts rolling out of the halter top to flop and rub against his chest. She rose a little, leaving a tell tale sign of her wetness on the bulge of my son's pants, so she could offer her mammoth tits to my son and I felt both aroused and envious as she waved her huge udder like breasts to him, rubbing her incredibly thick and wide nipples across his mouth. "Show me how you suck on Mommy's titties!" she cooed.

Scotty turned his head at me, a questioning and panicked look on his face and I answered his unasked question by hissing, "Go ahead, son. Pretend they're mine and suck them good." I was on the edge of my chair, turned sideways, almost wincing at how tight my son was holding my hand as he suddenly snapped at one of Sindy's swollen nipples and she moaned as he began to suck noisily on the blood engorged digit.

Sindy placed her hands under her meaty tits and raised them up, allowing Scotty to continue sucking on them while she lowered herself back down onto his swollen crotch and began dry-humping him, her head thrown back and eyes barely open as she grinned at me with an expression of sheer pleasure.

My son swapped tits, clamping onto her other nipple and leaving a trail of saliva across her great expanse of tit flesh as she moaned, "Fuck me, Mom -- your son has a monster in his pants. It's huge!"

After a minute or two, Sindy suddenly climbed off Scotty and spinning around, yanked her short shorts down, revealing a red thong as she stepped out of them, kicking them off into a shadowy corner. For the first time, I could smell her arousal, her pussy juice smelling powerful and lusty in my nostrils. She bent over and waved her voluptuous ass cheeks in my son's face, her hands spreading her buttocks to reveal a massive and dripping wet spot on her crotch where the material was stretched tight across her mound.

Sindy backed up and lowered herself back on Scotty's lap, leaning herself against him as she hunched her hips around on his swollen erection., She reached down and took his free hand and brought it up to her breasts. "Touch them, Scotty. Touch them and playing with them like you'd play with your Mommy's tits!"

I heard my son groan, "Mom! I...oh, Mom!" and much to my surprise, he let go of my hand and brought his hand up to join the other, cupping and squeezing Sindy's massive breasts, letting her soft and pliable flesh squeeze around his fingers. It was her turn to moan as his fingers eagerly sought out her wide, quarter size nipples, pinching and pulling on them, stretching them out, making her heavy, sagging breasts tilt upwards.

I could scarcely believe how excited it was to watch this young woman carry on so with my son and my hands were already being drawn to my inner thighs -- fingers sliding over my slick skin, made slick with my pussy creams. I could barely contain the urge to ram as many fingers as I could into my pussy. Sindy grinned down at me, again that sexy overbite of hers worrying that lower lip as she quivered with excitement over the situation, her eyes roaming hungrily over my exposed cunt, labia blossomed wide, gleaming as the juices poured out of me.

Finally, as the second song faded out on the CD player, with a moan, Sindi broke free of Scotty's grasp, her breasts heaving and her nipples bright red from being pinched, staggering a bit as she tried to gain some balance. For a moment, I thought my son had cum in his pants from the wet stain on his khakis, but then as I glanced at Sindi wavering on her high heels, I could see that the material covering her crotch was a sodden mess, literally dripping wet as her labia swelled around the cloth and her juices leaked from her cunt like a sieve. Sindi looked down and laughed, "Have you ever been this wet before, Mom?"

I spread my legs wide to expose my own wetness. "I think I'm giving up panties altogether," I sighed.

Another song begun -- lots of hard grinding guitar and snaky drums and Sindi began angling my way, licking her lips. She reached up and tore off her halter top which was already hanging useless around her neck and then peeled off her wet thong, holding it in her hand and squeezing it, letting her own fragrant juices drip between her fingers to splash on the floor. Her pussy seemed to almost pulse with life, a little patch of black pubic hair glittering as her juices were reflected in the room's light. She turned to my son and said, "You should get comfortable, Scotty -- your mother and I are already practically naked and I bet your cock would like to get some fresh air!"

My son's eyes bulged as he turned to me, his arms starting to wave as events overwhelmed him. I reached out quickly and snagged a moving hand and tugged on it to get his attention. "It's OKAY, son!" I said in my best 'Mom' voice, firmness and love etched on every word. "Relax and enjoy, Scotty." I waited a moment and then more sternly said, "Get those pants off now, son!"

I thanked God for the primitive instincts deep within my son that had him on his feet within a few seconds, fumbling at his belt and then his pants were coming down and out popped that magnificent cock of his, long, thick and angry, almost a deep purple as it throbbed with the need for release.

"Fuck me," gasped Sindi. "You mean you haven't fucked that thing yet, Mom?" She licked her lips at the size of it, precum dripping off the slit.

I motioned for Scotty to sit down, saying, "Get comfortable, baby. Mom's gonna get her first lap dance too."

Scotty gasped as he stared at me in amazement, clumsily setting down, his pants around his ankles. "Mom, really? You mean you never did this before?"

I giggled and said, "Nope -- but I'm ready and wet for it."

Sindi moved in, towering over me, nearly as tall as my husband and Scotty. She began moving with the music, slowly straddling me, coming closer and closer with her now naked body. I could smell her scent -- so strong and lewd in its own right, its strength making me all the wetter.

Then she was in my lap, rolling her pelvis against mine, leaning into my bare thighs and leaving wet streaks of cunt cream shining on them as she scooted forward and then her breasts were in my face and her hands were on the back of my head, pressing them against her giant pillows of tit flesh and I felt a mini-cum rocket through me as I found my lips wrapping around a massive nipple, pulsating with excitement as blood coursed through it. Carnal instinct prompted me to suck and I felt her sigh contentedly as my tongue rolled and flicked at her hard nub, so swollen it could barely be moved.

My hands slid over her lush body to cup her large ass cheeks, fingers sliding down deep and around to tickle at the sopping wet flesh between her legs. I felt her stiffen as I managed to get a finger inside her pussy, slowly stirring her wet flesh, amazed at the flood of hot cunt cream that flowed around my finger. At the same time, I began to alternate little licks of her nipple with my tongue with teasing nibbles, using my teeth just enough to make her squeal each time I bit down.

As I fingered Sindi's pussy and sucked her fat nipple, I glanced over at my son and was flattered to see him stroking his cock watching the lap dancer writhing in my lap. I worked another finger inside her pussy, sliding them deeper even as I brought my thumb to bear, searching through the folds of her wrinkled cunt flesh until I found her swollen nub, like a tiny erect cock, emerging from its hood. I carefully rolled the pad of my thumb over her clitoris and was gratified to hear her chokingly sob, "Yesssss!

Once I began to dominate her clit, Sindi quickly was far down the road towards orgasm. As I fingered her more forcefully, I began to bite her nipple harder, clamping it between my teeth and worrying it like a dog holding onto a bone, flicking the very tip of it with my tongue while her fingers became entangled in my hair, wanting to both push my head away and pull me harder into her breasts.

She let out another sob and then I felt pussy cream ejaculating forcefully against my hand and against my naked crotch, her hot juices splattering against my wide spread pussy flesh. Sindi moaned, "Yesssssss, Mommmmmyyyy! Make your baby girl cum!" Although still feeling so inexperienced with women, I felt my confidence grow with each stroke of my finger and every brush of my thumb, her juices pouring from her, soaking our joined laps and filling the room with the heady scent of cunt.

Sindi quivered in orgasm on my lap for over a minute before she slowly slithered out of my lap, winding up on her knees between my widespread leg, her head resting on my wet thigh and her breath feeling warm and wonderful on my pussy. I turned and grinned at my son, his face frantic with the need to cum as he stroked his swollen cock, a naughty grin on his face from watching this lovely stranger orgasm on his mother's lap.

Looking down, I saw Sindi's blue eyes look up at mine with worship and desire and it was my turn now to put my hand on her head, running my fingers through the tight bleached curls of her hair as I silently urged her face towards my crotch. Like an obedient servant, she willingly allowed me to push her face into my wet cunt, her long, Romanesque nose nuzzling my trimmed bush as her lips kissed my pussy and her tongue made me cry out as it delved deep into my hot, aroused flesh.

It was my turn to squirm under her loving touch now, my only distractions the taste of Sindi's pussy on my fingers, tasting salty and funky as I licked them clean and the sight of my son masturbating as the young woman ate me out. Sindi knew what she was doing, deftly rolling her tongue over my flesh, touching my most sensitive places as if she'd been eating my pussy all her life.

As I squirmed on the wood chair, now slippery with my juices, my moans grew louder as I rode the edge of orgasm. Sindi gave me only a short respite, lifting her dripping face from between my thighs to smile and my son and say, "When I make your Mommy cum, I'm going to give you a big, juicy kiss, Scotty!" Then she dove back between my legs, redoubling her efforts to lap at my pussy and I began to cry and gasp as my orgasm came closer and closer.

Then as her tongue began a fevered assault on my clitoris, Scotty, overwhelmed by the sight of his mother having an orgasm stood up, his hand flying rapidly over his cock and moaned, "Mom! MOM! I'm gonna cum, Mom!"

Sindi snapped her head up and with a harsh tone in her voice, said demandingly, "Cum on Mommy's face, Scotty! Shoot that hot, nasty load on Mommy's face!"

With his pants still around his ankles, my son obeyed Sindi immediately, clumsily shuffling over to me, his cock now inches from my face, the head a dark, angry purple in its blood swollen glory, his eyes wide with excitement that was expanded as I hissed in agreement with Sindi's lusty command, "YESSSSS! Cum on Mom's face, son! Give Mom that hot spunk!"

With a cry of pure pleasure, my son did just that, his lips curling into a passionate sneer as his body stiffened and his fingers tightened around his swelling cock and then he was blasting me with huge, white streamers of hot semen -- thick, ropy strands of his thick seed splattering into my face. Scotty's cry of pleasure became the bull's bellow as he sprayed his youthful sperm across my forehead and into my hair, across my cheeks and nose, into my mouth -- tasting so delicious and then against my chin with the last few spurts, still large, but not having the distance and instead of my face, arcing to land on my heaving breasts, now having escaped my bustier.

My own orgasm ignited as I tasted his sweet semen on my tongue and white orgasmic fire swept through me, fueled by the nasty ministrations of Sindi's tongue and I sobbed as pleasure overwhelmed me -- the taste of my son's sperm melding with Sindi's experienced tongue and becoming that nearly perfect moment as I shook and convulsed with sexual joy.

Suddenly, Sindi was kissing me, licking my face with her tongue while holding Scotty's still massive cock in her hand, smearing the last of his seed on my face as my mouth sought out both her maddening tongue and the cock head of my son. As my orgasm wound down, I found a naked Sindi sitting in my lap, kissing and licking at my semen coated face in between the moments when I was kissing my son who was trembling in the afterglow of his own orgasm.

Sindi ran her tongue over my lips, both of us savoring the mixed flavor of my pussy cream and Scotty's semen, whispering in an awed tone, "I can't believe I'm eating a son's sperm off his mother's face." We kissed again and she said, "Won't you please adopt me, Sandra?" the tone in her voice not totally joking.

We both giggled, but then my attention was diverted as I heard Scotty rustling with his clothes. "Scotty, what's wrong? I think we still have some time left with Sindi."

My son was finishing with his belt buckle and he looked up at me with an expression I had never seen before. His green eyes burned with a passionate fire as he said almost maniacally, "Mom. We got to go, Mom! We need to go home right now?"

I reached out my hand towards him, concern suddenly welling up inside me, afraid that maybe our naughty adventure had overwhelmed him. "Son, it's okay, relax. There's no hurry, baby."

Scotty shook his head and said, "Mom, we have to go now!"

I felt Sindi slid out of my lap and I stood up, feeling both alarmed at my son's tone and deliciously nasty as I felt my swollen labia rub against each other as I stepped forward, making me shiver with pleasurable aftershocks. "Scotty, just relax," I said.

Deftly I moved my arms around his neck as I had always done to calm my son down, but then I found him taking the initiative, pressing his forehead against mine, his eyes blazing with desire as he said in a demanding tone unlike anything I had ever heard before, "Mom, we have to go home. Mom, I have to ask Dad if I can fuck you because Mom, I want to fuck you right now!"​
Next page: Chapter 04.1
Previous page: Chapter 03.1