Chapter 04.1

Naughty Mom's Naughty Son

"Mom, can you go any faster, Mom?" My son, Scotty squirmed excitedly in his seat, straining against his seat belt as he would lean over to peer at the minivan's speedometer and repeat the same question he'd been asking me for nearly an hour. Of course, his eyes would wander from the speedometer to my partly bared breasts, my meaty tits bouncing as we drove down the interstate, barely contained by my black bustier that I'd struggled to get back into at the adult bookstore in the city.

I was amused by my son's insistence that I speed. His mild neurological condition, a form of Aspergers Syndrome, kept him from driving since he found it too unordered and chaotic and for much of his life, he'd fussed at his father and me whenever he saw the speedometer needle pass the posted speed limit. Rules and order were central to my son's way of life. His arms were waving about absently, usually a sign of being upset and unable to process his current situation, but now, I felt it was more a sign of excitement and arousal unlike anything I'd seen him be like before.

"Settle down, Scotty," I murmured, reaching over and stroking his thigh, taking my eyes off the road just long enough to confirm that his erection had returned. Not quite an hour ago, he'd ejaculated a massive load of cum in my face, remnants of which were still drying in my hair, after being urged to do so by a nasty lap-dancer named Sindy.

I felt myself blushing slightly as I recalled racing out of the adult bookstore, trying to keep up with my son who'd quickly gotten dressed and demanding we leave so he could go home and ask my husband...his father, for permission to fuck me. I recalled several surprised and amused faces staring at me as I followed him out, trying to get my large tits squared away inside my black bustier and wipe up little streamers of my son's sperm from my hair. Thankfully, Sindy had already licked the larger blobs of semen off my face, sharing them with me before Scotty had begun getting dressed.

"Mom!" Scotty said. "I have to fuck you and fuck you soon, Mom!" Scotty beamed at me, still wiggling in his seat in anticipation. "I love you!" he stated for maybe the hundredth time since we'd climbed back in the van.

"I love you too, son," I replied, running my hand up his thigh and over his swollen erection before returning my attention to the road. Thankfully, our exit was coming up and I felt a new spurt of wetness between my thighs as I realized that very soon, my son's cock would be inside me, completing a circle of incest that had begun when I'd given my husband, John, my blessing to fuck our daughter, Jilly.

When I drove down the lane leading to our home, the seatbelt alarm began wailing and before I could come to a complete stop in front of the house, my son had the door open and was bolting for the front door, hollering "Dad! I need to talk to you, Dad.!"

By the time, I came in the house, Scotty had apparently moved upstairs in his search for his father and when I heard him call out, "Dad! Where are you, Dad? I need to ta..." I could only grin as I was sure that from Scotty's abrupt silence, he'd found his father and I was sure, he'd found his sister too.

I hurried up the stairs and found him standing in the doorway of Jilly's room. I didn't have to see his face to know he was standing there with his mouth open in shock, amazement and maybe even a little lust. I slipped up behind my son and put my arms around his waist, hugging him to me, my heavy breasts flattening out against his back. Looking over Scotty's shoulder, I smiled and said, "Hi, we're back!" to my husband and daughter.

Jilly, naked and on her hands and knees was at the moment incapable of replying, her mouth, like her brothers, gaping wide open, not from surprise but from what looked like the approach of a mind shattering orgasm...not too surprising since her father's long cock was buried deep inside her. John, my beloved husband smiled at me and our son, and managed to gasp, "Hiya, babe. Glad to see you two have made it home. We were staring to worry." His sweat slick body glistened in the afternoon light coming through the window as he slowly withdrew his cock from our daughter's cunt and then drove it home again.

I glanced at my son's face as he tried to process this incestuous and lewd scene in his head and was pleased to see that he wasn't thrashing his arms about in panic. As I hugged him to me, I replied to my husband, "Well, we made a stop on the way back. Sindi sends her love."

John's eyes widened slightly and he grinned. "She is a big ol' sexy thing, isn't she?" He glanced at our son who was now trying to move his mouth, but still hadn't found his voice. I wondered what Scotty was most preoccupied by...his sister's naked body, her pert ass hiked high in the air for her father and her swinging breasts, moving slowly back in forth in rhythm with her father's thrusts or by the actual sight of his father fucking his baby sister. "I can't wait to hear about it, Sandy!"

I started to reply, but Scotty finally recovered enough to blurt out, "Dad. I want to fuck Mom! I want to fuck her right now! Do I...can I have your permission, Dad!" He paused and took a breath, never letting his eyes fall away from his fornicating father and sister. Finally, he added in a pleading tone, "Dad...please, can I fuck Mom!"

Jilly let out a groan, her brother's words apparently exciting her beyond the pleasure her father's cock was bringing her. John too groaned in appreciation of the naughtiness of his son's request. "Well, Scotty, do you love her?"

"Dad!" exclaimed Scotty. "Dad, of course I do. I love Mom more than anything."

"Do you promise not to ever hurt her and to always treat her like a do everything within your power to make your mother happy?" John grinned, knowing that he was prolonging our son's agony.


Scotty's arms waved in anxious agitation and I tried to comfort him as best I could by hugging him all the tighter against my aroused body. I felt so wet and aroused that I knew if I looked down between my legs, I'd see my cunt juice splattering the carpet. "John," I said softly. "Don't tease him, baby."

My husband laughed and then nodded. "Yes, Scotty. You have my permission to fuck my fuck your mother whenever she and you want."

Scotty broke out of my embrace, jumping up into the air in joy and somehow coming back to earth having turned around and to my surprise, wrapped me in his arms and hugging me so strongly, he picked me up off the ground. I was astonished in that Scotty had rarely in his life, initiated physical contact. I was further surprised when he kissed me, pressing his mouth to mine as a man does when he claims a woman as his own, his tongue suddenly in my mouth, making me mewl like a kitten as we kissed in the doorway of his sister's room.

I could hear Jilly moaning as she and her father watched us passionately kiss while they fucked. I ran one leg up along Scotty's thigh, curling my foot behind to keep him pressed into me, enjoying his tongue dancing with mine while his hands slid up and down my semi-dressed body.

Scotty broke the kiss, pausing to lick his lips before saying, "Let's fuck, Mom!" as his hands pawed at my breasts, freeing them from my bustier.

I laughed and stepped back and said, "First things first, baby. You and I need to get a shower and take of some things before we make love." When he started to protest, I quickly placed a finger to his lips and said, "Do what Mommy says, Scotty!" I glanced over at my husband who was now slamming his cock into our youngest child with a vengeance. "Thirty minutes or so...our room?"

John who was starting to breathe hard, nodded and gasped, "We'll be there. We wouldn't miss this for the world!"

Jilly nodded in agreement, managing to grin at me through her sweaty hair now flying about her face as she began to convulse as her orgasm rose up in her. "Wa-wanna see my b-b-brother become a motherOHfucker!" she moaned as Scotty and I moved out of the room.

Holding Scotty by the hand, I began moving towards my bedroom, but suddenly felt him moving away as we passed the upstairs bathroom. "Where are you going, son?" I asked, a little surprised to see him trying to part from me.

My son looked at me with anxiety etched into his face and replied, "I'm going to take a shower so I can fuck you, Mom!" His voice echoed desire and exasperation.

I laughed and tugged on his hand. "No, baby, we're going to take a shower...together." I pulled him more forcefully towards my bedroom. "C'mon, my little boy -- come with Momma!" I drew him into his parents' bedroom and standing before the bed where I planned to soon fuck another man besides his father for the first time in nearly a quarter century, I slowly undressed my son -- tugging off his T-shirt and then after undoing his belt, pulling his khakis down to his ankles.

I slowly knelt down and tugged Scotty's sneakers off and then his socks and then helped him step out of his pants. Looking up lustily at my son's nearly naked body, I felt a gush of wet arousal pouring from my quivering cunt as I gazed at his erect cock covered by his shorts. "I love you, Scotty," I murmured as I reached up and hooked fingers into his waistband and yanked them down, freeing his immense cock which quickly slapped against his stomach.

"I love you, Mom," Scotty whispered as I rose up, allowing my face to brush against his crotch, feeling his hairy balls scrape against my cheek and then my lips slipping along his shaft, my tongue flicking out to dance briefly against his swollen cockhead. I then kissed my way up his stomach and chest, stopping only when his lips were pressed against mine, his tongue intertwining with mine.

As we kissed, I guided my son's hands in undressing me, undoing my bustier and letting it drop to the floor. Unzipping my leather skirt and letting it fall around my feet. Finally, I kicked my high heels off and murmured, "Come with me, baby," as I led my son to the master bathroom. We kissed and fondled each other as we waited for the water to grow hot and then, wrapping my hand around his cock, Scotty and I climbed into the large shower stall that his father and I had installed years ago.

Scotty groaned with pleasure as I soaped his body up and then handed him the body wash to lather me up as well. I paid attention to his throbbing erection, but tried not to lavish too much attention lest I trigger too early an eruption. I moaned happily as Scotty washed my hair, caressing my dark tresses and massaging my scalp with such passion and zeal that I knew that this, if nothing else, would have to become a common occurrence.

We rinsed off and stepped out of the stall, Scotty toweling me down first, lingering between my legs and making me reach out to the counter for balance as his rubbing my cunt with the soft, fluffy towel brought me close to the edge of an orgasm. Scotty knelt before me, toweling off my sex, his eyes locked in on my blossoming labia and the wet, pink flesh between them and whispered, "Can we fuck now, Mom?"

I pulled him to his feet and kissed him gently, growing more passionate with it until our tongues were in a torrid dance of lusty desire. "Very soon, darling, but first, before we join your father and sister, I want to give you something here...something private that will maybe help you enjoy things a little more later on."

Never taking my eyes off his face, I slowly squatted down, my fingers trailing down my son's chest and then stomach before wrapping around his long, thick penis. I moved my mouth slowly towards his cock head, saying as I drew near, "Scotty, Momma's going to suck your big dick. Just enjoy yourself and give me a big load of your spunk." I stuck my tongue out and rolled it over the spongy, swollen head, tasting a thick globule of precum bubbling from his pee slit.

Before I wrapped my lips around my son's dick, I said, "The first time you fuck me, I want it to last a long time and if you give Momma a hot snack of your tasty sperm right now, you're going to be able to fuck my brains out!"

Scotty's eyes were wide with child-like wonder as he watched me engulf his hard cock, my lips sliding over the head and then slowly traveling the length of his long cock. Although I was sure he was thicker than his father, I thought his father was a bit longer in length and despite the added girth, I had very little difficulty taking all of him in me, the head pressing deep into my throat.

"Mom...oh, Mom," Scotty burbled as he stared down at me, my nose being tickled by his still damp pubic hair. Calling out to me increased the heady, wonderful emotions going through my mind doubling my awareness of my incestuous activities, sucking the hard penis of my first-born child. I looked up at him with loving eyes, wiggling my head slightly in a rapid motion and making gurgling noises to let him know how much I loved him and how much I was enjoying sucking his dick.

Slowly, I released him from my mouth, slathering my lips along his thick shaft while my tongue fluttered over his skin until only the head remained trapped between my lips. I vigorously sucked his cock head while my tongue danced and swirled until finally, I let his cock go free with a loud, wet pop. "I love your cock, Scotty!" I purred excitedly. "I could suck it all day long, son!"

I again took him in my mouth, taking his full length and then slowly began bobbing my head back and forth, sucking as I went along. I reached out and took his limp hands in mine and guided them to rest on my head, making sure his fingers intertwined with my wet, tangled locks and then helped him move my head back and forth until he understood that his mother was giving him control over the movement of her head while she sucked his cock!

"Mom...Mom...Mom," Scotty crooned over and over as he began to move his hips in time with the movement of my head, thrilling me as he began to fuck my face. My son was like a kid with a new toy as he experimented with various permutations...making me suck him fast, then slow, and then fast again. He guided my lips down his shaft until my lips were pressing against his hairy crotch, holding my head in place and savoring the feel of his mother's lips, mouth and throat wrapped around his throbbing cock.

My leg muscles began to sing from the strain of crouching down and I shifted to my knees as he began to guide me in sliding my lips back and forth quickly again, still moaning, "Mom...Mom...Mom," as I sucked him, then suddenly with a strained quality in his voice, adding, " you, Mom! you, Mom!"

I felt the head of his cock begin to swell slightly and as his body tensed up, I knew he was getting close. I took control of the situation again, sliding my lips up and back until again I had only the tip of his penis in my mouth, lips clamped down around the ridge of his helmeted head. I looked up at him imploringly with my eyes, begging him with my loving expression to give me his seed and my son did not disappoint me.

"MOM!" Scotty cried out. "MOM, I...I'M CUMMING!" His words barely came ahead of the torrent of thick, hot semen that suddenly flooded my mouth in huge, spraying ejaculations. Despite having shot a massive load all over my face a little over an hour ago, my son fed me another huge load of sperm, requiring me to swallow several times as he filled my mouth with his delicious seed.

A ripple of absolute pure incestuous pleasure coursed through my body as I sucked and swallowed my son's semen and I heard the wet splatter of pussy juices spray the tiles of the bathroom floor as the sheer enormity of sucking my own flesh and blood's cock triggered a short, but intense orgasm within myself.

I brought a trembling hand up to stroke Scotty's cock shaft, milking him for the last remnants of his load as I sucked on his cock furiously, finishing up with several loving licks before letting him slip from my grasp. Scotty was gasping for air as I leaned back on my haunches and smiled up at him with cum smeared lips. "Oh, are so delicious!" I sighed. "Mommy's going to have to suck your cock everyday...your spunk tastes that good!"

I licked my lips as I stared up at him lovingly, stroking his still hard cock slowly, his shaft slick with my saliva. Once I assured myself that he wasn't going to soften on me, I came to my feet and kissed him gently as he whispered in a shaky voice, "Thank you, Mom...never...never been, um, sucked before, Mom."

I kissed him passionately, delighted that he didn't seem to mind the taste of his own cum in his mother's mouth and then replied, "Well, Mommy's going to suck that big dick a lot from now on to make up for that, Scotty!"

I pressed my naked body to his, mashing my heavy tits against his chest and again looked up into his eyes, one hand slowly stroking his cock and the other gently running through his dark much like mine. "Son," I whispered. "Are you ready to fuck your mother now?"

Scotty's eyes widened as his grin grew and he replied, "Mom! Yes...lets go fuck, Mom!" He then surprised me by sweeping me up into his arms as if I were his bride and he was taking us across the threshold. His arms trembled a bit and it was an effort -- I am not a small woman, but he walked me out into the bedroom and towards the bed which was illuminated by dozens of candles that had just been lit.

Scotty carried me to the bed his father and I had shared for so long with nary a stranger in it until we'd invited Jilly there and now, at last, our son. Gently, he sat me down, leaning over me with one knee on the bed, staring down at me with a mixture of absolute love and utter animalistic lust. I doubt he noticed his father and his sister curled up in an overstuffed chair, Jilly sitting in her father's lap, her butt working anxiously atop his crotch. Hell, in my arousal and need to be fucked by my own son, I scarcely noticed them myself.

I scooted myself over to the center of our king sized bed and then spread my legs and held out my arms to my son -- wriggling my fingers to urge Scotty to come to his mother. He licked his lips, his eyes wandering avidly over my nakedness, making me feel both aroused and oddly shy, so intense was his gaze.

Scotty climbed up onto the bed and knelt between my legs. We were both breathing fast and I could feel a sexual flush spreading over my face, neck and chest -- the accompanying heat spreading everywhere as my primal desires began to spiral out of control. My son suddenly seemed unsure of himself and even as his youthful erection again slapped against his belly, he didn't move, finally whispering, "Mom...what should I do, Mom?"

I smiled, the love for my son within me nearly bursting my heart and replied, "Whatever you want, baby. You can do whatever you want with Mommy!"

Scotty returned my smile and slowly crawled forward and I pulled my knees back and spread my thighs, expecting him to plow right into me, but my son surprised me as he suddenly ducked his head, bringing his face just above my pulsating pussy -- close enough that I could feel his warm breath on my wet, quivering flesh. He took a deep breath through his nose and then lifted his head a little and said with a childlike wonder, "Mom, I like how you smell!"

Before I could laugh and reply, "Thank you," Scotty surprised me again by pressing his mouth to my pussy, making me cry out in pleasurable delight as I felt his tongue give me an enthusiastic and sloppy lick! He grunted, saying something unintelligible, his mouth muffled by my suddenly bucking pussy as I threw my hips up and dropped my hands to his head to keep him in place...not that he was planning to stop.

Scotty planted big kisses on my labia and inner flesh between long ice cream licks of his tongue through my burning and slick pussy folds, making me gasp and moan. That he was an amateur at eating pussy was obvious, but what he lacked in experience, he more than made up with his enthusiasm. "Ohhhhh, sonnnn!" I moaned as he licked me and slurped at my flowing juices. I had been on the edge of orgasm all day long and now between my son's eager efforts and the knowledge that it was my son who was licking my pussy, I was sliding off the precipice and free falling into a delicious orgasm.

My fingers curled through Scotty's hair, pulling his face tighter against my wet cunt as I sobbed with pure delight, feeling incestuous ecstasy course through my body like a massive electrical shock. My son, with his usual single-minded fervor, used his tongue to lash at my juicy flesh hungrily and his zeal thrilled me. I raised my legs up and curled them around his back, using them to assist in holding his wonderfully loving face in place as I crooned and squealed with joy until my orgasm was so great, my entire body convulsed and stiffened and I released him as my legs straightened out and my toes began to curl as my pleasure centers overloaded.

Suddenly, I was sprawled out on my marriage bed, gasping for breath and in my need to be completely loved by my son, I let out a strangled scream, "Scotty Ryan Hanson, fuck your mother RIGHT NOW!"

The intense demanding tone of my voice made my son raise his head up from my wet pussy, my juices dripping from his chin and lips. He studied me for a few seconds, concern on his face as he observed my heaving breasts and swollen nipples and my ecstatic yet needy face above them. Suddenly a grin broke out on his face and Scotty lifted himself up and moved up and onto me, unmindful of kissing me with his pussy juice covered mouth.

I groaned against his lips, thrilled with the naughty knowledge that this was my own son French kissing me and sharing the taste of my own pussy with me. Scotty showered me with kisses, pausing every so often to slip his tongue into my mouth, but always returning to eager, sloppy kisses over my face, neck and breasts, pausing now and again to lick and suck at my swollen nipples, so engorged with blood that they were painful.

We began hunching at each other, both of us anxious to have his cock inside me, but again, Scotty's inexperience showed. I began to try and worm a hand between us when I felt another weight on the bed and then Jilly was looking at me over her brother's shoulders and she put her finger to her lips and giving me an awfully lewd leer, winked at me and dropped from sight.

Seconds later, I felt fingers between my pussy lips and then a moment after that, the head of Scotty's cock wedged between my swollen labia. My son in his arousal, I don't think even realized that it had been his sister's hand that had placed his erect penis at the entrance to his mother's cunt. I reached up with one hand and drew Scotty's head down until as we had some many times in his life, bumped foreheads.

I could feel his body trembling as instinct was trying to kick in and I looked into my son's eyes and whispered in a shaky voice, "Do it, Scotty. Put your big, thick cock inside Mommy's pussy!"

I remember hearing my son gasp, "Mom!" but anything else he might have said was obliterated in my primal scream as he pushed his cock inside me, thrusting deep into his mother's pussy. As I felt him move into me, spreading my pussy walls wide, there was an instantaneous recognition of this was flesh of my flesh returning home, triggering unsuspected depths of pleasure spawned by the familial connection I shared with this sweet, young man. Every fiber of my being...every cell of my body recognized that this was my son, suddenly joined with me in the most intimate of ways, returning to my body and fulfilling me...completing me and making me whole as I had not been since his birth.

I was lost in the most powerful orgasm of my life, swept away in a storm of love and lust that I had not truly anticipated and having no real conscious thought except that this ultimate height of ecstasy upon which I had been tossed was due solely to the fact that it was my own son that was filling me up with his cock.

I am not sure how long I was lost in that wonderful madness of incestuous orgasm, but suddenly I found myself conscious again, my own sobs of pleasure echoing in my ears as I became aware of my son's body on top of me, thrusting into me, filling my pussy with the most wonderful cock imaginable and that I was responding as a woman filled with lust and desire, instinctively mating with a man I loved more than life itself. I felt full and complete with every strong thrust of Scotty's cock, reveling each time he ground his crotch against mine, his pelvis mashing against my spread lips, tickling and teasing my swollen and exposed clitoris.

"I LOVE YOU, SON! MOMMY LOVES YOU SO MUCH!" I screamed, realizing that I had already nearly screamed myself hoarse. I tried to wrap my arms and legs around my son's body in an effort to have him all that closer, savoring the feel of his sweaty skin sliding and sticky to mine. His sparse chest hair tickled my swollen nipples, each little brush of my nipples against his scratchy chest sending me that much deeper into an abyss of utter pleasure.

Scotty and I kissed -- my lips and tongue feeling swollen and so much more sensitive, relishing the taste of his saliva, his sweat...of him, recognizing him as a son and a lover, melding into something greater as he fed me his cock again and again. As my orgasm swelled up inside me again, I threw back my head and screamed as I arched my back, bucking my body upwards to meet my son's downward thrusts while he ducked his head to suck and bite my nipples -- the sudden sharp pain of his teeth on my blood-engorged tips escalating my orgasm to even greater heights.

My mind swirled with maddening thoughts as I recalled my husband describing the carnal intimacy of making love to our daughter and knew that coupling with our son transcended even their lovemaking. My eyes, clouded with the incestuous passion and pleasure of the moment would now and again clear momentarily and forever burned into my memory were images of Scotty's face, screwed up in an expression that mirrored his intensity, pleasure and love.

I recall giving my husband and daughter a momentary glance -- Jilly sitting in her father's lap, his long, hard dick jutting up from between her legs, her hips rocking slowly as she kissed it with her wide spread pussy lips which glistened with her wetness and his last load of hot semen. Both were staring avidly and happily as my son and I fucked with abandon. I could not concentrate on them for more than a few seconds -- my son's fine cock fucking me so sweetly, so passionately demanded my full and complete attention.

"Scotty, lover -- fuck me!" I moaned. "C'mon now, son -- fuck Momma hard with that big...MMMMMM...BIG DICK!" I felt my body acting on its own volition, seeking to meet my son's thrusts, to envelop and hold his thick penis inside my womb, kissing it with my pussy flesh, savoring its steady pace as it sawed in and out of me.

"Mom...oh, Mom -- love you, Mom!" Scotty panted between wet, sloppy kisses, arching his back as he slammed his body into mine again and again. " fucking you, you, Mom!" His eyes stared into mine with such sweet, devoted love that it nearly broke my heart and made me fall in love with him over and over and unleashing something inside me that had absolutely zero reservations about taking my own son as my lover and vowing to be his lover however and whenever he wanted. The only regret that I felt was in not realizing my own incestuous lusts before this -- in effect, denying him and myself such sweet, sinful pleasure for years.

Time just seemed to stop for us and it was like my son and I were locked together in sweet, unbelievable pleasure that went on and on, our bodies working hard in rhythm, coming together in fleshy, wet slaps, becoming slippery with sweat which seemed to conversely cement our lusty flesh more solidly together until we were one -- a mass of heavenly pleasure on earth, our universe centered around my pussy and the massive cock that was crammed inside it.

My son induced my third cock induced orgasm, suddenly picking up the pace and fucking me more forcefully, really slamming his cock to me, taking my breath with each exquisite thrust until I my arms and legs slipped off his fine body, splayed out helpless as my son fucked me hard and sweet. It was all I could do to wriggle and writhe in complete ecstasy as he drove his cock into me again and again, making me feel fuller than I ever had before.

Suddenly, I began to comprehend that my orgasm was merely a prelude to something greater as Scotty's thrusts grew even more frantic and strong and I began to sense that I was about to ride a tidal wave of incestuous pleasure that would take me to heights I'd never before experienced. I truly understood the allure then of sweet, loving incest -- of family members giving themselves willingly to each other. All I needed was Scotty's ultimate offering of his love.

With tears running down my cheeks, I moaned, "Cum in me, Scotty -- give Momma all your hot cum! Cum in me, son -- cum in Mommy's pussy right the fuck now!"

My son was thrusting his cock into me now with maniacal energy, his face screwing up as his own pleasure and need built and then his eyes went wide as he slammed his body into mine one last time, his thick cock burying itself deeper than before and then he moaned, "MOM! MOM! MOM!" and began to ejaculate his hot, sweet semen into my womb and the world seemed to catch fire.

John described it later as a near epileptic seizure of orgasmic spasms. I wailed and sobbed from the pure pleasure of feeling my son's sperm filling my pussy, otherworldly ecstasy reducing me to a sobbing, sweaty mass of cum filled flesh. Scotty was bellowing too as his own pleasure was enhanced by my cunt muscles clamping down tightly around his cock, massaging and milking it for every drop of sperm he had to offer. Tears trickled down his face that I licked off, not wanting to deny myself any fluids my son had to offer.

In the end, we came back to ourselves to find we both had arms and legs wrapped around each other, unwilling to let go, to lose that intimate mother-son contact we had created, slowly rolling back and forth on the bed as we kissed and nibbled at each other, unable to speak because we couldn't spare the oxygen. We kept our embrace until finally, Scotty's cock slipped from my pussy, the loss of which triggered another bout of tears from me with my son awkwardly consoling me, assuring me, "Mom, I promise...we'll fuck some more, Mom."

I kissed him one last time before I let him collapse onto his back, gasping for air, telling him between kisses, "I love you so much, Scotty."

Our world apart was then pierced by applause and we remembered or realized we were not alone, suddenly noticing John and Jilly as they approached, naked and aroused themselves as they climbed gently onto the bed.

I felt Scotty tense up beside me and instinctively reached out to take his hand and reassure him that all was well. His father knelt beside me, his erection brushing my breast as he said reverently, "That was maybe the most erotic thing I've ever seen. I'm happy for you, babe." My husband leaned in and gave me a long, sweet kiss. After our lips parted, he added, "I love you, Sandy," and then glancing at Scotty who was looking at him with a little bit of jealousy, "I'm very proud of you, son. You really made your mother cum hard."

Scotty flashed a slight, but unsure smile his way, but then frowned as Jilly crawled onto the bed and knelt at our feet. Jilly gave us her reckless, loving smile and said, "That was so fucking hot, Scotty! You had Mom screaming for mercy." She scooted forward a little between our legs and reached a hand out towards her brother's semi-erect cock, thickly coated with pussy juice and sperm. "Somebody needs a good licking," she sang in a little girl's voice.

"Bitch, hands off, that belongs to me!" a voice snarled at my daughter and everyone turned in surprise at me. I grinned sheepishly and added in a somewhat softer tone. "I worked hard for this treat and I'm going to enjoy it." I sat up and leaned over my son, taking his cum covered penis in hand.

I lowered my head, stopping just shy of his still swollen head and turned to look at my now pouting daughter. I drew up my left leg, bending my knee until my foot was flat on the bed, exposing for a better view my wide open cunt, fresh semen oozing slowly out of it. "If you're hungry, there's plenty of your brother's semen right here, Jilly."

I then proceeded to ignore my daughter as I began to lavish attention on my son's cock, taking him into my mouth and sucking my juices and his spunk off his semi-erect member. As I swirled my tongue over his sensitive flesh, I heard him gasp with pleasure and then I was moaning too, a pleasurable but choked sound as Jilly mashed her face into my pussy and began licking it with gusto.

Even after all these weeks, I have to tip my hat to my daughter -- she has a talented tongue that I will never tire of and I was barely able to concentrate on cleaning Scotty's dick as she slurped and licked my cum filled cunt with enthusiasm. Finally, it was too much and I cried out as my well fucked pussy and its oh-so sensitive flesh began to propel me to another orgasm and I let Scotty slip from between my lips. I had cleaned him of his semen and my own juices, but he hadn't quite recovered and I realized that maybe this was an opportunity for him to see first hand how loving the rest of his family had become.

I fell back again onto my back and spread my legs, draping one thigh over Scotty's as I moaned, "Just relax, son and watch your sister do what she does best."

Jilly giggled as she scooted along with me, looking up at us with her chin and lips frosted with white blobs of semen and glistening with pussy cream and saying, "I love eating pussy, big brother...especially Mom's pussy!" Then she dived back between my legs, taking long, loving licks with her tongue and noisily slurping up Scotty's seed along with my juices, pausing now and again to tongue and suck my swollen clitoris.

I writhed happily on the bed, barely able to speak -- groaning and sobbing with ecstatic pleasure as my daughter ate me. My eyes would sometimes focus on my son who sat there next to me, staring with awe and wonder at the sight of his baby sister gobbling his mother's pussy. At some point, he'd taken my hand, not seeming to mind when I'd squeeze it nearly to the point of breaking as her tongue made me cum again and again.

Then John decided to enter the picture. He got to his knees and moved awkwardly until he was behind our daughter, his hands reaching out to caress her taut ass cheeks and then tilt them up as he brought his lovely erection to her pussy. As he slowly dragged his swollen head up and down her labia, Jilly raised her head up again and looking at her brother, sighed happily, "I love Daddy fucking me, Scotty! He fucks me night and day!"

I looked at my husband and managed to say in a hoarse voice during the brief absence of Jilly's tongue, "Been busy, honey, the last couple of days?"

John grinned and sighed, just a tinge of weariness in his expression and voice as he replied, "Thank God for those little magic pills you picked up." Then he jabbed his erection into our daughter's cunt, growling and sounding like that old cereal tiger, "They're GREAT!"

I felt more than heard Jilly grunt into my pussy as her father rammed his cock up her young cunt. Her assault on my pussy became more aggressive and my moans mixed with her muffled ones as she teased and sucked on my throbbing clitoris while John fucked her from behind.

From between my legs, I saw my sweet daughter's eyes rise up to meet mine, her dark orbs glazed with lust. I reached out and ran my fingers through her bed-tangled and sweaty golden blonde hair which confirmed that she and my husband had no doubt spent the time while I was gone screwing their brains out.

Jilly captured my swollen clit between her lips and while her tongue fluttered over it, she also began to hum. The sudden vibrations combined with her talented and maddening tongue caught me off guard, plunging me into the throes of another orgasm -- perhaps not as intense as the lovely ones my son had just given me, but which in their wake were incredibly intense. I was suddenly screaming with utter pleasure until my voice collapsed into a tiny squeak while I twisted and writhed under the merciless loving of her tongue and mouth.

My orgasm was wonderful and intense and to Scotty, perhaps a bit scary. In the chaotic madness that was my overloaded senses, I did feel him squeeze my hand and moan in a fearful voice, "Mom?" I wanted to reassure him, but I was caught up in the incestuous delights of his sister's mouth and could only continue to squirm under her nasty ministrations.

Pleasure began to straddle that razor thin border between pain and ecstasy and finally, I pushed my daughter away, gasping, "Sweet, sweet, but I need to stop...too much." My breasts rolled and bounced as I tried to catch my breath. I glanced over at my son, squeezing his hand to reassure him I was fine. Glancing down at his crotch I saw his cock had now recovered and was waving tall and proud in the air. "Watching your sister eat Mommy's pussy get you all excited, huh, Scotty?" I said between gasps for air.

My son slowly nodded, his eyes gleaming with excitement as he eyed my widespread pussy, now licked clean of his seed. "Mom...can we fuck again, Mom?" he asked, letting his hand slip from my grasp to reach out and playfully pinch my swollen and sore nipple.

I groaned at the pleasure his touch brought me, but shook my head and replied, "Mom needs a little timeout, son."

I was amused to see my son's lower lip begin to pooch out in a bit of a pout, but he was distracted as Jilly moaned plaintively, "Scotty, you really have a big cock!" between the slow and steady thrusts of her father.

My son studied his sister for a moment and again I was amused as I saw the struggle going on in his eyes on whether to fuss at her for going into his room and getting into his stuff or to simply admire her comely form and the way his father was fucking her. Finally, he said in matter of fact voice, "Mom says Dad is longer than me, but I'm thicker!"

Jilly's eyes widen at his comment, a sly grin on her face while John chuckled and said, "Really, son. Your mother told you that?"

Scotty blushed, not sure if repeating my words meant he'd committed a social faux pas, something he'd done countless times in his life. "Sorry, Dad."

My husband grinned at our son and said, "Reckon it could be worse." He suddenly thrust forward forcefully, drawing a pain and pleasure filled moan from Jilly. "Your sister seems to like my cock."

Jilly looked over her shoulder at her father and said, "No, Daddy. I love your big, long cock!" She blew him a kiss and then turned back to her brother and me with a sly grin. "Big brother...I bet I'm going to love your cock too!" She licked her lips and glanced at me and said, "I'd really like to suck it, Mom...if that's okay with you."​
Next page: Chapter 04.2
Previous page: Chapter 03.2