Part 01

Copyright 2024 Charlie Flemming

Author's Note: ALL Characters are over the age of 18


Son-Danny Fox-18-Birthday November 10-13" cock-A young man who just recently became an adult at the beginning of the story. A High School Senior, not very popular, has no friends at the beginning of the story. Giant cock but feels it makes him a freak, something he hasn't admitted to his therapist, Dr. Muse, someone he sees on Thursdays.

Mom-Luna Fox-37-Birthday April 30-Black hair, smoking hot body, FF-sized tits-lost her husband five years ago in an accident. Has thrown herself into her work as a teacher at Danny's high school. Having marital problems with her wife, Sofia, but seems to be blissfully ignorant of that fact. Isn't sure what to do with her shy son so she sends him to therapy.

Stepmom-Sofia Hart-33-Birthday January 25-blonde, DD-sized tits-works at the library at the school where Luna works, got into a relationship with Luna shortly after Luna got back to work after her husband died. Sofia knows her relationship was started out of Luna's grief but has been trying to evolve their marriage but Luna mostly ignores her, making her very frustrated. Luna, like Danny, doesn't have a lot of friends, but unlike Danny just prefers books to people most of the time.

Sister-Aimee Fox-19-Birthday March 2-blonde hair, EE-sized tits-college student, older sister of Danny, closest to Danny at the beginning of the story. Huge nerd. Likes hanging with her brother at home and her few friends at college. Very open to new experiences and is often happy more than any other emotion. Still a virgin, but doesn't like admitting that.

Sister-Kiara Fox-18-November 10-black hair, DD-sized tits-Danny's twin sister, though they aren't very close. She's a cheerleader at her high school and hangs out with her two best friends, Tori and Nina, who are also cheerleaders, most of the time. Doesn't like her brother, doesn't really like the rest of her family either. Thinks she's better than everyone. Has had multiple boyfriends in the past but is going through a dry spell because of a nasty rumor being spread about her.

Aunt-Ivy Love-39-Birthday: February 20-blonde, EE-sized tits-Luna's older sister, is going through a divorce, was a stay at home mom but is now in need of a job, trying to be an online exercise guru. Moves into Luna's house and is staying in the living room as she's trying to find her footing. Her daughter's don't live with her anymore, but they come over often to see their mom.

Cousin-Zara Love-21-Birthday: June 17-redhead, DD-sized tits-works as a bartender

Cousin-Paige Love-20- Birthday: August 7-blonde, DD-sized tits

Cheerleader-Tori Chase-18-Birthday: September 23-redhead, DD cup-Kiara's best friend, once got Danny to show her his penis and then made fun of it for being so large. Acts like she's all that but actually hasn't had sex yet as no one is good enough for her.

Cheerleader-Nina Chase-18-Birthday: September 23-blonde, DD cup, Tori's sister and also Kiara's best friend. Not as uptight as either of them and is much more interested in Danny than her sister. Has had multiple boyfriends but broke it off after hearing about Danny's cock. Of the three people in her friend group, she is much more openly sexual than they are.

Therapist-Harmony Muse-31-May 9-African American, EE cup-has been seing Danny for about a month at the beginning of the story. Focuses on one-on-one therapy but has done family sessions in the past. Wants Danny to open up with her and is willing to try different or experimental things in order to get there. Is a good person with no hidden motivations.

Reverend Mia White-34-July 29- Priest of Episcopal Church

Neighbor-Amber Apple-Widower, rumored to have murdered her husband, but who cares, she's hot

Neighbor's daughter-Blair Apple-Daughter of Amber

Part 1

Day 0 Wednesday, December 31, 2025

Sofia-11 pm

My name is Sofia and I'm married to a really wonderful and beautiful lady. We met at the school where we both work and her children attend. I guess I was infatuated with her the moment I saw her and might have let slip when we met that I was bisexual and she admitted that she was too. I thought I might have an in with such a goddess but it became quickly apparent that she was married and very devoted to her husband.

When I found out that her husband died, I gave her some time before I asked her out, but it might not have been enough time. Where at first things seemed very intense, especially our lovemaking, which slowly faded after we got married. And then Luna started getting more and more distant to me and the fire that was burning brightly when we got married felt like it had all but been snuffed out in recent memory.

So I've been trying very hard to bring the passion back into our relationship but to no avail. Yuna seems to have thrown herself completely into her job as a high school English teacher. I'm the librarian at the same school so you'd think we could at least bond over work, but no. Yuna mostly just ignores me anymore. I don't think she's meaning to do it and I worry she regrets marrying me now. We sleep in the same bed, but it's like there's this invisible wall between us that only gets larger and thicker by the day.

I don't really have a lot of friends, or really any friends, now that I think about it. I just prefer books to most people. Books don't betray you, for one thing. But I don't have a lot of people to talk to about this. I know it's not about my looks, I don't mean to toot my own horn but I'm a hot lady, and I know sexy librarian is a bit of a cliche but I like how the boys and some of the girls at school ogle me when they think I don't notice them, even though I'm dressed professionally they tear all that off me with their eyes. I guess I'm just glad I get that reaction out of some people if not the person I married.

I sighed but that made me think about Danny, my step-son. He also ogled me, even though it was probably a bit taboo, but he also didn't have any friends. Which is the main reason Yuna started sending him to therapy. But that also made me think I could probably talk to him about my problem.

So I went to his room. Danny slept in the room right across the hall from his sisters' shared room. He was usually up there playing video games and, truthfully, sometimes I would play with him. I like those first person shooter games and can be very compettive sometimes.

His door was shut, which was the norm. But what wasn't normal was that there wasn't the normal video game sounds coming through his door. This had me curious what he was doing instead. I don't know why but I tried the door without knocking. It wasn't locked and I opened it just a crack to peak inside.

My eyes went wide and I gasped. I saw that Danny was stroking his cock while watching porn on his computer. On the screen I saw a man with a humongous cock sliding it in and out of a very horny pussy. But the giant cock on screen wasn't anything as large as Danny's absolutely humongous cock. I felt most horses would have been jealous of Danny's cock! It was huge, big and veiny with a giant purple cockhead like some kind of extra arm coming out of Danny's crotch by how big it was. I felt feint just watching him stroke that thing only wondering just how much pleasure I would experience fucking something that massive. I felt my pussy pulsating and I knew if I stood there for even a second longer I was about to run in there and fuck the shit out of my stepson without a second thought. It didn't help that I was incredibly sexually frustrated at that point, just so you know.

I made the more logical solution and turned and ran away. But on tiptoe back to my bedroom. But all I could do was sit on my bed and think about what I just saw. My stepson was hung like a fucking moose and I felt that he should definitely be more popular at school, especially from the girls, because of that fact. But he'd never even had a friend, let alone a girlfriend. Though I didn't really know him before I married his mom, I don't think losing his father helped him too much.

But there was something else I was curious about as well. I found the double-ended dildo that Luna and I used to use when we fucked, back when we fucked at all that is, because it was the biggest dildo we had. It was long and thick though not nearly as thick as the monster I just saw coming out of my stepson's legs. My pussy was feeling very needy right then but there was another reason I wanted this right then. Mostly that it was the thickest dildo we owned and with that I opened my mouth and started sucking on that dildo like it was the cock I had just seen.

I felt like I had to unhinge my jaw but I got that dildo into the back of my throat. Jesus, I thought as I did this, I can barely get my mouth around it, how can I possibly give Danny a blowjob without hurting myself? I thought as I shoved the dildo a few more millimeters into my mouth.

Right then, just my luck, my wife stepped into the room, "What the hell are you doing?" She asked when she saw me sucking on our sex toy like a horny slut. Luna wasn't angry or anything, just very confused.

I spat the fake dick out of my mouth, "I'm, um," I realized I didn't have a very good excuse and Luna would start getting suspicious of me if I just made something up right then, "I saw your son masturbating..." I admitted, "I didn't mean to, I just opened the door a crack and he was jerking off inside. I don't think he saw me. He was too busy watching porn on his computer." I felt like I was kinda throwing Dan under the bus. Luna did not like pornography because it was degrading to women.

"What? Porn? Danny?" She said, somewhat confused as if Danny wouldn't do something like that because he knows his mom disapproves of it. But then she shook her head, "What does that have to do with you sucking on a dildo like it's some cock?"

I blushed, but something inside me really wanted to tell Luna, so I didn't hold back, "Because his cock is humongous! I mean," I held up the double-ended dildo, "It's over half the length of this and twice as thick! I mean, I wasn't fantasizing about sucking him off, or anything like that," not entirely true but not entirely false either, "But when I saw that humongous horsecock coming out between his legs, I just wondered if a cock that size could even fit in my mouth!"

Luna was surprised by that, her whole face looked lost in thought for a moment but then said, "Danny?" Very questionably, like she couldn't believe it, "Danny has a humongous cock?" When we were alone, Luna didn't mind using dirty words, but it wasn't a very common thing so hearing her say "cock" sounded really foreign at that moment. Like when you hear a very little kid swearing at you or something like that, it just felt totally out of place.

"It was the biggest I'd ever seen!" I said, a bit more excitedly than I meant to.

Luna cocked an eyebrow and now looked very doubtful. She immediately changed the subject and I got the feeling that meant she didn't believe me at all anymore, "I was just coming up here to tell you that the New Year's Party is starting. My sister and her daughters are here and we're about to start the countdown." She then turned and walked out of the room.

I watched her go, admiring her ass on the way out, though that only made me feel hornier than I already was. But I knew I'd have to be completely unfulfilled that night. I was already feeling this "Danny Incident" was already creating an even bigger rift between me and my wife.

I just wish I knew what she was thinking as she walked away...​
Next page: Part 02