Part 03
Day 1 Thursday, January 1, 2026
Hi. I'm Danny. I'm 6'4" tall. I'm 18, a senior in high school. I'm in good shape though I'm not a bodybuilder or anything.
I don't have any friends. I don't know why, but it seems like every time I turn around someone else is spreading vicious rumors about me. Some are true, I guess. A couple of weeks ago, my sister's stupid friend, Tori, a cheerleader like her, asked to see my cock. So, I showed it to her, I don't know why. I guess I thought maybe she wanted to fool around, but I realized right after she saw it and she started calling me a Freak, that she was just looking for yet another thing to bully me with.
So now there's a rumor going around that my cock is malformed and freakish. And, I mean, they aren't wrong. It's very large, seems to get erect all the time, and when I do cum, I do so in such an amount it's like I belong on the website "Freaks of Cock" even though all those dicks are fake along with all the cum they shoot, that's about how much cum I shoot whenever I have an orgasm. And I need many orgasms throughout the day or I'd be walking around with a giant, highly noticeable boner at all times.
And, as if my life wasn't bad enough, at midnight on New Years, I found myself making out with my mom. I mean, I didn't know it was my mom. I only had one drink but I've never drank before and though the whisky was harsh I drank it all down and was just starting to feel all tingly and good all over when someone grabbed me and started kissing me. I wasn't sure who it was but I was kissing back with a whole lot of passion. I wasn't even thinking about how the only people in the house were my family members. I just thought, this woman smells good, tastes good, and I could make out with her forever. I never French kissed anyone before, but she seemed to be very good at it. Her tongue encircling mine in her mouth as my arms wrapped around her back and I ground my cock into her without even thinking full thoughts about doing any of it. It was like my instinct just took over and everything else was only secondary.
But then the lights came on and I was making out with Mom. She got away but I was left with everyone pointing and laughing at me while I stood in the corner. Jesus, was all I could think, can I ever get a break?
I was frustrated and embarrassed but I knew I couldn't just sneak away without everyone noticing. Instead, I just stood there and let them laugh at me. At one point, Kiara just came up to me to whisper "You're such a loser you have to make out with your Mom!" Her words were filled with hate and I knew she was right. I was a loser. And I didn't care if everyone laughed at me all the way to the stairs. I walked over there anyway and went to my room, already deciding that maybe alcohol wasn't for me.
I'm Aimee! I'm typically a happy go lucky kinda gal, so when everyone was laughing at Danny, I joined along, but only because I thought that we were laughing with him not at him. But when he stormed out of the room, I knew I needed to talk to him.
I walked out and up the stairs to his room and knocked on the door like the polite, good older sister that I was.
"Go away." He said sternly from the other side.
"It's Aimee." I told him and a moment later I heard the door unlock and I pushed my way into the room. Danny was lying on his bed looking miserable as I came inside.
Me and Dan have always been close. Even though he complains about not having friends I've always thought we were friends even if we were also siblings, but I knew Dan wanted friends outside the family too.
"Come here to laugh at me some more?" He asked, looking very distraught.
I smiled but didn't laugh, "No, bro, look," I sat next to him and put a hand on his hand, "what happened was no big deal."
"No big deal!" Danny said sitting up and moving away from me, "I'm already the laughing stock of my school! Now my family is never going to let me live this down..." He had gone from angry to depressed in the course of two sentences.
I rolled my eyes at him, "Dan, what is this really about? Why do you care what other people think of you so much?" I might have drunk a little too much, I just realized something he said I hadn't before, "When did you become the laughing stock of your school?" I knew he wasn't really
Dan scoffed at me, "Because...well, I don't want to say."
I smiled, like a good older sister, "Come on, I won't tell anyone. You're secret is safe with me."
Dan sighed, "Well, a couple of weeks ago, Kiara's stupid friend, Tori, asked to see my dick and now she's spreading rumors that I have a freak penis that's malformed and I'm just waiting utnil graduation so I can move to Alaska because I don't think these rumors are ever going to be lived down." I knew Dan was drunk because there's no way he would have told me that otherwise.
I laughed, "What?!" I laughed again even though I saw that Danny was absolutely miserable, "Really? What?!" I couldn't help but laugh."
"It's not funny. I really do have a malformed dick!" He complained.
"Psh, no you don't." I said, though I had no idea why, since I'd never seen my brother's dick before, other than the alcohol going to my head, "Hey, I know!" I said, thinking this was a brilliant idea, "How about you show me!"
"What!?" He seemed really surprised.
"Sure, why not? I've seen lots of cocks in the past, I'll tell you if there's something wrong with it or not." Again, I'm not sure why I said that since, truthfully, I was a virgin. But I had seen a lot of porn, though I knew that cocks typically weren't as big as they are in porn.
Danny stared at me like I was the biggest idiot ever while I smiled back at him like I actually was the biggest idiot ever. I thought for sure he was going to say no, but then he sighed and stood up next to the bed, and dropped his pants.
I blinked. I blinked again. I felt my tongue loll out of the side of my mouth. I felt my pussy get wet. I knew porno was not a standard for real life but I could tell that Dan was hung! He was bigger than any pornstar I'd seen and he wasn't even hard yet!
"I have to go..." I said and got up and left. I was too drunk to realize that was not a good reaction to have after the conversation we did because Dan probably thought I was also freaked out by his cock and thought he was malformed.
I suppose I was kind of freaking out. But not for that reason. I had just never been as turned on before ever. I mean, I was a virgin but the sudden surprise that Danny was hung like a moose and my bodies reaction to it. It was like I was a nympho in another life or something that was suddenly reawakened in my body just then. I was horny as fuck!
I knew Mom didn't like porn, but I muted my phone so I could watch it on my phone. I found a video where someone had a massive cock, but it wasn't nearly as big as Dan, and I jilled off into the toilet while I thought about fucking Danny the whole time.
I was a naughty sister and I knew it, but I didn't think I could look at Danny in the exact same way ever again...
The next morning, I woke up late thanks to the alcohol. I realized right away that Dan probably didn't understand my reaction so I went to find him. But because I woke up so late, Dan had already left for his therapist appointment.