Part 04
At 3pm every Thursday I have my final appointment for the week. For the last three weeks it's been a young man named Danny Fox. His mother was the one who first approached me and the first thing I noticed about her was that she was drop-dead gorgeous. And then Danny Fox was very tall and attractive young man, part of me was immediately in love with the two of them.
But I'm also a professional and a good person. My main goal was to help Danny get over his severe shyness and maybe make some friends. Today we were going to do some social-based exercises to accomplish just that. Except when I came out to get them, they were the only two people in the waiting room, Luna, Danny's mother, was the one to talk to me first.
"Do you mind if I talk to you alone first," Luna asked me.
"Of course, Ms. Fox," I said, professionally, "As long as Danny doesn't mind?" I asked him.
He shook his head, indicating that he didn't. He was also blushing profusely so I could only assume he already knew what his mother was going to talk to me about. I wondered what it might be as we went back into my office.
I sat in my chair while Luna sat on my couch. "Is something the matter?" I asked her.
I didn't know how to begin. I didn't want to lie but I also didn't want to admit to being sexually attracted to my son. I decided to do both. "Well, last night at the stroke of midnight my son started to kiss me," that was the lie since it was I who started to kiss him, "And he was very good at it. I think I might be sexually attracted to him. It doesn't help that he has a humongous cock." I realized I had broken many of the rules I meant not to break when I started talking to Harmony seconds ago...
"Um," Harmony said, looking very put upon, but then she straightened up and asked, "Do you think your son is sexually attracted to you as well?" She was very professional, I had to say.
I still felt very embarrassed but as she asked her question it made me remember that Danny had gotten immediately erect when I kissed him yesterday, "Absolutely," I said almost immediately.
She was lost in thought again, but then asked a moment later, "Do you think one of the reasons he's so shy is because he can't admit his feelings for you? His mother?"
I was feeling very embarrassed already and felt like she was attacking me with these questions, "I don't know, I guess you'll have to ask him." I told her a little harshly.
Harmony took that as an opportunity and got up to go to the waiting room and fetch Danny. He came in a moment later and sat next to me on the couch, though not too close to me I noticed.
I was very surprised by what Luna had told me, but incestuous feelings actually weren't that uncommon. Something I said as soon as Danny was in the room, "Incestuous feelings aren't that uncommon," Danny went wide eyed, but I continued anyway, part of being a therapist is being the brunt force for bad news sometimes, but only so your patients can learn to grow as people, "your mother admitted to me that she has sexual feelings for you, and that she believes you have sexual feelings for her. Is this true, Danny?"
I noticed that Luna was very interested to the answer to that question. "Go ahead Danny, you can tell Harmony the truth." She said, in a motherly way, but I could see the lust burning in this woman's eyes as she mentally undressed her own son.
I have to be honest with you, the tension was thick in the air. "I...I..." Danny said, but trailed off. I decided to change tactics but I felt we were getting somewhere.
"Danny, have you ever had sex before?" I asked.
Danny still loooked very embarrassed but he was able to answer this, "No, I haven't. I've never even kissed a girl. Well, not before..." He trailed off again, he wasn't able to look at his mother, or at me really, but especially his mother.
"Are you scared of sex, Dan?" I asked, gently.
"No, yes, I... I don't know." He stammered. He was very cute when he was nervous, I noticed. But I tried not to think about it and remembered the task at hand.
"Is there a reason you don't know?" I felt like a broken record sometimes, just repeating my clients' statements back to them in the form of a question.
Dan sighed, he glanced at his mother, then at me, then shrugged.
"Look, Dan," I said, "You don't have to tell me, or your mother, or anyone, but if you can't get over your shyness you'll never-"
He interrupted me, "I have a malformed penis." He said finally.
I was definately surprised by that. Luna was equally surprised.
"What? Son, of course you don't." She said to him.
"What do you know?" Dan scoffed at his mother. Then felt bad about it so a second later he added, "I'm sorry Mom I didn't mean that."
"Dan," I said, "I think this might be a part of your problems with socializing. You might feel that your, um, penis is abnormal in some way, but I assume, unless you've been in some sort of accident that neither I nor your mother know about, then you're probably okay."
Dan didn't look at me. I could tell this was a strongly held belief.
"You're not comfortable in your own body. Is that it?" I asked.
Dan was not comfortable talking about this either, "I guess..." I said very softly a moment later.
I thought about this. I can be somewhat experimental in my practice, and I'd heard of ways around this type of discomfort. I decided to press him, "Dan, would you be uncomfortable getting naked in front of us right now?"
"What?" Both mother and son said together.
"I know it's unorthodox, and perhaps a bit strange, but Dan, if you were to disrobe for one, you could take a step towards feeling more comfortable in you body, and for another, your mother and I could tell you if your penis is malformed in any way."
I could see him considering it, he looked at his mother as he said, "I don't know..."
Luna smiled at her son, "Dan, what's the harm in it." She shrugged, "After all, it's your body, and I won't think any less of you if your penis is misshapen or not, just like I won't think any less of you if you get naked or not right now."
Dan sighed, "Okay, I'll do it. But I don't think you're going to like it." He removed his shirt. Despite looking like a nerd, albeit a very tall one, Dan was surprisingly ripped. I guess he went swimming a lot.
And then he dropped his pants, he didn't wear underware apparently, and as he dropped his trousers I could see why. There was no way any boxers or briefs could comfortably hold the huge cock that grew out of his midsection. He wasn't even hard and it was like an elephant trunk that went over halfway down his thigh.
"What the fuck!?" I heard someone say, a second later I realized it was me.
"WHOA, LORD!" His mom yelped, "It's even bigger than I imagined!"
I was horny as fuck just looking at his dick for a moment. His mother looked like she was about to get on the ground and start sucking her son off right then and there. But Dan interpreted our reactions as being a bad thing, not a horny thing.
He pulled his pants back up a moment later, "Sorry." He grumbled as he sat back on the couch.
"You have nothing to be sorry about, Dan." Luna said to her son, "Your cock is beautiful." She added and then blushed and turned away.
"You're just saying that, I saw how you reacted," Dan said. Not at all understanding.
"Dan, that wasn't a bad reaction. It just surprised me is all..." His mother admitted.
"Dan, your mother is right." I said, shaking off my sudden lust and turning back into the ultimate professional, "There's absolutely nothing wrong with your penis. But I think we're getting to the root of your problem. It isn't that you're socially unconfident it's that your sexually inadequate."
"Inadequate?!" His mother said, looking very upset. But I could see she thought I was talking about his body.
"Yes," I insisted, "probably not physically, I'm not a medical doctor so I wouldn't know, but definitely mentally by thinking something is actually wrong with your body. I suggest doing things to make yourself more adjusted to these types of things. Perhaps find a girlfriend or..." I suddenly had a thought, it was even more unorthodox but Dan was a special case. "Actually, let me talk with your mother alone for a minute, is that okay Dan?"
"Um, okay." Dan said as he left to go wait in the waiting room.
Once he was gone I turned to Luna and asked her, "Just how willing are you to help your son with his sexual problem?"