Part 05


What a question. There was a part of me that felt I knew what she was asking me. That she was wondering if I was willing to have sex with my son, or even if she wasn't, was I willing to go that far with him if it would help him?

Yesterday, my motherly instinct would kick in and I would tell her I wasn't. Today though, after feeling his cock through our clothes and seeing it in this office. My pussy was on fire. My mind was filled with thought of lust for my son! And I haven't felt more sexually alive in a very long time. I was at odds with myself, but in that moment, as horny as I was, I could only say one things to that.

"I'm willing to do anything for my son." I realized that probably made me sound more like a horny slut than I meant to so I added, "For his health, I mean."

"Of course," Harmony said back to me, "That makes sense. So what I'm going to suggest is a bit more unorthodox than a normal at-home psychological assignment." She explained, "But I think that Dan is having trouble adjusting into his own body now that he's an adult. I think that in order to fully realize his sexual identity, he's going to need some help."

"How can I help him?" For some reason, I was both hoping and dreading that she was going to tell me to have sex with him.

"Well, this is going to sound a bit strange, but I want you to take your son home and maybe start a daily program with him. Something you both do together to get him accustomed to being a sexual being in his own body."

"And how do you want me to do that?" I was at the edge of my seat at this point.

"Well, by encouraging him to find a girlfriend, but in lew of that, maybe trying things a little more, um, hands on than that. Try things like massage, let him touch your body, or even just talking more openly about sex with him. Sex is a complicated subject, which is why it's important to acclimate your son to it in a slow and focused way."

"I think I understand," I told her though I already felt both relieved and disappointed that she wasn't about to ask me to fuck my son. I was still having severely mixed emotions about that.

"Good," Harmony said with a sweet smile, "I'm glad you realize how serious this is." This made me worried but she said it very calmly. Then she glanced at the clock and said, "Well, that's all the time we have this week. I look forward to seeing both you and your son next week. Hopefully you can give him a slight push to help him bust out of his shell, so to speak."

I thanked her and we shook hands then I collected my son and we went out to the car.

We drove in silence. I could sense more than anything else that Dan was still embarrassed by what happened in the therapists office. I decided to take a slight detour.

We parked in the woods on the side of an unmarked road, "I think we should talk." I told my son.

"I'm sorry Mom." Dan said immediately. He probably thought he was in trouble.

"For what?" I asked.

"For kissing you last night. I know I shouldn't have, I-"

I laughed then, I had been so caught up in what my son was doing to me, making me filled with lust for him, it took me by surprise that he was having the opposite effect sorta. He was more concerned about how it was affecting me. "It's fine, sweetie. You've really done nothing wrong and besides," I gave him a cheeky smile, "I'm the one who kissed you, remember?"

Dan smiled then. He had a handsome smile that reminded me of his father and made my heart sad and glad at the same time. "Oh yeah, I forgot about that." He laughed a little too then.

"But that's not what I wanted to talk about." I told him, "I think it's important to ask if you're okay, um, sexually?"

"I'm fine." He said suddenly and sternly, obviously lying. I knew my son too well.

"No, you aren't. I can tell when you aren't telling the truth. I'm your mom, remember?" I said, playfully slapping him in the chest as I said it.

"Ow, okay." He smiled, but then became somber, "Fine, I'm not okay sexually. Happy now!" He said it jokingly, I guessed to say least partially cover up his embarrassment.

I laughed with him, I just wanted to share a laugh with him really. It felt good. And I could feel my lust rising and felt butterflies in my stomach even though this was my son, someone I saw grow up and have known his whole life. Suddenly I felt like I've never known him at all before that moment when we kissed. "I want to ask you something," I said before I could stop myself, "it's about what the psychologist told me."

"Sure," Dan said, seemingly more comfortable than he was before.

"Well, what Harmony told me after we left the room is that we want to make an effort to get you to feel more confident in your own body. And we can do that through having more intimacy at home, do you understand me?"

"Um, intimacy?" Dan asked, and I could tell he was misunderstanding.

"Not, um, that." I said, "But having more quality time, maybe talking about things sexual, if you like. Or we could give each other massages. Things like that." I said, "We could even do something now if you like?"

"Oh uh..." Dan was very nervous then, "Was that your question?"

"Oh, uh, sorta. I guess I was wondering if you would be comfortable with that." I smiled comfortingly, "If you wouldn't mind your mother helping you out and helping you gain confidence in yourself."

Dan was less nervous when I phrased it like that, "Oh yes, I definitely want more confidence. That's the whole point about going to the therapist to begin with, right?"

I smiled, "That's right." We stared in each other's eyes for a moment. I could feel my lust rising. I wanted him. I wanted my son. I wanted to crawl into the backseat and fuck him right then and there. My pussy was soaking wet in moments. My nipples were hard. My whole body felt like it was about to explode. I had a decision to make. I could either push my son into something we'd both regret right then and there... or I could just drive us home and forget about what we just agreed to and make up some excuse when we talked about it... or go home and fuck my son, or go home and give him a massage and nothing will come of it. Or go home and fingerfuck myself silly until my pussy was so sore I couldn't possibly want to fuck my son's humongous cock after that...

I didn't make a decision because then Dan started kissing me.


I was staring into Mom's eyes, into her absolutely angelic face. And I don't know what came over me. I remembered how much I liked kissing her, even if I wasn't sure who she even was before, and then next thing I knew, I was kissing her again. I noticed once again that her saliva tasted just as good as she looked.

Just as before Mom was kissing me back but then she pushed me away. I don't really blame her for that.

"WOW!" She said as she pushed me away. Not the reaction I thought she would have, "Holy fuck!" She then said, which was also surprising as Mom almost never swore, as she looked at me with wide-eyed wonder and said, "You are a very good kisser, Danny." Then she laughed, "Oh my god, I can't believe I just said that to my own son!" She laughed again. I probably would have laughed with her if I didn't feel so god damned embarrassed.

"I'm sorry Mom, I'm sorry." I told her, already feeling like I should just jump out of the car and head into the woods and hide out there forever.

"What the fuck are you sorry for?" She said seeming to not realize what a freak I am, "I just said you were a good kisser, Dan." Mom shook her head and seemed disappointed in me, "Jesus, this is obviously a real issue for you huh? This sex stuff really freaks you out?"

"I...guess..." I stammered feeling very put on. I felt more like jumping out of the car than ever before.

But Mom wasn't listening. "Did I do that to you?" She said pointing at my crotch. There was a giant tent in my pants as my freakish log stuck straight up from in between my legs. "That's alright you don't have to answer..." She said.

I mean, it was obvious to both of us that kissing Mom had given me an erection. It wasn't there before we started kissing, now it was. Seemed pretty obvious I should just jump out of the car and run as well....

"Take it out for me." Mom then said. I looked at her, now I was wide-eyed.

"What?!" I said. Mom was acting really weird lately, I had to say.

Mom was breathing heavy, she bit her lower lip. She was staring at my crotch. I'd never seen her like that. She was starting to breath really heavy. I felt my cock twitch in my pants. I suddenly want to kiss her again.

Mom didn't seem to hear my question. Instead, she moved fast, like a panther and she was on me. Literally she was on top of me, her legs on either side of mine, facing me. She kissed me, and as she did she ground her hips against my own, my cock was sliding against her crotch as she dry humped me. I was making out with Mom, and my hands automatically went to her ass and gripped her glorious cheeks through her pants with nothing but how much I wanted to...I don't even know what? Fuck her? Suck her tits? Eat her pussy? All that and then some! And I didn't even care that it was my Mom! What the fuck!

But then, she stopped and crawled off of me. Without saying another word she started the car and we drove home in silence.


What the fuck is wrong with me!? I thought as I drove home. I couldn't even look at my son for the rest of the trip. I was beside myself. It felt like I had turned into some sort of horny slut for my own son! And I loved it! I loved kissing him and grinding my pussy against his cock through our clothes. And I still wanted him to take his cock out for me so I could jerk him off or who even knows what else! I just knew I needed to go home!

And that's what we did. We went home. And once we got there I locked myself in my office and I worked the rest of the day. I made up some excuse and worked until after bedtime so I knew I wouldn't see my son again for the rest of the day.

I didnt' know what to do now. I felt I crossed a line and if I let myself I would keep crossing it until there were no other lines to cross. I was worried now, my lust was totally gone and replaced with the fear that I'd gone too far.​
Next page: Part 06
Previous page: Part 04