Part 07


"You want to fuck your son?" I said after Luna explained everything to me, "And you made out with him again?"

"Well..." Luna said looking very guilty and embarrassed.

I was both angry and contused, "I've never seen you get like this with, um, anyone else." I said a moment later, my rage influencing my tone of voice.

Luna just looked back at me guilty.

I sighed though, "Truthfully, after seeing our son's huge cock, well..." Even though they weren't actually my son or daughters I always treated them like they were my own. At least since I married their mom.

"You want to fuck him too?" Luna asked.

I shrugged, "I've never seen a cock like that. I would like to try it out. But we can't do that. You know that right?"

"I know, I'm just so horny whenever I think about him or get around. I don't know how much more I can take of it." Luna told me and I knew she wasn't lying. Why would any woman lie about being sexually attracted to her son? It's absolutely uncanny.

This conversation was making me horny too. I thought about everything Luna told me but it was filtered through my pussy as I could only think sexual thoughts right then, "Well," I said, "maybe we should both help him with his problem. Or even his sisters and aunt could help too right?" I suggested. My thoughts just running wild with sex and horny thoughts but this actually seemed like a logical alternative almost, at least my horny brain thought so.

"What do you mean? You want his sisters to fuck Danny as well?" Luna asked. I could tell she was as horny as I was. She was legitimitaly asking me if we should become a harem or something.

"Not at all!" I insisted, "But maybe if it's all on the table with the whole family, that Ben needs help to get more comfortable with women sexually and otherwise, we could all come up with a solution together and it would help keeping anyone from going too far with Dan." It really made sense to me at that moment.

Luna nodded like it made sense to her as well. "Okay, but let's wait until this evening. At dinner."


My name is Kiara Fox. I'm Dan's twin sister. Though we didn't get along like my two best friends, Nina and Tori Chase do, who are also twin sisters, in fact, me and Dan didn't get along at all! I think I hated his guts actually, mostly because he's such a loser, I'm surprised we shared a womb since we don't seem to share anything else. I've always been popular, he's always been a loser, and I'm ashamed to be related to him, let alone him being my twin.

To make matters worse, Tori told me that he randomly flashed his penis at her and every time I see her she tells me how large and malformed it is and how disgusting he was for just whipping it out like he did. I haven't been able to talk to him since then, I can hardly look at him. Of course, it didn't occur to me that Tori might have asked him to show his dick to her, that's ridiculous.

What's even worse than that is that there's also been rumors going around the school about me that I gave one of the football players chlamydia, which I'd never even talked to that particular football player, let alone slept with him, but because of that no one will ask me out anymore because they think I'm a diseased slut. I haven't had sex in over TWO WEEKS! It was driving me crazy! Not that I had sex all the time, just once a day was enough with one of my many boyfriends, usually in their cars. But now I'm getting NOTHING and it's making me very FRUSTRATED!

Truthfully, I probably wouldn't have talked to my brother again if it wasn't for this dinner we had on January 2nd of that year. Mom started talking about the therapist appointment and told us all what it meant.

"...and that's why we all need to help Dan in order to help him feel more comfortable in his body and more comfortable with sex in general."

"What?" I said, not believing what I was hearing, "You want us to help that loser?" I glanced at Dan as I said that who was looking miserable on the other end of the table. I didn't care though, 'I'm not doing anything to help that loser." I quickly added.

"Kiara! Don't be rude!" Sofia then said to me. I scowled at her. Sofia was gorgeous but she didn't like me much so I didn't like her right back.

"I'm interested in helping." Aimee then announced. I loved Aimee and we got along great, but I never liked how close she was to our brother.

I rolled my eyes at her, "Of course you'll help. You're secretly in love with him." This caused Aimee to blush.

Mom ignored this though, "Thanks, Aimee." She said to my sister then turned to me, "And Kiara, you don't have to help if you don't want to, but I also want you to at least have some sympathy for your brother. He has severely crippling social anxiety, and it's important to at least try to help. We're family after all. And Danny needs us." I noticed Mom put a hand on Danny's hand and grip it tightly, "And that's why I think we should all do our part to help him get accustomed to both his body and a woman's body."

I blinked at that, "You mean you want us to get naked together with him? Because I refuse to do that!"

Mom glared at me and I could tell she was angry, "If it comes to that, we should do it." She took her hand away from Dan's, which I was glad of, "But I don't think we'll have to do anything like that. Maybe just things that allow Dan to see more of our skin, like go to the beach."

I glared out the window to make sure everyone followed my gaze. It was currently snowing.

"You know what I mean," Mom said to me, "I also think things like giving each other massages or maybe donig yoga together might also be helpful. If we're open to it, we should do it." Mom was started to sound happier and happier about this plan the more she spoke about it. Which was the opposite of how I felt about it.

"Well, I'm not going to help him. No matter what." I said, frankly.

"Fine." Mom said glaring at me with evil in her eyes, but then much happier she asked, "What does everyone else think about this."

Danny, who had been completely silent, weird considering the whole conversation had been about him, suddenly said, "Actually, what if I'm not very comfortable with this plan." He said looking like the lame loser he always was.

Mom laughed and then grabbed his hand again, "Don't be silly, Dan. You don't get a say in this because this is all for your benefit."

Dan groaned. The other women agreed that they'd be comfortable with Dan seeing their bodies or getting free massages.

"Great!" Mom announced, "We'll talk about how to start Dan's therapy tomorrow!"

Friday was also our "Family Movie Night" so after dinner we all watched some romantic comedy that Mom and Sofia liked. Even though they were lesbian they liked these "straight" romances in movies but I guess they're aren't a lot of lesbian rom-coms. Well, they're actually bisexual, so I guess that's why but I still think it's kinda weird, personally.

What was extra weird was that Mom insisted that Dan sit between her and Sofia and both of them had their arms around him the whole movie. Just an arm around his shoulder, so nothing too abnormal but Danny usually sat out of our movie nights and Mom and Sofia were never that affectionate with him, to be honest. Dan looked uncomfortable the whole time, which I enjoyed, but I still didn't like all this extra attention he was getting.

It didn't matter though. The movie ended and we all went to bed. Aimee snoring away in her bed almost as soon as she slumped into it. But I stayed awake and realized something that I absolutely dreaded. What if I have to see Danny's totally deformed penis? UGH!

I realized that with my crazy moms and totally lame brother and sister, I was probably going to see Danny's organ at some point. It made me cringe and hate my family but I decided to ask Tori about it. Thanks to modern technology I didn't have to wait. I took out my phone and texted her.

KIARA: Tori, hey, you still awake?

Tori: Yeah, what's up?

She texted back almost immediately. We were best friends and didn't wait to respond if we see the other texting, unless we had a very good reason to.

KIARA: Ugh, my lame brother has this lame condition. It's hard to explain but I think I might have to see his penis at some point. Is it really as twisted and ugly as you say?

I told her the truth because there were no secrets between us.​
Next page: Part 08
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