Chapter 02
Matt yelled, "They are massing again, how's your ammo?"
"Running low, how about you?" his partner asked, concern beginning to show on his rugged face.
Their small space station was under attack. "We can't lose this space station. There's too much valuable data that would be compromised, not to mention the ridicule from their associates," Matt thought. It was unfathomable that they couldn't hold off the Horde. They were just women, Amazons true enough, but still women. They'd already killed half of them. What a waste. But they had to hold the station.
Matt then remembered the gun he was supposed to field test. "How could I have forgotten that?" he berated himself as he called out to his partner. "I think I have just the thing. Cover that hatch, I'll be right back."
"Whatever you have, you better hurry. They aren't going to wait, you know!" His partner replied, worry heavy in his voice.
Matt rifled through his stuff but couldn't find the case or the gun. "Where the hell did I leave it?" He quickly thought back to when he had received it and realized he'd left the damn thing on earth among the primitives. "Crap! Crap! Crap," he shouted.
Returning to the hall and the airlock, the only thing standing between them and the Horde, he told his partner the bad news. "Looks like I left the damn thing back on the planet. We're going to have to go back and retrieve it."
"What?" His partner began to see what could be a brilliant career, go up in smoke; it could only be worse if the Horde broke through and killed or captured him. "I hope you have a plan."
"Hold them off. I will scramble the computers, locking the data down. If they can break it, it will take several hours if not days. We can retrieve the weapon and return to take back the station."
Before the Horde could intercept them, Matt and his partner were racing back to the backwards, little blue planet to retrieve the prototype gun he could use to recapture their space station and their dignity.
"Hey Leah," she said as opened the door and let her friend in, "Come on in, I'm almost ready. Make yourself at home, mix yourself a drink." Both women walked into the living room chatting and joking when a yellow arch of energy shot forth and engulfed both beauties in a yellow glow of light before disappearing.
When the light dissipated, both women were frozen in place, completely and gloriously naked, stunned expression on their faces. Joe could appreciate the differences between Leah's body and that of her girlfriend's. Leah was thin and had small breasts, but they were firm and stood proudly on her chest. She had tight abs, a hint of muscle showed that she made a habit of working out regularly. Her long legs and tight ass were a result of hundreds of hours on the Stairmaster, they were epic. She appeared to have waxed as Joe hadn't set the gun to a high enough to remove her pubic hair. He had amped up the horniness setting, figuring that he'd need both women to be near their peak if his plan was to work.
Adele was the first to come out of her daze; she was naked again, but she'd just gotten out of the shower, with...someone. She remembered sucking and fucking and was looking for more. She had come to answer the doorbell. Leah was coming by for some reason; she had just let her in and... Adele turned to look at her girlfriend and Leah was as naked as she was. That was odd, but she liked what she saw. It made her reminisce about her college days when the two of them got really drunk and...she licked her lips and noticed she was wet and her nipples were rock hard.
Leah's reaction was different. When she opened her eyes she found Adele on her knees with her mouth on her pussy and her hard tongue pushing her way in. "What the fff...fuuuccck! Ohhh." She grabbed Adele's head and using her for support, rode out the surprise orgasm as she sat atop Adele's face, cumming as she hadn't remembered in a long time. Even after she came, she was still extremely horny. "Damn, Adele's tongue feels good, but I really need a hard cock right now," she thought.
Joe walked into the living room just as Leah and Adele slowly fell to the hardwood floor and Leah was attacking Adele's juicy pussy. Things were working better than he could have wished. Adele was on her back and Leah was on top, working her tongue in her girlfriend's sopping pussy, when she felt an additional pair of hands on her ass and the unmistakable feel of a hard cock entering her from behind. She lifted her mouth from the pussy and yelled, "Yes, yes. A hard cock, how did you know I needed a hard cock in my pussy? Oh, don't stop. I want it all. Fuck me, Fuucck meee!"
Joe began to fuck Leah in earnest, just as she had asked. As he slid in and out, Adele licked his cock and fingered Leah's clit while Leah went back to work on her pussy. It wasn't long before Adele was moaning and Leah was screaming again as she came, followed by Adele and then Joe.
Panting and petting they remained on the floor as they came down from their sexual highs. Both women were ready for more. Joe however, was getting hungry. He figured this was as good a time as any to take a break for some food. It was going to be a long night. He studied Leah's face for the first time, having previously only seen her naked body and pussy. He was taken aback at how beautiful she was, a little shorter than Adele but just as lovely. Seeing him looking at her, she smiled and the room brightened.
"Adele, can you fix us something to eat? I want to get to know Leah a little better." Leah rolled over and took his hardening cock in her small hands then began to stroke it. Adele kissed Joe on the mouth for a moment, then got up and jiggled into the kitchen. When she returned a few minutes later, Leah was bobbing her head up and down on Joe's cock, her rich, long black hair falling down around her head, almost hiding what she was doing.
Adele walked over to Joe who was now leaning against the couch; he wrapped his arm around her ass and pulled her close. She leaned down, kissed him deeply, and told him the food would be ready soon and she hoped he'd fuck her again, because she was so horny she was ready to take care of herself. Joe smiled and promised that he would fuck her again. That satisfied her for the moment and she went back to check on the food. Leah took that moment to shift into a higher gear and apply a few of her patented moves causing Joe to erupt into her mouth. She savored the gooey liquid and drained every drop from Joe.
Matt steered their craft unto the hillside road at the summit and extended the wheels, converting the spacecraft into what appeared to be a late model, black muscle car. They drove in silence back to the shopping mall and restaurant where they had been a couple of nights ago. The two large men entered and were greeted by the familiar hostess who asked if they wanted their regular table.
After a brief discussion, the hostess told them everything they needed to know. No small case was turned in, their waiter from that night had the night off, and his address and cell number were disclosed. When they left she felt incredibly good but didn't know why, or that the men had stopped in.
Just after Joe had finished his last bite, his phone vibrated and fell from the table onto the floor. He'd forgotten to take it off of silent mode after class had let out. Retrieving it he saw that it had blown up. He had a dozen missed calls, three from his sister, six from Nancy Cobb, the mall security cop and the rest from a number that he didn't recognize.
He played the first two from his sister Karen, they were very explicit and frank. She told him how much she missed him and what she planned on doing to him when he got home. The next six were from Nancy asking why he hadn't called her, what she wasn't wearing, and inviting him to her place. She also mentioned that he should call first to make sure she was home.
The next one was from Karen again, but this time it was something about a couple of large men looking for him.
The next three were from the guy from the restaurant. "Little man, I know you have my case. I want it back. I will not be gentle with you if I have to hunt you down." Joe swallowed hard. The next message, "I haven't heard from you yet. You are in big trouble if you don't tell me where you are, I want my case and contents." The final message, "You have family, for the time being. If I don't hear back soon, you will be missing a family member, perhaps mommy, maybe daddy. I know sister. Better hurry, time is running short."
Joe was visibly shaken. Adele curled up to him, but he brushed her away. "You and Leah find something to do; I have to attend to some business."
"Okay," Adele said. She looked over to Leah, who was pulling on one of her nipples and feeling her breast. "Come on Leah, let's wait for Joe in the bedroom."
Joe hit the dial back number on the phone number from the men. "It's about time, little man. Do you have my case and its contents?"
"Yes," he said.
"Bring it to the restaurant. You have ten of your minutes." The phone went dead.
Joe pulled on his clothes and shoes and was out of the door in less than a minute. Five minutes later he was pulling into the mall parking lot near the restaurant and saw the familiar black car. It was bigger than he'd first thought. He parked adjacent to it and got out the car carrying the case with him. The door opened and he entered the car.
Inside was huge. It was like being inside a motor home, only much bigger. It was then that his suspicions were confirmed. He held out the case and said, "You guys are from outer space, aren't you?"
Matt replied, "No, I'm from Iowa. I only work in outer space." Then he laughed mightily, his partner looking at him liked he'd lost his mind.
"Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)," Matt said and Joe smiled, relaxing a little. "You opened the case?" Matt asked.
"Did you use the gun?"
"Did it work?"
"Little man, don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you or anyone you care about, I just need my gun back. It would be helpful to hear about how the gun performed. A simple yes isn't cutting it."
"Oh, yeah, sorry, it's my first ray gun."
"Star Trek: First Contact (1996), good one kid," Matt said and turned to his partner. "I think I like this kid."
'Yeah, yeah, remember space station compromised, need to hurry, the Horde, yada, yada," his partner replied, clearly annoyed about the whole thing.
Joe explained in some detail how he'd read the manual and figured out the settings, but confessed that most of what he had learned was through trial and error. He explained how he'd practiced on the mannequins and later on the four women. He left out the part about accidently zapping his sister with the gun. But he did explain how the setting made the women more, or less horny.
"See," Matt said and turned to his seemingly uninterested partner. "The gun works; we can retake the station."
Matt pulled the gun from its case and saw that it was fully charged. He gripped the gun; it was lighter than his blaster. "Unauthorized user," the gun announced.
"Frack!" Matt swore. He pulled the instruction book from the tiny case and tossed it at his partner. "Make yourself useful and see if there's a way to authorize a new user on this thing."
With his feet resting on the console in front of him, the toss surprised his partner and he almost fell out his chair trying to catch the user's guide. He bobbled it for a bit before catching it. Once he secured the book, he righted it and began studying its contents, searching for an override command. After a few minutes of leafing through the many pages, he shrugged and announced. "Looks like I have some bad news for you, old buddy. That feature wasn't built into the prototype; there's no way to change users. That will be a feature in the next generation."
"Frack!" Matt swore, then looked at Joe. "Well little man, looks like you're coming with us." He turned to his partner as he strolled to take a seat behind the steering wheel. "Prepare for space and stealth mode."
Joe stood in the middle of the car/space shuttle with his mouth open. He was going to space? "Wait a minute, I can't go into space. I can't battle the Horde. What is the Horde anyway?"
"Don't worry, little man, we'll do all the heavy lifting. All you have to do is fire the ray gun where I tell you to. And the Horde, a bunch of Amazons, big women, almost as big as us. They don't really like men, or our species, but look just like our women and yours, only much bigger and stronger. Not sure where they came from, but they've been attacking for the last solar year. We've been killing a lot of them; they're not as technically advanced as us.
They don't surrender or seem interested in negotiating, so we've been looking for a non-lethal way to capture them or get them to surrender. So the gun seemed to be the answer, according to our scientist. Frankly, I just thought it was a bunch of crap. But, since it works, we'll find out how well. You'll love it. Large naked women, if you get lucky you may even get to fuck some of them." Having said all that, Matt laughed loudly and steered the car up the hill and then into the sky and deep space.
They had been in space for about ninety minutes by Joe's watch when both of the large men began to put on their battle armor. Joe had been busy looking out the window admiring the view and being in awe of how much the stars looked like what he'd seen in all the Star Trek television shows and movies.
In Stealth Mode they were completely invisible and were able to quietly dock with the space station using the emergency evacuation port as entry. The Horde's space cruiser didn't detect them and Matt assumed they were busy trying to learn all they could from the station's computers. Matt figured that the encryption was holding, but there was no telling how long their luck would hold out.
Matt and his partner entered the narrow hall first, followed closely by Joe, who already had his gun ready and set on the highest settings. With Matt's partner's help, Joe also learned how to set the gun to a wide dispersing pattern; it would likely be necessary.
The trio slowly made their way along the hall before Matt saw four of the Horde soldiers. They had removed their armor and were wearing short togas and sandals. Matt motioned for Joe to come forward. Joe was enthralled by what he saw and simply stared until Matt elbowed him in the ribs.
"Four targets acquired," the gun announced in a soft whisper as if it were sentient and knew what was at risk. Joe squeezed the trigger and a wide beam exited the gun, engulfing the four amazons in a yellow mist before they could react. When the mist cleared they were completely naked. Joe wanted to cheer, but knowing that it could alert the others, remained quietly excited. The naked amazons were a sight to behold. The two standing amazons, one blond and the other brunette, had awesome bodies; both had large breasts, their nipples erect and their clits peeking out from their swollen bald mounds. The trio couldn't be sure, but it was a safe bet that the gun had removed all pubic hair also. The two sitting were redheads, with equally impressive tits, and hard nipples. It wasn't until Matt and the others approached them that they saw they too had been relieved of their pubic hair.
Matt gathered the four horny and dazed Amazons together and questioned them about their numbers and plans. He was correct that they hadn't yet been able to access the computer files, but felt they were close. After securing the station, one of the ships returned to their nearest outpost to tend to their wounded and bury their dead. Only a small crew was onboard; there were six more on the station and four on the ship.
"Perfect," Matt said softly. He instructed the computer techs to forget where they were on the computer's decryption and put things back the way they'd found them. When they were done they wouldn't be able to keep their hands off one another. It didn't take them long to restore the space station's computer system, and the two wasted no time taking comfort in one another's arms. Meanwhile, the other two were instructed to pleasure each other until they all had come before switching partners and beginning again.
The lesbian activity had all three men sporting wood, but there was more to be done before they could act. It was a simple task to move throughout the remaining sections of the space station zapping the Amazons and giving them commands before turning them into mindless bimbos. They were even able to capture the Horde ship and crew, which would undoubtedly earn Matt and his partner a medal, if not a promotion. Of course, Joe's participation would be left out of the report.
As Matt landed his cruiser back on Earth and parked at the mall, he thanked Joe for his help. Just as they were about to part company, Matt handed Joe the peculiar case. "What?" Joe exclaimed, his eyes as huge as saucers, "You're gonna let me keep the gun?"
"Well, little man, think of it as a loan. Besides, you earned it. I'll simply report the weapon destroyed in the action and that will be that. I will be checking on you from time to time, so stay out of trouble with that thing. Be subtle and you'll have a lifetime of pleasure and women. I have to get back to the station, I have a feeling my partner will need a little help satisfying the Amazon bimbos," Matt told the teen. He got back into his ship and drove down the road before launching back into space.
It was very early in the morning; if Joe hurried he'd be able to get a couple of hours of sleep before he'd have to wake for school, so he climbed into his car carrying his treasure and was home quickly. He slipped into bed and was sound asleep in minutes.
He was awakened with a jolt out of his deep sleep as he was coming in his sister Karen's mouth. He almost screamed at the top of his lungs as he dreamed he was fucking one of the Amazons they'd captured. As Karen finished sucking all the cum from his cock, she jumped in bed with him. She was naked, of course, but seemed oblivious to that fact. She was concerned about the men that had been looking for him yesterday, and began to question him about it. It was the last thing he wanted to talk about, so he told her that it was okay and to forget about it. To his surprise she did, telling him to get up for school before sashaying towards the door and her shower.
Joe was wide awake now as he watched his sister's fine ass move down the hall. He showered, dressed, ate and was at school just before the bell. As he was walking past the administrative office he was stopped by one of the school clerks.
"There's someone here to see you," she said and led him to the principal's office.
Joe held his breath as he opened the door to find Nancy Cobb from Mall Security, in uniform, waiting for him. Joe took in a deep breath, not quite knowing what to expect. In her most professional and official voice she dismissed the clerk, who left closing the door behind her. As soon as the door was shut, Nancy pulled Joe by his shirt and pulled him into a lip lock. The kiss was so passionate that Joe was out of breath when the ex-marine let him go.
"You didn't call and I was worried, so I had to find you and make sure that you were alright," she said and soon began kissing his face before finding his lips again. Just then the bell rang again. Joe pushed Nancy away and told her he was late for class and that he'd call her. She pulled him closer and stared into his eyes and told her that he had said that before. She needed him to fuck her today and if he didn't make the time she'd have to think of something to get his attention, like the damage done to the mall display. Joe shrugged and told her to meet him after school and they could go to her place. Accepting that, she let him go and they both left the principal's office smiling, but Joe realized that Nancy may become a problem if he didn't handle things right.
Math was his first class this morning and when he entered the classroom Ms. Crew was discussing the previous night's homework. She looked somewhat haggard, not her normal self. She seemed to have bags under her eyes, as if she'd not gotten any sleep the night before. When she saw Joe she relaxed somewhat, relieved to see him again.
After she gave the class an assignment, she beckoned Joe to come forward. When he arrived she was almost in a panic, wanting to kiss him and hold him but knowing she had to keep her distance; she was in front of her class. She told Joe that she and Leah had been at it all night waiting for his return. She'd lost count of how many times she'd come. It wasn't until her alarm went off that morning that they stopped and got ready for work.
"Can you stay after class?" She had a free second period; she needed his cock. He had to fuck her, else she'd die.
Joe thought about it for a moment. He had Nancy after school; he'd be rested in time. "Okay," he said and returned to his seat to work on the quiz. He knew he was going to pass regardless of whether he turned in his paper or not.
Adele Crew dismissed her class early, satisfied that the pop quiz was taken seriously. Like before, Joe locked the door after the last student left the room, and joined Adele at her desk. He was surprised to learn that she hadn't bothered with panties as she lifted her dress and splayed her legs, giving Joe access. He looked her over as he began to grow harder and before he could ask, she unbuttoned her dress and pulled her bra down exposing her marvelous tits. She lay back on her elbows, presenting herself to him.
Joe didn't have to be asked. He quickly dropped his pants and pulled her forward penetrating her. Like before, she had a small orgasm, he didn't have to tell her anything. It was like she now knew his tastes and wanted to please him. Grabbing her tits with both hands, her nipples poking into his palms, he squeezed them and then began pumping her. She wrapped her legs around his torso and they soon had a nice rhythm working. Adele was on the edge; Joe wasn't far behind. She could tell as he seemed to be expanding inside her. She could feel every centimeter of him churning in her like a giant piston.
"Sir," she moaned, "I am so close, may I please come, now."
Again, Joe was amazed. He was very close too. "Yes, yes Adele come for me, come with me, quietly."
"Ohhhh...ahhhh...sooo goooood...oh..." Ms. Crew moaned and she came so hard that she thought she'd never stop coming.
And then Joe growled and let loose a volley of his cum into Adele and her dwindling orgasm started anew. It was like the second unexpected drop in a rollercoaster. Joe continued to pump. Adele came until he began to slow and she released her legs which had been locked around him. She still had about twenty minutes before her next class, but she had a premonition that Mr. Williams was on his way to see her, knowing she had a free period.
She rolled off her desk, grabbed a handful of tissues from her desk drawer and stuffed them into her dripping pussy. Her next move was to recapture her mammoth tits and restrain them once again, then button up her dress. Joe however, had only to pull up his pants. She noticed that Joe hadn't yet put away his textbook or supplies.
"Joe," she said. "I'll explain later. Unlock the door, take your seat and work on your quiz. Hurry."
Having witnessed many strange things in the last couple of days, Joe didn't question her, but followed her instructions. Adele Crew then reached into her desk drawer, sat down, and pulled out and completed the principal's survey. Twenty three seconds later, Mr. Williams tapped on the door and entered the room. Each of them looked up as the principal walked past the student and approached his teacher.
"Ms. Crew, doing a little tutoring during your free period? Admirable, keep it up."
Joe chuckled to himself at the double entendres while Ms. Crew smiled and handed the principal her completed survey. Mr. Williams looked down at it and couldn't believe she had just handed him what he'd come to ask for.
"Thank you, Ms. Crew. I think we are going to get along famously. I won't keep you any longer from your student, the period almost over." He turned and left the classroom.
Adele walked down the aisle opposite from Joe's desk; he stood and began to pack up.
"Are you coming by tonight? Leah will be there. We can pick up where we left off." She smiled and ran her fingers through his curly black hair.
"Adele I would like that, but I have to work tonight," he lied. "But tell you what, go to the adult store on Main and Seventh Street and buy some toys for you and Leah to play with. I will try to get off early and stop by on my way home."
Adele was excited by this and began to imagine all the toys they could buy. She was about to lean in for a kiss when the bell rang and she remembered where she was.
Joe smiled at her dilemma, grabbed his backpack and scurried out the door just before several students came pouring in.
As soon as school let out Joe wasted no time getting to the parking lot and his car. Sitting on the hood was Security Mall Cop Nancy Cobb in her civvies. She looked pretty awesome, her naked tits barely constrained by her top and her jeans hugging her ass like a second skin.
"Looking for me?" Joe asked as Nancy slid off the car hood, pulled him into her and locked her lips on him.
"Hmm..." Joe thought, perhaps he'd been too hasty in thinking Nancy wasn't worth his time. He'd have to spend a little quality time with her and then decide.
Joe broke the passionate kiss, "Let's not waste any time, how far away do you live?"
Out of breath, Nancy said, "Five miles or so. Are you sure you don't want to ride with me?" She pointed to her white Audi 2016 TTS Coupe. She'd just taken possession of it that morning, having ordered it the week before. Joe was practically drooling over the car. But there was time later; perhaps she'd even trade cars with him?
"Hmmm...nice car, but I'll pass and just follow you there."
Nancy was confused. Had she read him wrong? She knew that he loved the car, she was even going to let him drive. She never let anyone drive her car. "Okay, try and keep up," she said and hopped into her car.
Joe smiled as he climbed into his old Honda Accord. "Gonna be trading up," he thought as he followed behind Nancy, keeping well below the speed limit. It frustrated Nancy; he wasn't half as eager as she was. This was wrong, but she couldn't understand why she was even going after this eighteen year old stud who'd rocked her world the other night. She couldn't even remember how, when, or why they had hooked up. But she was addicted to him and he knew it.
She pulled into the driveway of a moderate-looking home in a nice neighborhood. The double garage door opened and she entered, Joe pulling in alongside in the open bay. Nancy closed the door and exited her car; Joe did the same.
This was her home; she must lay down some ground rules before she let him in, otherwise she would never be in control. She felt comfortable. She was on her turf.
Joe looked around and saw that she was indeed starting out. She didn't have much, the garage was bare. She did seem to have a bit of money, or had before her investments. He'd find out.
They met at the entrance to the house. Nancy was about to set things straight. Despite the way things had begun, this was her place.
"Joe," she said, "Before we go in, this is my first house, I have invested all my savings into it, and you have to respect me and..."
"Take your clothes off," Joe said, interrupting her.
"Okay," she said and began undressing. Soon she was naked, her clothes tossed on the hood of her car.
"On your knees," Joe said.
She knelt and knew what he wanted next, so anticipating his next order she unbuckled his belt and pulled out his hard cock. She took him into her warm mouth. Joe hadn't had many blowjobs, and although he thought the ones he'd had were awesome, he didn't know what a blowjob was until now.
Nancy had been around the block a few times, and having been in the marines, knew her way around a cock. She realized that this was her chance to reestablish her dominance. Within a few minutes she'd have him in the palm of her hands.
She was indeed talented and as she'd planned, she had Joe grunting and blowing his wad into her mouth. She expertly swallowed every drop. She let his deflated cock fall from her mouth as Joe leaned on her, recovering for a moment.
As soon as he straightened up, did she stood and grabbed her clothes. Joe pulled up his pants and they went through the door, finding themselves in the kitchen of the roomy two-bedroom, two-bath home she'd just moved into.
Tossing her clothes on the washing machine in the adjacent laundry room, Nancy pulled Joe in for a kiss by his belt loops and realized that she had entered her home naked and he was still fully clothed. That wasn't right; that wasn't what she wanted, and it sent all the wrong signals. She took a chance and breaking their kiss she said to him, "Strip!"
Joe smiled and countered, "Why don't you do the honors?"
Nancy stepped back and unbuckled his belt again, opening his pants. She pulled his shirt over his head and off. She marveled at his young, slightly muscular build, but moved on to remove his pants and boxers after she slipped off his loafers.
"Got any hangers?"
Nancy knew what he was asking, so she picked up his clothes from the floor, grabbed a couple of hangers, and made a big deal of hanging his kakis and polo shirt. She followed by stuffing his socks into his loafers, and hung them in the laundry room.
"What do you have to drink?"
She wanted to become annoyed with him, but some reason couldn't. It was her house, she wasn't his maid.
"Sure, beer, soda and juice," she said, waiting for him to choose, although he could simply reach into the fridge and see what he wanted.
"A beer would be fine. Grab one for yourself, too."
Joe was enjoying watching her jiggle back and forth, she was so fine. He was glad that he'd given her a second chance. He could sense she was resisting and reluctantly complying, which was fine, but he needed to break her.
"Thanks," he said as she handed him a beer after twisting the top off. "I can tell that you really enjoy doing these little things for me, don't you? Thanks." He pulled her close and kissed her passionately. Nancy melted in his embrace. She did love fetching things for him. She loved serving him, didn't she? Of course she did. He kissed her so lovingly she forgot she had a beer in her hand and dropped it to the floor as she almost lost consciousness.
She watched the beer empty to the floor for a few moments before jumping to clean it up, wobbling as she quickly cleaned the mess.
Joe finished his beer while watching Nancy clean. Putting the empty can on the counter, he asked, "Ready to fuck?"
Nancy jumped up and pulled him by both his hands, skipping into her bedroom. The master bedroom was nicely decorated, but there were far too many pillows on the bed for Joe's taste. He realized however that it was a girl thing, and complimented Nancy on her decorating.
By now he was hard again and Nancy pulled him into bed by his cock. He found her ripe nipples and spent several minutes playing with her beautiful tits, licking them, and fondling them. Straddling her, she pushed them together and he fucked her tits. She licked the head of his cock each time it emerged. She was more than ready and so was Joe.
He moved his hand down to find her naked pussy wet, warm, and juicy, ready for his cock. "Nancy, when I enter you, you're going to cum. It will be small but very satisfying, just a small taste of what is yet to come."
Nancy growled in anticipation. She'd been patiently waiting for this for days now. "Fuck me," she said.
Joe didn't waste another minute. He shoved his hard cock into her pussy in one hard stroke. Nancy couldn't believe it was true; she came just like he'd said she would. "Ohhh, ooohh!"
Joe waited a few moments for her to calm down. Nancy was panting and thinking, "he only put it in, oh my God, he's gonna kill me, but what a way to go." She began to giggle. As if on cue, Joe chose that moment to begin fucking her in earnest and Nancy reacted to every stroke like the first. She was cumming almost continually and Joe fucked her hard for about twenty minutes change positions every so often before he came, filling her pussy with his seed. When he was done and they were cuddling, he played with her tits and hard nipples. She confessed to him how much she enjoyed him playing and sucking her tits, and that she if he kept that up she was sure that she would cum. That made Joe work harder to please her and he didn't let up, coaxing one more orgasm from her.
Around 7pm they were hungry and Nancy called out for Chinese food. They ate naked and Joe played with her nipple with his chopsticks. Nancy came again, prompting Joe to push her over and sample her pussy for the first time. She tasted delicious and he wondered how he would be able to function with Adele and Leah tonight if he didn't get some rest.
In anticipation of getting together with Joe and buying some toys, Adele called Leah and told her what Joe had asked her to do. Leah insisted on coming along and soon they were both inside the surprisingly clean adult store. The clerk was very helpful; she spotted the novices, and after questioning them for a minute causing the two school teachers to blush, she knew just what to recommend. They left with a variety of dildos, vibrators, nipple toys, and a strap-on.
They couldn't wait to get home and try them out, but worried that maybe they should wait. The reality was however, that neither of them were really into lesbian sex, at least they didn't think so. They only did what Joe had asked them to do, and doing so was so much fun. Talking of it made their pussies wet. They decided that they should take their new purchases out of the packages and wash them to be ready for when Joe arrived. With that task accomplished, they decided to change into their best lingerie. Adele had recently bought a cutie sheer black baby doll; Leah had a red bustier set.
It was getting late; it was still a school night and they had to work Friday, and hadn't gotten much sleep the prior night due to their overindulging. They decided to have a drink rather than resume the previous night's escapades without Joe.
When Joe left Nancy she had been thoroughly fucked and was ready for sleep. She was disappointed that Joe couldn't spend the night, but he reminded her that he was still a teen and living at home. She didn't press the issue, still not believing that she was "robbing the cradle".
Joe arrived at Adele's place just as the women had finished their third Gin Fizz and were feeling no pain. After they had showed off their lingerie, Joe asked Adele if she had bought any toys and found himself impressed with the selection. He was intrigued by the double-ended dildo and asked for them to demonstrate how it worked.
Adele fished it from the basket she'd arranged the toys in, and removing her panties inserted the toy, cooing as it seemed to hit all the right places. Leah joined Adele on the bed and spread her legs, like they'd practiced the night before. Adele held the plastic toy still while Leah slid it into her wet pussy. Then, as if last night had been about practice, they fucked each other on the double dildo as Joe watched.
Despite all the fucking he'd done with Nancy, he rose to the occasion. After Adele and Leah had warmed up their pussies, Joe had the two kneel next to one another on all fours as he alternated fucking them. Since he'd already come a few times he wasn't going to come any time soon.
Adele then twisted around and took his hard cock in her mouth. She worked it hard, applying all that she'd learned and even invented a couple of new tricks. Joe found Leah's pussy nearby and pulled her close, burying his face between her legs. Leah was left with no choice but to eat Adele's sweet pussy until they all came.
Neither woman was disappointed when Joe called it quits. He claimed he was tired from work and both had been up until the early morning hours and needed their rest too. Joe told them to get some rest and drove home exhausted.
He didn't remember crawling into bed, and morning came much too soon. He was awakened with his sister bobbing up and down on his hard cock; she was eager for his juice. But Joe was too tired and pushed her away.
Karen stood up quickly, making her naked tits jiggle as she angrily asked, "What the fuck, Joey?" her hands on her hips, her eyes shooting daggers. "I want my cum. I need my cum. You don't think I can taste the pussy juice on your cock. Did you over-fuck last night and now you can't give me mine?" She was getting too loud. He needed to quiet her down or she'd alert their parents.
"Karen, that's enough. Go get ready for school."
"Okay," Karen said and left the room, shaking her sweet ass as if to show him what he was missing.
Joe lay there with his hard cock sticking straight up painfully. He was amazed that he was still hard, but attributed it to "morning wood". He would have to get up in a minute, but for now it felt too good to just lay there letting his cock enjoy the cool air.
Meanwhile, Joe and Karen's mother heard the disturbance and peeked out of her door just in time to see Karen leaving Joe's room. She was startled to see her daughter naked leaving her brother's room. "Oh my God, they're having sex." She cinched her robe tightly, put on her house slippers, and padded reluctantly to confront her son. They had been pretty lenient with their child-rearing she sobbed to herself. This was their fault. She reached Joey's room, knocked softly, and then opened the door. Joey was still laying on his back, his hard cock still in the air.
"Mom, what the fuck?" Joe quickly threw the sheet over himself, his hardon deflating quickly.
"I knew it; you're fucking your sister, shame on you, Joey. How could you. That's incest. That wrong." She was freaking out. He had to do something. He wasn't fucking his sister. True, she was blowing him every morning naked, but that wasn't his idea, or was it? He had to do something fast before she had a stroke.
Perhaps the gun would work on her and he could reset the whole scene. He pulled it from the side of the bed where he'd hidden it; he tuned it to a safe setting. He didn't want her horny and unfortunately she'd be naked, but that was the only way the mind control would work. He raised the pistol as his mother began pacing as she continued to rant, stopping just in front of the door looking at him. "Target Acquired." Just as he was pulled the trigger his father entered the room. "What's all this?"
"Additional hostile acquired!" Joe tried to pull the gun from his parents, but the targets were locked. He did however, accidentally change the low settings to high.
From the street in front of the Carr home a bright flash of light emanated from Joe's bedroom windows and then slowly faded.