Chapter 03.1
Joe enjoys the benefits and selects more targets.
"Additional hostile acquired!" Joe tried to pull the gun from his parents, but the targets were locked. He did however accidently change the low settings to high as he struggled to point the gun away from his parents.
There was a short scream from his mother, then nothing.
Joe was afraid to look, but of course he did. Standing before him were his parents, stunned, naked and very aroused. He hadn't seen his mother naked since he was a child, when she used to clean him in the shower, but that was back when he was a toddler. This was something altogether different.
She was completely naked. The settings were high enough to remove her pubic hair and all hair below her neck. He had to admit that she had a pretty nice body, and large breasts that hung a bit, but that he found very attractive. Her erect nipples told him that she was very aroused and he hated himself for looking, but her very wet pussy was dripping. Tearing his eyes away, he noticed that she had a little bit of a tummy, but for her age she looked much better than he would have expected, and better than most women her age.
His father was a little better off, being that he was dressed for work the ray hadn't burned off his body hair, but he was sporting impressive wood that pointed to the ceiling. In fact, Joe felt a little jealous; his dad was much better endowed than he was. Perhaps that gene hadn't passed to him. His father had at least ten inches worth of hard man meat.
Snapping himself out of the temporary shock of seeing his parents naked, he had to give them something to do or they'd just stand there. He wasn't able to think of anything so he focused on the last thing that his mother had said.
"Mom, Karen and I aren't fucking." He thought about it a little more, "And even if we should decide to, it is alright with you. That goes for you too, dad. Do you guys understand?"
"Yes, it is okay if you two want to fuck each other," his mother said. "Karen is on the pill so there's nothing to worry about," his mother added. "As long as you are careful not to hurt her," his father added. "We Carr's tend to be a little on the large size."
"Uh... right," Joe thought for a moment. "And you guys think it is great that we decided, as a family, to be naked in the house as often as possible. Letting go of our inhibitions is a good thing, besides it cuts down on the laundry bill."
Both his parents nodded. Joe was feeling pretty good now. It was working; he was able to control them as easily as all the others. He was a little curious about their love making, so he asked.
"Dad, how often do you and mom have sex together?"
"About twice a month if I am lucky," his father said and then chuckled.
"Mom, why don't you and dad have sex more often? Doesn't dad make you cum?"
"Yes. Oh yes, he is a great lover, he really knows how to use that big cock of his. But I am still angry with your father. He doesn't know that I know he's been cheating on me for years now. So, when I am horny enough to forget about it for a while and he treats me nicely, I let him fuck me."
Joe was devastated by this news. His father was still stunned and didn't respond. For now they only spoke and reacted when they were addressed. "Dad, what do you have to say for yourself?"
"I never meant to hurt your mother, it was my fault. I got drunk and in a weak moment, I strayed."
"Who's the woman, dad? Who are you fucking behind mom's back?" Joe asked, fearing his father's reply.
"It's my boss, Angela Greene. I'm trapped. I've tried to break it off, but...she's my boss and I could lose my job."
Joe felt terrible. He knew there had to be a reason for this. He couldn't blame his dad for a weak moment, but to keep up an affair for over a year? That wasn't like him; there had to be a reason. Then Joe realized that it was within his power to fix all this and save his parent's marriage.
"Mom and dad, I want you to go back to your room and make love like you did when you two were young. Don't worry about dad's indiscretion; I will take care of that. Don't worry about how; just consider the matter closed. Dad loves you and he will never stray again."
It was like a huge weight had been lifted off their shoulders. His mother giggled, turned to look at her husband, and scampered down the hall towards their bedroom with her mate in hot pursuit.
As Joe got ready for school he thought about how he'd confront his dad's boss, Mrs. Angela Greene. He'd met her once or twice. She was much younger than his dad, came from an Ivy League school with an MBA, and was looking to climb the corporate ladder. As he drove to school he remembered that she was indeed a looker and her husband was some executive in the company, which gave her a jump on the competition.
He had an empty first period and normally he'd go on to school and hang out with his friends in the cafeteria until his class, but he was feeling rejuvenated since he now had a mission. Joe decided to call and see if Nancy was awake.
"It's too early for anyone to be calling this number; this has to be a wrong number," Nancy said as she pulled the phone under the blanket while the sun peaked through the closed blinds in her bedroom.
"Nancy, great you're awake, I have a free period. I'm on my way."
Nancy greeted him in her white terrycloth robe. It wasn't cinched closed but since Joe was coming in through the garage it didn't matter; no one would see her.
"Hey stud, how much time do we have?" Nancy asked as she pulled Joe into her bed.
"About forty-five minutes," Joe told her.
"That's plenty of time," she cooed and pulled Joe's cock out of his pants, not even letting him pull off his shoes. Nancy worked on his cock, taking it in her warm mouth and getting it nice and hard. He was ready and Nancy wanted him to take her doggie style. That suited Joe just fine since it meant he didn't have to get undressed.
As before, as soon as he entered Nancy she came. From then on it was about him getting off; he watched her epic tits bounce back and forth as he fucked her hard. As he was getting close he told Nancy to come with him and she did, screaming loud enough for the dog next door to howl. He'd ridden her hard and was going to put her up wet, when Nancy pulled him close, kissing him and rubbing herself on him. "There, now you have my scent on you to help you think about me all day. Joey just smiled and looked at her car. "Soon," he thought, "you're going to be mine."
When Joe arrived at class he was glad to be sitting, if just to get a little rest. He joked with his classmates, was attentive, and actually leaned a few new things. On his lunch break he and his friends watched as the unattainable Cindy McNeal walked by. Joe excused himself and began to run after her, till one of his buddies grabbed him. "Are you crazy? The last guy that talked to her just got out of the hospital yesterday. Are you planning on taking his place?"
Joe shrugged it off and told him that he'd be fine, then ran faster to catch up with her. "Hey Cindy, wait up!"
Hearing her name, she stopped and waited, seeing a familiar face. "I know you, we work at OB (Outback Steakhouse) together, and you work way on the eastside. We never seem to have a chance to talk." She was very cheerful and eager to talk to him. Then she frowned. "Oh, you better not be seen talking to me, Rhino is very jealous."
"Rhino," Joe asked.
"Well it's actually, Rodney Henry Norquist, but the team calls him Rhino. He's the starting star linebacker. I'm sure you've heard of him," she laughed. "He's gotten all kinds of offers from colleges all around the country."
"Oh, that Rhino," Joe said.
She laughed again, "You're funny."
"Well, look, my next class is in the math building. I don't want you to get hurt. I like you."
"Look, we're just talking and my next class is in the math building too, Ms. Crew's class."
"She's nice, I hear. Rhino has her too."
"That's good to know," Joe said as they continued to walk together, laughing and talking. Everyone looked on at Joe, knowing he was a dead man.
Ms. Crew was in a very cheerful mood. She'd had a very good day; her students seemed to be picking up the new material just fine, and finally it was the period that Joe would be in her class. Not that they could do anything, but just having him near made her feel good. He smiled at her then took his seat and class began.
As normal she taught and projected problems on the screen as she moved up and down the aisle, but when she reached where Joe was seated, something disturbed her. It was a scent. She moved away quickly and went on with her teaching. As class ended Joe met her at the front of the class to see how things went and she smelled the scent again.
"What is that?"
"What's what?" Joe asked, seeing a displeased expression on her face.
She sniffed him and told him his clothes smelled like they hadn't been washed in weeks, and dismissed him.
"That was odd," Joe thought, and quickly dismissed it as he left.
He was still formulating a plan to corner "Mrs. Homewrecker", his dad's boss. He couldn't decide if he should confront her at the office or at home. He couldn't decide if he wanted to humiliate her or just get her to release his dad. Nevertheless, he had no one demanding his time, so he headed home.
When he got home he went directly to the fridge and pulled out the milk to fill his glass. A few minutes later his mother came downstairs to begin making dinner, as naked as the day she was born. Joe nearly choked on his milk, having forgotten that he had told both his parents to be naked at home. She went to the sink to wash a few things, then back and forth between the pantry and the stove as if everything was normal. Joe followed her, taking in her wobbling, large breasts, her cute ass, and bald pussy as his cock began to grow.
Most of the preparations for dinner completed, she asked him. "When are you going to shed those clothes and get comfortable?
"Ugh, when I get upstairs," he said, still unable to believe how easily he was able to control his parents.
"Nonsense," she said. "Your clothes smell dirty. Why don't you pull them off and dump them in the washer and I'll take care of it while dinner cooks."
Aware of his growing erection, Joe decided to pass, but his mother insisted and soon he was standing in the kitchen with his cock pointing to the ceiling. His mother just smiled and said something about the advantages of youth, then returned to her chores.
Joe shrugged it off and took the rest of his stuff up to his room where he jumped into bed for a quick nap. Just like that morning, his sister couldn't seem to stand to see him asleep and he woke again to the feeling of her warm mouth working on his cock, followed promptly by spraying her tonsils with his juice. Once she was sure there was no more, she released his spent cock and sat in his bed waiting for him to recover.
"Mmmm, that was good and plenty," she laughed at her joke. "Hey, bro. What's going on with mom and dad? They're both walking around the house naked."
"Like you?" he asked.
"Well, ah...yeah," she said, realizing how that sounded. "Well, this is pretty sudden. When did they decide this?"
"You really don't remember our family meeting when we agreed that a clothing-optional home was cool?" he asked her, wondering how she'd react.
"Oh, yeah that," she suddenly remembered. "That's when I started coming to your room, right."
"That's right," Joe lied, rolling his eyes and trying t keep a straight face.
"OMG, that means I'll see dad naked too," she began to get excited.
"Yes, but all you'll do is look. No touching."
"Of course," she said. "It's not like he doesn't have mom. What do you take me for?"
Later that evening as they ate dinner as a family for the first time in several days, mom reminded everyone to sit on towels. She'd left several stacks of clean towels throughout the house for easy access.
Joe and Karen volunteered to do the kitchen cleanup, leaving their parents to flirt and play like newlyweds. Karen couldn't help but comment to Joe about how big their father was and wondered how their mother was able to take all that meat. Joe began to get uncomfortable and changed the subject. They talked about normal stuff until they were done and Karen asked Joe if he wanted another blowjob.
It was Saturday morning and Joe was thinking about sleeping late, but that changed when he felt himself explode as his sister brought him off again. Morning blowjobs were becoming her ritual.
"Couldn't sleep?" he asked as he calmed down and she released his quickly deflating cock.
"You didn't hear all the noise mom and dad were making this morning?" she asked. "It was making me horny, so I thought maybe I'd have a little breakfast snack. It's better than coffee." She giggled and got up to go to her room to play with her pussy. "Too bad I don't have a fat cock to get me off," she said, frustrated. "Hell, I'd be happy with a fat tongue. My batteries are getting low."
Joe thought about it for a minute and thought she was right. He was getting blown every morning, but Karen was getting nothing. He could eat her out; it wasn't the same as fucking, so technically it wasn't incest.
"Tell you what sis; I'll lick you pussy for you, just to take the edge off, since you've been good enough to blow me, can't have you wearing out your vibrator and going without."
"Really?" she asked. "You'd do that for me?"
"Sure, I need the practice."
Karen was thrilled and jumped into his bed, jiggling obscenely as she positioned herself comfortably and spread her legs, beckoning her brother.
Joe was still a novice at oral sex and didn't mind Karen telling him what she liked and how hard to lick and where. After about ten minutes he had her panting and cumming, her juices covering his face. After they both caught their breath, Karen suggested that they swing into a sixty-nine position so that they could pleasure each other. Joe agreed and for the next ninety minutes they enjoyed each other's tongues, both cumming at least two more times.
When they got hungry they went downstairs naked and found their parents naked too. Dad was watching golf on television and mom was doing some light chores. No one seemed to care about their nudity except that both dad and Joe got erections from time to time as the women chatted and moved around the house.
Joe took the opportunity to ask his dad more about his boss and where she lived. His dad easily provided him with all the information he needed and more. When his mother knelt down in front of his father and began to suck on his cock, Joe took the opportunity to excuse himself.
Upstairs in his room, Joe decided that it was time to pay his father's boss a visit. It was still morning and he had a good chance of catching her home.
He drove across town and found her house, then rang the doorbell. He was in luck. She peeked through the blinds and, thinking he was harmless, opened the door. Before she could speak he shot her with the ray gun and waited as her clothes and her will dissipated.
She was a very beautiful woman; naked, she was astonishing. It was easy to see that she kept herself fit and toned. She appeared to be in her early thirties, Joe guessed; she'd have no secrets when he was through.
"Invite me in."
"Won't you come in?" she said in a trance-like voice.
"Do you know who I am?"
"Do you always answer the door naked and invite perfect strangers into your home?" Joe asked, realizing that this was going to be more fun than he'd imagined.
"Ugh, not until now...why did I do that?" she asked, beginning to panic.
"Calm down," Joe said. "You're just horny, aren't you?"
"Oh, yes. How did you know?" She was now speaking in breathy tones.
"Well," Joe said, "because your nipples are hard and your pussy seems to be leaking your juices."
She looked down and saw her nipples were like small bullets on her heavy breasts. Without thinking she moved her left hand to her pussy and saw that Joe was right, she was practically dripping.
"Where's your husband?"
"It's Saturday, he's playing golf. He'll likely be gone all day. He may be home for dinner, but I doubt it."
"What did you have planned for today?"
Joe continued to question the naked executive, learning that she was planning to do some shopping and meet up with a few of her girl friends later. And that she was indeed having an affair with his father and that her husband was also having an affair, in fact several. They had what was called an "open marriage".
"Sounds like you love to fuck. How often to you get around to it?"
"As often as I can. I love your father's fat cock. I don't think I could live without it."
"Well, you're going to have to learn to, because he's no longer available to you. You will cease making any further advances towards him. You will remain courteous and professional. You will promote him and make sure that he gets a sizable pay increase. But you will no longer be fuck buddies." Joe paused and waited for a reaction.
She seemed to be thinking about it. "Okay," she said, "But under one condition, you take his place."
This surprised Joe; she was the first person who seemed to have a little bit of control while in the hypnotic state. Then he realized that she was simply negotiating as she would in any other situation.
"This isn't a negotiation. You will do as I have said and if I am pleased I will come back and bring over several of my friends to fuck you."
"Okay," she said, blinking as if she'd been slapped across her face.
"Tell me what you are going to do and when I can expect it to be completed."
"No more fucking your dad. Promote him and give him a big raise. Give me a week."
Joe thought about that further and said, "You have three days. And at the first opportunity you will recommend him to be transferred to the department of his choice, one that does not report to you."
"Okay," she said, clearly fidgeting as the need for sexual release was becoming unbearable, causing her large tits to jiggle tantalizingly. It wasn't being wasted on Joe.
"I like your tits. Are they natural, or did you have some work done?"
"Yeah, I had some work done, hard to tell, huh?" She smiled and shook them in front of the teenager. "More than 5,000 dollars and worth every penny of it; it's the equalizer for women in the workplace. Want a feel?"
"Well, since you're offering," Joe said and reached out to squeeze and heft the impressive set of boobs. "Great work. I love your nipples, are they more or less sensitive?"
"I don't think they're any less sensitive. I still love to have them sucked. Would you like to try?"
"I don't want to take advantage," Joe said.
"I insist," she told Joe. "In fact, where are my manners, why don't we get more comfortable? The den is right this way."
Joe followed her as she took a seat on the large couch. Joe joined her and leaned in to sample her breasts. He chewed playfully on her nipples causing Angela to squeal with delight, and she cradled his head as he nursed on her. She was more than ready to be fucked and was anticipating it; few men had ever resisted Angela Greene when she was after something or someone. After a few minutes Joe was done; he left her nipples standing a quarter inch out from her breasts.
"That was very good, thank you," He spoke so politely. "Would you like to return the favor, perhaps you could suck on my cock for a few minutes?"
"I'd love to," she said and the two rearranged themselves, Mrs. Greene on her knees as she began to work on Joe's growing cock.
"Not yet as big as your father, but soon," she said before stuffing his cock into her watering mouth.
She was good. Very different to any of the blowjobs he'd had up to now. She had nice technique. When she took him into her throat he thought he'd pop a nut. "What did she say about not yet as big as dad?"
From experience Angela could tell that Joe was about to explode, she knew her way around a cock. To his surprise she waited for him to begin shooting before pulling him from her throat and savoring the last three spurts. She licked and sucked him dry, playing lightly with his balls until all his cum was gone and she let him slide from her lips.
Joe tried to remain cool, but that was the best blowjob ever. Still, he stayed in character and when he came, only grunted. When he had recovered he said. "That was very good, you've done this before," he joked.
She smiled, about to say something, then didn't. She was so horny now she could scream, but she knew she was going to be fucking this teenager very soon.
"Look at the time; I'm going to have to be going. It was so nice to talk to you and I look forward to seeing all of you again soon," Joe said and stood, stuffing his cock back into his pants.
"What?" Angela said, jumping to her feet. "You can't leave now."
"Really? Why is that?" Joe asked the stunned, nude woman.
"Well...I...You...don't you want to fuck me?"
"As tempting as that is," Joe told her, "I really shouldn't, you being my dad's boss and all."
She was becoming confused now. "But we just..."
"Mrs. Greene, you answer your door naked, you ask me inside, let me play with your titties and then you give me a blowjob, a very good blowjob, I have to admit. But, we just met and I don't think you should take advantage of me."
"But, I'm going to promote your father, give him a nice fat raise, and leave him alone like you asked. Can you at least fuck me for my troubles?"
Joe pretended to think it over. "No, I don't think so." He shrugged. "But I will tell you this. You will do all that I asked. To make certain that you do, you will not be able to cum until you've done everything."
"What!" she screamed.
Joe calmly broke it down for her, explaining that until she completed all the tasks he'd requested, she would not be able to enjoy sex, because no matter what she did, she'd not be able to climax. No orgasm. "And," he said, "You won't be able to tell anyone about this. It will be our little secret."
The woman was stunned, but she recovered and fell back on her strength, using her charm. "Surely a nice, young, virile man like you could use the guidance of an experienced, young woman like me. The things I could teach you."
When she saw that her charms were having no affect, she became angry. She began to yell obscenities at him. When she saw him frown, it scared her and with good reason.
"You are unable to move," he said and approached her, slapping her hard on her fine ass. She couldn't move her mouth to scream, but moaned as loud as her closed lips allowed.
"I control you. You will do as you're told or I will get creative." Joe went on to describe a few of the things he could do to her, like have her leave the office without her clothes, or become compelled to give blowjobs to all her male staff. Or perhaps she'd enjoy becoming a butch dyke, he suggested, clearly getting her attention. "How would that advance your career?" He paused and saw she was trembling.
"You may move naturally again."
She shuddered and held herself, bunching up her store bought breasts just hiding her nipples, but didn't say anything, clearly relieved to be in control of her body again.
"Don't worry, I'll let myself out."
Joe got home a little after four, taking his time thinking about whether or not Mrs. Greene would be able to deliver on his request, or would he have to resort to more direct measures. His mom and sister were out shopping and his dad was puttering around in his office, naked, since that was what Joe had told his family to do. He couldn't help but notice how much bigger, even relaxed, his father was than him and so he asked.
His dad wanted to laugh, but realized how hard it was for his son to ask, so he told him that he'd likely grow larger, about his size or bigger, but that he'd probably not reach his potential for a couple more years, or until he began to fuck more regularly. It was after all a gland, and through regular usage would increase in size. He shouldn't worry, he had good genes. His father was of course was terribly misinformed, but his words did comfort his son and gave him much needed confidence.
His talk with his dad helped to put Joe's mind at ease. "So, more usage is what I need? That can be arranged," he thought. He would get together with Nancy or Ms. Crew. It was Saturday night and he was sure either would like his company. He thought about how much he enjoyed each, and what it would be like to be with both, however they both were more than a little demanding. Perhaps not, he thought.
Before he could make up his mind, his cell phone rang. It was Nancy; he smiled. "Hello Nancy, what's up?"
She hated herself for calling. She still couldn't believe she could become involved with a teenager, but she couldn't help herself, she was drawn to him. It was the sex, she tried to convince herself. That was it. She'd never had sex like that before. But deep down, she knew it was more than that.
"Hey Joe, I got tickets to the multiplex. I thought you might want to see a movie tonight, if you aren't busy. The new Marvel movie 'Antman' is out. It looks like fun. What do you think?"
"Yeah, that sounds great," Joe said. "Afterwards we could grab a beer and pizza if you don't mind hanging out at the place we both work."
"Or we could come back to my place and see what I have in the fridge and..."
"Lady, I like the way you think. It's a date. Why don't you pick me up at about 7pm? I'll meet you at the corner of 7th and Main Street," Joe told her and hung up.
"Damn it!" Nancy yelled aloud and then began to talk to herself, "Now you're picking him up, what will it be next?"
Nevertheless, Nancy picked Joe up at the designated location and they joined the crowd, excited to see the newest summer blockbuster. There were many of his friends from school there, including Cindy McNeal and Rhino. The big linebacker kept giving him the "stinkeye" even though he was with Nancy. She was dressed nicely and looked like she could have been a teenager herself, particularly with her hair in a ponytail and ball cap, her tight jeans completing the look. No one recognized her as the mall cop. She and Joe kissed and played in line as they waited with the others. Rhino was going to be a problem, Joe realized. He'd have to take care of him on Monday before the linebacker came looking for him.
During the previews, Nancy couldn't keep her hands off of Joe. Had the theater not been so full, she would have pulled out his cock and given him a blowjob to remember. But she was content with cuddling once the movable armrest was lifted. She'd have his cock once they got home.
After the movie they laughed and played on the way to the car and when they got to Nancy's home, she was ready to strip him at the door, as he had made her do the time before. But she was too late; once the garage door closed, they jumped out of the car, and Joe wouldn't enter the house until Nancy stripped. She tried to get him to join her, but he refused. Unable to think of anything but how good his cock was going to make her feel, Nancy acquiesced. She'd hate herself in the morning, but for now his amazing cock was all she could think of.
She wasn't disappointed. If anything, the sex was even better than before. And to his credit, Joe didn't even answer his cell phone which kept vibrating. For a second she could see the name of another woman on the screen, Adele somebody. She tried to reject the jealousy; he was with her now and didn't even acknowledge the numerous calls from her. He was hers, she thought, aware that she was becoming possessive of him. She was in control; he was after all, just a teenager. When that thought surfaced again, she wanted to scream. How did this happen to her and why was he the best lover she'd ever known? He was fucking that other woman, she was sure of it. He probably did to her the same thing as he did to me, she concluded. Whatever that was? "But fuck, I have never come so hard for so long and so easily with anyone else. I can't resist this kid," she admitted as Joe laid next to her in a post-coitus nap. She looked at him again and couldn't believe how she felt. Shaking her head, she leaned down, pulled her hair out of the way, and began to resuscitate his limp cock with her hungry mouth. She could taste both of them but didn't care since it meant that she'd get to feel him inside her one more time before he'd have to go home to his family.
"Mmmm...that feels good. Looks like someone wants to play some more," Joe said as his dick began to surge to its full size.
Nancy pulled off him and immediately climbed on board, ready to ride him again, this time reverse cowgirl. She bounced up and down on his hard cock. She felt it grow a little harder and thicker as she leaned forward and grabbed his knees for support. It was happening again, so quickly, and it felt so good. She tried to fight the rapidly building what felt like would be a massive orgasm, biting her lip and gritting her teeth, and managed to hold off for another forty-two seconds before she exploded, crying out as loud as she could. Joe wasn't done yet and flipped her on her back, put her legs on his shoulders, and pushed back into her sopping, tight pussy and continued where he'd left off. She was whimpering now, barely able to form a complete thought as another powerful orgasm was building. Her eyes grew large as she wondered if anyone had ever been fucked to death. She worried that she might be. But like a building tsunami, the orgasm just got bigger. Joe was working up a sweat and he could feel that Nancy was close, he tried to time it just right.
Finally the wave crashed and Nancy screamed again as Joe roared almost as loudly. They were both covered in sweat, making their bodies almost as slick as their intersection. When Nancy opened her eyes, Joe was dressed and looking at his phone, keys in his hand.
"Welcome back to the land of the living," Joe said to the barely conscious woman.
"I wasn't sure if I'd return," she laughed. "I could see the coroner's report, fucked to death." She laughed again. He kissed her and as he was about to leave, she pulled his hand.
"You're going to have to spend the night with me sometime soon. You know that, don't you?"
"No? Why?"
She was stunned. Joe could see it on her face, but waited just the same.
Finally she said, "So that we can fuck all night and wake up in one another's arms. Wouldn't you like that?"
He shrugged and was noncommittal. She was beginning to anger. "Is this part of a man's DNA, or do they take a class in being an asshole? So much for being in control," she thought.
She kissed him again and then he remembered that she'd picked him up. "You'll need to put something on if you're going to drop me off."
The next day at school Joe watched as Rhino and Cindy kissed before separating and heading to their classes. This semester they didn't share any classes, but they had managed to get lockers close enough to one another to make it easy to get together between classes and breaks. Joe was on Rhino's radar now and rather than push his luck, he decided to try the gun on his first intentionally targeted male subject, after all his father accidently got caught in the fire. He'd stick around after school and see if he could catch Rhino after practice.
Today he had math the second period and he'd not returned any of Adele's, he corrected himself, Ms. Crew's calls on Sunday. He couldn't wait to see what she'd be like when he arrived. She was standing facing the class looking at her notes. She was wearing a sexy, mocha, slinky mini dress instead of one of her conservative business suits. She was showing off much more leg than she'd ever dared to in class before, and seemed to be unaware that all the eyes in the class were trained on her. When she turned around to begin listing several equations on the dry ink board, it became apparent that she was much sexier than she normally let on. She was wearing a halter neck dress which left half of her flawless back exposed; leaving no doubt that she was braless. Like most of the class, he watched silently as she wiggled her ass ever so slightly as she recorded the equations. Every eye was on the six inch center split at the bottom of the short dress that hugged her luscious ass. She looked as if she were heading to the club instead of teaching math to her senior class.
To say that she had everyone's attention would have been an understatement; even some of the undeclared lesbians in the class couldn't help but stare dreamingly at her, trying to imagine what she looked like without the dress. Joe of course didn't have to wonder. After class, she attracted more than her usual number of lingering students. Joe waited until all the others had left and she had finished with the last. He locked the door and she met him half way up the aisle. Their lips met and Joe pulled her close, to his hard cock that was tenting his Levis. When the kiss was broken, Adele Crew was the first one to speak.
"Looks like I have finally got your attention," she said, pouting slightly when she'd finished.
"Are you kidding, mine and every other guy and gal in the class. Dressing that way could get you fired," Joe worried.
She pulled a sweater from her bag and showed that she had other clothes, "Only if I get caught."
"Well, perhaps you better change now," he said.
"As tempting as that is," she smiled broadly as she pulled the sweater on, "I have another class in a few minutes and being caught naked in a classroom with a student would definitely be grounds for dismissal."
She asked him why he hadn't called her. "I was busy," Joe replied.
"Leah and I spent hours playing with our new toys, but it just wasn't the same without you," Ms. Crew lamented. "Can you come by after school?" she asked hopefully.
"I've already made plans, but if I can, I'll swing by later. Don't count on my being there, though," Joe said. She shrugged and he unlocked the door just as several students began shuffling in.
The day went by pretty quickly. The next time he saw Ms. Crew, she was dressed in her normal attire. She smiled at him from across the hall, and he acted as though he hadn't see her. "She's beginning to get a little clingy," he thought. He may need to make some adjustments, to her and perhaps Nancy too.
Meanwhile, he decided he'd kill some time with a cheerleader or two while he waited for Rhino. Kate and Lexi were running late. They ran into the girl's locker room as the rest of the squad were running out and heading for the football field to rehearse while the football team practiced.
Joe waited for a minute and then entered the locker room to find both girls already changed into their workout clothes, just about to close their lockers. They had time to see him and inhale for a large scream when a bright yellow like beam hit the two and they were left standing naked and in a trance.
Joe had the settings at near their highest levels; he didn't want to risk not capturing his victims with the first shot. He was risking everything.
Lexi and Kate stood perfectly still, their hands by their sides, looking straight ahead. Joe admired their lovely bodies. Lexi was blonde and had an athletic body with small tits, a cute ass and long legs. He didn't know if she had waxed or the ray had removed her pubic hair, but she was bald and her sex was dripping. Kate was a redhead, she was very fair and freckled. She wore her hair about shoulder length, had larger tits than he'd thought, and a nice sized bubble butt he couldn't wait to try. Rumor had it that they were into each other, not quite lesbians, perhaps just trying to find out.
"Girls," he said, "thanks for inviting me in and I am flattered that you chose me. You're right; I don't think we have much time, so if you will help me get undressed we can begin." Both girls came out of their trance, not sure what Joe was saying, but being extra horny and naked; they easily filled in the gaps. They had discussed a threesome to see if they were truly lesbians or just infatuated with each other. Kate helped Joe with his shirt and Lexi unbuckled his belt.
"You both can't wait to get my cock inside you and will have earth-shattering orgasms as soon as I am inside. You want me in all your holes and you are both masters in the art of oral sex. You will find my cock to be the tastiest you've ever had," Joe told them as he took them to the most secluded part of the locker room. "Lexi, why don't you use your mouth on my cock while Kate and I get better acquainted."
Both the cheerleaders wasted no time in assuming their assigned positions. Joe kissed Kate first, while playing with her large tits and fingering her juicy pussy. After a few more minutes he was ready to taste her pussy. Meanwhile, Lexi proved to be just as good at sucking cock as Joe had told her. She loved every minute and fingered herself as she brought Joe to the edge before she asked if she could finish him. After he consented, she sprayed her face with his seed. Joe allowed Kate to lick her friend's face and clean every trace as he mounted her from behind. As soon as he entered her, she squealed and came, gushing around his growing cock. He fucked her like this for some time as she had one orgasm after another before he finally pulled out. He left her panting, trying to catch her breath as he mounted Kate. He took her doggy style as she lapped at her friend's pussy.
Joe kept an eye on his watch and realized that time was almost up. He dressed himself and grabbed his backpack. He thanked the girls and asked if they had made any decisions. Before they could answer, he told them to shower and call him the next time they wanted to test their resolve. Joe managed to slip out of the girls' locker room just before the cheerleader squad returned. He thought about how he could stun all of them, but that would be awkward at best. He put that thought on the back burner, "Ten naked cheerleaders, that would be something," he thought.
Joe checked the football field and saw it was deserted. He made his way into the men's locker room and saw that it was mostly empty. It appeared he'd missed his chance. He had the ray gun in his hand when he heard Rhino's unmistakable drawl. "Look who's saved me the effort of hunting him down." Still in his practice uniform and pads, Rhino pinned Joe to a set of lockers with his large hand around his throat.
"Hostile detected. Prepare for close exposure," the gun announced so only Joe could hear.
Before Rhino could say, "What the fuck," he was covered in a yellow cloud. When it dissipated he was left standing completely naked, hands at his sides and his rather small but hard cock pointing upward. Partially caught in the blast, the entire front of Joe's t-shirt had been vaporized and left him feeling very horny. Joe placed the gun in his backpack and stepped away from the big, naked linebacker. His original plan had been to make Rhino believe he was gay, but after being with Lexi and Kate he decided that Rhino should be questioning his sexuality.
"Rhino, you've been looking for me because you've found yourself strangely attracted to me. You are wondering if your infatuation is real or imagined. You think you may be gay, but are embarrassed and don't want to make the first move. You like it when I call you Henry. You feel very protective of me; you won't let anything happen to me. You look forward to my praise."