Chapter 04.2
Joe was about to leave and then remembered that he'd destroyed her uniform and that if she were typical of most law enforcement, those things were expensive to replace. Pulling out his wallet, he peeled off a couple of "c notes" and handed them to her. She was about to explode but heard him say, "To help you buy a uniform." She thought about it and smiled, "That was a nice thing for him to do." Joe pulled her in for a last kiss and felt her knees buckle.
As he pulled out of the parking lot, headed back towards home, he laughed loudly and scared himself at the deeper sound of his voice. He realized that physical changes were happening very quickly and it hadn't been 24 hours yet since he had been injected against his will with the alien growth hormones.
He was still feeling powerful and thought about Lexi and Kate, the two sexy bi-curious cheerleaders. "I wonder," he pulled out his phone and said, "Call Lexi." A moment later he heard the phone ringing and Lexi answered.
"Joe, how are you? I am so glad that you called, I've been thinking about you." She looked at Kate, who looked back up at her from her kneeling position between her friend's spread legs. "Sure I could get the squad together this afternoon at my place. You want to meet them? I think I can arrange that. See you about 2pm. Is that okay?"
Joe agreed and decided that he could kill some time with Nancy, it was early but she was always up for early morning sex. He was stunned by what he was doing. His sexual appetite had more than doubled. He had just fucked a stranger and planned on taking the entire cheerleading squad, and here he was looking for more sex just to kill time, obviously more of the side effects.
"Call Nancy," he said at his phone.
It was still Sunday morning and Nancy had worked the mall until the early morning hours. Saturday night being the busiest, who would be calling her this early? Then she jumped up and grabbed her phone.
Like before, she heard the familiar voice, though somewhat deeper. "Good, you're up. Want some cock?"
She didn't answer for a moment. "How crude, who does he think he'd dealing with that he can call without warning and just drop by for a friendly fuck. Damn teenagers," she thought. "Sure," she replied, "how much time do I have?"
"About twenty minutes," he said.
"I'll be ready," she said and hung up the phone then screamed aloud. "How does he do that to me?" She looked at the clock and jumped out of the bed, then ran to bathroom, her large tits bouncing in every direction in her pajama top.
By the time Joe arrived, Nancy had showered, tidied the messy house, vacuumed, changed the sheets on her bed and had coffee brewing. She was determined to lay down the law. He couldn't just pop by whenever he needed to fuck. He needed to date her and stay the night and if things went well, she might let him move in and they'd see where things went from there. "Damn teenager!" she said aloud.
Hidden beneath the plain robe she was wearing sexy lingerie, and smelled nice having used her more expensive cologne. She'd land this fish yet, she thought.
Joe pulled into the garage as usual. Nancy was waiting next to her car. Joe jumped out and pulled her to his lips. She had to stand on her toes but managed to have her breath taken away, along with all thoughts of the law she intended to lay down.
Joe opened her robe. She let it fall to the cold concrete floor and Joe took in a breath; she was stunning, curvaceously filling out the translucent patches of cloth held together by what looked like shoelaces. Her nipples were hard and her pussy wet, he found as he inserted a finger into the panties that opened at the crotch. There were several strategically placed pretty, tiny bows, but none obscuring the view.
"You like?" Nancy asked as Joe bent down to take a nipple into his mouth and nodded his approval. After a minute, Nancy picked up the robe and they entered the house. Joe smelled the coffee and Nancy thought she'd yet have a chance to talk before sex and make her case. The fresh coffee made Joe think about food, but seeing Nancy in the sexy lingerie overrode his appetite; sex first. He playfully slapped her on her ass and she wiggled to the bedroom. Normally she would have been disgusted by the gesture, but it seemed she couldn't refuse him of anything.
He slipped off his loafers and dropped his pants as soon as he entered the room. Nancy felt compelled to kneel before him and pull his cock from his boxers. This time however, she was stunned to see the once slightly bigger than normal cock almost five inches longer and much thicker. Her mind knew there was something wrong, she wanted to ask, but Joe asked her something first.
"Well, notice anything different?" he asked knowing there was no way she couldn't.
"Oh my GOD, you're so much bigger."
"All for you babe," he lied.
"But that's impossible. No one can grow like that in what, just a few days?"
He looked at her sternly, remembering that he controlled her and said. "You know what I like, baby. And wasn't it you who said you like it big, the bigger the better. It's what you always say. You will just enjoy the new size and be eager to try it out in all of your holes. Isn't that right?" Joe fibbed.
"Mmm, I love the new look. I can't wait to squeeze it into all of my holes. I am getting so turned on right now, because bigger is always better, baby." With that said, Nancy grabbed Joe's huge cock with both hands. She began licking it and trying to get it into her mouth and down her throat. But the best she could do was to get the helmet head in. She lavished it with her lips and had Joe moaning with all the attention.
Nancy couldn't believe how she had just folded and volunteered to take that monster in her tiny asshole. There was no way that it would fit without splitting her in half. Why was she suddenly so agreeable?
"Baby, do you want it in my pussy first or my ass?" she asked. "What the fuck is wrong with me?" she thought. "Please say pussy, please say pussy," she pleaded, unheard by Joe.
"I've been dying to get at that ass, how about we go there first," Joe said. "Do you have any lube?"
"Shit," she yelled in her mind. "Tell you what lover, why don't you lube up with my pussy juice first, I think that will be enough, you have me so wet, I can't wait to get that big cock in me." Nancy couldn't believe the words that kept coming out of her mouth; she took some solace in the fact that she hadn't told him to go in dry.
Joe maneuvered himself in place between Nancy's widely spread legs and pushed into her very wet pussy. It was tighter than Joe remembered and Nancy groaned as she adjusted to his new size. When he hit bottom he stopped and she caught her breath. She felt the unmistakable euphoria flood her senses and spread throughout her body as Joe began long strokes in and out. Just as it was getting good, he pulled out and plunged into her ass taking her by surprise. He managed to get the head of his enormous cock past her tight anus ring before stopping again.
Nancy was breathing quickly, puffing and sweating, and Joe hadn't moved yet. It hurt, and there was still so much more to come.
"Are you okay baby?" he asked.
"Too big," she said to herself, "he's going to split me in half, I'll never be able to poop right again. He has to pull it out, now." She gritted her teeth, ready to answer. "I'm fine baby. More, give me more."
Joe began to push more of his giant cock in and Nancy moaned loudly.
"What the hell is wrong with me? Ahhh...that hurts..." she was panting again. "Yeah baby, slowly...keep it coming," she told him.
Joe filled her and finally had all his mighty cock nestled snugly in her ass. He rested for a moment. Nancy sighed, taking in as much air as her lungs could hold, knowing what was coming.
"Ready, baby?" Joe asked.
Nancy was screaming in her mind, "Oh no, here it comes, he's going to kill me now. Breathe, just remember to breathe." With that thought in place she answered him using words she couldn't believe she uttered. "Yeah baby, fuck my ass!"
Joe pulled back slowly; he was about half way out before pushing back in at roughly the same speed. After half a dozen strokes it began to feel very good; it was so tight and different.
Nancy was surprised too, surprised that it no longer hurt and in fact was beginning to feel good. She couldn't explain it and again was surprised to hear herself say, "Yeah, baby. Fuck that ass, faster. Faster."
Not wanting to disappoint, Joe doubled the speed of his strokes and was perspiring as he worked his mighty cock in and out of Nancy's tight ass.
"Oh my god," she thought to herself, "This is beginning to feel good." Then she heard her voice yelling, "Fuck me, oh fuck me!" And somehow she began to cum.
That was enough for Joe, she was so tight it was hard for him to move, but since Nancy was enjoying it he continued. When she cried out he lost it and roared as he let loose several huge volleys of cum deep in her bowels. He pulled her close, his cock as deep as it could go.
Nancy was squirting as she rubbed her pussy and her climax continued, soaking her and Joe and pooling on the sheets below them. Then everything went dark.
She woke to the sound of the shower. She looked down and her anus was still gaping wide and cum was dripping from it. "I'll never be the same," she thought. Then she remembered the earth-shattering orgasm and she thought she might not mind trying that again.
Joe walked out of the shower, his impressive cock hanging half way down his thigh and swinging back and forth as he returned to the bedroom to find Nancy recovering. Pulling his clothes on he found his pants were even tighter than before, and seemed to be several inches shorter, exposing his ankles. Then he noticed his perspective had changed, he was now at least six feet tall. Fortunately his feet hadn't gotten any bigger. He'd have to stop and buy some clothes before he joined the girls at the party.
With a quick stop at Old Navy Joe bought some kakis and a muscle shirt. He noticed that his chest and arms were beginning to thicken and look like he'd been working out. His core had tightened too, so why not show it all off.
Joe arrived at Lexi's house about two-thirty. There were several cars in the driveway and lots of noise coming from the backyard. He could hear the sounds of water splashing from their pool. No one answered the doorbell and Joe was cautious, he didn't know if any parents were around and he assumed that he would be the only male teenager, so this would require a little subtlety. He called Lexi on her phone and she answered on the first ring.
"Hey babe, I'm at your front door." Before he could finish the thought, he heard the door open and Lexi pulled him inside.
She hugged him and gave him a passionate kiss. Slowly they broke free, and Joe asked, "Is everyone out by the pool?"
"Everyone except my mom and a couple of the squad mothers," Lexi replied, hoping he was thinking they could sneak off and get off.
He whispered something in her ear. She nodded and led him into the kitchen where three sexy MILFs sat at the kitchen table in beachwear, talking and sipping cocktails. Lexi introduced the startled women; they weren't expecting any men and had relaxed their appearances somewhat, not caring how they looked in their swimwear.
"Mom, ladies this is Joe Carr. He's here to take pictures for the school yearbook," Lexi said pointing to Joe while looking at the women. "Joe, this is Mrs. Dean, Debbie's mom, Mrs. Brown, Kate's mom, Mrs. Jackson, Opal's mom. And this..." she walked over and hugged the woman that looked like an older version of herself, " my mom Mrs. Polanski."
"It's a pleasure to meet you ladies," Joe said "and Mrs. Polanski what a lovely home you have."
All the women were impressed with Joe's manners and Lexi's mother thanked him for the complement. Lexi grabbed him by the hand and was pulling him out of the kitchen when her mother asked, "Joe if you're going to take pictures, where is your camera?"
Joe smiled and Lexi let go of his hand. Joe reached into his pocket and pulled out his iPhone 6 and held it up. "This little guy takes awesome photos." Smiling, he shoved it into his pocket and Lexi pulled him away with her.
When they were out of earshot they laughed. They were soon outside, walking to the pool where nine half naked cheerleaders were playing in the pool or lounging and giggling as they enjoyed the impromptu pool party.
Back in the kitchen the women were busy chatting about Joe, commenting on how he filled out his slacks and how handsome they thought he was. Several obscene comments were made causing the women to giggle like teenage girls.
Out at the pool Lexi announced that Joe was here to take some photos for the yearbook and the girls immediately ran to their purses and forbid him to even look in their direction until they were ready. Joe said that it was going to only be a few group photos. The girls shrieked and they pulled out sarongs and other pieces of clothing to hide their perfect bodies that they never thought looked good enough.
Joe shrugged knowing that it gave him plenty of time to put his plan into action. While the girls were pulling themselves together, he would go back inside and take care of their mothers. Entering the house and walking towards the kitchen, he called out ahead to let them know he was coming. It got quiet and Mrs. Polanski asked how she could help him. He told them how the girls needed to freshen up and how he was hoping that he could take a few pictures of them; it would make a good background story for his 'Pool Party with the Cheerleaders' page.
They were reluctant at first but finally agreed after Joe convinced them of how beautiful he thought they all looked. He pulled out his iPhone 6. He had all four mothers squeeze in together and he took a few shots. He rearranged them and took a few more, then frowned and said, "The light's not quite right. I know what..." he turned and pulled the gun from his pocket. He quickly raised it and pulled the trigger. The cloud of yellow light engulfed the four women as they sat together smiling for their picture. When the cloud disappeared they sat frozen, smiles still on their faces, but their eyes betraying them, each looking a bit frightened, and completely naked.
Joe admired the mature women; they all had very nice tits that despite their age were impressive, with hard nipples like small bullets poking out from them. A couple of them looked a little thick around the middle, and he couldn't really see their pussies the way they were sitting.
"Why don't you lovely ladies stand and let me see you better," Joe asked and watched them obediently stand, letting their hands fall by their sides.
They were indeed impressive for ladies old enough to be his mother. He wasn't disappointed as he shoved the gun back into his pocket; their pussies were delightful to gaze upon. Two had bald or shaved pussies and the other two did not. In fact, Mrs. Brown looked like a throwback to the 60s having the hairiest pussy he'd ever seen.
"Ladies, you are beautiful." He took a few pictures and asked them to pose; surprising him, they became a little animated. "Thank you."
Mrs. Polanski asked, "Are you going to fuck us with that giant cock of yours?" She looked innocent and surprised that she had asked such a question.
Jon smiled, "Well that depends. If you ladies can get yourselves ready, then yes. I need your pussies to be very wet. The only way for you to get them just right would be to pair up and lick each other and test occasionally. Perhaps a daisy chain may be better. You do know what a daisy chain is right?"
They all nodded looking very embarrassed. The thought of having oral sex with each other actually aroused them even more causing two of them to involuntarily display their clits as each emerged from its hood.
"But first, ladies, I need to know if there will be any interruptions, any husbands or children planning on stopping by?" Joe asked, looking at them carefully.
They all shook their heads and said no. Two even volunteered that their husbands were out golfing and wouldn't return home until late.
"Perfect, ladies," Joe said enthusiastically, "Why don't you get started. I will check on the girls. Don't worry about them. They will be fine. Thank you for suggesting that I begin with them first, what a good idea," he said. "Stay here and enjoy yourselves. I will be back as soon as I can. You are very good mothers; you should be proud of yourselves."
The ladies were all smiles. Mrs. Polanski suggested they would be more comfortable in the living room so they all followed their hostess and took their places on the floor. Mrs. Dean laid back and spread her legs. Mrs. Jackson crawled between them and began to lick and finger her. Mrs. Brown was next and when she opened Mrs. Jackson's legs the contrast of her velvety black skin and her bright red pussy was nothing short of beautiful. Mrs. Polanski was last and as she began to lap at Mrs. Brown's very hairy pussy, Mrs. Dean pulled her legs to her and quickly found her pussy, completing the daisy chain. Joe took a couple of pictures and then left them to see if the cheerleaders were ready.
His pants were barely hiding his giant erect cock, so he made an adjustment so as not to frighten the girls.
Kate found him and ran up to give him a big hug and a kiss. It didn't last long; she didn't want the girls to have too much to gossip over.
Lexi looked around the yard and all the girls seemed ready. Their hair had been combed and restyled, makeup reapplied, and some had modestly worn summer dresses over their bikinis, not knowing how much skin they would be showing and erring on the side of caution. Lexi took charge since it was her home and announced that it would be a group picture first. She and Debbie, the lead cheerleader, arranged the girls as they wanted based on seniority and rank to determine who was positioned in front. Joe stood on a chair looking at the group with his iPhone 6 talking to the leaders as they arranged everyone. Places of honor were reserved for Debbie and Lexi.
When everyone was set, Joe played like all the photographers he'd seen, grabbing the attention of the girls not paying attention, and directing heads to tilt this way or that to eliminate shadows. He even took a few practice shots before announcing..."Okay ladies these are for keeps. One...two...three...say cheese!" He took several and then said, "Let me try this new flash." Taking the ray gun out of his pocket, he held it next to the phone. "Multiple targets locked."
There was a large flash of light, visible even in the afternoon sun. A large cloud of yellow haze covered the group and then dissipated leaving the ten cheerleaders gloriously nude from head to toe.
Joe wanted to shout hurray, but didn't want to wake them from their trance too soon. They looked weird being completely naked with their smiles frozen as if they were happy and ready for anything. It was such a sight to behold, such a variety he'd never quite appreciated before. Almost all had big tits, but the shapes were slightly different. There was even quite a range of differences in their nipples; there were flat, inverted, long and short. He shuddered at the thought of being able to compare them all. Many of them had tight abs showing good definition, and narrow waists until they flared out to their nice asses. Most were shaved or waxed bare, but some maintained small landing strips. Joe felt himself drooling and finally decided what to say.
"Ladies, I want to thank you again for volunteering for this experiment, it will truly impress the colleges when they see it among your list of achievements. It was hard to find so many of you unashamed to be completely naked in broad daylight in front of a stranger. You are marvelous. Give yourselves a hand."
The applause began slowly, until everyone was enthusiastically clapping. Joe raised his hands and they stopped. "It was so amazing to find so many of you willing and eager to push the envelope of your sexuality. Thank you again." There was light applause.
"Now before we begin, I will need your cooperation. I need you to do two things. First, while you are waiting your turn I need you to turn to the girl on your right or left and fluff her up. By that I mean to finger or lick her pussy or lick and suck her tits, anything to keep her on the edge and ready for her turn. And secondly, as soon as you are entered I need you to climax. Don't worry, you will be able to cum. We need to keep things moving. Oh, one more thing. If there are any of you not on the pill please raise your hand."
Joe looked over the naked women and they also looked around. No one raised their hand. "Excellent. What I want you to do now is get into a huddle, you know, like the football players do, and wait for your turn." As he finished his instructions, he jumped down from the chair he was perched on and began to pull off his clothes. He'd never tried this with such a large number of women, and was relieved to see that they were following his instructions and even getting creative. As they huddled together, their arms over each other's shoulders, they moved around like a wheel, taking about twenty steps to their left and then taking another thirty something to the right, delightfully bouncing and jiggling their naked girly parts.
When they were done Joe was ready and tapped the first girl on her shoulder. She bent over and put her hands on her knees as the rest of the girls began fondling one another while they watched. Joe slid his hard monster cock into the girl; she was wet and tight. As soon as he got it all the way in she screamed as her orgasm was immediate and intense. After several more strokes Joe pulled out and tapped the next girl and he repeated the process, marveling at the differences between the pussies.
Opal Jackson was next. She was a beautiful African-American girl. She had her hair in thick braids, and had very large firm breasts. Her nipples were long and her areolas were much darker than the rest of her. This would be Joe's first time with a black woman. The cheerleader squad looked like the United Nations; Joe would have many firsts today. All the girls were getting louder, moaning as they licked and sucked each other, waiting to be next. Opal was tight and it took Joe a little longer to get it all in, but when he did Opal screamed announcing her climax, bouncing her large breasts as Joe reached forward to handle them. He continued to pump into her for several minutes and made a mental note to return to her later.
When he pulled out, he left her panting but didn't look back, knowing that she'd be in good hands, or a good mouth. And so he went through the line on his first pass, especially enjoying the delights of the two Asian girls and one Latina, both new experiences for him. Kate and Lexi never disappointed, though Joe got the greatest pleasure from fucking the head cheerleader, Debbie Dean. She was a bossy arrogant bitch, heading for an Ivy League college. Her parents had money. She was so condescending to almost everyone it was often hard to take her seriously. It turned out that she was a loud fuck and liked to use lewd descriptive language when she got close to climaxing. Besides being very attractive, she was a good fuck. Joe considered fucking with her life as well, giving her a few suggestions, but there would be plenty of time for that. Besides, he still had her mother and the others in the house.
Since he'd already fucked each girl at least twice, he had them relax, play with each other as they pleased, and enjoy the cool pool waters while he went inside. They were not to enter the house.
Joe had been gone almost an hour and, like the cheerleaders, the mothers had gotten creative. The daisy chain had long been abandoned and the women had paired off and exchanged partners. Mrs. Polanski had surprised everyone with a few toys she kept hidden. One was a double-ended dildo she claimed she bought to tease her asshole while getting her pussy off.
Since having sex with his mother and sister, Joe was fascinated by having sex with mothers and their daughters. Today he'd be able to compare. Mrs. Brown who insisted that he call her by her first name Lori, was being eaten out by Mrs. Jackson, which left Mrs. Jackson's pussy open. Like her daughter, her dark skin made her pink pussy look almost bright red. Joe didn't know whether to eat or fuck her pussy first. What made the decision for him was the look of her big tits as they bounced back and forth, almost rolling as if they were filled with milk waiting to be sucked out.
Joe eased himself into the group of women as they continued to lick and suck. Joe found a big long nipple and began to suck, lick, and fondle the breast it was attached to. Aware of his presence, the women rearranged themselves. Mrs. Polanski reached his huge cock first and immediately began to lick it and take as much into her mouth as possible. Joe felt another pair of hands as Lori Brown joined Mrs. Polanski at his cock, fondling his balls and licking what Mrs. Polanski couldn't take in her mouth. Since Mrs. Jackson's mouth was now free, Mrs. Dean thought a ride on her long tongue would be fun so she squatted over the woman and lowered her twat to the hungry mouth.
The women had been playing with one another for over an hour now and had quickly learned what each other liked and didn't like. To her utter amazement, Mrs. Andi Jackson loved to eat pussy. She loved the taste, the feel, and the power to make her new intimate girlfriends cum on her long thick tongue. She was happy to have Mrs. Diane Dean sit on her face as Joe nursed at her large breasts.
Mrs. Paula Polanski was never good at sharing. Even as a small girl sharing wasn't something that she was willing to do. Today was no exception as she was reluctant to give Lori Brown even the smallest few inches of Joe's mighty cock. That was when Joe realized that he'd have to bring this orgy to a close.
He reluctantly left Andi Jackson's lovely breasts, and removing Paula Polanski's hands from his cock, he plunged it into her dripping cunt. After a half dozen strokes she was squealing and cumming as never before. He pulled out and was immediately grabbed by Mrs. Lori Brown who couldn't wait to try and swallow the huge cock. Joe gave Mrs. Polanski instructions to go out and begin serving the girls some of the food they'd prepared. It would be alright if she felt compelled to join the girls in a little play, she'd soon be joined by the others.
Mrs. Polanski left, shaking her lovely ass as she went into kitchen to do as she was told. Joe mounted Mrs. Lori Brown's hairy pussy. The profanity that came out of that woman's mouth as he fucked her would have made a sailor blush. She came quickly and often, one climax flowing into the next. Her screams were soon joined by Mrs. Dean's as she rode Andi Jackson's face to yet another climax.
Joe dispatched Lori Brown as he had Mrs. Polanski, leaving him with only two MILIFs remaining. Mrs. Dean was on a roll; she was known to be multi-orgasmic, but even this was more than she'd ever experienced. Joe put her ankles on his shoulders and began to pound away at the screaming woman as Mrs. Jackson sucked on her breasts. When she came this time it was as if there was nothing remaining and she was completely whipped. She lay in a half comatose state. She nodded to Joe letting him know that she understood his instructions, but didn't have the strength to move yet. That was okay with Joe as he had only Mrs. Andi Jackson left. She was the winner of his cum and he was going to savor this one.
Mrs. Jackson had given birth to three children, but she had been determined to get her figure back, so long hard hours at the gym had allowed her to recover most of her youth, except for her breast size that had never returned to normal. She'd been large-breasted before, coming from a long line of busty women. But since then she had had to get used to her now thirty-eight inch double Ds.
That was just fine with Joe as he bent her over the couch and fucked her amazing ass from behind while admiring the jiggling and movement of her awesome breasts. She was screaming loudly and that was enough for Joe as he finally erupted, filling the woman full of his seed.
Joe was tired and as he pulled Andi into his arms they kissed and he felt her lovely tits for the last time. Perhaps he'd see her again.
As Mrs. Jackson carried the last of the food to girls, the orgy had taken a more casual tone. Some of the girls were playing intimate games in the pool, some were eating food and each other while all their mothers were engaged in some intimate sex with one or more of the teens. Joe found his clothes and pulled them on. He pulled out his phone and took a few pictures making sure that everyone was included. He told them all they were to keep this their secret and that they were to make time to play again as often as time would allow. If they had any questions they could call him.
Driving away, he couldn't help but laugh aloud as he realized that at some point they would be ready to leave but would not have any clothes. He could only guess how they would solve that problem.
As he pulled out of the parking lot, headed back towards home, he laughed loudly and scared himself at the deeper sound of his voice. He realized that physical changes were happening very quickly and it hadn't been 24 hours yet since he had been injected against his will with the alien growth hormones.
He was still feeling powerful and thought about Lexi and Kate, the two sexy bi-curious cheerleaders. "I wonder," he pulled out his phone and said, "Call Lexi." A moment later he heard the phone ringing and Lexi answered.
"Joe, how are you? I am so glad that you called, I've been thinking about you." She looked at Kate, who looked back up at her from her kneeling position between her friend's spread legs. "Sure I could get the squad together this afternoon at my place. You want to meet them? I think I can arrange that. See you about 2pm. Is that okay?"
Joe agreed and decided that he could kill some time with Nancy, it was early but she was always up for early morning sex. He was stunned by what he was doing. His sexual appetite had more than doubled. He had just fucked a stranger and planned on taking the entire cheerleading squad, and here he was looking for more sex just to kill time, obviously more of the side effects.
"Call Nancy," he said at his phone.
It was still Sunday morning and Nancy had worked the mall until the early morning hours. Saturday night being the busiest, who would be calling her this early? Then she jumped up and grabbed her phone.
Like before, she heard the familiar voice, though somewhat deeper. "Good, you're up. Want some cock?"
She didn't answer for a moment. "How crude, who does he think he'd dealing with that he can call without warning and just drop by for a friendly fuck. Damn teenagers," she thought. "Sure," she replied, "how much time do I have?"
"About twenty minutes," he said.
"I'll be ready," she said and hung up the phone then screamed aloud. "How does he do that to me?" She looked at the clock and jumped out of the bed, then ran to bathroom, her large tits bouncing in every direction in her pajama top.
By the time Joe arrived, Nancy had showered, tidied the messy house, vacuumed, changed the sheets on her bed and had coffee brewing. She was determined to lay down the law. He couldn't just pop by whenever he needed to fuck. He needed to date her and stay the night and if things went well, she might let him move in and they'd see where things went from there. "Damn teenager!" she said aloud.
Hidden beneath the plain robe she was wearing sexy lingerie, and smelled nice having used her more expensive cologne. She'd land this fish yet, she thought.
Joe pulled into the garage as usual. Nancy was waiting next to her car. Joe jumped out and pulled her to his lips. She had to stand on her toes but managed to have her breath taken away, along with all thoughts of the law she intended to lay down.
Joe opened her robe. She let it fall to the cold concrete floor and Joe took in a breath; she was stunning, curvaceously filling out the translucent patches of cloth held together by what looked like shoelaces. Her nipples were hard and her pussy wet, he found as he inserted a finger into the panties that opened at the crotch. There were several strategically placed pretty, tiny bows, but none obscuring the view.
"You like?" Nancy asked as Joe bent down to take a nipple into his mouth and nodded his approval. After a minute, Nancy picked up the robe and they entered the house. Joe smelled the coffee and Nancy thought she'd yet have a chance to talk before sex and make her case. The fresh coffee made Joe think about food, but seeing Nancy in the sexy lingerie overrode his appetite; sex first. He playfully slapped her on her ass and she wiggled to the bedroom. Normally she would have been disgusted by the gesture, but it seemed she couldn't refuse him of anything.
He slipped off his loafers and dropped his pants as soon as he entered the room. Nancy felt compelled to kneel before him and pull his cock from his boxers. This time however, she was stunned to see the once slightly bigger than normal cock almost five inches longer and much thicker. Her mind knew there was something wrong, she wanted to ask, but Joe asked her something first.
"Well, notice anything different?" he asked knowing there was no way she couldn't.
"Oh my GOD, you're so much bigger."
"All for you babe," he lied.
"But that's impossible. No one can grow like that in what, just a few days?"
He looked at her sternly, remembering that he controlled her and said. "You know what I like, baby. And wasn't it you who said you like it big, the bigger the better. It's what you always say. You will just enjoy the new size and be eager to try it out in all of your holes. Isn't that right?" Joe fibbed.
"Mmm, I love the new look. I can't wait to squeeze it into all of my holes. I am getting so turned on right now, because bigger is always better, baby." With that said, Nancy grabbed Joe's huge cock with both hands. She began licking it and trying to get it into her mouth and down her throat. But the best she could do was to get the helmet head in. She lavished it with her lips and had Joe moaning with all the attention.
Nancy couldn't believe how she had just folded and volunteered to take that monster in her tiny asshole. There was no way that it would fit without splitting her in half. Why was she suddenly so agreeable?
"Baby, do you want it in my pussy first or my ass?" she asked. "What the fuck is wrong with me?" she thought. "Please say pussy, please say pussy," she pleaded, unheard by Joe.
"I've been dying to get at that ass, how about we go there first," Joe said. "Do you have any lube?"
"Shit," she yelled in her mind. "Tell you what lover, why don't you lube up with my pussy juice first, I think that will be enough, you have me so wet, I can't wait to get that big cock in me." Nancy couldn't believe the words that kept coming out of her mouth; she took some solace in the fact that she hadn't told him to go in dry.
Joe maneuvered himself in place between Nancy's widely spread legs and pushed into her very wet pussy. It was tighter than Joe remembered and Nancy groaned as she adjusted to his new size. When he hit bottom he stopped and she caught her breath. She felt the unmistakable euphoria flood her senses and spread throughout her body as Joe began long strokes in and out. Just as it was getting good, he pulled out and plunged into her ass taking her by surprise. He managed to get the head of his enormous cock past her tight anus ring before stopping again.
Nancy was breathing quickly, puffing and sweating, and Joe hadn't moved yet. It hurt, and there was still so much more to come.
"Are you okay baby?" he asked.
"Too big," she said to herself, "he's going to split me in half, I'll never be able to poop right again. He has to pull it out, now." She gritted her teeth, ready to answer. "I'm fine baby. More, give me more."
Joe began to push more of his giant cock in and Nancy moaned loudly.
"What the hell is wrong with me? Ahhh...that hurts..." she was panting again. "Yeah baby, slowly...keep it coming," she told him.
Joe filled her and finally had all his mighty cock nestled snugly in her ass. He rested for a moment. Nancy sighed, taking in as much air as her lungs could hold, knowing what was coming.
"Ready, baby?" Joe asked.
Nancy was screaming in her mind, "Oh no, here it comes, he's going to kill me now. Breathe, just remember to breathe." With that thought in place she answered him using words she couldn't believe she uttered. "Yeah baby, fuck my ass!"
Joe pulled back slowly; he was about half way out before pushing back in at roughly the same speed. After half a dozen strokes it began to feel very good; it was so tight and different.
Nancy was surprised too, surprised that it no longer hurt and in fact was beginning to feel good. She couldn't explain it and again was surprised to hear herself say, "Yeah, baby. Fuck that ass, faster. Faster."
Not wanting to disappoint, Joe doubled the speed of his strokes and was perspiring as he worked his mighty cock in and out of Nancy's tight ass.
"Oh my god," she thought to herself, "This is beginning to feel good." Then she heard her voice yelling, "Fuck me, oh fuck me!" And somehow she began to cum.
That was enough for Joe, she was so tight it was hard for him to move, but since Nancy was enjoying it he continued. When she cried out he lost it and roared as he let loose several huge volleys of cum deep in her bowels. He pulled her close, his cock as deep as it could go.
Nancy was squirting as she rubbed her pussy and her climax continued, soaking her and Joe and pooling on the sheets below them. Then everything went dark.
She woke to the sound of the shower. She looked down and her anus was still gaping wide and cum was dripping from it. "I'll never be the same," she thought. Then she remembered the earth-shattering orgasm and she thought she might not mind trying that again.
Joe walked out of the shower, his impressive cock hanging half way down his thigh and swinging back and forth as he returned to the bedroom to find Nancy recovering. Pulling his clothes on he found his pants were even tighter than before, and seemed to be several inches shorter, exposing his ankles. Then he noticed his perspective had changed, he was now at least six feet tall. Fortunately his feet hadn't gotten any bigger. He'd have to stop and buy some clothes before he joined the girls at the party.
With a quick stop at Old Navy Joe bought some kakis and a muscle shirt. He noticed that his chest and arms were beginning to thicken and look like he'd been working out. His core had tightened too, so why not show it all off.
Joe arrived at Lexi's house about two-thirty. There were several cars in the driveway and lots of noise coming from the backyard. He could hear the sounds of water splashing from their pool. No one answered the doorbell and Joe was cautious, he didn't know if any parents were around and he assumed that he would be the only male teenager, so this would require a little subtlety. He called Lexi on her phone and she answered on the first ring.
"Hey babe, I'm at your front door." Before he could finish the thought, he heard the door open and Lexi pulled him inside.
She hugged him and gave him a passionate kiss. Slowly they broke free, and Joe asked, "Is everyone out by the pool?"
"Everyone except my mom and a couple of the squad mothers," Lexi replied, hoping he was thinking they could sneak off and get off.
He whispered something in her ear. She nodded and led him into the kitchen where three sexy MILFs sat at the kitchen table in beachwear, talking and sipping cocktails. Lexi introduced the startled women; they weren't expecting any men and had relaxed their appearances somewhat, not caring how they looked in their swimwear.
"Mom, ladies this is Joe Carr. He's here to take pictures for the school yearbook," Lexi said pointing to Joe while looking at the women. "Joe, this is Mrs. Dean, Debbie's mom, Mrs. Brown, Kate's mom, Mrs. Jackson, Opal's mom. And this..." she walked over and hugged the woman that looked like an older version of herself, " my mom Mrs. Polanski."
"It's a pleasure to meet you ladies," Joe said "and Mrs. Polanski what a lovely home you have."
All the women were impressed with Joe's manners and Lexi's mother thanked him for the complement. Lexi grabbed him by the hand and was pulling him out of the kitchen when her mother asked, "Joe if you're going to take pictures, where is your camera?"
Joe smiled and Lexi let go of his hand. Joe reached into his pocket and pulled out his iPhone 6 and held it up. "This little guy takes awesome photos." Smiling, he shoved it into his pocket and Lexi pulled him away with her.
When they were out of earshot they laughed. They were soon outside, walking to the pool where nine half naked cheerleaders were playing in the pool or lounging and giggling as they enjoyed the impromptu pool party.
Back in the kitchen the women were busy chatting about Joe, commenting on how he filled out his slacks and how handsome they thought he was. Several obscene comments were made causing the women to giggle like teenage girls.
Out at the pool Lexi announced that Joe was here to take some photos for the yearbook and the girls immediately ran to their purses and forbid him to even look in their direction until they were ready. Joe said that it was going to only be a few group photos. The girls shrieked and they pulled out sarongs and other pieces of clothing to hide their perfect bodies that they never thought looked good enough.
Joe shrugged knowing that it gave him plenty of time to put his plan into action. While the girls were pulling themselves together, he would go back inside and take care of their mothers. Entering the house and walking towards the kitchen, he called out ahead to let them know he was coming. It got quiet and Mrs. Polanski asked how she could help him. He told them how the girls needed to freshen up and how he was hoping that he could take a few pictures of them; it would make a good background story for his 'Pool Party with the Cheerleaders' page.
They were reluctant at first but finally agreed after Joe convinced them of how beautiful he thought they all looked. He pulled out his iPhone 6. He had all four mothers squeeze in together and he took a few shots. He rearranged them and took a few more, then frowned and said, "The light's not quite right. I know what..." he turned and pulled the gun from his pocket. He quickly raised it and pulled the trigger. The cloud of yellow light engulfed the four women as they sat together smiling for their picture. When the cloud disappeared they sat frozen, smiles still on their faces, but their eyes betraying them, each looking a bit frightened, and completely naked.
Joe admired the mature women; they all had very nice tits that despite their age were impressive, with hard nipples like small bullets poking out from them. A couple of them looked a little thick around the middle, and he couldn't really see their pussies the way they were sitting.
"Why don't you lovely ladies stand and let me see you better," Joe asked and watched them obediently stand, letting their hands fall by their sides.
They were indeed impressive for ladies old enough to be his mother. He wasn't disappointed as he shoved the gun back into his pocket; their pussies were delightful to gaze upon. Two had bald or shaved pussies and the other two did not. In fact, Mrs. Brown looked like a throwback to the 60s having the hairiest pussy he'd ever seen.
"Ladies, you are beautiful." He took a few pictures and asked them to pose; surprising him, they became a little animated. "Thank you."
Mrs. Polanski asked, "Are you going to fuck us with that giant cock of yours?" She looked innocent and surprised that she had asked such a question.
Jon smiled, "Well that depends. If you ladies can get yourselves ready, then yes. I need your pussies to be very wet. The only way for you to get them just right would be to pair up and lick each other and test occasionally. Perhaps a daisy chain may be better. You do know what a daisy chain is right?"
They all nodded looking very embarrassed. The thought of having oral sex with each other actually aroused them even more causing two of them to involuntarily display their clits as each emerged from its hood.
"But first, ladies, I need to know if there will be any interruptions, any husbands or children planning on stopping by?" Joe asked, looking at them carefully.
They all shook their heads and said no. Two even volunteered that their husbands were out golfing and wouldn't return home until late.
"Perfect, ladies," Joe said enthusiastically, "Why don't you get started. I will check on the girls. Don't worry about them. They will be fine. Thank you for suggesting that I begin with them first, what a good idea," he said. "Stay here and enjoy yourselves. I will be back as soon as I can. You are very good mothers; you should be proud of yourselves."
The ladies were all smiles. Mrs. Polanski suggested they would be more comfortable in the living room so they all followed their hostess and took their places on the floor. Mrs. Dean laid back and spread her legs. Mrs. Jackson crawled between them and began to lick and finger her. Mrs. Brown was next and when she opened Mrs. Jackson's legs the contrast of her velvety black skin and her bright red pussy was nothing short of beautiful. Mrs. Polanski was last and as she began to lap at Mrs. Brown's very hairy pussy, Mrs. Dean pulled her legs to her and quickly found her pussy, completing the daisy chain. Joe took a couple of pictures and then left them to see if the cheerleaders were ready.
His pants were barely hiding his giant erect cock, so he made an adjustment so as not to frighten the girls.
Kate found him and ran up to give him a big hug and a kiss. It didn't last long; she didn't want the girls to have too much to gossip over.
Lexi looked around the yard and all the girls seemed ready. Their hair had been combed and restyled, makeup reapplied, and some had modestly worn summer dresses over their bikinis, not knowing how much skin they would be showing and erring on the side of caution. Lexi took charge since it was her home and announced that it would be a group picture first. She and Debbie, the lead cheerleader, arranged the girls as they wanted based on seniority and rank to determine who was positioned in front. Joe stood on a chair looking at the group with his iPhone 6 talking to the leaders as they arranged everyone. Places of honor were reserved for Debbie and Lexi.
When everyone was set, Joe played like all the photographers he'd seen, grabbing the attention of the girls not paying attention, and directing heads to tilt this way or that to eliminate shadows. He even took a few practice shots before announcing..."Okay ladies these are for keeps. One...two...three...say cheese!" He took several and then said, "Let me try this new flash." Taking the ray gun out of his pocket, he held it next to the phone. "Multiple targets locked."
There was a large flash of light, visible even in the afternoon sun. A large cloud of yellow haze covered the group and then dissipated leaving the ten cheerleaders gloriously nude from head to toe.
Joe wanted to shout hurray, but didn't want to wake them from their trance too soon. They looked weird being completely naked with their smiles frozen as if they were happy and ready for anything. It was such a sight to behold, such a variety he'd never quite appreciated before. Almost all had big tits, but the shapes were slightly different. There was even quite a range of differences in their nipples; there were flat, inverted, long and short. He shuddered at the thought of being able to compare them all. Many of them had tight abs showing good definition, and narrow waists until they flared out to their nice asses. Most were shaved or waxed bare, but some maintained small landing strips. Joe felt himself drooling and finally decided what to say.
"Ladies, I want to thank you again for volunteering for this experiment, it will truly impress the colleges when they see it among your list of achievements. It was hard to find so many of you unashamed to be completely naked in broad daylight in front of a stranger. You are marvelous. Give yourselves a hand."
The applause began slowly, until everyone was enthusiastically clapping. Joe raised his hands and they stopped. "It was so amazing to find so many of you willing and eager to push the envelope of your sexuality. Thank you again." There was light applause.
"Now before we begin, I will need your cooperation. I need you to do two things. First, while you are waiting your turn I need you to turn to the girl on your right or left and fluff her up. By that I mean to finger or lick her pussy or lick and suck her tits, anything to keep her on the edge and ready for her turn. And secondly, as soon as you are entered I need you to climax. Don't worry, you will be able to cum. We need to keep things moving. Oh, one more thing. If there are any of you not on the pill please raise your hand."
Joe looked over the naked women and they also looked around. No one raised their hand. "Excellent. What I want you to do now is get into a huddle, you know, like the football players do, and wait for your turn." As he finished his instructions, he jumped down from the chair he was perched on and began to pull off his clothes. He'd never tried this with such a large number of women, and was relieved to see that they were following his instructions and even getting creative. As they huddled together, their arms over each other's shoulders, they moved around like a wheel, taking about twenty steps to their left and then taking another thirty something to the right, delightfully bouncing and jiggling their naked girly parts.
When they were done Joe was ready and tapped the first girl on her shoulder. She bent over and put her hands on her knees as the rest of the girls began fondling one another while they watched. Joe slid his hard monster cock into the girl; she was wet and tight. As soon as he got it all the way in she screamed as her orgasm was immediate and intense. After several more strokes Joe pulled out and tapped the next girl and he repeated the process, marveling at the differences between the pussies.
Opal Jackson was next. She was a beautiful African-American girl. She had her hair in thick braids, and had very large firm breasts. Her nipples were long and her areolas were much darker than the rest of her. This would be Joe's first time with a black woman. The cheerleader squad looked like the United Nations; Joe would have many firsts today. All the girls were getting louder, moaning as they licked and sucked each other, waiting to be next. Opal was tight and it took Joe a little longer to get it all in, but when he did Opal screamed announcing her climax, bouncing her large breasts as Joe reached forward to handle them. He continued to pump into her for several minutes and made a mental note to return to her later.
When he pulled out, he left her panting but didn't look back, knowing that she'd be in good hands, or a good mouth. And so he went through the line on his first pass, especially enjoying the delights of the two Asian girls and one Latina, both new experiences for him. Kate and Lexi never disappointed, though Joe got the greatest pleasure from fucking the head cheerleader, Debbie Dean. She was a bossy arrogant bitch, heading for an Ivy League college. Her parents had money. She was so condescending to almost everyone it was often hard to take her seriously. It turned out that she was a loud fuck and liked to use lewd descriptive language when she got close to climaxing. Besides being very attractive, she was a good fuck. Joe considered fucking with her life as well, giving her a few suggestions, but there would be plenty of time for that. Besides, he still had her mother and the others in the house.
Since he'd already fucked each girl at least twice, he had them relax, play with each other as they pleased, and enjoy the cool pool waters while he went inside. They were not to enter the house.
Joe had been gone almost an hour and, like the cheerleaders, the mothers had gotten creative. The daisy chain had long been abandoned and the women had paired off and exchanged partners. Mrs. Polanski had surprised everyone with a few toys she kept hidden. One was a double-ended dildo she claimed she bought to tease her asshole while getting her pussy off.
Since having sex with his mother and sister, Joe was fascinated by having sex with mothers and their daughters. Today he'd be able to compare. Mrs. Brown who insisted that he call her by her first name Lori, was being eaten out by Mrs. Jackson, which left Mrs. Jackson's pussy open. Like her daughter, her dark skin made her pink pussy look almost bright red. Joe didn't know whether to eat or fuck her pussy first. What made the decision for him was the look of her big tits as they bounced back and forth, almost rolling as if they were filled with milk waiting to be sucked out.
Joe eased himself into the group of women as they continued to lick and suck. Joe found a big long nipple and began to suck, lick, and fondle the breast it was attached to. Aware of his presence, the women rearranged themselves. Mrs. Polanski reached his huge cock first and immediately began to lick it and take as much into her mouth as possible. Joe felt another pair of hands as Lori Brown joined Mrs. Polanski at his cock, fondling his balls and licking what Mrs. Polanski couldn't take in her mouth. Since Mrs. Jackson's mouth was now free, Mrs. Dean thought a ride on her long tongue would be fun so she squatted over the woman and lowered her twat to the hungry mouth.
The women had been playing with one another for over an hour now and had quickly learned what each other liked and didn't like. To her utter amazement, Mrs. Andi Jackson loved to eat pussy. She loved the taste, the feel, and the power to make her new intimate girlfriends cum on her long thick tongue. She was happy to have Mrs. Diane Dean sit on her face as Joe nursed at her large breasts.
Mrs. Paula Polanski was never good at sharing. Even as a small girl sharing wasn't something that she was willing to do. Today was no exception as she was reluctant to give Lori Brown even the smallest few inches of Joe's mighty cock. That was when Joe realized that he'd have to bring this orgy to a close.
He reluctantly left Andi Jackson's lovely breasts, and removing Paula Polanski's hands from his cock, he plunged it into her dripping cunt. After a half dozen strokes she was squealing and cumming as never before. He pulled out and was immediately grabbed by Mrs. Lori Brown who couldn't wait to try and swallow the huge cock. Joe gave Mrs. Polanski instructions to go out and begin serving the girls some of the food they'd prepared. It would be alright if she felt compelled to join the girls in a little play, she'd soon be joined by the others.
Mrs. Polanski left, shaking her lovely ass as she went into kitchen to do as she was told. Joe mounted Mrs. Lori Brown's hairy pussy. The profanity that came out of that woman's mouth as he fucked her would have made a sailor blush. She came quickly and often, one climax flowing into the next. Her screams were soon joined by Mrs. Dean's as she rode Andi Jackson's face to yet another climax.
Joe dispatched Lori Brown as he had Mrs. Polanski, leaving him with only two MILIFs remaining. Mrs. Dean was on a roll; she was known to be multi-orgasmic, but even this was more than she'd ever experienced. Joe put her ankles on his shoulders and began to pound away at the screaming woman as Mrs. Jackson sucked on her breasts. When she came this time it was as if there was nothing remaining and she was completely whipped. She lay in a half comatose state. She nodded to Joe letting him know that she understood his instructions, but didn't have the strength to move yet. That was okay with Joe as he had only Mrs. Andi Jackson left. She was the winner of his cum and he was going to savor this one.
Mrs. Jackson had given birth to three children, but she had been determined to get her figure back, so long hard hours at the gym had allowed her to recover most of her youth, except for her breast size that had never returned to normal. She'd been large-breasted before, coming from a long line of busty women. But since then she had had to get used to her now thirty-eight inch double Ds.
That was just fine with Joe as he bent her over the couch and fucked her amazing ass from behind while admiring the jiggling and movement of her awesome breasts. She was screaming loudly and that was enough for Joe as he finally erupted, filling the woman full of his seed.
Joe was tired and as he pulled Andi into his arms they kissed and he felt her lovely tits for the last time. Perhaps he'd see her again.
As Mrs. Jackson carried the last of the food to girls, the orgy had taken a more casual tone. Some of the girls were playing intimate games in the pool, some were eating food and each other while all their mothers were engaged in some intimate sex with one or more of the teens. Joe found his clothes and pulled them on. He pulled out his phone and took a few pictures making sure that everyone was included. He told them all they were to keep this their secret and that they were to make time to play again as often as time would allow. If they had any questions they could call him.
Driving away, he couldn't help but laugh aloud as he realized that at some point they would be ready to leave but would not have any clothes. He could only guess how they would solve that problem.