Chapter 05.2
"Hello, can I help you?" She asked from the safety of the security door.
"Good Evening, Mrs. Carr, I presume? I'm Dr. Cook with the Department of Homeland Security, she held out her badge and business card. I'm looking for Joseph Carr. I assume that is your son. May I speak with him, please?"
"Joey's not home now. Is he in some sort of trouble? What's this about?"
"No, he's not in any trouble, but I was hoping that I might be able to talk to him. Do you know when he'll return? This being a school night, I assume that it wouldn't be too late? Perhaps I could wait?"
"No," the protective mother said so quickly it surprised her. "He may not be home for several hours yet," clutching the opening of her robe together nervously.
"Okay," Dr. Cook said handing the Mrs. Carr her business card. Have him call me when he comes in."
Mrs. Carr accepted the card and watched as the federal agent climbed into her rental car and drove away. Unknowing that Joey had just been moved to the top of Dr. Carr's suspect list.
Mrs. Carr hung her robe on the coat hook next to two others belonging to her husband and daughter who were just a few feet away, her daughter Karen bouncing up and down on her father's hard cock. Mrs. Carr was eager to return to their threesome, but first she texted her son, Joey and warned him about the federal agent looking for him. Putting her phone down she sauntered over and squatted over her husband's face lowering her naked pussy to his waiting mouth.
As Joe watched Angela working her tongue in her assistant's cunt, scooping out the last of his cum, and trying to decide if he wanted to fuck her again, his smart phone chimed alerting him to an incoming text message.
Pulling his phone from his pants pocket he saw a text from his mother. She asked if he was coming home and told him about the visit from the agent from the Department of Homeland Security. He replied asking for her cell number. The text number arrived immediately along with her asking if he was alright and telling him that she loved him and missed him.
Joe texted back, "Thanks mom. Love you too. Probably won't be home tonight, will see you all tomorrow."
Without saying another word, Joe dressed and left the two women still pleasuring each other.
Climbing into his car and closing the door, Joe dialed the number.
"Hello, Dr. Cook? This is Joe Carr. My mom says that you're looking for me? What's this about? No. Why don't I meet you at your hotel? Room 345, I'll see you in twenty minutes. Bye."
Joe didn't know what she wanted. He'd been pretty discrete with the ray gun; he doubted that it had anything to do with that. He'd have to wait it out and see what was on her mind. He could always zap her and erase anything that may put him in jeopardy.
Joe arrived at the Ramada Inn across the street from the Outback Steakhouse; he'd never been in the hotel before and was impressed with its tasteful but simple décor. He took the elevator to the third floor and knocked on the door of room 345. A moment later the door opened and Joe was face to face with the lovely Dr. Cook. He was caught off guard not expecting someone so beautiful. He stared for a few seconds before finding his voice.
"Dr. Cook?" He asked.
"Yes," she answered.
"Joe Carr, you wanted to talk to me?"
Now it was Nikki's turn to pause and stare. "This can't be the student, Joe Carr. She was expecting a teenage boy, 5'8" tall, not this man 6'5" and weighing at least 220 lbs. "Are you Joe Carr the high school student?"
"Yes, madam, it's me. Oh, you must be confused by my growth spurt." He said with a shrug. "Do you want me to come in?"
"Oh, yes. Please do come in." The flustered doctor stepped aside letting the large teenage into her room. She gestured to the cart with bottle water and an assortment of sodas cooling in a stainless steel bowl, "Care for something to drink?"
"Thanks." Joe said as he grabbed a yellow can of "Squirt" his favorite soda, popped it open and took a seat at the table and setting down his backpack at his feet. "So, what did you want to talk to me about? My mom said you are with the Department of Homeland Security, is that right? Is this about some terrorist threat?"
Regaining her composure Dr. Cook glided to the open chair and sat down. "First Joe thanks for coming to see me. And, yes it could have something to do with a terrorist threat. I need your help in figuring some things out." She said as she reached for a bottle of water.
"Cool!" Joe say impressed. "Can I see your badge?"
Dr. Cook pulled out the leather wallet that contained her badge and flipped it open there was a shiny gold badge and a photo ID of her on the opposite side. She went into a short narration of the events as she'd learned them the night Joe fired off shots in the mall learning about the ray gun.
"So Joe, you were seen on the security film leaving the mall shortly after the mall display was destroyed. What can you tell me about that night?"
"Not much. I went in to see what was playing at the multiplex it was easier than looking it up."
Joe told a good story but the doctor wasn't buying it. She told him that he wasn't seen on the camera in front of the multiplex but he had a good answer replying that he didn't need to be in front of the theater to see what was showing. They matched wits for about ten minutes before there was a knock on the door. Dr. Cook stood and strolled to answer it while Joe admired her long brown legs, realizing that and with her short hair style she reminded him of Halle Berry.
She opened the door without peeping and let Nancy Cobb in.
"Joe, what are you doing here?"
"So you know each other?" the federal agent asked, looking back at Joe and then back to Nancy.
Nancy wasn't sure how to answer. She was a little embarrassed being caught dating a high school student. "Sure we do," Nancy replied we both work at the mall, or I should say worked at the mall. "As I'm sure you are aware, Joe left his job at OB a few weeks ago."
Nancy's mind was spinning. "What was this agent up to? Why did she have Joe here? Why was she trying to protect him? Well, technically he was her boyfriend, wasn't he?" Looking at Joe, she was startled by how big he'd grown since she last saw him, but she played it cool not letting on. Something wasn't right. Why was Homeland Security interested in her boyfriend? She shuttered at that thought.
"Of course," Dr. Cook said and asked Nancy to come in and join them. "What is your relationship to Joe?"
"Uh oh," she thought. "What did Joe tell her? Wait if she knew she wouldn't be asking unless she was trying to catch Joe in a lie. "We're just friends. I see him around the mall and we chat. Why do you ask?"
The doctor wasn't quite buying Nancy's story, but it was plausible. "Well I thought that if you guys were more than just friends, you would have mentioned that to me seeing how Joe is the last person seen on the security footage before the display was destroyed."
"What are you getting at, doctor?" Joe asked taking some of the heat off allowing Nancy time to think.
"Look, I don't know exactly what happened that night, yet. But, I do know that you aren't telling me the entire story Joe. I don't think that Nancy was in on it from the start, but she is definitely covering now."
"I'm hungry." Joe said. "Aren't you hungry, Nancy?"
"Yes, I'm famished." Nancy just realizing that she was indeed hungry.
"What about you doc, aren't you hungry?"
The doctor looked at Joe incredulously. "Oh no you don't, you don't get to change the subject just when we are making some headway."
"Hey babe, why don't you go across the street and get us something to eat. I'm feeling like vegetables no meat. What about you doctor, you want some meat, don't you?" Not waiting for answer Joe continued. "Cheese cake sounds good for dessert, too."
"Okay," Nancy said jumping to her feet. Not understanding why she so readily agreed. She wanted to find out what the doctor was really trying to uncover. She sauntered over to Joe and kissed him on the lips, slowly releasing his bottom lip and walked towards the door.
Dr. Cook watched the kiss, they were fucking with her. She chased after Nancy. "Wait. Come back here. We're not through yet."
Nancy shrugged and said she'd be right back and was out the door. Doctor Cook was furious and closed the door. She took a deep breath to calm herself then turned to face Joe. She'd read him the riot act and inform him that this was a formal investigation and that there were consequences for non cooperation, as she looked up about to speak she was hit with a bolt from the ray gun.
When the eerie cloud dissipated Dr. Nikki Cook stood still completely naked, her brown size D cup breasts sitting high on her chest, her dark nipples hard and protruding from her crinkled areoles. Her flat tummy with just a hint of muscles led to her dripping bald and swollen pussy. Upon closer inspection Joe would see the skin was slightly lighter where her short cropped landing strip used to be. Joe had the gun set at its highest setting. Even Nikki's sandals had been vaporized.
Her pupils were dilated and she was panting as if she'd just run a four minute mile. In his limited time zapping women naked, Joe had seen some amazing bodies, but Dr. Nikki Cook was the sexiest woman yet.
"Dr. Cook you tricked me. You said that you wanted to talk but there you are naked, blocking the door so that I can't leave. I know you want to fuck, but we just met. Can't we talk first?" Joe said trying his hardest to keep his face from laughing at the ridiculousness of his statement.
Dr. Cook came out of the ray gun induced trance. Was she really attempting to seduce this teenager? She was naked and she was aroused more than she could remember ever being. Her pussy was literally dripping. She knew that she'd cum quickly once she had that cock inside her.
"Well now Mr. Carr, you did agree to meet me here in my room. You know that I am a woman and I have needs. She sensually walked up to where he stood, he could see his manhood tenting his pants, straining to break free. She rubbed herself against him and purred as she reached down and began fondling his hard cock through his pants. "I think it's time you got out of these clothes, don't you?"
Nikki reluctantly pulled away allowing Joe to undress. Once he was naked she took in a deep breath as she saw the size of his cock. It appeared to be a foot long, hard and thick. She licked her lips, "Just the way I like them." She kissed him deeply and wrestled with his tongue for a minute before sliding down his chiseled body to the massive tool he possessed.
She licked it and tried to get it into her mouth, but her mouth was too small and the cock too big, she settled with getting the mushroom shaped head inside and licked it while stroking the shaft. "I may not be able to get all of you into my mouth, but my other lips are already parting at the thought of you shoving that monster of yours inside me.
Nikki crawled onto the bed. She was about to get the fucking of her lifetime, she knew this. It had been a long time since she had a cock in her pussy and never had she had anything this big inside her before. As that thought bounced around in her foggy conscience she realized that the reason she hadn't had any cock in a while was because she was a lesbian in a committed relationship. What was she doing? "Finding out how the other half lives," she answered herself. "Gawd, I need that cock."
She leaned back on the bed, pillows under her head; she opened her legs bent at the knees revealing her bald waiting pussy. She spread her lips with her fingers and beckoned him towards her.
"Come on lover; let's see if you know how to use that monster."
Joe hesitated, enjoying this side of the stuffy no nonsense doctor. "I don't know, if I put my monster in you do you promise to cum?"
"Oh yes Joe. I think I will cum hard." Nikki replied breathlessly thinking what it would feel like to have his giant cock in her.
"Do you promise Dr. Cook? Do you promise you will cum when I enter you?"
The first cock to enter her body in over ten years, this huge foot long monster that will stretch her wider than any of the toys and dildos that she and her lovers have used for years. "Yes, Joe. I promise that I will cum, as soon as you enter me."
"Alright," Joe said and climbed into the bed. Nikki had been stirring her pussy with her fingers anticipating Joe's arrival. When he was close enough she grabbed his cock and rubbed it up and down along her slit. She was very wet and she covered the tip with her ample juices.
She couldn't wait another moment, as Joe hovered above her she wrapped her legs around him pulling him to her entrance and hauled him in wrapping her legs tightly around him, the heels of her feet pressing into the small of his back.
It was tight, but Joe slid smoothly into her cunt until he bottomed out at her cervix. "The eagle has landed! The eagle has landed!" Dr. Cook thought and exploded as promised into a loud squeal. "Oh, oh gawd!"
Joe pulled out and back in bottoming out again. Repeating this action, a little faster with each stroke, pushing harder each time he hit her cervix. He was fucking her hard now and she loved every minute of it. "Don't stop! Don't stop. Oh, oh, my gawd!" She cried as she came again. Joe didn't stop he was getting close, and love watching the doctor's tits bounce and roll as he fucked her. They were a wonder to behold. He grabbed one with his mouth by the nipple as he continued to fuck her. He chewed lightly on the nipple causing Nikki to scream louder and continued cumming. Just as she was about to lose consciousness Joe erupted and filled her with his seed roaring loudly knowing that his roar only made it feel better. When he finally stopped Nikki laid unconscious, her breathing finally slowing.
Joe pulled out just as he heard a knock at the door. Nancy was returning with the food. "Good he thought he was hungry."
He hopped off the bed and walked naked to the door, his huge cock having lost its stiffness swinging freely between his legs.
"Hey baby, come on in put the food on the table." He told her and she obeyed, walking in looking at the naked doctor unconscious on the bed and the obvious odor of sex in the room, Joe naked and sweating. She was unable to respond until she completed the ordered tasks.
After she set the food down she turned to him as he reached for her ready to kiss but she stopped him putting her hand out against his bare chest. " fucked her? You sent me for food so you could fuck her!" She looked hurt. "How could you?"
"Don't worry baby that was just foreplay, we can do her together." He said turning to look at the unconscious federal agent lying naked across the bed.
"What?" Nancy asked. "I'm not gay. I don't do girls," she looked at the Nikki and corrected herself, "women. I'm not bi-curious, never have been. I can't believe you!"
She tried to push Joe away, but he was too heavy and pushed herself back instead.
"Look baby, I know you're upset. Take your clothes off I will make it up to you. You can lick my cum out of Dr. Cook's pussy too." Joe said smiling.
"Did you not hear what I just said?" She asked as she began to unbutton her blouse.
"You expect me to act like nothing happened. And now you want to fuck me?" She removed her bra and pulled her slacks down catching her thong with it and was now complete naked. "I don't do pussy." She said as she climbed into the bed and poked Nikki's swollen pussy with her index finger and watched it oozed cum. She bent over and took a swipe with her tongue tasting the familiar and the unfamiliar. Nancy got comfortable and went to work. Using her hands to open Nikki wide and put her tongue into the woman searching for Joe's cum. Then she realized what she was doing.
"What the fuck!" she thought but didn't stop trying to get her entire tongue into the narrow tunnel. "Why am I doing this? I have never been the slightest bit attracted to another woman. Why did I take my clothes off? What is wrong with me?"
Joe watched the look of surprise on her face and said. "Looks like you are really enjoying yourself. You must really love the taste of pussy."
Suddenly Nancy realized that she was really enjoying the taste and the act of eating another woman's pussy. She wondered why she'd never tried pussy before, "This is some good shit," she thought to herself and felt herself getting moist between her legs. She quickly ate all the cum she could find and the doctor was coming around again, small moans were escaping her mouth. Nikki opened her eyes and grabbed Nancy's head and began to steer her to all the right places.
Joe was pretty hungry and opened the food containers. He passed on the steaks not really understanding why they were his favorite, rib eyes cooked just the way he liked it. But for some reason the thought of eating beef made him nauseous.
He found the broccoli and mashed potatoes began eating as he watched the two women now involved in mutually eating each other's pussy.
Nancy found herself on her back, her tongue in Dr. Cook's pussy as she spread her legs and found her clitoris.
Nancy pulled away and screamed as she came faster than she'd every remembered cumming before. "Dr. Cook definitely knows her way around a pussy," she thought once she was able to pull together rational thoughts once more.
For her part Dr. Cook felt more familiar eating a pussy, but she wanted to feel that cock in her snatch again. She'd never felt so full before and it felt great. She wanted more, she needed more. "So much for being a committed lesbian," she though remembering her lover back in Washington, "how would she ever explain any of this to her." The thought was quickly dismissed as she felt her clitoris tingle and she came again crying out its arrival.
By now Joe had gotten enough food in his system and was ready for another round. He had Nancy get on top to ride him while the good doctor sat on his face. The two women were able to feel and fondle each other's amazing breasts as they traded places over and over again while they came repeatedly and sucked lips and swapped spit.
After fucking them both while they lay on top of each, alternating between pussies while they licked and suckled each other's fat nipples Joe came once more spraying Nikki's face and tits with an unusually large amount of cum. Nancy still not understanding her behavior, but shrugging it off for the time being cleaned her up, the three layed together panting and cuddling in the wrecked bed.
"Dr. Cook," Joe began, "That's so formal. Do you have a first name?"
Dr. Cook giggled and smiled warmly enjoying the teen's sense of humor. "Of course I do. It's Nicole, but you may call me Nikki. All my friends do."
"Nikki," Joe began again. "Why are you here? I mean there is no terrorist threat, what brings you all the way from Washington?" He looked at the woman as he pulled gently on her long brown locks.
She sighed, enjoying the cuddling time, "Well if you must know, I am searching for extraterrestrials." She giggled and continued. "We've seen some unusual flight patterns and believe that there is something going on here." She paused as Nancy began to pull and then suck on one of her nipples. "Mmmm...I think that you know more than you are telling me Joe. Am I...ahhh...right?"
Nancy was ready for more and fluffing Nikki in just the right way. She moved down and put her head between Nikki's legs and began licking her pussy. Nikki took Joe's flaccid cock in her mouth. It was long and soft; she was able to get it all in her mouth, sucking on it like a lollipop.
Joe thought about Nikki's last statement. She was alone, why would they send her down here alone if they were serious about looking for extraterrestrials. Joe was beginning to stiffen but he wanted answers. "Nikki do you have a partner? Or did you come out here by yourself and if so, why, wouldn't something this important warrant more people?"
Nikki pulled the stiffening cock from her mouth, it was dripping with her saliva and she reluctantly looked away from it to answer. "Well..." she said as had to choose between answering and worshiping the hard cock in her hand. "My supervisor doesn't think it is real and I have only a couple of days to find something or it's my ass. He doesn't like wasting resources." She pulled the growing cock back into her mouth while it still would fit and slid it back and forth down her throat as Nancy continued to munch on her pussy.
Nikki bounced the growing cock off her face playfully then tried to get it back into her mouth. Joe knew immediately who they were tracking, but it appears that there wasn't anyone other than Dr. Nikki Cook smart enough to suspect the truth. He smiled as she continued to play with his cock; she seemed entranced by it, as if she'd never seen one before.
"Nikki I have never seen any woman so fascinated with a cock before, why is that?" Joe asked.
Nikki giggled as if she just got a joke, "Oh I suppose it's because I am a lesbian. I don't see many cocks and I have been in a relationship for the past ten years." She giggled again. "Well, I guess I'm not a lesbian anymore. Perhaps I'm simply bi-sexual and only now figuring that out." Her voice rising with the last few words as Nancy brought off the woman again.
"Hey baby, look at you eating pussy like a champ," he told Nancy. "I think you deserve some cock now."
Joe flipped Nancy on her back and climbed between her legs. She screamed and came immediately as was becoming her habit whenever they fucked. Nikki saw the Nancy's mouth was vacant and thought she'd see if her tongue had anything left and squatted over her face as Nancy pulled her pussy back to her mouth. Nikki rode her face kissing Joe deeply as he slowly stroked back and forth in Nancy's womb.
The pleasure that she was enjoying was enough to keep Nancy off balance. On the one hand she was angry that she was doing things that she'd never thought of doing before in her life. As she had one orgasm after the other, the incredible taste of Nikki's pussy and Joe's massive cock, how it grew so large, she wondered. Nancy was beginning to lose herself. She moaned into Nikki's pussy almost drowning in her juices as Joe continued to pound her pussy. She was coming again.
"Ohhhh...Joe pulled out as his cock erupted. Like a fire hose he squirted a huge amount of cum, painting both Nikki's and Nancy's breasts and stomachs. Nikki lunge forward as she saw the cock free from Nancy's pussy catching a few squirts on face and neck. She wanted more of that amazing cock. Joe continued to cum as Nikki captured his still pulsing cock. She sucked on it and Joe continued to cumming. He roared like he'd just scored a touchdown filling the former lesbian's mouth with his juices. Nikki tried to keep up but it was too much and some began to leak from her mouth and down her neck unto her beautiful brown breasts.
Finally Joe stopped ejaculating. He felt as though he'd never stop. It was the most powerful climax he'd ever experienced. Nikki let his limp cock slip from her mouth and contracted her billowing jaws swallowing the huge a mouthful of male secretion. Joe stepped backwards into the bar and slumped into the mesh chair completely spent. Nancy jumped forward licking Nikki's face, neck and tits for the leftover cum.
A few minutes later as Nancy and Nikki twisted themselves into a sixty-nine their heads bobbing between each other's spread legs, Joe began to come around. He still felt odd and drained of energy. He was beginning to worry then he felt his strength return, feeling much stronger than he had at any time in his entire life. But he was extremely thirsty. It was a strange thirst, one that only water would quench.
He drank the remaining bottles of water Nikki had on the cart. He opened the small refrigerator and saw that she had three 23 ounce bottles of water cooling. Joe pulled out the first one and emptied it in two large pulls. He grabbed the second and slowing himself he gulped it all down in a series of smaller swallows. As he grabbed the last one he heard the unmistakable passionate screams and moans coming from the bed as it appeared that Nikki and Nancy had eaten each other's pussy into a comatose state. They both appeared to be unconscious and still tangled together.
Joe walked around the room slowly sipping his water and looking at the two naked women in bed, their breathing began to return to normal by still very much unconscious. They were beautiful; he loved looking at naked women.
He paused and looked at his reflection in the mirror unable to get over his transformation, he was now at least six feet seven inches tall and had to weigh well over 235 pounds, every muscle seemed to be defined, and his abdominal muscles looked like something from a bodybuilder magazine. Swinging loosely between his legs was his flaccid cock about eight inches long.
"Now bad for a primate," Matt Strong said as he tossed a strange bundle of what looked liked clothes at his feet. Joe didn't know how he found him or how he managed to enter the locked room.
Although Joe was startled, he was calm and didn't let on. Joe knew the voice. Besides Joe felt invincible, he was confident he could take on anyone on the planet except Matt and his men. He turned confidently to face the spaceman.
"Times up little man. We've got places to be and people to see."
Joe could see that he was almost Matt's size, a little smaller but he could easily pass as one of his men.
"What's that?" Joe asked looking at the bundle at his feet.
"Your uniform and gear," Matt said. "We don't have much time, get dressed. We have to go."
Joe looked back at Nancy and Dr. Nikki Cook about to say something but Matt stopped him. Don't worry about the lesbians they will be fine and may not even realize that you've gone.
Nancy was slipping in and out of consciousness; her mind heard her being referred to as a lesbian and captured that thought before she drifted back into the blackness of her unconscious mind.
"Good Evening, Mrs. Carr, I presume? I'm Dr. Cook with the Department of Homeland Security, she held out her badge and business card. I'm looking for Joseph Carr. I assume that is your son. May I speak with him, please?"
"Joey's not home now. Is he in some sort of trouble? What's this about?"
"No, he's not in any trouble, but I was hoping that I might be able to talk to him. Do you know when he'll return? This being a school night, I assume that it wouldn't be too late? Perhaps I could wait?"
"No," the protective mother said so quickly it surprised her. "He may not be home for several hours yet," clutching the opening of her robe together nervously.
"Okay," Dr. Cook said handing the Mrs. Carr her business card. Have him call me when he comes in."
Mrs. Carr accepted the card and watched as the federal agent climbed into her rental car and drove away. Unknowing that Joey had just been moved to the top of Dr. Carr's suspect list.
Mrs. Carr hung her robe on the coat hook next to two others belonging to her husband and daughter who were just a few feet away, her daughter Karen bouncing up and down on her father's hard cock. Mrs. Carr was eager to return to their threesome, but first she texted her son, Joey and warned him about the federal agent looking for him. Putting her phone down she sauntered over and squatted over her husband's face lowering her naked pussy to his waiting mouth.
As Joe watched Angela working her tongue in her assistant's cunt, scooping out the last of his cum, and trying to decide if he wanted to fuck her again, his smart phone chimed alerting him to an incoming text message.
Pulling his phone from his pants pocket he saw a text from his mother. She asked if he was coming home and told him about the visit from the agent from the Department of Homeland Security. He replied asking for her cell number. The text number arrived immediately along with her asking if he was alright and telling him that she loved him and missed him.
Joe texted back, "Thanks mom. Love you too. Probably won't be home tonight, will see you all tomorrow."
Without saying another word, Joe dressed and left the two women still pleasuring each other.
Climbing into his car and closing the door, Joe dialed the number.
"Hello, Dr. Cook? This is Joe Carr. My mom says that you're looking for me? What's this about? No. Why don't I meet you at your hotel? Room 345, I'll see you in twenty minutes. Bye."
Joe didn't know what she wanted. He'd been pretty discrete with the ray gun; he doubted that it had anything to do with that. He'd have to wait it out and see what was on her mind. He could always zap her and erase anything that may put him in jeopardy.
Joe arrived at the Ramada Inn across the street from the Outback Steakhouse; he'd never been in the hotel before and was impressed with its tasteful but simple décor. He took the elevator to the third floor and knocked on the door of room 345. A moment later the door opened and Joe was face to face with the lovely Dr. Cook. He was caught off guard not expecting someone so beautiful. He stared for a few seconds before finding his voice.
"Dr. Cook?" He asked.
"Yes," she answered.
"Joe Carr, you wanted to talk to me?"
Now it was Nikki's turn to pause and stare. "This can't be the student, Joe Carr. She was expecting a teenage boy, 5'8" tall, not this man 6'5" and weighing at least 220 lbs. "Are you Joe Carr the high school student?"
"Yes, madam, it's me. Oh, you must be confused by my growth spurt." He said with a shrug. "Do you want me to come in?"
"Oh, yes. Please do come in." The flustered doctor stepped aside letting the large teenage into her room. She gestured to the cart with bottle water and an assortment of sodas cooling in a stainless steel bowl, "Care for something to drink?"
"Thanks." Joe said as he grabbed a yellow can of "Squirt" his favorite soda, popped it open and took a seat at the table and setting down his backpack at his feet. "So, what did you want to talk to me about? My mom said you are with the Department of Homeland Security, is that right? Is this about some terrorist threat?"
Regaining her composure Dr. Cook glided to the open chair and sat down. "First Joe thanks for coming to see me. And, yes it could have something to do with a terrorist threat. I need your help in figuring some things out." She said as she reached for a bottle of water.
"Cool!" Joe say impressed. "Can I see your badge?"
Dr. Cook pulled out the leather wallet that contained her badge and flipped it open there was a shiny gold badge and a photo ID of her on the opposite side. She went into a short narration of the events as she'd learned them the night Joe fired off shots in the mall learning about the ray gun.
"So Joe, you were seen on the security film leaving the mall shortly after the mall display was destroyed. What can you tell me about that night?"
"Not much. I went in to see what was playing at the multiplex it was easier than looking it up."
Joe told a good story but the doctor wasn't buying it. She told him that he wasn't seen on the camera in front of the multiplex but he had a good answer replying that he didn't need to be in front of the theater to see what was showing. They matched wits for about ten minutes before there was a knock on the door. Dr. Cook stood and strolled to answer it while Joe admired her long brown legs, realizing that and with her short hair style she reminded him of Halle Berry.
She opened the door without peeping and let Nancy Cobb in.
"Joe, what are you doing here?"
"So you know each other?" the federal agent asked, looking back at Joe and then back to Nancy.
Nancy wasn't sure how to answer. She was a little embarrassed being caught dating a high school student. "Sure we do," Nancy replied we both work at the mall, or I should say worked at the mall. "As I'm sure you are aware, Joe left his job at OB a few weeks ago."
Nancy's mind was spinning. "What was this agent up to? Why did she have Joe here? Why was she trying to protect him? Well, technically he was her boyfriend, wasn't he?" Looking at Joe, she was startled by how big he'd grown since she last saw him, but she played it cool not letting on. Something wasn't right. Why was Homeland Security interested in her boyfriend? She shuttered at that thought.
"Of course," Dr. Cook said and asked Nancy to come in and join them. "What is your relationship to Joe?"
"Uh oh," she thought. "What did Joe tell her? Wait if she knew she wouldn't be asking unless she was trying to catch Joe in a lie. "We're just friends. I see him around the mall and we chat. Why do you ask?"
The doctor wasn't quite buying Nancy's story, but it was plausible. "Well I thought that if you guys were more than just friends, you would have mentioned that to me seeing how Joe is the last person seen on the security footage before the display was destroyed."
"What are you getting at, doctor?" Joe asked taking some of the heat off allowing Nancy time to think.
"Look, I don't know exactly what happened that night, yet. But, I do know that you aren't telling me the entire story Joe. I don't think that Nancy was in on it from the start, but she is definitely covering now."
"I'm hungry." Joe said. "Aren't you hungry, Nancy?"
"Yes, I'm famished." Nancy just realizing that she was indeed hungry.
"What about you doc, aren't you hungry?"
The doctor looked at Joe incredulously. "Oh no you don't, you don't get to change the subject just when we are making some headway."
"Hey babe, why don't you go across the street and get us something to eat. I'm feeling like vegetables no meat. What about you doctor, you want some meat, don't you?" Not waiting for answer Joe continued. "Cheese cake sounds good for dessert, too."
"Okay," Nancy said jumping to her feet. Not understanding why she so readily agreed. She wanted to find out what the doctor was really trying to uncover. She sauntered over to Joe and kissed him on the lips, slowly releasing his bottom lip and walked towards the door.
Dr. Cook watched the kiss, they were fucking with her. She chased after Nancy. "Wait. Come back here. We're not through yet."
Nancy shrugged and said she'd be right back and was out the door. Doctor Cook was furious and closed the door. She took a deep breath to calm herself then turned to face Joe. She'd read him the riot act and inform him that this was a formal investigation and that there were consequences for non cooperation, as she looked up about to speak she was hit with a bolt from the ray gun.
When the eerie cloud dissipated Dr. Nikki Cook stood still completely naked, her brown size D cup breasts sitting high on her chest, her dark nipples hard and protruding from her crinkled areoles. Her flat tummy with just a hint of muscles led to her dripping bald and swollen pussy. Upon closer inspection Joe would see the skin was slightly lighter where her short cropped landing strip used to be. Joe had the gun set at its highest setting. Even Nikki's sandals had been vaporized.
Her pupils were dilated and she was panting as if she'd just run a four minute mile. In his limited time zapping women naked, Joe had seen some amazing bodies, but Dr. Nikki Cook was the sexiest woman yet.
"Dr. Cook you tricked me. You said that you wanted to talk but there you are naked, blocking the door so that I can't leave. I know you want to fuck, but we just met. Can't we talk first?" Joe said trying his hardest to keep his face from laughing at the ridiculousness of his statement.
Dr. Cook came out of the ray gun induced trance. Was she really attempting to seduce this teenager? She was naked and she was aroused more than she could remember ever being. Her pussy was literally dripping. She knew that she'd cum quickly once she had that cock inside her.
"Well now Mr. Carr, you did agree to meet me here in my room. You know that I am a woman and I have needs. She sensually walked up to where he stood, he could see his manhood tenting his pants, straining to break free. She rubbed herself against him and purred as she reached down and began fondling his hard cock through his pants. "I think it's time you got out of these clothes, don't you?"
Nikki reluctantly pulled away allowing Joe to undress. Once he was naked she took in a deep breath as she saw the size of his cock. It appeared to be a foot long, hard and thick. She licked her lips, "Just the way I like them." She kissed him deeply and wrestled with his tongue for a minute before sliding down his chiseled body to the massive tool he possessed.
She licked it and tried to get it into her mouth, but her mouth was too small and the cock too big, she settled with getting the mushroom shaped head inside and licked it while stroking the shaft. "I may not be able to get all of you into my mouth, but my other lips are already parting at the thought of you shoving that monster of yours inside me.
Nikki crawled onto the bed. She was about to get the fucking of her lifetime, she knew this. It had been a long time since she had a cock in her pussy and never had she had anything this big inside her before. As that thought bounced around in her foggy conscience she realized that the reason she hadn't had any cock in a while was because she was a lesbian in a committed relationship. What was she doing? "Finding out how the other half lives," she answered herself. "Gawd, I need that cock."
She leaned back on the bed, pillows under her head; she opened her legs bent at the knees revealing her bald waiting pussy. She spread her lips with her fingers and beckoned him towards her.
"Come on lover; let's see if you know how to use that monster."
Joe hesitated, enjoying this side of the stuffy no nonsense doctor. "I don't know, if I put my monster in you do you promise to cum?"
"Oh yes Joe. I think I will cum hard." Nikki replied breathlessly thinking what it would feel like to have his giant cock in her.
"Do you promise Dr. Cook? Do you promise you will cum when I enter you?"
The first cock to enter her body in over ten years, this huge foot long monster that will stretch her wider than any of the toys and dildos that she and her lovers have used for years. "Yes, Joe. I promise that I will cum, as soon as you enter me."
"Alright," Joe said and climbed into the bed. Nikki had been stirring her pussy with her fingers anticipating Joe's arrival. When he was close enough she grabbed his cock and rubbed it up and down along her slit. She was very wet and she covered the tip with her ample juices.
She couldn't wait another moment, as Joe hovered above her she wrapped her legs around him pulling him to her entrance and hauled him in wrapping her legs tightly around him, the heels of her feet pressing into the small of his back.
It was tight, but Joe slid smoothly into her cunt until he bottomed out at her cervix. "The eagle has landed! The eagle has landed!" Dr. Cook thought and exploded as promised into a loud squeal. "Oh, oh gawd!"
Joe pulled out and back in bottoming out again. Repeating this action, a little faster with each stroke, pushing harder each time he hit her cervix. He was fucking her hard now and she loved every minute of it. "Don't stop! Don't stop. Oh, oh, my gawd!" She cried as she came again. Joe didn't stop he was getting close, and love watching the doctor's tits bounce and roll as he fucked her. They were a wonder to behold. He grabbed one with his mouth by the nipple as he continued to fuck her. He chewed lightly on the nipple causing Nikki to scream louder and continued cumming. Just as she was about to lose consciousness Joe erupted and filled her with his seed roaring loudly knowing that his roar only made it feel better. When he finally stopped Nikki laid unconscious, her breathing finally slowing.
Joe pulled out just as he heard a knock at the door. Nancy was returning with the food. "Good he thought he was hungry."
He hopped off the bed and walked naked to the door, his huge cock having lost its stiffness swinging freely between his legs.
"Hey baby, come on in put the food on the table." He told her and she obeyed, walking in looking at the naked doctor unconscious on the bed and the obvious odor of sex in the room, Joe naked and sweating. She was unable to respond until she completed the ordered tasks.
After she set the food down she turned to him as he reached for her ready to kiss but she stopped him putting her hand out against his bare chest. " fucked her? You sent me for food so you could fuck her!" She looked hurt. "How could you?"
"Don't worry baby that was just foreplay, we can do her together." He said turning to look at the unconscious federal agent lying naked across the bed.
"What?" Nancy asked. "I'm not gay. I don't do girls," she looked at the Nikki and corrected herself, "women. I'm not bi-curious, never have been. I can't believe you!"
She tried to push Joe away, but he was too heavy and pushed herself back instead.
"Look baby, I know you're upset. Take your clothes off I will make it up to you. You can lick my cum out of Dr. Cook's pussy too." Joe said smiling.
"Did you not hear what I just said?" She asked as she began to unbutton her blouse.
"You expect me to act like nothing happened. And now you want to fuck me?" She removed her bra and pulled her slacks down catching her thong with it and was now complete naked. "I don't do pussy." She said as she climbed into the bed and poked Nikki's swollen pussy with her index finger and watched it oozed cum. She bent over and took a swipe with her tongue tasting the familiar and the unfamiliar. Nancy got comfortable and went to work. Using her hands to open Nikki wide and put her tongue into the woman searching for Joe's cum. Then she realized what she was doing.
"What the fuck!" she thought but didn't stop trying to get her entire tongue into the narrow tunnel. "Why am I doing this? I have never been the slightest bit attracted to another woman. Why did I take my clothes off? What is wrong with me?"
Joe watched the look of surprise on her face and said. "Looks like you are really enjoying yourself. You must really love the taste of pussy."
Suddenly Nancy realized that she was really enjoying the taste and the act of eating another woman's pussy. She wondered why she'd never tried pussy before, "This is some good shit," she thought to herself and felt herself getting moist between her legs. She quickly ate all the cum she could find and the doctor was coming around again, small moans were escaping her mouth. Nikki opened her eyes and grabbed Nancy's head and began to steer her to all the right places.
Joe was pretty hungry and opened the food containers. He passed on the steaks not really understanding why they were his favorite, rib eyes cooked just the way he liked it. But for some reason the thought of eating beef made him nauseous.
He found the broccoli and mashed potatoes began eating as he watched the two women now involved in mutually eating each other's pussy.
Nancy found herself on her back, her tongue in Dr. Cook's pussy as she spread her legs and found her clitoris.
Nancy pulled away and screamed as she came faster than she'd every remembered cumming before. "Dr. Cook definitely knows her way around a pussy," she thought once she was able to pull together rational thoughts once more.
For her part Dr. Cook felt more familiar eating a pussy, but she wanted to feel that cock in her snatch again. She'd never felt so full before and it felt great. She wanted more, she needed more. "So much for being a committed lesbian," she though remembering her lover back in Washington, "how would she ever explain any of this to her." The thought was quickly dismissed as she felt her clitoris tingle and she came again crying out its arrival.
By now Joe had gotten enough food in his system and was ready for another round. He had Nancy get on top to ride him while the good doctor sat on his face. The two women were able to feel and fondle each other's amazing breasts as they traded places over and over again while they came repeatedly and sucked lips and swapped spit.
After fucking them both while they lay on top of each, alternating between pussies while they licked and suckled each other's fat nipples Joe came once more spraying Nikki's face and tits with an unusually large amount of cum. Nancy still not understanding her behavior, but shrugging it off for the time being cleaned her up, the three layed together panting and cuddling in the wrecked bed.
"Dr. Cook," Joe began, "That's so formal. Do you have a first name?"
Dr. Cook giggled and smiled warmly enjoying the teen's sense of humor. "Of course I do. It's Nicole, but you may call me Nikki. All my friends do."
"Nikki," Joe began again. "Why are you here? I mean there is no terrorist threat, what brings you all the way from Washington?" He looked at the woman as he pulled gently on her long brown locks.
She sighed, enjoying the cuddling time, "Well if you must know, I am searching for extraterrestrials." She giggled and continued. "We've seen some unusual flight patterns and believe that there is something going on here." She paused as Nancy began to pull and then suck on one of her nipples. "Mmmm...I think that you know more than you are telling me Joe. Am I...ahhh...right?"
Nancy was ready for more and fluffing Nikki in just the right way. She moved down and put her head between Nikki's legs and began licking her pussy. Nikki took Joe's flaccid cock in her mouth. It was long and soft; she was able to get it all in her mouth, sucking on it like a lollipop.
Joe thought about Nikki's last statement. She was alone, why would they send her down here alone if they were serious about looking for extraterrestrials. Joe was beginning to stiffen but he wanted answers. "Nikki do you have a partner? Or did you come out here by yourself and if so, why, wouldn't something this important warrant more people?"
Nikki pulled the stiffening cock from her mouth, it was dripping with her saliva and she reluctantly looked away from it to answer. "Well..." she said as had to choose between answering and worshiping the hard cock in her hand. "My supervisor doesn't think it is real and I have only a couple of days to find something or it's my ass. He doesn't like wasting resources." She pulled the growing cock back into her mouth while it still would fit and slid it back and forth down her throat as Nancy continued to munch on her pussy.
Nikki bounced the growing cock off her face playfully then tried to get it back into her mouth. Joe knew immediately who they were tracking, but it appears that there wasn't anyone other than Dr. Nikki Cook smart enough to suspect the truth. He smiled as she continued to play with his cock; she seemed entranced by it, as if she'd never seen one before.
"Nikki I have never seen any woman so fascinated with a cock before, why is that?" Joe asked.
Nikki giggled as if she just got a joke, "Oh I suppose it's because I am a lesbian. I don't see many cocks and I have been in a relationship for the past ten years." She giggled again. "Well, I guess I'm not a lesbian anymore. Perhaps I'm simply bi-sexual and only now figuring that out." Her voice rising with the last few words as Nancy brought off the woman again.
"Hey baby, look at you eating pussy like a champ," he told Nancy. "I think you deserve some cock now."
Joe flipped Nancy on her back and climbed between her legs. She screamed and came immediately as was becoming her habit whenever they fucked. Nikki saw the Nancy's mouth was vacant and thought she'd see if her tongue had anything left and squatted over her face as Nancy pulled her pussy back to her mouth. Nikki rode her face kissing Joe deeply as he slowly stroked back and forth in Nancy's womb.
The pleasure that she was enjoying was enough to keep Nancy off balance. On the one hand she was angry that she was doing things that she'd never thought of doing before in her life. As she had one orgasm after the other, the incredible taste of Nikki's pussy and Joe's massive cock, how it grew so large, she wondered. Nancy was beginning to lose herself. She moaned into Nikki's pussy almost drowning in her juices as Joe continued to pound her pussy. She was coming again.
"Ohhhh...Joe pulled out as his cock erupted. Like a fire hose he squirted a huge amount of cum, painting both Nikki's and Nancy's breasts and stomachs. Nikki lunge forward as she saw the cock free from Nancy's pussy catching a few squirts on face and neck. She wanted more of that amazing cock. Joe continued to cum as Nikki captured his still pulsing cock. She sucked on it and Joe continued to cumming. He roared like he'd just scored a touchdown filling the former lesbian's mouth with his juices. Nikki tried to keep up but it was too much and some began to leak from her mouth and down her neck unto her beautiful brown breasts.
Finally Joe stopped ejaculating. He felt as though he'd never stop. It was the most powerful climax he'd ever experienced. Nikki let his limp cock slip from her mouth and contracted her billowing jaws swallowing the huge a mouthful of male secretion. Joe stepped backwards into the bar and slumped into the mesh chair completely spent. Nancy jumped forward licking Nikki's face, neck and tits for the leftover cum.
A few minutes later as Nancy and Nikki twisted themselves into a sixty-nine their heads bobbing between each other's spread legs, Joe began to come around. He still felt odd and drained of energy. He was beginning to worry then he felt his strength return, feeling much stronger than he had at any time in his entire life. But he was extremely thirsty. It was a strange thirst, one that only water would quench.
He drank the remaining bottles of water Nikki had on the cart. He opened the small refrigerator and saw that she had three 23 ounce bottles of water cooling. Joe pulled out the first one and emptied it in two large pulls. He grabbed the second and slowing himself he gulped it all down in a series of smaller swallows. As he grabbed the last one he heard the unmistakable passionate screams and moans coming from the bed as it appeared that Nikki and Nancy had eaten each other's pussy into a comatose state. They both appeared to be unconscious and still tangled together.
Joe walked around the room slowly sipping his water and looking at the two naked women in bed, their breathing began to return to normal by still very much unconscious. They were beautiful; he loved looking at naked women.
He paused and looked at his reflection in the mirror unable to get over his transformation, he was now at least six feet seven inches tall and had to weigh well over 235 pounds, every muscle seemed to be defined, and his abdominal muscles looked like something from a bodybuilder magazine. Swinging loosely between his legs was his flaccid cock about eight inches long.
"Now bad for a primate," Matt Strong said as he tossed a strange bundle of what looked liked clothes at his feet. Joe didn't know how he found him or how he managed to enter the locked room.
Although Joe was startled, he was calm and didn't let on. Joe knew the voice. Besides Joe felt invincible, he was confident he could take on anyone on the planet except Matt and his men. He turned confidently to face the spaceman.
"Times up little man. We've got places to be and people to see."
Joe could see that he was almost Matt's size, a little smaller but he could easily pass as one of his men.
"What's that?" Joe asked looking at the bundle at his feet.
"Your uniform and gear," Matt said. "We don't have much time, get dressed. We have to go."
Joe looked back at Nancy and Dr. Nikki Cook about to say something but Matt stopped him. Don't worry about the lesbians they will be fine and may not even realize that you've gone.
Nancy was slipping in and out of consciousness; her mind heard her being referred to as a lesbian and captured that thought before she drifted back into the blackness of her unconscious mind.