Chapter 06.1

Joe paused and looked at his reflection in the mirror unable to get over his transformation; he was now at least six feet seven inches tall weighing well over 235 pounds, every muscle defined, he looked like something out of a bodybuilder magazine. Swinging loosely between his legs his flaccid cock had shrunk to about eight inches.

"Now bad for a primate," Matt Strong said as he tossed a strange bundle of what looked liked clothes at his feet. Joe didn't know how he found him or how he managed to enter the locked room.

Although Joe was startled, he was calm and didn't let on. Joe knew the voice and turned around slowly. He felt invincible, as if he could take on anyone on the planet except Matt and his men. He faced the spaceman.

"Times up little man. We've got places to be and people to see."

Joe could see that he was almost Matt's size, a little smaller but he could easily pass as one of Matt's men.

"What's that?" Joe asked looking at the bundle at his feet.

"Your uniform and gear," Matt said. "We don't have much time, get dressed. We have to go now."

Joe looked back at Nancy and Dr. Nikki Cook about to say something but Matt stopped him. Don't worry about the lesbians they will be fine and may not even realize that you've gone.

Nancy was slipping in and out of consciousness; her mind heard her being referred to as a lesbian and captured that thought before she drifted back into the blackness of her unconscious mind.

Several hours later, Dr. Nikki Cook was shaken from her deep slumber by the unique ringing of her cell phone. She tried to reach for it but found she couldn't move. The head of a strange woman had her pinned to the mattress. As she tried to move the woman, she realized they both were naked and the room smelled of sex. Finally she was able to roll the woman off her and reached for the phone. The hotel clock read 5AM.

Who was calling her at this hour? The picture on her iPhone 6 was that of a beautiful woman smiling.

"Damn," she swore to herself. "Hey honey, it's pretty early is everything alright?"

Nancy began to stir, lying on the lower belly of her new lover she began to have flashes of memories or the wild lesbian sex from last night. It was amazing. She couldn't believe that she had waited this long to find out what it was like to make love to another woman. She'd had a few lesbian acquaintances while she was in the military, but she never felt drawn to pussy before last night. The more she thought about it the more aroused she became and without realizing it her hands began roaming over the body of her lover.

"No, baby I just needed to hear you voice. I'm sorry about the hour, I can't get used to this three hour time difference thing," Nikki's lover and committed roommate told her.

When Nancy fingers found Nikki's pussy so nearby it didn't take her long to kiss and caress it lovingly, causing Nikki to half suppress a moan.

"What was that," her girlfriend asked, suspiciously listening for background sounds.

"Sorry baby," Nikki covered while trying to push Nancy's face away from her quickly moistening pussy. "I'm sorry baby, I was trying not to be rude, but only managed to partially stifle a yawn, sorry. What were you saying?"

Embolden that she was successfully distracting Nikki from her conversation, Nancy inserted two fingers into Nikki's pussy and resumed licking her with much more enthusiasm.

"Mmm, baby I really want to talk some more, but you woke me and I need to pee. Can I call you back later? Yes, me too. Love you, bye."

Nikki quickly ended the call and tossed her phone on the pillow next to her as she fell back into the bed and grabbed Nancy's head steering her as she brought her to the first of many climaxes that day.

Pulling on his black uniform and gold beret Joe wore it like he'd seen Matt. The uniform clung to him like a second skin and was made of some unknown material that reminded him of spandex by was almost like a double weaved fabric that seemed to have some armor in the right places.

He tied the belt holster low on his hips, like Hans Solo from the Star Wars movies. He didn't have a weapon, yet but knew that he would soon enough. Looking at his reflection he couldn't help but realize how much his body had changed in the last several days. He was a lean muscular soldier ready to do what was asked of him. He stood about six feet seven inches tall, at least 225 pounds of pure muscle, his uniform not hiding any of that.

"Not bad for primate." Matt Strong said as he interrupted the teen from his gazing.

Joe smiled, "So, mind telling me why I'm here," turning to face the alien.

"Well, you're here for training of course. I told you that I needed you to fill in. I'm a man short and you are going to be his replacement."

"For how long," Joe asked stepping up to the alien still a few inches shorter and not as big but looking as menacing as possible. He squared his jaw and looked up with his eyes alone.

"Is that supposed to scare me?" Matt laughed and pulled Joe into a strange hold facing him the other direction helpless and unable to move.

Then Joe felt a pinch at the back of his neck. He was once again injected with some alien narcotic. Matt released him and Joe staggered a few steps before regaining his footing while coving the back of his neck where he had been injected.

"What the fuck? What was that?" Surprised that he didn't collapse he stood straight and stared at the alien again waiting for an answer.

"Listen primate, this isn't earth." Joe blinked as Matt's speech seemed to change but he still understood him clearly. "No one speaks English here. Including me, if you are going to blend in you'll need the universal translator I injected. Typically it is inserted into the brain, but since you're such a weenie and I'm not authorized to perform brain surgery even on primates, I installed one as close as I could. It should do the trick, I assume that it is working because I haven't been speaking that earth-babble for a while now and you seem to be following me."

"Yeah, I guess I am." Matt rubbed the place where he was injected. The pain was quickly subsiding. "Next time perhaps you could give a guy a warning, you big meany."

"Yeah, it's working just fine, but I will still have to teach you to swear like a marine. He laughed again; you'll need to do better than that, big meany, if anyone is supposed to take you seriously.

Joe looked at Matt confused.

"Little man, we've been communicating in GUL for the last several minutes. GUL is galactic universal language."

"Oh," Joe was beginning to catch on. Before he could ask any more questions Matt began again.

"We don't have much time you've a lot to learn and not a lot of time in which to do it so I'm going to take a chance and put you into T.A.L.E. that way I can have you up to speed in less than eight of you hours. This translation thing is getting boring. So before you ask, T.A.L.E. is Time Altered Learning Environment. You are going to eight weeks of space marine boot camp in eight hours." They began walking through several corridors where Joe saw every imaginable alien creature wearing a uniform similar to his.

They stopped at a hatch where Joe saw a small group of about twenty alien jumping into a formation. "That's your training group, be good follow instructions and you may survive this. I see you in eight hours or eight weeks by your calculations if you survive. We've never tried this on a primate before, good luck." Joe realized that he was helpless to rebel or even question the order, he wasn't sure why. He began to march forward to join his unit when he heard Matt call to him he stopped and turned.

"One last thing little man, watch out for the Anteresans. Both genders look the same and they could alter your entire thinking on sexuality before you know it you'll be taking it up your ass and giving blowjobs. Now off you go."

Joe was worried now. He didn't even know what Anteresans looked like. He fell into formation and watched as the hatch closed and disappeared.

They were broken into groups of eight, (four males and six females) and assigned living quarters. The next morning they woke early and began Physical Training (PT) followed by breakfast, classroom instruction, lunch, weapon training and hand to hand combat training.

After dinner they a short classroom training and were given assignments to complete on their own. Joe had to work to keep up but was satisfied that he didn't standout for the wrong reason. In between there was sex and plenty of it. There were six female classmates and they all seemed to enjoy sex both alone and in small groups. Fortunately for Joe there were no Anteresans assigned to his group. He learned they were the beings he has seen earlier with bright red skin and bald heads. Only when aroused would you learn for certain which gender you had engaged, they are all fierce lovers so you had to be very open minded when interacting with them.

Joe learned too that the green skinned woman in his group with the insatiable appetite for sex was a Cassiopeian. She took a liking to him and when they weren't studying they were fucking. Although she was like many of the women back on earth that he'd fucked there was something more he couldn't quite put his finger on. She never seemed too tired of sucking on his cock and seemed to be the happiest when she had his cock deep in her bright green pussy.

She was his fuck-buddy. There didn't seem to be any emotional ties. Her body was ripe and beautiful, big tits with large areoles that when excited crinkled into tight long nipples. Her ass was amazing, large but in the right proportions. She was lean and muscular yet soft enough in the right places. Theirs was a physical attraction that he couldn't explain. They paired up automatically and studied together, Joe surprised himself as he actually helped her to learn and retain materials and techniques as much as she helped him. She never told him her name so he called her Cassie. Time seemed to move quickly whenever they were together. What Joe didn't know was that this wasn't the last he'd see of Cassie. They spent almost every night together, when they weren't fucking their other classmates.

The day was almost over; Matt pulled the busty blonde off his cock. She was cleaning him up as was her duty. He was after all a Master Sergeant in the Galactic Space Marines (GSM). It was part of her training to do thirty solar days of "companion duty" before her real training would begin; she had only three days remaining. She would be a marine, too.

Matt left her in the bed; she had a bit of cleaning left to do before he returned. He'd fuck her later tonight or perhaps he'd swap her out for that other girl he'd seen earlier. She was a good piece of ass, but not very creative. She'd see her evaluations soon enough, she'd either improve her performance or have to do another tour before being promoted to marine combat training. Whatever, she wasn't his problem. His problem was about to be released from TALE in about ten minutes. He was eager to see how Joe did and if he survived physically and mentally.

When Matt arrived at the training bay he saw Joe standing at attention in a group of eight other marines. Matt called him out and in sharp military precision broke from formation and double-timed it the Master Sergeant and waiting to be asked before presenting his graduation transcript in the form of a small rectangular object the size of a USB flash drive but without a male end to plug.

Upon requesting the object Matt closed his hand into a fist and uploaded the data and in thirty seconds review the last eight hours or eight weeks, depending on your perspective.

"Walk with me marine." Matt ordered and Joe fell into step a half step behind the Master Sergeant, "Any questions, marine?" He asked as they marched slowly through the corridors that Joe began to recognize although he'd never been there before. Suddenly he seemed to know a great deal more than he realized. He knew they were on a space station orbiting a large planet several light years from earth. He knew that despite having not being asked he was now a part of GSM for how long he didn't know. He also believed knew he was the first and only recruit from earth.

"Yes sir, Master Sergeant, I have just one question sir, why me?"

Matt smiled. "Have you forgotten that it was you who began playing with alien technology in the first place?" They stopped in front of a door. "Besides it's about time that you primates began contributing to your own safety and security."

The door opened and they entered the room. It appeared to be storage or supply center of some sort. Walking up to the counter the encountered a beautiful blue woman completely naked and typing symbols into a terminal. She smartly stood, pivoting on the balls of her bare feet and walked quickly to the marines. She reminded Joe of Mystic from the Xmen movies only she had smooth skin, large breasts, ripe nipples and her pussy was completely exposed.

"How may I be of assistance Master Sergeant?"

Matt smiled; he loved her race always eager to please and the best fucking women in the galaxy. Not good at fighting, but unequaled in the sack. "Issue this marine the standard field pack and covert bundle. Please have the bulk of it sent to hanger five, launch pad three by 2300 hours. You can issue his weapons now.

She turned her gaze to Joe, took a few steps, jiggling enticingly as she seemed to be mentally taking his measurements. She smiled at him and Joe felt his cock hardening. She turned and walked through a door, Matt and Joe watched her ass jiggle and could almost make out her pussy from behind. She returned a few minutes later and dropping several items on the counter. As Joe moved closer he could see her pussy had moistened and she smelled sweet like a flower, he was rock hard by now and began to perspire a bit.

"Down marine, she's a Denebian, built for sex. You don't have time for this one, perhaps when you return.

"Thank you; please leave us before this marine loses control." Matt told the blue woman.

She frowned. "Hmmm...I think I would like that. Look me up when you return." She smile and wiggled back out the door.

Joe watched as she left imagining what it would be like to fuck her. Images of her in all sorts of positions begging for more flashed through his mind. Before he realized that he was staring at nothing.

"She really likes you; she sent you telepathic images of the two of you fucking, huh?"

"Wow," Joe said as his training kicked in and he felt his heart rate slow and his erection beginning to subside.

Matt gave him a moment and then returned his attention to his gear. "I've included in your gear a blaster made from a sort of nylon material and is hard as any earth metal. Since it isn't metal, it will not be caught by your primitive metal detectors. Joe holstered the gun and felt Matt attach what looked like an Apple Watch to his wrist.

Noticing Joe's recognition he said. "I sold the design to them. They have about one percent of what this baby can do." Joe felt it get hot on his wrist and just as it was becoming uncomfortable is cooled. Watching Joe's face change Matt spoke again. "You are now bonded to the device. It's a very powerful computer and weapon. It has both lethal and none lethal setting and of course a refined disarming feature complete with mind control."

Joe looked at him about to ask the first of a dozen questions. Then Matt spoke again. "This is why you didn't advance in rank out of boot camp private. What did you call my prototype weapon, the nude gun? The watch has that feature. A thin beam is emitted from the watch stem. You will surrender the prototype to me when you get to the transport."

"Where am I going? What the assignment, Sir."

"Gawd, I hate these formal circumstances," Matt said. "I can't wait until we are both back in the field. For now I have to stay here, but you marine are being stationed on Earth, back home and under cover. I will use you to put out small fires when they occur, but mostly you should consider yourself on leave until called upon when needed. You'll know and we'll communicate through your new time piece."

Joe was happy to be going back home, and excited that he was now a part of something bigger than himself. Grimacing in pain he squeezed his eyes closed tightly. His head was beginning to ache, it was stuffed full of so much new information, it would be a while before he processed it all.

"Headache, not unexpected here take these," he handed Joe a couple of pills that looked like aspirin. "This should kill the pain quickly.

Joe swallowed the pills dry. The melted in his mouth and immediately his headache disappeared.

"Gather your gear and I will see you at the transport at 2300 hours, dismissed."

With his new knowledge and training Joe quickly had a layout of the station; he found his backpack the prototype was in its case as he left it he had about ninety minutes before he needed to report to the transport so decided to explore and look at the view from orbit. It was spectacular from earth he only saw the black and white of space. From the space station he could see bright reds and blues and yellow among the stars and planets and the various space ships he'd only imagined. He was in the heart of the galaxy it was busy and there were hundreds of different species all interacting.

Breaking his concentration he watched as another Denebian woman jiggled past him. He didn't think she was the same one from the quartermaster's distribution center. He'd learned was where he'd been issued his gear. She didn't seem to recognize him but sent him some lovely images of them together that had him seconds away from following her.

"Private Carr, that wouldn't be a good idea. You don't have the required time to satisfy your curiosity nor libido for the Denebian. They can be very demanding partners."

Joe looked around but there was no one nearby and it certainly didn't sound like the Master Sergeant.

"No. It is just me your computer. The device attached to your wrist."

"What?" Joe looked at his wrist watch; there was a big smiley face on the watch. "Look, I guess the Master Sergeant failed to fully explain what the bonding process involved." Joe heard the mechanical voice in his mind not from his ears.

"You're using telepathic on me?" Joe said still staring at the watch.

"Well, sort of. We are now connected and can communicate silently; you don't have to keep looking at me. It looks kind of weird. Most of the other soldiers are bonded, it makes you look retarded."

"Oh, right," Joe said and relaxed a bit lowering his left arm. "So, do you have a name or something I can call you?"

"Well that's up to you. Perhaps I should tell you more about me and my purpose. Then you can tell me what modifications you'd like to make."

"Modifications, what kind of modifications, what are you talking about?"

"Private Carr, Joe. Do you mind if I call you Joe. It seems from my probes of your memories that you like that name best of all the names you have been given, although Joey holds a special place only your family and a few special sex partners have that privilege."

"What, How?"

"We are linked. I know what you know and I will share what I know with you, Joe. As far as modifications, gender for one, currently my voice is gender neutral and rather mechanical and just a little annoying to me, but if that is what you want that is fine by me."

"Wait a minute." Joe began, "Are you sentient?"

"Oh, no, I don't think so. I do have artificial intelligence. That's what you call it back on earth, isn't it?"

" know I'm from earth!"

"Joe...remember the bonding process, I know what you know."

"Oh right. This is weird."

"Don't worry you're doing a good job, no one suspects although you do smell different and the Denebians are talking among themselves and you could have anyone of them, if we, I mean you had the time. But unless you want to miss your transport back to earth you better get moving. We have plenty of time to talk. Let's get moving."

Joe looked at the two Denebian women looking him over as they gently sniff the air and smiled. He smiled back but stood and walked towards the nearest lift taking him to Hanger Five.

As he arrived at landing pad three he saw Matt that is Master Sergeant Matt Strong, (for some reason he couldn't think of him as anyone other than his superior now) approaching.

"It's the conditioning." Computer said.

"Private Carr. You have some gear for me."

Joe thought about removing the prototype from his backpack, but then realized that there was nothing else in it that he couldn't easily replace so he handed the backpack to the Master Sergeant. Matt opened it and saw that everything was there. "I'll see you in a few weeks private, we'll be in touch. Has your AI been activated?"

"Yes sir. We are engaged and I am being briefed."

"Good job, dismissed."

Joe entered the transport and took a seat near the back by the window. A few others climbed aboard, but the transport was mostly empty. Joe wondered why and before he could ask the answer came from the mechanical voice.

"Not many assignments are that far out in the boonies. Is that what you call it," the computer responded.

"Close enough." Joe said. "Tell me about these modifications that you were talking about. You said that I can change your voice and gender. Can you be female and speak with a British accent?"

"All right mate. It's blood easy enough to do." The computer said.

"That's not quite what I had in mind," Joe said. "I imaged something like Keira Knightley crossed with Julie Andrews."

"All right how's this. Sound about right?"

"Perfect," Joe said. "What other adjustments can I make? What about honesty level like in the movie "Interstellar"?

The computer paused and probed Joe's mind for the proper reference. "I didn't realize that was important." The AI said as she made an adjustment anticipating the question. "I'm at ninety five percent."

"Good enough for now, and I can't keep calling you computer so I think I am going to call you Keira, it will help me complete the fantasy."

"Keira, what time do you anticipate us getting back, how much time has elapsed since I've been gone?"

"You will have been gone a week by the time we return and you have some unfinished business waiting for you I suppose."

"Oh shit," Joe thought to himself still unaware that Keira could hear his thoughts. "Keira's going to learn about what a big "perv" I am and have been. This is going to be embarrassing."

"Joe, if by perv you mean pervert, you needn't worry. Earth is a backwards planet with a social morality that is light years behind the rest of the galaxy. Your body has been altered and you have the means to satisfy those needs and since no one is harmed then there isn't a problem. And by the way your mom and sister are hot by earth standards anyway."

Joe blushed. "Maybe we should knock that honesty level down to eighty percent."

"Eighty percent," Keira said.

Before they landed and drove back to the mall parking lot Joe's iPhone 6s exploded with the several chimes indicating incoming voicemail messages, emails and texts.

"Ghastly primitive toy, would you like me to sort through the communications and prioritizes them?" Keira asked.

"You can do that?" Joe asked.

"That's easy; it's done would you like a summary and report?"

Joe nodded as if the computer could see him, but she seemed to know anyway.

"You have ten voice messages from Nancy and nine texts. Fifteen call and voice messages from your mother, a half a dozen texts from your sister and five calls and three texts from Angela and one call, voice message and text from Nancy."

"Play the voice message from Nancy." Joe said.

"Joe, (sigh) I wanted to meet. I have something to tell you and it should be said face to face. Please call me and tell me when we can meet."

"It sounds serious. Would you like to call her?" Keira asked.

"Read the text." Joe said.
Next page: Chapter 06.2
Previous page: Chapter 05.2