Chapter 07.1

Peeking through the peep hole on her door Nancy opened it despite being complete naked. Standing before her was the most stunningly beautiful woman she'd ever seen. Without realizing it Nancy slipped back into her lesbian mind set and simply stood there admiring the gorgeous woman. She was large with an amazing body, her flat stomach made her large breasts look even larger than they were. She was tall with long dancer's legs and shapely hips. Her face was angelic, her piercing green eyes were an amazing shade of green.

Joe arrived and seeing the woman asked, "Cassie? Is that you?

"Hey Joe, who's your naked friend?"

"Oh", Joe too didn't realize that Nancy was naked or he was becoming so used to be around naked women that it was beginning to feel normal. He hadn't put a shirt on, but he did have the wherewithal to pull on his pants before coming to the door.

"Oh my..." Nancy stammered. "What was I thinking? Please come in. I'm Nancy, this is my home." Stepping back to allow the amazon to enter. "I can't pretend to be modest now, you've seen everything." She said blushing as she closed the door. "How do you and Joe know each other."

"We just finished basic training together," her replied looking down at the tiny earth woman and then back to Joe she said, "I have orders for you," and handed him a document made of some important looking material. It wasn't written in English or any other earth language, but Joe was easily able to read it, while Cassie studied Nancy's body admiring her assets. "She looks pretty good for a primitive," she thought.

Joe exclaimed, "We're being partnered?"

"Yeah, isn't that great!" Cassie said.

"Nancy, since you are already naked, do you mind if I join you? You look so comfortable and these clothes are itchy."

Without waiting for Nancy's reply, Cassie shed her blouse, skirt and kicked off her pumps and was completely naked, having not bothered with wearing a bra or panties. Without her heels she was still well over six feet tall. A stunned Nancy was practically drooling as Cassie picked up her discarded clothing, bending over at the waist stuffing them into her carry-on that no one seemed to notice she had with her, while giving both Nancy and Joe a great view of her previously hidden assets.

Straightening up and looking at the two Cassie said, "So anyone feel like fucking?"

Before Joe could ask Keira if the orders were legitimate, she confirmed that they were indeed official indicating the seal of the Galactic Space Marines at the bottom of the page.

"Ah..." Joe hesitated. Although he knew that he could handle Nancy, things were moving very quickly.

"Well, if you don't mind sharing..." Nancy said being cute. "I think I might be willing to share my boyfriend for a little while." But secretly knowing that she wanted to taste the sweet nectar she could smell emanating from between Cassie's legs.

Joe wasn't surprised at Nancy's response, qualifying it by agreeing to share for a little while. She was becoming possessive of him. They'd have to talk about that.

"Don't worry Joe, I promise to play nicely for now that is," She giggled. "Let's go tiger, Nancy seems more than ready." Joe heard Cassie's voice in his head like he could hear his AI.

Before he could ask Keira anticipating his question. "You are partners and can speak between each other through your computers, orders. Don't worry she can't read your thoughts, but she seems to have a pretty good handle on you already. I guess you've really connected during basic training. That may be a problem for Nancy. You and Cassie are more than partners for all practical purposes is like your marriage thingy."

"What?" Joe yelled inside his head as both Nancy and Cassie stared at him waiting for him to answer.

Finally, Nancy decided to take the lead, taking Cassie by the hand and leading the sensuous woman to her bedroom. "Come on Cassie, I think he just can't believe his good fortune. It isn't many guys that get to play with two hot and horny women at the same time."

"Come on Joe, I know that you can hear me. I don't want to have to break your, what is you call it, oh yes, your girlfriend."

"Don't you dare!" Joe replied annoyed that he didn't seem to have control over the situation.

"Ah there you are. Don't worry, I'm not going to harm her, I am simply going to rock her world." Cassie replied and giggled again.

Nancy climbed into her bed pulling the eager stranger with her. "You are a big girl," Nancy said as Cassie climbed between her spread legs capturing her mouth with her own. With speed that caught Nancy off guard, Cassie's left hand found the earth woman's moist pussy and quickly squeeze her hand completely into the warm tight tunnel.

Nancy gasped and squealed into Cassie's mouth, amazed at the sudden and immense pleasure. She somehow found Cassie's enlarged clit and played with it even as she was being fisted by this strangely exotic woman. After a few minutes of Cassie's fisting torture, Nancy screamed out her pleasure, a sound which Joe never tired of hearing. It was a great climax and Joe was surprised how quickly Nancy came. After almost a minute her wailing grew quiet as she passed out from the intensity of it all.

Cassie pulled her arm from the unconscious woman's gaping cunt, "That was quick," she turned to Joe who was standing in the doorway watching the two, not sure what Cassie had done to Nancy until he saw her hand emerge from Nancy's pussy fingers extended dripping with Nancy's secretions.

"There, we should have some privacy for a few minutes, my husband." Cassie said as she leaped from the bed faster than humanly possible and landing in Joe's arms, locking her legs around his. She looked up at him and as he looked down her mouth captured his and her tongue explored his mouth taking his breath away.

With her free hand she ripped his pants completely from his body shredding them into two large useless rags.

Joe sighed, he didn't have many pairs of pants that still fit his new frame and those were his favorite. Sensing his feeling, Cassie told him not to worry that she had new clothing for him, issued for their new joint assignment. Then she pulled him between her open legs and they fell next to the still unconscious Nancy.

Joe had to admit as he pushed his cock into Cassie that there was something that he felt for her that he didn't feel with anyone else. It was both emotional and physical. He seemed to fit so perfectly within her, too. As he began stroking in and out Cassie was talking to him in his head, telling him of their love and how much more intense their love making would now be.

She didn't lie. Joe remembered how good it felt to fuck her when they were in boot camp, but this was about ten time more intense. He couldn't put it off any longer and roared loudly as he came harder than he remembered every coming before. That was enough for Cassie and she came hard as well. They continued to kiss and caress each other as Nancy slowly woke up.

"Oh, I think I may have passed out," she said. "Cassie what was that thing you did with your hand? It was wonderful. I've never felt anything like that before."

"Hmmm...I'll have to tell you about it later, but right now your pussy is looking pretty good." She left Joe and pulled Nancy to her and began nibbling around her outer lips, Cassie wiggled her ass seductively causing Joe to rise and push into Cassie from behind, grabbing her hips slowly stroking in and out.

Again, Nancy was having her world rocked. No one had ever eaten her pussy like Cassie. Within a very short time she had quickly reached one powerful climax after the other. Then just as it began to fade it would peak again only stronger and she was coming all over again. Cassie didn't let up. Her tongue appeared to be everywhere at once. Nancy was beginning to think that there may be something to this lesbian thing, as the roller coaster continued. But she still loved what only Joe's cock could do for her. Filing her up like no one had ever done before. Nevertheless, this was awesome, where did she learn how to do these things, Nancy wondered when she was able to put together a coherent thought.

Finally, Joe roared announcing his climax and came hard forcing Cassie to come as he stroked her harder and faster. As Cassie came she was just able to get Nancy off again for what may have been the fifth time. Everyone was panting, Joe excused himself to use the bathroom giving Cassie her chance to talk to Nancy alone.

Cassie got up and jiggled tantalizingly over to where she had left her carry-on bag and pulled out what looked like an iPhone 6s Plus from one of the pockets. Nancy thought she was going to take a picture as she aimed the phone at her. Still recovering, her legs still spread wide, her hands rubbing her pussy as she remembered the pleasure, she was just about to protest when the familiar yellow arc of light shot forward from the phone surrounding her then faded leaving Nancy motionless with her legs still open and her fingers in her pussy.

"Nancy, did you enjoy our love making?" She asked the stunned brunette. "How many times did I get you off, four, five times?

"Six." Nancy admitted in a monotone voice that told Cassie that she was under the influence of the hypnotic ray and waiting for instructions.

"Good," Cassie said. "A lesbian like yourself needs to cum a lot and as often as possible in order to function your best. Don't you agree?"

There it was, that word again, and what it implied. Nancy's foggy mind grasped on to it again. "Yes," she said. "I'm a lesbian. I need to cum a lot and often. I love having you eat my pussy. You are very good at eating pussy, Cassie."

"But Nancy, you haven't eaten my pussy yet," Cassie said. "Lesbians love giving as much as receiving, don't they? Do you like eating pussy Nancy?"

Nancy smiled and said, "Of course, I'm a lesbian. I love eating pussy. I would love to eat your pussy Cassie. Would that please you?"

"That would please me very much, Nancy. And it is very important that you please me, isn't it? If not, you won't be able to cum at all. Do you understand?"

"I understand," Nancy said. "I want to please your, shall I eat your pussy now Cassie?"

"My you are an eager little lesbian aren't you? In a minute, my little pussy muncher. But, what about Joe and his wonderful cock. If you are a lesbian, you can't do cock. Lesbian's don't do cock, do they Nancy?

Nancy hesitated. She was thinking things over for a moment and then said slowly. "Joe...I love Joe. I love his cock. Maybe I am not a lesbian. Maybe I am bi?"

Cassie frowned. "What is bi?" She asked irritated, this was taking too long.

With no emotion in her voice Nancy explained that bi was short for bisexual, and that means that she liked men and women equally, pussy and cock.

"Her will is stronger than I thought. That just means I will have to have to be more persuasive," Cassie thought to herself. "Oh no, Nancy you definitely are not bisexual. You are a lesbian. A lesbian loves having her pussy eaten by a woman and loves eating pussy herself. Did you cum when I ate your pussy, Nancy?

"Yes, Cassie I came hard many times."

"How many times did you cum, Nancy?"

"Six wonderful times. It was awesome and I loved it."

"Did you come when I had my hand in your pussy, Nancy?"

"That was incredible, your hold hand and arm was in my pussy. How did you do that? I came so hard?"

"See Nancy, you are a lesbian. You've just been being polite, letting Joe fuck you with his cock. But no more. Lesbian's don't do cock. Do you understand? No more cock for you, especially Joe's cock.

Nancy simply nodded but didn't look convinced. Cassie continued. "You will be as kind and loving as you normally are, but you won't touch Joe's cock. That cock belongs to me." Cassie said more menacing than anything else. Frightening Nancy.

"No more cock for me. I am a lesbian," Nancy said shaking her head. "I love pussy and can't wait to taste your pussy, Cassie. You make me cum more than anyone else, more than Joe and his big fat cock. That thick fat juicy beautiful cock belongs to you."

"That's right, Nancy. It is important that Joe doesn't sense a change in your attitude, too. That wouldn't be polite. That would make me unhappy, and you don't want me to be unhappy, do you Nancy?

"No Cassie. I don't want you to be unhappy. If you are unhappy then I won't get to eat your pussy. I want you to be happy so that you will make me cum a lot."

Cassie was running out of time. Joe would be out of the bathroom soon and Nancy was starting to come out of her trance, so she hurried.

"Nancy, you will do anything and everything that I ask without question. That will make me happy. You want to make me happy."

"I want to make you happy, Cassie. I want to eat your pussy. Can I do it now?" Nancy asked.

Cassie ignored the request. "You will remain close to Joe, but over time you will slowly distance yourself, he is mine and you are a lesbian. You are my lesbian. You won't mind him looking at you or touching you. You will not touch my man's cock unless I tell you it is okay. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Cassie I understand. No more cock for Nancy. Pussy only, unless Cassie says it is okay," Nancy repeated and begged. "Please, can I eat your pussy now. I am so ready for some pussy." Nancy was becoming impatient a sign that the trance was weakening, and she had accepted her instructions and was eager to comply.

"Alright, Nancy you can eat my pussy, but you must make me cum at least twice, then you can fix us all something to eat. But I don't want you walking around the house naked. That is a privilege reserved for the woman of the house, and that is me. You can put on something sexy and very revealing, though. Something that will reveal your assets, not covering them completely, I want them to be easy for me to access and play with my lesbian's pretty little parts."

"Certainly, Nancy said and giggled. "I have just the thing."

"Excellent," Cassie said as she stored her weapon. She scooted back on the bed and spread her long legs. Nancy didn't need any more encouragement and quickly went to work licking Cassie's swollen lips and curling her tongue in and out, savoring the taste. She loved the taste of pussy and Cassie's pussy was the tastiest.

Cassie didn't know that Nancy's mind was already Swiss cheese after the way Matt left her when he took Joe away, telling her that she was a lesbian leaving her naked in bed with Dr. Nikki Cross, and no memory of how she got there.

By now Nancy had no doubt that she was indeed a lesbian; she was familiar with pussies. She's eaten many of them, she just can't remember when or whose. That was troubling for her, as she processed all the new information she was losing her enthusiasm and Cassie could tell.

"Hey! What's the matter, Nancy doesn't my pussy taste good enough for you?" Cassie asked the confused reluctant new lesbian. "Or do I need to find another lesbian to play with?"

Without answering Nancy refocused her attention at the pleasurable task at hand, forgetting all the questions that her conscious and subconscious mind was raising. She was a lesbian after all and there was a tasty pussy requiring her immediate attention.

After relieving himself Joe began questioning Keira. "How could this happen? I can't have Cassie here on earth. Why did they do this? It was Matt's idea wasn't it?" Joe was surprised he was able to call him but his first name and not by his rank of Master Sargent.

Keira listened patiently as Joe ranted quietly within his own head as he paced the bathroom floor. When he slowed down and appeared to be ready for some answers Keira began.

"Joe, you have access to all this data, mine and what isn't classified above your rank. It is common for command to station husband and wife teams on remote outpost such as this. It keeps the personnel from going native." Keira pause and waited for Joe's reaction.

"Husband and wife? What are you talking about? I never agreed to marry Cassie. There was no ceremony." Joe pleaded.

"Well you must have done something. Records indicate that you two were an item in basic training. If you didn't copulate more than three times you have a case," the AI stated casually as a matter of fact. "But records indicate that you two were as frisky as..." she paused checking the database for the correct term, "rabbits in heat while in basic training."

Joe accessed the records and saw that there was actual video recording or whatever they called it of he and Cassie fucking each other's brains out every chance they got in any place that offered the slightest bit of privacy. They had sex at least four times a day every day. He was by Cassie's people's customs wed to her, the courtship phase being completed.

He shrugged, "What am I going to do now? How do I tell my folks?"

"That is the least of your problems, Cassie's species is very possessive. I would be concerned about her rivals, such as Nancy." Joe spent another few minutes learning more about Cassie's species and their traditions. But he didn't find any way out of the situation he was in. He asked Keira to do more research to help him find a solution to this mess he seemed to have created.

Reluctantly Keira agreed, but warned that it was against protocol for her to interfere with command orders and their implications. But that she'd sniff around and see if she could learn anything new.

When Joe returned he found Nancy with her face buried between Keira's legs, one hands reaching high to fondle and pull on Cassie's fat nipples as his wife writhed under Nancy's talented mouth.

"Wife?" Joe thought. "Why did I just refer to Cassie as my wife."

"Regulations," Keira said. "You've read the orders, done the research and have no choice but to accept it. The GSM recognize her as your wife, so you too recognize her as your wife. That's how things work."

"I'm not ready to settle down with one women." Joe complained. "Things were just getting to be fun."

If his artificial intelligence were capable of laughter, that is what Joe would have heard. "Oh Joe, that is an earth concept that doesn't have much meaning in the intergalactic sectors we live in. But typically it is something that couples agree on. There isn't anything in your orders that state you have to practice monogamy.

Joe was reading over his orders again directly from the database. "You're right there isn't. Well then, I won't and I will make sure that Cassie knows it."

Cassie was moaning loudly and holding Nancy's head in place and steering her as she came again as she rubbed her itchy pussy all over Nancy's face.

"Well, at least they are getting along," Joe thought as he watched Nancy lifted her face from Cassie's pussy. It was completely covered with Cassie's essence. Nancy licked her lips and wipe her mouth on her arm smiling when she saw Joe watching. Joe's cock began to rise and thicken looking at his naked wife and his girlfriend.

"Hey honey," Nancy jumped up and pecked him on the lips sharing the familiar taste. "I'm hungry. Why don't I fix us all something to eat?" Not waiting for an answer, she wiggled over to her dresser and sorted through a few items in her lingerie drawer until finding what she was looking for, pulling on a silk baby doll nightie that left nothing to the imagination. Her hard nipples poked through the sheer material and her larger breasts pulled the nightie out from her body making it just long enough to just cover her pussy, unless she moved her arms, which would easily expose her. She quickly turned around and practically skipped out of the bedroom.

"She's quite a catch, that girlfriend of yours," Cassie said. "Knows her way around the female anatomy, too if you know what I mean." Cassie sat up and leaned forward, "I've missed you Joe." Cassie said. "Aren't you glad to see me?"

Despite himself Joe was displaying his very hard cock and Cassie grabbed it using it to pulled him to her. She pulled his face to hers and kissed him passionately, causing Joe to become even harder.

"I knew you were glad to see me." Cassie took his hard cock in her mouth and began to swallow it, taking the entire length into her throat.

It was futile to try and hide the fact that he was indeed happy to see her. Out of all the women he'd been with Cassie seemed to be his perfect match. But, she was an alien, and his body had been altered against his will. He was enlisted against his will into the Galactic Space Marines. Now he was married to an alien marine and partnered together on here on earth for purposes still unknown to him. All this before his nineteenth birthday and his high school graduation. Joe was confused and felt manipulated.

Nancy happily prepared soup and sandwiches and with thoughts of pleasing Cassie. She brought the meal to her bedroom to find Joe forcefully ploughing into Cassie as she moaned, her ankles on his shoulders.

Nancy jealously watched the two fucking, then caught herself. She didn't care if Joe was fucking his boot camp girlfriend, she was a lesbian. She focused on the pleasure that she'd get from Cassie as she ate the delicious cream from her pussy. "Wait that isn't right," she thought. She didn't like the taste of male cum, did she? She loved Joe's cum. But she was a lesbian. This was no longer making sense.

She heard her phone ringing, she'd left it in her purse which was in the foyer. She set the food down unnoticed by the two lovers and scampered to retrieved her phone.

"Nancy, I did it. My transfer was approved I will be there in a couple of days. Isn't this exciting? We will be together again soon! I have to go. I love you. Bye!"

Nancy was stunned. It was Nikki, (Dr. Nikki Cook) she completely forgot about her. Nikki was her lesbian lover and she'd be here in two days. Nancy began to remember the hours they spent in bed pleasuring each other as only two women could do, and mindlessly began rubbing her moistening pussy.

"What about Cassie?" She thought. She was a bad lesbian girlfriend, already cheating with Cassie. It was going to get very crowded in the little two-bedroom house really soon," she realized. How could she let this happen? She was very detail oriented. This was not like her.

Her head began to ache think too much about it. Something wasn't right. But her pussy was dripping her fingers were still playing there as thoughts of her and Nikki getting together filled her mind. She didn't love her, but Nikki did know how to make her feel good. As good as Cassie? No, nothing felt that good.

She put her phone away and returned to her bedroom, stopping at the bedroom door, Joe and Cassie had just finished fucking. She watched as Joe pulled his cock from Cassie's pussy. It was slick and dripping with Cassie's juices, Cassie's pussy was gaping wide and white cream was sliding out from it.

Nancy was struck by the scene, eager to join in, but unsure what to do. She was a lesbian, no cock for her, but it looked so yummy. Cassie's pussy was looking very inviting, too, freshly fucked and full of Joe's yummy cream. Still undecided she bounced into the room.

"There you are," Joe said cautiously worried that she would be jealous of Cassie. "Are you ready for round two," he asked her. She looked at his cock and smiled. Then she remembered Cassie's words, "You're a lesbian you don't do cock." The words seemed to echo in her mind like a song. "Just like Nikki when Joe fucked her. She didn't do cocks either."

A big smile crawled across her face and she jumped into the bed between the two, "You bet!"

Before Joe could wipe his cock clean, she took it in her mouth licking off all Cassie's delicious juices. When she was done Joe pulled Nancy by her feet to him, spread her wide and drove his cock deep inside her wet pussy. After bottoming out he and began long slow strokes causing Nancy to moan loudly.

Cassie smiled at the two lovers, but she was not happy. The mind control didn't last long on Nancy. "She has a strong will, this one." Cassie thought, she wouldn't make that mistake with her again. Since Nancy's mouth was unoccupied Cassie decided to simply enjoy the pleasures this earth woman could give her. Spreading her legs wide she scooted forward and Nancy understood. There again was an open pussy just waiting for her.
Next page: Chapter 07.2
Previous page: Chapter 06.2