Chapter 08.1

"This is a priority one alert," Matt said, his face serious and grim "You both need to get your asses over to the local hospital. There is a disturbance that you are uniquely qualified to handle. Lethal force is authorized, if necessary. Your AIs will fill you in on the details as we learn them. Good luck, I look forward to your report." Then the image faded.

"That's El Camino Hospital," Joe said to his new wife and partner Cassie as he fired up his Nissan Z and racing away from the curb.

Pulling into the hospital parking lot and followed the road to the emergency wing, as his computer or AI (artificial intelligence) he named Keira had directed him. There was a lot of confusion as people rushed from the building. There was a single police car was on the scene, Joe parked next to it. The police would not be a match for what awaited them inside.

Not knowing what they would be walking into, Joe told Cassie that they would be going into "Men in Black" mode. She looked at him as if he had two heads, clearly not understanding the reference.

"Just follow my lead," he said as his clothing changed to a black suite, white shirt, black tie and shiny black dress shoes. He climbed out of his Z and watched as Cassie emerged similarly attired, her pants suit however, fitting her like a second skin, her coat barely containing her large bosoms. She calmly walked around to the trunk and opened her carry-on suitcase and withdrew two large pistols wrapped in holsters and handed one to Joe. He was familiar with the weapon, it was similar to his training weapon, only looking more ominous. Together they marched into the emergency ward, as hysterical people rushed past them. Hearing the commotion, they followed the sound into a large examining wing where the scene they observed could have come right out of a "B movie".

A small unconscious woman was lying on her back a gaping hole in her stomach in which two long purple tentacles were flailing. They knocked over trays of instruments, chairs and gurneys, while the staff and police looked on in amazement. After a minute a second set of tentacles emerged, perhaps shorter than the first as creature of some kind lifted itself out of the woman. It wasn't big no more than two feet long, as thick as the business end of a baseball bat, but otherwise unmistakably familiar. Everyone including the police officers gasped audibly upon seeing the creature emerge.

The stunned spectators found themselves staring at an obscenely large living penis on long thin tentacle legs attached at the base or scrotum, where the other set of tentacles were attached. It looked a lot like a primitive giant insect, except it was unmistakable a penis.

"Space prick!" Cassie and Joe said in unison. Flashing their wallets and badges, Joe took control, telling everyone not to move or make and gestures, but to slowly move to the rear of the room. The intruding alien stopped its advance to reassess its situation. However, one of the nurses didn't heed Joe's directions and moved closer with her smartphone determined to take a picture. When the flash went off the creature attacked expelled a huge volley of a thick clear liquid with enough force to knock the woman back several feet, covering her from neck to waist and pinning her to the wall.

Everyone cried out "Ewww" in unison as they helpless watched. Quickly as if it were acid the liquid ate through the nurse's uniform and bra exposing bright pink nipples that through the liquid looked huge. It wouldn't stop until it denigrated all her clothing and then the real fun would begin. Her small breasts appeared to be growing larger. The stunned woman had a strange look on her face, as if she were experiencing an orgasm. Her lips moved but no sound came out.

While all eyes were on the peril of the nurse as she was quickly being stripped and her body altered. The creature moved towards a small group of people. It seemed to stiffened and was about to strike again when a fierce red bolt hit the prick disintegrating it completely. Cassie's aim had been true and right on target. Joe looked at Cassie, using their private communication began to yell, asking why did she kill it. Before he could finish his rant, he heard Regulation 69 being recited aloud to him. Although It contained a lot of legalese, in plain English stated that when on a primitive world hostile aliens were to be quickly eliminated, and it specifically listed "space pricks" by their formal name as a prime example. Joe apologized quickly and Cassie acknowledged it.

By now spectators had split their attention between the naked nurse with the growing tits still pinned to the wall and the vanquished threat.

Joe and Cassie holstered their weapons and looked at the group, both police officers following suite, holstering their meager service revolvers as well. As they approached, Joe asked his AI unit if it could emit the nude ray without burning away the clothing and only administering the hypnotic beam?

"Why would you want to do that? It's never been tried. Do you realize how many of your years it took to perfect the nude ray? And you want to separate it into a single hypnotic beam," the AI complained.

"Well," Joe said thinking about it for a moment, "If you can't do it, just say so."

"In the meantime," Joe speaking to Cassie mentally, "we'll need to zap them and create a false memory for them. I'll take the cops you take the doctors and nursing staff. We'll need to coordinate this and the settings need to be pretty high."

Cassie and Joe corralled their subjects into opposite corners of the ER and pretended to settle them down to answer all their questions. But once they were quiet both groups were hit with a bright yellow bolt of energy that seemed to come from nowhere. It formed a cloud around each of the two groups when it cleared everyone was completely naked accept for their shoes, and the police officers their utility belts, holsters and guns. Everyone had a goofy grin on their faces and they stood immobilized.

Joe spoke to the police and Cassie repeated his words verbatim to the hospital staff present. "That chemical spill was pretty bad, it has eaten away your clothing, but no real harm was done. There is a side effect, and I can see that most of you are feeling it." Joe and Cassie looked back and forth between their audience and continued, "each of you are extremely horny now. You've never been this sexually aroused in your lives." It was a fact. All the men had very hard erect cocks pointing to the ceiling and women were dripping puddles on the floor where they stood and their nipples were hard enough to cut glass like a diamonds. "But don't worry, you'll be quarantined here until the affects wears off. If you need to scratch that itch, don't worry, it won't be in my report, what happens here in this ER stays in this ER."

Having completed their statements, Cassie and Joe stepped away and watched as the two groups blinked and reacted to their instructions. The two police officers turned to one and other and immediately began kissing feverishly, while grabbing each other. The smaller female began rubbing her vulva against the steel rod of her older married partner. He hadn't been this hard since he was a teenager. Not only was his cock pointing skyward, but all his blonde pubic hair was gone making his average size package look twice the size. Before long he had his partner on the floor her ankles on his shoulders as he fucked her like he'd never have another chance to fuck in his lifetime.

The nine members of the hospital staff quickly paired off and wasted no time in beginning the orgy. There were four men and five women which remained behind. The fleeing staff had managed to get all the patients out of the ER before things got out of hand. Despite the fact that three of the staff were gay, they didn't have any reservations with sexually playing with anyone who was interested. There were two female doctor getting it from both ends, a cock in their mouths and pussy, three women were engaged in a daisy chain as they sucked each other's pussy despite never having done it before.

Joe and Cassie seemed satisfied that the danger was over and their efforts would go completely unnoticed. They were about to turn and leave when they heard a small voice from behind them call for help.

They simultaneously remembered the nurse pinned to the wall by the "space prick's" ejaculant. By now her breasts had grown at least three times larger than their original size and she was completely nude. She was still immobilized stuck to the wall. Joe and Cassie removed their universal tool, set it to knife and began cutting the naked woman free and finally pulling her loose.

They remembered her as being a skinny little Pilipino woman, but now where she had barely any breasts there were now huge tits defying gravity shooting out from her lean body. Her small boyish butt was now a much bigger and rounder. She was dazed but otherwise unharmed. Her pubic mound had either been shaved either that or it went the way of her clothing.

Cassie said to Joe, "This is going to be a hard one to explain away."

Joe scratched his head and then snapped his fingers. The woman was hit with a small bolt of energy, then stood still with a silly grin on her face as her oversized nipples hardened.

"You are fine now," Joe told her. "Like your clothes the chemical spill had an adverse reaction to your recent implants causing them to swell. Since they were the prize you won in the hospital lottery, your employer will of course, monitor them and assess the necessity of replacing them. There is nothing to worry about." He paused for effect. "You're probably feeling very aroused, now too. It is also due to your exposure. You rushed in to save another employee, but you'll be fine. If you need to let off a little steam you are welcome to join the others." Joe gestured towards the orgy going on behind him as one of the naked doctors chased one of the men around the nurses' station, her tits joyously jiggling and wobbling.

The nurse blinked a few times grabbed her freakish tits with both hands squeezing them while pulling on her nipples. She slowly slid to her knees as her orgasm over took her.

"Or you could do that." Joe said with a smile.

As they left the Emergency wing, taking with them the mechanical woman the "space prick" had emerged from Joe left instructions with security that the ER was quarantined. No one leaves or enters until the CDC gives clearance. Cassie called it into Matt, he'd take it from there.

He placed the dead android in the back seat of his car and sped away before any other local authorities arrived. It did feel like a scene from one of the three "Men in Black" movies. It was also why they didn't get any resistance from the police. Secretly people wished that the "Men in Black" movies were true.

Scott Mitchell was once again working the late shift at the "Eat at Joe's" diner, which was just off I-40 west of Amarillo Texas. It was quiet Monday night and about an hour before closing, there were only a handful of customers remaining. Scott had just one customer left before he could closed down the rear section of the restaurant. He decided to take a break. Fortunately, he had late classes tomorrow and would be able to sleep in. He was a sophomore at West Texas A&M University where he was studying computer sciences. Finally, the customer was finished and left him a sizable tip. Scott closed out the ticket and returned to the booth to clean up and noticed a small silver case left behind. Grabbing it by the handle he ran out the front door in the hopes of catching the customer, instead he saw the taillights of his car as it turned onto the frontage road towards the interstate's west entrance.

Scott was huffing and puffing after the short futile run. He had to admit that he was out of shape, borderline fat, he thought. He'd never been much into sports, and at just over six feet tall he could distribute his weight evenly without looking overweight. At least he could while in high school. Now with the hours he kept and his love of sodas it was starting to catch up with him. Catching his breath, he decided to see what was in the case. He was surprised to find a weird looking gun, it looked more like a toy than a real weapon. It wasn't made of metal, but of some sort of plastic like material. He closed the box and headed back into the dinner. The last customer left and the cook announced he was closing the kitchen and knocking off early. Scott stored the case in his locker and finished his cleaning and restocking chores quickly.

Unseen from the I-40, Matt Strong had watched the Scott walk back into the dinner after opening the case. The second prototype of the Nude Gun had been specially modified under Matt supervision. He'd watch from afar to learn if he'd indeed selected a suitable second candidate.

When Scott arrived home it was very late, even his three roommates were already asleep and they liked to stay up late. Scott may have been overweight and a bit of a nerd, but he may be the luckiest man on earth, even if he didn't yet know it. He had the luck of sharing a spacious apartment with three gorgeous college coeds. It happened quite by accident. In his first year he was rooming with his buddy Nelson. Nelson earned pretty good money, and had graduated a couple of years earlier staying on at the apartment having no reason to leave. He allowed Scott to pay a fraction of the rent as long as he agreed to be the person who cleaned up. But shortly after Scott had gotten comfortable with the arrangement, Nelson took a job promotion sending him to San Diego and leaving Scott with the issue of finding another roommate. Nelson was good enough to pay three months of rent allowing Scott time to find a suitable roommate or move to a place he could afford on his own.

As it turned out, Scott's childhood friend Debbie needed a place and was able to talk Scott into letting her best friend Donna room with them as well. The rent was split in threes but was still more than what Scott was accustomed to paying under the previous arrangement. So when Donna suggested that they take on one more roommate, her good friend Denise it seemed like a good idea.

All the women were drop dead gorgeous, and treated Scott like their older brother, never once considering him suitable boyfriend material. Debbie was the athlete among the women, playing all sports easily, she was a natural athlete. She stood at 5'11" with blonde shoulder length hair and the body of a swimmer, long and lean. Donna was a redhead of Irish decent, standing at 5'4" tall, she possessed massive breasts and a shapely ass. Denise was about 5'6" tall bubbly personality and a mixture of Asian and African American heritage, she was caramel colored and had long flowing black hair. They all attended the same college and shared a lot in common.

There were several drawbacks to having three girls as roommates, but the biggest was there was only one bathroom in the old spacious apartment and the girls always left their underwear draped throughout it. They complained whenever Scott left the toilet seat up. And all three weren't the neatest people to live with and Scott found himself still in the role of having to clean the place.

There were only two bedrooms and at least Scott got his own room, while the girls shared larger "master bedroom" by adding a bunk bed to the double bed that was already there. Nevertheless, they had managed to work out a good routine and life was good. Occasionally, Scott would catch a glimpse of one of the girls' bare tits or ass, but only briefly. He often spent the nights in his room jerking off to the images he'd seen or imagined.

When he entered his room he couldn't wait to examine the gun closer. He closed the door and pulled it out of the case, which seemed to double as a charger although he couldn't tell what the power source was, probably a battery. It was light and looked like something from a 50's science fiction movie. Holding it in his hands he turned it over several times. There didn't seem to be any seams or way to open the gun and insert anything into it. He did see a dial with three setting marked by short hash marks, single, double and triple.

He finally placed the gun in his right hand and put his index finger near the trigger. It was light, barely weighing five ounces. He moved it around aiming it at imaginary targets and making gun sounds the kind he used to make when he was a kid. He finally aimed it at Mr. Bunny, a stuffed animal he'd been giving as a child one Easter long ago. His finger slipped and a narrow beam shot forth from the gun hitting Mr. Bunny completely engulfing the plush toy in a yellow mist, when it cleared. Mr. Bunny was gone. There was nothing remaining.

Just then there was a stabbing pain in Scott's right hand as if a needle had pierced his skin in the heel of his hand. He yelled aloud at the sudden pain and although he tried he could let go of the gun. It was morning when he woke up. He could hear the girls moving around the apartment. He remembered that it was Tuesday and he had a late class and that Debbie and Denise had early morning classes. He looked at his right hand, it still held the gun and he was still unable to let go. He tried to shake it off and pull it off, but nothing worked. Pacing his room in frustration he pulled on the gun again, but nothing happened. He shook it several more times but It was as if his hand was frozen only his trigger finger could he move. Since the gun became stuck to his hand after pulling the trigger the first time, it made sense in his desperate state of mind that perhaps pulling the trigger again would release him. He didn't aim he just extended his hand and pulled the trigger.

Donna had a habit of barged into Scott's room without knocking or calling out, this annoyed him greatly. No matter how many times he asked her to knock, she didn't and would barge in anytime the door wasn't locked. On one hand her timing couldn't have been worse and it turned out to be her biggest mistake.

On the other hand, the timing couldn't have been any more perfect, as if fate itself was involved in it. Donna opened the door at the precise second that Scott pulled the trigger, a flash from the gun and the beam struck Donna and dispersed a small cloud completely engulfing the shocked redhead. When it dissipated Donna was left standing completely naked in the doorway with a silly look on her face.

Scott was about to yell when the cloud vanished and Donna appeared to be okay, but completely naked. He was stunned as he admired her beauty. He'd often wondered what she'd look like in the nude, and what he saw far out shined his imagination. Donna's large breasts seemed to be floating off her chest, defying gravity. Her tiny waist and flat stomach made her tits look huge and he wanted to feel them to see if they were as real as they looked. Her nipples were hard and it was easy to see that she was truly a redhead, she had a neatly trimmed short landing strip above her swollen pussy. Her pussy was perfect and appeared to be moist and ready. She was a vision. She continued to stand still and said nothing, the silly grin didn't help. Perhaps the gun had done more than simply burn her clothing off, Scott thought.

He was startled when the gun slipped from his hand and onto the bed. He moved quickly placing it back into the foam like material that held it in place. He heard a click as if the gun was turned off and realized that it was now recharging. He closed the case and slipped the it under his bed.

Donna remained standing, she hadn't move a muscle.

Although Scott loved looking at her, it was beginning to creep him out. He looked at her more closely, she looked like she was dying to have sex. Not that Scott had ever seen that look before other than the poor acting he'd seen from the women in his porn collection. That was look was indeed the look of a woman ready to fuck. So, Scott simply said what he was thinking.

"Donna you look so hot standing there naked like that, like you're ready to fuck." Scott said suddenly realizing that he too was sporting a major erection. He didn't remember ever being this hard before.

Donna blinked, as if processing things. She understood that she was naked and standing in Scott's bedroom doorway. She was horny, as horny as she'd ever been. She didn't understand why; it was nine thirty in the morning, but didn't question it.

"Yeah, Scottie. I'm hot for you." She said and walked into the room jiggling obscenely with each step. In a moment she was on him pressing against the tent in his pants. "I am not the only one, it seems. Why don't you lose the pants and we can do this?" She said as she pulled him to his bed and climbing into it herself laid back spreading her legs and displaying her wet pussy for him to see.

Scott quickly pulled his pants down getting them caught in his shoes until he slipped them off not bothering to untie them and soon he was naked, too. Scott had never been big down there. In fact, if anything he was below average. But today he was impossibly hard, and felt like he was larger than before. He shrugged it off deciding that it was his excitement at having a partner, which he'd not had since leaving high school.

Nevertheless, Donna was impressed. "Scotty had I known you were this big I wouldn't have waited this long to jump your bones." The truth is that Donna would have reacted the same way regardless of what she saw, she knew that guys liked to hear that sort of thing.

Scott didn't much care for the nickname but, since he was about to get laid, he figured he could overlook it for the time being. He climbed into the bed and hesitated for a moment, he stared at her wanting to memorize the image of Donna laying there with her pussy open, wet and juicy as her large breasts pooled on her chest and her nipples standing out like 45 caliber bullets. "Wow!" he said to himself as he moved between her legs.

Donna didn't need anything more than Scott's hard cock and grabbed it as soon as he was within range. Scott couldn't see what she was doing, due to his gut hanging too low, but the feeling of Donna rubbing him back and forth just the head of his cock between her lips was driving him insane. She was moaning and cooing. Finished teasing him she placed his cock at her opening and he felt his cock head breach her pussy. She was hot. He was more than ready and pushed in all the way in.

Although she was tight, he easily slid in and hit bottom as Donna cried out. "Oh my God!" She was delirious, "I am coming. Oh, oh." Scott pulled out a little and then back in quickly, as Donna continued to announce her pleasure at the top of her lungs.

She was normally pretty quiet when she fucked, but her roommate Scotty was incredible. She'd never felt anything this good before, she began to come as soon as he entered her. That was crazy. She would definitely be fucking Scotty on a regular basis, she thought as she continued to come.

Scott continued to pump into Donna and she seemed to have been having one continuous orgasm. He was getting close and was worried that he hadn't bother with any protection. The last thing he needed was to get her or anyone pregnant. Perhaps he should pull out and come on her tits.

"Donna, I am close, do you want me to come on your tits?"

She was now having several mini orgasms, but understood that Scotty concern. Breathlessly she answered that he she was on the pill, and he could come anywhere he wanted.

Scott grunted in a voice that was deeper than he thought possible and then roared loudly for about thirty seconds until he finally had emptied his ball. He stopped pinning Donna to the bed, exhausted and unable to move. Normally, Donna would have been pissed, she hated when guys did that, their weigh was uncomfortable. But with Scotty it felt good and natural. She hugged him tightly wrapping her legs around his own and her trembles slowly began to subsided.

"Oh my God, Scotty. Where did you ever learn to fuck like that?" Donna said. "I have never come like that in my life."

Scott was surprised and relieved, he too didn't know that sex could be that good. He wanted more. His cock didn't deflate at all. He took a moment to collect himself, surprised by his strength and began a pushing off of Donna again as if doing pushups.

"What more?" Donna squealed with delight, as she felt his hard cock begin sliding in and out of her juicy slit again. It didn't take many strokes before that warm sensation was radiating from her pussy and spreading throughout her body. She began to shiver and quake as another orgasm shuddered through her and she joyfully screamed.

Scott continued to pound her pussy while she tried to catch her breath. She came again as Scott continued unabated as if unaware that she'd come twice in the last five minutes. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore and begged him to stop and at least change positions.

Donna instructed Scott to lay on his back and she climbed onto of his cock, which looked even bigger and still hard as a rock. She couldn't believe he still hadn't come. But she had a secret weapon. She knew that watching her tits bounce would do the trick. As she began bouncing up and down on him, she twisted and shook her tits and saw that Scott never took his eyes off of them. "Now I have you," she thought.

But after a few minutes, she was once again caught in the throws of passion as yet another orgasm overcame her. She was doing all she could to get Scott off, but it only caused her to loop into continuous little quakes, building to another mighty one. "He's going to kill me," she thought. Scott's bedsheets were soaked as Donna shrieked again as she squeezed him as tightly as she could.

Scott reached up to catch and then fondle her giant breasts. He never imagined that he'd have the chance to feel real live tit flesh again, especially Donna's, hers were epic. He thought of sucking on her ripe nipples as he moved his thumbs back and forth over each. Just as he completed the thought, Donna leaned forward anticipating his desire and he took one nipple into his mouth and began to suck and lick. It was more than the poor woman could take and she erupted with the biggest climax she could remember. Fortunately, her passion had the desired effect and Scott came hard, spraying her full of his seed.

Exhausted, Donna slid off of Scott's slowly shrinking cock. Scott knew that he could rise to the occasion again, but Donna looked happily exhausted as she laid next to him as their combined juices trickle from her well fucked pussy and unto the bed sheets. Realizing what had happened, Donna apologized, "I am so sorry, I should have thought to bring a towel. Tell you what," she said, "the next time I will, but in the meantime, why don't you let me wash them for you."

Donna popped out of bed naked, her lovely tits swaying across her chest and began to pull the sheets off the bed, with Scott still in it. She laughed as he hurried out and helped.

Donna seemed to be very agreeable doing anything Scott suggested, including agreeing to help keep the apartment clean. In fact, going as far as to vacuum in the nude to show him that she was serious.

Scott had been too busy getting laid to understand what he'd acquired until he watched Donna cleaning. She insisted on sprucing up his room, too after she put the clean sheets back on his bed. Scott told her not to tell the others of their new relationship and to act as he would have before they got together when they were around the others.

"I'll do anything you ask, Scottie," she said, "if you promise to keep on fucking me like you did today."

Of course, Scott agreed as he dressed and rushed off to class, not before stuffing the gun into his backpack. He wasn't worried about bringing it to school, since it looked like a toy and wasn't made of any metals which could set off the metal detectors.

It was hard to concentrate on his classes, he kept thinking of the ray gun and what it could do. It literally burned the clothes right off Donna, made her incredibly horny and very agreeable to everything he said. She even thought that coming to see him naked was her idea. As he thought of the possibilities, he knew he had to use it again, and began to formulate a plan to use the gun on Denise and Debbie.

Nancy felt bad. She had planned to meet Nikki at the airport but it was such a long drive. Fortunately, Nikki would have no part of it, and insisted that she'd be fine with catching a cab, she could expense it since this was a job transfer. Besides, Nikki was eager to see her and she would have time to plan something special to celebrate her moving cross country just to be with her.

That too was worrying Nancy. She was having trouble coming to terms with her conversion into the lesbianism lifestyle. She couldn't explain to her own satisfaction. She had to admit in her limited experience she did enjoy being with women. But lesbianism seemed to be over the top. So began her dialogue with herself. As always whenever she faced a problem such as this she would talk it out and then she'd figure it out.

"I do like Nikki, but I would have never asked her to move from DC to Central California. And, I have these memories of faceless women, women that I had wanton sex with. But why can't I see even one face? I loved Joe and his amazing cock. I can't get enough of it. Then there's Cassie. She and Joe were married. When did that happen? Just after boot camp? That seemed so sudden. I thought that Joe loved me. I imagined a life with him. Sure, he's younger than me, but that's not a big deal. But then again I'm gay now so how could I be thinking about Joe?"

"It's a good thing that Cassie showed up when she did. Otherwise..." Nancy paused her self-talk. Something wasn't right and now Nancy was sure. She also was sure that Cassie was behind it, at least part of it. That alone was enough to lift her spirits. She'd have to play along for a while longer. If only she could get Joe alone. That would be the plan. She'd find a way to get him alone and tell him what she suspected. If he doesn't believe her than at least she could be gay for a while. She smiled as she thought of how good Nikki was at eating her pussy. So at the very least, Nancy thought, she was becoming bisexual. She had to admit, too that she did like to eat Nikki's pussy too.

There was a ring at the door and Nancy rushed to it. She peeked out the peephole and saw that cab driver, stacking a few pieces of luggage on the porch. She opened the door and Nikki flew into her arms kissing her like the long lost lover that she was. After a minute the cab driver smiled and asked if there was anything else.

Nancy handed him several twenties and asked him to keep the change. They brought Nikki's luggage into the foyer. "We can sort that out later," Nancy said. "Are you hungry. Want something to drink?"

"Do you have any wine? I want you to tell me everything that has happened since I left."

Nancy got the wine and began bringing Nikki up to speed. She told her about everything, Joe's absence, Cassie showing up and learning that they were married. She didn't tell Nikki about Cassie playing some mind games with her convincing her that she was a lesbian so that she'd stay away from Joe. But for tonight at least Nancy would be content with being Nikki's lesbian lover. In fact, she was willing to play the role as long as it took until she found out the truth about their relationship. She would get Joe back; she was determined to.

"So, how do you want to do this, I have another bedroom or you could just move in with me." Nancy offered Nikki as she caressed her bare leg.

Nikki looked at her, being coy replied, "I don't know, I am kind of tired. It was a long flight and I am still on Eastern Daylight time, perhaps I should settle into my own room? Tell me does that include room service and a wakeup call?"

Nancy slapped her on her leg as Nikki broke out into a belly laugh. Knowing that she had Nancy going for a minute. The two had more to drink and finally headed off to bed. Nancy was eager to see where this would lead and felt a little bad that she would be using Nikki, but "All's fair in love in war," they say.

Nikki headed to the bathroom for a quick shower and was happily surprised when Nancy joined her. They washed and played. Nancy licked and sucked the only other set of breasts that she'd ever really had despite what Cassie had tried to make her believe and she loved it. Nikki's breasts were so different from her own, not just the color but the feel and her nipples were bigger and more pronounced. She loved how they crinkled up when she was turned on shrinking her areoles. And they were almost black, a dark chocolate compared to the rest of her caramel coloring.

As she slid down to her knees she was surprised to find that Nikki had grown a little landing strip on her otherwise bald pussy. She took pleasure in licking her to two orgasms before they ran out of hot water.

When they finally made it to the bed they were both weary, but Nikki was determined to give as good as she got, and had Nancy screaming out her pleasure before they cuddled and fell asleep.

Joe and Cassie arrived at the designated address, Joe wasn't surprised that Matt had chosen a part of town that could be called commercial but in reality was a collection of auto scrap yards and trucking distribution centers. Joe pulled alongside of a strange looking cargo van. It seemed to be round in areas where you'd expect it to be sleek and rectangular.

Stepping from behind the vehicle Master Sargent Matt Strong appeared in civilian clothing but still looking every bit like a space marine. He was big and muscular, both Joe and Cassie had to suppress the urge to salute, despite being out of uniform.

Joe pulled the dead android from the back seat of his Z, it was surprisingly light, for weighing almost 200 pounds. Perhaps Joe's strength was still growing, a result of one of the many shots that Matt had administered without his permission.

Matt opened the door and Joe shoved the android into the van and closed the door. Matt pulled out of his jacket two sets of documents, one for each of them. It contained a bank account receipt complete with their current balance of $200K and then handed Joe the keys to an apartment in the city. "The lease is paid for a year, you both have enough cash to handle your living arrangements, your monthly pay will be added to your accounts at the beginning of each earth month." Matt said turning to look at the van. We'll look at the device and see what we can learn from it. You two did a good job today. Take some time off, you earned it.

"What will you do with the android?" Joe asked Matt as he was about to leave.

"The usual. See if there is any new tech we don't yet understand. Analyze the vehicle, look for weaknesses and a way to spot them before the aliens emerge." Matt could see the young marine was concerned. Things just real. "Don't worry, we'll find a pattern. You get some rest, there will be plenty to do once we assess the threat. This one was probably just a scout."

Joe didn't have a good feeling about this. "There was an invasion about to take place and Matt wants me to relax." He thought he was saying to himself. But Cassie answered, "I can think of a few ways to relax and take your mind off things."

Joe smiled and blushed a bit. They watched as Matt boarded the cargo van and drove a few hundred feet, before the van lifted off the ground and sprouted wings. In a few minutes it was high enough in the sky that Joe couldn't see it anymore.

"Hey Joe," Cassie said a little too cheerful, we're off duty and just got paid, what do you want to do?"

Realizing that Matt was correct and he shrugged, "Let's go check out the apartment," he said.

Much later that evening in Peoria Arizona, a small suburb west of Phoenix, Ramona Ruiz was the last employee at the small coffee shop "Cup of Joe" and the closer. The last few of her customers were closing up their computers and tablets. It was a few minutes before closing time and the regulars knew the drill. They were mostly college students. However, the last few weeks a large man had been coming in ordering warm milk and working on a tablet. He easily stood out among the rest of her customers, but seemed to be gentle and didn't bother anyone, stayed until closing and the left a big tip. He'd stop in about three times a week always a couple hours before closing time.

Tonight as he was leaving she noticed that he left something behind, a small silver case of some kind. She scooping it up she chased after him but he was gone before she could catch him. She'd hang on to it and return it the next time he was in.

The last customer left the coffee shop and she locked up, completed her closing chores and put the money in the safe. Just as she was about to leave curiosity got the better of her and she opened the case. What she saw surprised her. It looked like a toy space gun like the Marvin the Martian had in the Bugs Bunny cartoon shows she grew up watching.

She picked it up and held it like she was going to shoot it. She laughed as she pointed it and pretended to zap space aliens. She felt a sharp prick in the heel of her left hand. It didn't hurt for long but scared her. She put the gun back in the case and decided to take it home with her. It was late perhaps she could shoot a cactus or two and see what it did.

Matt watched the petite Latina locking the doors of the coffee shop. She was tiny, which meant that the physical changes would be more dramatic and happen in a much shorter span off time. He'd need to be near when they occurred lest she panic.

Arriving at her apartment, just a few miles away she parked in her designated stall and collected the day's mail. It was quiet, most people were a sleep or preparing to go to bed for the night. There were a few apartments that were illuminated by the flickering light of televisions, but not many. She climbed the stairs to her second story unit, about to put the keys in the door when she was startled by the screech and moaning of a couple of cats and dropped her keys. She laughed to herself, "some lucky pussy is getting some cock," she said soft enough that only she could hear.

It was a warm Arizona night, in the mid eighty-degree range. The only sound that could be herd was the hum of the AC units. Ramona sighed as she thought how long ago it had been since she had any sexual action. She heard another noise and looked across the courtyard to see the silhouette of her newlywed neighbors Mike and Cindy Snyder going at it again. She paused and watched them. The shadows didn't hide much she could see that they were fucking and Cindy was getting it from behind, doggie style. If Cindy turned a little to the left Ramona was sure to see the shadow of her large tits swinging back and forth. She shuddered. It was turning her on. She wondered if the couple knew that they were the talk of the apartment complex. Neighbors had a betting pool that she'd be pregnant before the end of summer. She smiled and bent down to pick up her fallen keys and she both heard and felt her pants split down the back seem. "Damn! I just bought these." Ramona sword. I must be retaining water." She opened the door and entered her modestly decorated apartment.
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