Chapter 08.2

After putting her purse down in its normal spot, she felt her feet ache and quickly kicked off her shoes. They'd always been loose on her feet before. Perhaps she'd been on her feet too long this evening. She quietly padded around the small apartment, forgetting about the split in her pants until she reached for a glass in the kitchen and she felt her blouse rip down the back. "Damn!" she said again and she felt her bra beginning to cut into her skin.

"You need a long soak in the bathtub," she said aloud. Forgetting about the drink she was going to make, she pulled off her clothes looking at the ripped garments and how tight her bra and panties were hugging her. "What have you been eating Miss Piggy?" She stripped naked and drew the bath water, adding her favorite bath pearls and wasted no time in getting in. The warm water felt fabulous on her tired muscles and as she soaked she drifted off, tired from her long day. She woke suddenly as her legs cramped. That was strange as she bent her knees. She was so small that she could easily stretch her legs in the tub, but now it seemed different. The water had cooled and although adding more had its appeal she decided that she should climb into bed, lest she drown in the tub. She laughed as she thought of the make believe headlines. "Lonely twentysomething woman drowns in bathtub".

She dried herself and pulled on a nightie the seemed to be too small, she shrugged and decided she'd figure out what was going on tomorrow. She was suddenly very tired.

When Ramona woke the next morning, things didn't seem right. She felt a weight on her chest that she couldn't explain and when she sat up it seemed to shift. "Damn," she thought, "I bet it's that nightie. It was too small last night, it probably..."

She stopped in mid thought as she reached for the nightie, but instead grabbed a hand full of tit. Her tit. Unbelievingly, her left hand joined the right and found its twin. Ramona had never been what anyone would have called busty. She had tiny tits, perfect for her tiny body, A Cups at best. What she now held in both hands were at least C maybe D cup size breast with big long hard nipples. She was dreaming.

That was it. Thinking about Cindy's large pendulous tits seeped into her subconscious. That was it. She hadn't really awoken. This was just a dream.

She pulled on both the hard nipples and sighed, "Oh, oh, mmmm. That feels good." She pulled some more and she felt her pussy moisten and then smelled herself as she quickly became excited. "Ahhh..." She stopped herself. This isn't a dream. She pulled the covers off herself and looked down at a massive set of tits sitting on her chest, protruding out making it hard to see her lap. "What the hell?" Ramona sat on the edge of the bed, she was naked, her nightie, shredded into rags. She jumped out of the bed with a loud thud. "That doesn't sound right," she thought as she stumbled towards the bathroom, her perspective seemed off, she was looking down on things that she should have been looking up at. Her short low maintenance haircut was now a long mane hanging down her back. She reached for the bathroom light but it wasn't where it was supposed to be. She felt around for it and then found it a foot lower than it should have been. "What the fuck is going on?" She turned it on and looked at her reflection.

"Oh my Gawd!" She screamed. She was almost panicking. There was a giant woman looking back at her, looking just as horrified as Ramona felt. As she looked closer, she could see it was indeed her face looking back at her. She took a few deep breathes trying to calm herself. She looked into the mirror again and saw the giant woman was calming down, too. Ramona was ready to assess her situation.

Has she really grown overnight in to this giant woman? If so, how big had she grown and why? She stooped to look into the mirror that she had always thought was mounted too high for her. She was not only taller, she was much taller than before, she was big. Not fat, but big like "amazon big".

Everything seemed to be in proportion, she noticed that she now had an hour glass figure, the kind she'd always admired on others. Her breasts now had to be at least DD cups or better. She still had a small waist, she had no idea how small that was and her hips were at least as big as her tits. Her legs had grown the most. They were long dancer's legs, and she noticed that her pubic hair had been removed.

"What the fuck?" Her pussy was bald, it was big and bald. She could clearly see her clitoris peeking out from under its hood. She was horny as hell, too. Likely from her earlier accidental stimulation. She reached down to examine herself. She was wet and as she gently touched herself. "Oh, oh." She found that she was easily becoming aroused again. When she touched her clitoris she nearly came.

She felt like looking around to make sure no one was watching. This was a major problem. But as she gently explored she decided that for a moment she was going to enjoy these new sensations. After all, it may be a dream or perhaps temporary, but she was very aroused.

She pulled on one of her large nipples and sighed heavily, with her other hand she continued the exploration of her pussy. "Oh, that feels good. Mmmmm..." She didn't care about the noise and she fingers squished inside her it was feeling too good. She looked between her massive tits to her hand playing between her legs and brought her tit to her mouth capturing her own nipple with her mouth and sucking. She was seeing stars. The feeling was so unexpectedly strong; she fell to her knees but didn't let up. "Ooohh..." She rolled on to the floor still playing with her pussy and sucking on her nipple. Then like a flash of light from behind her closed eyelids she began to come. It was massive, unequal to anything she'd ever felt before in her life. She was crying as she gasped trying to catch her breath.

"Oh my God, that was amazing." She crawled back to her knees and stood again, this time assessing herself in the mirror. She was at least six feet tall now, she guessed having no way of really knowing. She looked like something from one of her brother's vintage Playboy Magazines centerfolds. She really looked good, her long hair curled around her shoulder and down her back, seemingly not needing much care to look amazing. She couldn't see her feet, her massive tits were in the way, so she propped one foot on the lid of the toilet and saw her once tiny feet had also grown proportionate with her new body.

"This is going to take some getting used to," she thought. "How did this happen?" Then she remembered the strange gun and the prick on her hand. She looked at her large hands, both but couldn't find a single mark or needle hole. Then it hit her. "Oh no!" She ran to her bedroom and opened the closet door. She pulled one garment out after the other, tossing them on the floor in a pile. She went to her dresser pulling out every piece of clothing she owned. Nothing would come close to covering her huge naked body. She didn't have a thing that she could wear, not even her shoes fit her anymore.

She was about ready to panic again when she heard someone or something in her living room. Slowly, she peeked into the room. She saw no one. She crept slowly into the room. There was no one there. But on the coffee table there was a box and on top of the box was an envelope with her name on it.

She picked up the thick envelope and opened it. Inside there was cash, lots of it, in hundred dollar bills. Too many for a quick accurate count. There was a note.

"Ramona, I know this is all quite a shock to you. Please believe it is for a good cause. You likely no longer have anything that fits you, please use this money to buy a new wardrobe, there is more where this came from if necessary. The box contains an outfit that should provide decent coverage so that you can leave the house and buy new clothing. We'll be in touch."

It wasn't signed. She put the note down next to the box and opened it. There was another note inside she pulled out the garment and held it up to her enlarged body. It looked like a wetsuit but much smaller and the material seemed to be much more flimsy, the color was a dull grey. She picked up the note.

"This Ramona is your combat uniform. It isn't much to look at just now, but it has been programmed to alter itself into two different attires. Don't lose it. I had meant to present it to you later, but since you've nothing to fit that lovely body of yours, this will suffice so you won't have to be naked."

Like the previous note, this one wasn't signed either. Ramona held up the flimsy garment again, shrugged and headed for the bathroom deciding that she should shower first is she were going shopping for clothing.

After bumping her head on the shower ceiling a few times, she began to adjust to her new height and dimensions. She fought and lost one battle to play with her pussy, it felt to good but after feeling the water temperature change she decided it was time to resume her unusual day.

She thought about cutting her long hair, but after seeing that it dried much quicker than she thought it would and seemed to style itself, she decided to do nothing for the time being. She held up the wetsuit looking garment and began pulling it onto her body. She was amazed at how good it felt on her and how easily if fit. When she was done it hugged her body like a second skin, up to her neck. How was this going to work, she thought. It looks like body paint. It offered no support to her massive tits they jiggled greatly with every move.

She was disappointed. She couldn't go out like this. "You'd think that this would at least turn into a jogging suit." She complained out loud. No sooner had she said it than she felt the garment vibrate and look at herself in the mirror to see that it had indeed changed into a patriotic red, white and blue jogging suit, something that team USA might wear at the Summer Games.

She was surprised that it offered her the needed support and it no longer clung to her body like before. She smiled. "That will work." She added a few touches of makeup, mostly lip gloss, she never wore much makeup and now it seemed that she needed it even less.

She was about to go, then she was reminded that she was still barefoot. None of her shoes would fit. Then she remembered and went to the closet. She pulled out a pair of flip flops that her brother left behind after his visit. She slipped them on. They didn't fit as well as she hoped, a little small, but at least she now had something on her feet.

Ramona left her apartment, she was at least two feet taller and probably added more than fifty pounds. She doubted if anyone she knew would recognize her. There were advantages and disadvantages to that, she thought.

The work night was just a blur, Scott went through the motions, but he couldn't help but think about getting home and using the ray gun again. Who would it be first, Denise or Debbie? If truth be known, Scott did have a thing for Denise. She was so lively, seemed to always be in a good mood and always willing to give people the benefit of the doubt. Besides she was exotic, her biracial mixture made her very appealing to him. Said another way, he just found her to be simply as beautiful inside as outside. She was drop dead gorgeous, but didn't act stuck up about it.

Scott called in a few favors and was able to get off work early, and rushed home to find the girls still up lounging around in their nightwear which often left little to the imagination. But if they couldn't be themselves at home, where could they be. Scott did his best to ignore it and not stare. He greeted the girls as he normally did. Donna had to fight herself and not to jump into his arms, smoother him with kisses and then rip his clothes off. But Scott said that he wanted this to remain a secret, so Donna obeyed.

Scott dropped his backpack in his room grabbed a beer from the frig and looked through the mail, as he normally would. Although he wanted to just pull out the gun and blast them, he interacted with the girls as he usually did, asking them about their classes. The television was on, but no one seemed to be watching it. Eventually, he just went into his room and closed the door. A minute later, Donna answered a text from Scott, he asked her to keep Debbie busy while he talked to Denise. She readily agreed. She would agree to anything that Scott asked of her.

He left his room and found Denise in the laundry room, pulling her clothes out of the drier. "Hey Denise, when you get a chance can you drop by my room I want to show you something I found at my job? Can you sneak off I don't want the others to know yet."

"Sure, Scott. Give me a moment to get these clothes put away." Denise said with a smile. Her curiosity peaked. She remembered Scott was always talking about the crazy stuff people leave behind in the diner.

A few minutes later, he heard Denise tapping lightly on his bedroom door. He opened it and she stepped in, she was wearing and old sweatshirt that was two sizes too big for her and her poodle slippers. He pointed to his bed and she took a seat. Scott reached into his backpack and pulled out the shiny metal case and pulled out the ray gun and Denise laughed and jumped off the bed to get a closer look.

"It looks like something from the cartoons I used to watch growing up," she said as Scott turned it over in his hand for her to see. "Can I..."

Scott interrupted her. "It's a camera," he said, "Stand over there and let me take a picture of you."

Always ready to have her picture taken, Denise posed as Scott held the gun as if it were a camera and pulled the trigger.

A yellow bolt shot from the gun and a cloud covered the stunned beauty from the neck down, when the cloud finally disappeared it left Denise standing completely naked, still posed with her hand on her hip and one leg bent. However, the bright smile was replaced by a goofy grin.

Scott loved what he saw. She was just as beautiful naked as he hoped, her breasts were larger and her nipples hard and long almost black. Her waist was small and she was completely shaved below, her pussy lips were swollen and wet.

Scott reacted like any red blooded twentysomething, he felt his dick hardening. What to ask her to bring her out of her trance, he wondered as he returned the ray gun to its case and his back pack.

"Wow, Denise you are gorgeous, and your body's incredible. Is that all you wanted to show me?"

Denise reacted much the same as Donna had, she realized she was naked and that she must have removed her clothes. Most importantly, she knew she was extremely horny.

"No Scotty," she said as she regained her composure and sauntered the short distance to where Scott sat. "I have a lot more I want to show you, but first let's get you out of those clothes. Perhaps you might have something for me." Scott stood and Denise reached him, they began sassing separately. It was one of the most erotic kisses of Scott's young life. As their tongues danced in each other's mouths, Scott let his hands roam over Denise's smooth brown body. He found her tits and squeezed them and hefted them to feel their weight. Denise sighed heavily and broke the kiss. Scott leaned down and took one of her tits into his mouth as Denise leaned back and moaned. Her eyes lit up and she fell to her knees and played with his belt and ripped open his fly.

Scott's cock almost ejected itself from his pants, surprising Scott himself. His cock seems to have grown at least two inches and was much thicker than he ever remembered seeing it. It slapped Denise in the face and she giggled. Scott shed his pants and Denise wasted no time and swallowed his entire cock and then began to slide it in and out of her lovely mouth. Her lips were soft and she worshiped his cock like it had never been treated before. Licking the length like a lollypop and then taking it down her throat until her mouth was nestled in his hairy groin.

"Wow, Denise you really are good at sucking cock." Scott told her.

The truth was she was new at sucking cock, having only recently trying it on her last two boyfriends. She just applied what she'd recently learned trying to please Scott. But because he said she was good at sucking cock, she believed and it became a self-fulfilling truth. She began to do things that she had heard others talk about but had never tried. "I'm really good at sucking cock," she thought and before long she had Scott filling her mouth as she struggled to keep up.

When she let his cock slip from her mouth she swallowed, because that's what all good cock suckers do.

"That was awesome," Scott commended her. He was still hard and his cock looked like it was if anything bigger. He knew that he'd have to fuck her now. Not that it was ever in question, he just didn't think that he'd have enough time before Debbie would become suspicious.

"Why don't you lie back on my bed and spread those beautiful legs and I'll see if I can repay your kindness, sweet Miss." Scott teased.

Denise was surprised that he was ready to go, all of her boyfriends needed a few minutes of recovery time. She giggled and jumped into the bed and spread her legs. "Oh kind Sir, would you please put your cock in me for a little while? Just to see if it will fit."

Scott laughed. She was funny too. She seemed to get his humor. "Alright Miss, but only for a minute. And only long enough to see if it will indeed fit."

Scott climbed between her brown legs and gazed into her nether region, her labia was swollen, she was more than ready. He would like to spend some time licking her bald pussy, but he would be happy to save that for another time. He lined his cock up with her opening as Denise looked lovingly into his eyes as she rubber her tits and pulled on her nipples.

"You're going to love this, Miss. My cock has never failed to satisfy. However, I must warn you that my previous lovers have found it to be very stimulating and all experienced the biggest climax in memory once I am inside them. Are you sure that you're ready for that much pleasure?" He teased.

"Oh Sir, if I were to feel the least amount of pleasure I would be in your debt." They both chuckled at Denise's retort. When they finished their giggling Scott rubbed the mushroom head of his cock up and down Denise's lips. She quickly wet it and her silliness turned into passion. Scott slid it a little deeper and found her hole and Denise moaned loudly.

He wasn't going to play around anymore this was beginning to feel too good. He put all his weight on his arms and pushed into her. She was tight, but so wet that he met no resistance and bottomed out mashing their pubic bones together. Denise to moan very loudly. She was so full; Scott was completely inside of her. "Oh no," she thought, "I'm just like all Scott other lovers!" She was coming. She was coming hard.

"Oh!" She screamed. Scott was now pulling out and pushing back in again, and Denise was getting louder.

"Shhh...we don't want the others to hear." He scolded her and she was able to stifle her moans for a little while, but her pleasure was too great.

Debbie and Donna were watching one of Debbie's favorite shows when she heard Denise's muffled scream. "Did you hear that," she asked Donna.

Donna knew that Scott was likely fucking Denise, but she had a job to do and for some reason wasn't jealous. "Hear what," she asked.

"I thought I heard..."

Donna interrupted her, "Hey I heard that Bernie was going to drop out of the race before the California Primary!" She knew Debbie was a big Bernie Sanders supporter, she would never let that comment pass unchallenged.

Just as Donna thought Debbie let off with a tirade of reason why Bernie was the better candidate while Donna just listened and nodded.

Meanwhile Scott was now fucking Denise with a steady rhythm and she was a little quieter, but appeared to be multi-orgasmic as she was on a roller coaster of passion. She wrapped her legs around Scott and dug her heels into his butt as he continued to pump into her. That seemed to push Scott closer and he redoubled his effort.

"Oh my...don't stop...faster...faster!" Denise cried out.

Debbie was deep into her defense of Bernie, but stopped as she heard Denise's cry. Donna knew that she'd fail in her task if she didn't do something quickly. It was all she could think of to distract her girlfriend, so she did it. Donna pulled Debbie by her shoulders and planted a huge kiss on her lips.

What Donna didn't know is that Debbie had for years been harboring her confusing feelings for her best friend. She didn't think that she was gay, but she wanted to have a closer relationship with Donna, something physical. So when Donna kissed her best friend like she did, Debbie although shocked reciprocated.

Before Donna could pull away she found herself in one of the most passionate kisses she'd ever been a part of, except for her kisses with Scott.

It was just the opening that Debbie had been praying for. Donna had to stop Debbie from leaving, so she played along. Before she knew it they were embraced and kissing with short pecks as Debbie pulled Donna's nightie open and found herself squeezing, licking and sucking on Donna's huge tits.

Scott had finally gotten to the point where he could no longer hold out and came so hard he was seeing stars. He was out of breath and covered in sweat. Denise was almost comatose, when Scott pulled out. Cum was leaking out of her well fucked pussy and the room smelled of sex.

"Scott, that was amazing. Had I any clue that you were this good a lover..." she didn't finish the statement instead she simply sighed.

"You can't tell anyone about this. It will be our secret okay. You need to go now." He told her. Denise obeyed and rose on unsteady legs and looked around for her old sweatshirt and slippers.

"You were naked when you arrived, you naughty girl." Scott told her.

She smiled and opened the door and headed down the hall to her bedroom. Scott closed his door and pulled on an old pair of sweatpants and a dirty tee shirt, opening the two windows to let some air in as he went to the kitchen to find a snack.

Debbie heard his footsteps and quickly pulled up from between Donna's legs, much to Donna's disappointment. Debbie's face was covered in Donna's pussy juice and she used her arm to wipe her mouth as Donna straightened her night clothes, looking like nothing had happened.

"Hey you two," Scott said. "I'm going to make a sandwich anyone want one?"

"Not me," Debbie said. "I think I'll turn in."

"Okay, goodnight." Scott said and Donna echoed.

Debbie looked back at Donna pleading with her eyes for her best friend to follow, but Donna was only interested in Scott.​
Next page: Chapter 09.1
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