Chapter 10.1
Scott approached the booth, and before he could say anything he was waved to the seat. "You're late. Did you bring my item?"
As Scott squeezed into the booth across from the man he couldn't help by appreciate how enormous the man he was facing was. He felt dwarfed by comparison. Struggling to keep his wits, trying not to totally intimidated he coolly looked up at the man and answered.
"Yeah, it's right here," Scott pulled out the case containing the ray gun from his backpack.
"Good, hand it over." The man said roughly.
Scott compiled and watched as the stranger opened the case, then closed it setting it by his side.
"So, what did you think? Fucking incredible huh?" The large man said, smiling and more jovial than Scott would have expected.
"Uh, yeah. Fucking amazing! Did you invent it? How long does the hypnosis thing if that's what it is last?
Ignoring his questions, he extended his hand, "My name is Matt Storm." Scott reached out and took the huge hand and shook it. "Scott Mitchell. But you already know that."
"I do." Matt said. "I don't have a lot of time, I'm sorry for that but it can't be helped. I see that you've grown a little since you first used the item. Good, but I'm afraid I will have to accelerate that a bit more." Matt reached across the table and pulled Scott's arm close and stabbed it with some kind of needle device.
"Ow! What the fuck man!" Scott yelled as he tried to pull his arm back, but it wouldn't budge.
Matt hit him with another injection and then let his arm go.
Scott looked horrified. He wanted to say something, but it appeared he was having an allergic reaction to the injections, he couldn't talk his throat seemed to be swelling shut. His heart was pounding; he began sweating profusely and was losing consciousness.
Then like a jolt of adrenaline he shot up sitting straight and tall. He was wide alert although he didn't feel himself, he was calm.
"There that's better. Do you want something to eat, drink? I have a lot to cover and you're going to be busy the next couple of days."
Scott was suddenly very hungry. He waved to Patty, she was there in a flash. "Patty let me have a Denver Omelet combo, a side of sausage patties, two biscuits and a large milk." He paused and looked at Matt. "Just another water, honey. Please make sure to keep my glass full." Matt handed her a fifty-dollar bill, she smiled and said, "Sure sweetie."
Patty was back with Scott's food in short order. In the meantime, Scott asked Matt the standard questions, who was he, where did he come from, what did you inject me with and the most important, why?
Matt let loose a hardy laughed. It was a laugh that if not drugged Scott would have been insulted by. But when Matt finished he apologized and explained. "Scott for a young primitive you are more astute than I gave you credit for, so I am going to level with you. What the hell, if you freak out I can simply wipe your mind and we can try again." He leaned in closer to Scott, not that he had to. The diner was now almost empty, there was no one near the two. Nevertheless, he put on a show for the earthling.
"I'm not from around here. I'm recruiting young people like yourself to help save your planet from an invading space creatures. My people don't think your puny planet is worthy of the investment of time and resources, but I disagree. That is why I have drugged you again. I drugged you earlier when you first picked up the gun. Do you remember the prick on the heel of your hand?"
Matt pulled an envelope from out of his jacket pocket and placed it in front of Scott. "You should have noticed that your wardrobe is becoming a little small if not impossible to wear. Here's a few bucks to help pay for the new threads you're going to need. I'd recommend you go there from here."
Scott picked up the envelope and leafed through a stack of over twenty one hundred dollar bills. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.
"Scott, close your mouth and eat your food." Matt laughed again. "That's impossible, I know." He laughed again. "Look, in your current puny state, you can't help, you'd only get yourself killed and doesn't help any of us out. I'm counting on you being the techie brains of my team. You're plenty smart and clever. You've shown imagination getting into the pants of all three of your roommates without letting on about the gun."
Scott blushed as he continued to eat his meal. He had questions but he decided it better to let Matt finish his story.
"I know what you're going to ask," Matt said. "You're worried about school and your classes. Don't be. You will pass all your classes and learn more on this mission than you'd learn in those stuffy antiquated classes. You will maintain your GPA and graduate with honors and if all goes well save your tiny blue planet in the process."
Scott had finished all his food and took the last swig of his milk. Patty used that moment to pick up the empty plates and refill Matt's water glass. When she left, Matt looked at Scott and said. "Now for your questions.
Scott found that he felt a lot better and the drugs seemed to allow him to be more himself. "Okay, let me get this straight, you're from outer space..."
Matt interrupted him. "No, I'm from Iowa, I just work in outer space."
Scott continued. "...and obviously, a Star Trek fan."
Matt smiled and nodded.
"You need me and others like me to step up and save our world from an invasion, and you don't have a lot of time."
Matt smiled. "Bingo!"
"Couldn't you have just asked?" Scott said.
Matt chuckled and squeezed out of the tiny booth. "Go get yourself some clothes. You're going to be doing some serious growing in the few hours. The only thing that's not going to grow are your feet. Don't ask me why. I figure you're going to end up at about six feet five inches and about two hundred and twenty pounds of muscle." He looked down on Scott, "If you need more money let me know. I will be picking you up around midnight tonight, that will give you plenty of time to fuck all your roommates a few more times."
With that Matt pivoted and marched to the cash register and handed the beaming Patty another fifty-dollar bill and walked out the door.
It was another warm day in Peoria Arizona, not as hot as was normal even for this time of the year. Ramona woke in her bed for the first time in the last couple of mornings. Cindy and Mike had asked her to stay the night after their first encounter and then again. Ramona was finding that her sexual appetite seemed to be growing exponentially. The more sex she had the more she wanted and she no longer found herself getting sore or none of the usual side effects she'd experienced since her super growth spurt. Despite all the fun she was having, she knew that this wasn't the reason for her transformation. That fact was confirmed when she received a text message that morning from an unknown number.
"I trust that you're enjoying the benefits of your new body, if not your neighbors certainly are. I'm afraid that my timetable has been moved up considerably. I had hoped to train you myself, but that is no longer be possible. In your map app on your phone you'll find the coordinates for our rendezvous. Be on time. You have twenty-four hours."
Ramona opened her map app, "Central California" she said out loud and her phone chimed indicating another text message.
"If you would like to drive I have secured a car in your name at Courtesy Chevrolet. If you decide to fly, there is a ticket waiting for you at the Southwest ticket counter."
Ramona smiled and yelled, "Road trip!"
Nancy and Niki just emerged from the shower one at a time, water beaded on their naked bodies and they took their time in drying each other off. Each seemed to have an insatiable sexual appetite, despite confirmation from Joe that she wasn't gay, Nancy found Niki's brown pussy too sweet to resist. They'd just showered after a marathon session, Niki insisted on cooking one of her best dishes for Nancy and was headed for the store if they could stop having sex long enough for her to put clothes on. Nancy typed the store into Niki's phone map app, the supermarket was only three miles away, and handed Niki her car keys. A quick kiss on the cheek and Niki backed out of the garage and was off.
A minute later there was a ring at the front door. Nancy hurried to the door, wondering what Niki had forgotten. She opened the door to find a very large man standing there.
"Nancy Cobb? I'm Matt Storm, a friend of Joe Carr. I have a message for you."
"A message from Joe?" She thought for a moment, "Why didn't he call?" Then she rationalized that perhaps he couldn't get away from Cassie. "Oh? Matt, did you say your name was, come on in."
Matt ducked as he entered the modest home and turned to face Nancy. She closed the door and turned to see Matt pointing a strange looking gun at her. Before she could say another word, he pulled the trigger. When the yellow cloud dissipated, Nancy was standing in front of Matt naked, very aroused and a silly expression on her face.
"Bend over soldier!" Matt barked.
Nancy's military training kicked in and she followed orders, bending at the waist showing Matt her perfect ass and bald pussy.
Matt pulled three injection devices from his jacket pocket and rapidly jabbed one after the other into her left butt cheek. Had she not still been in the trance she would have objected and reacted to the mild sting from the shots.
"At ease, soldier."
Nancy resumed her former posture, the look on her face showing mild concern, as she was coming around.
"Nancy, I have injected you with a super growth serum. You are going to grow rapidly in the next twelve to twenty-four hours." He pulled out an envelope and handed to her. "Inside this envelope you'll find enough money to replace your wardrobe, everything but your shoes will need replacing, and a phone number to reach me. I am re-enlisting you. Your mission will begin in less than twelve hours."
Matt heard the garage door open, Niki had returned. "Your girlfriend has returned. Go wait in your bedroom until I call you." Nancy trotted off jiggling delightfully as she hurried to comply.
Niki walked into the kitchen carrying several grocery bags and calling out for Nancy. After she put the bags on the counter she turned just in time to be fully engulfed by the yellow cloud. When it cleared. She stood naked in front of Matt, like all the others but she didn't wear a silly grin it was more of a look of deep thought.
Matt stared at the naked woman for a long time. She wasn't just beautiful by all the standards that he recognized, but she appeared to possess a profound intellect, too. She was very aroused, her nipples stood hard on her proud breasts. Her pussy was literally dripping and running down her leg and she breathing was rapidly.
Matt never fucked primitives, it was one of his rules, but he was tempted to make an exception. Then he remembered that she preferred female companionship to that of males. He knew that he could change that. It would be violating another of his rules, but he was trying to save the planet and their way of life. He could live with himself. But that would have to wait.
He hadn't quite made up his mind if he would accelerate her growth rapidly or slowly, since she wasn't going to be use in a combat role, perhaps slowly. It was less of a shock and the side effects were more pleasant. He laughed aloud. Who was he kidding? What side effects the entire drug regiment made the subject insatiable when it came to sex and more aggressive. That's why Matt was being careful in his selection. But now he had less than twenty-four hours.
"Turn around gorgeous and touch your toes until I say otherwise."
Niki did a gracefully pirouette bent at her waist and touched her toes. He injected her in her right cheek. Then told her she could return to face him, again she gracefully complied.
He watched as her large breasts settled on her chest. "Are you sure you don't like men?" Matt asked forgetting that she'd reply.
"It's not that I don't like men, it's that I've never been sexually satisfied by a man. Besides, women are so much easier to deal with and they are soft and so tasty.
"That's means that you've never been with a real man."
"Perhaps? Are you a real man?"
Matt looked closely at her. She was still in the hypnotic suggestable state. Yet here she was bantering with him. She must truly have a high level of intelligence. He smiled, "Perhaps later," he said.
He called Nancy out to join them, she fell in next to Niki and stood at attention. "At ease, soldier." She relaxed.
"Ladies, you've both been recruited for a special mission if successful you'll have saved your way of life on this tiny backwards planet. When I am done, you won't remember this conversation until an hour before I come back to collect you." He handed Niki an envelope of cash. "Like Nancy you are going to grow and find that your clothes will no longer fit. This money is to replace those items. There is likely more money than is required, but I'm sure you'll find something to do with it. Oh...Niki, Nancy is going to grow much faster than you, so you may need to buy her something to wear tonight."
He admired the naked women, wishing things were different. He wouldn't mind breaking his primary rule with one or both of them. His comfort women are going to be worn out when he gets back to base, he thought trying to keep his mind off the naked beauties. He made sure that he had everything and then quietly left the house.
A moment later the women snapped out of their trance. "Oh you're back. I didn't hear you come in." Nancy said, then smiled. "When did you have time to undress. Are you ready to play some more?"
Niki was confused. She seemed to remember a conversation with a large man. But she couldn't remember when or where. She shrugged it off. It must have been the cashier at the supermarket. "Yeah, I am always horny. But, you're going to have to let me cook this meal for you. Playtime can wait an hour or so?"
Nancy frowned. She was hornier than usual. She always has a healthy libido, and despite not being a lesbian, she seemed be having a hard time getting Niki's pussy out of her mind. Then suddenly she felt tired. "Tell you what spoilsport, I suddenly feel a little tired, I going to take a quick nap with you puttering in the kitchen. She kissed Niki on the cheek and then slapping her naked ass as she was preoccupied sorting through her groceries she'd just bought. Niki yelled after her that she would pay for that, as Nancy scurried off to the bedroom wiggling incitingly.
Joe was on his back while Cassie was riding him "cowgirl". He loved seeing her green skin slick with a light coat of sweat as they fucked, it was so expressive. It was a shamed that she had to hid it. Bright green meant that she was happy and excited, dark green usually meant that she was sad or angry. It was one of the first things he noticed when they met. The combination of that and her facial features made it easy for him to read her. Right now, she was very close to cumming again. Her bright green large breasts bouncing back and forth, her hard-dark green nipples and the look on her face, the one that said I love what you are doing to me. Told him all he needed to know.
"Oh... ummm... Joey! Joey...mmmm." Her red lips curled into the biggest smile as her orgasm rippled through her body and she clapped down hard on his cock as she continued to bounce up and down, forcing Joe to roar as he came, too.
She leaned forward, showering his face with tiny kisses as he tickled her in her ribs. They laughed and cuddled in the aftermath of the love making.
Just as they were about to drift off to a post coital nap, Joey still hard and deep in Cassie's tight pussy as she laid atop him, both of their AI's linked to their minds alerting them to an incoming message from Master Sargent Storm. Their orders were to report to the Doubletree Hotel in Fresno and await further orders. Report time was in three hours.
As if a switch was turned on they were both alert and reluctantly but quickly disengaged, showered, dressed and were on the road within twenty minutes. It was about a two-hour drive.
Despite the instructions that Scott had given his roommates, he was still stunned when he returned home to find the house spotless and smelling like it was just cleaned. He had about two hours before the girls would be home from their classes. He checked the mail, while he munched on an apple, then suddenly he felt very fatigued. He strolled to his room to find it too had been cleaned and tidied, also smelling fresh and clean. He pulled off the new clothes that he bought and dropped the rest on the floor by his closet and clad only in his boxers collapsed into bed.
Two hours later hearing the giggling of female voices, Scott woke naked on his bed. His feet were hanging off the end the bed, and his boxers in shreds beneath him. He stood a little disoriented, things didn't seem right, he was looking down on things he normally looked straight ahead at. His stomach growled he was starving. He stumbled out of his room, using the walls for support every two or three steps until he reached the kitchen.
The girls were home. Denise and Debbie were making a weak attempt at studying, lying on pillows and blankets in front of the television which was always on. That wasn't new, what was new was that they were completely naked and Donna who was equally as naked laid between Denise's legs casually licking her pussy.
The girls all looked up at the same, startled at seen a much bigger muscular naked version of Scott raiding the refrigerator.
"Whoa!" Debbie said. "Is it just me or is Scotty looking bigger, more muscular and handsome since we last saw him?"
Hearing Debbie's comments, Donna pulled her face from Denise's pussy, much to Denise's annoyance, she was just beginning to get that tingle. She looked at Scott, too. As Debbie stood and stepped over Denise and Donna to check on Scott.
Scott was hungry and didn't give the girls a second thought, there was plenty of food to choose and he went after the left-over pot roast and veggies. He loved the girl's cooking and the pot roast was one of his favorites. But after a few bites he noticed that he didn't appreciate it as much as he once did and concentrated on the veggies.
Debbie curled up to him, now dwarfed by his size, still she wrapped her arm around his body, just below his ass cheeks. His enormous cock was flaccid yet it looked bigger than ever to Debbie. She pulled it to her mouth with one hand and licked it. The touch seemingly having awakened it as it became firm and began to grow.
"Damn, Scotty. What are you feeding this thing?" She asked as it grew much larger than the last time she'd handled it.
Scott chuckled. "Blondes" and continued to feed himself.
Denise pushed Donna back onto her back, they had both been jealously watching but realized that Debbie had earned the right to play with Scotty first since she reached him first. "My turn," Denise said as pushed her way between Donna's legs leading with her tongue.
Scott watched his roommates and thinking he wanted to make time to fuck them all several times before he had to leave. Now that he had some food in his stomach he was feeling particularly horny and knew that they'd all get a work out tonight.
Debbie began sucking his monster cock, it rapidly grew too large for her to get anything but the tip into her mouth and began to lick around it like it was an ice cream cone. When he was fully erect he was almost a foot long and very thick. Debbie thought, "That will definitely stretch me wide, not to mention what it would do to my ass." She shuddered. "But it might be fun to try."
She looked up at Scott past his muscular chest he lost some weight in his face, he looked really good, handsome. She thought she should be alarmed by the sudden changes, but shrugged them off.
"Hey buckaroo, how about putting the food down and see if you can fit this monster up my ass. We've made a nice playpen on the floor."
Debbie pulled him by his cock and he was soon on the floor next to Denise and Donna who had spun into a sixty-nine. Donna pulled her face away to comment, "Scotty you better save some of that for me, too."
Scott grabbed one of her big tits and played with the nipple, "There's plenty to go around I assure you."
Ramona pulled her white 2017 Corvette under the overhang of the Residence Inn in Flagstaff Arizona. It was getting late the sun was setting and she's been racing down the highway enjoying the freedom of driving one of the great American road cars on the way to her new adventure. The car performed better than anything she'd ever driven before, she and Sirius Radio were having the time of her life. She was getting tired and was ahead of schedule so she decided to stop for the night.
She entered the hotel, got her room card and walked next door to Applebee's for something to eat. She'd forgotten that she possessed new dimensions until she saw the reactions of those around her. Most of the guys smiled or winked, as for the women some were friendlier than others. That was at her last stop, this was Flagstaff.
One couple in particular here at Applebee's seemed to be put off by her presence. She overheard them talking and referred to her as probably a hooker and many other unflattering things. They were drinking heavily and Ramona hoped that they weren't going to be driving.
Ramona had a steak and vegetables, figuring that she's splurge. She rarely had the money for a meal like this but that was the old Ramona. Half way through the steak, which was delicious and cooked just the way she liked it, she found that the thought of beef was making her ill. As soon as she stopped she felt much better. She had an ice cream desert. While she watched the obnoxious couple stagger out of the restaurant. She was feeling satisfied and ready for a nice warm bath and bed before hitting the road again. After paying her bill and leaving a hefty tip, Ramona strolled back to the hotel. Imagine her surprise when she saw the obnoxious couple from the restaurant trying and failing to enter a room across the hall from hers. It as if they'd never used a key card before tonight.
She argued with herself, but being the consider person that she was Ramona decided to see if she could help them. The man dropped the card again and Ramona quickly picked it up and said that she'd help them. She opened the door and let them in and then returned the card to the man.
But, instead of a thank you, her good deed was met with a series of insults and name that would have made a sailor blush, from both the man and the woman, who appeared to be in their late twenties and not very well educated.
"Who the hell do you think you are fucking bitch. We didn't ask your fucking help, slut." The blonde woman slurred as she looked her up and down. "You're probably one of those trannies. Look how big you are."
The man laughed, "I'll bet those aren't even real tits."
Both laughed at their cleverness and never saw Ramona pull out the ray gun from her purse. When the yellow cloud disappeared, the drunk obnoxious duo stood motionless. Their nasty mouths frozen in place and drool dripping from the corners of their mouths.
Ramona closed the door behind her, she was very angry. In fact, she couldn't remember ever being this angry before. The old Ramona would have gone back to her room and cried about how mean some people could be. But, this new Ramona didn't have to stand for this. She looked the couple over, they weren't very attractive without their clothes, not that they were with them. The guy had a beer belly and his small cock sticking up through a nest of brown hair. The woman also had a big belly and small tits that sat on top of her belly. She might have looked better if she lost about thirty pounds and knew anything about makeup. Her bald pussy was dripping and her nipples were hard. Ramona almost laughed out loud when she saw the dainty butterfly tattooed the inside of her left thigh.
"What are your names?" Ramona asked.
"I'm Jeff." "I'm Becky." They said almost together.
"What do you do to support yourselves?"
"I'm a technician at the Jiffy Lube." "I'm a clerk at the local CVS."
"A pair of real losers, I see!" Ramona said. "Don't tell me, you both are smokers, too. Am I, right?"
They both nodded their head, shamefully.
She got an idea that would help them and satisfy her need for revenge. "Well that's going to change. From now on, no more tobacco. You're both quitting cold turkey. And you're going to get yourselves to a gym and lost about thirty pounds each, then keep it off. You two look disgusting." Ramona admonished.
The couple blinked at the stinging insult, but said nothing.
"But, you did invite me in to have sex," she said. "Becky, do you do anal?"
"No. I tried it once and I didn't like it." Becky replied in her trance monotone voice.
"Have you ever been with a woman, eaten her pussy?"
Again, Becky replied in the negative, asking if she looked like a dyke. Ramona thought about it and decided she could work with that. "Well looks like today is your lucky day."
She looked over to Jeff, "Pencil dick, have you ever been with another guy, sucked cock, taken it up the butt?"
"No. I'm not a fag!"
Ramona smiled. "Perhaps you are and you just don't know it, yet."
She looked over to the bed which still looked fresh, like it hadn't been touched since the maid came through that morning. "I suppose we should get started, Ramona said as she opened her purse and pulled out her favorite smooth dildo and handed it to Becky who looked at it not sure what she was going to be doing with it.
Ramona removed her jeans and panties and climbed up on the bed and propped herself up with the pillows.
"Becky, you're going to eat my pussy. You're going to do a good job, because after your first taste you're going to discover that you love eating pussy. Once I'm gone, you're going to look forward to finding other pussy to eat."
Becky moved between Ramona's legs, until Ramona stopped her using her against her forehead. "Eager to get going? Just a minute. We've got to give Jeff his instructions."
She looked at Jeff who hadn't moved. "Pencil dick." She called him again. "Go into the bathroom and if there is anything you can use a lotion bring it back and get the tiny cock ready to go into Becky's ass. If there is anything left, use it on Becky's asshole to loosen her up."
Jeff did as he was told.
"Becky, Jeff's cock is much too small to get you off anymore unless it's in your ass. Then you will have average orgasms. You're pussy craves really big cocks. Do you know where to find them?"
Becky nodded.
"Well tell me Becky, where will you find big cocks to satisfy your hungry pussy?" Ramona asked her.
"From Black men," Becky said.
"That's partially true, Becky. Latin men have big cocks too. Much bigger cocks than poor little Jeff. So, do you feel yourself craving a big cock in you pussy Becky?"
Becky nodded. "How did this woman know. She needed a big cock, Jeff's cock was only good for fucking her in her ass, because he's so tiny." She thought.
Jeff returned, stroking his tiny cock and palming the complementary lotion he found in the bathroom.
"Jeff, lube Becky's ass up and when you're done and shove your tiny cock into her ass. Once it is all the way inside and tell me." Ramona has another idea. "Oh and by the way Jeff, as you slide you cock into Becky's ass you're going to be very envious, you're going to crave having stuff shoved up your ass, too."
"Becky when you have a moment, you're going to shove that dildo I gave you up Jeff's ass and fuck him with it."
"Jeff you're going to love Becky fucking you with my dildo and will come whenever it happens." She looked at both her naked victims. "Okay let's get going, what are you waiting for?"
Becky crawled between Ramona's big legs and began to lick her pussy. She was surprised how good it tasted and began to really get off on it. It helped to that Jeff was lubing her asshole up so good, she was finally going to get her fat ass fucked.
A few moments later, Jeff was sliding he cock into Becky's ass while fantasying getting his own ass fucked. "All in," he said as Becky seemed to sitting on his cock.
Becky was doing a very good job eating Ramona's pussy. She seemed to know just what to do and Ramona was feeling the warmth radiating throughout her body, she almost forgot about Jeff.
"Okay Jeff, you can start fucking Becky's ass."
"Tell him Becky how much you like having your ass fucked, Becky. After you make me cum."
There was a lot of grunting and bed squeaking for the next several minutes, and then Ramona shrieked announcing her orgasm. She squirted her juices all over Becky's face. "Lick it all up Becky," she said.
"Jeff, fuck my ass! Fuck me hard." She moaned as she lifted her dripping face from Ramona's pussy. "Fuck, I love getting my ass fucked. Fuck me harder!"
Becky and Jeff both came, screaming and shouting as they did.
They were panting. Following her instructions, Becky picked up the dildo licked and sucked it into her mouth getting it wet and ready, then shoved it into Jeff's ass. He came again, immediately.
"Don't let that go to waste, Becky suck that cock. Clean it up."
Becky caught Jeff's cock just as the final spasm subsided. She could taste the sourness from it being in her ass, and she felt his cum leaking out of it.
Ramona meanwhile had pulled her panties and jeans back on and was ready to leave. "Not bad, you two. I'm going to leave now, if you are lucky, you may have another guest or two. I'm going to see if I can find a guy to fuck your ass, Jeff. What kind of guy should I find for you, Becky?"
"A Black or Latino man," Becky said without hesitation.
"I'll see what I can do. Enjoy the rest of your evening," she said as she closed the door behind her.
"She's a really nice woman, Jeff." Becky said. "I am sorry that we made fun of her." And thinking she couldn't wait to eat another pussy, she began to think of which of her friend she could ask.
Ramona slipped a couple of hundred dollars to the clerk at the counter and told him what she wanted. "The couple there is really hoping that you can come through for them. If you have photos you can show me in the morning, I'll be leaving around six, I will have two more of these guys for you."
The clerk smiled. "I could handle this myself," he thought, "it would be fun and he'd be four hundred dollars richer. Consider it done," he said.
Ramona woke early, showered, dressed and checked out of her room. The same clerk was at the counter smiling. He pulled out his iPhone and showed her several pictures of him fucking Jeff, Jeff sucking his cock and several of him fucking Becky in both of her holes.
Ramona smiled and pulled two additional bills as she paid for her night's stay. As she sat behind the wheel of her Corvette, a full stomach from her breakfast in the local restaurant, she scolded herself. "That was a pretty mean thing to do. They did deserve it. She rationalized as she couldn't help to wonder what they'd be like in three to four months. She started the car and was soon back on the interstate heading west.
Drifting with the tide in the Pacific Ocean the current taking it towards the Californian central coast was a strange barge of some sort. Like an iceberg most of it was concealed beneath the water, only a breathing tube emerging allowing its inhabitance to become accustomed to the mixture of the alien atmosphere. They appeared to be a cluster of clams or oysters, hard shells protecting their immature soft bodies. Within hours they would find themselves beached on the rugged coastline, once they dried on the beach they might be mature enough to emerge.
It was a reunion of sorts; all the women were excited about their annual camping trip to the state parks near Big Sur. This had been their ritual since high school. Over the years they managed to camped out at all of the state parks, but their favorite was Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park. It was 1,006 acres of redwoods, conifers, oaks, sycamores, cottonwoods, maples, alders and willows and open meadows. Local wildlife includes deer, raccoons, skunks, and birds, such as water ouzels and belted kingfishers. But of course, the main draw had always been the spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean, Big Sur Valley and Big Sur River which runs through the middle of the park.
Although most of the girls had boyfriends who also enjoyed camping, this had always been a girl's only outing. This year would be no different. There were ten of them this year, all were experienced campers and could handle themselves. Their numbers would also discourage any unwanted interference.
Their campsite was perfect, a short hike down the cliffs to the beach, and still nestled among the red woods, the girls quickly unpacked the two SUVs and set up camp. They were lucky to be able to camp there, the fires had forced the closure of many of the campsites and parks. They had chosen wisely, having to have made reservations six months in advance.
The first day was spent getting reacquainted and catching up with each other's lives, many had left the area and some had left the state. Despite this they had all remained close. They sang songs around the tiny campfire and told ghost stories all reminiscent of their early years together. They turned in early and were looking forward to hiking to the beach and woods tomorrow. The beach was rather secluded and that meant there was often interesting things to find washed up on shore.
By chance they split into two groups of five, one was headed to the interior of the forest while the other was headed to the beach. The girls who were all in their early twenties didn't know what their hiking would reveal. It was unseasonably warm, but the girls had prepared. The beach group had worn shorts, tank tops and tee shirts, they planned on getting some sun and wading into the surf. The sun was bright and when the girls hit the beach, many stripped down to their bikinis, storing their clothes in their backpacks.
Not far away, the mysterious barrage had been deposited on the shore. Once in the bright sun, the jelly like substance that held it together began to dissipate leaving it looking less like a jellyfish and more like a pile of large pearls glistening in the bright sunshine. Those in the pile on top and getting direct sunlight began to hatch and legs appeared. Still too frail to completely emerge from their shell they took them with them like a crab and climbed down the pile into the sand, towards the jagged cliffs and into the Redwood forest where they'd find food.
The girls frolicked up and down the coast like a bunch of ten-year-old school girls on their first field trip. They expected to find a treasure trove of interesting pieces of driftwood, they didn't expect to find the remaining strange shelled creatures. By now their shells had been warmed enough by the sun to make them looking like shiny pearls.
They seemed to know they would be attractive to the girls, thus ceasing their movement. With the help of all the girls they collected them unknowingly bringing the unhatched creatures to their site. With all their running around they were ravenous and finally stopped to eat lunch. Opening their lunch kits, they shared and ate until everyone was full. Once the meal consumed and they packed up their trash they became lazy and then decided to lay in the warm sun and tan.
One of the girls began to strip off her bikini and dared the others to sun bath nude on the secluded beach. It didn't take much convincing and they soon were all gloriously naked, taking turns applying generous amounts of sunscreen on each other young bodies. Soon all five naked girls were lying side by side on their towels sunning themselves. Their full bellies made them drossy and they each slipped off to a pleasant afternoon nap.
A few feet away a creature stirred. It was time to emerge from its shells. Once it broke free it was immediately aware of to the female pheromones and it sensed hosts they could feed on. The remaining creatures woke from their slumber and broke free from their shells and followed the first.
Through the thick Redwood forest the girls hiked, loving every minute of it, inspecting every unusual bit of flora and fauna they found. When they came to the river they crossed and took their lunch in the middle of the large meadow. They took solace in the fact they were secluded and the meadow seemed to be unspoiled. Two of the girls felt bold and took off their tops, exposing themselves and daring the others to join in, but they didn't, claiming they were afraid to get stung by a bee. Too soon it was time to leave and they carefully packed up their trash and stored it in their backpacks as they continued enjoying their nature hike. It was quiet and they marveled at the beauty of their surroundings.
As the sun began to get lower in the sky, they all knew that it would get dark soon despite the hour and began their trek back to their campsite. When the crossed the shallow river, they saw several interesting shiny pearl-like shells on the river's edge. They obviously weren't from the surrounding area, they thought that perhaps some hikers had left them behind, so they gathered them up and planned on discussing what to do with them once the rest of the girls returned.
It was a voyeur's dream, the sight of five naked twentysomething girls laying one next to the other on their backs. Every beautiful body different and yet the same. None of them were particularly shy about being naked. They laid were content as they tanned. All of them had flat bellies, each displaying their womanly curves. Some had shaved their pussies while others were content with simple landing strips. Their pretty young titties on display. The sun wasn't too hot; the ocean breeze wasn't too cool. The occasional squawk of the local sea gulls help to relax them.
Unseen the creatures appeared and gathered as if plotting their next move. They were particular vulnerable in the bright sunlight, nevertheless the leader oozed from the makeshift nest and sliding on a thin film like snails make it quickly slide between the open legs of the nearest girl. There it seemed to breathing her womanly scent for a moment before deciding to strike. Almost like a snake it lunged forward parting the girls' labia and sliding into her safe warm pussy.
Startled the girl gasped a breath and was about to scream and grab her naked pussy, but just as quickly the fear and surprise passed and she felt better, more content and horny. Only her face showed and signs that her nap had been interrupted. Her arousal built and without thinking one hand went between her legs where her fingers lightly played with her clit while the other hand pulled gently on her hardening nipples.
One by one the girls were attacked in a similar way, then overcome by a sense of wellbeing and arousal forgetting their violation and its intruder completely. As the girls continued to masturbate and tan themselves, the creatures fed and began to rapidly mature.
Fortunately, one of the girls had set the alarm on her watch. It woke her and she rousted the others. It was late, they dressed quickly and hiked back up to their campsite bring with them the driftwood and other treasures they stumble on. Ignored were the empty shells of the creatures growing in their bellies.
When the beach girls returned, they discovered the others had a small fire going and food cooking. They all excitedly shared stories of their day. The meal was delicious and the girls had pulled out the alcohol that they'd been saving for their final night together, neither knew how wrong they were.