Chapter 10.2
Between the food and the alcohol, the girls were feeling very comfortable with each other. It wasn't that warm a night, but the beach group felt a strange compulsion to be naked as they had been on the beach, so without ceremony began to shed their tops, as they were teased by the others as they wiggled and shook their newly freed tits at one another. They continued to drink and talk into the night before long the beach girls had talked the others into taking their tops off too. The reasoned that the fire was warm and there was no one who could see them. It didn't take much convincing to get the others to join in. Each beach girls had managed to pair up a girl that hadn't yet been possessed but a creature. It was all quite innocent; they were all good friends.
A little while later that the beach girls felt a compelled to remove their remaining clothing. Once that was done there was kidding about dancing naked around the fire, like the pagans and the wiccans had centuries ago. It was called "skyclad", one of the girls volunteered. They girls cheered and repeated the name and the dancing intensified.
In their drunken stupor, they all agreed that it might be fun to dance naked around the fire. They could then cross if off their "bucket list" some rationalize. The remaining girls stripped, some seeing each other naked for the first time. They were of various sizes and shapes, most having small breasts and athletic bodies, not a single girl bigger than a C-cup. Most had shaved their pussies in some manner, that was the expectation these days, they all were sexually active and boys expected some sort of trimming to have occurred. As they hopped, skipped and danced around the fire, laughing and giggling at the silliness of it, until they were exhausted and fell back into their places panting. The beach girls were perspiring, their naked bodies covered in a light sheen of sweat, their unknown guest had becoming lively and had now achieved total control over their hosts thoughts and actions. It was time.
The beach girls began intensely kissing and feeling up their unsuspecting girlfriends, there was token resistance, but having been plied with enough alcohol the others quickly became turned on by the harmless lesbian play. As they kissed and squirmed on top of one another, the unsuspecting girls began to feel their partners pressing hard against their mounds. It was like their boyfriends getting an erection. That puzzled them, how was that possible. Each one reacted the same way, pushing the other away in shock, then stared in astonishment when they saw rising from their partners' pussies the aliens emerged like twelve-inch snakes. They each discharged a squirt venom, stunning and immobilizing their targets. But instead of leaving their host, the aliens controlled girls moved back between their victim's legs. The aliens transformed their bodies into hard stiff stalks, resembling giant penises and pierced the girls in their most sacred of places. Unable to resist the girls began to fuck. It was wild. The immobilized girls found they could move their legs, but it was to wrapped around that of their rapists. When it ended, the alien will have taking control of their minds as they had with the beach girls and depositing several more of their seeds.
Cassie pulled Joe's Nissan Z into the hotel parking lot coming to a screeching stop inches from the parked car in the opposite stall. Joe yelled, "Cassie!" as his seatbelt restrained him. "There's a difference between understanding how to operate a vehicle and how to drive."
"Sorry," she said as she turned off the engine. "But there was no damage done. No one got hurt. I really don't see the problem."
Kiera Joe's AI volunteered to clear things up for her. "Joe I am sending Cassie some videos of what is the expected norm and the results of reckless driving."
"Oh my," She Cassie gasped as she reviewed the videos. "I understand now why you have restrictions. Don't worry, I will abide by them from now on."
Joe chuckled aloud. "Great, what do you say we check in."
"That sounds like a good idea," Cassie said, "and we can check out the shower and the bed."
"You my alien wife have a one-track mind." Joe declared.
"That's what attracted you to me, remember?"
"Why don't you wait for me at the bar, order a drink if you like. I'll check on the room." He said as he kissed her on the cheek and walked towards the front desk.
Cassie strolls into the tavern, looks around and took a seat. There's a quiet music playing in the background and sports on the many large screen televisions. After a few moments, the waitress stops by. "Hello, my name is Julie, what can I get you to drink?"
"I don't know, what would you recommend?" Cassie asked.
"Do you like sweet drinks? Are you alone or with someone?" Julie asked.
"I'm with my husband and I do like sweet drinks." Cassie said.
"Do you like rum?"
"What's rum?"
Julie laughed. "Why don't we get you a Mai Tai, it has rum. You'll like it."
"Okay. I'll have a Mai Tai." Cassie said.
Julie smiled and said that she'd be right back.
Joe found Cassie and slid into the booth next to her.
"I'm having a Mai Tai." Cassie said with pride.
Just then the waitress arrived with her drink and took Joe's order, a beer.
As they talked and drank, a dusty white corvette pulled into the parking lot. Ramona climbed out, she'd been wearing her "battle suit" which fit her like a second skin. It was comfortable but she looked like a futuristic soldier minus the holster and gun. She remembered that it had once changed to her thoughts, so she decided to try again. "Jeans and a nice top would be good," she thought picturing in her mind what she wanted. In an instant, her clothes changed. The jeans looked as if they'd been painted on her, the top was a cute red design showing off plenty of cleavage.
She walked into the hotel and checked in, her room wouldn't be ready for at least an hour so she headed for the bar. It was still early afternoon and the bar was mostly empty except for a few singles and a couple at booth that caught Ramona's attention, mostly because of their size. It wasn't obvious, but they were both larger than average. She took a seat at the bar and ordered a white wine.
Joe and Cassie got a ping from their AIs at the same time, they turned as looked at the large sexy Mexican woman sitting at the bar. They knew that she was wearing a suit similar to theirs but there was no AI interface. That was interesting. They thought about engaging her, but decided to wait and watch.
Scott didn't know what to expect when Matt said that he would pick him up, he certainly didn't expect that he'd be driving a late model muscle car. He was disappointed to say the least. But when he climbed into the passenger's seat and when Matt turned on the engine, he was surprise to see that the car seemed to expand and as hard as it was for him to believe there was a deck below the one he was on. He was dazzled by how much bigger the car was than it appeared. "How is this possible?" He said as he looked around from what should have been a bucket seat.
"It's actually a spaceship," Matt told his confused passenger. "Feel free to look around or take a nap. We're heading for California, should be there in about an hour."
There was now an eight-foot chasm between the passenger seat and the driver's seat. The ceiling appeared to be over ten feet high. Scott turned to his left and stood up and walked to the rear of the ship and turned to see Matt at the front navigating the pseudo car down the road. "An hour from Amarillo Texas to California, wow!" Scott yelled.
Matt chuckled, and put it on auto pilot once they'd taken flight. He joined Scott on the second deck and handed him what looked like pair of shrunken "long johns".
"Put these on. I know they don't look like much, but you'll be surprised." Matt then touch an unseen switch and a monitor appeared. "You have questions, just ask and most should be answered. I have to get back to the bridge."
Scott didn't think that bridge was the correct term to use for this small ship, but he understood what Matt was saying. As he peeled off his clothes several questions came to mind, and since he didn't find a keyboard, he assumed that he could speak directly to the computer, if that indeed is what this monitor represented, he was on a spaceship after all.
"What is going on? Why am I needed? Who is Matt? How the hell am I expected to get this on?" Still in his boxer briefs he held up the tiny suit he was expected to wear.
"You'll need to remove all your earth textiles before putting on the on the suit if it is to work properly. Legs first and the rest will be simple."
Scott turned and saw a depiction of what he was supposed to do on the monitor and then a hologram standing next to him. It was some sort of animation, using a double of Scott. He laughed and followed the instructions. When he pulled the suit on, it tightly conformed to his body. The material obviously stretched, but he found support and protection in the groin area although it didn't appear to be. The suit was an unflattering gray color. "I wish there was a mirror." He said aloud.
"Perhaps this would help," the computer said.
Scott turn and saw a hologram image of himself, as if he were looking at a mirror. He was amazed at how much he'd grown. Although he couldn't tell how tall he now was, he could see that he'd developed serious muscles and his six-pack abs. The suit hid nothing, he looked like a skinner version of a body builder. The suit was long sleeved, leaving Scott wondering how it would look with short sleeves. He smiled as he watched the sleeves retract to just about mid bicep. He liked it. "Muscle shirt length," he thought and the sleeves retracted more exposing his deltoids. "Tank top." Again, the suit reacted quickly. He laughed aloud.
He played around with the colors and finally went with the inconspicuous black, realizing that if he stayed with his favorite color, sky blue, he'd need a fancy letter "S" on his chest to go with it. As much as he'd grown, he knew it wasn't over yet.
The computer continued to answer all of his questions. Even though the threat had been explained it didn't seem real and he felt as though this was all some sort of dream. He felt the ship scrap the ground like air planes do when they touch down and he made his way back to the passenger seat. Before him he saw what looked like the downtown of a small city.
"Welcome to Fresno California," Matt said. "I'm going to drop you off and be back in an hour or so, I've a couple more stops to make. There's a room reserved in your name. Check in and relax, have a drink some of the others have already arrived. You'll know them and they will know you."
Scott got out of the car and realized that his black suit made him look out of place, so when he thought no one was looking, he thought about what he wanted and his attire changed into blue jeans and a long sleeve tee shirt. The hotel was getting busy, and his room reservation was confirmed, but check in wasn't until three, it was only one thirty-five. Scott shrugged and made his way to the bar.
After ordering his beer he looked around and noticed a man and woman in a booth checking him out and a beautiful Latin woman sitting alone at a table. He made his way to the woman. She was big, but not fat, in fact she could have been a fashion model, but looked more like military. He stopped at her table.
"Hello, I'm Scott. I think we have a few things in common, but if I'm wrong you can tell me to get lost."
Ramona looked at him. She knew that he was one of theirs, even if she didn't know what that meant. "Ramona," she said. "Have a seat. Odds are that you are correct. I'm betting that you're not from here."
Scott sat and said, "No madam, Amarillo Texas."
Joe and Cassie watched the two and through their AIs were able to listen to the conversation.
When Nancy awoke from her nap she realized that something was different but couldn't quite figure it out and as she sat up in the bed, the room looked smaller somehow.
Nikki stepped into the room wearing a smock that didn't cover all of her lovely parts and fell just below the curve of her ass. "Oh good you're awake. Dinner is ready. But, it can wait if you want to play around a bit. I can't believe how good you look. You haven't noticed it, yet have you?"
"What are you talking about?" Nancy looked at Nikki, she was even more horny than before her nap.
"Stand up." Nikki said.
Nancy stood and she noticed that she was much taller than Nikki, about five or six inches. That wasn't right. She went to her full-length mirror and saw that she'd gown in all areas, her ass and tits were bigger too. She was about to panic but then remembered something like this being told to her.
Niki walked up to her and embraced her, lifting her huge left tit and taking the nipple in her mouth sucking on it. "Hmmm... bigger and better."
"Don't stop there, I have another one." Nancy said as she curled her long arm down finding Niki wet and ready.
"For some reason I feel like we are on the clock. We have time for a quickie then we've got to get you some clothes that fit. We have somewhere important to be later. And, you have to eat a little of the meal I prepared for you."
At the mention of food Nancy's stomach growled, she wasn't sure what should be first, sex or food, until Niki found her other nipple with her mouth and pulled playfully on the other wet one. It didn't take long before they were in a sixty-nine and screaming into each other juicy pussies. And true to her word, Niki kept them on schedule. It was tough but she did find something modest enough for Nancy to go out in public without getting arrested. The made it to the mall and bought several outfits for the two of them. Niki thinking ahead buying her outfits too big for her present size.
When they arrived home, Nancy seemed to have grown another two inches in height and although fooling around was on her mind both remembered that they'd both been recruited for military mission. and packed for an overnight trip. Not more than forty-five minutes later there was a knock on the door and Nancy let Matt in.
Realizing that he out ranked her although not sure of what service they'd been pressed into Nancy acquiesced. She saluted, which felt strange but knew it was the proper thing to do. Both she and Niki were dressed comfortable, in jeans and blouses. Nancy now towering over Niki, but still much smaller than Matt.
"Ready to go ladies?"
Their small bags, one each by the door, "Yes sir," they said in unison. Picking up their bags they marched to Matt's car and climbed in.
Matt started the engine and pulled away from the curb. As he headed for the freeway, he did two things. First he switched the car to stealth mode rendering it invisible and then launched it into the sky as he reached the top of the on ramp.
Nancy and Nikki gasped as their seatbelts held them in place as Matt banked the ship to the left and headed south to Fresno.
Nancy spoke first, "I think now would be a good time for a more detailed explanation, don't you?"
The flight took about fifteen minutes, Matt kept the ship cloaked and low mostly following the freeway as he explained to the women what was going on and who he was and where he was taking them. Using the same deserted street, he'd used earlier he brought the ship to the ground and drove the last half mile in car mode stopping at the hotel and letting the girls out. He had one last pick up and promised to return in one hour or less.
The girls checked in, of course they'd be sharing a room, but also learned that the grand suite was ready for their group. They found the other four seated at a booth drinking and talking, the conversation seemed light and easy. They were all large people, only Niki was dwarfed by their size. But that didn't stop her from taking charge.
"Hello, we all seem to be here for the same reason, what's say we adjourn to Matt's suite? He should be back in an hour or so. I understand that there is food and more drinks waiting for us."
The four climbed to their feet and followed Niki and Nancy to the suite. It was much larger and more elaborate than they imagined. There was plenty of hot and cold food waiting along with a waitress. Once everyone had their meal and drink the waitress left and they were alone left to become acquainted.
Feeling relaxed and among friends, Cassie relaxed allowing her natural hue return. Then telling those that didn't know her where she was from. She wasn't accustomed to be the center of attention, but she soon found that she enjoyed it. She didn't react when Joe and Nancy broke away from the group to talk.
"Damn Nancy, you look more beautiful than ever now that you've grown up." Joe joked.
Nancy laughed at his humor and he could see the genuine love they shared in his eyes. "I'm not a lesbian, Joe. But, after being with Niki these last few days it wouldn't take much for me to switch sides," she joked. "Except a big hard cock." She looked down and saw that Joe too was aroused. She stepped closer and fondled him and he pulled her mouth to his. They kissed passionately for several minutes, half expecting Cassie to interrupt.
Understanding her concern, Joe told her that Cassie had a change of heart and she now considered her as family and no longer a threat.
Although Niki was fascinated with Cassie's story she felt a ping of jealousy as she watched Nancy and Joe. Of course, to meet a true alien from another planet was something out of her dreams, still she began to wonder more about her relationship with Nancy.
Ramona and Scott seemed to have hit it off, and since they were now fed more primal thoughts began to make themselves known. Ramona initiated it by rubbing herself against Scott as they sat together listening to Cassie. It wasn't long before her hand slipped lower and she found him hard and ready. He looked at her and they kissed.
Niki was beginning to feel the signs of her rapid growth beginning, as she leaned forward to pick up her drink from the coffee table, the distinct sound of her jeans ripping echoed through the brief lull in the conversation. Niki gasped, as her ass and thighs expanded. Hoping to get to her suitcase, she stood but her jeans shredded falling away from her body leaving her clad in a tiny G-string, which also chose that moment to divide and fall away. She blushed until she heard someone say, "That's the idea, let's get out of these tight confining clothes."
They all began stripping and pairing off. Niki smiled and pulled at the tangle of her remaining tattered clothes. Cassie smiled broadly and somehow was completely naked already. She embraced Niki, pulling her face to hers and kissing her ardently. The kiss was such a surprise that Niki felt her breath being taken away. "Let me help you with that," she told Nikki as she unbuttoned ripped blouse that was now straining at the seams. "I'll be that bra is pinching your shoulders, I can fix that." She was right, it was. "You must be Matt's latest victims of delayed super growth."
"You too," Nikki asked.
"No not me, others here though." Cassie corrected her, then attacked her lips again causing her head to spin. "Here, let recline on the sofa."
Scott and Ramona had moved on from their kissing right into a sixty-nine. While Joe and Nancy got reacquainted. Nancy finally getting the cock she'd dreamed of having once again. Joe took her from behind, holding unto her hips as he pounded her from behind as he watched in the mirrored wall as her tits bounced back and forth.
Once everyone had come with their original partner twice they switched. It was like someone blew a whistle, they seemingly all at once decided to change partners. Joe was with Ramona, Nancy with Scott, but Cassie and Niki stayed together for a few moments longer then joined with the other couples. Sometimes licking an unoccupied tit or mouth or caressing someone's balls. They were beginning to wind down when Matt entered the suite accompanied with a beautiful large blonde woman.
"This looks like the right place," the blonde yelled and began stripping off her clothes. She spied Niki getting a drink and walked right up to her and planted a passionate kiss on her lips and taking the smaller brown woman and then taking her back to one of the unoccupied couches.
Cassie regarded the new woman as she and Nancy were doubling Scott. Cassie suddenly recognized her. She smiled and crawled over to where Ramona was riding Joe and whispered in his ear. Ramona was thoroughly enjoying the variety of the evening. Scott was good, but Joe really knew how to fuck, she thought. They both came hard at the same time, panting and sweat drenched. At times the only thing you could hear was moaning and screaming passion, but just when the party appeared to be coming to an end, the blonde's appearance seemed to give breath new energy into it. She had Niki pinned to the carpet as she munched on her pussy.
Joe looked up and couldn't believe his eyes, what was she doing here? He saw Matt seated in the kitchenette looking over some electronic devices, deep in thought. Not bothering to cover himself, he stormed up to the table. Before he could say a word, Matt spoke without looking up. "Look little man, it's about saving your planet. I didn't have much to choose from, besides she insisted."
Joe realized he was right and besides he was his superior officer, there wasn't much he could do about it even if he wanted to.
Niki screamed again as she came for the fifth time that night and pushed the blonde off her. The blonde giggled and stood up on her knees, her face covered in Nikki's juices. She turned to face Joe who had returned to the group. "Hmmm... that cock looks familiar." She said loud enough for anyone not preoccupied to hear. Joe's cock just an inch from her mouth. He was hard again, staring at his sister Karen, naked and looking awfully good to him three times larger than the last time he saw her.
"Want a blow job, brother or are you going to fuck me. Please say you're going to fuck me because I haven't been fucked since I got here."
Joe smiled and pulled her up to her feet. She was still about a foot shorter than him, but he pulled her up on her toes as they kissed and his hard cock pressed against her wet pussy. The kiss was fervent and somehow Karen was able to climb on Joe's hard cock and it slid home inside her.
Wrapping her arms and legs around him and they fucked like that in the middle of the room. Those that didn't know soon did and watched as brother and sister fucked like long lost lovers. Karen screamed several times before Joe roared announcing his eruption. When things quieted down, Matt entered the room, all eyes were on him.
"I am glad you all blowing off a little steam. I had prepared to brief you tonight, but that can wait until tomorrow. I will tell you that I have brought you all together to help me to save your planet and way of life. We'll muster at 0500 hours tomorrow and hope to be on site an hour later. You all have rooms waiting for you, but you can stay here if you like. Fuck as long as you like but be sharp tomorrow morning. Your planet, your families and your way of live is depending on what you do tomorrow."
That said Matt left the room and enter the main bedroom and closed the door.
Matt's speech pretty much closed things down. The orgy was over. Most of them found their heighten libido's satisfied for the time being. What they needed was rest and to prepare mentally for tomorrow's battle with whomever their foe would be.
Joe and Karen still naked, sat together getting caught up. Joe couldn't remember the last time they'd actually talked. He was relieved that he could finally confide in his sister after all the months of deception. He wondered how much she really knew and understood.
"How's mom and dad?" He asked.
"They're great!" I don't think they've ever been happier, particularly dad. You know he can't wait to get home from work, now. He's had four horny women needing to be fucked. We were wearing him out and finally had to choose days of the week or we'd have killed him." Karen joked. "So the rest of us had to be satisfied with pussy." She laughed. "We bought a few toys and strap-ons but nothing beats the real thing," she looked at Joe's cock as it began to stir again. "It's ashamed that you never came back to help dad with the workload, but I understand why, now. I can't say that I blame you."
Karen hugged her brother again, not really wanting to engage in sex again, but because she missed him. "What' s going on. Matt's been pretty vague about all this. I figured since you were his first, and must know what's happening."
Joe said, "It's an invasion, Karen."