Chapter 11.1
Cast of Characters
The Nude Gun - An alien prototype developed as a non-lethal weapon to subdue a race of Amazons at war with the Galactic Space Marines and planets under their protection. Left behind unintentionally, found by waiter Joe Carr, who discovers the ray eats away most textiles in seconds while leaving the victims in a horny suggestable hypnotic state.
Joe (Joseph) Carr - Recent high school graduate. Experimenting with the nude gun, Joe accidently learns he can hypnotically control his victims allowing him to have sex with any woman he wants and control the situations. When the owner returns, he finds that the horny nineteen-year-old was a suitable candidate and enlist him against his will into the Galactic Space Marines. Being unfamiliar with alien customs Joe unknowingly marries a beautiful green alien and is returned to earth for purposes still unknown to him. Once an average 5'8" tall was transformed into a 6'7" 235-pound muscular marine.
Karen Carr - Joe's sister and the second victim of the gun, and changed to enjoy sex with everyone her brother designated including family. Now changed like the others to fight the invasion of earth by the spacepricks.
Keira - An artificial intelligence (computer) assigned to Joe. He named her Keira after Keira Knightley after having her speak to him in a British accent.
Nancy Cobb - Gulf War veteran now a mall cop, was Joe's first victim accidently zapped with the nude ray. Falls in love with Joe, does the girlfriend thing for a while until she is led to believe she was a lesbian, first by Matt and later by Cassie Joe's jealous alien wife. So, convinced she gay, Nany cuts her hair into short butch style when told she's was a dyke.
Matt Storm - The space traveler who left behind the nude gun. Later Joe learns Matt is the Master Sargent of the Galactic Space Marines and who takes on the mission of protecting backwards planets like Earth from unknown threats. Against orders he enlists Joe's help in defending the planet, and begins recruiting unsuspecting youth for that purpose. At the same time using alien technology to physically alter his recruits and mold them into a fighting team. All this being done without the knowledge of his superiors. He's also a fan of science fiction movies especially the Star Trek franchises.
Cassie - Short for Cassiopeian the planet she comes from; the nickname Joe gave her. She's the green skinned alien woman Joe met in boot camp with the insatiable appetite for sex. It was only afterwards that Joe learns that having sex with Cassie's species more than once constitutes a courtship and a commitment to a lifetime of marriage. Cassie is very possessive. Can change her skin color, to blend in. She and Joe are connected using their AI, and communicate through it unheard by others.
Dr. Nikki Cross - An investigator for the Department of Homeland Security and a lesbian. She left a committed relationship after ten years to be with Nancy whom she believed was also gay, after they'd made love a few times in a series of events neither had any control over and believed she'd fallen in love with Nancy.
Ramona Ruiz - From Peoria Arizona, a small suburb west of Phoenix, Arizona, transformed into Amazon with an insatiable appetite for sex. The once petite Latina and the manager of a small coffee shop chain called "Cup of Joe", was recruited by Matt Strong and now a Galactic Space Marine.
Scott Mitchell - Waiter and college a sophomore at West Texas A&M University student in Amarillo Texas where he was studying computer sciences. Recruited by Matt Storm to become a space marine and protect the earth. Live the fantasy of taking all three of his platonic female roommates and making them his lovers.
And now back to our story...
The siblings Joe and Karen sat together, still naked hot and sweaty from the orgy eager to talk and catch up on their strange twists of their lives. Joe couldn't remember the last time they'd actually talked. He was relieved that all the deception was over now and he could finally confide in his older sister once again. He wondered how much she really knew and understood.
"How's mom and dad?" He asked.
"They're great!" I don't think they've ever been happier, particularly dad. You know he can't wait to get home from work, now. He's had four horny naked women needing to be fucked. We were wearing him out and finally had to choose days of the week or we'd have killed him." Karen joked.
"The rest of us had to be satisfied with pussy, on our off days." She laughed. "We bought a few toys and strap-ons but nothing beats the real thing," she looked at Joe's cock as it began to stir again.
"It's ashamed that you never came back to help dad with the workload, but I understand why, now. I can't say that I blame you."
Karen hugged her brother tightly once more, not really wanting to engage in sex this time, but because she loved him and missed him.
"What' s going on. Matt's been pretty vague about all this. I figured since you were his first recruit you must know what's happening."
"It's an invasion, Karen!"
Karen took the news better than Joe imagined she would. She didn't blink when he told her that they all were earth's only defense. She simply nodded her understanding and said, "Makes sense."
She told her younger brother that although she was only recently brought in on things, it made sense that Matt would need enhanced humans.
"Enhanced?" Joe asked.
"Sure," she responded. "Why else would Matt go through all the trouble of changing their bodies. Unless he's going to start a coed football team, he's still several players short."
"We're plenty short, I've seen these creatures were going to be hunting, they are strange and probably the best description might be parasite."
"Oh, yuck, parasite like fleas?" Karen asked.
"Yeah," Joe said, "Only a thousand times bigger. But I don't want to talk about them, there will be plenty of time to discuss that tomorrow. What do you think of your new dimension?"
"I love it, accept now none of my clothes fit. I will cost me a small fortune to replace them."
Joe chuckled, "Matt will help with that."
"I think I should turn in," Karen said. "I still haven't grown accustomed to my new metabolism and if I want to be any good tomorrow I should get to bed."
"Okay, see you in the morning."
Karen got up found her clothes and pulled on the top, it was long enough to cover most of her ass, she carried the rest. Joe was about to say something, but she smiled and waved her room key at him, her room was just down the hall, and it was late enough and unlikely that anyone would see her.
Joe pulled on his "smart suit" and knocked on Matt's room door.
"Sir, do you have a minute?"
"That's about all I do have, little man. What is it?"
"I know how important tomorrow's mission is, but Karen's completely untrained. Is this going to simply be a "bug hunt"? Or will be taking fire?"
"Well, listen to you sounding like a real marine." Matt smiled and Joe looked at him hopeful. Matt frowned.
"I wish I could tell you it would be a simple "bug hunt" but if these things take over a host, they won't give it up easily. They control the host's mind and will fight using every means at their disposal. So, yeah we could take some fire."
Joe wanted to ask more questions, but Matt stopped him. "Go get some sleep marine, you'll be briefed in the morning." Joe rose and nodded. He walked to his room guide by Keira, she too was subdued and wouldn't speak unless asked.
Cassie called him through their connection, she was waiting for him. Joe told her that he'd be there soon and that they should get some sleep.
Morning came too quickly, Keira cheerfully called Joe to a conscious state. He woke and was out of bed as Cassie returned from the kitchenette already dressed and looking dangerous. Although her suit hugged her like a second skin, she wore a no nonsense look that only softened when she looked at Joe.
"Good Morning, Honey. I know you didn't sleep well. But, know that today we will be victorious."
Joe chuckled to himself, then remembering the link with Cassie he roared out loud, while she looked at him strangely until he explained.
"I'm sorry Cassie. I wasn't laughing at you, but it's just that what you said sounded to me like something a Klingon would say, specifically, Worf."
"Is that another..." Cassie hesitated as she remembered the series name, "Star Trek reference?" She was learning his behavior and culture.
"Yes," he smiled. "Star Trek TNG (The Next Generation)."
"I don't have to remind you, that is fiction. This is real life." She smiled and pulled him to her and they kissed. "At least it pulled you out of your sour mood."
He kissed her again and agreed. They would be victorious today.
Everyone assembled back in Matt's suite. The mood was somber as they awaited Matt to join them. He was still in his room, they supposed getting last minute instructions from his superiors. Those who had been issued "smart suits" had donned them. The others jealously looking at their comrades hoping they'd look as good in their own.
Besides providing maximum protection, despite the fabrics thin appearance, "smart suits" could stop bullets and other projectiles. When in combat, the suit automatically reinforced protection in the bodies most vulnerable areas. Clinging to the body like a second skin, camel toes, fat and muscles are easily discernable. When connected to an artificial intelligence, (a computer) and standard issued weapons, soldiers had limitless tactical advantages. The "AI" ability to read body inputs, such as body temperature, blood pressure, stress levels, allowed the smart suited solider additional advantages, such as the "AI" acted like a coach giving advice to its player.
Unfortunately, Matt didn't have enough resources to equip the entire team with "AIs", so the team would be linked to either Joe's or Cassie's, in turn, they would know how their teammates were holding up.
Entering the spacious room, Matt watched as all of his recruits jumped to their feet, standing still; Joe, Cassie and Nancy stood at attention, the others quickly followed.
"At ease." He stated flatly. "As you know our mission is to save your planet and way of life. I don't have as many resources to share with you as I had hoped, I do have what I believe to be sufficient to accomplish the mission. We will break into two teams, one led by Joe and the other by Cassie. They've had GSM boot camp training and some field work. Treat them as you would me." He paused.
"Let's get you gear assigned. Nancy, Nikki, Karen, these are your "smart suits" come and get them and put them on immediately. No undergarments please. After last night's activities' there should be no reason for modesty, we are on the clock people. While they are doing that, Scott why don't you step forward and tell us what you've learned about the suits."
Quickly stepped forward, Scott cleared his throat, shucking off his nervousness at the same time and began explaining the features he learned, changes the shape, color and appearance of the suit, as he demonstrated these features.
As he did that Nancy, Nikki and Karen squeezed into their suits. It was surprising that something so thin and small could stretch and cover their entire body, leaving them looking more naked than if they had been previously. Putting on the tight suits was a bit aroused, like the other women, their nipples were firm and protruding. Before they could protest, the suit sensing they discomfort hardening over their breasts preventing their nipples from showing.
"Once connected to a "AI" many more features are available," Matt said as Scott concluded his remarks. "As I've said, I don't have one for each of you, so once assigned to a team, your suits will interface to the appropriate "AI", monitor you and make changes to your suits as necessary, including the invisibility feature if necessary," Matt said.
He hardened his stance and barked out, "Team one: Joe, Nancy and Ramona. Team two: Cassie, Karen and Scott."
He frowned and then then soften his tone. As he watched his rookies form up. This was all he could muster to save this planet. He hoped it would be enough. Niki broke ranks and stood at attention before the master sergeant. "Sir, I've not been assigned to a team."
Matt looked down on the small brown woman, trying to keep his face neutral. What was it about this one that has captured his attention. She certainly had a nice body, but that wasn't it. Matt had been with dozens of different species and have seen his share of beautiful bodies. This one, more than any other made him want to caress and feel her parts, but it wasn't that alone. It was her intellect. He liked smart women and this one was one of the smartest, even smarter than she realized.
"That's right. You're with me," he said thoughtfully. "Join the other, my "AI" will link with your suit and provide instructions.
The two AI's belonging to Joe and Cassie linked to the appropriate personnel turning their suits from the dull grey to a sky blue for Joe and green for Cassie.
Matt opened a large crate that was standing in the corner of the suite. Stepping inside he disappeared for a moment then returned with a rifle and hand gun. "Team leaders you will have three standard minutes to acclimate your teams to their weapons, were on the clock people." The new recruits looked at their leaders with puzzled expression on their faces, nevertheless, holding back on their questions understanding that all would soon be explained.
Following their leaders into the crate. Two things were immediately apparent. First of all, this was no ordinary crate of weapons. This was a huge space, obviously using the same technology similar as Matt's car/space shuttle. It was much bigger inside than it appeared. Secondly, it contained more weapons and ammunitions than any of them had seen in one place before. There were many variations of rifles and handguns, and there were many other weapons, they could only guess their purpose. Joe led his team to the left end of the shooting range while Cassie took her team to the right. There was an unmistakable sound of the door of the crate being closed, but it seemed more like a hatch.
Nikki marched up to a table and began manipulating odd shaped objects. She twisted some, separating them into halves, others she opened and still others she inserted smaller objects. Using strange tools on the table, began to manipulate all the items within her reach.
Ignoring Nikki, Joe announced, "Okay. We don't have much time and a lot to cover in three hours. I know you heard the Master Sargent say three minutes, outside three minutes will have passed, but in here we have three hours. It's called T.A.L.E. (Time Altered Learning Environment). I did a week of basic training in eight hours." Joe and Cassie issued weapons and explained the basic. Their teams even had time to fire both their weapons at targets down range. When they emerged from the gun crate, the newly recruits felt confident they could handle their weapons.
Single file they boarded Matt's car most choosing to sit below in the spacious hidden compartment. While in transport they were told about the "spacepricks" they'd be hunting. As they're interface allowed, they were shown pictures and understood fully the danger the pest presented.
The teams were dropped off north and south of the outskirts of what served as the town center. They would move in and secure the town, hoping to get the civilians out safely and eliminate the threat.
Matt landed his craft just west of the town center, there the ship swerve as their command center, he and Nikki would monitor and hopefully control events.
As the two teams approached from opposite directions, evidence of small skirmished were apparent. A pickup truck was on fire after having been run into a tree. Empty shot gun shells were scattered about. Windows were broken out of some of the buildings. But there were no bodies or people found yet.
Watching his teams move in on the small town, Matt could see from many angles what they saw and what they didn't.
Each team member receives silent instructions their link to the AI, they all understood that this is going to be a house to house, building to building search.
Matt swears. He hoped it wouldn't come to this, preferring an all-out assault on a single location. "Look sharp marines!" the all heard Matt say.
Exhausted by their ordeal of taking over and controlling host, they instinctively set off looking for food and others they could compromise. In two groups, a trio of the beach girls leading the way followed by the remaining seven. The forest girls followed, barely conscious, their young bodies providing warm nest for the brood of eggs they carried, rapidly maturing in their bellies. Gloriously naked they all marched down the center of the streets of the normally busy tourist town, now quiet and deserted due to the fire threat. The remaining two beach girls took up positions in the rear. If the sight of the naked women traveling through the streets wasn't strange enough, seeing the long stalks of the aliens protruding from their pussies, between their heavy breasts, peering forward like the heads of snakes, was the strangest sight yet.
Their destination, the Cliffhanger Bar and Grill, general store and gas station, they sensed humans gathered there, many humans. However, like the rest of the town, it was much quieter than normal for a Saturday night, but there were a few dozen patrons enjoying themselves. That would be plenty, the aliens knew.
The lead girls entered the establishment. Upon seeing three attractive naked twentysomething girls paused at the hostess's podium brought everything to a halt. Cleverly, the aliens retreated back into their warm wet pussies to conceal their presence, waiting to strike. The panic looks on the faces of the girls were real, they'd been through a horrible ordeal and were in the need help.
After the initial shock wore off, the hostess and waitress rushed forward to render aid. It was then that the aliens emerged like eels shooting large volleys of their venom at the unsuspecting pair, pinning one to the nearest wall, while knocking the other into a table where a couple were dining. Realizing the threat, the bartender retrieved his shotgun from under the bar, leaping the bar prepared to fire. But before he could squeeze off a shot he was hit by a broadside from another alien as the remaining naked campers entered the establishment. Pinned to the floor at the base of the bar, he futilely fought before the toxin overcame him.
By now all the patrons had witnessed the attack, they jumped to their feet, screaming as panic ensued. Some hid behind fallen tables, while one of the waiters tried to use his tray as a shield, but it wasn't nearly big enough, and he too was nailed to the nearest wall. The first three victims, watched in horror as their clothing quickly burned away. While others watched helplessly as others befell to similar faiths. Chased by four of the naked girls, snake-like creatures attached at the pussies, rapidly firing and taking down their targets.
As one of the five forest girls approached each horrified victim, their swollen bellies moving unnaturally, as their eggs matured, and a young creature hatched ready to claim their own host. One girl after the other squatted over their victim, pussies within inches of horrorstruck mouths, the slimy creature emerged forcing themselves down the throats of their captured hosts.
Not completely immobilized, the stunned bartender retrieving his weapon, the large bearded man fired two shells one at a time, blowing large holes into two of the beach girls. He was quickly overcome by twin volleys of venom. Unfortunately, both shots missed the aliens. They quickly abandon their dying hostesses, slithered quickly across the floor to take over a newly naked brunette and redhead. They both screamed as they watched helplessly as each creature found and entered their unprotected pussies, taking control of their minds. The goo that held them to the floor melted away and the stood. The creatures seemed to be swirling in their bellies before emerging and telescoping from their pussies.
From the confines of the large pantry, one certain waitress moaned as her new boyfriend fucked her from behind. It was a slow night, the others were covering for her, as they often did. She was always horny, and on the prowl for new meat. Her girlfriends kidded her calling her a slut, but they knew she simply had an over active libido. They don't call guys sluts because they like to fuck. This particular guy had been flirting with her all night. He was handsome enough and appeared to be packing a good size stick. She flirted back, becoming hornier by the minute.
When he met her at the restrooms, it was apparent that she couldn't wait until her shift over. Asking him to wait a minute, she told her coworker what she was up to, then dashed back to the handsome hunk. Instead of the restroom, she pulled him into the kitchen and the pantry. He wanted to see her tits. She obliged, opening her top and unfastening bar, which hooked in the front. They were awesome, large with big nipples, dying to be sucked. Falling to her knees she ripped open his jeans and wasn't disappointed, his significant wood was ready. She sucked him while he played with her large tits. She loved having her tits fondled. It made her ready to fuck. Her pussy was a swap. She pulled aside her panties and with one hand around his cock, she sucked, while she fingered herself with the other until she couldn't stand it any longer. She swiftly jumped to her feet and bending over a barrel, wiggling her fine ass at him. He wasted no time in plugging his cock into her tight wet pussy.
It wasn't until they were mid-climax that they heard the unmistakable sounds of shots being fired. They broke apart, her lover unable to stop, finishing on the canned goods while puling his pants up. Seconds later, a strange naked woman stormed in firing two shots of goo from a huge snake creature attached to her pussy, pinning both to the pantry shelves, unable to move. As their disheveled clothing began to dissolve, the naked blonde rushed forward, pulling the waitress by her ponytail, as the creature entered its victims mouth. Like deepthroating a huge cock, the waitress unwillingly swallowed as the creature slid down her throat, stopping only when reaching her belly where it deposited several eggs, before leaving and repeating the same action on her nearly naked lover.