Chapter 11.2
Unaware of the danger, the local sheriff chose that moment to stop in for dinner. Seeing the mayhem inside, taking a knee and whipping out her pistol, she managed to take down one of the beach girls, as she pursued several screaming patrons. Careening to the floor, the wounded girl knocked over several tables, breaking the mood candles and igniting a small fire, where a dozen helpless victims laid, as new and stronger aliens grew in their bellies. Before the sheriff could radio for back up, she too was covered in a bucket of slime, pinned to the wall next to the "thanks for visiting us" sign. She stared in disbelief as her uniform melt away, badge and holster fall to the ground at her feet.
Strangely, she felt herself becoming aroused, her pussy itched and she needed something to scratch that itch. The snaked that crawled inside wasn't what she'd hope for, but upon entering, it seemed to fill her and she came hard. A moment later, she no longer cared about the chaos, easily breaking free of the hardening gel, she stood. For a middle-aged woman in her late forties, she'd kept herself in good shape. She didn't notice her small breasts swelling three times their original size, having laid its eggs the creature protruded from the blonde covered pussy as it surveyed the diner. In a few minutes, it was all over, three of the beach girls, laid dying ad blood flowed from their wounds. They felt no pain, only tingling afterglow of good sex.
The commotion having ended, a hush fell over the restaurant. A moment later, a panicky young man, thinking he'd waited long enough, sprang to his feet and scurried out the door to his vehicle. He would have escaped had the only driveway from the parking lot not curved back towards the restaurant entrance. Managing to dodge the hail of bullets fired from the naked sheriff, she'd managed to hit the front left tire causing the pickup to careen wildly, crash into a tree and explode into flames.
Carrying her empty service revolver at her side, a massive snake-like mushroom headed alien coiled around both heavy tits, then rested on top, as the sheriff returned to the restaurant, where with her bare feet, she stomped out the small fire. Although they'd suffered some losses, the spacepricks had more than tripled their numbers. By taking control of the locals, they'd acquired vehicles, weapons and knowledge of the surrounding area. They could now travel to larger populations and nearby cities where they would repeat these actions until they had enough numbers to overrun the, county, state, country and finally the tiny blue planet itself.
Entering in from the north, team one was the first to come upon the Cliffhanger Bar and Grill, it looked as if a small war had occurred. Silently, Joe gave his team the signal to wait. Before he could ask, Keira also known simply as Joe's "AI" gave him the report. "...faint human life signs detected. some hostiles detected." Joe took the lead, instructing Nancy cover their flank, as they proceeded into the small town's main restaurant and watering hole.
The carnage was difficult for Ramona to look at, as they made their way into the diner. The floor was sticky with blood. Joe made his way to the still breathing victim, a blonde woman appearing to be in her mid-twenties, she was naked. She would have been lovely to gaze upon, had it not been for the large hole in her abdomen. A shotgun blast, how she was still alive was a mystery. Her eyes were fixed and she was moaning. It wasn't the moan of pain, surprisingly, but the sound of a woman near the peak of passion. Joe looked closely at her, she did appear to be about to orgasm, then she simply stopped breathing.
"Over here," Ramona called.
"Nancy," Joe said. "Keep an eye on the door."
Moving what looked to be a huge male organ with the toe of her boot, she said. "Is this one of the creatures or something else?"
"Matt, are you seeing this?" Joe asked as he peered in for a closer look. Keira confirmed their suspicions. It was a dead spaceprick or at least a part of one. "Bag it." Joe ordered Ramona, who hesitated for a moment, before retrieving a bag from her utility belt and taking a knee.
"Keira can you detect any movement?" Joe asked.
The "AI" replied in the negative, and anticipated Joe's next question. "I do not sense any nearby movement here or one hundred of your yards around this structure. Perhaps you should split up and continue your search."
Pulling Nancy from the door, the three separated and searched the facility.
Searching every inch of the place, it appeared that no one had survived. There were plenty of discarded partially acid eaten clothes, male and female.
"Host," Matt announced. "They're breeding. Soon there will be many more. We're too late. We've got to do better people."
Doing some calculations, and looking at his map for the next nearest population center. "They're heading south."
Team two consisting of Cassie, Karen and Scott were heading north, just off the road. Hearing Matt's report they stopped. Scott asked, "Sir what are we looking for, vehicles of naked zombies or will they be on foot?"
"Don't let anything get past you. They've human host capable of driving vehicles, so you mustn't let anything get by before clearing it."
Cassie replied, "Understood."
They may have gotten a break; the terrain was rugged and there was a bridge just ahead. They could stop anything from crossing, they'd make their stand there. Hustling they crossed the narrow bridge and took up positions. Anyone wishing to move further south would have to use the road or trek down the jagged cliffs to the sea before crossing the gorge and climbing back up. They had the tactical advantage.
Not more than ten minutes later they stopped a late model car driven by an older woman looking to be in her fifties.
"What's this about?" She asked.
"Just a precaution, Madam." Scott said. "Please exit your vehicle and open the trunk."
Wanting to resist, but thinking better of it the woman did as she was told, seeing the no nonsense look in the eyes of Scott's associates, whose weapons were raised and ready. Using the trunk release, the trunk hood popped open. Karen rushed to the rear to see an empty trunk, except for a few small clear boxes and an umbrella.
"Clear!" she yelled.
"Thank you, Madam." Scott said as the annoyed woman climbed back into her car and drove away. It was a quiet night, they'd stopped four vehicles, before a large pick up slowed and stopped several yards before the bridge. It was followed closely by two cars. The driver stepped out of the pickup. He was naked. There appeared to be a large snake leaning over his shoulder.
"This is it," Scott called out. Cassie ordered them to take up positions blocking access to the bridge.
"Team one," Matt called. "What is your location?" Know they were close.
Screeching to a halt, Joe replied. "Sir, we are taking position behind the last vehicle. They won't get away."
The man turned his back on the trio blocking his path. Joe cringed as Nancy and Ramona squealed, "Ewwwe, yuck!" They could see the spaceprick had attached itself to the man from his anus, it was coming out of his ass.
Just then naked men and women began jumping from the truck. All had spacepricks swaying from their bodies, attached from their pussies or asses. There appeared to be about twenty in all.
"Okay marines, you know the drill! Light'em up!" Cassie yelled.
Just as they trained, Karen and Scott fired at the possessed people, aiming at limbs in an attempt not to seriously injure the reluctant host. Being a frail species, spacepricks couldn't endure much pain, and immediately abandoned their host. Cassie was the best shot; her job was simple destroy the vermin. With her pulse rifle set on the highest setting, she disintegrated each with a single shot.
Sensing they wouldn't get through the blockage, the car doors on both trailing vehicles swung open and out popped two naked sentries, armed with pistols followed by the driver and three passengers. The passengers looking like they were nine months pregnant and ready to pop as their fat bellies move unnormal, obviously filled with maturing eel-like spacepricks. The three males and five females moved quickly, their plan to scale the cliffs and into the ocean.
"Not so fast," Joe said as Nancy and Ramona fired shots disarming the sentries as Joe eliminated the possessing aliens. Once free of their masters, the humans laid writhing on the ground howling as they held their wounds.
"Shit!" Matt swore. "Hang on to something!" He yelled to Nikki as he ran to the bridge of his ship and launching it into the sky.
Having eliminated the threat before them, Cassie left Karen to cover the bridge while she and Scott joined team one. Just as they arrived, the eight pregnant host dropped their broods.
High above the tiny blue planet, from deep space a pair of innocent looking small asteroids rolled slowly forwards just outside of the planet's gravitational pull. Suddenly, pulling apart to take positions opposite each other before being pulled into the planet. The outer rock would burn away, leaving its cargo intact to be unleashed on the unsuspecting world.
Without warning, twin pulse rays struck the asteroids, exploding then disintegrating each entirely. Decloaking just out of orbit, the huge galactic space marine frigate materialized. "So, that's how they plan on infesting this primitive world, no problem." The commander vocalized the obvious to his bridge crew. "Deploy the network of satellites, make sure they're programmed to remain cloaked until the threat appears. What do you think, ten should be sufficient to protect the planet," he asked his tactical officer?
"Sir, for a planet this size, it is standard that twelve satellites be deployed," she replied.
"Very well. Make it so. How long before they will require maintenance of any kind?"
"Under heavy usage, it would be twenty-five standard years, sir."
"Excellent. Deploy the network when ready. Master Sargent Strong is going to owe me a drink when he returns."
She didn't know how she knew what he was planning, but somehow it made sense. He had his hands full piloting the tiny craft to the location, she hoped she was right.
"Team one and two, back off the road, keep those creature from disbursing. Prepare to take fire. Nancy don't let anything cross the bridge!" Nikki barked.
The marines didn't hesitate and followed their orders.
The manipulated host expelled their alien in two ways, the women simply expressed huge gelatin like sacks writhing with rapidly maturing creatures. While the men ripped their stomachs open with knives from the restaurant, spilling similar materials. They looked like fish dropped from nets by fishing trollers.
Holding their fire until the right moment, they held their breath as the jelly weakened and the first freed creatures squirmed free. They fired one by one disintegrating each one. Suddenly overhead like a great bird appeared Matt's ship firing several large bursts into the pools of creatures destroying them completely. A few escaped, but the team mopped them up quickly.
Several more burst were heard, as Karen called for help from her position just blocking the bridge. There appeared to be a horde, that had joined in a final attempt to escape. "A little help, I could use a little help here!" Karen fired quickly as she retreated one step at a time to stay ahead of the dozens of snakelike spacepricks. From behind the team fired until Matt eliminated the threat with a burst from his ship's gun.
Before celebrating everyone scoured the road side and cliffs making certain that none of the creatures survived. The sensors from Matt's ship couldn't find a single survivor. Satisfied, they were ready to deal with the casualties of the battle.
Bleeding from their self-inflicted wounds, looks of shock on their faces, the men laid against their vehicle, as life slipping away. There was nothing that could be done for them. However, the women were huddled together shivering, not from the cool air on their naked bodies, but from their ordeal as they pieced together what had happened. Only four girls of the original ten that first discovered the spacepricks survived, and two from the diner. They'd likely be mentally scarred for life, Joe realized as he joined the others as they looked on the women. Stepping from his ship, which once again resembled the muscle car Joe had first ridden in, Matt told the assembled not to worry, they'd be fine. Just a pair of California Highway cruisers, lights flashing pulled within a few yards.
The patrol officers emerged, quickly surveying the area and marched up to the larger man. "Matt," he said, "Looks like quite a mess. Get 'em all?"
"We got 'em all, Greg. The town?"
"Working on it. It's going to take a hell of a cover story, but it will be plausible. You guys better scram, this is a crime scene, after all," Greg smiled and winked.
Turning to his team of seven marines, Matt said, "You heard the man, let's get out of here."
The flight back to Fresno was brief, the team seemed a bit subdued. Matt landed his craft and drove the short few remaining blocks to the hotel.
"Get some rest, muster back at my suite at 1700 hours." Matt told his soldiers. By now they'd all converted their smart suits into casual civilian attire and stored their weapons in the armory on board. Everyone was exhausted, mostly due to the absence of the adrenaline now absent from their metabolisms.
Several hours later, they were once again assembled in Matt's large suite.
"Congratulations are in order. Not only were we successful, but the threat of new outbreaks has been reduced to nearly zero. Thanks to a few of my friends, no new landing will be possible. There may still be a few that made undetected landfalls, we'll need to remain vigilant. But, I couldn't be prouder of how you all performed today."
He raised his glass, as a waitress moved among them and passed out glasses of a very expensive champagne. As before, the suite was full of hot and cold food and more alcohol and drink. While they toasted, Matt couldn't help but pick up on the mood. It remained somber.
The waitress left the suite with a very generous tip, as Matt addressed his marines.
"Why the long faces? You did it! You saved your planet!"
Joe stepped forward and spoke for the group. "Thank Matt. It's just that we lost so many people in the process. Those men, the women and those at the diner, we couldn't save them."
"That wasn't the mission," Matt scolded them. "In this war, I told you what was at stake, your way of life. You saved that. No one, will ever know what you've done. Despite that, you are heroes and it is a time to celebrate. That's an order!" The marines cheered and the mood lightened.
Taking his cue, Nikki walked up to Matt and hugged him as she rubbed her large breasts against him, she'd fully grown in to her new dimensions now. Matt allowed her to pull him from his positions and they kissed. Matt knew he'd be breaking many of his self-imposed rules this evening.
The truth of Matt's words began to sink in. Their job was to fight for their world. They did their jobs. Apparently, the Master Sargent had other teams in place to do clean up. There were no casualties among them, and they successfully completed their first mission, that was indeed worth celebrating.
"How did you know to get the teams to clear the road in order for me to eradicate the hatchlings?" Matt asked Nikki as he broke the kiss.
"Hmmm..." She said as she felt herself becoming more aroused than she thought possible. "I'm a quick study. I realized that if you were going in to space in that vehicle, you likely had some weapons. Besides, I could tell you suddenly remembered something startling." She began kissing him again and paused. "Enough shop talk. I'm curious to learn what a real man feels like. Teasing him she had her smart suite retract partially revealing her heavy breasts and erect nipples.
Wasting no time, Matt took one of the large nipple in his mouth and began to suck. Not certain of what it was, Nikki found his sucking incredibly arousing. Perhaps it was her first alien, or something unworldly he was doing with his tongue, she didn't understand it, and she didn't care. She'd never experienced this much pleasure from just having her breasts sucked from any of her lovers, male or female. She was panting, wet and dying to have his cock in her. She couldn't remember ever being this aroused in her life, and the rest of her smart suit disappeared.
"What was it about this woman?" Matt thought as he flexed his large cock, it was much more than physical. "Sure, she was attractive and sexy, for a primitive," he rationalized. "And could easily hold her own among most of the species he'd encountered. There was something else." He watched as her smart suit retracted revealing all of her lovely body, she was ready to fuck. Admiring her body, he remembered the first time he'd seen her naked. She was simply a primitive, but now he was actually free to act on his growing desire. It was a break in protocol to fraternize with his subordinates, today he was willing to make an exception.
Glancing quickly around the room, he could see his people relax and begin pairing off as their boosted libidos kicked in, one of the more pleasant side effects of their alien enhancements. Nikki regained his attention as she spread her long legs, and pulled him onto her as she reclined on an overstuffed chair.
"Time to rock her world," Matt thought, as he moved south to her waiting pussy and his huge hands mauled her breasts, thumb and forefingers pulled on her nipples. Inhaling deeply, her scent was like a shot of adrenaline to him. He swiftly began nibbling on the outer corners of her pussy, pulling lightly on her labia, causing her to gulp air as her passion spiked again. "My gawd," she thought, "this is incredible. I may not only never want another woman again but never want another human."
Seeing her reaction to his stimulation, Matt knew he had her. He moved painstaking slow, rounding her labia with his large long tongue, before moving just inside and repeating the movement. As her juices flowed freely, Matt inhaled them savoring her taste and enjoying the delicious punishment he was putting her through. Forced from beneath its hood, her clitoris protruded like a ripe berry and begging for attention as Nikki whimpered under the gentle torture. She was more than ready. If he didn't touch her clit soon, she'd go mad. As if reading her mind, Matt slightly grazed the it with a quick swipe of his tongue and Nikki exploded. She screamed. Taking that as his cue, Matt latched on to her clit and began to lick and suck. A true alto, from years of singing in her church choir, Nikki was now hitting high soprano notes, she only dreamed of reaching as her pleasure increased tenfold.
It was beginning to become too much, she wanted to push him away, but he was too strong and her pleasure seemed to grow with each passing second, then he pulled away and she watched his long dexterous tongue whip across his face cleaning away all her secretions as she continued to come.
Without warning or ceremony, Matt moved forward and pushed the largest cock Nikki had ever seen, into her waiting pussy stretching her wider than she'd ever been split. She didn't think she could feel anymore pleasure, but she did. Though she was becoming hoarse, her voice reached still higher notes, those in the canines' ranges, as she was amazed she was still conscious. Slowly she began to return to earth, and she wrapped her long legs around her new lover, pulling him closer. She was drenched in sweat, she'd never come so hard, she looked up into Matt's eyes, as he gazed down on her with a smile. That's when she realized that he'd not done anything more than enter her.
"Fuck!" She was still tingling, barely able to breath. She made a weak attempt to flex her Kegels. That was just what Matt was waiting for, he slowly pulled out. There seemed to be no end to his huge cock as it retreated from her pussy, slowly delightfully, what a pleasant feeling. It was like an itch being scratched. Then finally, he was almost out, only the large mushroom head remained, she was feeling empty and somehow sad by the emptiness, he hovered there for a moment, but it felt like an eternity. "Don't leave me," she wanted to say.
As that thought was completed, Matt pushed back into her, harder and deeper than any man or toy had reached and she felt it began again. Matt pulled out again, not as far this time and repeated faster with every stroke. He was fucking her. It was magically. She could feel every stroke and in her mind, could have painted an image of his cock feeling that she could see every inch of it as he pulled out and pushed it back in. She was being fucked harder now and she'd lost count of how many orgasmic waves had crashed, she'd never known pleasure like this before as she moaned now and hung on.
Mat had fucked many females, of many species some on a dare and others that he'd been attracted to, but he'd never enjoyed fucking anyone as much as he was enjoying fucking Nikki. He was reaching the point of maximum pleasure, if he chose to he could release his seed. In Matt's species the male could control ejaculations as females could control pregnancies. He was going to enjoy this. Roaring loudly as he looked into Nikki's eyes and released a huge load. Nikki responded, too. Screaming again as the act of Matt releasing his seed brought her pleasure too.
Somehow, they found themselves cuddling on the floor, oblivious to the orgy going on around them. Nikki felt Matt's hard cock pulse and then move around inside her like a finger. That was different, but she enjoyed it as she flexed trying to restrict the unusual movement. She sat on top the large man, looking dreamily into his eyes.
"I guess you are a real man!" She said in a hoarse, voice Matt found sexy. "I can say, without fear of contradiction, I have never come like that, ever. Are all spacemen gifted like this?"
Matt chuckled, as he did his still hard cock wiggled inside her, enflaming her passion again and eliciting a moan of pleasure.
"We Terran's have a few unique sexual features you primitives have yet to evolve." Looking up at her, he regretted using the term, "I'm sorry, I meant no offense. I should have said, earthlings."
It was now Nikki's turn to laugh, she felt Matt's hard cock wiggle almost at her navel. "We are primitive, no offense taken. I can only wonder what you've seen, the places you've gone."
"Well, that's not entirely true," Matt said. He already knew he'd not leave her behind. He found he didn't want to be without her. He couldn't explain it. Would she want to see the universe with him?
Staring at him, she studied his face. Was he offering to take her with him? Was it too much to hope for? "Are you offering to show me..." she hesitated. She needed to say this the right way, lest he get the wrong idea. Before she could finish the thought, he answered.
"I have don't usually do this, but I am offering to take you with me. No strings. We'll go back to the space station, where I spend a lot of my time. You'll see and meet many different species. I have some time off, I accumulated a great deal. If like I can show you a few planets. Once you see the galaxy you can make choices that..."
He didn't get to finish he sentence, as Nikki leaned forward and captured his mouth with her own. The kiss was passionate and Nikki excitedly began to bounce on the huge cock still inside her. Renewing her pleasure and the joy she felt.
Meanwhile, the naked newly battle-hardened marines fucked.
Happy to be able to fuck him again, Nancy felt Joe stroke slowly back and forth filling her pussy. She couldn't see him because the green thighs and pussy sitting above her. As she ate Cassie's pussy, she realized that having the choice made it all much more fun.
Lying on his back Scott was enjoying Ramona's mouth working on his cock while he savored the taste of Karen's pussy. Although all were busy enjoying great sex, trading partners at a moment's notice, they observed how Matt and Nikki seemed to be in a world of their own. Smiling as he tried not to stare, Joe couldn't help wondering if the big spaceman had been smitten by the former lesbian, and wondered if it was as obvious to the others.
As he continued to fuck Nancy, whom he'd never seen happier, he thought back on how it all started for him. He'd had fun playing with the "nude gun" and all the sex that he'd had and with all the different women. But now he was a part of something bigger. It made him feel proud and thankful for having had the opportunity to serve.
Waking later than usual, James (Jim) Washington stretched. He was surprised to find the strange toy-like ray gun still in his hand. It wasn't a dream. Although he'd tried and failed to catch the owner, it served him right. He didn't have the right to open the case and examine the gun. Plenty of people left items in the fast food joint he worked. They had a lost and found, sooner or later people would remember what they left behind and come back for it. The owner of this thing would surely return. Had he only been quicker, he just missed the man as he sped off in a late model muscle car.
Now he'd brought it home with him, to the group home, he shared with two rude, condescending older twentysomething girls who put the "B" in bitch. They treated him badly, why he never understood. Perhaps that he was barely five feet tall and thin as a rail, despite having just turned twenty. Nevertheless, he did think the pair were drop dead gorgeous, but so far out of his league. He could only fantasize fucking them, more out of spite and revenge than being attracted to them. He wondered what they looked like naked. They were probably bisexual, he'd sometimes heard them moaning when he'd been trying to sleep. Shaking the arousing thoughts from his mind, he tried in vain to remove the light weight toy, but it was stuck. Just as he was about to try prying it off, the door to his bedroom burst open and the two bitches began yelling at him, for what he had no idea.
"Hostile targetes, acquired." He heard the gun announce.
A ray lashed out from the toy engulfing the two women in a yellow cloud, silencing them immediately. When it dissipated, they stood still completely naked, hands by their sides nipples hard, pussies bare and wet, and goofy grins on their faces.
The ray gun dropped from his hand onto the bed, interrupting Jim as he stared at the women. Quickly he it, taking his eyes off the naked pair for only a second, while they remained still and silent.
He felt himself growing long and stiff, who could blame him? Before him stood his fantasy in the flesh. Not knowing what else to do, he acted out his illusion, thinking it must be a dream. "Get your naked asses in here, bitches! What are you waiting for? Did you come here to fuck or what?"
It was like a cold slap in the face, as both women realized they were keeping Jim waiting. "Oh, yeah," the first one said as she sashayed into the room and shaking her small breasts. The other, closed the door, then turned quickly on the balls of her feet, her large breasts jiggling obscenely. Eager to get at his cock, "We were just talking about how big black men are Jimmy, from the look at that bulge, I don't think we're going to be disappointed." She bounced her large tits as she rushed to her knees and pulled down his pajama pants.
"Holy Fuck," Jim thought. He was only kidding but they are acting like they want me. The first girl captured his mouth with her own and kissed him sensuously as he fondled her small tits and fingered her wet pussy.
The earth would still need to be defended, there may be more spacepricks already infiltrating the populace. Who was sending them? Why was the scout, Joe and Cassie encountered inside an android? How many more people would Matt recruit?
Strangely, she felt herself becoming aroused, her pussy itched and she needed something to scratch that itch. The snaked that crawled inside wasn't what she'd hope for, but upon entering, it seemed to fill her and she came hard. A moment later, she no longer cared about the chaos, easily breaking free of the hardening gel, she stood. For a middle-aged woman in her late forties, she'd kept herself in good shape. She didn't notice her small breasts swelling three times their original size, having laid its eggs the creature protruded from the blonde covered pussy as it surveyed the diner. In a few minutes, it was all over, three of the beach girls, laid dying ad blood flowed from their wounds. They felt no pain, only tingling afterglow of good sex.
The commotion having ended, a hush fell over the restaurant. A moment later, a panicky young man, thinking he'd waited long enough, sprang to his feet and scurried out the door to his vehicle. He would have escaped had the only driveway from the parking lot not curved back towards the restaurant entrance. Managing to dodge the hail of bullets fired from the naked sheriff, she'd managed to hit the front left tire causing the pickup to careen wildly, crash into a tree and explode into flames.
Carrying her empty service revolver at her side, a massive snake-like mushroom headed alien coiled around both heavy tits, then rested on top, as the sheriff returned to the restaurant, where with her bare feet, she stomped out the small fire. Although they'd suffered some losses, the spacepricks had more than tripled their numbers. By taking control of the locals, they'd acquired vehicles, weapons and knowledge of the surrounding area. They could now travel to larger populations and nearby cities where they would repeat these actions until they had enough numbers to overrun the, county, state, country and finally the tiny blue planet itself.
Entering in from the north, team one was the first to come upon the Cliffhanger Bar and Grill, it looked as if a small war had occurred. Silently, Joe gave his team the signal to wait. Before he could ask, Keira also known simply as Joe's "AI" gave him the report. "...faint human life signs detected. some hostiles detected." Joe took the lead, instructing Nancy cover their flank, as they proceeded into the small town's main restaurant and watering hole.
The carnage was difficult for Ramona to look at, as they made their way into the diner. The floor was sticky with blood. Joe made his way to the still breathing victim, a blonde woman appearing to be in her mid-twenties, she was naked. She would have been lovely to gaze upon, had it not been for the large hole in her abdomen. A shotgun blast, how she was still alive was a mystery. Her eyes were fixed and she was moaning. It wasn't the moan of pain, surprisingly, but the sound of a woman near the peak of passion. Joe looked closely at her, she did appear to be about to orgasm, then she simply stopped breathing.
"Over here," Ramona called.
"Nancy," Joe said. "Keep an eye on the door."
Moving what looked to be a huge male organ with the toe of her boot, she said. "Is this one of the creatures or something else?"
"Matt, are you seeing this?" Joe asked as he peered in for a closer look. Keira confirmed their suspicions. It was a dead spaceprick or at least a part of one. "Bag it." Joe ordered Ramona, who hesitated for a moment, before retrieving a bag from her utility belt and taking a knee.
"Keira can you detect any movement?" Joe asked.
The "AI" replied in the negative, and anticipated Joe's next question. "I do not sense any nearby movement here or one hundred of your yards around this structure. Perhaps you should split up and continue your search."
Pulling Nancy from the door, the three separated and searched the facility.
Searching every inch of the place, it appeared that no one had survived. There were plenty of discarded partially acid eaten clothes, male and female.
"Host," Matt announced. "They're breeding. Soon there will be many more. We're too late. We've got to do better people."
Doing some calculations, and looking at his map for the next nearest population center. "They're heading south."
Team two consisting of Cassie, Karen and Scott were heading north, just off the road. Hearing Matt's report they stopped. Scott asked, "Sir what are we looking for, vehicles of naked zombies or will they be on foot?"
"Don't let anything get past you. They've human host capable of driving vehicles, so you mustn't let anything get by before clearing it."
Cassie replied, "Understood."
They may have gotten a break; the terrain was rugged and there was a bridge just ahead. They could stop anything from crossing, they'd make their stand there. Hustling they crossed the narrow bridge and took up positions. Anyone wishing to move further south would have to use the road or trek down the jagged cliffs to the sea before crossing the gorge and climbing back up. They had the tactical advantage.
Not more than ten minutes later they stopped a late model car driven by an older woman looking to be in her fifties.
"What's this about?" She asked.
"Just a precaution, Madam." Scott said. "Please exit your vehicle and open the trunk."
Wanting to resist, but thinking better of it the woman did as she was told, seeing the no nonsense look in the eyes of Scott's associates, whose weapons were raised and ready. Using the trunk release, the trunk hood popped open. Karen rushed to the rear to see an empty trunk, except for a few small clear boxes and an umbrella.
"Clear!" she yelled.
"Thank you, Madam." Scott said as the annoyed woman climbed back into her car and drove away. It was a quiet night, they'd stopped four vehicles, before a large pick up slowed and stopped several yards before the bridge. It was followed closely by two cars. The driver stepped out of the pickup. He was naked. There appeared to be a large snake leaning over his shoulder.
"This is it," Scott called out. Cassie ordered them to take up positions blocking access to the bridge.
"Team one," Matt called. "What is your location?" Know they were close.
Screeching to a halt, Joe replied. "Sir, we are taking position behind the last vehicle. They won't get away."
The man turned his back on the trio blocking his path. Joe cringed as Nancy and Ramona squealed, "Ewwwe, yuck!" They could see the spaceprick had attached itself to the man from his anus, it was coming out of his ass.
Just then naked men and women began jumping from the truck. All had spacepricks swaying from their bodies, attached from their pussies or asses. There appeared to be about twenty in all.
"Okay marines, you know the drill! Light'em up!" Cassie yelled.
Just as they trained, Karen and Scott fired at the possessed people, aiming at limbs in an attempt not to seriously injure the reluctant host. Being a frail species, spacepricks couldn't endure much pain, and immediately abandoned their host. Cassie was the best shot; her job was simple destroy the vermin. With her pulse rifle set on the highest setting, she disintegrated each with a single shot.
Sensing they wouldn't get through the blockage, the car doors on both trailing vehicles swung open and out popped two naked sentries, armed with pistols followed by the driver and three passengers. The passengers looking like they were nine months pregnant and ready to pop as their fat bellies move unnormal, obviously filled with maturing eel-like spacepricks. The three males and five females moved quickly, their plan to scale the cliffs and into the ocean.
"Not so fast," Joe said as Nancy and Ramona fired shots disarming the sentries as Joe eliminated the possessing aliens. Once free of their masters, the humans laid writhing on the ground howling as they held their wounds.
"Shit!" Matt swore. "Hang on to something!" He yelled to Nikki as he ran to the bridge of his ship and launching it into the sky.
Having eliminated the threat before them, Cassie left Karen to cover the bridge while she and Scott joined team one. Just as they arrived, the eight pregnant host dropped their broods.
High above the tiny blue planet, from deep space a pair of innocent looking small asteroids rolled slowly forwards just outside of the planet's gravitational pull. Suddenly, pulling apart to take positions opposite each other before being pulled into the planet. The outer rock would burn away, leaving its cargo intact to be unleashed on the unsuspecting world.
Without warning, twin pulse rays struck the asteroids, exploding then disintegrating each entirely. Decloaking just out of orbit, the huge galactic space marine frigate materialized. "So, that's how they plan on infesting this primitive world, no problem." The commander vocalized the obvious to his bridge crew. "Deploy the network of satellites, make sure they're programmed to remain cloaked until the threat appears. What do you think, ten should be sufficient to protect the planet," he asked his tactical officer?
"Sir, for a planet this size, it is standard that twelve satellites be deployed," she replied.
"Very well. Make it so. How long before they will require maintenance of any kind?"
"Under heavy usage, it would be twenty-five standard years, sir."
"Excellent. Deploy the network when ready. Master Sargent Strong is going to owe me a drink when he returns."
She didn't know how she knew what he was planning, but somehow it made sense. He had his hands full piloting the tiny craft to the location, she hoped she was right.
"Team one and two, back off the road, keep those creature from disbursing. Prepare to take fire. Nancy don't let anything cross the bridge!" Nikki barked.
The marines didn't hesitate and followed their orders.
The manipulated host expelled their alien in two ways, the women simply expressed huge gelatin like sacks writhing with rapidly maturing creatures. While the men ripped their stomachs open with knives from the restaurant, spilling similar materials. They looked like fish dropped from nets by fishing trollers.
Holding their fire until the right moment, they held their breath as the jelly weakened and the first freed creatures squirmed free. They fired one by one disintegrating each one. Suddenly overhead like a great bird appeared Matt's ship firing several large bursts into the pools of creatures destroying them completely. A few escaped, but the team mopped them up quickly.
Several more burst were heard, as Karen called for help from her position just blocking the bridge. There appeared to be a horde, that had joined in a final attempt to escape. "A little help, I could use a little help here!" Karen fired quickly as she retreated one step at a time to stay ahead of the dozens of snakelike spacepricks. From behind the team fired until Matt eliminated the threat with a burst from his ship's gun.
Before celebrating everyone scoured the road side and cliffs making certain that none of the creatures survived. The sensors from Matt's ship couldn't find a single survivor. Satisfied, they were ready to deal with the casualties of the battle.
Bleeding from their self-inflicted wounds, looks of shock on their faces, the men laid against their vehicle, as life slipping away. There was nothing that could be done for them. However, the women were huddled together shivering, not from the cool air on their naked bodies, but from their ordeal as they pieced together what had happened. Only four girls of the original ten that first discovered the spacepricks survived, and two from the diner. They'd likely be mentally scarred for life, Joe realized as he joined the others as they looked on the women. Stepping from his ship, which once again resembled the muscle car Joe had first ridden in, Matt told the assembled not to worry, they'd be fine. Just a pair of California Highway cruisers, lights flashing pulled within a few yards.
The patrol officers emerged, quickly surveying the area and marched up to the larger man. "Matt," he said, "Looks like quite a mess. Get 'em all?"
"We got 'em all, Greg. The town?"
"Working on it. It's going to take a hell of a cover story, but it will be plausible. You guys better scram, this is a crime scene, after all," Greg smiled and winked.
Turning to his team of seven marines, Matt said, "You heard the man, let's get out of here."
The flight back to Fresno was brief, the team seemed a bit subdued. Matt landed his craft and drove the short few remaining blocks to the hotel.
"Get some rest, muster back at my suite at 1700 hours." Matt told his soldiers. By now they'd all converted their smart suits into casual civilian attire and stored their weapons in the armory on board. Everyone was exhausted, mostly due to the absence of the adrenaline now absent from their metabolisms.
Several hours later, they were once again assembled in Matt's large suite.
"Congratulations are in order. Not only were we successful, but the threat of new outbreaks has been reduced to nearly zero. Thanks to a few of my friends, no new landing will be possible. There may still be a few that made undetected landfalls, we'll need to remain vigilant. But, I couldn't be prouder of how you all performed today."
He raised his glass, as a waitress moved among them and passed out glasses of a very expensive champagne. As before, the suite was full of hot and cold food and more alcohol and drink. While they toasted, Matt couldn't help but pick up on the mood. It remained somber.
The waitress left the suite with a very generous tip, as Matt addressed his marines.
"Why the long faces? You did it! You saved your planet!"
Joe stepped forward and spoke for the group. "Thank Matt. It's just that we lost so many people in the process. Those men, the women and those at the diner, we couldn't save them."
"That wasn't the mission," Matt scolded them. "In this war, I told you what was at stake, your way of life. You saved that. No one, will ever know what you've done. Despite that, you are heroes and it is a time to celebrate. That's an order!" The marines cheered and the mood lightened.
Taking his cue, Nikki walked up to Matt and hugged him as she rubbed her large breasts against him, she'd fully grown in to her new dimensions now. Matt allowed her to pull him from his positions and they kissed. Matt knew he'd be breaking many of his self-imposed rules this evening.
The truth of Matt's words began to sink in. Their job was to fight for their world. They did their jobs. Apparently, the Master Sargent had other teams in place to do clean up. There were no casualties among them, and they successfully completed their first mission, that was indeed worth celebrating.
"How did you know to get the teams to clear the road in order for me to eradicate the hatchlings?" Matt asked Nikki as he broke the kiss.
"Hmmm..." She said as she felt herself becoming more aroused than she thought possible. "I'm a quick study. I realized that if you were going in to space in that vehicle, you likely had some weapons. Besides, I could tell you suddenly remembered something startling." She began kissing him again and paused. "Enough shop talk. I'm curious to learn what a real man feels like. Teasing him she had her smart suite retract partially revealing her heavy breasts and erect nipples.
Wasting no time, Matt took one of the large nipple in his mouth and began to suck. Not certain of what it was, Nikki found his sucking incredibly arousing. Perhaps it was her first alien, or something unworldly he was doing with his tongue, she didn't understand it, and she didn't care. She'd never experienced this much pleasure from just having her breasts sucked from any of her lovers, male or female. She was panting, wet and dying to have his cock in her. She couldn't remember ever being this aroused in her life, and the rest of her smart suit disappeared.
"What was it about this woman?" Matt thought as he flexed his large cock, it was much more than physical. "Sure, she was attractive and sexy, for a primitive," he rationalized. "And could easily hold her own among most of the species he'd encountered. There was something else." He watched as her smart suit retracted revealing all of her lovely body, she was ready to fuck. Admiring her body, he remembered the first time he'd seen her naked. She was simply a primitive, but now he was actually free to act on his growing desire. It was a break in protocol to fraternize with his subordinates, today he was willing to make an exception.
Glancing quickly around the room, he could see his people relax and begin pairing off as their boosted libidos kicked in, one of the more pleasant side effects of their alien enhancements. Nikki regained his attention as she spread her long legs, and pulled him onto her as she reclined on an overstuffed chair.
"Time to rock her world," Matt thought, as he moved south to her waiting pussy and his huge hands mauled her breasts, thumb and forefingers pulled on her nipples. Inhaling deeply, her scent was like a shot of adrenaline to him. He swiftly began nibbling on the outer corners of her pussy, pulling lightly on her labia, causing her to gulp air as her passion spiked again. "My gawd," she thought, "this is incredible. I may not only never want another woman again but never want another human."
Seeing her reaction to his stimulation, Matt knew he had her. He moved painstaking slow, rounding her labia with his large long tongue, before moving just inside and repeating the movement. As her juices flowed freely, Matt inhaled them savoring her taste and enjoying the delicious punishment he was putting her through. Forced from beneath its hood, her clitoris protruded like a ripe berry and begging for attention as Nikki whimpered under the gentle torture. She was more than ready. If he didn't touch her clit soon, she'd go mad. As if reading her mind, Matt slightly grazed the it with a quick swipe of his tongue and Nikki exploded. She screamed. Taking that as his cue, Matt latched on to her clit and began to lick and suck. A true alto, from years of singing in her church choir, Nikki was now hitting high soprano notes, she only dreamed of reaching as her pleasure increased tenfold.
It was beginning to become too much, she wanted to push him away, but he was too strong and her pleasure seemed to grow with each passing second, then he pulled away and she watched his long dexterous tongue whip across his face cleaning away all her secretions as she continued to come.
Without warning or ceremony, Matt moved forward and pushed the largest cock Nikki had ever seen, into her waiting pussy stretching her wider than she'd ever been split. She didn't think she could feel anymore pleasure, but she did. Though she was becoming hoarse, her voice reached still higher notes, those in the canines' ranges, as she was amazed she was still conscious. Slowly she began to return to earth, and she wrapped her long legs around her new lover, pulling him closer. She was drenched in sweat, she'd never come so hard, she looked up into Matt's eyes, as he gazed down on her with a smile. That's when she realized that he'd not done anything more than enter her.
"Fuck!" She was still tingling, barely able to breath. She made a weak attempt to flex her Kegels. That was just what Matt was waiting for, he slowly pulled out. There seemed to be no end to his huge cock as it retreated from her pussy, slowly delightfully, what a pleasant feeling. It was like an itch being scratched. Then finally, he was almost out, only the large mushroom head remained, she was feeling empty and somehow sad by the emptiness, he hovered there for a moment, but it felt like an eternity. "Don't leave me," she wanted to say.
As that thought was completed, Matt pushed back into her, harder and deeper than any man or toy had reached and she felt it began again. Matt pulled out again, not as far this time and repeated faster with every stroke. He was fucking her. It was magically. She could feel every stroke and in her mind, could have painted an image of his cock feeling that she could see every inch of it as he pulled out and pushed it back in. She was being fucked harder now and she'd lost count of how many orgasmic waves had crashed, she'd never known pleasure like this before as she moaned now and hung on.
Mat had fucked many females, of many species some on a dare and others that he'd been attracted to, but he'd never enjoyed fucking anyone as much as he was enjoying fucking Nikki. He was reaching the point of maximum pleasure, if he chose to he could release his seed. In Matt's species the male could control ejaculations as females could control pregnancies. He was going to enjoy this. Roaring loudly as he looked into Nikki's eyes and released a huge load. Nikki responded, too. Screaming again as the act of Matt releasing his seed brought her pleasure too.
Somehow, they found themselves cuddling on the floor, oblivious to the orgy going on around them. Nikki felt Matt's hard cock pulse and then move around inside her like a finger. That was different, but she enjoyed it as she flexed trying to restrict the unusual movement. She sat on top the large man, looking dreamily into his eyes.
"I guess you are a real man!" She said in a hoarse, voice Matt found sexy. "I can say, without fear of contradiction, I have never come like that, ever. Are all spacemen gifted like this?"
Matt chuckled, as he did his still hard cock wiggled inside her, enflaming her passion again and eliciting a moan of pleasure.
"We Terran's have a few unique sexual features you primitives have yet to evolve." Looking up at her, he regretted using the term, "I'm sorry, I meant no offense. I should have said, earthlings."
It was now Nikki's turn to laugh, she felt Matt's hard cock wiggle almost at her navel. "We are primitive, no offense taken. I can only wonder what you've seen, the places you've gone."
"Well, that's not entirely true," Matt said. He already knew he'd not leave her behind. He found he didn't want to be without her. He couldn't explain it. Would she want to see the universe with him?
Staring at him, she studied his face. Was he offering to take her with him? Was it too much to hope for? "Are you offering to show me..." she hesitated. She needed to say this the right way, lest he get the wrong idea. Before she could finish the thought, he answered.
"I have don't usually do this, but I am offering to take you with me. No strings. We'll go back to the space station, where I spend a lot of my time. You'll see and meet many different species. I have some time off, I accumulated a great deal. If like I can show you a few planets. Once you see the galaxy you can make choices that..."
He didn't get to finish he sentence, as Nikki leaned forward and captured his mouth with her own. The kiss was passionate and Nikki excitedly began to bounce on the huge cock still inside her. Renewing her pleasure and the joy she felt.
Meanwhile, the naked newly battle-hardened marines fucked.
Happy to be able to fuck him again, Nancy felt Joe stroke slowly back and forth filling her pussy. She couldn't see him because the green thighs and pussy sitting above her. As she ate Cassie's pussy, she realized that having the choice made it all much more fun.
Lying on his back Scott was enjoying Ramona's mouth working on his cock while he savored the taste of Karen's pussy. Although all were busy enjoying great sex, trading partners at a moment's notice, they observed how Matt and Nikki seemed to be in a world of their own. Smiling as he tried not to stare, Joe couldn't help wondering if the big spaceman had been smitten by the former lesbian, and wondered if it was as obvious to the others.
As he continued to fuck Nancy, whom he'd never seen happier, he thought back on how it all started for him. He'd had fun playing with the "nude gun" and all the sex that he'd had and with all the different women. But now he was a part of something bigger. It made him feel proud and thankful for having had the opportunity to serve.
Waking later than usual, James (Jim) Washington stretched. He was surprised to find the strange toy-like ray gun still in his hand. It wasn't a dream. Although he'd tried and failed to catch the owner, it served him right. He didn't have the right to open the case and examine the gun. Plenty of people left items in the fast food joint he worked. They had a lost and found, sooner or later people would remember what they left behind and come back for it. The owner of this thing would surely return. Had he only been quicker, he just missed the man as he sped off in a late model muscle car.
Now he'd brought it home with him, to the group home, he shared with two rude, condescending older twentysomething girls who put the "B" in bitch. They treated him badly, why he never understood. Perhaps that he was barely five feet tall and thin as a rail, despite having just turned twenty. Nevertheless, he did think the pair were drop dead gorgeous, but so far out of his league. He could only fantasize fucking them, more out of spite and revenge than being attracted to them. He wondered what they looked like naked. They were probably bisexual, he'd sometimes heard them moaning when he'd been trying to sleep. Shaking the arousing thoughts from his mind, he tried in vain to remove the light weight toy, but it was stuck. Just as he was about to try prying it off, the door to his bedroom burst open and the two bitches began yelling at him, for what he had no idea.
"Hostile targetes, acquired." He heard the gun announce.
A ray lashed out from the toy engulfing the two women in a yellow cloud, silencing them immediately. When it dissipated, they stood still completely naked, hands by their sides nipples hard, pussies bare and wet, and goofy grins on their faces.
The ray gun dropped from his hand onto the bed, interrupting Jim as he stared at the women. Quickly he it, taking his eyes off the naked pair for only a second, while they remained still and silent.
He felt himself growing long and stiff, who could blame him? Before him stood his fantasy in the flesh. Not knowing what else to do, he acted out his illusion, thinking it must be a dream. "Get your naked asses in here, bitches! What are you waiting for? Did you come here to fuck or what?"
It was like a cold slap in the face, as both women realized they were keeping Jim waiting. "Oh, yeah," the first one said as she sashayed into the room and shaking her small breasts. The other, closed the door, then turned quickly on the balls of her feet, her large breasts jiggling obscenely. Eager to get at his cock, "We were just talking about how big black men are Jimmy, from the look at that bulge, I don't think we're going to be disappointed." She bounced her large tits as she rushed to her knees and pulled down his pajama pants.
"Holy Fuck," Jim thought. He was only kidding but they are acting like they want me. The first girl captured his mouth with her own and kissed him sensuously as he fondled her small tits and fingered her wet pussy.
The earth would still need to be defended, there may be more spacepricks already infiltrating the populace. Who was sending them? Why was the scout, Joe and Cassie encountered inside an android? How many more people would Matt recruit?