Chapter 02.2

They went to a tavern just off the Academy grounds. It was a very public place, but Taylor didn't think he was doing anything improper. He was just socializing with two of his students. He was very much aware, however, that Cadets Straighter and Craw were looking for something more. Something he couldn't give them.

They started by asking him what it was like being a God and adored by women. Clearly they were unsatisfied with his vague answers. There was no way he was going to tell Cadets, his own students, about his experiences with his bedslave Drusilla. He gave evasive answers before the discussion turned in a different direction.

"So what kind of women do you look for, Captain?" Cadet Straighter asked, with a gleam in her eye. She self consciously stroked her long, blonde hair.

"It's difficult to meet women in the Survey Service," said Taylor. "Typically we are assigned missions that last for weeks or months."

"But surely you must meet women sometime," said Cadet Craw, batting her eyelashes at him. She was the redhead.

"At times," said Taylor, giving a wry smile.

"What about your fellow crewmembers?" Cadet Straighter asked.

"What about them?"

Straighter looked suggestively at him.

"It's improper to have a relationship with a subordinate officer," said Taylor, thinking of Sophie.

"But surely, it must happen," said Straighter, putting a hand over his.

"It has been known... to happen," said Taylor. Straighter's eyes were green, like Tessa's... and a certain Yeoman Gayle King who Taylor once knew. But it had only been once, just the once!

"What about Service members not under your command?" Cadet Craw asked.

"Not under my command?"

"Like cadets?" Craw asked, taking his other hand.

Taylor looked from one woman to another. Their boldness struck him. They were propositioning him in a very public place. They were either very brave... or very foolish.

"Girls, girls, it's not proper for a teacher to have a relationship with his students."

"Who's talking about a relationship, Captain?" said Straighter, giving him a sly smile.

Two weeks ago Taylor might have been sorely tempted to have sex with a cadet. His edging sessions with Sophie had driven him wild. But with Tessa he was satisfied. More than satisfied.

And more than that, he screaned that something was slightly wrong here. Taylor had met women who were infatuated with him before, but not like this. Something else was going on here, something he couldn't quite put his finger on.

And so he smiled at the women and told them how flattered he was, but that he couldn't give them what they wanted.

"You're both gorgeous. I'm sure you could find any number of cadets to be your special friend," said Taylor.

"But we don't want other cadets, Captain. We want you to be our special friend," said Cadet Straighter.

The next day Taylor was called into the office of Vice Admiral Solyndra Bunim, the deputy Commandant of the Academy.

What have I done now? he thought. It must be about the cadets. I didn't sleep with them. I didn't so much as kiss them, he thought. But he knew he had been widely seen with them. He expected a dressing down for fraternizing, nothing more. What he got instead was something entirely different.

Admiral Bunim was a heavyset Indian woman with large, sagging breasts which looked enormously heavy in her Survey Service dayshirt. Sometimes there can be too much of a good thing, Taylor thought. While Tessa had sagging breasts as well, Tessa's were clearly the breasts of a female human being; these were the breasts of a cow.

"Captain Taylor, ah, good," said Admiral Bunim. "I called you here to talk about what's going on in your classroom."

"I told them I wasn't interested, Admiral," said Taylor.

"Told who you weren't interested in what, Captain?" Bunim asked.

Taylor swallowed heavily. "Perhaps I'd better let you speak first."

"Perhaps you had." She gave him a stoney stare. "It has come to our attention, Captain, from one Cadet Alyssa Ashkenazi, that you have been displaying a very petulant attitude towards less advanced cultures."

Oh. It was about her.

"We conducted an audio audit of your past six lectures-"

"Wait a minute, how did you audit my lectures?"

"They are all recorded, Captain. As a quality control issue, I'm sure you understand. Where was I? Yes, we submitted your lectures to a social justice audit and found some alarming discrepancies."

"What kind of discrepancies?" Taylor asked.

"84% of the people you referenced in your lectures were white, Captain. And 79% of those were men. Can you explain that?"

"Can I explain that?" Taylor looked at the woman as if she was mad. "I, I was using examples of my life experiences to explain to the class how to deal with first contact procedures. I wasn't thinking about representation in explaining actual stories from career."

"Perhaps you should have, Captain. Minorities need examples of minorities to feel included. And by minorities I don't just mean racial minorities but sexual minorities as well. You have a very poor track record of representation on both the Immortal and the Relentless Captain. Only seven percent of your crew were lesbian, only two percent were homosexual, and the rate of confirmed anal sex among the crew in both your commands is among the lowest in the Service. Can you explain that?"

"Yes... In general, with few exceptions, I don't pick my crew. They're assigned to me. I don't know who or what they have sex with."

"In other words, you're a willing part of a system which denies representation to women, racial minorities, sexual minorities, and others. But we don't practice that kind of discrimination here, Captain. Things have changed since the days you were a cadet. I expect you to include more representation in your presentations to your class."

"But... I don't usually talk about the sexuality of the people I encounter. In many cases I had no idea what kind of sex they enjoyed."

"Then embellish, Captain, embellish."

"Lie, you mean?"

"I mean make representations which make everyone in your class feel included. Remember, we're all exclusive, until we're all inclusive." She rubbed her nose and sniffed. "That will be all, Captain."

"You are very beautiful."

Sophie turned around and stared at Clarence Norman. They were sitting in a corner of a classroom instruction on First Aid and Emergency Medical Treatments staring at vacant faces of Cadets and making statistical notes for their study.

"What?" Sophie asked.

"You raised your right eyebrow. You turned your head to face me. Your entire body appeared to tense up," said Clarence.


"I was testing the effect this stimuli would have on you. It is part of my own study to see the effects of external verbal stimulation on body language."

"I'm honored to have been an unwilling and unwitting participant in your study," said Sophie.

"Perhaps you will be a participant in one of my other studies," said Clarence. When she didn't respond, he said, "You are a very beautiful woman, Sophie."

"Thank you," said Sophie.

"It was not an observation."

"Clearly it was," said Sophie.

"Well, yes, it was an observation, but it was an expression of interest."

"Shouldn't you be staring at the faces of the students for our study?"

"I can do two things at the same time."

"That remains to be seen."

"Two butterflies dancing as one...."

Tessa was singing another one of her songs as Taylor pounded into her pussy. One of the butterflies was blue, the other green, a clear reference to their eye colors.

"Four wings... two heads.... but one heart."

Her deep, melodious voice excited him as he pounded into her. She was so slick and wet and tight!

The evening hadn't started that way. When he had entered her apartment he was confronted with a holoimage of himself, completely naked, sporting an enormous erection. He was staring into the distance, his hand raised in a salute. He was wearing nothing except his formal Survey Service jacket. He had never posed that way with his formal dress jacket on, she must have augmented the holo. Just below the cutoff of his formal jacket, Taylor's prominent erection stuck out into the distance at a sharp 30 degree inclination. The effect was comical, derisive... and highly erotic.

"What is this?" Taylor had growled, walking around himself.

Tessa flashed him a strong, confident smile. "Don't you remember our little holosession? Surely you didn't think I took holoimages of you without the desire to occasionally look at them."

But why was this image behind displayed, now, for him? For it was surely no accident that it was activated when he stepped through the door. Tessa was testing him, changing him, trying to acclimate him to the more wild, adventuresome kind of sexuality she enjoyed. Then Taylor remembered how Maggie had casually mentioned seeing Taylor's holo, and mentioning that she and Tessa shared everything. Had Tessa showed her this?

"After all," Tessa said, "I have to have something to look at when you're not around."

A kiss, and all was forgiven.

They didn't have sex immediately. At first they had foreplay, longer than usual. Taylor sensed that Tessa wanted to try something different. After they undressed each other, Tessa started stroking him. The intensity of her gaze was almost as strong as the intensity of her touch. She really loved him. She really really did. Taylor watched as she strokes his arms... his legs... his chest... his face... but all along keeping away from the center of his mounting desire.

"Tessa," he said once, when her fingers graced the tip of his pubic hair.

She shook her head.

Later, when her fingers accidentally touched his organ, only for a split second, he said again, "Tessa!"

She shook her head. "Look how hard and red your penis is, my Gallant Captain. Look how stiffly it stands up at attention, calling my name, and yet I haven't even so much as graced it with my fingertips."

Taylor looked down at his stiff, red, aching organ, pointed straight at her. At that moment he felt so masculine, so biological.

"That's because I'm crazy for you," said Taylor, in a choked up voice. He had never been brought to the edge before, not like this, not remotely like this.

"Do you want this, darling?" she said, looking downwards at herself as her hands caressed her pubic triangle, making Taylor gasp.

"You know I do!" He said, with real emotion in his voice.

Tessa smiled. "Then take me, Darling. Put it inside me and make sweet love to me." She lay back and spread her legs. Her thick, furry, curly brownish-red pubis looked so incredibly sexy. Taylor wanted so badly to be inside of her, to come inside her and make her his once more. He had never felt so manly as he did at that moment. He was the man and she was the woman. They were made for each other! He wanted to fuck her, to fuck her hard! It would be a statement of affection, but more importantly a statement of masculine dominance, a statement that he was the man and she was the woman and his seed would mark her as his to the world.

Taylor slid into her triumphantly and groaned with pleasure. It had never felt so good.

Tessa smiled at him. "I love feeling your penis inside of me, my dear, my Gallant Space Captain!"

"And I love being inside of you, Tessa!" It all came flooding out of him, like a confession. "I love your body, and the way you carry yourself, and the tightness of your cunt, and your heavy breasts!" said Taylor, as he fucked her vigorously.

He started thrusting even more rapidly. Tessa played with his hair, messing it up wildly, while he fucked her with abandon. Taylor knew he wouldn't last long. She had already brought him to the edge-

-over the edge-

Taylor gasped as he released inside of her, filling her with his milky goodness. He collapsed on top of her, enjoying the feeling of her soft, warm breasts.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'm sorry I came so quickly."

"Why, my dear Gallant Space Captain." She smiled at him affectionately, even while still playing with his hair. "We have only just begun."

The second time was slower and more deliberate. Tessa like to do that sometimes, to make him come quickly so the second time could be more leisurely for the both of them. It was during their second effort that she sang the song of the two butterflies mating with each other.

"Two butterflies becoming one.... two butterflies becoming one...."

Taylor found her crooning intensely arousing. Despite having just come a few moments ago, he found a tingling flooding into his shaft and a tightness starting once again to form in his balls. Tessa was just so incredibly sexy!

"Tessa dear... I'm getting close," Taylor whispered.

"I know, Dear. I love you!"

"Tessa!" His rod pounded into her hole.

"I love you!" She cried at him.

"Tessa!" His penis was red and hard and about to explode.

"I love you!" She cried again.

"Ah... ah...." Her beautiful face. Her thick, furry bush. Her hot, wet, tight cunt.

"Tessa!" Fucking her!


Seeding her!

Loving her!

"I love you!" Taylor cried.

"I love you too, Darling!"

"Tessa, I love you! Ahhh... ah.... AHHHHHH!" Taylor cried out, his body stiffening beautifully as he emptied his aching balls into the woman he loved.

Tessa's hands roamed his back gently. "I enjoy seeing the look on your face when you come."

Taylor sucked in his lips.

"Don't be shy. There's no excuse for being shy now." She looked crossly at him, which melted into a smile. "Tell me, now that you've come, do you still love me?"

Taylor slowly pulled back. His wet, limp, red penis slowly pulled out of her. He looked at her. She was everything he wanted in a woman. Gorgeous, empathic, kind, and sensual.


"Yes, Tessa. I love you."

As the lovers kissed to seal their bond, a stray thought went through Taylor's mind.

Sexual brainwashing.

"And then I told her I loved her too."

Sophie stiffened and didn't say a word. Instead, after a brief pause, she resumed kissing him.

"Did you hear me?" Taylor asked.

"I heard you." She kissed his neck feverishly.

How was any of this possible?

It was a day later. Taylor was on the pond bench with Sophie. Why had he returned to her? He had just professed his love for Tessa. He had no business being with Sophie! He had told himself that he was going just to tell her, to tell her that he loved Tessa. He had hoped that would enrage Sophie, causing her to break it off with him.

But Sophie barely paused between kisses when she heard the news. And Taylor found himself kissing Sophie back.

"Sophie... you don't mind?"

"Of course I do," she said, staring at him intently. "You love her. I got it. Tell me, Michael, how many women do you love now?" She kissed him feverishly. "Tell me, Michael. Tell me!"

"Two!" Taylor almost sobbed. "I... I love you both, Sophie."

Sophie nodded with satisfaction. "In two months we will be back on the Immortal and on our way again, and dear, sweet Tessa who you love so much will only be a memory-"


"Yes!"Her eyes were resolute. "She will be a memory, just like Cherry Oteri and Andrea Farber and Jennifer Hale and Pam and the other Pam and the long list of other women you've fucked in your time! Tessa will be gone, and there will only be... me."

"Sophie... I can never give you what you want."

She kissed him. He reflexively kissed her back.

"Then what are you doing here?" she asked.

For that, Taylor had no answer. She wrapped her arms around him, and a moment later, he found himself doing the same.

As a leading Survey Service Captain, Taylor was expected to appear occasionally at Survey Service social functions. Once he started seeing Tessa, Taylor avoided them, as most of his time was spent either with Tessa or Sophie. But all it took was a hint from Grand Admiral Chellina that he wasn't "showing the flag" as a "great figure in Service history should" to get him to attend a gathering which was being held in Roland Astor Grand Hall.

It was a night when he was supposed to be with Tessa, so it was only natural for her to ask about it, and only natural for Taylor to invite her to come. Still he felt a bit nervous for reasons he couldn't properly define. He had met Tessa's friends and coworkers and shouldn't feel reluctant to show off Tessa to his.

Should he?

The first few minutes went well. Several officers and fellow instructors Taylor knew came over and Taylor introduced Tessa. Tessa behaved perfectly. And why shouldn't she? She's a special negotiator.

But Taylor also knew her as something else, as a woman with enormous sexual appetites. Perhaps that's what he feared, that something involving Tessa's intense sexual nature would rear its head.

Things went well for a time until Tessa said, "Michael?"


"Do you know that woman staring at us from across the room?"

Taylor looked. "Uh... Yes," he said reluctantly.

"Who is she, Michael?"

"Her name is... Sophie Astor." Taylor committed to saying as little as possible.

"Do you know anything else about her?"

"Well... she's the first officer on the USS Immortal."

"Your ship."


"Your first officer?"


Tessa gave him an odd look. "Might you introduce us?"

"Of course," said Taylor. They walked over to her. Sophie immediately looked away for a moment as if gathering the courage to meet them and then turned to greet them. Her face was perfectly impassive.

"Sophie." His voice was perfectly calm.

"Captain." Her voice was perfectly calm.

"Sophie, I'd like you to meet my friend, Special Negotiator Tessa Hetford. Tessa, this is my first officer on the Immortal, Commander Sophie Astor."

"So nice to meet you." Their hands touched, but Tessa's was the one that did all the moving. When she let go Sophie's hand fell limply back to her side.

"Michael, you've never told me about Sophie."

"What is there to tell? You've never asked about my crew."

"True," Tessa frowned. "Are you new to the Immortal, Sophie? Have you worked under Michael long?"

Sophie blinked exactly once. "I have been his first officer for seven years, three months, and four days."

"And four days," said Tessa slowly. "That's a long time."

"That's a subjective statement," said Sophie. "Time is a relativistic concept."

"Sophie is a Passive Observer, Tessa-"

"I know what Passive Observers are, Michael," said Tessa. She was still trying to figure out what was going on here. She stared at Sophie. Sophie stared back at her. Tessa couldn't screan, not quite, but she did have some innate sense of her own for figuring people out.

"Actually Sophie and I have known each other for an even longer time," said Taylor. "We first met at the Academy."

"The Academy?" said Tessa. She cocked her head,. "Did you two-"

"No," said Sophie. "The Captain was involved with another cadet named Cherry Oteri, and then later on another former cadet named Andrea Farber. I can provide corroborating details, if you like."

Tessa's face brightened. "That would be great-"

"No, that won't be necessary," said Taylor hastily.

"Working together for so long... knowing each other for so long... you must have formed quite a bond," said Tessa.

"Sophie and I have saved each other's lives more times than I can count," said Taylor.



"You saved my life five times, or six, if you count the encounter on Makor. I saved your life three times, or four if you also count the time I saved you from laser castration on Sheppard's World," said Sophie.

"She's very analytical, isn't she?" said Tessa.

"That's what we love about her," said Taylor.

"So Michael, did you ever mention to your very close friend of many years, the one whose life you have saved many times, that you were seeing me?" Tessa asked.

Taylor scratched his head. "I might have. I think I did-"

"Yes, you did," said Sophie. "You mentioned it in passing, while we were discussing the overhaul to the gigajouler assembly."

"Yes, I remember now," said Taylor, snapping his fingers.

Sophie turned to Tessa. "The Captain and I were going over the overhaul manifest and he said, 'By the way Sophie, I am seeing a woman while we are temporarily stationed here on Earth. Her name is Tessa and she is very nice."

"Nice? Michael called me just... nice?" Tessa frowned. "And what did you say?"

Sophie shrugged. "I congratulated him and told him I hoped his new relationship would help him unwind so that when he returned to duty, he would be refreshed and better focused on his work."

"You... said that?" said Tessa, her face falling.

"The Captain has a very stressful position. The Immortal is the first and only Super Dreadnaught in the fleet. Much is expected of him. If you could remove his stress and restore him to a most efficient state, the crew would be grateful."

"Yes... I'm sure they would," said Tessa. She licked her lips. "Sophie? May I call you Sophie?"

"You may call me Commander Astor... or Sophie," she added quickly, sensing Taylor's disapproval.

"Sophie, I want us to be friends." She took Sophie's hand. Sophie looked down at her hand and then at her.


"Because... I'm your Captain's lover and you're his best friend."

"Do you feel that a friendship between us would facilitate either your amorous relationship with the Captain or the performance of his duties on the Immortal?"

Tessa frowned, considering, then said, "Yes. To both."

Sophie frowned. "There has never been an empirical double blind study of the effect of tangential relationships on the efficiency of involved third parties. It would be a fascinating study, however."

"I'm sure it would. So... can we be friends?"

Sophie considered. "If I say yes, will you release my hand?"

Tessa nodded, letting go.

"Then my answer is yes."

They lay in bed together that night.

"She's quite a lady, Michael."


"Who? Who! Who!" She hooted like an owl. "Your first officer, that's who!"

"Oh. Yes. You have to understand, Tessa, Passive Observers-"

"I've met PO's before, Michael. We have some in the Diplomatic Corps. But I've never met one like her." She paused a moment. "She's in love with you, you know that?"


"You didn't know?"

Taylor considered. "If she loves me, she hides it well."

"No, she doesn't," said Tessa.​
Next page: Chapter 03.1
Previous page: Chapter 02.1