Chapter 03.1
Taylor invited a special guest lecturer at his class the following day, Dr. Elizabeth Shaw.
Dr. Shaw had been one of the few survivors of the USS Devonshire on its fateful mission to save the Earth by traveling to the year one billion to discover who or what had created the Black Box which was slowly but inexorably destroying the Earth. Taylor had had a brief sexual relationship with Doctor Shaw. What he remembered most about her was her extremely thick, bushy pubic hair which reminded him of Tessa's. But Doctor Shaw had been more conservative about sex acts than Tessa was, at least until Pam, the Research Tool he met in the year one billion, had freed Elizabeth's sexual inhibitions... as well as the sexual inhibitions of everyone on the planet Earth for a brief moment in time.
When Taylor saw Elizabeth, the first thing that flashed into his mind was the memory of Elizabeth, totally nude on her hands and knees in the Church of Pam, as three men simultaneously pumped in and out of her mouth, vagina, and ass. Elizabeth had been so proud to please so many men in front of Taylor, though of course once Pam's meddling had been reversed it was very likely that she might have reinterpreted her enjoyment of these events.
Now Taylor and Elizabeth had a distant but respectful relationship, given what they had experienced together at the other end of time, and Taylor had invited her to speak on the topic of interrogation.
"We were interrogated, and tortured, roughly in the year 8,000,000," said Elizabeth. She whirled around. "Who laughed? Someone just laughed." She put her hands on her hips. "You'd better speak out before I come and get you!"
"I did," said a young woman.
"You being..."
"Cadet Miley Spruance, Ma'am."
"And why did you laugh?"
"Well, Ma'am, you have to admit... traveling to the year 8,000,000... it's all rather... unlikely, isn't it?"
Elizabeth put her hands on her hips, causing her pointed breasts to stick out from her tight shirt. "You know nothing and are proud of it. Is this the new generation which is being raised, Michael?"
"She's just a cadet," said Taylor. "I thought I knew everything when I was a cadet too."
"Well, Cadet Miley Spruance, for your information, we did go to the year 8,000,000, as well as other periods in future history. We were captured and we were tortured. And all of us broke eventually."
"And what is the lesson from that, Ma'am?" asked another Cadet.
"The lesson is that when you are held captive, and tortured, you survive any way you can. The human body is not made to endure torture. Do whatever you have to do to save yourself and worry about honor and integrity later."
"Is that what you did, Captain?" asked Cadet Straighter. "Did you let your captors break you?"
Taylor felt all eyes on him. "No, I didn't give in. But I don't respect Elizabeth or any of the other scientists who did concede any less. Each one of us does what we are capable of. That's the lesson that you have to learn here today."
After the class was over, Taylor took her hand. "Elizabeth, thank you for coming. Marvelous to see you again."
"Good to see you too, Michael," she said, looking him up and down. "If anything you've become even more... distinguished over time. Have you ever heard from Pam again... the other Pam?"
"No," said Taylor.
"A pity," said Elizabeth. "I hear you're seeing someone now."
"Does the entire world know I'm seeing someone now?"
"Most of Port Auburn, at least," said Elizabeth. "You're still one of the hottest eligible bachelors on the planet, Michael. She's a very lucky girl." And then she reached over and startled him by kissing him on the cheek. "I'm very happy for you."
And then she was gone.
Taylor walked in a daze back to the tiny office the Academy had assigned to him. He was surprised to find Cadet Sydney Straighter there, waiting for him.
"Captain," she said. "I mean, sir-"
"Is there something you wanted?"
"Only this," she said. And she reached out and kissed him on the lips and wrapped her arms around him.
Taylor was so surprised that it took him a moment to react, to unwrap her hands and free himself. "Cadet!"
"Don't you like me? Don't you think I'm attractive?" she said.
Sydney was a gorgeous blonde. If he wasn't so satisfied he would definitely have been attracted to her. But he was in love with Tessa... and Sophie... and didn't feel the need for even more companionship.
"Please, just go out to dinner with me. Just dinner!"
But Taylor knew it wouldn't be just dinner. He screaned there was something motivating her, some kind of desperation, something he didn't quite understand.
"I'm sorry, I can't. I... I'm seeing someone."
"I know. The world knows," said Sydney. "But she's old."
"Cadet, she's a year younger than me."
"You know what I mean," she said.
"I'm sorry," said Taylor. "My heart belongs to another."
Oddly enough, that made Sydney smile. "It sounds nice when you say it like that. All right Captain. But you really don't know what you're missing."
Taylor touched her cheek. "I'm sure I don't. And I appreciate the thought."
"Your performance is improving, Captain," said Vice Admiral Bunim.
"Thank you, Admiral."
"But there is still a ways to go," she said. The fat Indian woman gave him a pointed stare, her enormous breasts looking liked melted pudding trapped in her dayshirt. "In your most recent lecture you made reference to Obongo Babangida, your security chief on the Devonshire, a black man."
"Yes, he was black."
"And you made reference to your navigator Suki Tanaka, who was Asian."
"Yes, she was."
"These are all good things. But so far you still have made no references to sexual minorities."
"Admiral... do you really want me to make up stories about the sexuality of the people around me?" Taylor asked.
"Not make up, Captain. Embellish to inspire. Embellish to inspire is our motto in the Diversity and Inclusion Division, haven't you heard that?"
"No, Ma'am. I'm not a regular member of the faculty, I'm just a guest lecturer-"
"Ignorance is no excuse, Captain. Can't you introduce more sexual diversity? A female crewgirl who might have been lesbian? A crewman who might have had anal sex, or was unsure of his gender or which bathroom to use?"
Taylor thought hard. "Well... as I recall, Suki Tanaka was attracted to me, but she did have a brief sexual encounter with today's guest lecturer, Doctor Elizabeth Shaw."
"Perfect! Why didn't you mention that?"
"I didn't think Dr. Shaw would be appreciative if I did. Also, Suki and Elizabeth were coerced into giving each other orgasms by an alien race of squids who threatened to-"
"Details, details. Can't you cut through the details, Captain?"
"I'll try, Admiral."
Sophie went out for coffee with Clarence Norman.
She had been unsettled, more than she cared to admit, when she had met Special Negotiator Tessa Hetford. She had expected to meet a beautiful but fairly superficial or vacuous woman but was surprised to meet a female of depth and character who actually tried to befriend her!
It unsettled Sophie Astor to the core. She started to question her own motives and actions, and the durability of her semi-relationship with the Captain. She found her late night kissing sessions with him increasingly frustrating and yet she didn't have the willpower to stop. She needed more, much more, and if Michael Taylor couldn't give it to her, perhaps someone else could. Perhaps she could glue together half a relationship with Taylor with a half relationship with a less worthy man and together enjoy a whole relationship, of a sorts.
And so she went out for coffee with her fellow Passive Observer.
Sophie was not particularly attracted to Clarence Norman. But there was no reason for her not to be. He was reasonably good looking, smart, articulate, and of course, a fellow PO. But Sophie felt nothing when she was with him, but hypothesized that perhaps extended contact with him in a less formal setting might change that.
And so she had agreed to one of his many requests to go out together. He was nothing if not persistent. That quality had helped many men propagate the species and make their own unique contribution to the gene pool.
She and Clarence talked over cups of atomic coffee. It was obvious that Clarence hadn't been out on a date in a while, or if he had, he had no notion how to go about it. He talked at length about his past PO assignments, both for Passive Observers International and the Survey Service, as if his past observational achievements might impress her. He asked nothing about herself and in fact Sophie discovered that she was required to say little or nothing at all.
He's an objectively handsome man. Surely there must be something attractive about him. Surely there must be something wrong with me. Perhaps I just need to try harder.
Taylor was watching himself having sex with Tessa. He should have been outraged.
She had secretly recorded him, them, the both of them while they had been having sex. It was a gross violation of his privacy.
And yet... as they lay on the bed together, completely nude, watching their holoselves go at it, Tessa, the real Tessa, toyed with the head of his penis and whispered in his ear. "You looked so sexy Michael."
"I did?"
"Yesss....." The heat of her breath intoxicated him. He looked into her eyes. She burned for him. "Look at the manly way you thrust into me. Look at how the muscles in your ass move as you take me, like a real man. Look at the way my breasts rock around as you fuck me senseless!"
Her voice, the manipulation of her fingers, the holorecording, all of it drove Taylor to wild excitement. He found he had to have her right then and there. He mounted and entered her in one smooth motion and started pounding wildly, as if in sycophantic synchronization with the holoimage before him.
"That's right! That's right, lover! Take me! Take me hard!" Tessa cried.
"I will!" Taylor growled. Part of him felt violated, intensely violated. He remembered Tessa's friend Maggie who had told him gleefully that she and Tessa shared everything. Well, did they also share this? Was Maggie sitting at home with a bowl of popcorn watching avidly while Taylor fucked her best friend?
Taylor wanted to know but he also didn't want to know. Right now he was focused on pounding Tessa's pussy. Her thick pubic bush looked so womanly and excited him. He knew what she was doing. She was doing what she always did, driving him mad so he would quickly come inside of her. And then, once he had had his first orgasm, would come the main act.
The main act was not long in coming. After Taylor climaxed, they lay arm in arm for a time, flirting wildly and professing their love for each other. For Taylor really did feel himself falling in love with Tessa. It was no act. She was so sensual. She was like no other woman he had ever known.
As they flirted, Tessa tugged on his penis insistently. Taylor knew was she was doing and he cooperated with her. Before long he was hard again and the second act began.
Only this time Tessa got on top of him. Surprised registered on Taylor's face as she mounted him and inserted his penis inside of her. And then she started to ride up and down on his shaft.
"You like?"
"Oh, Tessa, it feels grand!"
"Good," she smiled at him, her face perfectly framed by her orange curls. "I'd like to return to a subject we were talking about over dinner."
"The Black Box, Michael."
The Black Box. Over dinner, Tessa had pushed Michael relentlessly to tell him exactly what had happened when he had taken the Devonshire into the Black Box. All the general public knew was that tidal forces from the Black Box had been threatening to destroy the Earth, but after Taylor's ship went into the Black Box, it slowly faded away. There were rumors that Taylor had traveled a billion years into the future, but the entire matter had been classified, and so no one clearly knew the truth of it, even as a widely viewed semi-factual and semi-fictional holostory was created from the event. Tessa asked Taylor what had happened, but Taylor told her, quite wistfully, that it was a classified matter. He had discussed some of it with his Cadets, but they were, after all, members of the Service.
Tessa stared at him intently. "What happened, Michael? Did you really travel into the future?"
"I can't tell you, Tessa."
She bounced up and down on his shaft, taking him fully inside her. "Did you really travel to the year one billion? Did you really save the entire fucking planet?"
"I... I can't tell you! I'm sorry!"
Tessa gave him a confident grin. She started grinding her pelvis in a circle.
"Oh Tessa! Oh Tessa!"
"You like?"
"Very much," Taylor gasped.
"Then tell me!" She had the most amazing internal muscular control. As she started to move up and down again, Taylor felt like the head of his penis was being massaged by a tight velvet glove. Then she stopped in mid thrust.
"Tell me!"
"Yes!" Taylor cried.
"You traveled to the future?"
Tessa started moving up and down again but slowly, making sure not to grip him too tightly. He was too close to the edge, she could sense it.
"Tessa, I need it harder!"
"Not until you tell me everything. Did you really travel to the year one billion?"
"Did you really save the planet?"
"I... yes! Tessa, I need an orgasm!"
"Will you tell me everything?"
"Yes, but first let me come!"
Tessa squeezed down internally and squatted down on Taylor in quick, tight thrusts. In second Taylor cried out, and it was all over.
"Why doesn't anyone know what you did?"
"Varying degrees of detail are known to different members of the Service, but generally speaking, it's classified," said Taylor. "The Service doesn't want to promote hysteria."
"Michael... you traveled a billion years into the future and saved the entire fucking planet!"
"Well, don't tell anyone," said Taylor. "Especially not your friend Maggie."
"Maggie? Why would I tell her?"
"Your best friend who you share everything with."
"Is that what I said?"
"It's what she said."
"She exaggerates." Tessa waved a hand dismissively. "Did you find her attractive?"
Taylor gave her an odd look. "She's a pretty girl."
"She's a pretty girl... but I only have eyes for you." He kissed her. "Seriously. You can't tell anyone. What I just did here was a major security breach."
"Yes... but didn't it feel good to let go, to lose control?"
"I... yes," said Taylor. "What about you?"
"What about me?"
"Did you climax?"
"Most definitely," she said, hugging him tightly.
Taylor frowned.
"I revealed classified information," Taylor gasped, as Sophie kissed him.
"Why? Why did you do that?" she asked, sounding almost like she was concerned. Right now Sophie was not a Survey Service officer or even a Passive Observer; she was one thing and one thing only: a woman in need. She ground her body desperately against Taylor as she attempted to make him feel for her what she felt for him.
"Sophie, she has an internal muscular control which is amazing," said Taylor.
"Like this?" Sophie asked. She started to roughly rub Taylor's erection through his trousers.
"Was it just like this, Michael?"
"Oh Sophie... Sophie, you shouldn't be doing this!" Taylor cried.
"But you're becoming used to doing a lot of things that aren't exactly proper, aren't you, Michael? That woman is corrupting you, and if she can corrupt you, so can I!" She rubbed his shaft even more vigorously, making Taylor groan aloud. Normally he couldn't be stimulated in such a rough and indirect way, but thinking of Tessa and being kissed by Sophie aroused him in a unique way. He realized his attraction for both women were at times becoming intertwined in his mind. He knew it was wrong, he knew it couldn't continue, he knew it wasn't fair to Tessa-
"Oooooh!" Taylor cried as his stiffness cried out for more.
"Yes!" said Sophie triumphantly.
"Oh, oh Sophie!" Taylor cried, arching his back.
"Yes, Michael? Is there something you'd like to say?"
Sophie was so beautiful, even in moonlight. Her plush lips, her slender face. He realized he loved her just as he loved-
"Ooooooh!" Taylor groaned, stiffening mightily. And suddenly, he released in his pants!
Pulse, pulse, pulse pulse.
And then it was done.
Taylor sat there on the bench, listening to the sound of crickets as his pants and underpants were soaked with his own issue. He felt confused and embarrassed and relieved.
Sophie cuddled up against him. "That was your first orgasm with me. The first since we left New Eden," she said proudly, as she lay her head in the crook of his arm.
Taylor found himself stroking her. "Sophie... this is wrong. We can't do this anymore."
She looked at him with determined eyes. "But we will."
Sophie was having another outing with Clarence Norman.
While she had greatly enjoyed bringing Michael to climax, she herself had not climaxed. Something was still missing from her relationship with Michael, something she needed to get elsewhere. And so she agreed to go out to go out to dinner with her fellow Passive Observer.
As he babbled on about his life and work, Sophie tried to convince herself that she was attracted to him, that she could use him for sexual release. After all, he was a handsome man. Not as handsome as Michael, of course, but still handsome, objectively speaking. She tried to work it out logically:
1) Clarence was an objectively handsome man.
2) Sophie should be attracted to objectively handsome men.
3) Therefore, she must be attracted to him.
And so she felt her mind drift away as she started to Passively Observe him. She counted the number of times his fork clattered against his plate. She counted the number of times his head tilted slightly to the right when he talked. She counted the number of times he stared at the outline of her breasts when he thought she wasn't looking. She tried to imagine what he looked like naked, and how many times he would need to thrust within her before climaxing. She didn't think it would be many. He seemed infatuated with her. Perhaps 50 or 60 in and outs. She imagined him nude, on top of her, counting each repetition.
In... out... in... out... in... out....
"What do you think, Sophie?"
"What?" Sophie said.
"The heterodoxical pattern of the floor tiles in the restaurant. Is it logical?"
Sophie stared at the red and white floor tiles on the floor. She shook her head. "No. It makes no sense to me at all."
"So we were stranded on New Eden, just the four of us," said Taylor, lecturing to his class. "There was myself, Ensign Jennifer Titatchi, Lieutenant Sean Parnell, and..." He looked to the corner of the classroom where Sophie Astor and Clarence Norman sat, diligently tabulating the facial expressions of his class. His eyes briefly met Sophie and he felt a jolt go through his body. He remembered his DNA being altered, remembered having a flexible 15 inch penis which bended, remembered plowing and twisting and turning it through Sophie's three layered vagina-
"And me," said Sophie, filling the silence. "I was the fourth crewmember."
"Ah, yes," said Taylor. How long had he paused? "That's right, Sophie Astor was there, she was my, my-"
"Your first officer," said Sophie. "And I still am."
"Yes. Yes, you are," said Taylor.
Clarence Norman stared at Taylor and Sophie and then back at Taylor again.
"So what happened then, Captain?" asked Cadet Susan Craw.
Taylor described how their scoutship had lost power and how they had been stranded on New Eden, awaiting rescue. The locals, survivors of the crashed colony ship USS Burlingame, welcomed them with open arms. Literally. There were orgies every night, and one by one the crew joined in. Jennifer Titatchi was the first to go, her body terraformed into one of the native plant people. Sean Parnell was consumed by the plants, and Taylor and Sophie were eventually turned into plant people as well.
"What does that mean, you were turned into plant people?" Cadet Craw asked.
"Our bodies were... altered."
"Altered how?" Another cadet asked.
"Just altered," said Taylor. There was no way he was going to tell a room full of female cadets who were infatuated with him how he grew a long flexible 15 inch penis!
"Commander Astor, what was done to you?" Cadet Craw asked.
Sophie opened her mouth. "I believe Captain Taylor can describe it better than I."
"He hasn't described it at all!" said Craw.
"That's not important," said Taylor firmly. "Eventually, we were rescued and our transformation was... reversed." He paused. "But we might have avoided being transformed if we hadn't participated in the local customs."
"The orgies, you mean," said Cadet Craw, giving him a sexy smile.
"Yes, the orgies," said Taylor. "My point is, when you encounter a different culture, be very very careful about adopting local customs. Don't be pressured into it, don't worry about offending your host, don't let yourself be seduced-"
"You were seduced, Captain?" Craw asked with a wide-eyed expression.
"He was. He really was," said Sophie.
Taylor gave her a hard stare. Clarence did the same, as if to say, We're Passive Observers. What are you doing?
The class adjourned a few minutes later. Cadet Craw gave Taylor a sexy smile as she sauntered out of the room. Sophie approached the Captain.
"I'm sorry," she said simply. "It just came out of me."
Taylor paused. The image of him making love to Sophie as a plant person flashed through his eyes. Those flowers around her breasts and vagina. The way she moaned when he put all 15 inches deep into her- "It was a difficult time, for both of us. The memory doesn't fade quickly."
"No, it doesn't," said Sophie. She looked around to see that Clarence was some distance away, and lowered her voice. "Tonight, at the pond?"
Taylor shook his head. "Tessa."
"Tomorrow, then?"
Taylor nodded. What was he doing?
Taylor busiest himself preparing dinner at his apartment when he heard the buzzer. "Coming, darling!"
He opened the door and prepared to give her a great, big kiss.
What he found instead was Cadet Susan Craw, wearing a long, shiny red dress.
"Uh.... Cadet? Did you get lost?" Taylor asked.
"Kind of," she said, stepping through the threshold. "Captain Taylor, I've been lost ever since I met you."
"Susan. Please, my name is Susan." She took his hand.
"Susan," said Taylor. "Susan, you shouldn't be here. It's not proper."
"Why not? Because you're a Captain, and I'm a cadet? Tell me, Captain, have you never been intimate with a member of your crew? Never?"
"Well.... no," said Taylor, after a conspicuous pause.
"Which means yes," said Susan, squeezing his hand. "I want you, Michael Taylor. I'm very attracted to you. Those blue eyes... those broad shoulders... that big chest... what would be the harm if we just recreated for a night?"
"The harm, dear, is that I'd have to stand in line."
Susan turned and saw Tessa, standing in the doorway. Susan pulled her hand away from Taylor like she had touched a hot stove.
"Hello, Michael. I thought you were seeing me tonight," said Tessa conversationally, as if she hadn't just caught him red-handed with another woman. She walked slowly into the room, every step an elegant dance. Tessa was wearing a flowing blue dress which showed off her heavy melons.
"I thought so too," said Taylor.
Tessa walked around Susan. "One of your cadets?"
"Yes," said Taylor. "Susan Craw, this is Tessa Hetford."
"Nice, nice to meet you," Susan stammered.
"Hm." Tessa walked around Susan twice, staring her up and down. "Infatuation?"
"A harmless thing. I was about to send her on her way," said Taylor, hoping she wouldn't think otherwise.
"So I heard," said Tessa. "But that doesn't sound quite right to me."
"Tessa! I would never-"
"That's not what I mean, Michael," said Tessa. "This isn't the act of a smitten cadet. It's too rehearsed, too practiced. Do you mind telling us what's going on here, dearie?" She stood face to face with Susan, her impressive melons pointed straight at the young cadet.
Susan sucked in her lips. "It... it was a friendly bet."
"What?" said Taylor.
"Between me and Sydney. You know, Cadet Straighter." She swallowed heavily. "We... we each bet...."
"That you could bed me," said Taylor. "Really?"
"Yeah," said Susan. She crossed one leg in front of the other. "Don't sell yourself short, Captain! You're really quite handsome! But you're also famous, and a war hero, and we each wanted... we wanted...."
"You wanted to be able to say you bedded the man who saved the world," said Tessa.
"Yeah," she said. She looked down. "I'm sorry, Captain, really, I am. Can we... can we just forget this? Pretend... pretend that nothing ever happened?"
"No need," said Taylor. "Nothing did happen." He spoke a few words of reassurance, and sent her on her way.
Tessa took him in her arms. "You showed her mercy and understanding. A quality I like very much in my Survey Service Captains."
"Do you?" said Taylor. He smiled as she rubbed her pelvis against his. It was going to be an amazing night, he could sense it. Nights with Tessa were always amazing.
"So who are all these starship captains I've been hearing about?" Taylor asked. He was lying arm and arm with Tessa. She had just drained him quickly, as was her custom, before she got him ready for the main event.
"Which starship captains would those be, Dear?" She fluttered her eyelids. "Oh, you mean the ones I fucked?"
Fucked. "Yes," said Taylor.
She pinched his cheek. "Jealous?"
"I don't know, should I be?" said Taylor. "Am I one of five... or ten... or a hundred?"
Tessa gave a shocked look. "Michael Tiberius Taylor, what are you implying?"
"I don't know," said Taylor. "Your friend Maggie... your coworkers, they've all implied you've been with other Captains... I just want to know if I'm one of a handful, or....."
"One of a cast of thousands?" Tessa gave him a sly grin, "Would it disappoint you to learn that you were only one of four... or four and a half, at most?"
"Four and a half?"
Tessa gave a dismissive hand wave. "Fleet Captain Brandei. He barely felt up my breasts."
"Barely," she gave him a seductive smile, as she rubbed his chest.
"All right, who were the other three?"
"Just a minute." Tessa got on top of Taylor, mounted him, and inserted him inside her. "Aaaahh." she gave a brilliant smile as she sank down on him. "There's nothing better than having 100% pure Michael Taylor cockmeat inside of me. Nothing."
Her words made Taylor's chest tighten and his heart beat quicker. She was so sexy! "You were going to tell me about the other men."
"The other men, or the other Captains? If you want to know about all the other men, we've going to have to have an all-night marathon." She smiled as her teasing elicited the shocked expression she was looking for.
"All right, just the Captains."
"Just the Captains," she growled in a low voice. "I love it when you're jealous." She smiled at him.
"Well?" said Taylor.
"I'm thinking," said Tessa. "This helps me think," she added, as she bounced up and down on his shaft.
"Well, first there was Captain Philip Aban Of the Excalibur. Handsome man, Nice thick hair. Thick other things too," she teased, as she went down on him.
"How long were you with him?"
"Umm... a few weeks I think. Maybe a month or two."
"What happened?"
"Phil was gorgeous, but he bored me," said Tessa, looking pained. "Sitting in the same room with him became torture, unless we were fucking."
"How sad for you."
"How sad for me," Tessa agreed, as she bounced up and down, sending her heavy breasts flopping. "And then there was Captain Terrance Meloni of... of... I think it was the USS Vanguard. Very nice man! Great personality! Could talk to him for hours."
"And fuck him for hours too?"
"That too," Tessa grinned. "But...."
"But what?"
"But he didn't have your broad shoulders." She caressed them. "And he didn't have your bright blue eyes. He didn't have your strong face."
"He had a weak face?"
"A very weak face. Like a girl," said Tessa. "How could I fuck a man who had a face like a girl?"
"I don't know. How could you?"