Chapter 05.3
"So now you know," Jennifer sneered. "All the years, all the lies. I flirted with you for years, pretending I was still married. I rubbed against you. I smiled at you. I teased you. But every time you came on to me I got wide eyed and told you, 'Oh, I can't, Michael, I'm a married woman!'"
Crack! The lash landed on her back, making her jump.
"I fooled you for years," Jennifer repeated. "I loved getting a reaction out of you! I loved shutting you down every time! And then, when I made love to Obongo right in front of you, you exploded with rage and the aliens put you down! There was nothing better than that, Michael! That was the best moment of my life!"
Crack! Crack crack crack!
"Ow! Michael! What are you doing?" Suddenly it was Tessa again, just for a moment, Tessa under a mask that made her look just like Jennifer.
"I'm... I'm sorry," said Michael.
"Not so hard, dear," she said, with a smile. "Don't put your arm into it so much."
"All right."
Afterwards, as they lay together in bed, Taylor said, "I'm sorry. I let it go too far."
Tessa snuggled up against him. "Don't be sorry! You were wonderful, dear!"
"I was?"
"Um hm."
Taylor stared at the ceiling for a long moment. "Tessa, what am I becoming?"
"The best thing you can possibly be."
The next evening Pam greeted Taylor at the front door.
Pam. There had been two of them, actually. The woman who Taylor had briefly dated and fell in love with, and the research tool from the year one billion who had taken her form. It was the latter Pam who Taylor had really fell in love with, a being who didn't at first what it meant to assume human form and to feel humanly urges but found out through her irresistible attraction to him.
"Taylor. I've been waiting a billion years for you," she said, in a way that made him shudder with anticipation. The voice was not the same, not nearly, but the flat intonation was clearly Pam's. Tessa must have listened to to holovids-
She hugged him tightly and he felt himself getting aroused. When he pulled back he looked at what she was wearing, and his eyes widened.
"Do you like it? It's the dress from our-"
"Our fuckation," said Taylor. He and Pam had gone on a vacation together they had playfully called a fuckation, and Taylor had bought her a skimpy dress which was little more than a V shaped white towel which barely covered her breasts and vagina. He had found her so attractive, so irresistible.
"I have made you dinner, Taylor. Once your body has been adequately fueled, you can then make love to me."
"We'll see about that, Pam."
"Your race attaches so much importance to a simple ritual," she said over dinner.
"A ritual which seems to interest you, my dear," said Taylor.
"I am gathering data for scientific analysis," she said.
Had he told her that? Tessa was doing a remarkable job of mimicking Pam's style of speaking.
She sauntered over to him slowly, wiggling her hips with every step. She pulled him from the chair and kissed him. "This pressing of lips. Does it have some significance?"
"You tell me, Pam," Taylor growled.
She kissed him again. "I do not know if I am doing it right." She looked up at him earnestly. "Show me how. Show me, Taylor."
Taylor leaned in and gave her a kiss of her life. Pam moaned and hugged him tightly. When he pulled back, he could clearly see the tips of her nipples through her fuckation dress.
"Make love to me, Taylor. Show me what it really means to feel love." She stared up at him with earnest, green eyes.
"I will show you."
"You are inside me," said Pam wondrously, as if it were the first time.
"Yes, Pam, I am," said Taylor. "And now I am outside you." He slowly inserted his penis again between her stretched pussy lips. "And now I am inside you again."
"Remarkable," said Pam. She felt Taylor's penis moving in and out of her. "Taylor... I feel something."
"What is it, Pam, what do you feel?" Taylor asked, as his long erection moved slowly in and out between her pussy lips.
"I feel... inner stimulation," said Pam, as if she were trying to process this.
"Go on," said Taylor, watching his penis disappear inside her yet again.
"I feel... warmth."
"Yes, and....?" Taylor loved the sight of his penis sliding in and out of her.
"I feel... affection. Affection... attraction... desire... needing." She stared at him with sparkling eyes. "Only you, Taylor. I have coupled with others, but only you make me feel this way. I... I love you."
"I love you too," Taylor said, gasping. "Ooooh!"
"Oooooh!" Taylor released inside of her. At that moment, life was never sweeter.
And then came the day that Taylor dreaded.
The day when Sophie Astor answered the door to Tessa's apartment.
"Come in," she said simply. She turned away without looking back.
Taylor's eyebrows shot up. He wasn't sure how he felt about this. It was one thing for Tessa to impersonate his past lovers, but to imitate his current one? How much did Tessa really know-
"You're hesitating, Michael. The expression on your face indicates deliberate thought," said Sophie. "Does it really require so much deliberation to decide to have dinner with your own first officer?" She gestured to the table covered with carefully prepared dishes.
"No," said Taylor slowly. Something was very odd here. Sophie looked like Sophie, wearing her regulation Survey Service dayshirt, with her nuclear tipped breasts prominently sticking out. Her hair and face looked much the same. But it was her voice which caught his attention. Her voice sounded very much like Sophie's real voice. "What are you doing here?"
"Tessa and I made an arrangement," said Sophie, sauntering over to him.
"An arrangement?"
"Yes," said Sophie. She wrapped her arms around him. "She agreed I could have you for tonight."
"For one night."
"For one night," Sophie agreed. "She knows how much you love me, Michael. She wants to make you happy."
"She does?"
"She really does." Sophie kissed him passionately, making him groan.
When she pulled back Taylor said, "And you're... you're agreeable to this?"
"Why not? If this is the only way I can have you." Her hazel eyes were in direct contrast to Tessa's. Taylor honestly couldn't tell if he was staring into her face or not. He raised his hands and ran them over her hairline. He felt the reassuring borderline of a facemask, gave a sigh of relief.
"Do have everything you wish to know?" She asked.
"Then come to dinner." She turned away, wiggling her ass delicately exactly as Sophie did.
"You have always defied logic, Michael," she said over dinner.
"In what way?" he said.
"As a passive observer, I could always be dispassionate about whatever I looked at. Ceiling tiles. Astral phenomena. The stride of a man crossing the street. The way a hummingbird pulls down its beak twice before chirping. But there is no objective observing with you."
"There's not?"
She leaned forward. "You rob a woman of all her objectively. There is no way to passively observe you, Michael. Watching you with woman after woman after woman... I couldn't simply take tallies of smiles like I could in the Academy classroom."
"I'm sorry you had to feel that way," said Taylor. "As I explained, a relationship between us was simply not possible." He shifted uncomfortably in his chair. Sophie was sounding very much like Sophie, the real Sophie. But he had determined that she was wearing a face mask, so this must be Tessa.
Mustn't it?
The idea of a plan settled within his head. A plot, between Tessa and Sophie to get him to make love to his First Officer while thinking he was making love to Tessa. Of Sophie wearing a facemask... of herself.
He screaned her, trying to determine who he was having dinner with. But the results made no sense.
"Not possible," she said, sauntering slowly over to him, her heavy breasts sticking out under her tight Survey Service dayshirt. She sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around him. "And now?" She kissed him.
He kissed her back. Am I kissing Tessa or Sophie? How can I not know?
"I lead a life of logic. And order. And analysis. All of which were destroyed when you entered my field of vision." She stared at him accusingly.
"I'm... I'm sorry."
She kissed him again. "Don't be sorry," she whispered. "Be passionate."
Sophie stared at him lovingly as he removed her dayshirt. He saw her breasts encased in the Standard Survey Service breast control collar with the spaceship and sun logo on one cup and rank emblem on the other. It was only when he removed her collar and her breasts pointed straight downwards that he finally realized who he was having sex with.
"Are you disappointed? Or relieved?" Sophie asked.
Rather than answer her, Taylor pressed his lips hard against hers. She responded.
When it was done, Sophie stretched and got up. Taylor saw it all clearly now. It was odd, very odd to see the face of his First Officer grafted on the body of his lover. Sophie sauntered over to the closet and got out the whip and iron bar.
"Sophie... no."
She ignored him and went over to the middle of the room and inserted the chain into the hook. The bar hung from the ceiling tantalizingly.
"Sophie, no!"
"Get over here," she said simply.
Taylor got up slowly. He saw the confident expression on her face. She had all the power here and she knew it. He walked over to her, caressed her raised arms. "Please, Tessa, don't make me do this."
"There is no Tessa here. Only Sophie," she said sternly. "Now get to work, Captain!"
Taylor bit his lip as he closed the cuffs. Then he turned and picked up the whip, flicked it experimentally.
"Oooooh!" Sophie cried out as the lash landed on her titties.
"Enough?" Taylor asked.
"I'll let you know when it's enough," Sophie snapped. "Harder, Taylor, harder!"
Sophie's body jerked under the lash. Taylor felt his erect penis tingling. "Why are you making me do this?" he cried
"I'm only giving you what you want!" Sophie responded.
"I don't want this!" said Taylor.
"Of course you do! Now shut up and do it again!"
Taylor watched helplessly as Sophie's body writhed under the whip. It was as if he were a third party watching himself whip her. Her body almost seemed to dance under the whip's encouragement. He felt his penis throbbing shamefully as he whipped a woman who looked like his first officer. The tingling in his shaft, in the head of his penis, the tightening of his balls when the lash landed, all of it was incredibly arousing!
He shouldn't be enjoying this! He really shouldn't!
But he was.
And then Sophie cried, "Enough!" and he released her and she felt into his arms and he took her to bed as quickly as he could. Taylor climaxed after barely a single thrust, filling her with pulse after pulse of his manly sperm. Doing this abominable thing had excited him more than whipping any of the other lovers. He fell into Tessa's arms and was glad when blackness briefly took hold of him.
Tessa was playing with his chest hair. "I gave you the greatest gift."
"Sex with your delightful Sophie. Aren't you glad?"
Taylor said nothing. It had been an intense and bewildering experience.
She continued to twirl his chest hair into little knots. "What if you could do it for real?"
"You heard me."
"Sex with Sophie... for real?" Taylor said.
"Would you like that, Michael?"
Taylor looked away for a long moment. He felt his head being turned to face her again. Tessa gave him a long kiss. Then she said, "There's something I need to tell you."
"You fucked her while she was impersonating me?" Sophie's voice was filled with rage, even as she fisted his shaft. "So how was it, Michael? How did you like fucking the pretend version of me?"
"It was good. Very good," Taylor gasped, even as he rubbed her clit.
"You're sick, Michael Taylor, incredibly sick! You won't fuck me, but you will play pretend to fuck your girlfriend dressed as me. Do you realize how incredibly sick you are?" Her dark hazel eyes flared at him, even as she continued to rub his shaft hard. Really hard.
"Yes," said Taylor. He screaned her. Part of her was genuinely outraged. But another part....
"Did you enjoy it, Michael? In your mind, did you enjoy coming inside of me, the fake me?"
"Yes," Taylor gasped. "Yes I did." He paused. "But it didn't end there."
Sophie's eyes widened. "She had you whip me?"
Taylor didn't answer.
"Oh my Goddess! She dressed up as me and had you whip me! Did you enjoy that too? Did you enjoy tying me up and whipping my naked body, Taylor? ANSWER ME!"
"Yes!" Taylor sobbed. "Seeing you naked... whipping you... afterwards... when I released you... her... I had the strongest... the strongest orgasm ever." He gasped again. "Oooooh!" he cried out. Sperm flew out of his penis, whipping across his bed, one, two, three, four arcs. Sophie, frowning with anger, nevertheless still milked him to completion.
"How was that, Michael? Was it as fun as whipping my duplicate?" she snarled. She hadn't climaxed; Taylor screaned that she wasn't going to. She was genuinely angry now.
Taylor took a deep breath. "Sophie, there's something else I need to tell you."
"What? What is it? What could possibly be worse than this?"
"It's Tessa...." Taylor swallowed heavily. "She's pregnant."
Sophie's face was filled with surprise and horror.
Five days.
There were only five days left before the Immortal would be leaving spacedock and returning to its mission. Taylor had spent the past four months on Earth but it had felt like four years. His relationship with Tessa had changed everything. And now she was pregnant with his child. Tessa would obviously be responsible for raising it, but Taylor would make sure to come and visit whenever he could.
Tessa sat in a cafe on Academy grounds twirling her hair and feeling very pleased with herself. She had been smitten with Taylor from the moment she first saw him and knew she had to have him. It didn't take much longer for her to decide that she wanted to have his child. She had warped his sexuality to suit her and seduced him into impregnating her. Now she would have it all.
She was smiling contently to herself with Sophie Astor entered the cafe. Seeing Tessa, Sophie made a beeline directly for her.
"Sophie," said Tessa. "How nice to see you. Have a seat."
Sophie's face was blank, the trained neutral expression of a passive observer. "I'm surprised you would have thought that I would have come."
"I'm a pretty good judge of character. I have to be, in my line of work," said Tessa. "Why don't you sit down and join me?"
Join me.
Sophie reluctantly sat. "What is there to talk about?"
"A lot of things. We do have a lot in common, after all."
"We have nothing in common."
"Of course we do. Michael." She put her hand over Sophie's, who visibly flinched.
"You have what you want now," said Sophie slowly. "What do you want from me? Approval? A round of applause?"
"Sophie, Sophie, Sophie." Tessa shook her head sadly. "How little you understand me."
"I think I understand you quite well."
"Do you?" Tessa asked. "I love Michael, Sophie. And I know that Michael is in love with you."
"Did he tell you that?"
Tessa nodded. "We have no secrets from each other. And I know you are in love with him."
"So what of it?" Sophie asked.
"Michael is my man. I want him to be happy. Did he tell you what we did together... most recently?" She stared at Sophie's face. "Yes, I can see that he did. When I was pretending to be you, Michael enjoyed it very much."
"Does that bother you?"
"Not at all," said Tessa. "Love is not a zero sum game, Sophie. If Michael is happy, then I'm happy. In a few days he will leave and I will be gone and I will count on you to look after him."
"To look after him," Sophie repeated.
"As a friend," said Tessa.
"Of course," said Sophie. "Was there anything else?"
"Yes," said Tessa. She paused. "Would you like to make love to him?"
"I asked a question."
"I think you know the answer," said Sophie, her voice tense.
"Then have him."
"Make love to him."
"You... you want Michael... and I... when we return to the Immortal to... to...."
"No, of course not," said Tessa. "Michael would never make love to his first officer on his own ship. I mean here, on Earth, now, before you both leave."
Sophie shook his head. "He won't."
"He will, if I tell him to," said Tessa.
"Why would you do that?"
"I told you. I want him to be happy," said Tessa.
Sophie was trying to wrap her head around this concept. "You... would tell Michael... to make love to me?"
"Once. And only once," said Tessa.
"You... would just have him come to my quarters and-"
"No. It would be in my apartment, of course," said Tessa.
"Your apartment? And where would you be?"
"Watching," said Tessa. "Why, you didn't think I was going to let you make love to my man without being there myself, did you?"
Sophie stared at Tessa with horror. "No."
"No? Think about it, Sophie. This could be your only chance to make love to Michael. Don't be so quick to throw it away. The offer may not come so quickly again."
Sophie stood up abruptly. "I don't care if the offer never comes again. You corrupted Michael and now you're trying to get me involved. I won't be a plaything for your casual amusement."
"Goodbye, Tessa." She walked away quickly.
Sophie sat in the command chair on the massive two level bridge of the USS Immortal. It felt good to be back on the ship again. Good to be getting under way. Good to be leaving Earth. Good to be leaving her. She had intellectually accepted the fact that that woman was going to have Taylor's child, but she hoped that separating Taylor from her would help her spellbound Captain return to his senses.
In fact-
Sophie heard the door hiss open and Taylor entered the bridge. She felt a wave of pleasure and anticipation wash over her but her face fell flat when she saw who was behind him.
Special Negotiator Tessa Hetford.
Sophie made sure her face showed no expression. "Captain, welcome back."
"Thank you," said Taylor. He noticed that Sophie hadn't addressed Tessa. "Is the ship ready to leave spacedock?"
"At your command, sir," she said formally. She found her gaze wandering over to Tessa.
"Hello, Sophie. I mean, Commander Astor," said Tessa.
"Special Negotiator," said Sophie. "Have you come all the way here to say goodbye to the Captain?"
"Not at all," said Tessa. "I'm going with you."
Tessa had been called back to active duty, to negotiate a dispute on Wayfaira. The Immortal was vaguely going to be in that sector of space, so Taylor had arranged to transport the Ambassador there. That meant she would have to tolerate Tessa for six more days.
Sophie resolved to ignore her whenever she could. After that introduction, Tessa stayed off the bridge. When Sophie passed them in the hallway, walking arm in arm, she made polite greetings. When she saw them in the officer's dining hall she was equally polite, declining invitations to eat with them. In her mind she was focused on one thing: the days, hours, and minutes until Special Negotiator Tessa Hetford was well and truly gone.
Finally the day came and no one was more relieved than Sophie to see Wayfaira fill the space on their viewscreen.
Taylor went arm in arm with Tessa to the shuttlebay, but when he entered the shuttle he was surprised to see who was in the pilot seat.
"Sophie!" said Taylor. "What happened to Lieutenant Wingard?"
"She's been reassigned to repair the lateral sensor array. I will pilot you down instead," she said.
"Why Sophie, it's so kind of you to see me off," said Tessa.
"Kindness had nothing to do with it. It is all about the efficient use of shipboard resources," said Sophie.
"Of course," Tessa smiled at her.
Sophie got in the pilot seat while Taylor got into the copilot seat. "A very curious choice, Sophie."
"Is it?" she said. The shuttle suddenly launched with an acceleration that pushed Taylor back in his seat.
"Easy, Sophie. You're not in a hurry, are you?"
"Me? Never," said Sophie.
"I know these past few months have not been easy for you," said Taylor.
"They have neither been easy or hard. I simply noted them."
"Of course," said Taylor. He put a hand on her arm. "I just hope we can work together as smoothly as we always have."
"I'm sure we will," said Sophie, not looking at him. She frowned.
"What it is?"
"I am not sure. There is an intermittent contact on sensors. One minute it is there, the next it isn't."
"It seems to be pursuing us."
"Identify," said Taylor, checking the sensors himself.
"I can't. The signal is not there long enough to lock onto," said Sophie. "It's getting closer."
"Sophie, contact the Immortal-"
There was a flash of bright, white light, and that was the last thing they knew.