Chapter 07.2
The Story of Gair Dullea
They always fought over Fresh Fish.
All the girls were interested, very interested, in learning when a man was unfrozen from the specimen room. Just think, a man who had never been tested! A man who had never failed in the gene matching! Another possible lottery ticket to spreading your genes for endless generations.
Bessie had first crack at each one, of course. Such was her right as First One. But even disoriented newcomers didn't leap at the chance to partner with a heavily obese woman, even if she was the First One. Then the newcomer was released into the general population and would be fair game for all the girls on the look out for fresh, new untested genes.
Two of the most successful sharks in the pool were Laura Giancomo and Shelly Rendler. Shelly was in her late 30's and Laura was in her late 20's and with her blonde hair and large breasts was an eyeful. Most people kept the white hair they arrived with but Laura was one of the few who somehow found a way to dye hers. It was said that Laura and Angelika Gomez were in a relationship together, but if so, that never stopped Laura from pursuing the match she wanted.
Shelly had less to speak of in physical attributes, and so relied on her wits and charm to persuade men to partner with her. Both women were in constant competition with each other and intensely competitive.
When Shelly saw Gair Dullea walk into Oregon she didn't need anyone to tell her that this was Fresh Fish. Gair had the sort of dazed look on his face that all newcomers had. It was a lot to absorb--the passage of 500 years, the destruction of mankind, a new galaxy, a last chance for humanity, and it typically left newcomers in an overwhelmed, confused state of being.
One which Shelly fully intended to take advantage of.
"Hey there, handsome. Buy me a drink?" The line, though banal, always worked. Before long Shelly learned his name was Gair and that he was a test pilot for Sienar Fleet Systems.
"A test pilot. That sounds very exciting," said Shelly, batting her eyelashes furiously as she leaned towards him. "Where are you from?"
"Originally? Topeka, Kansas. But my wife and I relocated to Pensacola for work," said Gair.
Wife. Oh.
"What was her name?"
"Tanya." Gair grimaced, making a face.
"Oh Gair, I'm so sorry." She took his hands and squeezed them. "You must miss her terribly."
"I do," he said, choking up a bit. "I... I can't believe it's been 500 years. It feels just like yesterday."
"I know. I really do," said Shelly. "I feel like I was talking to my Timothy just last week."
"How long were you married?"
"Ten years," said Shelly. That part was true. She had been married to Tim for ten years. She had, however, been divorced for four years when she got taken.
"I'm so sorry," said Gair, looking into her eyes.
Shelly smiled. "You're so kind. Did you have any kids?"
Gair shook his head. "We... we were trying... but... now I'll never know!"
"Oh Gair! I really feel for you!" She gave him a hug. "You lost your best friend in the whole wide world. And you also lost your chance to make wonderful, beautiful kids with her. I feel so bad for you!" She hugged him tighter. "But you know, here we get a second chance."
"Second chance?"
"Yes! If you pick the right woman and score highly enough, you can be the father not just of a little boy or little girl but an entire human race!"
"I don't know...."
Gair didn't know, but after two hours of lovebombing, he finally did. He and Shelly didn't actually have sex, of course; that would come later. For two hours she simply smiled at him. She flirted with him. She showered him with attention and approval. In short, she acted like an eager woman who was excited to be in his presence. Most men were programmed to respond to such things and Gair was very much in the camp of most men. After being ripped from his wife, his planet, and even his time, he found something very comforting in the smiling, warm, affirming woman who had befriended him. So by the end of the evening he had agreed to partner with her.
Shelly was ecstatic. Statistically speaking, of course, it was doubtful that a partnering with Gair would produce a viable human race a thousand years down the line; after all, so far no one had been successful in that regard, at least by the measurements of success utilized by the Federationistas. However, she recognized that if someone were to succeed it would be with someone new, someone who hadn't yet been tested, and so Gair was her next promising prospect.
Normally her next move would be to take the man to bed, to satisfy the unwritten requirement of the Federationistas that pairings be "emotionally compatible". But something in her instincts suggested she wait a day, as Gair was still too new, too stunned. Sex now might merely scare him off. Anyway the Committee would not be meeting for several more days, so there was time. She kissed him gently on the cheek and said goodnight to him.
Shelly was barely out the door when Laura Giancomo sidled up to Gair. Shelly had disregarded the First Rule of Acquisition; never, ever let a new mark out of your sight before the pairing took place. But it was late in the evening and Shelly had felt so confident in her success with Gair that she had left him unattended, figuring he would go to bed. Well, Shelly would be right about the bed part, if Laura had her way.
"Hey there handsome," she smiled, sitting by him.
"Hi," said Gair, looking pensive. His mind looked to be a million miles away. Which it very might might have been. He had just learned that he was 500 years in the future, his wife and everyone he knew were dead, and he had met someone new and agreed to partner with her to create a whole new human race. It was a lot to take in in just a few hours.
Laura resolved to bring his mind back to the present.
"You have a handsome penis," she said.
Gair's eyebrows shot up. "What?"
"You heard me," she leaned forward, resting her head on a slender palm. "Your penis. I think it's very handsome."
Gair gave a nervous laugh. "How could you know that?"
"Because I do," she said, leaning forward. She was wearing the same tight white leotard that every other Test Subject was wearing, but hers was somehow low cut to show off her large breasts. Her hair, which had been white like everyone else's, had also been dyed blonde somehow.
"It's your face, you see. Men with handsome faces invariably have handsome dicks." Her hand started to roam.
"You know that, do you?"
"Um hm," Laura smiled at him. "My name's Laura."
"Gair," said Gair, jumping slightly as he felt Laura's hand in an intimate place.
"Nice to meet you, Gair," she smiled at him. "Gair, would you mind if I asked you an intimate question?"
"I, uhh....."
"When was the last time you had a woman, Gair?" Her green eyes sparkled at him.
"Could it have been 500 years, or more?" Her hand roamed over his penis, which she felt was rapidly pitching a tent in his white tights.
"Yeah," Laura smiled back at him, in her sexiest voice. "A handsome guy like you should be getting more action that. Would you like to fuck me, Gair?"
Gair was erect; it could hardly have been otherwise. Suddenly all his worries were tossed out the window as a blonde woman with enormous breasts fondled his penis and invited him to have sex with her. He never would have accepted such an offer on Earth, never! But with Tanya long dead and the Earth gone, and a remaining lifespan which could be measured in weeks....
"Yes," he whispered. "But Shelly-"
"Relax," She whispered. "I'm not asking you to partner with me. Just to fuck me. Shelly shouldn't have a problem with that, should she?"
Gair shook his head.
"Then come along." She led him by the hand. Gair felt tremendously embarrassed to have an erection sticking out of his tights, for all to see, as she led him out of Oregon.
Of course, Laura didn't ask Gair to partner with her the first time she brought him to orgasm. Nor the second time. But the third time, when she was sucking him off slowly, leisurely, she did manage to raise the subject between sucks, slowing the pace down considerably until she got the answer she wanted. Only then did she let Gair's penis climax on her tongue, encased by a very smug smile.
Bessie always wanted something. If not for her, then for one of her little birds. That was usually the price of getting her approval for a pairing. Laura knew that, and had arranged things in advance. So when Laura arrived hand in hand with Gair Dullea, Bessie was only too pleased to bless their partnering.
"I'm sure the two of you will make a wonderful match," she said, her fat face smiling broadly.
Shelly Rendler, however, was much less understanding.
"What did you do?" She said to Gair. "I thought we had a deal!"
"We, we did," said Gair.
"We sat, we talked together, I got to know you Gair, in an incredibly short time, but yes, I began to feel something for you," said Shelly. There were tears in her eyes. "Why did you do it?"
"She... she...." Gair was at a loss for words.
"She seduced you with her tits, didn't she? Didn't she, Gair? I would have made love to you too! I would have done it with more feeling than that dirty whore!" said Shelly. "You know she's a lesbian, don't you?"
"A LESBIAN. LES... BIAN," said Shelly. "She's just using you, Gair, she doesn't really care for you. It's not too late to change your mind!"
"I... I can't. The Committee is meeting this afternoon, and I promised-"
"Oh you're hopeless!" She slapped him in the face and walked away.
Shelly found Laura having a delightful breakfast in Bermuda with Angelika. Angelika was a redheaded beauty with sultry thick lips.
"He was mine!" Shelly raged.
"Until he became mine," said Laura, looking amused. Angelika chuckled in the background. "I didn't see your name on him, sweetie."
"What did you do, Lezzie, did you and Angel Face here fuck his brains out until he agreed to partner with you?"
"As it turned out Angel Lady's help was not necessary on this case," said Laura. "But you're right about the fucking part. He was an exceptionally good fuck. Why you seduced him and left him there without sealing the deal is beyond me."
"I thought-"
"That's your problem, Flattie. You think too much. You think when you should be fucking."
Angelika, obviously amused, laughed again.
"You'll get nowhere with him<" Shelly predicted. "I'll bet you won't even get a composite score of 500 together."
"Care to make a wager on that, dearie?" Laura looked amuse. "If I get 500 or over, you agree to mow Angel Lady's lawn while I watch."
"And what do I get if I win?"
Laura shrugged. "Whatever you want. I presume it will be something involving a rod up your ass."
Shelly, her face burning, marched away to feminine laughter.
Gair sat in the Committee Room while Graylor studied their gene charts. Laura had surprised him when she told Graylor that they wanted a natural pairing, except for deemphasizing some of Gair's independent traits.
"What?" Gair had said.
"Gair, Gair my dear, listen. Your independent streak serves you very well as a test pilot, I'm sure of it. But we're talking about creating a whole new generation of the human race. If everyone is super independent, they aren't going to work well together, and our Community Score is going to go down the saniflush. You don't want that to happen, do you?"
"I guess not."
"Then let's not have any further outbursts so Graylor can concentrate on our charts, Sweetie."
She gave him a warm smile.
Could Laura really be a lesbian? Was Shelly telling the truth?
Graylor hissed softly as he studied their gene charts. Then he nodded. "Approved."
"Thank you," said Laura. "I just know we'll be a great match."
They found out moments later. A message was sent ahead in time, to several hundred or perhaps several thousand years into the future. Instantly the body production vats went into operation, and some months later produced 69 fully formed human beings who would be the nucleus of the new colony. Flash forward a thousand years after that and-
They achieved a composite score of 520. 520 was respectably average. Most of the ratings were E3, but they did get an E5 for population growth, which was very respectable. However, they got an E2 for Technology and Art.
Laura shrugged. "Sorry, Honey. At least we tried." She got up and left without giving him another glance.
"520. You would have won your bet, but just barely," said Shelly. "Do you feel satisfied now, Lezzie?"
Laura looked unconcerned. "He was substandard material."
"Or maybe the person he paired with was substandard. What was this, your nineteenth, or twentieth attempt? When was the last time you scored over 600?"
"When was the last time you did?" Laura countered.
"I'm going to take him, and we're going to score higher than you did," said Shelly.
"Really? I'll offer you the same bet," said Laura. "Mow Angel's lawn if you lose, or I'll plug your chimney if you win." She grinned as Shelly walked away.
"Gair, dear."
Gair turned around to face her.
"Listen... we both said some things we regret. I know I did," said Shelly.
Like slapping me in the face?
"I... I was angry. I felt betrayed," said Shelly, taking his hand. "We had formed a connection. You had agreed to partner with me, and the next thing I knew you were with her." She paused. "Can we at least talk about it, over dinner?"
Gair gave a reluctant nod.
"You're back again quickly, Gair," said Bessie brightly.
"Gair realized he made a mistake with Laura," said Shelly.
"And now he's correcting that mistake with you," said Bessie.
Shelly gave a wintery grin. "Yes."
"Well, let's see." Bessie made a pretense of studying their gene plates. "The compatibility looks good. But on the other hand we don't encourage newcomers to have serial pairings so quickly. Gair, are you sure you don't want to take a few more days to think about it?"
"Of course he's sure," said Shelly.
Bessie frowned at Shelly's harsh tone.
"First One," said Shelly, in a softer voice. "You and I go way back. But I haven't spent much time with you in a while. For that I am sorry. Why don't we have lunch, sometime?"
"Lunch? That could work," said Bessie. "All right, I'll give my recommendation for this pairing."
Graylor studied the gene plates. "You both agree to this?"
"Yes," said Shelly quickly, before Gair could answer. "We want our complete, unedited gene plates. Except for a tiny tweaking of Gair's genome."
"Tiny tweaking?" said Graylor.
Shelly made a face. "I think his desire to take risks is too strong. And he's too headstrong of a leader. Let's deemphasize those genes a bit and put more weight on my genes which express desire for communitarianism and empathy and understanding."
"Gair, we talked about this," she said, putting a hand over his. "You're a great guy. Really, I wouldn't be pairing with you if you weren't. You have a fantastic set of genes." She stroked his arm and stared deeply into his eyes. "But the genes which make you a brave, bold test pilot aren't always the kind of genes we want for a general population. If every single person in society has the same brave, brash instincts that you do, then society will collapse. There will be no community. Surely you see that, don't you?"
Gair felt the touch of her fingertips, her hypnotic stare. He nodded fractionally.
"Good." She turned to Graylor. "We're in agreement."
Graylor looked one last time at the gene plates and hissed, "Very well."
Their composite score was 550. Shelly had a victory of sorts since she had scored 30 points more than what Laura and Gair had scored together, but it was a hollow victory at best since 550 was an average score, far from the 800 needed to be called a success. They had scored an E3 for Technology, E3 for Art, E3 for Standard of Living, E3 for population growth, E3 for Emotionality & Self-Awareness, and an E4 for Community, perhaps the only tangible benefit of suppressing some of Gair's genes.
Shelly saw the disappointment on Gair's face as the results came in.
"Oh well," she shrugged. "At least we tried."
"You only got a 550, bitch! Really impressive!" Laura snarled.
"550 is still better than 520, whore," said Shelly. They were sipping drinks in Bermuda with their feet up on the table.
"Oh, I could have done better if I had suppressed some of Gair's genes and weighted more of my own."
"Liar. I'm sure you did."
"Not nearly as much as you did, I'll bet," said Laura. She sat up slowly. "What do I see here?"
She looked across the expansive outdoor lounge. Gair had been sitting by himself, lonely and dejected. Suddenly blonde Susan Shinn came bouncing up to him with a smile. They couldn't hear the words but very quickly they got into an animated discussion.
"I'll bet she doesn't score any higher than either of us," said Laura.
"I'll bet she scores higher than you," said Shelly.
"What do you get when you eat a leftover of a leftover?" Laura mused.
Three days later Shelly, Laura, and Susan were sipping cool drinks in Algeria when a motorized stretcher came by bearing the dry, powdery body of Gair.
"That was quick. I've never seen anyone strike out in a week," Shelly remarked.
"Total cellular disruption can occur at any time," said Hot Dog, who was pulling the stretcher. "It's very sad."
"Yes, very sad," Hamburger agreed, who was pushing from behind.
"Yes, very sad," Laura repeated, as the stretcher left the scene.
"It's true," said Shelly. "I've never seen them strike out someone so quickly."
"And why wouldn't they?" said Laura. "After striking out with the three sexiest bitches with the finest gene plates, who could he possibly have done any better with?"
The girls laughed and clinked their glasses together. Then Laura felt hungry, and decided on an early lunch.