Chapter 11.1

A Story About Craig Cobin

Shortly after Benny's unusual run of luck, Craig Cobin got lucky himself. It all started when he decided to partner with Marisol Colon. She was the first one to get a high score from partnering with Benny, and Craig figured that maybe lightning would strike twice. Of course, the fact that Marisol had large, spanishy breasts and thick BJ lips also may have influenced his thinking.

Craig watched her talking to Susan Shinn over breakfast. Susan Shinn was another cutie but Craig had already had her (twice!). He was always on the hunt for new pussy.

And speaking of new pussy, he saw Michelle Delving walking by with her two brats.

Everyone agreed that Michelle Delving was hot.

Some women became fat and dumpy after having children. Their bellies and their asses became big, and their tits sagged down to their knees. But other women glowed.

Michelle Delving was one of those. A blonde in her mid 30's (she was one of the few who had dyed her hair after the cryogenic process had turned it white), she looked to have large, firm melons aching to be squeezed, and yet also a slender hourglass figure which made her look like the ultimate fuck toy. There were only two problems, and they were named Damon and Eva.

Michelle didn't arrive with Damon and Eva. Nor her husband Frederick, though she barely talked about him. Instead she cried and went into hysterics when she learned that Damon and Eva, her seven and eight year old son and daughter, hadn't been rescued with her. She cried and cried and cried and even put the Weeping Girl to shame with her hysterics. Hot Dog and Hamburger tried relentlessly to cheer her up, hopping from foot to foot and telling her it was all going to be all right, but it wasn't.

Finally after several weeks of crying and wailing, Damon and Eva appeared. Frog told her that there had been a mistake, a computing error, and they had been unaware that Damon and Eva had been in cryogenic preserve all along in the cryo room. Michelle was so ecstatic to see her little darlings that she didn't care, hugging them to pieces and wailing again, but this time with joy.

Everyone else, however, realized how odd and unlikely this was. Damon and Eva were the only children on the Space Station. As a rule the Federationistas didn't rescue children because they were too young to participate in the Experiment. And no one believed that the children had been overlooked because of a "computing error".

So who, then, were these two little children? They didn't speak much, and tended to stare. And when they stared, they made people uncomfortable. Especially the men.

Craig took to calling Damon and Eva Demon and Evil, because every time he tried to flirt with Michelle, they intervened.

He tried again as he saw Michelle and the children pass by his table. He knew it was hopeless, but Michelle just looked so sexy today with her heavy melons sticking out of her jumpsuit. Craig imagined himself creaming between them and knew he had to try again, no matter how hopeless it seemed.

"Hey Michelle."

"Hey Craig." She stopped and smiled at him. What a beautiful smile she had!

"How you doing?" he asked.

"Fine! Thank you for asking," said Michelle. "How are you?"

"Couldn't be better now," said Craig.

Michelle tittered.

"Mommy, let's go!" said Damon.

"In a minute, dear," said Michelle.

"But we're hungry, Mommy!" said Eva.

"Can't you wait just a minute, dear? I'm talking to Craig." She smiled again at him!

"No Mommy! We're hungry nooooow!" Damon wailed.

Michelle gave an apologetic smile. "Children," she said. "See you later, Craig?"

"Yeah," he gave a weak smile as she left.

"Cockblocked again!" said Dickie Weymouth.

"It's those monsters, those clones, whatever those creatures are," said Craig.

"You don't think they're children?"

"How could they be?" said Craig.

"Why would the Federationistas manufacture children to keep her away from men?"

"It's a challenge," said Craig, cocking an eyebrow. "Survival of the fittest."

"I guess that means you won't be passing your genes down to the next generation," said Ardis McDuff.

"Watch me," said Craig. He got up and went over to Marisol, his original target before Michelle had entered his field of vision. She was still talking and laughing with Susan Shinn.

"Hey hey," said Craig.

"I'm not fucking you again, Craig," said Susan immediately.

"I just came to say hello," said Craig.

"Sure you did," said Susan. "Which of us is to be your target today, Craig?"

"Hey there, Marisol," said Craig.

"Well, that answers my question," said Susan, crossing her arms under her breasts.

"You wait your turn," said Craig. He smiled at Marisol. "How you doing, good looking?"

"Fine, Craig. How are you?" Marisol asked, giving him a brilliant smile.

Marisol would not be a hard conquest for Craig. In fact, she was one of his easier ones. After her brief success with Benny Johnson, Marisol had partnered with Bruce Morton, Boris Glazer, and Gary Melchick and only gotten middling scores in the 500's. After that Marisol found herself less in demand.

She knew what Craig really wanted, of course. For him, it was all about the sex, and only the sex. But if that was the price to be paid to partner with him it wasn't such a great price to be paid. Craig with his long, crooked nose was not objectively handsome, but there was something exciting about being with him, the way he flirted and showered attention on women.

And he wasn't such a bad lover either. She reflected on that as Craig pounded her pussy really hard not thirty minutes later in his quarters, his long, hard rod poling in and out of her brown red-Spanishy vaginal lips. She was just wondering whether Craig would respect her any less for giving in so quickly when he stiffened and cried "Aaaaaaahhhh!" and sank on top of her with a satisfied smile.

And, expectantly, they scored a 700, just like Benny Johnson.

They both instantly became popular again. This was the second 700 score for Marisol, first Benny and now Craig. She mated with a bunch of men in rapid succession, Emil Lacoaste, Brian Fuller, Arnold Richie, Durant Duran, and Kelden Amadiro, and got a series of mediocre scores once again. She pleaded with Craig to partner with her again, to see if lightning struck twice and who knows, perhaps they could score even higher--they were only a hundred points below the passing grade!

But Craig was not interested. Once he had slept with a woman, he seldom returned for seconds, excluding the Weeping Woman, who allowed him (and any other man) easy access whenever they desired it.

Craig's first post-Marisol conquest was Ida Martell. He had long been fascinated by her pear shaped breasts and her standoffish attitude. But the latter was no longer a problem after he scored 700 with Marisol. Amazingly, though, after they had sex Craig informed her that he had changed his mind and decided not to partner with her. Ida rightfully felt betrayed. She had opened her legs and her vagina to him and let him use her completely and now he had simply abandoned her. But Craig told her that he simply didn't feel she was a good match.

Craig did the same thing to Judy Wells and Anna Sorensen before the girls got wise to his method of operation. He was simply using the promise of partnering to get sex from them. He was doing what successful men had done since the beginning of time, parlaying their fame and fortune into access to vagina. But now none of them would have sex with him unless he made an ironclad commitment to partner with them. It was made clear to him that if he betrayed one more women, that none of them would have anything else to do with him.

Craig considered carefully who to select. He had been reluctant to partner with another women so quickly precisely because he strongly suspected that his 700 score with Marisol had been a fluke, a statistical anomaly, and that once he partnered again he would get the same middling scores as everyone else. So he tried to leverage his temporary popularity as best he could, fucking the sexiest women who on any other day would have turned their backs to him. First came Ida with her big pear breasts then Judy Wells with her big melons and then Anna, Anna who was well known to be a screamer in bed... and did not disappoint.

But when the well ran dry as he knew it would it was time to make a decision, and he settled on Laura Giancomo and Shelly Rendler as the finalists. Not because they were the most desirable of women, though blonde Laura with her big breasts fell into this category. No, Craig chose them for one reason, and one reason only: because they hated each other, and if there's one thing Craig had learned in 500 years of living, it was that hate often bred incredible sexual orgasms.

"I've narrowed it down to the two of you," Craig told them.

Laura and Shelly exchanged glances. They hardly expected to be Craig's finalists.

"You understand that if you choose one of us, you have to guarantee, GUARANTEE that you will partner with us," said Shelly.

"Of course," said Craig, as if he wouldn't have it any other way. "But I still can't decide."

"Let me guess. You want to decide by having sex with each of us," said Laura.

"No," said Craig. "I want the two of you to have sex with each other."

"What?" said Laura.

"No!" Shelly said immediately.

"Why?" said Laura.

"I want a women who is passionate."

"Passionate about fucking another woman?"

"That's one kind of passion," Craig grinned.

"No, I won't do it," said Shelly.

Laura cocked an eyebrow. "All right. I'll do it."

"You would?" said Shelly. "Of course, what am I saying? You and Angelika do it every day."

"We're just friends. Good friends," said Laura.

"Please," said Shelly. "Everyone here from Hot Dog to Benny knows you're a lesbian."

"I've slept with more men than you," said Laura.

"A lesbian with hobbies," Shelly clarified. She turned to Craig. "This isn't fair. You've made a test that only a human lawn mower can pass."

"All right, all right," said Craig. "How about something simpler?"

"How about you just choose one of us and keep your promise this time, like everyone else does?" Shelly asked.

"No, that's too simple," Craig decided. "I understand your objection, Shelly, really, I do. So I will not require you to have sex with Laura."

"You are too kind."

"What I do expect from you is for each of you to pleasure yourselves."

"To pleasure ourselves?" said Shelly slowly. "You mean...."

"In front of me. Facing each other, totally nude."

"No," said Shelly.

"Yes!" said Laura.

"And the one who shows the most passion gets picked," said Craig.

"I won't do it!" Shelly cried.

"Then I'll just choose Laura," said Craig.

Shelly bit her lip and shook and shuddered. Craig and Laura watched her expectantly. She hated this, she hated all of this, but to have a chance to win the Experiment, however slim, was not one she could afford to pass up. If she won, her genes would be used as a template for the future of the human race! It was a heady thought.

"All right," said Shelly reluctantly. "I'll do it."

"I should have known," said Shelly, as they entered Craig's quarters. She had never been in here before, and never would again. The room was full of luscious nude women with big hair and even bigger breasts, gyrating and rubbing their breasts and pussies as they wiggled their hips and danced in tight circles under shiny blue lights.

"You like what I've done with the place?" Craig grinned.

"Let's just get on with it," said Shelly.

"Eagerness. A point for Shelly."

"Her first and last point," said Laura, with a determined look on her face as she unzipped her white jumpsuit. Her large, fleshy breasts came flopping out. She saw the look on Shelly's face. "What's wrong, dear? Frightened by the competition already?"

"No," said Shelly, unzipping her own jumpsuit. "I just didn't know they were selling expired melons at the market." Her own smaller breasts came out.

"And I didn't know they were selling tiny, withered tangerines. Well, at least we have something to make penicillin with, if needed."

"Ladies!" said Craig. "Shouldn't you be undressing and masturbating yourselves?"

"Thanks for reminding us, Craig," said Laura dryly, as she stepped out of her jumpsuit entirely. Laura had a big, round ass and meaty thighs.

Shelly mirrored her a moment later, showing a shred of reluctance as she stepped out of hers. She had the same large ass that Laura did, but hers sagged more. A point for Laura.

Shelly noticed Craig shrugging off his jumpsuit. His semi-flaccid penis sprung out at them.

"What are you doing?" Shelly asked.

"Just having some fun. Don't mind me, girls. Wait, before you begin, one adjustment." He moved Shelly forward and turned her body so that she was directly facing Laura, a mere two feet away. Shelly gulped as she found herself in proximity to the other woman's vibrant sexuality.

"All right girls, get busy!"

Laura smiled as she ran a hand over her own breasts, down her belly, around her thighs, and into her pubis. She spread her legs as she entered herself, rubbing with a single finger.

After a moment's hesitation, Shelly joined in. Laura's smile grew broader as Shelly started to rub her own clit.

"Ship, are you recording this?" Craig asked.

"Yes, Craig."

"I didn't say you could record this!" Shelly cried.

"No one told you to stop!" said Craig. "Unless you're forfeiting the competition?"

Shelly made a face and resumed rubbing. Laura gave a bitter laugh which cut her to the core.

"What are you going to do with this recording?" Shelly asked, with fear in her voice.

"We need something good for movie night, don't we?"

"No!" Shelly wailed. But she didn't stop mashing her fingers between her labial lips. She couldn't afford to. As Shelly and Laura diligently masturbated themselves, Craig started to fist his penis. He had a wild look at his eyes as he watched the girls pleasuring themselves in front of him.

Laura smiled seductively at Shelly. "I've fantasized about having you for a long time," said Laura, as she fingered her cunt boldly.

"No you haven't!" Shelly cried.

"Yes I have," she said. "You can ask Angelika. I imagined getting you drunk, seducing you, kissing you hard." Her fingers rubbed rapidly in her sopping wet pubic mush.

"No!" Shelly cried.

"I would love to feel your breasts against mine, feeling your warm, supple softness against me while I stared into your eyes," said Laura. Her own eyes had a hypnotic gleam to them as she squeezed her own breasts with her free hand.

"Noooo," Shelly groaned. But even as she said it, she felt a tingling in her vagina, a tingling not entirely due to her own efforts. She glanced to her right and saw the holographic women pleasuring themselves. She glanced to her left and saw Craig still fondling himself, his penis rapidly becoming firm and erect.

"I would suck on your tits and cup your breasts gently, and look into your eyes until you cry my name," said Laura.

Shelly started to pant. "I'm not a fucking lesbian!"

"Oh, but you would be. When I was done with you, you would be." She licked her thick, red lips. "I would squeeze your ass cheeks hard, and shove my tongue in your mouth to keep you from screaming."

"Oh!" Shelly gasped. She looked at Laura's heavy breasts. Laura's areolas were bright and red, her erect nipples pointed straight at her. Laura's brown pubic triangle and glistening pussy lips were so raw, so wet, so sensual! As she rubbed between them the wetness glistened off her fingertips.

"I can't wait to rub your clit," Laura whispered, licking her lips again, but slower this time, showing her broad, pink fleshy tongue. "I can't wait to rub your clit and make you mine."

"Oooh!" Shelly repeated. She started panting rapidly now.

"Fucking you! Taking you! Needing you!" Laura's voice grew louder and firmer. She started to cry out, joined by Shelly. "OH!"

"Oh!" said Shelly.

"OHHHH!" said Laura, her body gyrating.

"Oh!" Shelly cried, her face and chest turning bright red.


"Ah, ah, ah ah,!"


Laura's body shook and shuddered, the vibrations especially rippling in her ass cheeks and breasts. Her whole body trembled, her eyes went wide, and then she collapsed, falling to her knees.

Shelly, panting rapidly, suddenly went abruptly silent, making one last, enormous, silent gasp.

And then Craig, who everyone had totally forgotten about, climaxed, spraying Laura's breasts with ropes of sperm. Craig, in mid ejaculation, swiveled his penis and caught Shelly on the face and neck.

"Oh!" She cried, her face full of revulsion.

Craig panted and came down from his high, still coaxing the last drops from his shaft. He sighed contently as his breathing returned to normal. "Very good, girls! An excellent performance!"

"You can go home now, dear. You're no longer needed," said Laura confidently to Shelly.

"Not so fast," said Craig. "I haven't announced the winner yet."

"Isn't it obvious? It's me!" Laura touched her heavy breasts.

"Actually, I'm choosing Shelly."

"You are?" said Shelly, astounded as she wiped sperm off her face.

"No!" said Laura. "My orgasm was ten times more expressive than hers!"

"I know," said Craig. "But Shelly was much more reluctant. Much more resistant." His penis stiffened again even as he spoke. He pulled the dazed woman by the hand. "Let's do it."

"You're really choosing me?" she asked.

"Um hm," said Craig. "There's nothing sexier than a reluctant lesbian seduction." He kissed her. She responded. He pulled her to the bed. Even after climaxing just seconds ago he was still hard.

"That's it?" said Laura. "You're just going to have sex, right in front of me?"

"Why not? You just did it for me."

Shelly laughed for the first time since she came into Craig's quarters. But then she gasped as he inserted himself into her and started thrusting. She cast a glance at Laura, but instead of getting dressed and leaving, Laura moved to the head of the bed, spreading her legs between Shelly's head, so her vaginal lips were mere inches from Shelly's face.

"What are you doing?" Shelly asked.

"Watching," Laura explained.

And then, as Craig's long, hard penis penetrated her again and again, Laura fondled her cunt lips mere inches from Laura's mouth, rocking her body and clenching her buttocks, staring intently at Laura and smiling broadly as she panted again and again.

Craig and Shelly's combined score was 560... much as Craig expected. His 700 score had been a statistical fluke. Suddenly women were no longer eager to please him.

"Poor Craig," said Ardis. "The ultimate ladies' man has to become a monk again."

"Not necessarily," said Craig, seeing the Weeping Woman walking by, sobbing quietly. "Where there's a vagina, there's a way."

A story about Assada Najibullah

When Assada first arrived on the Space Station she was in hysterics. She thought she had died and gone to the afterlife. Admittedly the Great Book of Blood was a bit vague on the fate of female devout followers in the afterlife. Laquinta promised men 69 virgin girls who would be virginal forever, even after being used, presumably with regenerative hymen. But women followers were not offered any specific reward in the afterlife. Still, Assada thought it would be awesome to be at Laquinta's side... in some capacity.

Therefore she was more than a little disappointed to learn that the afterlife was a cold, sterile white space station. She wasn't entirely convinced when they told her that this wasn't the afterlife but the chance at a new one for the human race.

And then of all the men she could possibly meet first on the Space Station, Assada had the very bad luck to meet Craig Cobin.

Hot Dog and Hamburger had been giving her the grand tour. Assada was more than a little convinced that these were avatars of the Evil One and was just barely restraining herself from ripping their black matchstick arms off their food filled bodies.

"You're really going to love it here," said Hot Dog, as they walked among the leafy palm trees of Bermuda. "Everyone has so much fun. Don't they, Hamburger?"

"A greater truth has never been spoken, Hot Dog," said Hamburger.

The elderly Mrs. Adele Johnson walked by. "Oh, hello! You must be new here! I've never see a little brown girl before. Are you that new masseuse they hired?"

"Assada is a guest here just like you, Mrs. Johnson," said Hamburger.

"Oh, how wonderful! Nice to have a little color on the hotel roster!" said Adele. "Not that there's anything wrong with white people like me. But too much of a good thing, know what I mean? Just arrived, dear?"

Assada nodded.

"You're going to simply love it here," said Adele, making a horizontal gesture with her right hand. "They have everything. Daily activities, workshops, vagina yoga, a nine hole atomic golf course, singalongs, everything you could possibly want in a ten star hotel."

"Uh huh," said Assada.

"Meals are buffet style so you get to serve yourself. And my room has a view of the beach and the ocean! Do you face the ocean, dear?"

"We haven't shown Assada her room yet, Mrs. Johnson."

"Oh, get her a room facing the ocean, she'll simply love it!" And then she actually reached out and pinched Assada's cheek. "I'm late for interstellar croquet! Nice meeting you, dear!"

As she walked away Assada said, "This is a dream. It must be."

"No, it's real!" said Hot Dog.

"Quite real!" Hamburger added.

And then Craig Cobin walked by. "Hello hello! What do we have here?"

"Craig, this is Assada. Assada just recently arrived," said Hot Dog.

"Ooooh! Fresh pussy!" Craig announced.

"What?" said Assada, as if she had been slapped.

"Your vagina," Craig explained. "I've never banged a dark skinned girl before. Your tits looks small but they should be all right if they're firm. Are they?"

"Are they WHAT?"

"Firm," said Craig. "Never mind. Say, I heard that dark skinned girls have brown labias. Is that true?"

"What are you saying?" Assada cried.

"Calm down, Assada," said Hot Dog.

"Please remain calm," said Hamburger.

"White girls have red pussy lips, which is a turn on, but it's nice to have a change every once in a while, a palette cleanser for the penis, so to speak. So, are you ready?"

"Ready for what?" said Assada.

"For sex," Craig explained. "I want to put my big, hairy rod in your brown less-developed-world cunt. I want to pound your impoverished pussy really hard. I want to make you scream in my arms as I fill you with my seed. I want to fantasize about putting a baby in you who looks white but can be called brown."

Assada puffed up her chest. "I am a follower of the Great God of Laquinta! You cannot talk to me like I am some common whore!"

"I don't discriminate," Craig assured her. "In fact, religious fanatics are often the best screamers in bed. Come, let's talk over a drink-"

When he reached for her arm Assada exploded. "I WILL KILL YOU, INFIDEL!" she cried as she lunged for Craig's throat. It took all the power of Hot Dog and Hamburger to pull her away. She was still screaming as they dragged her out of Bermuda. "DEATH TO THE INFIDELS! DEATH TO ALL UNBELIEVERS!"

Assada was left confined and sedated for three days. She was strapped down to her bed, screaming and crying out, until one day she managed to cut through her bonds with her teeth. She immediately fled her quarters, completely naked, and ran and ran. Somehow she found herself in the reactor room, where the fiery yellow energy stream flooded twenty stories down from the ceiling to the floor of the giant spherical shaped room.

Assada stood on the catwalk, transfixed by the glowing yellow energy beam. It seemed to call out to her. She tensed her brown naked body, preparing to leap into it. Laquinta, I am on my way to you-

And then she suddenly jerked back as she heard a voice in her head.


Assada looked around abruptly. She was still all alone in the giant chamber. "Who is that? Who said that?"

It is I, Laquinta, your Great God of Blood!

"Laquinta!" Assada stiffened against the railing as tears instantly streamed down her cheeks. "For so long have I waited for your word! Free me, my Lord, so I may slay these infidels in your name! I will make a river of blood from their bodies, and a mountain of bones in your honor!"

No, Assada. These others also serve my special holy purpose. Here they know me as Ajuba, and they serve me to repopulate the Earth, the New Earth, with a new human race who will worship me devoutly. We will create a new world, one without a single unbeliever in it.

"Yes, yes!" Assada cried. "What must I do to make this happen, Lord?"

You must honor my word and my deeds. You must reach out and encourage all others to do the same. You must be fruitful and multiply. That is the word of Ajuba. That is the word of Laquinta.

"Laquinta!" She cried. "Ajuba be praised!"

And so everyone was a little surprised, perhaps more than a little surprised, when Assada showed up in Oregon the following morning acting very calm and subdued. She was escorted by Hot Dog and Hamburger, but everyone was prepared for an explosion.

But none came. They all watched as if waiting for a bomb to go off as Assada calmly went to the buffet and spooned some rice pilaf on her plate. Then she sat down at the girl's tables without apparently noticing the wide-eyed looks. Hot Dog and Hamburger lingered in the background, hopping from one foot to another wearing their oversized white running shoes.

Assada sat down between Susan Shinn and Marla Rutlidge.

"Ah, hello," said Susan, giving a nervous smile.

"Hello," said Assada. She looked up in the air and her mouth moved rapidly as if in silent prayer. Then she cried, "Ajuba be praised!" and started eating.

"Are you... feeling better now, Assada?" said Shelly Rendler, giving a plastic smile.

"Much!" Assada nodded, through a mouthful of pilaf. "Laquinta, the great God of Blood, as spoken to me through his servant Ajuba."

"That sounds special," said Shelly. "What did he say? Nothing about hurting any of us, I hope...."

"No!" said Assada. "Not at all! He wants us all to be fruitful and multiply." She grabbed Shelly's hand. "We must all take mates and participate in the Grand Experiment! We must create a new human race, one which worships Ajuba and Laquinta without question!"

"Well, that's what we're all here for, aren't we?" said Laura Giancomo, to nervous smiles. Everyone calmed down when it became clear that Assada wasn't going to hurt anyone. Frog came to their table.

"I see you're finally settling in," she said, her voice crystal lighting up with every word.

"Yes," said Assada, eating the last bite off her plate. "I have now enriched myself, and am ready for reproduction! Praise Ajuba!"

"Praise Ajuba," Frog agreed. "There are a number of compatible men I can introduce you to, if it will be helpful-"

"There is no need," said Assada, getting up abruptly. All eyes were on her.

She went over to the men's table, where all talking immediately stopped.

"Hey good looking, what's cookin'?" said Craig Cobin.

"I want to apologize for trying to mur*er you the other day," said Assada.

"There's no harm done," said Craig, in an easy going way. "So, babe, are you ready to fuck?"

"Yes, I am," said Assada. "But not with you." She stared at the men before her. She saw Ardis's cautious stare, Michael Taylor's expectant look, Abner Dune's evasive eyes, Haggis O'Leary's hard glare, and-"I have selected you!" she said, pointing at Dickie Weymouth.

"Me?" said Dickie. "Why me?"

"The Lord of Blood works in mysterious ways," said Assada.

"Well, that explains things," said Haggis.

"Go, on, Dickie, do it!" Craig urged. "There's nothing sexier than slave pussy."

"Watch your mouth!" said Assada. She turned to Dickie. "What is your name?"

"Dick... Dickie. Dickie Weymouth."

"How appropriate," said Assada. "I wish to mate with you, Dickie. I am told that first we must have sex, and then we will partner together. Under Laquintan law we must first be married, unless I am a whore or prostitute or infidel, but Ajuba had afforded me some... flexibility... in this situation."

"She's flexible, hear that?" Craig said. "I'd love to see her in a 69."

"What is your answer, Dickie Weymouth?"

Dickie stared at her, considering his options. Mating with a brown skinned religious fanatic was not exactly high on his list of choices. But his partnerships to date had yielded disappointing results, to say the least, and he knew that the Federationistas didn't keep people around who didn't show promise.

"All right, I'll do it," said Dickie.

"Lalalalalalalala!" Craig yelled.

Frog, watching the entire exchanged, cocked her head slightly but said nothing.​
Next page: Chapter 11.2
Previous page: Chapter 10.2