Chapter 12.1
The story of Vardan Arcanian
The man with the highest score for partnering was also, by sheer coincidence, the most long lived of any of the Test Subjects on the Space Station.
Vardan Arcanian had scored a 770! A 770! That was the highest score which had ever been achieved since the Experiment had begun. Frog had told him that another test subject had scored 750 two years earlier, but it had been a statistical anomaly.
Naturally everyone was very excited as a passing grade was 800. All Vardan had to do was replicate the Experiment again, do just a bit better, and the Experiment would be over! An entire race of human beings would be based off his genes!
Only it didn't work out that way. They reran the experiment an unprecedented five times. He and Donna Sommers generated scores of 760, 750, 760, 740, and 720. They were close, but not close enough! Each time Vardan tried suppressing or amplifying different genotype traits in from his DNA or Donna's. Sometimes he suppressed his creativity to increase Community but that resulted in lower Technology and Art scores. When he tried increasing his creativity the reverse happened. Then he tried increasing his creativity while also increasing Donna's genes associated with humility. That got Art, Technology, and Community increased but Emotionality and Self Awareness plunged. He tried all the different combinations and permutations he could think of until finally after the sixth attempt Graylor told him no more.
"You are an amazing performer, Vardan," he said. By then they knew it was all him, as Donna's scores with other partners had been only middling. Graylor looked at him with solemn reptile eyes. "But we feel you need to try different partners."
Vardan nodded. He hugged Donna and said, "I'm sorry."
She nodded and said, "I understand."
And so Vardan embarked on his own Experiment within the Experiment to generate a passing score.
Vardan had been a senior analyst with the World Government Division of Countercultural Norms. For him isolating one psychometric variable to see the effect it was having on the sociological norms of the world was a routine kind of analysis to do. His experience was almost tailor made to help him understand what combination of gene-traits were necessary to get a passing grade.
So he thought.
Donna Sommers, he realized, was primarily characterized by three traits. The first was lust. When they partnered they had sex first, which was normal, but after dutifully giving Donna an orgasm off his pistoning cock she demanded another. And then a third, where she cried out as she came. Donna, it was obvious, had quite a strong sex drive.
The second attribute which characterized Donna Sommers was shyness. Although Donna had a strong sex drive, she could barely look a man in the eye and mumbled when she talked. She wanted male companionship but she was afraid to seek it out. When they first made love Donna made sure to turn off all the lights because she was hesitant for him to see her naked.
The third attribute which defined Donna Sommers was selfishness. There was no money to hoard on the Space Station and there was no need to grab other people's food. No, Donna was selfish in the sense that she only cared about herself. When Vardan talked to her she inevitably steered the conversation to her own interests and concerns, spending a lot of time talking and seeming to lose awareness that Vardan was even a participant in the conversation. And when they had sex, while she demanded three orgasms she never seemed concerned about whether and how many Vardan actually had. In other words, she was inner-directed.
Lust was good for Population Growth but bad for Community. Shyness was good for Community but bad for Standard of Living. Selfishness was good for Standard of Living but bad for Emotionality and Self Awareness, not to mention Community.
And from these traits Vardan had to find another woman who had a slightly different set of traits and hope tweaking them slightly would push him over the 800 scoring finish line.
He started with Lust. After his success with Donna he had no shortage of women who wanted to partner with him. But Vardan was in no hurry, spending a week interviewing candidates. He wanted to see who was best at flirting with him, who seemed to have the strongest sex drive, as well as the other characteristics he sought. He first partnered with Kristi Yamaguchi, who had Donna's lust but less shyness and more selfishness. He got a score of 680 with her. He then partnered with Nancy Kerrigan, who had lust, shyness, and selfishness but also an artistic streak. He got a 690 with her. Then he selected Michelle Kwan, who seemed most similar to Donna in the key traits, which he realized was perhaps was too perfect of a match when he only got a 720 with her, one of his higher scores but, he was convinced, as much a dead end as Donna was.
He tried a succession of other women including Peggy Flemming, Tara Lipinski, Katerina Witt, and Jessica From, each time trying to choose women who were only slightly different from each other in their gene-traits. The scores he obtained, from the mid 600's to the low 700's, made all the girls ecstatic but made Vardan feel depressed.
Where had he gone wrong? Vardan consulted his holographic chart which showed a collection of traits with interconnecting lines labeled with scores. There were just so many variables that it was impossible to be sure what was needed to be done. Finally, his head pounding, he went out to Algeria for some Space Coffee.
He was just sitting down at a table under a redwood tree when Lauren Giancomo and Shelly Rendler double ganged him.
"Hi Vardan," they said.
"Hey," said Vardan.
"How's the work going?"
Vardan had made no secret of his analysis. In fact he often talked about it with others, in the hopes they could spur him into seeing the secret of the winning equation with a new, fresh perspective.
"Slow," said Vardan.
"I know," said Laura. "You've been fucking every girl in every direction of your space compass."
"Laura, that's cruel," said Shelly.
"Yeah, it is," said Laura. "But that's what Vardan needs."
"What? Someone to be cruel to me?" said Vardan.
"Yeah," said Laura, with a smile.
"What she means is, you need to try something different," said Shelly. "What do all these women have in common? You've been trying to get someone almost like Donna but not quite. Why not go for someone really different?"
"I...." Vardan felt so tired that clear thinking was an effort. "If I go too far from the Donna mold, I also stray from the formula for success."
"Except you never quite succeeded with that formula, did you?" said Laura. "Maybe you need to try something different. Very different."
"The two of you."
"Only one of us. Me," said Shelly.
"Actually, I mean me," said Laura. "I'm a much better fuck." She leaned forward to emphasize her ripe melons, as if Vardan needed help in seeing that her breasts were much larger than Shelly's.
"I'm not interested in a fuck," said Vardan, wiping a hand over his face.
"What kind of man are you?"
"He's dedicated," said Shelly. "He's a scientist. He wants to unlock the winning equation. He has his eye on the prize." She smiled at him.
Vardan paused. "You know, maybe you're right."
"Of course I am!" said Shelly.
"He's referring to me," said Laura.
"You two are substantially different from Donna," said Vardan. "Donna was selfish, but you two are really selfish, real egotists."
"I could resent that!" said Laura hotly.
"But maybe that's the new approach I need," said Vardan. "Supreme selfishness could solve the Standard of Living problem I've been having with my descendants. Of course, to prevent it from affecting Community, I'd have to overemphasis some of my own traits, like obedience to authority. It just... might... work...."
"Great! When do we start?" said Laura.
"She means, when do we start?" said Shelly.
"Well, ladies... you're both so similar. I really only need one of you."
"Me," said Laura promptly. "If we're both the same, why not do it with the girl whose body excites you the most?" She thrust her chest forward again.
"She's a lesbian," said Shelly, making a face. "When you kiss her, you're kissing another woman's vagina. Is that what you really want?"
"I'm not a lesbian," said Laura.
"Angelika would be surprised to hear that."
"We're just friends."
"The kinds of friends who mow each others' lawns," said Shelly.
"You're just trying to compensate because you have no breasts."
"I have breasts but you're confused because I've never let you see them."
"Liar! That time we got hot and heavy with Craig-"
"Ladies!" said Vardan. "There is another way to solve this."
"Really? And what is that?"
Vardan took a deep breath. "I'm thinking of a number between one and ten...."
Vardan and Shelly scored a 680, Shelly's highest score ever but a score which only made Vardan sigh and shake his head. It was plain as day that he could elevate the scores of any woman he paired with but couldn't find a woman who could push him over the top.
And then Vardan became aware of the passage of time. He found that he had been on the Station for nearly 11 months.
11 months!
No one lasted for 11 months. The median time before sudden cellular degradation occurred was between 3 and 6 months for 90% of all Test Subjects. Some Test Subjects powderized in just a few weeks. Some few lasted eight or nine months
But Vardan was the only one who had lasted nearly 11 full months.
The reason why was glaringly obvious. By now few except the most devoted followers of Ajuba believed that Sudden Cellular Degradation occurred at random times. Most believed that the Federationistas only kept those around who were useful to them. That was why they had kept Vardan around for so long.
But now it seemed that Vardan was no longer so useful.
"We should terminate this test subject. He has been given more than enough time and test subjects to prove his worthiness," said X.
"He's the best test subject we have ever had. Can we afford to discard him so easily?" said F. "What is the hurry?"
"The hurry is that he is taking up space which could be used by another Test Subject," said M.
"He has had multiple partners with the current Test Subjects and produced noticeable results but has not been able to improve his score," said C.
"Well, then maybe that means he just needs some new subjects to interact with," said F.
"What do you propose?"
"Let me go over the manifest of the Test Subjects we already have in cryogenic suspension here on the Station. Let me unfreeze three of the most promising women and permit him to partner with them."
C gave the electronic equivalent of a sigh. "If we agree to this, then will you terminate him if he fails."
Their names were Patty McGregor, Sandra Gaines, and Megyn Reilly, a redhead, blonde, and brunette, all sexy beauties, all in their early 30's.
Their awakening and orientation was a little unusual, a little different from the standard script. Frog and Vardan were there to greet and orient them when they were awakened. They listened with various degrees of stunned expressions as Frog explained the situation to them.
"Let me see if I understand this," said Megyn. "You have kidnapped us from Earth-"
"Rescued you, actually."
"Sorry, rescued us," said Megyn. "You have rescued us, frozen us for what you say is 500 years, and brought us here, all three of us, to have sex... with this man?"
"Sex isn't the primary part of it," said Vardan.
"The men always say that," said Sandra. Patty laughed.
"The partnering is," said Frog. "You must partner with Vardan to save the human race."
"Must? You're telling us what we must do?" said Megyn.
"A poor choice of words," said Frog. "You were each selected for special reasons. You, Patty McGregor, were an up and rising diplomat at the Department of Interstellar Affairs. You were selected for your intelligence and empathy, skills which would serve future generations well. You, Sandra Gaines, are a long distance runner athlete. You have endurance and determination very strongly encoded in your DNA. And you, Megyn Reilly, are an electrical engineer on the FORMOS program. You are brilliant, with a near genius IQ, a trait which would be wonderful to pass down to future generations."
"I'm flattered," said Megyn dryly.
"You should be," said Frog. "Of all the women we have in cryogenic suspension, we chose the three of you as the best examples of humanity to mate... to partner with Vardan."
"Count me out," said Megyn immediately. "I'll have no part of your flying stud farm in space."
"You brought me to another galaxy just to breed me like a cow?" Sandra made a face.
"I'll do it," said Patty suddenly.
"You will?" said Megyn. "Why?"
"If they're telling the truth, if we are the last survivors of humanity, it's our duty to see the human race continues," said Patty.
"If, if if," said Megyn.
"I'll do it," she repeated, looking Vardan in the eye.
Vardan and Patty stood near his bed in his quarters.
"I'm sorry about this," said Vardan. A bad way to start, by apologizing. He had offered Patty a few days to "get to know each other" before they started, but Patty said she just wanted to "get it over with". So there they stood, near complete strangers, by his bed.
"Don't be. It's not your fault," said the redhead. She really was very pretty.
Vardan experimentally ran a hand over her arm. She watched him do it without resisting. Then he rubbed her other arm.
"I have other parts besides arms," she said.
Suddenly Vardan felt shy. He had partnered with innumerable women before, but they had all been women on the Station, women who knew the score and knew exactly what they were doing with him and why. Patty was new, and felt like a stranger.
He reached out and gave her a kiss.
"Not bad," she said afterwards. She gave him a sly smile. "I'll bet you could do it again."
Vardan smiled back. "I'll bet I could." He wrapped his arms around her, and let nature take its course.
Vardan's pairing with Patty McGregor generated a score of 720. A respectable score, but despite her superior DNA, he did no better with her than any of the other girls on the Station.
Frog and Graylor exchanged knowing looks.
"That's it? We're done?" said Patty, looking around.
"You may not be the best match for Vardan," said Frog. "But we have a whole Space Station full of men who would be eager to partner with you."
Patty snorted, waved her hand dismissively, and walked out.
Vardan looked from Graylor to Bessie to Frog. "So what now?"
"Try the next one."
After spending two days on the station, Sandra Gaines had become sort of convinced that it was all for real, that humanity had been wiped out and they were the last survivors and that they needed to restart the human race again.
But still she was repelled by the crassness of it.
"You want me to breed with you, like a cow," she asked, between kisses with Vardan. She had agreed to partner with him, sort of, but still wasn't sure she wanted to go all the way.
"We aren't actually breeding, at least not in the traditional way it's done through sex."
She put a hand out to push him back. He stopped kissing her.
"So... why are we having sex at all?" she asked.
Vardan bite his lip. This was not the way he wanted it. Sandra was clearly reluctant. That turned some guys on, but not him. "It is said that the Federationistas like to see pairings which are not only genetically compatible but emotionally compatible as well. It is said that if they see partners pairing... in this way.... they are more likely to approve our application to partner."
Sandra's eyes went wide. "Wait a minute, they're watching us? They're going to watch us have sex?"
"No one really knows for sure," said Vardan, shifting uncomfortably from one foot to another. This was not the conversation he wanted to have right now.
"Wait a minute," she said again. "You prefaced this by saying 'It is said'. Does anyone actually know for sure that these... Federationistas require us to have sex before partnering?"
Vardan thought a moment. It just seemed to be common knowledge. But he tried to remember Frog or Graylor actually saying it. He couldn't. "No. But it seems that pairings which aren't preceded by sex are more likely not to be approved."
Sandra sighed, causing her breasts to heave. "We're being controlled and manipulated by aliens, you know that, don't you?"
"They're trying to save the human race," said Vardan.
"So they say," said Sandra, biting her lip. She paused, making a decision. Then she gave Vardan a long kiss, rubbing her hands up and down his back.
When she pulled away, he said, "What was that for?"
"If we're going to put on a show, we might as well put on a good one." She gave the smallest of smiles, and pulled him to her.
Together they scored a 730.
"Not good?" said Sandra anxiously.
"Not good enough,"said Vardan, rubbing a hand over his head.
"But... you said a passing score is 800. We were so close!"
"Vardan has gotten his score before with a number of other women," said Graylor. "It would seem that a score in the low 700's is his ceiling, regardless of who he pairs with." He glanced at Frog, who lowered her head.
"Please, give him a try," said Frog.
"I said no," said Megyn Reilly.
"You're his last chance," Frog pleaded.
"His last chance... or yours?" said Megyn. "I'm not fully convinced that this is really 500 years in the future and that the Earth is gone. But even if it were, I wouldn't let aliens use me like a breeding cow. I'd choose my own partner."
"But... Vardan needs your help!"
"From what I've seen this Station is full of women with attractive smiles and wiggling hips who would love to help him. Ask one of them."
Vardan Arcanian's dessicated body was carried through Algeria the following morning on a motorized stretcher.
Abner Dune started at the dry, white powdery body in horror. "Why do they show it off like that? Every morning they parade the dead through Oregon, Algeria, and Bermuda. Why must it be seen by everyone?"
"It's a sign of respect for the dead," said Captain Taylor.
"No, it's a warning," said Haggis O'Leary.
"What kind of warning?" Abner asked.
'That if you're no longer useful to them, you're gone," said Haggis. "I'm told he was the most promising of all of us, kept alive the longest. But once they decided he was of no further use-"
"Make way, make way please!" said Hot Dog, pulling on the stretcher from the front as Hamburger brought up the rear.
Michelle Delving's children Damen and Eva ran around the stretcher, laughing and giggling and pointing at the body. They all watched in stunned silence as the children seemed to relish the sight of Vardan's powderized form. Vardan's face was frozen in horror.
"Evil kids, I told you," said Craig Cobin. "Not kids. Something else."
The Story of Jill Penny
The Story of Jill Penny
Jill Penny was a resistor. She refused to participate in the Experiment. She believed it when she was told the Earth was destroyed by Intergalactic Temperature Change, but to hear that only meant that humans were not worthy to settle on another planet and do it all over again. Humans had destroyed the Earth with their evil obsession with technology and having a consumer based economy and a high standard of living Jill wanted no part in recreating it. So she sat alone at her small table in Bermuda quickly eating her meals before returning to her quarters for a life of solitude.
"They're pissing me off," Craig announced.
No one paid attention to him.
"They're really pissing me off," Craig repeated.
"They aren't even looking at you," said Roland Miller.
"Yes they are. Look!"
They looked across the room and saw Michelle Delving having breakfast with her two children Damon and Eva. Both of them seemed to be staring their way.
"Demon and Evil are giving me the evil eye," said Craig.
"There's no such thing," said Ardis McDuff.
"You saw how they were with Vardan's body," he said. "That's what they want for all of us. They'd like nothing better than to see all our bodies turn to powder. Then they'd throw a wild party."
Ardis looked doubtfully at the two children. There did seem to be something odd about them. They always did seem to be reserved and quiet and staring, except when a dead body was being paraded before them. "Just ignore them," he said.
Frog came to their table. "Good morning, gentlemen," she said.
"How are you doing, Frog?" Captain Taylor asked.
"Fine, thank you for asking," said Frog.
"What have you got for us today?"
Frog paused. It wasn't hard to guess why she was there. "Jill Penny."
"Another nutjob," said Dickie Weymouth.
"A resistor," said Gavin Ansom. "Why do you always come to us with the hardest cases?"
"Because she's never partnered with anyone."
"She would probably have the same results as everyone else," said Taylor.
"You don't know that," said Frog. "I'm convinced the solution to winning the Experiment is numbers. We have only had several hundred Test Subjects. That's an incredibly small sample of your genetic pool. The more Test Subjects we have participating, the higher the odds we have of success."
The men exchanged glances.
"You may have a point," said Ardis. "All right, I'll give it a try. For humanity's sake."
"You're such a humanitarian," said Craig. "When your cock is buried in her hairy cunt and she's screaming your name, remember, you're doing it for the children."
Ardis visited Jill in her quarters. Her quarters were an art gallery of death and destruction. Three dimensional paintings were everywhere. There was one of forest on fire. There was another of a megabuilding exploding into a thousand pieces. There was a painting of a spaceship exploding as it landed. There were pictures of faces yelling, and screaming in pain.
Jill was working on a painting of a ship sinking into the sea and people drowning when he entered.
"Yes?" She barely gave him a second glance.
Ardis looked at all the scenes of death and destruction, and immediately realized how hopeless it was. He turned and left without saying a word.
Craig Cobin was the next to give it a try.
"Hey there, sexy sexy," he said, entering her quarters.
"I'm busy," say Jill, who was painting the scene of people drowning underwater.
"I can see that," said Craig. "But what about sex?"
"What about it?" said Jill."
"You're a sexy woman," said Craig. "You have long, straight auburn hair, a slender face, nice BJ lips, small breasts but a slender figure. I'll bet your cunt is sexy too."
"Thank you," she said dryly.
"Don't you want to use it? Don't you want to fuck?"
"I don't get pleasure from sex."
"You mean, you don't any more since you came here-"
"No. I never did," said Jill. She turned and looked at Craig for the first time. "It's not something I enjoy." She turned back to her painting.
"Oh. I see," said Craig. He paused, considering. "No wonder you make all these paintings about death. That's exactly what I would do if I couldn't jack off inside a sexy thing like you."
"You think I'm sexy?"
"Uh huh." Craig went behind her, and gently put his hands on her shoulders as she painted. He whispered in her ear. "Imagine feeling a man inside your body with a stiff, hard penis, a penis you know became hard because you're such a sexy bitch. Imagine a man kissing you all over, telling you how hot you are and how you excite him. Imagine feeling a man's penis vibrate inside of you as he fills you with his life giving sperm, gasping and calling your name as he uses your sexy body to climax. Surely there must be some part of you that's excited by this."
"Of course there is," said Jill. "I'm a woman, after all. But I don't want to recreate the human race simply to destroy another planet."
"All right," said Craig. "Then how about sex?"
"Just sex," said Craig. "We won't make any babies. I promised."
Jill laughed! "Craig, you're irrepressible!"
"Is that a yes?"
"Get out of here," she said.
She pointed to the door with her electrobrush. "Now."
"Not interested," said Jill. She was eating breakfast in Bermuda when Haggis approached her table.
"Not interested in what?" said Haggis.
"Whatever you're offering," said Jill. "I won't have sex with you, and I won't partner with you. Does that end our conversation?"
"I suppose so," said Haggis, walking away.
As he walked through the lounge he felt someone following him. He turned and saw Marla.
"Good morning, Haggis."
"What are you up to?" she asked.
"Just talking a walk," said Haggis.
"I saw you talking to Jill."
"It's that time of the month, isn't it?"
Haggis turned around to face her. "What time of the month?"
"Every month you select one woman to partner with. You do it like clockwork every 30 days. Today is day 29 since you last partnered with anyone. You're so regular that I call it your Womenstrual cycle."
"Cute. You have a way with words, maybe you should be a writer," said Haggis. He started walking again, even as she followed.
"Why her?" Marla asked.
"Why not?"
"Will you really not partner with me because you fear our score will be too high?"
"It's possible," said Haggis.
"Is that the real reason?" she asked.
"Maybe I respect you too much to use you like that."
"Have you ever thought that maybe I'd like you to use me like that?"
He turned and faced her again. "Marla, you're a pretty, attractive girl. I like you."
"I like you too!"
"Which is precisely why I can't have sex with you. Because I don't want to form emotional attachments in this place."
"How flattering. You like me too much to have sex with me," she said.
"Something like that."
"You're planning escape, aren't you?" she asked
"Where would I escape to? The Earth has been destroyed," said Haggis.
When Jill returned to her quarters, she found someone already there. Haggis.
And he was painting.
It was a painting of people being crushed under a giant's foot. The expressions of pain on their faces were vivid and strong.
"Do you like it?" Haggis asked.
"Yes," said Jill, in a warm voice. "I didn't know you could paint."
"My memory is coming back. I think I was a master painter in my Earth days," said Haggis. "Let me show you some of my other works. Ship!"
Holopaintings appeared all around them. Scenes of mountains exploding, of oceans consuming cities, of typhoons wrecking waterfront towns.
"Wow. You really have an artistic flare!"
"Thank you," said Haggis. "It's just a hobby."
She stared at him appreciatively. "What do you want?"
"The same thing you want."
"I don't want anything."
"Not even to escape?"
"Escape to where?"
"Earth, for one thing."
"The Earth was destroyed and is 500 years in that direction," she pointed randomly.
"So they say. I don't believe what they say. Are you surprised?" Haggis asked.
She stepped towards him. "You think the Earth is still habitable?"
"My first week here I tried to escape on one of their probe ships. Before my orders were remotely countermanded and the ship turned around, the ship's computer told me that Earth was only 18 days away.
"18 days?"
"18 days," said Haggis.
"So... if the Earth is not 500 years away... then it's all lies."
"We... we have to escape!"
"I've been working on that," said Haggis. "But in order to escape, we have to be alive. They kill people who aren't useful to them."
"So I've heard."
"If you want to stay in the game, you have to partner with someone at least once a month."
"How do you know that?"
"A little voice told me."
"Someone on their side?"
"So I assume." He paused. "You've been here six weeks and haven't partnered with anyone. We can expect to see your powdered body wheeled through Bermuda any day now, unless you play their game, at least a little bit."
"What... what if we're too successful?"
Haggis smiled. "We won't be."
"Are you sure?"
"Pretty sure."
She paused, considering. "All right. I'll partner with you."