Chapter 13.2

Sansa listened attentively to all he said, smiling politely. But then she started asking questions. Where did he fund the creation of the first African Starship? Ardis told her Nigeria.

"Near the capital, Nairobi?"

"Yes," said Ardis. "The spirit of entrepreneurship is alive, was alive in Nairobi. All those African entrepreneurs needed was someone who believed in them."

"I see. You mentioned that you funded businesses run by women with large clitorises. How many Banana Girls did you help?"

Ardis blinked. "Hundreds. Thousands even."

"I see," said Sansa. "You also told me that you funded the creation of icebergs near the South Pole to fight Temperature Change."

"Yes. Temperature Change was the scourge of our time. I only wish I had been able to do more."

"So do we all. But these icebergs you created, how did you do it?"

"We... we built huge refrigeration machines near the South Pole."

"Closer to Svalbard, or Greenland?"

"Greenland. We found Greenland to have more of the necessary resources and infrastructure we needed."

"I see." She got up and headed to the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Out," said Sansa.


She turned to face him. "Because Greenland is near the North Pole, not the South Pole, and Nairobi is the capital of Kenya, not Nigeria, and Women with Large Clitorises definitely do not like to be called Banana Girls. It's a terrible slur. The correct term, which you should have known, was "Chicks with Dicks." See you around, liar."

And so Sansa Slark became a Resistor. She realized that all the men were fakers or con-artists in some way, shape or form, and none were worthy of sharing her genetic code. The only one she thought might be a prospect was Survey Service Captain Michael Taylor (if, indeed, he really was a Survey Service Captain), but he of all men gave her the cold shoulder.

And so in a high security section of the station the Federationistas pondered her fate.

"She's obviously not going to cooperate," said C. "She should be terminated and replaced with a more malleable test subject."

"What if-" F began.

"What if? What if? How come you always plead their cases?" X demanded. "I think your host has affected you more than you know."

"I'm speaking from rational logic."

"Speak then, from rational logic," X said.

"Our supply of Test Subjects is not inexhaustible. In fact, it is declining. It is getting harder and harder to obtain Test Subjects due to the diligence of their Survey Service. We should not discard Test Subjects without being reasonably sure they are not viable."

"How are we to know that this Test Subject is viable if she will not participate in the Experiment?"

"Leave that to me."

A small ball of light entered Sansa's head as she lay in bed. She immediately opened her eyes and sat up.

She found herself getting up and putting her white jumpsuit on.

"What's happening?"

You're going to breakfast.

"Who said that?"

You did.

"No I didn't."

Sansa found herself walking to Algeria. Her body was under someone else's control.

"What's happening to me?"

You're about to find love.

As she entered she passed by Susan Shinn. "Hi Susan," she said.

Susan's jaw dropped open and her eyes widened. "Hi... Sansa."

As she went to the buffet she said, "Why did you make me say hello to that witch?"

It's the new you. You're going to be nice to everyone now.

"I hate it."

She went to the buffet and got some eggs and waffles. "I hate waffles."

Today you will love them.

Sansa sat down and started eating.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this to me?"

I'm a friend.

"A friend who takes control of my body?"

I'm a helpful friend.

Sansa ate her food slowly and methodically. Thankfully the voice let her eat on her own when it saw she was complying. She looked around. Maybe Frog could help her. Frog was always here at breakfast. But not today.

"Where's Frog?"

Sleeping late today.

After breakfast Sansa got up and made her way to the Men's Table.

"Oh no. Nononono," she said.

The men reacted with surprise when they saw her.

"Hi Sansa," said Gavin.

"Hey there," said Ardis.

"Hey good looking," said Craig Cobin.

Haggis just gave her a silent stare.

"Hello, gentlemen. How are you all doing today?" Sansa asked.

The men exchanged confused looks.

"We're fine, Sansa," said Gavin. "How are you?"

"I'm doing beautifully," Sansa smiled.

No I'm not! You're making me say that! Sansa tried to speak but couldn't.

"You seem... different today, Sansa," said Haggis.

"Do I?" Sansa stroked her hair. "I've come to realize that my body was made for reproduction."

"What an epiphany!" said Gavin, grinning broadly.

"Yes," said Sansa. "And I've come to select one of you to partner and mate with."

"That's... quite a change of attitude, Sansa," said Haggis.

"Yes, I've come around to your way of thinking," she said. "It's the healthy atmosphere of Algeria." She breathed deeply. "It unlocks the senses."

"I'm sure it does," said Haggis, still eyeing her strangely. "Who have you selected to partner with?"

Sansa smiled and looked around the table. Finally her gaze settled on one person.

Oh no. Nononononono!

"Me?" said Craig, with an unbelieving smile.

Sansa nodded mechanically.

"I knew it! I knew it! You can't resist my big, juicy cockmeat, can you?"

"No, Craig. I cannot resist your big, juicy cockmeat," Sansa responded.

Abner Dune's jaw dropped open. The men looked at her like she was crazy. But not Craig.

"I knew it," he repeated confidently. He got up and put an arm around her. "No one can resist the King of Cockmeat. No one! You ready to fuck, babe?"

No, nonononoonono!

"You're going to partner with me, aren't you?" she asked.

"Of course," said Craig.

"Well, actually, sometimes he has sex with women promising to partner with them but then doesn't actually do it," said Donnie Burch.

"That's the old Craig. I've learned my lesson," said Craig smugly.

"The lesson being that no woman will ever have sex with you again if you break your promise."

"Yes. That was the lesson," said Craig. He kissed her cheek. "What do you say, Babe? Ready for a good, hard pussy pounding?"

All eyes were on Sansa.

No, don't make me say it!

"Yes Craig," she said with a smile. "Time to pound away."

Craig, giving a shit eating grin, led Sansa away.

The men all started babbling at once. They couldn't believe it.

"She was as cold as a fish with me. What's gotten into her?" Ardis asked.

"What's gotten into her indeed," said Haggis. He remembered all too well the voice he had heard inside his head, the voice which told him to partner at least once a month if he wanted to survive, at least for a time. But the voice hadn't actually made him do anything. Obviously the aliens who ran this place could control people's bodies.

Which raised the question as to why they simply didn't do it. Why didn't they take control of everyone's bodies to get exactly what they wanted?

Sansa shouldn't have been surprised that Craig's quarters were filled with holographic representations of nude women dancing under seductive blue lights as they masturbated themselves. One particular blonde with heavy breasts caught her eye as she winked seductively while rubbing one hand over her thighs and another between her legs as she wiggled up and down, startling her by blowing her a kiss.

Sansa felt helpless as Craig kissed her and undressed her. Then he stepped out of his own white jumpsuit. She gasped as she saw his penis, which was already erect.

Craig hadn't been boasting. His penis was big! It wasn't so much the thickness as the length.

"You're going to put all that inside me?" She heard herself say.

Voice, are you listening? Are you repeating my thoughts? Could it be that the Voice was influenced by her own thoughts?

"You bet, Babe." He kissed her. "Welcome to Pussy Pounding Central."

"Pussy Pounding Central! I like that!" said Sansa, giving a broad grin.

"You really have changed," he said, squeezing her shoulders. "What's happened to you?"

"What's happened to me, dear Craig, is that I have come to love the idea of having your big, hard cock inside of me." She kissed the startled looking man. "Make love to me, Craig. Make love to me and partner with me!"

Craig didn't have to be asked twice. He positioned her on the bed and got between her legs. And in seconds, he was inside of her.

"Oh... ooh... ooooooh!" Sansa cried.

"You like it?" he grinned.

"So big!" Sansa cried. "So very big!"

"Good," Craig smirked, as he pounded into her.

In fact, he was big. Once again the Voice was vocalizing her thoughts. Why was it doing that? Could she actually be influencing it? But then a funny thing happened. Sansa sensed that the Voice was actually enjoying, through her, the sensations of having sex. The Voice's enjoyment filtered down to her, and Sansa found herself quickly overcome by it.

"Oh.. oh... ohhh...." Sansa gasped. What was incredible is that this was not the Voice saying these things, it was Sansa!

Sansa wrapped her arms around Craig as he penetrated her. It felt good, so very good! It had been hundreds of years since she felt sensations like this! The warmth, the feeling of closeness, togetherness, was simply incredible! She hung on for dear life as Craig made love to her. A brilliant smile filled her face as Craig climaxed inside of her. A man had found her so attractive that he had climaxed to her! The realization sent Sansa over the edge and she cried out and moaned as well, her chest flushing red.

Craig looked down at her with satisfaction. "There you go, babe. All you needed was a select piece of cockmeat."

"Yes... I see it now," said Sansa. She was no longer sure who was speaking for her.

Craig and Sansa got a combined score of 620.

"What does that mean?" Sansa asked.

"It's not a passing grade, but clearly is an above average score," said Frog. "You did well, dear. Perhaps you could partner with other men and do even better."

"Perhaps," said Sansa, feeling confused. She turned to Craig, but he was already halfway out the door.

"Later, Babe."

Sansa turned back to Frog, who was still staring at her. She stared back, and thought she felt a sense... a sense of familiarity.

"Explain yourself," said J.

"I encouraged a reluctant Test Subject to perform," said F.

"You did more than that," said J. "You took control of her body and made her perform."

"It was necessary-"

"It tainted the entire experiment," said J. "We need Test Subjects who have the urge to reproduce on their own, without any coercion or direct control. If the Test Subject was reluctant to reproduce she could pass down that same lack of interest to her descendants. It is not a gene trait we want to pass down."

"You should not be intervening in the Experiment like that," said C.

"You should not be intervening in the Experiment like that," said M.

"I am sorry," said F. "But I have to tell you, the sensations were incredible. It has been so many years since I have been in a body that felt such passion. The raw sensuality, the feeling of tremendous joy.... it has been so many decades since any of you have been inside a flesh and blood body. Maybe you all need some of that, to get better perspective. After all, that is what the Experiment is all about."

"The Experiment, this Experiment, is failing," said X. "We have been at it for six and a half cycles and have yet to produce a success."

"We have to keep trying," said F. "What choice is there?"

"The choice is to choose another species, one with more potential," said J. "To end the Experiment, and start anew with another race. We will have to consider this."​
Next page: Chapter 14.1
Previous page: Chapter 13.1