Chapter 14.2
Robert had to laugh. Despite the seriousness of the situation, Susan was really a funny girl. Her humor cut through the feeling of tension in his body. He raised his penis up and aimed for her vaginal lips. He knew what he was doing was wrong, very wrong, and yet now a part of him wanted to do it. Wanted it very much.
As he inserted himself into her he groaned with pleasure at the exact same time that Susan gasped, which excited him. As he sank all the way into her he looked her in the eye and said, "Honey, I'm home!"
She gave a cackling laugh and kissed him. "Make sure you take off your shoes before entering the living room, dear!"
"I think it's a bit late for that," said Robert, as he started to move inside her.
"Umm, I guess it is," said Susan, giving him a serious look which excited him. Robert suddenly realized how beautiful her eyes were. "That's right, lover, in, and out, in and out."
"Ahhhh. Ahhhhhh," said Robert.
"Feels good, doesn't it, Husband?"
"Yes Jennifer. You feel so good... so very good!" Robert gasped as he started to move faster within her.
"Do you like being inside my cunt, Robert?" she said boldly.
"Yes... yes dear.... you feel so good... so tight," Robert gasped. He realized he was being truthful. Susan Shinn was a very sexy blonde with a tighter, younger, firmer body with his wife.
"Tell me the truth," She whispered. "I'm tighter than her, aren't I?"
"Yes," Robert whispered.
"Better than her." She stared into his eyes directly.
"Y-yes." Robert stammered.
"More exciting than her."
"Yes." It pained him to say it. But it was true. He loved Jennifer dearly, but Susan's body was younger, sexier, and the way she used her sexuality to flirt with him really excited him.
Susan gave a satisfied smile as another man's husband pounded into her. "We're going to make the best babies, aren't we?"
Robert kept panting.
"Answer me!"
"Yes!" Robert cried. He was poling rapidly in and out of her cunt. They were not actually creating a baby, but the act they were performing was symbolic of the entire species they were about to create.
"An entirely new human race," said Susan, a gleam in her eyes. At that moment she felt the entire animal-like act of it, of feeling a hard penis inside her tight, wet cunt, and allowed herself to dream, to dream of being the mother of an entirely new human race. The thought excited her, pushing her higher and higher up the orgasm ladder.
Robert was panting heavily, it was obvious he wouldn't last longer either. There was one last thing he wanted.
"Tell me you love me," she said.
Robert looked pained, shaking his head.
"I'm your wife! Tell me you love me!" she roared.
Robert panted more rapidly now. "I... I love you, Jennifer!"
"I love you, Jennifer!" he kissed her, hard. She responded strongly.
"I love you! I love you I love you I love you!" Robert cried. At that moment his body stiffened beautifully as he released inside of her. His orgasm triggered her own, and she felt a strong tingling sensation like an electronic tidal wave emanating from her cunt. As he pulsed inside of her, she wrapped her legs around him tightly, milking him for all he was worth.
"You were hers," she whispered in his ear. "But just now, you were mine."
"Incredible!" said G.
"Amazing!" said B.
"I told you," said F.
"Have you been influencing them?" said J.
"No," said G.
"Not at all," said B.
"We were just observing inside of them," said G. "The animalistic passions of the female were quite overwhelming! Her feeling, when she felt she was going to be the progenitor of an entire human race... I can't put her exhilaration into words. There are no words for it!"
"The male was equally exciting," said B. "As the female seduced him, he overcame his reluctance and became equally aroused. The act of overcoming his reluctance, of being intensely attracted to something that a part of him didn't want, the feeling of being seduced by raw sexuality... it was so powerful, so intense!"
"So maybe there is some value in continuing the Experiment," said F.
"There is if they can produce a viable species for at least 20 generations. But our patience is not infinite," said J.
Robert jerked into awareness. "What happened?" He found Susan lying serenely in his arms.
"You took a little nap, Honey," said Susan, staring at him with big eyes. "I think I got you all tired out." She looked downwards suggestively.
What was the time? "I'd... I'd better be getting back to Jennifer."
"There's no hurry," said Susan. "She'll still be waiting for you, won't she?"
"Yes, but-"
"Five more minutes." Susan lay her head on his chest. "Just five more minutes, please."
Robert sighed and put his arm around her. She just felt so good. "Five more minutes, all right."
An hour later Robert and Susan returned to the Lounge where the girls clapped and gave a round of applause. Susan smiled and Robert looked embarrassed.
"And now I return to you to your Jennifer," said Susan. "You see, Jennifer? Not a scratch on him!"
Jennifer's eyes narrowed as she shot daggers at Susan. But she reached up and embraced her husband. "I'm so glad to have you back," she whispered.
Susan sauntered over to the women's tables where she got a warm welcome.
"How was he, Susie Baby?" Marisol Colon asked.
"Incredible," she said.
"Really?" said Angelika Gomez.
"There's nothing better than seducing a happily married man, and making him happy in other ways." The girls all laughed. She added, "You take a man whose only known one thing for 20 years, and you show him something new, and he's like a man who hasn't had a drink stumbling into an oasis." The girls oooohed and aaaaaahed.
"So really, how was he?" Laura Giancomo asked.
"He... he was good, Laura. Really good," said Susan, waggling her eyebrows as she casually put a finger in the edge of her mouth. Her satisfied grin told it all.
Robert acted very quiet and subdued around his wife, as if he did an unpleasant thing which needed to be done. He would never hurt Jennifer by letting her see how much he liked it. So he let her hug him and sob and kiss him and simply refused to talk about it, no matter how much she pried.
"You're not going to tell me anything about it?" she asked.
"It's done. Let's leave it at that," said Robert simply.
She looked imploringly at him. "Robert-'
But the even hard part came next.
The following evening Gavin approached them as they were finishing dinner in Oregon.
"Hello, everybody," he said politely.
"Hi," said Jennifer.
"Hello," said Robert. Nettie sat silently besides him, glaring at Gavin.
"How are you all doing this evening?" Gavin asked.
"Fine, thank you for asking," said Robert, in a polite but tense way. They all knew why he was here. It was Nettie who said the unsayable.
"Please don't do it, Mr. Ansom!" Nettie blurted. "Please don't have sex with my Mom!"
Gavin sighed. "Nettie, Nettie is it?" She nodded. "Nettie, I have to have sex with your Mom. It's for the good of mankind."
"Let Dad make love to her!" Nettie said.
"Your Dad tried. It didn't work out... so he's giving her to me," said Gavin. "He's thinking of the Community, Nettie. And when I make love to your Mom, that's all I'll be thinking about."
"The Community," said Nettie hollowly.
"That's right," said Gavin. He smiled at Jennifer. "It's all about helping the Community. Don't think of it as me being intimate with your Mom. Think of it as us partnering together on a project to save mankind."
Nettie, sniffling, nodded reluctantly.
Gavin turned to her mother. "Jennifer are you, ah..."
"Ready?" she inquired. She glanced at Robert quickly, and nodded. "I... I guess." She stood up and let Gavin take her hand.
"You're looking very beautiful today," said Gavin. "I think things are going to go smoothly between us."
"Mom, please don't go with him!" Nettie cried.
Jennifer looked conflicted. "I, I have to, dear.... Please don't make this more difficult than it already is," said Jennifer. She felt the eyes of everyone in the lounge on them.
Robert stood up. "I'm going too."
"You're going to stop them, Dad?" said Nettie hopefully.
"No," said Jennifer. "Your father... your father is just going to watch."
"What? What the fuck?" Nettie exclaimed.
"Watch your language, young lady! I taught you better than that!" said Jennifer sharply.
"You taught me?" Nettie gave a dry laugh. "You're going to have sex with another man while Dad watches! What should I learn from that?"
Hot Dog and Hamburger suddenly appeared. "Is there a problem here?"
"No. No problem at all," said Jennifer. "Nettie, when you're older you'll understand."
"I doubt that highly!"
"Nettie, I'm just... helping out your Mom," said Gavin.
"Helping out... inside her vagina," said Nettie.
"I've had enough of that mouth, young lady!" Jennifer cried. "What I'm doing I'm doing for the family! I'm doing it for you!"
"Easy, everyone, take it easy," said Hot Dog. Hamburger smiled encouragingly.
"Let's go, dear," said Jennifer, taking Gavin by the hand.
Gavin's quarters looked like a mansion perched on a cliff's edge overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
"I'm sorry for my daughter's reaction," said Jennifer.
"I quite understand. I have daughters too," said Gavin, who had no children.
"Oh, I'm so sorry."
"I think about them every day," said Gavin sincerely. "But if their loss is to have any meaning, the human race must go on."
"We quite agree," said Jennifer.
"Then... let us begin." With an eye on Robert, Gavin gave her a light kiss. Jennifer didn't respond.
"Kiss him back, Jen," said Robert.
"I will," said Jennifer. "It's just taking me some time to-"
"You have to look like you're enjoying it," said Gavin. "Otherwise this is all for nothing."
"All right," she sighed. "Kiss me again."
Gavin pressed her lips against hers. This time Jennifer kissed him back, wrapping her arms around him. Their lips locked for a long moment. When he pulled back she asked, "How was that?"
"Better," said Gavin, glancing at Robert. "May I... may I take off your clothes?"
"Isn't that too soon? Shouldn't we do more of the other things first-"
"Jennifer. Best it was over quickly," said Robert in a tight, controlled voice.
She nodded, and bit her lip. "You... you may take off my clothes, Gavin."
Gavin saw her wince as he reached for the zipper at her neck. He slowly lowered the zipper, revealing her small breasts. Jennifer instinctively covered her breasts with her hands. Gavin moved forward, unzipping her completely. As he unpeeled her white jumpsuit Jennifer kept an arm over her breasts and a hand over her vagina. She looked over at Robert for support but Robert just bit his lip.
Then Gavin unzipped his jumpsuit and stepped out of it. Jennifer gasped as she saw his penis. She hadn't seen another man's penis since... actually, she had never seen another man's penis.
Gavin said, "May I touch your breasts?"
Jennifer grimaced and nodded.
"You... you have to lower your arm first."
Jennifer looked pleadingly at Robert. "Do I have to-"
"Yes. Please, Jennifer." Robert felt so bad for his wife. She was obviously hating this. But from his perspective he had just had mind blowing sex with Susan Shinn and so didn't feel quite so betrayed about seeing his wife with another man.
Jennifer's shoulder slumped as she lowered her arm. Gavin gave a low whistle. "Why are you whistling!" she demanded.
"Because you're beautiful."
"I... I am?"
"Yes," he said. "Is it all right if I'm actually attracted to you?"
"I... I guess." She blushed beautifully, feeling extremely conflicted.
"May I touch you?" he asked again.
"Y-yes," she said.
As Robert watched, Gavin reached out and experimentally touched his wife's left breast. He fondled it gently with his fingers first, then squeezed it, making it gasp. Then he brought his other hand up and did the same. Gavin started to get an erection as he realized he was fondling a woman's breasts in front of her husband. This was so exciting for him! The only thing missing is that they weren't wearing headsets so they could experience each other's feelings. Such was the misery of a headophile.
He gave a quick, sideways glance at Robert to make sure everything was all right with him. "Your, your wife has very nice breasts, Robert."
"I... thank you." Robert didn't know whether he was being mocked or patronized or soothed.
"She's a very attractive woman," said Gavin.
Robert noticed that Gavin's penis was starting to assemble itself. "Thanks," he said, through gritted teeth.
Gavin tried to worm his hand around the hand guarding Jennifer's vagina. "Let me touch you," he whispered. "Let me touch you down there."
She relented, and he started to gently rub her thick vaginal lips. "That's it," he whispered. "What a good girl. What an incredibly good girl you're being."
There were tears in her eyes. "Gavin, I love my husband so very much!"
"I know you do. And he loves you. That's why you're both here," said Gavin. "You... you have a very sexy vagina."
"I... I do?" she blinked, looking at Robert behind him. This was so surreal!
"Yes," Gavin hissed. He licked his lips. "Touch me."
"Touch my penis. Make me hard for you."
Jennifer bit her lip and reached out and started to gently touch his penis. Gavin took her hand and made it into a fist. Before long they were both stroking each other's genitals. Robert's hands were balled into fists as he watched Jennifer rub Gavin's penis and Gavin rub his wife's vaginal lips.
"Jennifer, are you all right?" he asked tensely.
"Yes... Yes, dear," she said, as she stroked Gavin.
When Gavin's shaft was thick and pointed at a 45 degree angle he knew he was ready. He pulled Jennifer down to bed and spread her legs. Her pubic hair was as white as the hair on top of her head, but Gavin guessed she had been a brunette originally, before being frozen.
He hugged and kissed her as he whispered in her ear. "I'm going to fuck you now. I'm going to fuck you and all your husband can do is watch."
"Yes. He'll watch and enjoy it. He'll watch and enjoy it because it's the secret fantasy all men have, to watch another man fucking their wives."
"No!" Her eyes were wide. "Robert's not like that!"
"Do you hear him objecting? Do you hear him telling me to stop?" Gavin chuckled, then raised his voice. "Robert, I'm about to insert my penis inside your wife's vagina. Are there any objections?"
Jennifer looked at Robert. His teeth were gritted, his face red, his fists balled. He shook his head, not trusting himself to speak.
"Good," said Gavin. "Are you ready, Jennifer?"
"No," said Jennifer. "But it has to be done."
Gavin shook his head. "You have to show enthusiasm. That's the only way it will work. Tell me you want to feel my penis inside you."
"Tell me!" he roared.
Jennifer made a pained face. "Gavin... I... I want to feel your penis inside me... please... please put it in me...."
"While Robert watches?"
"Yes," said Jennifer, with tears flowing down her cheeks. "While he watches."
Gavin gave a broad smile as he entered her. As Robert watched his cock sink inside his wife he felt the overwhelming urge to run forward and pull Gavin away. He barely restrained himself, his body trembling like mad.
Gavin started to pole in and out of Jennifer."That's right, that's a good girl. The hard part is over now. All over. It's just like taking a dip in a swimming pool. Once you get used to the temperature, everything is fine." He felt her warmth around his cock. What a wonderful analogy!
Gavin smiled at Robert as he took smooth, easy strokes inside his wife. He knew that Jennifer would not climax, but he certainly planned to. He kissed her hard as he pounded into her. "Kiss me back. Kiss me hard," he instructed.
Jennifer looked at Robert, who seemed in so much pain. But she had to do it! She kissed him furiously.
Gavin started to pole faster and faster inside his wife. Robert's fists were clenched so tightly that they were hurting. He saw his wife looking intensely distressed as Gavin moved in and out, in and out.
"Gavin, do you have to finish inside of her?" he cried.
"Yes!" Gavin responded. "And don't interrupt us again, please!"
Gavin gasped as he moved faster and faster. He looked at Jennifer's helpless face, at her small breasts, and felt the warmth of her slender body. He was fucking a man's wife right in front of him! If this worked, he and Jennifer would create a whole new human race!
The head of his penis rubbing inside her vagina.
A whole new humanity based on his own genes!
Her slick vaginal lips massaging the head of his penis as it moved in and out.
Recreating the human race, with another man's wife.
Jennifer gasping as she was filled again and again.
Survival of the fittest! Aaaaaaaah!
Her warmth, her submission, her reluctant obedience sent him over the edge. Gavin gasped as he felt himself pulse inside her with great satisfaction. He moaned as he felt the last of his seed trickling in her. He was not actually impregnating her, but the symbolism of the act they just did together was immensely powerful. To create a whole new human race.
And then it was done. He lay on top of her for a long moment, then pulled out. "Thank you," he whispered, giving her a hand up.
Jennifer looked dazed. Her vaginal lips were stretched and a clear whitish fluid was coming out of it. She flew into Robert's arms. "I'm never doing this again!" she sobbed.
Jennifer and Gavin and Robert and Susan sat in the Council's office as they awaited their scores. Obviously the Experiment could not be done on both simultaneously, but because of the nature of time travel one Experiment could be done within seconds of the other in their subjective time.
Jennifer's score came in first. 580.
Then came Robert's score. 600.
"580? 600? We did it all for nothing? All for nothing?" Jennifer was on the verge of hysterics.
"Not all for nothing," said Bessie hastily. "Each time you do a pairing with someone else we gather more data, which can help you select future partners."
"Forget it! I'm not partnering with anyone ever again!" said Jessica.
"Don't Honey me," Jennifer snapped. "Or did you enjoy having sex with this hussy?"
Susan looked shocked. Robert turned to her. "Susan, I'm sorry for my wife, she's upset."
"Don't apologize for me!" Jennifer snapped.
Hot Dog and Hamburger appeared. "Don't get excited, Mrs. Powell. There's nothing to get excited about."
"A talking meal is telling me not to get excited," said Jennifer. "What is it that I should feel?"
"Determination," said Graylor. "You need to keep trying, otherwise you will be the last generation of the human race."
"I... I just don't know if I can do it again." She collapsed into Robert's arms, weeping.
"I'll talk to her," said Robert. "Everything is going to be all right, Jennifer."
Two days later Jennifer had calmed down and seemed willing to try again. The fact that she saw a powderized version of Mildred Pearson being wheeled through Algeria at breakfast may have had something to do with it.
"She wasn't with us long," said Susan Shinn, putting a casual hand on Robert's arm.
"How long?" Jennifer asked.
"A few weeks."
"A few weeks?"
"I don't think the Federationistas thought she was very useful. She refused to participate in the Experiment," said Susan. She kissed Robert on the cheek. "Nice seeing you, babe."
"I'm so glad that you finally decided to come to me for advice," said Bessie. "That's what I'm here for. That's why I was selected to be First One." She looked at Robert. "I think this time you need a woman in authority, a natural born leader."
"You, perhaps?" said Robert.
"I've checked our gene plates. We'd be a perfect match," said Bessie.
Jennifer's jaw dropped open. This woman with the enormous rolls of fat... and her precious Robert? No, she wouldn't permit it!
Robert said, "If possible, I'd like a choice of several to choose from."
"Oh, very well," said Bessie, pretending not to be offended. "The other possibility is Assada."
"You must have seen her. The girl who leads services every morning in Algeria-"
"Oh, her," said Robert. "She seems very... devoted."
"Exactly!" said Bessie. "Her passion would make a perfect match for your intellect."
"I don't know...."
"Well, the computer indicates that Assada and I would be your best choices to mate with. You could try anyone, but the results may not be to your liking."
Robert swallowed heavily. "And who would you select for Jennifer?"
"Craig Cobin," said Bessie.
"I don't know him," said Robert. "Do you, dear?"
Jennifer shook her head.
Bessie said, "He's the kindest man on the Station. A true gentleman. Knowing Jennifer's sensitive nature, I think he's the best possible match."
"The best possible match excluding my husband, you mean," said Jennifer.
"I am speaking strictly in terms of genetic compatibility," said Bessie.
"I... I don't know if I can do this again," said Jennifer.
"Dear, you heard what she said. Craig is a perfect gentleman. What better hands could you be in?"
Jennifer sighed and reluctantly nodded.
"One more thing," said Bessie. "This time, it would be best if Robert didn't watch."
Robert's mouth opened wide. How had she known?
Craig and Assada came for them as they were finishing dinner in Oregon.
"Hey there," said Craig.
"Praise Ajuba!" said Assada.
Nettie's spoon dropped with a clatter. "Mom, Dad, don't tell me you're going to do this again?" She frowned mightily. "How can you? Don't you love each other?"
"We do, dear, very much," said Jennifer. "But this isn't about love. This is about the survival of the human race!"
"But you made me! Can't the two of you do it again?" Nettie asked.
"Child, you should feel honored," said Assada. "The Great God Ajuba has recruited your father for the holy purpose. His sperm and my eggs will produce a race of brown warriors who will repopulate the Earth."
"Oooooh!" Nettie shoved her chair back violently and marched away.
"That could have been handled better," said Craig.
"Remember, you promised to be gentle with Jennifer," said Robert.
"Of course!" said Craig. "I will treat Jennifer with the utmost of dignity and respect. We will do only what we must. Come, Jennifer. There is nothing to fear." He gave her a bright smile.
Jennifer slowly stood up and took Craig's hand.
"Come, Robert. It is the will of Ajuba," said Assada.
Robert stood up and took Assada's hand.
"I love you," Jennifer told Robert, her lower lip trembling.
Robert looked at their respective partners, Craig and the devout brown girl. "I know."
Assada was dancing.
The nude brown girl was dancing and chanting and clapping in a circle around Robert as he got undressed. They were in her quarters, which looked exactly like the interior of the Lakshanka Mosque in Al-Sanaa on Ramada. The cavernous halls were filled with stained glass windows mostly in red, showing images of Laquinta, the God of Blood, performing miracles and massacres. There was a platform in the center of the room on which a beam of red light played on, a platform with a large stone altar on it.
A stone altar with a pillow at the head of it.
Robert was beginning to wonder if this was a mistake. Perhaps Bessie had not set him up with Assada because she was the best genetic alternative but merely because she was even more unpleasant than herself. In which case perhaps Craig was also not the perfect gentleman that Bessie had portrayed him to be.
"Ayayayayayayayayay Ajuba!" she cried, clapping twice. Then she glared at him. "No one gave you permission to stop, Infidel! Keep undressing!"
Robert's hand, paused halfway down his zipper, continued moving. When it was fully open he stepped out of his white jumpsuit and left it on the floor. Now he was completely naked before her.
"Ayayayayayayay Ajuba!" she cried. Assada had a very slender body. She barely had any breasts at all, though her buttocks were shapely. Her slender brown body wiggled and shook as she walked in a circle around him, clapping her hands and slapping her ass for emphasis. "Ajuba, we praise you! Ajuba we serve you! Ajuba we need you! AJUBA... AJUBA... AJUBA!!!!!"
And then she stopped right in front of Robert, breathing heavily. Her eyes were filled with fanaticism.
Definitely a mistake. What have I gotten myself and Jennifer into?
"We must serve Ajuba. Repeat after me."
"We must serve Ajuba."
"We must be fruitful and multiple to please the great God Ajuba."
"We... must be fruitful and multiple to please the great God Ajuba."
Assada cupped her small brown breasts. "My breasts have been given as a gift by the Great God Ajuba." She cupped her vagina. "My womanhood has also been given as a gift."
She cupped his penis. "Your penis is a gift from the Great God Ajuba. Say it."
"My... my penis is a gift from the Great God Ajuba."
Standing there, with a fanatic cupping his penis, bathed in fiery red light, Robert felt so very helpless.
"You will use it in the service of the Great God!"
"I... will use it in the service of the Great God!"
She held his penis and balls tightly in her hand. All she has to do was squeeze....
Assada gave him a cold smile and released him. "Come. We must be fruitful and multiply." She took him by the hand and they walked step by step up the altar.
When they reached the top step she looked critically at him. "You are not ready for reproduction. Ajuba will not be pleased."
Robert was not aroused. It could hardly have been otherwise. He was not remotely attracted to the skinny brown fanatic.
But he was not prepared when Assada got to her knees and shouted, "What I do now, I do for AJUBA!" And then she took him in his mouth.
Robert gasped and instinctively tried to pull out. But Assada held him firm by his balls and the root of his shaft. She started sucking in him with a hard, cruel suction. Despite his total lack of attraction, he found himself getting hard. The idea of this brown skinned woman acting like a love slave, sucking him off, made some part of him excited he'd rather not admit.
When he was hard, he came out of her mouth with a pop.
"Good," she said, testing his tensile hardness experimentally. "Very good."
Then she lay down on the cold stone altar and pulled him on top of her. How she could lay on such a hard surface without hurting her back was a complete mystery to Robert. As she lay back a loud organ started to play. Its tones were dark and sinister.
"Make love to me, Robert. Make love to me, and fill me with your seed!" she said.
When she saw him hesitate, she grabbed his organ and affected his entry into her. "Now move! Make love to me! Ajuba demands it!"
Her warm wetness instinctively caused Robert to start moving. He wasn't attracted to her, he couldn't be attracted to her, and yet she was tight, really tight, much tighter than Jennifer. The skinny brown girl's slender insides gripped him like a tight glove. He started to pant as he pumped into her.
"That's right. Keep going," said Assada. "You serve Ajuba now, don't you? Say it!"
"Yes!" Robert gasped, as his penis poled into the brown skinned woman. "I... serve Ajuba."
"Here on the very alter of Ajuba, you and I are going to make a new human race. One which will serve Ajuba!"
"Yes," Robert gasped, as the tension built up in his penis. "We... will serve Ajuba." He didn't want to say it, but he had to; he felt compelled to. The sinister organ music egged him on.
"We will create a new human race, one which will destroy all unbelievers!" said Assada. "A race which will serve Laquinta!"
"Laquinta!" Robert gasped. He felt himself rapidly closing on his orgasm. The brown girl's vagina just felt so incredibly tight!
"Yes! The true name of Ajuba! Ajuba is simply a pawn, a face of the One True God, Laquinta. You will give your sperm to serve Laquinta!"
"Say it!" SLAP! "Say it!"
Her slap brought tingles to his body. His penis felt so heavy now. "I... I will give my sperm to serve Laquinta!"
"You will help me create the perfect slave race to serve Laquinta!" SLAP "SAY IT!"
"I... I will give my sperm to help create a slave race... for Laquinta!" It felt so terrible to say, and yet also so good. "Assada, I'm going to come!" The sinister organ music was reaching a peak. The red light shining on them became even redder.
"You must ask Laquinta for permission!"
"Ask for permission to come!"
Robert's penis was aching. "Laquinta!" He cried. "Please let me come inside of her! Ah... ahhhh...."
"Aaaaahhhhhhh!" Assada cried. The organ music reached a crescendo....
"Aaaaah!" Robert cried.
"OOOOOOH!" They cried together as the organ music crashed low with a deep base sound and the red light illuminating them turned a deeper blood red. Robert climaxed forcefully inside of her, his penis pumping her small brown cunt with sperm. Beneath him, Assada's body shook and convulsed wildly.
And then it was done. The organ music ceased, and a cold, howling wind bathed their bodies with a black, rancid, foul smelling dust. Robert looked down at her. She gave him an easy smile. She kissed him and whispered in his ear, "And I hope they are all brown like me."
Jennifer knew something was wrong the minute she entered Craig Cobin's quarters. When she saw the holoimages of the nude women dancing under the sparkling blue lights, touching their breasts and pubises as they wriggled and twirled around, she knew in an instant that everything she had been told about Craig Cobin had been a lie.
She turned to go, but Craig caught her wrist. "Where you going, Sweetie?"
"I can't do this," said Jennifer.
"Where you going to go?" Craig asked. "To your husband? He's busy fucking Assada's brains out." He released her wrist and momentarily turned away. "You know why you're here. You don't want to get flash frozen. Well, neither do I. Stay and fuck me, or go and be turned to powder, it's your choice."
As Jennifer considered what to do, a ball of light entered her head.
Stay. I have to stay.
Craig turned back to face her. "So, what will it be?"