Chapter 18.1
Survey Service Captain Michael Taylor
His hair was white. That was the first thing Michael Taylor noticed when he sat up and saw his reflection in a holomirror. He touched his hair wondrously. What had happened to him?
He stumbled leaning on his arm and had to fumble to sit up.
"Easy. Take it easy," said Shelly Rendler. Behind her stood Hot Dog and Hamburger and Frog.
"Who are you? Where am I?" said Taylor. The room was white, featureless, and cold. Not cold as in temperature, but in design.
"You're on the Station," said Shelly. She looked down at his naked body. Taylor was amazingly handsome! He had brought shoulders, a big, muscular hairy chest, and between his legs... even flaccid he looked sexy. Shelly bit her lip and immediately began thinking of ways to manipulate him into partnering with her.
Taylor caught her stare and pulled the thin sheet over him. Shelly frowned, looking a bit embarrassed. "My name is Shelly. I am the First One."
"First One of what?"
"Of this Station. What is your name?"
Taylor paused a long moment. Then he said, "Michael."
"Michael? Just... Michael."
"Michael Taylor," said Taylor.
And then Shelly did the most unexpected thing. She laughed! She laughed and laughed and laughed.
"What? What is so funny?" said Taylor.
"Come on," said Shelly. She rubbed his arm affectionately. "Tell us your real name."
"My real name is Michael Taylor," said Taylor. "Why is that so amusing to you?"
"All right... Michael Taylor," she grinned. "We can always use another Michael Taylor, right, Frog?"
"Not like the last one," said Frog.
"No, not like the last one," said Shelly. She stared at Taylor's manly chest. "I have a feeling this one has a lot more potential to him."
Taylor zipped up the white jumpsuit. He was no longer nude, but the jumpsuit he was wearing was so formfitting he might as well have been, with his ass and genitalia well outlined by the tight outfit. Which was probably the intention.
"So, let me attempt to summarize what you've been telling me," said Taylor. "The Earth was destroyed by Man Made Temperature Change."
"And all the colony planets as well."
"Yes, by subspace heat vents-"
"Yes, I heard all that. And we are in another galaxy, and because my hair is white we must be 500 years in the future, right?"
"Not only because your hair is white, Michael. Because it took 500 years for the Federationistas to take us here to their galaxy."
"Of course," said Taylor. He reached out with his senses. He screaned that everything here was false. Everything.
"And these... Federationistas, out of the goodness of their hearts, are helping us repopulate the Earth."
"The New Earth, yes."
"By time traveling into the future to create specially genetically designed descendants and then checking up to see how they are doing after a thousand years."
"Correct," said Shelly.
"And when they don't like the results, they simply go back in time, wipe them out, and start over."
"Yes. You've processed a remarkable amount of information in a very short period of time," said Shelly.
"Thank you," said Taylor. "But actually, I'm no stranger to time travel."
Shelly looked momentarily confused. "Oh yes, I had forgotten, Michael Taylor was said to have traveled through time."
"And these two," Taylor indicated Hot Dog and Hamburger, who were smiling broadly and hopping from one giant white oversized sneaker foot to another.
"What about them?" Shelly asked.
"Who are they?"
"These are Hot Dog and Hamburger."
"Hot Dog... and Hamburger. Well, that answers that question, I suppose," said Taylor.
"Now that you understand the situation, you should begin to think about your civic duty," said Shelly. She moved closed to him and started rubbing his arm again.
"My civic duty?" Taylor asked.
"Yes," said Shelly. She had very full red lips, Taylor noticed, as she moved her face close to his. "We must recreate the human race. You must partner with a suitable woman to create a new humanity, to populate New Earth." Her face played over his. It would be so easy to kiss her, so very easy....
Taylor gently pushed her away.
Shelly tried to hide her disappointment. "That's all right. I understand. You need time, time to make the adjustment. Everyone does. I have to warn you though, that because you are new... and so very handsome... that women will come on to you strongly. Very strongly."
She stared into his eyes boldly. "They will want to partner with you just as much as I do. The difference is their genetics are inferior. I was selected to be First One because my colleagues all agreed I had the best genetic profile. Of all the women on the Station, I am most likely to be able to produce a compatible human race with you."
"I understand," said Taylor. "Just one more thing. The last thing I remember...." he frowned, trying to remember.
"It's all right," said Shelly, squeezing his hand. "Short term memory loss is a natural effect of the cryogenic preservation process."
Taylor tried to concentrate. "I... I was on a shuttle. Two people were with me... Sophie... Sophie Astor and...." Tessa! What had happened to his pregnant girlfriend? Taylor's mind was suddenly wild with worry. "Tessa Hetford! Have you seen them? Are they here?"
Shelly's face shut down. "I'll have Hot Dog and Hamburger introduce you to the population. They'll answer any remaining questions you might have. When you're ready to partner, let me know. And just remember, I have to approve all partnering requests." She gave him a sly smile and turned and left.
"Are you ready to go, Captain?" said Hot Dog, hopping from leg to leg.
"I hope so! You're really going to like it here!" said Hamburger.
"I'm sure I will... gentlemen."
He followed them out of the room, passing Frog, who didn't say a word.
Taylor's escorts brought him to the Men's Table in Bermuda, where breakfast was still being served.
"Hey everyone!" said Hot Dog, bouncing from one foot to the other. "I'd like you to meet the latest addition to the Experiment!"
"Hello there!" said Roland Miller, with a warm smile.
"Hi," said Donnie Birch.
"Welcome," said Gavin Ansom. "What's your name, fella?"
"His name is Taylor," said Hot Dog. "Michael Taylor."
The faces around the table looked puzzled, shocked, surprise... and then laughter erupted. Lots and lots of laughter.
"What's so funny?" Taylor demanded. The laughter continued unabated. "Please, somebody, what is going on here?"
"Let me (gasp) let me guess," said Craig Cobin. "You (ha ha), you're a Captain in the Survey Service, right?"
"Actually, I am."
"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" the table erupted in laughter again.
"What is wrong with you people?" Taylor asked.
"Let me guess," said Dickie. "You... (ha ha) traveled to the year 20 billion, and fought rat men to save the Earth!"
"There were no ratman, and it was the year one billion, not twenty, but essentially yes," said Taylor.
"What is wrong with all of you?" Taylor demanded.
"You'll have to forgive them, Captain," said a new voice. Taylor turned to see Haggis O'Leary. "But if you've seen one Michael Taylor, you've seen them all."
"I wonder if this one is a Manophobe too," said Dickie.
"What?" said Taylor.
"He could be the real thing," said Haggis.
"Come on! What are the odds of that?" said Dickie.
Haggis stared Taylor in the eye. "Captain. If you are really Captain Michael Taylor. When you returned from the year one billion, as you claimed, there were only a few survivors from your crew with you. Who were they?"
Suddenly the table was silent. Dead silent. All eyes were on Taylor.
Taylor swallowed heavily. It had been years ago. He tried to remember. "There was me, of course."
"Of course," said Haggis, giving a humorless smile.
"There was a lady named Pam, who was not a member of my crew," said Taylor.
"Go on," said Haggis.
Taylor tried to think. "There was a scientist, Dr. Elizabeth Shaw. There... there was my ship's Doctor, Doctor William McCrae."
"Anyone else?"
Taylor nodded. "Another scientist. Victor Berman."
"Anyone else?"
Taylor concentrated. His mind still felt a bit scrambled from the freezing process. Yes, there had been someone else. Wood... Ensign-
"Ensign Daniel Wood," said Taylor.
"Anyone else?" Haggis asked. "What about your first officer, Jennifer Hale?"
"No." Jennifer had been taken over by the squidlike creatures from the year 500,000.
"Your navigator, Suki Tanaka?"
"No." Suki died saving their lives.
"Anyone else?"
He felt Haggis reaching for someone else. He concentrated mightily. Finally he said, "No. No one else."
All eyes turned to Haggis. "Is that right?"
"Yes," said Haggis. "I made a personal study of your experience. Got some good book ideas from it. Everything you've said is 100% correct. I believe, gentlemen that this... this is the real Michael Taylor."
Haggis walked Taylor over to the Women's Table. "Prepare for the tsunami."
"Tsunami?" said Taylor.
All jaws dropped open when they saw him. Taylor was new; and Taylor was ruggedly handsome!
His manly face, his broad shoulders, and his muscular chest were all eaten up by hungry female eyes.
"Why hello there," said Laura, patting his hand voraciously. "Who do we have here?"
Haggis took a deep breath. "Ladies, may I introduce you to... Survey Service Captain Michael Taylor."
Laura looked puzzled, then horrified, then someone started laughing, and they all joined in.
"No thank you! No thank you! Not today!" said Jessica Fromm.
"We've already had our share of Michael Taylors!" said Shinequa.
"This is the definite article," said Haggis.
"How can you possibly know that?" said Laura.
"Because I've made his biography a personal study of mine, I am learned, and much smarter than all of you," said Haggis. "He is the real thing. But see if I care! Kiss him, shun him... it's all the same to me." He turned to Taylor and said, "Good luck," and casually walked away.
The girls looked uncertainly at each other for a moment, as if they couldn't decide what to do. Finally Susan Shinn said, "Why don't you sit next to me... Captain."
Taylor slowly sat down next to her.
"Are you really him? Are you the real Survey Service Captain?"
"Yes!" said Taylor. "Why does everyone have trouble believing me?"
Susan flashed him a brilliant smile. "You see, there was this guy right before you, and he called himself Michael Taylor too. Only-"
As she explained things her hand roamed his thigh under the table. She smiled as she saw his face subtly react to her touch.
"So you see... Captain... you're not the first Captain Taylor we've had. But we're so glad you're here." She squeezed his groin lightning quick under the table, moving her hand away before he could object. But she smiled as his eyebrows shot upwards.
"So who are you going to partner first with, Captain?" Laura Giancomo thrust her big melons out at him.
"I don't know," said Taylor.
"Perhaps we can help you decide," said Marion Kelly, licking her lips suggestively.
"Let me give you one kiss, a small kiss," Susan Shinn suggested. "It will clear things up instantly for you!"
"No, I don't think so-"
Susan pecked him on the lips as the girls squealed and tittered.
Taylor gently but firmly pushed her away. "Ladies, please!"
"Are you in need of rescue, my gallant Captain?"
Taylor looked up and-
"Sophie!" His face suddenly became alive. He abruptly got up and ran around the table, hugging her tightly. He rubbed his hands up and down her back. "It's so good to see you!"
"It's good to see you too... Captain," she gave him a small smile.
Taylor stiffened as he realized the very public performance he was giving. He took a step back.
"Do you two know each other?" Laura asked.
"Sophie... Sophie is my First Officer on the Immortal," said Taylor.
"You act like she's more than just a First Officer," said Susan, sticking a pinky in her mouth.
He looked into her eyes and grinned like a fool. "Sophie... Sophie is a very special First Officer."
Sophie felt a tingle go down her spine. "It's good to see you too... Captain," she said again. She gestured with her hazel eyes.
"Yes, uh, we should go some place to... to talk, of course," said Taylor. He let her lead him in a daze to a corner table surrounded by discrete holographic bushes.
Taylor took a deep breath. "Sophie... it's so good to see you."
"Yes, Michael. You have already said this," said Sophie. She added, "However, it is not unpleasant to hear it again." She gave him the smallest of smiles.
"How long have you been here?"
"I was revived just a few hours ago. The First One explained the situation to me and then escorted me here where large numbers of men expressed their desire to mate with me."
"Well, it's nice to be in demand," said Taylor.
"The female population seemed to demonstrate a similar interest in you. Perhaps if I had not intervened you would be busy creating a whole new human race with them." She arched an eyebrow.
"Sophie!" He gave a half angry grin. "I don't need the ability to screan to know this is all a set up. There's no way that the Earth was destroyed by Temperature Change. Man Made Temperature Change was discredited hundreds of years ago."
"And yet it is something the World Government warns us about every day," said Sophie.
Taylor waved a hand dismissively, as if to show her what he thought about the World Government. "If the Earth was not destroyed, then it stands to reason that we haven't been frozen for 500 years."
"Turning our hair white was a nice touch," said Sophie, touching her own.
"I noted the symbolism," said Taylor dryly. "Nor do I believe we are in a distant galaxy. We're somewhere in our galaxy, and the Survey Service will find us." He paused. "Sophie, what's the last thing you remember?"
Sophie concentrated. "We... we were in a shuttle together. You, me, and Tessa. There was a bright light, and... that's all I remember."
"Me too. Tessa must be here. Have you seen her?"
Sophie shook her head. "Did you ask about her?"
"I did, but they wouldn't tell me anything," said Taylor. "I hope she's all right. I hope the baby is all right."
"I hope so too... for your sake," said Sophie.
There was an awkward pause. Suddenly a man and a woman appeared before them.
"Excuse me, are you Michael Taylor? The Survey Service Captain?"
"Yes," said Taylor.
"My name is Gerald Appleby," he said, extending a hand which Taylor automatically shook. "This is my wife Marsha." Marsha was an attractive woman with perky breasts.
"Nice to meet you," said Taylor.
"Yes," said Gerald. "Captain Taylor, I was wondering if you could help my wife out?"
"Help her?" said Taylor.
"She's a high scorer. Partnered with five men, never scored below 650."
"One time I even got 700, though we couldn't replicate it," said Marsha.
"I just know that if she found the right man, well, together they could break the 800 barrier-"
"What are you asking me, Gerald?"
"I.... We.... We heard about you, and being a famous Space Captain and all, a real Space Captain, and was wondering if you would partner with my wife."
Sophie's jaw dropped open.
"I know you would be expected to sleep with her. I understand that's part of the process," said Gerald. "But if you two can produce a race of beings which can excel over a thousand years, it's worth it, isn't it?"
"Let me try to understand this," said Taylor. "You... you want me to sleep with your wife, and have children with her?"
"Well, the Federationistas would actually be the ones making the kids, doing all the work... but essentially, yes."
Taylor bit his lip and took a deep breath. "Mr. Appleby, please go away."
"But Captain-"
"Go. Away."
They left.
Sophie managed not to laugh until they had gotten out of sight. "Be prepared for more of that, Captain. I'm sure there's more than one husband here who would beg you to have sex with his wife."
"Let's get out of here and take a look around this place," Taylor growled, getting up abruptly.
They toured the Station. They went to the Entertainment Sphere and saw and heard the massive colorful waves of light. They went to the giant reactor room and saw and felt the heat of the massive energy beam two hundred feet above and below them. They went everywhere they could, except for one door that would not open for them. An orange door.
"Can I help you?" said Hot Dog, suddenly appearing.
"What's behind this door?" Taylor asked.
"Oh, you don't want to go there."
"How do you know that?" Sophie asked.
"That's the docking bay," said Hamburger, appearing out of thin air. "No one goes there."
"Well, we'd like to," said Taylor.
Hot Dog and Hamburger conferred for a moment, hopping from foot to foot.
"I'm sorry, but access is not permitted," said Hot Dog. "Is there something else we can do for you?"
Taylor and Sophie exchanged looks.
They found Tessa in the Cryo Chamber.
They walked by one row after another. Many of the chambers were emptied but many were still filled with bodies, sexually mature women and men who had not yet been used in the Experiment.
"How do you think they managed to kidnapped so many people?" Taylor asked, as he looked from one body to the next, searching for Tessa.
"Their technology is obviously in advance of ours," said Sophie, staring at the body of a strapping man with a very muscular chest and furry penis.
"What happens if we can't find her? What does that mean?"
"Maybe they left her behind," said Sophie.
"Or maybe she's dead," said Taylor. "Sophie, I don't know what I'd do if Tessa were gone."
Sophie bit her lip. I would still be there for you. If I were there for you, would you ever forget her enough to love me?
Taylor went from one body to the next to the next and then-
and then he stopped at the body of the gorgeous redhead with the heavy breasts and the bulging belly.
"She looks perfectly preserved," said Sophie, her face a blank. She tried not to feel anything with the discovery of Taylor's lover.
"I hope so. And I hope the baby is all right," said Taylor. He looked around. "I don't see any controls to revive her."
"It's probably all computer controlled."
"Computer! Computer!" said Taylor.
"Yes, Captain Taylor?"
"I want you to revive that woman," he said, pointing at Tessa.
"I'm sorry, Captain, but you do not have the command codes to issue such a request. Your access level is limited to L-1."
Taylor sucked in his lips."Well, if I can't revive her, I'll make them do it."
"I demand you unfreeze her!"
"You demand?" Shelly gave a wolflike smile. "This is not the bridge of your starship, Captain. You are not the one to make demands here."
"I request it, then."
"She is my lover. She's carrying my baby inside her."
"I am so sorry."
"Because chances are she will not live long enough to deliver. Our lifespans are quite short here."
"I don't believe that," said Taylor. "From what I can see this is a prison, and they decide who lives and dies, not some random cellular decay."
"There are those who think as you do," said Shelly carefully, casting a glance at Frog. "But I don't make the rules. Perhaps, if you did something for the Community, the Community might do something for you."
"Like what?"
"Like... partnering with me." Shelly gave him a warm look.
"We'd be an excellent genetic combination." She gave him a warm smile. "I feel so sure we could produce a durable human race together."
"Forget it!" said Taylor.
"But Captain-"
"Forget it," said Taylor. "I'm not going to whore myself out to you or anyone on this flying stud farm!"
"There is another alternative," said Frog, speaking for the first time.
"And what is that?"
"For you to mate with your companion, Sophie Astor."
Taylor looked startled.
"You seem to have an affinity for each other," said Frog.
"We're colleagues. Friends." He looked at Sophie. "Good friends."
"Then perhaps it would be easier to partner with her. My associates would be most interested in seeing a genetic pairing between you, Captain Michael Taylor, and you, Commander Sophie Astor."
"I'm sure you would," said Taylor. "But we are not going to cooperate to create a race of slaves for you to rule."
"We are not interested in slaves," said Frog. "This is all about saving the human race."
"I have an ability you don't know about," said Taylor. "It's called screaning. I can sense things that other people can't. And one of the things I can sense is lies. Your body turns red in my eyes when you talk, Frog. Why is that?"
"This screaning sounds like an interesting ability. One which would be useful to pass down to succeeding generations," said Frog. "Aren't you interested in extending the history of mankind?"
"Not for you."
He turned to go.
"Think about it," said Shelly. "If you really want your friend back, we aren't really asking for much."
They were in Taylor's quarters. He and Sophie exchanged long looks.
"Why are they doing this?" Taylor asked.
"Assuming their premise is false, that the Earth is not destroyed, we are not 500 years in the future, and this is not another galaxy-"
"All of which is true," said Taylor.
"All of which we believe to be true," said Sophie, looking at him with dark eyes. She was, after all, a Passive Observer. She was very careful not to cross the line between observations and conclusions.
"Assuming we are correct, it would seem these aliens are engaged in a breeding program to create their own race of human beings," said Sophie. "But why should they want to?"
"Exactly my thought," said Taylor. "In the old science fiction novels of several hundred years ago, aliens used humans for slave labor. But even that kind of fiction is unrealistic in the present because of advances in robotics. Robotics could do the work of humans much more cheaply and efficiently. Unless...." He paused. "Unless they were breeding humans for food."
"For food?" said Sophie.
"Perhaps people are what they eat." Taylor considered and shook his head. "No, that makes no sense. They aren't just breeding humans, they are specifically breeding ones whose descendants will have certain social and intellectual traits in distant future. There would be no need for that if they are breeding them for food."
"Perhaps they're breeding them to fight, to make a race of warriors?"
"Maybe," said Taylor. "But I had a talk with some of the men of the criteria they use for a successful society. Some of the measures of success are Art, Community, and Emotional Self-Awareness. Why would aliens breeding an army of soldiers care about any of these things?"
Sophie considered."Maybe they are breeding a race of people to colonize planets for them, to build societies... no, that would make no sense either." She sighed. "Or maybe they just aesthetically like the idea of having human servants, human slaves."
"These aliens have technology far in advance of our own. They could make very humanoid looking robots for much less effort if they wanted to," said Taylor. He shook his head. "No, they need humans for something, but I just don't know what."
"What are we going to do about it?" Sophie asked.
"I don't know."
"What are we going to do about Tessa?" Sophie asked. "Would you reconsider their offer?"
"To have sex with Shelly?" said Taylor. "Or... with you?"
Sophie swallowed heavily. "It wouldn't just be sex. From what I am told, it would be sex and partnering. Our genes would be combined to create a whole new human race."
"A slave race."
"It would free your lover," said Sophie.
"You would do it?" Taylor asked. "Your love for Tessa is that great?" He gave her a sarcastic smile.
"I know your love for her is," said Sophie. "I would do it for you, Michael."
His smile turned bittersweet. Sophie was supposed to be a Passive Observer but right now he screaned the self-interest oozing all over her.
She stared at him intently as she approached him. She wrapped her arms around him. He didn't pull back. She kissed him gently, creating a tingling in his body.
"We could do it, Michael," she stared into his eyes. "All we have to do is what we've always done. One little act and we can free your lover."
Taylor swallowed heavily, his heart pounding. How Sophie's body excited him! "I.... I appreciate your offer, Sophie. But... the price is too high. We will have to think of another way."
The next morning Taylor and Sophie walked into Bermuda for breakfast when they saw Tessa sitting on Craig Cobin's lap chatting amiably. Craig had his arm around her and Tessa didn't seem to mind.
"And she said, 'But I'm a vegetarian'," said Craig. "And I told her, 'Babe, I have just the cockmeat which will change your mind."
Tessa cackled hysterically.
What was going on here?
Taylor rushed over to her.
"Tessa!" he cried.
"Michael," she smiled at him. "How have you been?"
How have I been? That wasn't the reaction Taylor expected from his long lost love. He had been crazy worried for her, but she hardly seemed to feel the same for him.
His face must have shown his disappointment because she patted Craig on the back and said, "Excuse me, Honey. We'll talk more later."
We'll talk more later?
"You know him?" Craig asked her incredulously.
"Um hm," said Tessa. She got up and approached him slowly, with a determined look on her face. She looked as beautiful as Taylor remembered. Her hair was white now like his but her face was the same. The bulge in her belly was bigger now, the bulge of his unborn child within her. How much time had passed?
She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him passionately. All doubts fled as he felt her warm body against his. He was acutely aware of her distended belly pressing against him.
"Are you all right?" She nodded. "The baby?"
"Never better," she said. "They told me you were here. I was waiting for you when you came in."
Waiting for me. Waiting for me instead of looking for me. Waiting for me on Craig Cobin's lap.
Those thoughts went through his mind in an instant. He tried not to show his irritation.
Tessa looked passed him. "Sophie! You're here too."
"No. I am a holographic simulation," said Sophie woodenly.
"My compliments to the Federationistas. They captured your surliness perfectly." She smiled and winked to take some of the sting out of it. "Michael, is there a place where we can talk?"
They talked about it, all of it, the three of them together over breakfast in Bermuda. Taylor found out something which startled him to the core.
Tessa believed the story spun by the Federationistas. All of it.
"They saved us, Michael," said Tessa.
"No, they didn't," said Taylor. "The Earth wasn't destroyed by Man Made Temperature Change."
"Yes it was," said Tessa. "The World Government has been telling us for years how Man Made Temperature Change has been destroying the planet."
"Pure propaganda, to justify their environmental taxes and WG control-"
"No, Michael!" said Tessa. "I've seen the scientific papers, listened to the symposia. Did you know that over 99% of climate scientists agreed that MMTC was destroying the planet? How could 99% of climate scientists possibly be wrong?"
They could be wrong if the 99% figure itself was fabricated... they could be wrong if these same scientists relied on WG funding to produce desired results..... But Taylor felt himself tongue tied in the face of his lover's assertiveness. He didn't want to get into a fight over politics, not with her.
"Even if you believe that, what about the colony planets?" said Taylor. "How were they destroyed?"
Tessa sighed. "The heat generated by all our factories and industries traveled through subspace vents to our colony planets and destroyed them as well. It was a chain reaction."
Subspace vents?
Taylor didn't want to argue with her but this nonsense was too much, even for him. "Why would subspace vents, whatever those are, directly connect Earth to our colony planets?" Taylor asked.