Chapter 02.2
Tisha seemed very intent – her face a fierce mask of lust and need as she wrapped her arms and legs around me, tilting her hips to accept more of me if possible, moaning and sobbing softly, "Give me your spunk, baby – need it. Fuck me, John – so good, make Momma cum!"
It was a long, sweet, intense fuck – neither of us hurrying to end, to reach climax, just man and woman engaged in the world's most wonderful activity, cock in cunt, lips kissing, chests heaving together as pleasure waxed and waned. I could feel the pressure of my seed building up in my balls – sensing the immensity of my forthcoming load and I struggled valiantly against cumming too soon, reveling in the intense pleasure I was feeling and that I was giving Tisha.
We seemed to thrive in the rain forest humidity of the room – the arousing scent of sex enhancing our pleasure, making it grow and grow more powerful. The sheets were soaked with the sweat that poured off our bodies – we tasted the lust of each other with ever kiss and lick. The carnal power we shared grew and grew as did the speed of my thrusts until I was almost driving the breath from the small black woman every time I slammed my cock into her sodden cunt.
Orgasm after orgasm ripped through Tisha until she was almost babbling incoherently – her limbs quivering with effort until finally I thrust deep as she turned her hips just so and I felt like I was piercing virgin territory and she wailed as never before as a tremendous orgasm struck, her thighs tightening around me, her heels digging into my hips, holding me in a tight, milking grip and with a sob of pleasure, I yielded to my own needs and began to cum – hosing her womb with fresh semen, cumming so hard, it almost hurt! Burst after burst of sperm come forth and for a crazy moment, I didn't think it would ever let up, but it did as I lay atop her, still tightly held in her passionate embrace as we both gasped for breath.
We didn't speak for the longest time, simply kissed each other lovingly as we looked into each other's eyes, both of us very aware that we had shared something beyond a friendly fuck. It wasn't love – at least not as I recognized it with Momma, but we had gone to a new place – an intimate place that even friends rarely discover. In the end, Tisha summed it up when she said, "Wow, white boy."
I nodded and replied, "Yeah."
We kissed again before I slowly withdrew from her, my cock aching pleasurably as I left her sweet pussy's grasp with a wet, lush pop. We cuddled for a while, not speaking, savoring the still sweltering heat that scarcely allowed the perspiration on our bodies to cool and evaporate. It was with reluctance that we finally climbed from the bed and got dressed. Tisha's brow was troubled as if she wanted to say something and finally before she left, looking authoritative in her uniform, she came up to me and put her arms around my neck.
"John, I ain't met many men...real men, either white nor black. But I've been with you and I seen how you are with your momma and how you've made her life better just being in it and for her and for me, I wanted to say 'thank you.' You're a good man, John Henderson."
I smiled back at her and said, "Thanks, I guess. You make it sound like goodbye."
Tisha smiled tightly and nodded. "Maybe, maybe not. I think this here shit storm is about to blow...for good or for bad and I just wanted to say it. You've done your momma a world of good and maybe me too."
I gave her a funny, concerned look. "What are you trying to say, Tisha?"
Tisha shook her head and kept smiling. "Nothing, boy, but just in case." She kissed me, long and slow, her tongue doing lazy swirls around mine and then said, "I'll give your momma your love – be patient. In two weeks, you'll have her all to yourself for a whole weekend and you can motherfuck up a storm!" She kissed me again and was gone – leaving me more than a bit confused. She'd had something on her mind, but I just couldn't figure out what it was.
I felt like I was in a maze of canyons made up of books. I was sitting at the center of the maze before a majestic old wooden desk and across from a man with the grandest mane of leonine hair I'd ever seen. It was silver and matched the long, curling beard that he stroked as he perused the file I'd assembled along with Tisha. He'd told me, no, he commanded me to call him by his initials, "L.M." which stood for a name that was known across the nation for his legal efforts. Ally and friend to liberal causes and hated by many, especially those favoring bed sheets and hoods as recreational clothing.
I shifted nervously in my seat as L.M. read through the file, occasionally grunting as he rocked in a high backed leather office chair. He took his time and seemed totally absorbed in the material – nothing else seemed to exist. Finally, he closed it and let out a long, weary sigh. He turned and looked at me with dark, brown eyes that had intimidated more than one federal judge.
"You know, once I served the then honorable Sheriff Andrew Garrett with a federal court order and he literally...literally mind you, used it to wipe his ass." He let out another sigh and added, "You have quite a problem, Mister Henderson."
"Could we...could we win in court?" I asked him.
He fixed me with a solemn stare and said slowly. "I'd like to say that in twenty-first century Mississippi, yes, but...." He trailed off, still stroking his beard thoughtfully. "If we take this to court or to the press, perhaps a high court might review it and grant a new trial, but it would likely be tied up for years by your grandfather working in the background. We might even convince the governor to offer up a pardon, but considering our good governor owes his office to the influence of a few men including your grandfather, I rather doubt we could expect such a miracle."
"So," I began, my voice cracking a bit, "You won't take my mother's case?"
"On the contrary," replied L.M. "If it must be done, I would be proud to lead the fight to free your mother and spitting in the face of Congressman Andrew Garrett is always a pleasurable endeavor. But, as I have said, it will likely take considerable time to win Miz Carleen's freedom – time that would allow Congressman Garrett to perpetuate all sorts of mischief and mayhem."
L.M. paused and fixed me with an earnest expression. "Garrett would not be above harming your mother if he senses he might not get his way. A trial...possible appeals and all sorts of legal maneuvering could ensue and..." he tapped the file. "We can not presume that all or any of this would be admissible or that we can find or convince potential witnesses to testify on your mother's behalf."
We sat in silence for a moment until I finally said, "Is that what we need to do?"
The old man smiled and stroked his beard again. "Perhaps, but I have another idea. It will likely help that this is an election year and there's a 'throw the rascal incumbents out of office' movement stirring. It won't be as satisfying and it is still something of a roll of the dice, but...this is what I would suggest..."
Soapy water sloshed over me, splattering on my face as Momma cried out, her body heaving up out of the water as she thrust herself against me, her moist and steamy pussy tightening around my cock in orgasm. Her breasts, huge and slick slid across my chest, swollen nipples dragging against my wet skin. Momma's arms pulled me to her and we kissed as her milking cunt worked me over the edge and with a muffled groan I flooded my mother's womb with wad after wad of thick semen.
Water rolled back and forth in the old bathtub as Momma and I rocked in unison, both of us in the grip of incestuous orgasm. Weeks of tension seemed to wash away from both of us as we moved together, shivering at the sheer delight produced of our lovemaking. For a moment, perhaps only a brief moment, both Momma and me were at peace and as our bodies clung together, almost becoming one, we both savored the intimacy that we both now lived for.
I had been waiting anxiously for Momma to be escorted to the Red House and while I was pacing about, I'd been inspired to run Momma a hot bubble bath, emerging from the bathroom just as the front door opened and Momma, followed by Tisha, came inside. For a long moment, Momma and I simply stared at each other, me feasting on the sight of the most beautiful woman in the world, her drab, prison issue khaki dress doing nothing to dim her womanly and motherly beauty.
Tisha had smiled at us and understanding that this was a time for Momma and me to be alone, said brusquely, "Eight o'clock check, Carlie," and withdrew, locking the door behind her. Momma and I flew into each others arms, words not enough, our need to be together – to be one dominating all other things. We kissed hard and passionately, hands roaming over our bodies as our tongues danced with the joy of being reunited. Our need for more physical contact directed our hands to unbutton and unsnap and we slowly, awkwardly undressed, never letting our lips break contact, moaning with happiness and desire as hands touched naked flesh, caressing large meaty breasts, hard, throbbing cock and dripping wet pussy.
As we kissed and touched, we slowly danced our way back to the bathroom, Momma cooing with pleasure as she eyed the old fashioned tub filled with hot water and bubbles. Still kissing, we climbed into the tub and slowly sat down, Momma's legs slipping around my waist and her crotch slowly sliding against mine as my erect penis found her fiery pussy and pushed home in a mutual cry of ecstasy. Ignoring the mess we made with bath water splashing all around us, we quickly surrendered to our urgent desires for each other, mother and son fucking passionately, finding love and peace in each other as we could no where else.
In the afterglow of our reunion fuck, Momma pulled me against her, my head resting on her massive tits, listening to her heart gradually slow down to normal while her hands stroked my back and shoulders – neither of us speaking, just happy that we were in each other's arms.
Finally, I lifted my head, my heart flip-flopping at the sight of Momma's lovely face, an expression of motherly love on her face as her blue eyes met mine. "I love you, Momma."
Momma took a deep breath and let out a little, shivery sigh. "I love you, John. I swear, I'm always scared you ain't ever coming back to me. I think I'd die if you didn't come back to me!" She leaned forward and kissed me softly. "I think I'm gonna die until I get you in my arms again..." She wiggled her pelvis against mine, sending ripples of pleasure through our still joined bodies. "And inside me again."
I thrust my still mostly erect cock forward inside her clasping cunt. "I'm here, Momma. I'm inside you. I'll keep coming back to you until I can take you home!" I kissed my mother, my hands slowly cupping and squeezing her immense breast flesh. I felt her meet my next slow thrust, her silky vaginal muscles caressing and kissing my shaft, urging my cock to become fully erect again. Momma moaned as she felt me grown inside her. "Soon, Momma – I think we can get you out of here and you'll never be apart from me again."
Tears pooled in Momma's eyes as her body hunched against mine. Between growing sighs of pleasure. "I keep praying for it, son. You know I'm yours but I'm like to die without you. I never knew I could need something...someone so bad, honey!"
My hands slid down to cup Momma's fleshy ass cheeks and I began using them for leverage as we began to fuck again. "Believe in me, Momma. I'm getting you out of here. You'll be free and we'll be together forever." I had to stop speaking, the delicious intensity of feeling my cock move back and forth inside my mother's pussy was almost too much. Momma was crying now – I guess in part from the sweet ecstasy our incestuous lovemaking was inducing, but also from her need for me and her fear that even now, our newly discovered life might dissipate like a wonderful, but forever lost dream.
Our immediate pressures sated, we both surrendered ourselves to a long, sensual bout of fucking, my cock, aching and throbbing with unequaled pleasure, plowing deep into her furnace hot cunt, pussy muscles clinging to mine as we moved, wet, tangled pubic hairs tugging against each other in ways that only enhanced our sexual joy. Once in a while, Momma would emerge from an ecstatic haze to look at me and whisper, "Forever?"
I would smile, lean in and kiss her before responding happily with, "Forever, Momma!" The pleasure built between us until finally even just the slightest fraction of movement of cock and pussy delivered us to the precipice of orgasm, our breath coming in ragged gasps. One last time, I thrust into my mother, seeking her deepest and most tender places and as we mutually reached orgasm, we both cried out, "FOREVER!" before I gave Momma another load of incestuous sperm while her cunt bathed my long, thick penis in her molten, motherly juices.
Later that night, long after the prisoner check, we cuddled in bed, bodies slightly cooling in the still humid air after another bout of lovemaking. I was on my back and Momma was snuggled up into me, one shapely leg thrown possessively across my thighs, her head resting on my chest with one hand wrapped loosely around my semi-erect cock, cleaned minutes before of my sperm and her creams by her loving mouth. I had just told Momma of the suggestion L.M. had offered.
"You think it'll work, John?" Momma whispered, the fear evident in her voice.
"I think so," I replied. "I agree with L.M. It's our best chance."
Momma said, "I'm scared that you be taking a mighty big chance, son. Your granddaddy's a crazy old bastard." Her hand tightened slowly and protectively around my not quite flaccid flesh. "I'd up and die if something happened to you 'cause of me."
"Nothings going to happen to me, Momma, except in the end you get to go home with me." I screwed up my courage and said with more emphasis. "I'm sure of it!" Something I had been considering suddenly seemed imperative to do. Gingerly and with some reluctance, I slipped free of Momma's embrace and padded naked to the living room area and began digging through the backpack I carried my personal stuff in.
Momma looked over at me curiously, sitting up on the side of the bed as I returned carrying a small box in one hand. I stopped before her, my head roaring as blood began rushing through my veins in excitement. Momma looked at it curiously and then quickly brought one hand to her mouth as she realized what it was. "John...son, what in hell do y'all think your doing?"
I slowly knelt at her feet, opening the box to reveal a diamond ring inside. In a shaky voice I replied, "It belonged to Mom...Donna – it was her engagement ring. She left it to me to give to the right woman when I met her. Well, I've met her." I looked up at my mother and took a deep breath. "Momma, I love you. Momma, will you please mar..."
Momma cut me off as she pressed fingers to my mouth. In a voice that was both happy and full of pain, Momma said, "No – don't ask me, son – not here, please not here." I must have looked crushed because Momma swiftly moved to her knees facing me and kissing me. When she drew back, she said, "Son, you know my answer already – there aint no denying what we are to each other and you know I'm gonna say yes!" She shook her head and continued, "But not in this shithole. Ask me when you get me free. When you take me home, stop someplace pretty and green and ask me." Momma reached out and closed the box and took it from my hand and set it on the table beside the bed.
Momma placed her hands on both sides of my face and slowly drew me to her. "I love you, son," my mother said, tears running down her face. "You done and made an old woman happier than she ever known was possible." She kissed me and then climbed into my lap, hugging me tight as we continued to kiss. I put away any disappointment I felt and kissed her back hard, relishing the feel of her luscious body against mine. I wanted to see Momma happy. I wanted her to wear my ring. I wanted her at home with me where she belonged. I thought of L.M.'s suggestion and knew I had to do it as soon as possible. Everyday without Momma by my side was a day lost and I wanted no more lost days!
I stood looking up at the old marble and stone courthouse in the square of the small city. It looked worn and outdated, much like the town itself. Now in early October, the heat continued to bake Southern Mississippi, doing nothing to improve it. I turned and looked all around at the hometown of my father and like him, it did nothing to impress me. I shifted the thick file I was holding from one hand to the other.
Across the street from the courthouse, a row of old buildings were shoved up next to each other. A small bakery, a five and dime with dilapidated mechanical horses that offered a ride for a quarter, and next to it, a storefront with a big window with "RE-ELECT GARRETT – KEEP THE SHERIFF IN CONGRESS" painted in red, white and blue. In smaller, gold-leaf letters, it proclaimed this as the local office of the honorable Andrew Garrett of the U.S. House of Representatives. It was time or as L.M. had put it, "Time to roll for all the marbles." Taking a deep breath, I crossed the street and walked inside my grandfather's office.
Inside, I found a few people busily phoning supporters or putting together campaign materials. With only a month to go before election, there was no time to waste and with the 'toss the incumbents out' mentality this year, there was a sense of urgency. I ignored the campaign workers and approached a large mahogany desk where a lovely young woman with long, honey-blonde hair appeared to be manning the entire operation. She considered me with the air of someone who was trying to place somebody they thought seemed familiar. "Can I help you?"
Trying to keep the nervousness out of my voice, I replied, "I'd like to see Congressman Garrett."
Smiling smugly, she responded with, "Do you have an appointment?"
"Ah, no."
The pretty girl gave me a sympathetic smile and said, "I'm sorry then. The Congressman is a very busy man and you'll need to make an appointment."
With a dismissive air, she turned from me to reach for the phone. She paused when I said, "Oh, I think he'll see me. Tell him his grandson, John, wants to see him."
She turned and looked at me in surprise. "Grandson? Congressman Garrett doesn't have a grandson." I could see her brain working in overdrive behind her sparkling green eyes. She was running over the biography of granddaddy – the same one I'd learned in recent days. Andrew Garrett – age sixty-eight. Remarried at age fifty-seven, following the death of his first wife, Edith who passed away from cancer five years following the untimely death of his son, Lee Dean. With his new wife, he had two children, ages nine and six. I actually had an uncle and a niece.
"Sure he does," I replied. "John – son of Lee Dean. I go by Henderson rather than Garrett. I'd rather burn in hell than use that name. Go tell him I'm here."
The receptionist was now nonplussed and scooted away from her desk as if scared I might do something crazy and muttered, "Please wait right here." She got up and hurried out of the room, going deeper into the building.
I waited, using the time to study my surroundings. Lots of photographs adorned the walls – all connected with Andrew Garrett. Pictures of my grandfather in his sheriff days, a big, robust man, pictures of him as Congressman or on the campaign trail, pictures of him and other politicians, even him with a couple of presidents. My eyes finally came to rest on a picture of him with my father and my grandmother.
I'd ran across a few pictures of Lee Dean while doing research, but they were grainy and blurry. Here I could clearly see that Momma was right. I did look like him, although where he was already running to fat at my age, I was just a bit stocky. The one thing we seemed to have different was the eyes – mine were blue like Momma's and his were a dark, menacing black. What gave me pause was my grandmother whose picture I'd not seen before. My father and I took after her – same nose and chin and the same sandy-blonde hair. She was a pretty woman, but her smile in the family photograph was forced, almost pained. For the first time, I considered what her life was like. I shook my head and wondered what other pain my forefathers had caused.
"The Congressman will see you now." The blonde receptionist had returned, standing a safe distance away. She gestured towards the door she'd retreated through earlier. I followed her down a long narrow hall until she stopped in front of a door and pointed. She gave me a strange stare as I brushed by her and then I forgot about her as I met my grandfather for the first time.
Andrew Garrett appeared to have aged considerably from the pictures on the wall. Maybe he had been hale and heart most of his life, but now mortality seemed to be catching up with him with a vengeance. His hair was thin and gray, he was a big man who'd shrunk considerably and now seemed to almost swim under a finely pressed shirt, tie hanging haphazardly around his neck. His face was lined with sun drawn wrinkles. He stared at me with my father's eyes for a long minute.
Finally, he gave a long drawn out sigh and said, "So you're the whore's brat, huh?"
"Nice to meet you too, Grandpa."
He nearly spit at me as he sat forward in his chair behind a massive desk and said, "You aint family, boy. You're the filth that ran down your whorin' momma's leg."
I felt my face redden and my anger build as I responded, "Take a good look at me old man. I'm not proud of it, but Lee Dean's my father."
He started to spit another retort, but his eyes studied my face and then dampened, acknowledging wordlessly that I spoke the truth. He reached into a pocket and pulled out a white handkerchief and hawked into it. Finally, he looked at me again and said, "What the hell you want, boy?"
"I want my mother's parole to go through this month."
He let out a raspy laugh and slapped the table. "Like hell. Only way your momma leaves prison is in a pine box to be dumped in the pauper's graveyard."
"You've took nearly twenty years away from my momma – years she never deserved to lose. You'll let her go or I'll ruin you." I tossed the file I'd been carrying onto the desk.
Garrett eyed the file like I'd flung shit all over his desk. Gingerly, he opened the file up and began leafing through, his face darkening as he looked at its contents. He paused over some of the more graphic photographs and while I looked for a glimmer of shame or humanity in his eyes, I never saw either surface. Finally, he closed the file and said, "You ain't gonna get a retrial and if you do, I guarantee it will take years and she'll still be guilty. Sides, most of this shit ain't admissible."
I nodded and said, "I never said anything about a retrial. I said I'd destroy you. You're running for re-election and if your party wins big, you get to be a big shot chairman of some dumb shit committee. I give this to the media and they read all about the famous 'law and order' sheriff-congressman and how he hid his asshole son's brutalizing women and your name is and in Washington. That's before they begin scrutinizing your malfeasance in office...then and now."
My grandfather licked his lips and then responded. "Boy, you don't know how things work here. I run things here."
"No, you intimidate folks and blackmail them and whatever 'cause that's how it's always been done, but it's the twenty-first century – the information age. You can control all the law officers you want and the local courts and parole boards and such, but this if information goes out to the media and the internet, you are truly best you wind up an ex-sheriff and ex-congressman with no power and a whole lot of enemies looking for payback." I was speaking in harsh, brutal clips, scarcely able to breathe.
We had a staring contest for over a minute before he leaned back in his chair and said, "Maybe I just erase you and your whore momma from the equation altogether."
I grinned and said, "You could do that, but then copies of this file go out. To the television stations here in Mississippi and in Washington, to the Washington Post and L.M. steps in and files all sorts of suits to play hell with you."
His eyes widened at the mention of the law professor's name. "You be bluffing – he ain't gonna be involved."
"Yeah, he said you wouldn't believe me. He said to tell you he expects to have another federal court order or two for you to wipe your ass on again. He said to tell you these aren't the old days anymore."
His face paled a bit and then he said, "You're still bluffing. This ain't some goddamn movie."
I leaned in, resting my hands on his desk and said, "It's exactly like a goddamn movie. You get my mother paroled before the end of the month or I will bring you down. If you fuck with me, Grandpa, you better stock up on Vaseline because your enemies will be lining up to fuck you up the ass."
Again, there was a long silence and I suspected he was preparing to tell me to go fuck myself, but finally he said in a much quieter voice than before, "That whore murdered your father, boy – don't that matter?"
I didn't spare a second in replying, "She put down a fucking rabid dog. I'm ashamed that I come from his blood and yours. You got your pound of flesh for Momma doing what you should have done long ago. She paid half her life for doing the right thing. It's done. Let her go."
His face went pale, then red as I spoke. Slowly, it paled again as he fumbled on the desk for a pack of cigarettes and matches. Lighting up, he sucked in a lungful of what I hoped was cancerous smoke and then as he exhaled, said, "What exactly do you want?"
I smiled and said, "Two weeks from now, she has her parole hearing and you make sure her parole is granted. You leave her be. You leave us both be. No reprisals against her, me or anyone you think helped us. Anything happens to her or me and your world ends. After she's free, we don't know you and you don't know us. We're finished. Oh, and just so you know, you're not getting my vote."
Smoke curled up around his head, enveloping the old man's face. I barely was able to see him nod his head and then say, "Get out, boy." He slowly spun his chair around to face the wall. He didn't say another word and I walked away. I never saw that sorry son of a bitch again.
On October Twenty-first, Momma sat before the parole board. I sat in the audience with a few other family members of prisoners, a reporter who was dozing and Tisha. They asked Momma some silly-assed questions about being rehabilitated and listened to Corrections Officer Latisha Wilkins report about Momma's good conduct and that she had family support ready and waiting upon release. The five person board shuffled some papers around and then the chairperson, a heavy-set middle aged woman said, "Thank you, Miz Howard. The Board's recommendation will be released in a couple of weeks."
A gray haired gentleman in a rumpled seersucker suit reached out and placed his hand on the woman's wrist and said, "Madame Chairperson, I think the Board is ready to vote now." He gave her a knowing look and she slowly nodded and he added, "Madam Chairperson, I call for a vote to parole Carleen Howard."
Five minutes later, Momma was granted parole – her freedom to come within two days as papers were filed and processed. Momma and I were allowed to hug for a moment, both of us crying and even Tisha looked a bit misty-eyed.
The next two days were the longest I'd spent since I'd first come to see my mother. My imagination was filled with all sorts of worst case scenarios that my grandfather might inflict upon us, but on October Twenty-fourth, I sat in the parking lot in front of the women's prison, my eyes drawn again and again to the Red Houses beyond the fence line, thinking of what those old, tumbledown shacks had meant to us.
I could see activity around the Red Houses, prisoners being led to them by female guards. I couldn't make out faces, but one women prisoner had long, stringy blonde hair. Before she reached her destination, she turned and looked my way through the metal fence and razor wire and waved. Maybe it was Ettie, maybe not. I never was sure. I never saw her again. I wish her and her little boy well, though.
A klaxon rang out and the front gates of the prison swung open. Tisha stepped out, one arm hooked through Momma's arm. Gone was the old khaki prison dress. Instead Momma was wearing the pretty summer dress I'd brought her the first time we'd spent the weekend at the Red House, the elastic top tugged down to leave her shoulders bare and much of the upper swell of her breasts visible – her tit flesh bouncing along as free and unrestrained as Momma now was. Momma broke into a run as soon as she saw me, a little awkward and unbalanced on the short high heels I'd sent along with the dress earlier that morning. White, unblemished thighs flashed dangerously high as we ran to each other.
My mother fairly leapt into my arms and I crushed her in an embrace like I never wanted to let her go. I lifted her up and spun her around before lowering her so I could kiss her face. She looked beautiful through tear blurred eyes – both of us crying and both of us saying how much we loved each other between wet, passionate kisses.
Finally, we both remembered that Tisha was standing there, watching us, tear tracks evident on her face. I reached out and pulled her to us, saying, "Thank you so much, Tisha – I owe you everything for getting Momma free." I kissed her cheek and then I kissed her on the mouth. For a brief moment I caught her cinnamon scent.
Momma moved in on her and they shared a long embrace and a passionate kiss before they reluctantly let each other go and Momma moved back into my arms. "I – thanks, Tisha," Momma gushed. "I reckon I owe you my freedom as much as I do John."
Tisha wiped her cheek clear of moisture and looked at us both, a funny smile on her face. For the first time, I realized she looked a little wan – tired, as if she didn't feel well. I hadn't seen her since I'd last visited Momma in the Red House. We'd talked a time or two on the phone, but she'd passed on my more than subtle hints to get together. "Are you okay, Tisha?"
The black woman nodded and said, "I'm fine, boy." She dropped her gaze for a moment and then lifted her head and said bluntly, "Y'all don't owe me a thing. This is the prison and nothing gets done for free. I did for you and you did for me." That funny smile returned and she said, "You did for me more than you might ever know."
Tisha came up to us both and hugged us together. "Go on now, boy. This girl is free, get her the hell out of here." She smiled at us one more time and said, "Y'all take care now, hear?" and turned and walked away, the klaxon blaring again as the gates opened up and swallowed her. She never looked back.
Momma turned to me and suddenly the enormity of what had happened hit her. She looked around, realizing that for the first time in almost twenty years, she was outside the walls of the prison...that she was free. Momma began to shiver as if freezing and clung to me as if the wide open spaces were closing in. She looked at me with both love and fear in her eyes and whispered, "Get me the hell away from here, son!"
We climbed into my car – a not too new small sedan. I showed her how to work the seat belt and then I was in and we took off. Neither of us looked back at the prison. For a few minutes, Momma just watched Mississippi go by, marveling at the stark difference that everything was in regards to where she's lived for the last two decades. Newly harvested fields, shotgun shacks, irrigation canals, children both black and white playing in the hard scrabble yards – all of it Momma just soaked in.
After several minutes of silence, Momma reached out and took my hand, squeezing it. When I looked over at my mother, she was crying, tears pouring from her eyes. "Momma, are you okay?" I asked.
She nodded and then shook her head. "I don't rightly believe this is happening," she said in a halting voice. "I keep thinking I'll wake up and it'll 'bout kill me to know I was dreaming."
I pulled her hand to my lips and kissed it gently. "It's no dream, Momma. You're here with me and forever. We can go wherever you want and do whatever you want!"
Momma's face glowed with love as she in turn pulled my hand to her lips and kissed it over and over. "I just want to be with you, son, the rest of my life."
We drove on, not talking, hands still joined and occasionally giving each other a look that was more than enough to convey our love for each other. We passed through a small town with a fast food chicken place. I went through the drive-thru and picked us up a picnic bucket and drinks. Another ten miles down the road saw us approaching a small Civil War Battlefield park, full of trees and a small row of cannons. We pulled in and I retrieved a blanket from the trunk and we carried our food over into the trees where I spread the blanket under a tall oak.
Late October in Mississippi, things are still pretty green and it was a pleasant day – the summer heat long gone. We ate our lunch mostly in silence, pausing to give each other silly, greasy kisses. Once we were done, we took a walk through the trees, Momma looking radiant in the early afternoon sun, looking erotic as the bright light of the sun made her dress seem almost transparent – making it even more obvious that she was not wearing a bra and maybe not panties. We still didn't say much beyond little "I love you" and other endearments.
Finally, we returned to our picnic spot. Momma squatted down to take up the blanket, but I knelt next to her and said, "Wait a minute, Momma."
My mother looked at me expectantly and said, "Something wrong, John?"
I shook my head and said, "No, but we have some unfinished business. From my pocket, I pulled out the small ring box she'd closed when we'd last been together. I opened it up and held up the small diamond ring. I took Momma's hand in mine and said, "I've waited like you've asked, but now it is the right time. Momma...Carleen Howard, I love you with all my heart. Will you please marry me?"
Fresh tears rolled down Momma's face and she looked at me and said, "You sure you want an old prison slut like me?" I nodded, a big grin on my face. Momma bit her lower lip for a second and then said, "Son, yes...God yes. I'm right proud you're my son and I'll be proud to be your wife!"
I slid the ring onto her left hand and we kissed, kneeling there on the blanket, tongues joining in loving greeting as we hugged each other tightly. When we ended the long, passionate kiss, Momma had her evil, sexy grin back and she said, "You think Donna would approve?"
I shrugged my shoulders and replied, "I think so. Mom was all about being happy and always said love and family is what's important and in your arms, I have both in more ways than I ever dreamed possible."
"I love you, son," Momma whispered, pushing me onto my back, her hands working at my belt. "I love my boy and I'll be proud to have a motherfucker for a husband!" Before I knew it, Momma had my pants down around my ankles and my cock was proud and erect in her hands. My mother moved up to straddle me, raising the hem of her short dress and confirming what I was already suspecting – that she wasn't wearing any panties, her thick, black bush glistened with arousal.
With a moan, Momma guided my erect penis between her already swollen labia, slick with her juices and slowly sank down on my cock! Momma took all of me inside her in one sweetly drawn out movement, raising her hands to the sky and stretching out on me like a big jungle cat, her fingers flexing like claws as quivers of pleasure took her over. She looked down at me and as she began to ride me, moaned, "Now, I know I'm free. I'm fucking my son, my lover, my husband and I'll know I'm free every time I got this good hard cock inside me!"
Momma let out a squeal of carnal delight while I reached up and tugged the neckline of her dress down, fully revealing her massive tits, nipples already thick with excitement, swollen and almost throbbing with her desires. My fingers played over her breasts, pinching hard nipples and squeezing her soft, pillow-like flesh.
A gentle breeze blew over us, making us shiver as it briefly cooled our suddenly sweaty bodies, adding to the sweet, incestuous pleasure building in us as Momma slid her clasping pussy up and down my cock, her thick labia trying to cling to my shaft as she rose up and then swallowing all of me as she let her slick, molten cunt slide down my long, thick pole.
I felt an orgasm wash over Momma, making her nipples swell even more as she completely impaled herself on my cock, grinding her pelvis against mine as I felt her juices soak our co-joined crotches. I pulled her face down to mine, our lips parting so we could kiss again, her tongue tasting fresh and delicious against my tongue as they curled and roiled around each other. Momma kissed me hard, her body quivering as she shook from the intensity of her climax, ending it with a gasp of "I'm free – fucking my loving boy. I'm free!"
I let my hands slip to cup Momma's ass and I began to work her back and forth on my cock, allowing her waning orgasm to blossom anew as I buried my face against her mammoth breasts, biting one and then the other nipple as she clung to me and sobbed her orgasm, her cries deepening every time she dropped and again took all of me deep into her tightening womb. Momma's cries of passion were echoed back in the glad responses of songbirds in the trees, eventually fading as her second orgasm began to ebb.
Momma wiggled contentedly with my throbbing penis deep inside her and I let myself go, thrusting my hips up with so much effort, her breasts bounced wildly in appreciation as I flooded her cunt with shot after shot of semen, the fiery seed triggering another orgasm in my mother. I held her tight as she convulsed in my lap, her pussy milking my sperm from my balls, just reveling in holding Momma in my arms with no one to tell me or her that we had to stop.
With Momma free, there seemed to be no end to what we might do. Sure there was some rough days as Momma struggled to adapt to a new life, one that no longer included prison walls and a rigid, rarely changing schedule. At the end of each bump we hit, Momma found comfort in my arms and I found new levels of intimacy I never knew could be shared with another human being. Day by day, Momma braved her new world and we celebrated triumph, big or small. Whether it was learning to drive and getting a new license or simply venturing from the house to grocery shop, we embraced every step of Momma's return to the world.
At my Thanksgiving break, we drove over to New Orleans and had ourselves an honest to god Honeymoon after having a backwater justice of the peace marry us. I promised Momma we'd return to see the sights another time because we only emerged from our hotel room to get something to eat when we tired of room service. We wear matching gold bands, simple, plain rings that represent the pureness of our love for each other.
Despite our happiness, we did have a shadow following us – the ever present possibility of my grandfather somehow finding a way to strike back at us. We discussed leaving Mississippi and seized on the opportunity to do so when the chance was given to me to transfer to a California school and continue my graduate studies on Falkner and his 'Hollywood' years. Momma was quite happy to leave Mississippi behind – the truth being that Tisha Wilkins was the only thing we'd regret leaving behind. Tisha resisted most contact and other than a few phone conversations, we never caught up to her before we left.
Momma and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary in California making love in our apartment near UCLA. We had other reasons to celebrate as well. One morning in early November as we prepared to go to school (me to my graduate studies and Momma to some remedial preparatory college classes), the news came over the news cable station that Congressman Andrew Garrett had died. Officially attributed as a massive heart attack, reports soon surfaced that he'd done himself in and that it had been officially hushed up.
And shortly after Granddaddy's death, we received word from Tisha after several months of silence...a letter and a photograph. The photo was of Tisha and an infant perhaps six months old. The baby had dark skin, sandy brown hair and blue eyes. The back of the picture was labeled, "Tisha and Katherine." The letter was short and to the point.
And that's where we are now – working on schooling and waiting anxiously to meet my daughter...Momma's granddaughter. Sometimes at night after we've made love, Momma and I will talk about the future. Some of my professors are already guiding me towards staying here once I've gained my doctorate. Momma and I talk about buying a house or maybe even building our own. We're not sure except that we agree on the color. We both think there is only one answer – the color we associate most with our incestuous love. We will live in a red house.
The End