Chapter 01.1

Sirius Minor was a paradise.

Most colonized planet had to be terraformed to some extent or other. Sometimes oxygen needed to be added to the atmosphere. At a minimum, plants and animals needed to be imported.

But not on Sirius Minor. The planet was teeming with big, broad trees and plant life of different kinds. There were animals too, mostly small, harmless herbivores. The planet was filled with majestic mountains and scenic lakes and had a year around temperate weather. With no planetary tilt, there were no harsh seasons.

The planet, on the edge of known space, had only recently been settled over five years ago. There were only 2,000 colonists, and in a colony that size most everyone knew everyone else. Most people had jobs with the Colonial Administration, an indirect arm of the World Government.

The colony had a small footprint, less than fifteen square miles, and only a tiny fraction of the planet had been explored. And so the colony launched an expedition to the western peaks, under the command of renown biologist John Crenshaw. Their multicrawler had settled in at the base of the closest mountain range, some fifty miles north of the colony, and Crenshaw's staff was exploring a nearby lake which was teaming with wildlife. But Henry and Sarah Martell had a different destination in mind. They climbed up into the foothills and found a cave entrance. They commed Crenshaw and asked permission to go inside.

"A cave?" said Crenshaw doubtfully. "It could be dangerous. What if you fall into a crevice of get trapped?"

"The entrance itself is really big," said Henry over the comm. "We peered inside and it seems quite wide!"

Crenshaw sighed. "Most of the team is at the lake. Can't this wait? I'd prefer you not go alone."

"We'll be fine," said Henry, as Sarah nodded vigorously. "We'll comm if there's any trouble, and you know exactly where we are!"

"All right," said Crenshaw. "But sundown is in two hours. Be back by then."

"Affirmative. Henry out."

Sarah grinned excitedly at Henry. "I wonder what we'll find inside!"

They entered the cave slowly, using their glow lamps for illumination. But the cave had its own light source, a dim greenish illumination which lit the way. The cave went on and on and on, deeper into the mountainside. As they moved inwards, the air grew warmer, moister, and more stale.

And then they saw the bones.

"Henry, look!" said Sarah. She shone her glow lamp at the ground.

There were skeletons all over the place, dozens of them.

"This must have been a nesting place for animals," said Henry. He studied the bones. "But we've never seen animals this big."

"They look like some kind of primates," said Sarah. "We haven't found any primates at all on Sirius Minor. I wonder what made them become extinct?"

They heard a faint sound. "Do you hear that?" Sarah asked.

Henry shook his head. He eyed the skeletons. "Maybe we should turn back."

"No!" said Sarah. "I want to find out that sound is!" Without waiting, she kept moving forward and downward.

As they got deeper and deeper the air became thicker and thicker. The sound became more audible now. "Momomomomom!"

"I wonder what could be making that sound?" said Sarah.

Something flew by them in the darkness, brushing against Henry's shoulder. "What was that?" he said. It had come and gone too quickly for him to see.

"Some kind of insect life?"

"It was too large to be an insect," said Henry. "Sarah, I think we should turn back now."

"Just a little farther," she urged. His sexy blonde wife was used to getting her way. Henry watched his wife's large, well rounded ass cheeks as he meekly followed her.

Farther down the passageway they found something on the cave wall. Sarah shined a light on it. "It's some kind of creature, like a jellyfish!"

But a jellyfish it wasn't. It was round and yellow-brown like a pancake. It pulsated on the wall, in and out, in and out.

"I've never seen anything like it," Sarah whispered. "Henry, we've discovered an entirely new form of life!" She stared at the creature and felt almost mesmerized by it. She slowly reached out her hand closer, closer, closer...

"Don't touch it!" said Henry, causing her to draw her arm back.

"What was I doing?" said Sarah, blinking rapidly.

"Honey, I really think we should get back to the expedition and report what we've found," said Henry.

"Just a little bit farther."

"But Honey-"

"Just a little bit farther. Please!" Sarah repeated. Without waiting for an answer, she kept going.

The air suddenly became fresher, or less stale, but also fouler at the same time. They came out of the tunnel into a giant chamber. It was hard to see in the dim green lighting. Sarah shined her glow lamp upwards, and she gasped.

In the room with them was a creature in the shape of a giant black ball, perhaps forty feet tall. The creature had two giant dark eyes which stared down at them. They could hear its raspy breathing. They could hear the sounds of "Momomomomomom" coming from it. It was alive!

There were also more of those pancake creatures along the walls. Some of them were flying around the chamber.

"What is THAT?" said Sarah, pointing her glow lantern at the giant black round thing. Suddenly she shuddered as she felt its gaze fall upon her. She felt the sudden impulse to run, as if that thing were predator and she was the prey, but she found her legs couldn't move. "Henry, I'm stuck!" she cried.

A light shot out of the big round ball and struck her forehead.

"Momomomomomom!" said Sarah.

"Sarah!" Henry cried. He tried to pull her free, but a second beam of white light struck him in the head too. "Momomomomomom!"

How long they stood there like that, chanting, they didn't know. Sarah and Henry were barely aware of themselves slowly taking off each other's clothes. When they were nude, a third bright light appeared, shining first on Sarah's breasts, then her groin, then Henry's penis. Henry vaguely sensed a wave of satisfaction coming from the creature.

"Momomomomom!" said Sarah.

"Momomomomom!" said Henry.

They turned and looked at each other without seeing, and then, taking small, jerky steps, walked to the nearest cave wall. There they put their arms out in front against them and leaned against it. As they did they could see and feel those flying pancake creatures, flying around them.

One of them landed on Sarah's back, right between her shoulder blades. She stiffened and cried out "Henry!"

Henry slowly came to his senses. He watched the creature settle down in the center of Sarah's back.

Sarah grabbed her head. "Henry, I can feel things, things inside my head!"

Henry was about to remove the creature on her back when another one of them landed on his own naked back. He grabbed his head and cried out.

"Where are they?" John Crenshaw fumed. He never should have let them go into that cave!

"Still no response?" said Amelia, a sexy blonde.

"No," Crenshaw shook his head. He was about to organize a rescue party when the comm crackled.

"Professor Crenshaw," came Henry's voice. "Are you there? Come in?"

"Henry? Where are you? Are you all right?" John asked.

"We're fine," said Henry, in a very calm voice. "We've made the most amazing discovery at the cave!"

"What? What did you discover?" Crenshaw asked.

There was a pause. "It's not easy to put in words. You'll have to see it. You'll truly be amazed!"

Crenshaw gave Amelia a look of intrigue.


Nils Haverstrom was the chief of staff of colony leader Susannah Barrington. At 30 years of age, he was a decade and a half younger than the colony leader. Nils was six foot three, had broad shoulders, and by all standards was an extremely handsome man. It was well known in the executive suite that the flirting between the two was hot and heavy. Susannah clearly enjoyed having a muscular younger man running her office. But she was also devoted to her husband Doug and her 18 year old daughter Lauren.

"You're back," said Susannah, sounding surprised when Nils entered her office. A week ago Nils had told her in confidence that he had met a stunning blonde named Sarah who he was going out for drinks with, and Susannah hadn't seen him since. He had called in requesting to take an immediate leave of absence for a week, and because of their close relationship Susannah had granted his request.

And now Nils was back and looking happy and energized with a new bounce in his step. "I met the most amazing blonde."

"Do tell," Susannah smiled, crossing one leg over the other.

Nils sat down on the couch and patted the seat besides him. Susannah came over and sat besides him. She had a ton of work to do, but that could wait.

"Her name was Sarah," said Nils. As he spoke, a strong, masculine, musky odor started to fill the room. As Susannah breathed it in, she began to get sexually aroused. "And Susannah, what an incredible body she had!"

"Really?" Susannah grinned. She loved hearing about Nils' exploits.

"Yeah," said Nils, putting an arm around her. Susannah frowned at his familiarity, but she felt a tingling in her clitoris which distracted her. "And we had a lot in common too."

"Like what?" Susannah asked.

"Like her husband, Henry. We both work in administration."

"A married woman!" Susannah's eyebrows shot up, even as Nils started caressing her arm. She was starting to feel very hot now.

Nils gave a shit eating grin. "Yep. And Henry liked to watch."

"No!" said Susannah. "He didn't watch you... and his wife..."

"Uh huh," said Nils, putting his hand on her thigh. "He watched as I fucked his wife."

Suddenly Nils was becoming just a bit too familiar. Susannah opened her mouth to protest, but Nils put his lips over hers, setting off fires all over her body. Susannah groaned with intense sexual desire as Nils ground his lips against hers. She felt his hands squeezing her breasts through her blouse.

"Nils!" she cried.

"Shhhhh!" said Nils. He boldly reached down and put his hand under her skirt. He started to rub her clit through her panties.

"Ooooh!" said Susannah, as her clitoris was intensely stimulated. "Oh, oh, oh!"

"Oh oh is right," Nils grinned. He kept kissing her even as he opened her shirt and disconnected her breast control collar. Susannah's 45 year old breasts were sagging but Nils treated them like crown jewels, touching then tenderly.

"Oh, Nils, we shouldn't" she cried.

"But we should," Nils corrected her. He put his lips over one of her down pointed nipples and sucked hard. The musky scent Susannah had inhaled increased her arousal tenfold. When her nipple, bright and red and hard, popped out of Nils' mouth, she was his, and he knew it.

Before long both of them were nude, and the head of Nils' penis was stimulating her clitoris directly.

"Ooooh!" Susannah groaned. "Nils, it feels so good! But I'm a married woman! What about Doug?"

"We'll let Doug watch us another time," said Nils, in such a cocky, manly way that it sent chills down her spine. He rubbed the head of his penis up and down her labia. "Do you want me to make love to you, Susannah?"

"I... yes!" she cried. Her brain was fried, short-circuiting her common sense. She needed relief, and she needed it NOW!

Nils grinned wolfishly and slowly inserted himself into her. He had a big, thick member and Susannah gasped as she was so richly penetrated.


"Good?" Nils asked, as he slowly pumped her.

"The best!" she cried, wrapping her arms around his neck. "We should have done this years ago!"

"I guess we'll have to make up for lost time," Nils grinned, making her laugh. As he pumped her, he started to gasp and pant. His big, masculine body looked so athletic! "You've always wanted to do fuck me, haven't you?"

"Yes!" Susannah cried. "But my husband..."

"Don't worry about Doug. He will not only not object, but soon he will approve," said Nils.

Susannah was in sexual heaven. She felt so sexually aroused and Nils' penis was so thick, so hard, much harder than Doug's. She dimly tried to concentrate on what he was saying. "What do you mean, Doug will approve?"

"He'll want me to fuck you." His thick rod filled her again, making her gasp. "He'll beg me to fuck you." She gasped again as his rod pulled out. It was so big and thick and red!

Suddenly the comm buzzed. "Leader Barrington, you have a meeting with the Chief Engineer."

Nils continued to rod her.

"Leader Barrington, please respond."

"Tell them to call back later," Nils whispered.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah," Susannah gasped. "Yes. Denise, tell the Chief I'm indisposed right now and ah, ah, ah, I'll have to reschedule."

"But Leader Barrington, the Power Plant report is due-"

"Reschedule!" Susannah roared. Right now all she cared about was getting her badly needed sexual release. "Out!" she said, terminating the connection.

"You did very well, Susannah," said Nils approvingly. "I just know you're going to be an excellent host."

"Host?" said Susannah.

Suddenly Nils groaned and stiffened, and his eyes momentarily rolled up into his head.

"Did you just climax?" she asked.

"In a matter of speaking," he gasped. His face was red. He put his arms behind her head and continued to plow her.

Out of the corner of her eye Susannah saw something small and yellow crawling down Nils' right arm. "What is that?" she said.

"That's my rider," said Nils. "I made it, just for you."

Susannah watched in horror as the pancake shaped creature crawled down his arm. "No," she said feebly.

Nils used his free hand to pin both her arms above her head. Susannah felt powerless. She was so sexually aroused that she couldn't think straight.

"What is that thing?"

"Everything will become evident in a moment," said Nils. "Are you close to coming, Susannah?"

"I... yes!" she was almost at the precipice.

"Then come for me, Susannah. Come for me as you accept your new master." Nils thrust between her widely spread cuntlips rapidly. He was so strong, so muscular, so manly!

Suddenly Susannah felt an explosion in her clitoris which radiated out of her body. As it did, the rider jumped from Nils' hand to her back. Immediately she stiffened and cried out, "There's something happening in my head!" The feeling of tremendous relief radiating from her groin mixed with the feeling of alien tendrils in her mind, confusing her. By the time her orgasm subsided, the feeling in her head did as well.

Nils helped her sit up. "What are you?"

"I am Hiveflesh," Susannah reflexively said.

"What is your purpose?" he asked.

"To make the Community happy and healthy," said Susannah.

"Come," said Nils, pulling her off the couch like an errant balloon. He led her to the washroom where they both turned their backs to the holographic mirror.

Susannah had a creature on her back, a yellow-brown pulsating creature between her shoulder blades. Nils had one too, but his was larger, and had a golden band around the edges of it.

"What is it?" Susannah asked.

"This is your rider," Nils explained. "Sarah gave me a rider, and spent the week training me and helping my rider mature, and now as Sarah helped me, I will help you, Susannah."

"Help me what?" Susannah asked. She watched in horror as the creature on her back inflated and deflated slowly. What was it doing to her?

"As Colony Leader, you are going to help bring everyone in the Hive."

"The Hive?" Susannah had never heard that word before, but somehow on an instinctual level she knew what it was.

"Yes. You are going to help us give riders to every person on Sirius Minor. They will take over our minds and control our bodies and we will all be extremely happy," said Nils.

Susannah looked at Nils in horror. The gravity of the situation suddenly hit home. "Aliens... taking over our minds? No, I won't do it!"

"You will do it," said Nils. "You will do it, if you don't want Doug and your dear Lauren to be taken."

Susannah's jaw dropped open.

Nils got dressed as he stared hard at her. "We'll start your training tomorrow morning. In a week you'll be one of us, and not only willing but eager to assist us in our plans." He smiled at her and left, confident in what he had done to her.

Susannah stared at the rider on her back for a long while, then got dressed herself. Her first instinct was to have Denise call Dr. Breyerly. She activated her comm. "Denise, are you still there?"

"Yes, Leader Barrington. Do you want to meet with Chief Kiley now?"

"No! I-" the words got stuck in her throat. She wanted to have Denise call Dr. Breyerly, but she couldn't form the words. She felt her rider on her back. She felt it manipulating the muscles in her neck, silencing her.

"Leader Barrington?"

Susannah struggled to speak. But the more she struggled, the more painful it became. She felt a powerful throbbing pain growing in the pit of her stomach. She gasped with pain.

"Leader Barrington, are you all right?"

Susannah wanted to scream from the pain. All right, I surrender! she thought.

Suddenly, the pain vanished.

"Susannah, are you all right?'

"Yes," she said, amazed she could speak. "Everything is fine. I... I've changed my mind. I'll contact you when I'm ready."

"All right, Susannah." The line terminated.

Susannah realized that her rider was already starting to take control of her.

That evening she almost told Doug what had happened to her. She opened her mouth to speak to him, and felt a stabbing pain in her gut. The creature on her back somehow knew what she was going to do before she did it. Susannah, remembering the intense pain it had inflicted on her in the office, didn't try again.

Doug and Lauren seemed oblivious to the fact that she had an alien creature on her back. Lauren smiled and chatted about her excitement to begin Colonial College in the fall as if nothing were wrong with her. Doug made small talk about some project he was working on in Administration. Even as he kissed his wife goodnight, he seemed totally unaware what was going on beneath her shirt.

The following morning Susannah looked at her rider in the mirror. She tried to reach it with her hands but couldn't. It was positioned perfectly between her shoulder blades. It would take someone else to pull it off of her, and she was unable to talk to anyone else about it. Even the mere thought of going to the medical center made her feel a jab of pain in her stomach.

Susannah got into the shower and tried to relax. As she turned on the water she felt her rider inflating and deflating slowly. Suddenly her body began to relax, but it was not a natural feeling. She sensed that her rider was enjoying the flow of water around it.

"Aaaaaahhhhh," Susannah gasped, as she let the water run down her back for a full thirty minutes. A solitary thought entered her mind.

Her master was pleased.

When Susannah got to work she tried to busy herself with her daily tasks as if nothing had happened. Nils was not there that morning, raising her hopes that perhaps he would not come in today. But he did come into her office by mid afternoon, walking in large, confident steps. "Hello, Susannah. Did you miss me?"

"I want this thing off my back," said Susannah.

"Of course you do," said Nils. "But that's only because your rider hasn't matured yet. Once it matures you'll never want it off."

"I don't want it to... mature," said Susannah.

"Your desires are irrelevant. The minute you took a rider you became Hiveflesh and lost the capacity to make any choices large or small," said Nils. He started to casually take off his clothes. "Now take off your clothes and prepare to obey, or dear Doug and Lauren will be the next ones to get riders."

Susannah gasped. I have to obey, she thought, as her rider inflated on her back. She slowly started to remove her dress. Nils grinned as she unsnapped her breast control collar. Her heavy breasts were sagging but were still "two good handfuls" as Doug often told her. She removed her skirt but paused at her panties.

Nils, now totally nude, boldly walked over and started to rub her clit through her panties.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh!" Susannah cried. She no longer smelled the musky odor, but didn't have to. She felt tendrils from her rider taunting and teasing her breasts, taunting and teasing her clit. It was as if her clit was being stimulated from both sides, inside and out. Susannah felt tremendously aroused.

"Lower your panties, Susie," said Nils, in a low, sexy voice. "Lower them now."

Susannah nodded thickly and lowered her panties, revealing her yellow-brown pubic triangle to him. She gave him a shy, vulnerable look What am I doing? she wondered.

"Good. You are learning to obey," Nils grinned. "You have a beautiful cunt. I've always wondered what it looked like."

Susannah was trying to figure out how to respond to that when Nils put a finger expertly inside her vagina and started to rub her clit.

"Ah! Ah, ah, ah!" Susannah gasped.

"You like?'

"Yes!" she whispered.

"Kiss me," he demanded.

He was so strong, so manly! Susannah kissed him and groaned with pleasure as her clit tingled furiously. "What's happening to me?" she cried.

"Obedience is rewarded," said Nils. "This is only one of the benefits of joining the Hive."

"The Hive?"

"Soon you will understand," said Nils. "Now call Doug."


"Call Doug and tell him you will be home late tonight."


"Your training today will take several hours."

"Several hours!" Susannah cried. The pressure on her clit was intense. She felt rubbed inside and out. She desperately needed release!

"Do it!" Nils roared, with a glint of menace in his eyes.

"Comm!" said Susannah. "Place call to Doug. Audio only!"

"A good choice," Nils grinned, as he stood there with his fingers buried inside her vulva.

"Hello dear," came Doug's voice. "I'm only getting audio. Is something wrong?"

Yes, dear. I'm standing in the middle of the room while my Chief of Staff rubs my clit.

Susannah bit back a groan as Nils, still looking extremely pleased with himself, rubbed her clit insistently. "Do you have to do that while I'm talking?" she whispered.

"Do what?" said Doug.

"Sorry, dear. I was talking to Nils," said Susannah, trying to sound calm. "I, I have to work late tonight, I won't be home until... 8?" Nils nodded. "Eight. Make dinner for yourself and Lauren."

"All right," said Doug. "Is something going on?"

"No, dear," said Susannah, wiping sweat off her face as she stood there while Nils' fingers worked inside her vulva. "Ah... nothing is going on. Love you. Talk to you later."

"Love you too."

"End call."

She turned to Nils. "Did you have to touch me like that while I was talking to my husband?"

"Your husband is irrelevant," said Nils. "All that matters is serving the Hive."

She shivered as he said it.

"Didn't you like how intimate we were being while you were talking to Doug?" He gave her a mocking look as he rubbed her clit.


"Liar," Nils smirked. "When I'm done with you, you will." He pulled his fingers out of her. "Wet," he grinned, holding them up. Nils looked her in the eye. "Now it's your turn. Make me hard!"

Susannah's eyes widened as she looked down at Nil's enormous penis. She had never... not even with Doug...

"Now, Susie!" Nils roared.

Nils was so strong, so masculine. As her rider pulsated on her back, Susannah realized he couldn't be denied. Susannah obediently got to her knees and took his penis in hand. She looked up at him one last time.

"Do it!" said Nils. "Or your next call to Doug will have video included!" He gave her a cruel, mocking smile.

Susannah, holding back a whimper, distastefully put his long penis in her mouth. She reluctantly started to suck.

As slurping sounds filled the room Nils nodded with approval. "That's it, that's a good girl, Susie," said Nils. "You're learning to obey. Soon you'll want to. Soon you'll need to." He pet her reassuringly.

He called her Susie now. He had given her a child like name, she, the elected leader of the entire colony! It totally redefined their relationship in a way that horrified her.

And yet Susannah kept sucking on Nils' cock. She felt her rider pulsating rapidly on her back, encouraging her onward. It was just easier to obey. she thought. Nils was right. She could see herself falling into this very easily.

"The head. Focus on the head."

Susannah nodded, pulling out so she could work the tip of his penis better with her lips and tongue. But then she pulled out, licking her tongue against her lips painfully, making a face.

"What is it?" Nils asked.

"Something burned me," she said. She looked down at the head of his penis, and noticed for the first time a glowing green symbol on the head of it. It looked like a curved bone. "What is it?"

"This? This is my Hivemark," said Nils proudly.

"What does it mean?" Susannah stared at the glowing symbol on the head of his penis.

"Keep sucking," said Nils.

"But it burns!" Susannah protests.

"Keep sucking!" Nils pulled her hair forward, and Susannah obediently put him in her mouth. She tried to use her tongue on the bottom of his penis rather than the top to avoid getting burned.
Next page: Chapter 01.2