Chapter 01.2

Nils had a contented smile on his face as the leader of the colony sucked on his penis submissively while on her hands and knees in her executive office. She was all his now, all his to command. Soon she would do whatever the Hive wanted of her. The thought of Susannah falling under the Hive's control made Nils' penis tingle with sexual energy.

Nils pulled out. His penis was hard and long now. He pulled Susannah down to the couch and lay down on it, his cock sticking upwards. "You may begin," he said.

Susannah's eyebrows shot up. It was bad enough that she was being made to have sex with Nils. But for her to be the initiator!

"No," she said.

He grabbed her roughly by the arm. "You no longer get to pick and choose, Susie," he growled. Nils' rider inflated on his back. It whispered something in his ear. He cocked his head and nodded. "Perhaps you will be more amiable after we commune."

"Commune? What is that?"

"You'll love it," Nils promised. He turned and faced away from her. Susannah saw that his rider was larger than hers and had a gold band on it. It also had bones, symmetrical horizontal knuckles which grasped his back tightly.

"Do the bones hurt you?" she asked.

"No," said Nils. "They feel great. I love the feeling of my rider hugging me tightly. You'll love it too, when your rider matures. Now lean back against me."


He turned her around so her rider was facing his. Then gradually Nils started to recline, back, back, back...

"What's supposed to-"

Suddenly they were on another world, an alien world, an alien world pockmarked with small craters, craters out of which flew riders, riders which flew in steady lines across the alien landscape.

Susannah looked at Nils' manly body, his enormous erection, and flew into his arms and kissed him hard.

"Nils! I feel so free, free free free!" she said, kissing him passionately.

He kissed her back and looked into her adoring eyes. "Would you like me to make love to you?"

"Yes, more than anything!"

Nils lay her down the ground. At that moment, on that faraway alien world, Doug didn't matter. Alien mind control didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was the feeling of Nils' thick cock inside her-

Susannah gasped as her eyes came into focus. Her body was all sweaty. She saw on the chrono that over two hours had passed.

Two hours?

She looked at Nils, whose body was equally wet. "Was it-"

"Real? In a manner of speaking," said Nils, wiping his sweaty forehead. "I thought it might get you in a better mood."

"Better mood?"

"For this," said Nils. His penis was still hard and erect as if he hadn't made love to her for two solid hours. He lay back on the couch and just looked at her.

That look was all that was needed. Having virtual sex with Nils hadn't quenched her desire. It had multiplied it. As her rider pumped her with hormones, Susannah, without being asked, mounted Nils eagerly and took his penis in her dainty hands. Nils smiled at her, a cocky smile full of control and self-assurance. Susannah smiled back and inserted him inside of her.

"You want to be controlled by your rider," said Nils. "Say it."

Susannah gasped as she bounced up and down on his penis. She didn't want to be controlled, but she was in tremendous need. She had been riding on Nils' penis for over an hour. She had been rewarded with small jolts of pleasure every time she repeated a training keyphrase, but her larger orgasm eluded her. She suspected it was because of her rider, it was doing something to prevent her from climaxing. She could feel it humping her back as she humped Nils.

"I... I want to be controlled by my rider," said Susannah. She groaned as her rider rewarded her with a small jolt of pleasure.

"Doesn't that feel good?"

Susannah nodded.

"Say it again. Say it with real feeling this time."

"I... I want to be controlled by my rider!" said Susannah. She felt another jolt of pleasure and groaned again.

"Soon you will say it without hesitation. Soon you will even mean it," said Nils. "You want to be used for reproduction."

"I want to be used for reproduction," Susannah obediently said.

"You want the Hive to take over the colony," said Nils.

Susannah grimaced and shook her head even as she rode up and down on his shaft.

"Say, Susannah! Say it or you'll never be allowed to come!"

Susannah's face screwed up. "I... I want the Hive to take over the colony."

"You want everyone to take riders on their backs."

Susannah looked like she had bitten into something rotten."I... I want everyone to take riders on their backs." She gasped, and gasped again. "Please, Nils! I have to come!"

"It's not me you need to please," said Nils darkly. "But you have made some progress." He cocked his head, as if listening to hidden voices. "My master says you will be given you reward-"


"After you do one little thing for us. A symbol of your desire to cooperate."

"What is it?" Susannah asked. Sweat dripped off her erect nippled tits.

"You must give me your System Passcode."

"Why do you need my System Passcode?" she asked. She felt a jolt of pain in her gut. "Ow!"

"Yours is not to ask why," said Nils sternly. "The only question you need to ask is, do you want to climax, or shall I leave you in agony? Your training session is about to end. Decide swiftly!"

Susannah grimaced. Her clitoris was aching! So was her entire body. The constant edging was driving her mad. She had to have her release! She simply had to!

But she knew what Nils would do with her Passcode. He would use it to help the Hive take over the colony. But Susannah, her body aching, had no choice. Brutal biology dictated her response.

"Ace," she gasped, as she richly impaled herself again on Nil's demanding rod. "Ace24984."

Nils gave a wide grin, as if he instinctively knew she was telling the truth.

"Now give me my reward!" Susannah yelled.

"And so you shall have it."

It was like a switch had suddenly been flipped inside her head. Susannah's entire body flopped around in intense sexual ecstasy. She moaned and her body shuddered as if she were a puppet dancing on strings. Finally, she collapsed on top of him, totally exhausted and totally defeated.

"What a good girl," said Nils, patting her sweaty blonde hair. "A very good girl."

Susannah looked up at him with a sad face. She had just betrayed the colony. She had betrayed all 2000 lives on Sirius Minor... all so she could have a good fuck. She felt terrible.

Nils smiled, as if he could read her thoughts. He pulled her up from the couch. "Come. I think you're entitled to another small reward."

"What kind of reward?"

He took her to the bathroom. As Colony Leader, Susannah had a fully furnished apartment adjoining her offices, keeping in mind her sometimes late hours. The bathroom had a full bath, complete with a luxurious shower unit. Nils turned on the shower and pulled Susannah in. He positioned her back under the showerhead.

Susannah gasped with pleasure as her rider got hydrated. "Oh!" she cried out.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" he grinned.

Susannah nodded wordlessly as water flowed down her hair onto her back. It felt incredible!

Nils watched approvingly as her rider sucked up water. "You should shower at least once a day."

"Why?" she asked.

"It will help your rider grow and mature," he said, enjoying her startled look.

Susannah's breasts heaved and she panted heavily as her rider pulsated rapidly on her back. She instinctively took Nils in her arms and hugged him, relishing the feeling of his strong chest against her heavy breasts. "Oh, Nils," she said, hugging him tightly.

That night Susannah had dreams, very vivid dreams, very explicit dreams.

Dreams of Nils making love to her. Nils fucking her on the alien planet. Nils putting his very long cock inside of her, while she groaned and yelled his name. When Susannah woke up, she felt exhausted like she hadn't slept a moment. Her hands were jammed between her legs and she felt sweaty. She jumped into the shower and groaned with pleasure as her rider sucked up water greedily.

I shouldn't be doing this, she thought. But she couldn't help herself. It felt so good.

Lauren and Doug still seemed completely oblivious to her changed circumstances at breakfast, much more interested in their breakfast plates than the alien creature growing on her back. Doug had tried to have sex with her last night but Susannah, feeling not only tired but afraid that he might discover her rider, demurred. She knew she would have to give in eventually and wondered what would happen when she did.

When she got to the office, she smiled and greeted Denise and made her way inside. She felt almost disappointed that Nils was not yet there. She tried to concentrate on her work but her mind was not on it.

Finally Nils showed up shortly after lunch. "Miss me?" he asked.

Susannah flew into his arms and kissed him without quite realizing what she was doing.

"Ummm, I sense a change of attitude. A good one, I am thinking," said Nils. "Are you ready to fuck, Susie?"

She gave a broad smile and nodded, not trusting herself to speak.


Susannah was once again riding up and down on Nils' penis. She was understanding less and less of what she was doing. She felt strongly attracted to Nils now, much more than ever before. She could no longer resist her desires when it came to him. But that didn't mean that Susannah wanted to be part of the Hive, and she certainly didn't want the colonists to be taken over by these creatures. She felt very ambiguous about the creature on her back. She wanted it off her and yet... and yet it was an increasing source of pleasure.

"You will help us take over the colony," said Nils.

"I will help you take over the colony," said Susannah obediently, as she rode up and down on Nils' cock. She no longer resisted saying the words. She hoped saying the words would be enough, for now. But every time she said the words, every time she complied, she felt a small jolt of pleasure in her vagina. Very soon she began to associate the takeover of the colony with sexual pleasure, and perhaps before long she would even be in favor of it. It is inevitable, a small voice in her head said as she bounced up and down on Nil's penis, even as her rider pulsated on her back.

Nils was unrelenting. "You will help us give everyone in the colony riders." His voice, his body, his penis, the pressure on her back... it was all rapidly becoming irresistible.

"I will help you give everyone in the colony riders," said Susannah obediently.

Nils grinned. "Soon you'll mean it. Soon you'll want to," he promised. "I have another little task for you, Susie." He gave her an appraising look. "There will be an air truck coming into the administration zone later today. It is not to be searched."

"What's in it?" Susannah asked, even as she continued moving rapidly on his shaft. But Nils only grinned in response as she impaled herself on his cock once more.

"You will also order the north admin building evacuated."

"Why?" she asked.

"We have need of it."

Susannah gasped as her sweaty body moved up and down on Nils' shaft. Her mind felt so confused. It was an effort to think. "The entire building?"

"It is not much of a sacrifice. The building is half empty already."

That was true. The Administrative Area had been built with future expansion in mind. The West Building could easily accommodate the needs of the current tenants of the North Building.

"If I do this," she gasped, "I'll be allowing your alien friends to set up a base of operation in the heart of the capitol, won't I?" She felt her rider's tendrils in her cunt, in her breasts, and in her mind. It was already partially in control of her, and would never let go!

"Give the order, Susie," said Nils, staring hard into her eyes. "Give the order now."

Susannah looked into his eyes and was lost. I have to obey, she realized. I have no choice. With a rider on her back, she could deny him nothing. "Comm," she said aloud. She gave the necessary orders, even as she continued to ride up and down on Nil's penis.

Nils nodded with satisfaction when it was done. "You are becoming use to obeying." It was not a question.

"Yes," said Susannah. She shivered under his intense stare. Just being looked at by him was enough to send tingles through her body!

Nils looked at her heavy breasts, her sweaty body. The leader of the colony of Sirius Minor had been reduced to nothing more than an obedient puppet, to be used by the Hive as it wished. After several more minutes of training, Nils gave her her reward. Susannah gasped as she climaxed on his throbbing cock and collapsed gratefully on top of him.

Afterwards, he turned her around and examined her rider critically.

"What do you see?" she asked.

"Your rider is getting thicker."

"Wonderful," she said sarcastically.

"I can see the beginning of a horizontal bone structure," said Nils. He touched one of the liquidy bumps on her rider, making her gasp.

"What is that?"

"Your rider absorbs energy from your exertions. When it absorbs more than it can digest at any given time, it stores it as liquid energy, to be utilized later," said Nils. "You have a number of lumps on your rider. Once it had digested them, I am sure your rider will be very close to maturing."

She turned to face him, with clear vulnerability in her eyes. "And what will happen then?"

"You will learn to love your rider as your rider loves you."

Susannah licked her lips. "Please, Nils. I'm doing everything you say. Is this really necessary?"

"Yes. And you will feel differently once your rider matures. Just wait and see."

Susannah felt terrible. First she had given Nils the access codes to the city, and then she had used her authority to allow the Hive to establish a base in the heart of the colony. It wouldn't be long before they started taking over people's minds and bodies.

But she had no choice. As she fucked Doug, as she was made to perform, she felt her rider on her back, pushing her to do more, pushing her to obey. As she fucked him she felt it inflating and deflating on her back. She felt it pulsating strongly on her back as she moved up and down on his penis. Susannah was beginning to get the impression that she was no longer fucking Doug, that her rider was. Her body was simply a tool to be used by the Hive in whatever way it saw fit.

She looked at the rider in the bathroom mirror. It inflated softly on her back forming a yellow-brown bubble between her shoulder blades.

Her master.

Doug had a puzzled look on his face. He had tried kissing and hugging his wife after dinner that night but she had pushed him away, as she had done the night before."What is it, Honey?"

Susannah couldn't tell him. Not only was she in absolutely no mood to have sex, but she was deathly afraid that Doug might see her rider. If Doug found out, Susannah was afraid that Nils would bring him into the Hive. Susannah was learning to love the sexual pleasure her rider gave her but she still didn't want her family to be taken.

"I'm just tired," she said.

"Lately you're always tired," he said, hugging her again.

And then something unexpected happened. Susannah felt her rider pulsating inside of her shirt. She cocked her head and nodded.

Her rider wanted her to make love to Doug!

With each throb of her rider Susannah felt more and more confidence. She started to kiss him back slowly at first but then more and more passionately.

"There, you're warming up again," he grinned.

"Indeed I am, Husband." Her eyes were shining. "Make love to me, dear," she said simply.

Susannah had a broad smile on her face as she rode on top of her husband's cock. (In the dark; of course in the dark!) It had been her rider's idea to have her on top. She knew the additional exertions was only helping her rider to grow, but she couldn't help it. It just felt so good! Her rider amplified her pleasure sensations tenfold.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh," she gasped as she rode him.

"I've never seen you like this before," said Doug. "So happy. So animated."

"Oh? Do you like it?" She asked.

"I love it!" Doug cried, and Susannah actually laughed.

Susannah stopped thinking and concentrated on simply being. She rode Doug's cock aggressively, and smiled broadly when she felt him climaxing inside of her. But it was her rider and not Doug's penis which triggered her own orgasm, making her eyes wide and her chest red as she collapsed eagerly on top of him.

She lay there for a long moment as her genitals felt so relaxed, trying not to think about how she had betrayed the entire colony.

"That was so good, so very good," she heard a voice in her ear.

"Um hm," said Susannah, wishing this moment would last forever.

She felt Doug's hands moving upwards on her back, towards her rider, and she stiffened, getting up abruptly. "I'll shower first," she said, getting up quickly.

She quickly went into the bathroom and locked the door. She ran into the shower and turned it on and gasped as water poured over her head and her rider.

It felt so good...

When Susannah finally emerged, she stood critically in front of the mirror in a side profile. She admired the curves of her breasts and her ass... and her rider. As it slowly inflated on her back, she started to realize just how beautiful it made her look. The big, yellow-brown balloon inflating on her back looked so perfect with her tits and ass!

"Hey you," said Nils, giving Susannah a kiss.

"Hey you," Susannah grinned, kissing him back.

Nils looked at her. Susannah was wearing a low cut shirt which showed off her ample breasts. She was also wearing a short skirt which showed off her thighs. She was dressed for fucking.

"Want to have sex?" said Nils boldly.

"I thought you'd never ask!" Susannah grinned.

"I love the Hive!"

"I want my rider heavy on my back and in my mind!"

"I want to be used for reproduction!"

Susannah said these things with a smile. She was totally into it now. As she spoke, she could feel her rider on her back, bubbling up.

"Nils! Something's happening to my rider!" she cried.

"Something good I am thinking," said Nils. "Fuck me harder, Susie!"

Susannah grounded her cunt in a tight circle around Nils' stiff cock. Nils pulled her down forcefully and inserted his tongue into her mouth. The intense stimulation of being doubly penetrated at the same time gave Susannah's rider the last burst of energy it needed to complete its journey, causing fireworks to go off on her back and in her cunt. She stiffened and groaned even as her mouth was full of tongue and her cunt so full of cock.

When Nils let go, she slowly got up in a daze. He led her by the hand to the bathroom. She stared at her back in the holographic mirror.

Her rider was fully mature now, with two sets of knuckles clamping down left and right on her back. A solid gold ring gleamed around the edges.

At that moment Susannah had an epiphany as she stared at it. "My rider! Nils, it loves me! It loves me and wants the best for me!"

"Correct," Nils grinned.

Susannah, laughing hysterically, hugged him tightly, pressing her breasts against him.

Nils nodded approvingly. "I have several gifts for you."

"Gifts?" she smiled up at him.

"Hop up on the counter."

Susannah obeyed with a goofy smile on her face. She felt twenty years younger, almost like a teenager.

Nils took a green cylinder out of a bag.

"What's that?"

"That will give you your Hivemark," said Nils. "Now that you are a full fledged member of the Hive, you must have one." He indicated the green glowing curved bone symbol on the head of his penis.

Susannah looked at the cylinder. "Does it hurt?"

"Not really. You may feel a brief pinprick, but only for a moment. Spread your legs, please."

Susannah looked uncertainly at Nils, but then she slowly spread her legs.

Nils smiled as he saw her spread cuntlips. He had enjoyed plundering his former boss's sex over the past few days, and would enjoy training her even further. He looked at her bright red pussy lips. Even at 45 Susannah was still an incredibly attractive woman. Soon those very same pussy lips would be put to productive use, helping to spread the Hive far and wide.

He brushed aside brown pubic hair above her slit, then said, "Are you ready? Here goes!" and pressed the cylinder against Susannah.

Susannah cried out as it felt she was being branded with a hot iron. "You said it wouldn't hurt!" she cried.

"Just wait," said Nils.

As the seconds passed, the pain quickly faded. Susannah wiped away the tears. "It's gone."

"And now you can admire the results. Look!" He held up a small hand mirror.

Susannah looked at the reflection of her cunt. She saw a green glowing symbol above her cuntlips, an upside down U with a dot inside of it. "What is it?"

"It's a symbol of fertility. When the time is right, the Hive will use your sexy body for reproduction."

Reproduction. Susannah felt a chill go through her cuntlips. "But I'm in my mid-40's. I'm too old to have children."

"Not human children. Hivelife. When you have done everything the Hive requires of you, you will be given the honor of incubating Hivelife," said Nils solemnly.

Susannah wasn't sure how she felt about that. She was starting to enjoy being in the Hive and having a rider on her back, but wasn't sure about the idea of growing aliens inside of her.

"What kind of Hivelife?" she asked.

"Whatever the Hive requires," said Nils. He held up a hole puncher.

"What is that for?"

"To give you your labia piercing."

"What?" Susannah put a hand over her cunt. "You're not piercing my labia!"

"The Hive demands it," said Nils. He held up a shiny green rock on a two inch chain. "Once you have this around with you, the Hive will always be able to find you."

"Nils, I'm not letting you pierce my labia!" Susannah cried.

He stared into her eyes. "Momomomomomom."

Susannah immediately stiffened "Momomomomomom."


"Momomomomomom! Mahmoomisham! Mahmoomisham!" Her face was a complete blank as her newly banded rider pulsated on her back. She was a piece of meat now, just waiting to be used.

While Susannah's eyes were staring miles away Nils took the hole puncher and slid one of her labial lips around it. Susannah screamed in pain as he activated it, even as he inserted the ring into the newly created hole, which was bleeding slightly.

"It hurts!" said Susannah, rocking back and forth. "It hurts, it hurts, it hurts." As her rider pulsated on her back, it dulled the pain, replacing it with pleasure. In a moment Susannah wiped tears from her eyes without quite understanding why she had been crying in the first place.

Nils once again held up the hand mirror. She saw the tiny green gem hanging from her labia from a two inch chain.

"Like it?"

"It's... beautiful," she whispered. There was something almost hypnotic about the tiny green gem.

"Now that you are one of us, it is time to proceed to the next step in our operations. Get dressed. I want you to call Don White to your office within the hour."

"Don?" said Susannah. Don was the head of the colony's Medical Branch.

"That is correct. You are to tell him that he and his entire medical staff are being relocated to the North Building."

"What are you planning?" Susannah asked. "There are more than 70 people on his medical staff. Do you have 70 people already there ready to have sex with each and every one of them to give them riders?"

"Having sex is one way to create a rider, my sweet Susie. An incredibly pleasant way, in the case of you," said Nils. "But it is not the only way. With your access code I have been busy. Among other things, I have redirected significant protein stores to the North Building."

"Protein stores?" said Susannah.

"We have been growing riders," said Nils. "We have hundreds now ready for implantation."

A chill went down Susannah's spine. "And once you have the medical staff under your control-"

"The population will soon follow," said Nils. "What can be more simple than giving a patient a rider when he goes to see a doctor? The patient takes off his shirt, he's made to look away, and in seconds he will have joined us, without any panic or resistance. First you will send the doctors there. They will find a reception waiting to meet them. Once they have joined us, they will help the rest of the colony do the same."

"No!" Susannah cried. "I won't do it!"

"You will do it," said Nils. "Stand up! Stand up straight!"

Susannah, still completely nude, stood erect. Nils slowly walked circles around the trembling female. As she stood at attention, her banded rider slowly inflated on her back. Susannah was under the control of the Hive now, and it would never let go. "Don't you love your rider, Susie?"

"I... yes, I do," she said.

"Don't you enjoy all the sexual pleasure it's been giving you?" he said.

"I... yes," she swallowed heavily.

Nils admired the banded, mature rider pulsating on her back, the result of days of hard and pleasant fucking. Susannah Barrington might be the leader of the colony on Sirius Minor, but as far as the Hive was concerned, she was simply a puppet, to be used for fucking or reproduction or whatever other uses the Hive had in mind.

"Then why would you want to deny that pleasure to others?"

"I..." Susannah opened her mouth and closed it. She loved her rider, but at the same time she knew, she simply knew that the Hive was wrong. She didn't want the colony to be taken by riders and she certainly didn't want her husband and daughter taken by them. But the precise reason why eluded her.

"Look at your Hive Mark, Susannah, look at it!"

Susannah spread her legs and slowly looked down. She saw the glowing green symbol above her cuntlips, the upside down U with a dot in it.

"You are marked as a slave of the Hive. That mark will never be removed. You have a mature rider on your back. That rider will never come off. You serve us, now," said Nils, glaring at the shivering blonde as he walked circles around her. "Now, you will call Don White over to your office, and tell him and his doctors to relocate to the North Building starting tomorrow morning."

"No... I won't!" Susannah cried. Then she cried out. "Oh!" She felt tremendous sexual arousal in her clit. It was so strong that it was intensely painful. "Ooooh!" she cried again, grabbing her waist.

"That's right, Susannah. Your rider can not only give you pain but pleasure as well," said Nils.

"Please... please... no more..." she begged, reaching out an arm to him.

"Will you obey?" said Nils.

"Yes!" At that moment Susannah would have said yes to anything. She gasped as the pain was cut in half, then half again. She was left with a small reminder of it. She slowly stood erect again, with tears in her eyes.

"Now call Don and get dressed."

"I don't understand," said Don White. "You want my entire staff to relocate to the North Building?"

"Yes," said Susannah. She was fully dressed once more, and had wiped away the tears. Nils had even combed her hair for her.

"But... we have a lot of examining equipment in the West Complex," said Don.

"That will be moved," said Nils.

"But that will take time-"

"Movers will be at your offices tomorrow morning," said Nils.

"This is highly irregular," said Don. He looked sharply at Susannah. "Why are we doing this?"

"It's part of a new planned rotation," said Nils. "We're going to use the West Complex for other purposes."

"What other purposes?"

Nils started to answer, but Don cut him off. "Susannah, why does he answer every time I ask you a question? Is everything all right?"

Susannah felt a painful warning throb in her clit. She chose her words carefully. "I... everything... everything is fine, Don."

Don glanced at Nils. "Are you sure you want us to do this?"

"I..." Susannah bit her lip. She had a mature rider on her back which could do anything to her, anything at all. The memory of the intense pain it had given her was still fresh in her mind. "Yes, yes Don. See to it... see to it immediately."

"All right." Don frowned and left.

"What a suspicious man," said Nils. "He is headstrong and obstinate... but perhaps his obstinacy can be turned to our advantage, when it is directed towards reproduction." He turned to Susannah. "You have done well. Go home and we will resume our work tomorrow."

"Our work?"

"My dear Susannah, we have only just begun."

I'm doing it for my family, Susannah told herself. I'm doing it all for my family.

At least, that's what she tried to tell herself as Lauren babbled on incoherently about some boy she had met at Colonial College who was also interested in Environmental Feminist Justice, while Doug simply smiled at his wife and gave her hungry looks. Ever since Susannah had gotten a rider, not only had her sexual appetites increased but also her husband's, and she had a pretty good suspicion she had something to do about it.

As she looked at her family she felt a sinking feeling. If all the doctors on Sirius Minor joined the Hive, that meant that everyone in the colony would soon do the same. Everyone including her family. Susannah tried again to articulate to herself why this was wrong, but as her rider pulsated on her back she simply couldn't make the connection. She simply knew it was wrong, without being able to explain to herself why.

Doug disrupted her tenuous thought process as he took her in his arms.

"Hey!" she said.

"Hey yourself," he said, giving her a kiss. He pulled her to the bedroom even as Lauren looked away and giggled.

Maybe this is the perfect thing, Susannah thought. The best way to distract myself until tomorrow.

And so she let Doug make love to her. Since her rider was mature, there was no longer any need for her to be on top, so she let Doug joyfully plow into her. Her rider stimulated her vagina and her clitoris, almost making a mockery of the pain it had inflicted earlier. It got what it wanted, and now it's giving me a little reward.

But despite her misgivings she found herself falling into it and before long was groaning as Doug skillfully and tenderly brought her to orgasm. She hugged him tightly as he filled her with his sperm. Doug wasn't nearly as big as Nils, but he was safe, and safety was what she needed right now.

Doug held her in his arms, and for a few minutes that's all the universe was, her and Doug. But then Doug frowned as he slowly pulled out of her.

"What is it?" she asked.

"I don't know," he said. "I felt something down there." He looked down and saw her Slave Mark and labia piercing. "Susannah, what have you done?"

"I... uh..."

He looked at her slave mark. "It's some kind of tattoo. What does it mean?"

"It's, uh, a mark of fertility," said Susannah.

"Fertility?" Doug frowned.

"I wanted to feel young," she said.

"That's why you got this?" he asked, touching the small chain connecting her labia to the green stone danging from her cuntlips.

"Yeah I..."

"It's a midlife thing, isn't it?" said Doug. "You're going through a crisis?"

"Kind of," said Susannah.

"Oh, Susannah, don't you know I love you just the way you are?" He squeezed her tits."They're sagging, but I still love them!"

"You do!"

"Yeah. And I love this too." He rubbed her cuntlips. They kissed. Doug looked down again. "Actually, it looks kind of sexy."

"What, the tattoo?" she asked.

"No, the piercing. That little rock really pulls one of your pussy lips open. It makes you look extra sexy."

"Oh, Doug!" She kissed him passionately.

Next page: Chapter 02.1
Previous page: Chapter 01.1