Chapter 02.1

Susannah paced restlessly in her office the following morning until Nils showed up.

"Morning, Susie." He kissed her and she hated herself for kissing him back. He squeezed her ass possessively.

"Is it...." Her voice trailed off.

"Done? Yes," said Nils. "They have all joined us. Even the obstinate Doctor White."

"How?" said Susannah. "How did you bring 70 people into the Hive in just an hour or two?"

"You haven't been to the North Building in a while, have you?" said Nils. "Once you complete all your assigned tasks, I promise I'll give you the grand tour."

"What else do you want me to do?"

Over the course of the following two weeks, Susannah was made to order different departments to report to the North Building for "routine examinations". First it was senior managers at the Communications Department. Then it was the officers in Security. One by one, every senior agency and department head was sent to the North Building. Within two weeks, they had all joined the Hive.

Susannah's heart sank every time she made a call. She knew she was sending men and women she knew, who served underneath her, who trusted her, to be taken by the Hive and enslaved as she had been. But every morning when Nils presented with a new list of calls to make, she made them. He kept her busy fucking her, sometimes in her mouth, sometimes in the shower, sometimes in the classic missionary position, although his favorite seemed to be doggie style, taking her from behind while she was on her hands and knees.

As Nils used her in that fashion he said, "I love watching your rider as I fuck you."

"You do?" Susannah gasped, as she felt his thickness inside her.

"Every thrust makes your rider stronger." He pushed hard to make his point, making her gasp. "Every thrust pushes it to mature even more. I can already see the beginnings of your second band."

"My second band?" Susannah asked. "How big can it get?"

"My rider tells me that riders can become triple banded, but those are truly huge, covering the entire upper back, as well as other parts of the body. I don't know if we'll need to take you that far," said Nils, pounding into her. "But it would be nice to have you second banded when we move to the last phase of the operation."

"And what is that?" she asked.

"You will be told when it is time."

Nils continued to fuck her daily. He also insisted they commune. Although Susannah was horrified by what she was doing, what she was being made to do, she found that she still enjoyed sex with Nils. It was as if her mind was divided into two.

Finally, when the last department head had been taken by the Hive, Nils ordered her to have her personal assistant Denise report to the North Building.

"Denise! No, she's been with me for years! She's so young!" said Susannah.

Nils smiled. "Does Denise have a sexually mature body?" His hand played with her shoulder.

"She does," said Susannah reluctantly.

"Could her body be used in truly delicious ways to serve the Hive?" he asked, his hand moving over her upper back ever so gently, stroking her rider through her blouse.

"Yes!" Susannah gasped.

"Then see too it."

And so with a heavy heart Susannah ordered Denise into her office. "You wanted to see me, Leader Barrington?"

Susannah tried to remain calm. Denise had been with her since she had been in the Council. She had been a young eager recruit straight out of Colonial College, and completely loyal. And now Susannah was about to betray that loyalty.

"Ah, yes, Denise," said Susannah. "I'd like you go to the North Administrative Building, for a routine medical examination."

"Why? Is there something wrong with me?" the brown haired cutie asked.

"No, it's just routine, everyone's getting one," said Nils smoothly.

"I hate examinations," said Denise, making a face.

"Trust me, you'll love this one," Nils gave a grin which Susannah found especially irritating. "Report back here when you're done."

"All right." She stared at Susannah. "Is everything all right, Leader Barrington?"

"Yes," said Susannah, glancing rapidly at Nils. "Why do you ask?"

"It's nothing," said Denise, also glancing at Nils. "I'll see you soon."

"I'm sure you will," Nils grinned.

After she left, Susannah said, "She's just a kid."

"A sexually mature adult, you mean," Nils corrected. "She's very attractive. I don't doubt she'll bring many young men into the Hive, when she's properly trained." He smiled at her. "I know how difficult this must be for you. I have just the thing to help distract your attention while we wait for dear Denise's return."

Susannah was once again on all fours while Nils pounded into her from behind, grasping her hips and ass tightly behind her. His body was covered in a sheen of sweat. He frowned as he stared at Susannah's rider on Susannah's back, which was pulsating slowly. "I confess," he said, thrusting heavily, "that I (gasp) expected your rider to have (gasp) gotten its second band (gasp) by now."

"Sorry to (pant) disappoint you," Susannah said, between pants. As she felt Nil's enormous penis move inside of her she bit her lip with pleasure.

"Not disappointed!" Nils grinned, as he reinserted himself between her ass cheeks. "Just that something (gasp) unexpected (gasp) has happened."

"And what (pant) is that?" Susannah said.

"We were here to work on your rider... but it's my rider that's (gasp) maturing again," said Nils.

"What?" said Susannah. Her heavy tits jostled underneath her. "Your rider is maturing again?"

"Yeah," Nils said. "It must be all this fucking I'm doing with you." He grinned as he rubbed his cockhead against her inner walls.

"Must be," Susannah agreed, feeling horrified and proud, all at the same time. She felt her clit buzzing and getting tight. Somehow the idea of helping Nils' rider mature further excited her... or perhaps it excited her rider.

"I can feel it bubbling up on my back," said Nils excitedly. "I can feel the bones growing stronger, thicker!" He pounded into her more vigorously.

"You want that?" Susannah asked.

"Of course!" Nils' sweaty body looked so athletic as the big man pounded between her ass cheeks, his chest hair glistening with his efforts. "I want my master strong on my back and in my mind!"

Susannah suddenly realized that while both she and Nils were single banded, Nils had given into his rider almost immediately while she had resisted. It raised the interesting question of how much an individual could resist-

The comm buzzed.

"That must be dear Denise," Nils grinned.

"Get off me!" Susannah cried. She was still on her hands and knees with Nils' penis inside of her. She didn't want Denise to see her like this!

"Why? She's one of us now," said Nils. He raised his voice. "Come in, dear!"

Denise entered the office, already looking horrified from what she had just experienced. "Leader Barrington, they put a creature on my-" she broke off as her eyes widened as she took in what she saw.

"Come on in, dear," said Nils, as his penis slowly moved out and then back inside her boss's vagina once more. "We're just finishing up something special." He grinned at her as his rider expanded on his back, bubbling furiously.

"Leader Barrington... what are you doing?" Denise asked. She was horrified to see her idol on her hands and knees, being fucked from behind by her Chief of Staff.

"Nothing you won't be doing very soon," Nils predicted.

"Leader Barrington, they put this creature on my back!" said Denise. "I can feel it, in my mind-"

"It's called a rider," said Nils. "Does it horrify you?"

"Yes!" Denise cried.

"Do you want us to remove it?"

"Yes!" said Denise.

"Too bad! In a few days you'll love it, and will have trouble remembering a time you never had it!" Nils grinned. "Oooooh!" he cried out. His body stiffened. "Oooooh!" he cried again. "Oh, oh, oh!" Suddenly a second golden band burst out inside the first one on Nil's rider, which also expanded in size to cover his shoulder blades. Nils shuddered as his rider rewarded him with a tremendous orgasm. Suddenly Nils was flooding Susannah with his sperm, emptying his aching balls inside of her. The release felt so good!

"Ahhhh," he said with a smile. He slowly pulled his aching shaft out of Susannah's rear. Rear insertions were tricky in vaginal sex, but he had learned to master them.

"What's... what's happened to you?" Denise asked.

"Look and see," Nils grinned. He turned his back to them. Denise and Susannah saw that his rider now sloped over both his shoulder blades. It was thicker, and meatier, and the horizontal knuckles were big and thick.

"Don't those bones hurt?" she asked.

"Not at all," said Nils. "It feels like my rider is giving me more of a backbone, actually." His giant double banded rider suddenly expanded, growing into a giant yellow brown balloon even larger than anything Susannah's single banded rider had ever produced.

"It's big!" said Denise.

"Yes, it's big. Big big big," Nils grinned, as he stared through her tight white dress at her tits and cunt. Perhaps he would train Denise himself.

"Leader Barrington, what's going to happen to me?" Denise asked.

Susannah slowly got up. She had no words of comfort.

"You will be trained and your rider will mature. The good news is that once that happens, you'll be happier than you've ever been," Nils grinned.

The following morning Nils had a surprise for her. "The Hive only needs one more thing from you now, Susie."

"Only one more?" said Susannah.

"Only one more official act," said Nils.

"Then that's it? Then I'm free?"

"Don't be naive. You will never be free from the Hive. But let's just say that after this you will get some well deserved rest," said Nils.

"And what is this one, last thing the Hive wants from me?"

"Not much. Not much at all. Simply to make one little broadcast."

"And what do you want me to say?" A sudden fear gripped Susannah, though she wasn't sure why.

"You will tell the colonists that you have received a very disturbing Future Prediction from Golem Sachs on Earth, a prediction which states with near certainty that a plague will strike Sirius Minor sometime in the next few months."

"A plague? There's no plague," said Susannah.

"Not yet, but there will be."

"People won't believe it."

"They will when you tell them that the World Government commissioned supporting Future Predictions from Moudy's and Snatch which said the very same thing. They all say there is a better than a 90% probability of a plague sweeping Sirius Minor."

"And what happens when people contact Moudy's or Snatch and find out they've never heard of these Future Predictions?"

Nils smiled. "My dear Susannah, the Communications staff was the one of the very first Departments I had you send to the Hive. There will be no unauthorized messages to Earth. You will tell the population that it is a near certainty that this plague is coming, but fortunately an expedition to the Western Peaks discovered a new form of life which is immune to the Plague."

"Let me guess. Riders," said Susannah, getting a sinking feeling.

"Exactly," said Nils. "Scientists discover that when riders, harmless symbiotic creatures, are attached to the body, that they generates an immunity which protects the wearer from the plague."

Suddenly the enormity of the scheme struck Susannah. "You... you're going to use me to get everyone to voluntarily take a rider?"

"Yes! Our masters were keen to learn how infatuated we as a species are with Future Predictions. They cleverly figured out a way to use them against us. In the past, the Hive was severely handicapped in taking control of entire populations because of the need to act covertly. No longer! By the use of Future Predictions, we will be able to openly wear our riders among others. Not only that, but wearing riders will be seen as virtuous, and not having a rider will soon be seen as irresponsible! The peer pressure alone to get a rider may do half the conversion work for us!"

"It's monstrous!" said Susannah.

"It's extraordinarily clever! Our masters are very keen to see if this works. If it does, they will use the same strategy on the Earth and the other colonized planets."

"They're going to expand to Earth?"

"Of course!" said Nils. "Did you really think they would be content dominating 2000 slaves when there are billions more, waiting for the taking? Think of how much Hive biomass ten billion humans could support!" His eyes were gleaming with an alien light.

Susannah was horrified. "I... I won't do it. I won't sell out the human race!"

Nils gave an amused chuckle. "You've already sold out the colony, dear Susannah. What do you think you've been doing the past few weeks, as you helped us infiltrate the colony, helped us set up operations right under your noses, helped us take control of all the senior bureaucrats in the government... including your own secretary!"

Susannah started to take deep, nervous breaths, even as her rider pulsated rapidly on her back. "No. I won't do it. I can't!"

Nils sighed. "This is why they wanted you double banded. I can see the faint outline of the second band. You're close, really close, Susannah. But the Hive has decreed that you are to make the announcement this very day. We have hundreds of riders ready for implantation in the North Building and are just waiting for our first recruits."

She shook her head. "I won't. I can't!"

"Susie... think of your family. Think of Doug. Think of Lauren. Do you want them brought into the Hive?"

"You're going to do it anyway! You just said so!" said Susannah. Her rider tried to calm her, to tell her everything was all right, but she just shrugged it off. For the first time in days she found herself thinking clearly.

"That's true," said Nils slowly. "Sooner or later, everyone will be brought into the Hive. But how they will be used is another question."

"What do you mean?"

"Your husband and daughter could simply be given riders... or they could be used for other purposes."

"Like what?"



"Remember all the protein supplies we've been sending to the North Building, dear Susie?"

Susannah's mouth dropped open.

"Riders need to eat. Especially several hundred riders without hosts."

"No. No, don't do that, please!" she cried hysterically, as her rider hammered on her back.

Nils moved so he was face to face with her. His eyes were unyielding. "You know what we want."

"I... I'll do it," said Susannah, looking incredibly distressed.

A very sedate looking Susannah Barrington, wearing a very severe looking formal white dress, appraised the citizens of Sirius Minor of the coming plague, speaking slowly and clearly "But there is no need to panic," she said slowly. "The new lifeform we have discovered provides complete immunity. Our top scientists have examined it at length and find it to be completely harmless. On the contrary, not only can it protect against the plague, but against all kinds of diseases and maladies. It could even increase the human life span."

Susannah Barrington's face was stone. "I would encourage all citizens to make appointments with the Medical Branch in the North Building to get their own riders. You can sign up online at the community portal. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your local health and welfare official."

The broadcast ended. Susannah looked up at Nils, her eyes very sad. "I have betrayed my people."

"No you haven't," said Nils. "Because your people are now the Hive, and the Hive's needs are your own. Now you can go home and take a well deserved rest."

Only her rest was not deserved. Nor did she actually get rest. Doug and Lauren were outraged. They of course had seen her broadcast.

"Susannah, is this for real?" said Doug.

"Yes," said Susannah.

"You really expect a plague, and you really expect us to put these... creatures... on our backs?" said Doug.

"Yes," said Susannah. She felt so low lying to her own family. But it would be pointless to tell them the truth. It was all too late now. She had betrayed them all. She had betrayed humanity.

Doug's eyes narrowed. "Susannah... do you have one of these creatures on your back right now?"

"I... yes," said Susannah.

"Let me see it," said Doug.


"Now!" he said.

Susannah gulped, and nodded. She slowly took off her shirt and turned around.

Doug's eyes widened. Lauren gasped and grabbed her father's arm. "Dad, I'm scared!"

They stared at the pulsating rider on Susannah's back. Her rider had grown even larger since getting its own band. The faint edges of a second band could be seen inside the first. Susannah's rider was on the cusp of reaching a new level of maturity. Lauren eyed the thick bone structure.

"Mom, those bones... do they stick into you?"

Susannah smiled. "It makes my back feel firmer, dear."

Suddenly her rider started to slowly balloon up.

"Look Dad, it's getting bigger!" Lauren cried, grasping her father's arm more tightly.

"It's all perfectly normal," said Susannah. At this point she knew, she knew that her family was going to join the Hive. It was unavoidable. All she wanted now was to make their transition as easy as possible.

Doug watched as the giant yellow-brown bubble formed on her back, before slowly sinking down again. "Honey, what is that thing doing to you?"

"Really, I'm fine, Doug," she said.

"Can we get it off you?" Doug asked.

Susannah stiffened. "No, I would never want that."

"Daddy, let's get her to a doctor!" Lauren cried.

That won't do you a lot of good, Susannah thought.

"I, I have to think about this," said Doug. "I'm going to sleep on the couch tonight, Susannah."

"Dear, that's not necessary!"

"I think it is," said Doug.

For the next three days her family gave her the cold shoulder. Doug and Lauren talked to her minimally and gave her odd looks. Meanwhile at work, reports poured in showing how many colonists had taken riders. Every day Susannah scanned the list of names of those who had gotten their "rider inoculation", as it was being called. Since this was a small colony of only 2000 people, she recognized the names, a lot of them. Her heart sunk every time she saw a name of someone she knew well.

After three days of this, Nils returned to the office looking cheerful. "The initial rollout is going well. Over 300 people have taken riders."

"I'm pleased you're pleased," said Susannah dryly.

"You should be. People are walking around on the streets of Sirius Minor openly wearing riders, attracting curious and interested looks. Those first 300 will be our ambassadors to introducing the rest of the colony to the Hive."

"Not everyone is going to be thrilled with the idea of taking a rider," said Susannah, hugging her arms protectively.

"Then we'll just have to find creative ways to persuade them," said Nils. "Your work is almost done here. Come, Susannah." He extended a hand. Susannah automatically took it. "You have one last duty to perform for your people."

"I thought you said that the broadcast was the last one?" she asked.

Nils smiled. "Your last official duty. There is one last thing the Hive would ask of you, and then you may rest."

He was talking to her to the North Building.

Susannah's eyes widened. She hadn't been there since the Hive had taken it over. What would she find inside?

She was almost disappointed when Nils led her into the building. It looked so normal. There was a line of people waiting to go into the newly established medical clinic. Susannah recognized a number of them.

"Hey Susannah," said Margie Brandon, who worked in Technical Support. "Come to get your rider?"

"I already have mine," said Susannah.

"Really? I'm just about to get mine." She bit her lip. "Is it... distracting... to have it on your back?"

Susannah glanced at Nils. "No. It will quickly become a part of you."

"Thanks," said Margie. "I wanted to get Rob to sign up, but he's a chicken. Maybe when I show him it's all right, he'll come next."

"I'm sure he will," said Nils, smiling at her. As he led Susannah away he said, "Look at it, Susie. A long line of people, eagerly standing in line to give their minds and bodies to the Hive. The Hive has taken over many civilizations and cultures, but never seen anything like this. Humanity will be the perfect slaves for Us. And we all have you to thank for it."

Susannah felt a chill go down her spine. She had betrayed the entire human race.

Nils led her into a corridor labeled "Authorized Personnel Only" and the atmosphere of the office building immediately changed.

The lighting grew dim. The air became stuffy and thick and stale. The temperature suddenly grew warmer, and the air felt intensely humid. And Susannah could faintly hear a familiar sound. "Momomomomomom."

Nils let her into room lined with alcoves filled with clothing. He started to undress, and Susannah felt herself automatically doing the same. "What are we doing?" she asked, as she pulled down her panties.

"You're about to be formally introduced to the Hive. You want to look your best, don't you?" He squeezed her sagging breasts, and then moved lower and squeezed her ass. Then he kissed her. "Your body is a little past its prime, but I just know the Hive is going make excellent use of it! Trust me, you'll love it! Come, come my dear."

Nils led her past rooms filled with naked people. Not just naked people but also what looked like human beings with insect parts. Some had insect arms or legs and some even had insect faces. Susannah got a glimpse of a creature with an insect head fucking a woman on an examination table whose legs were widely spread. The woman seemed to be participating as she wrapped her arms around the hybrid's waist, gasping with every thrust inside of her.

And then Susannah saw another room, one which had a giant glass tube filled with creatures which looked like worms. She gasped as she saw what looked like a human arm being consumed. She abruptly backed up into Nils, who held her firm.

"Distressing, isn't it?" said Nils. "I told you that the Hive needed protein to survive. Protein, or hosts."

"But... but...."

"It was probably someone who resisted their rider," said Nils. "The Hive made a decision to cut its losses and reallocate its resources." He looked into her eyes. "Don't worry, I'm sure nothing like that will ever happen to such a good girl like you." He squeezed one of her sagging breasts and grinned.

Nils steered her to the Main Auditorium. The sounds of "Momomomomomom" grew louder and louder. As they entered, Susannah was not prepared for what she was about to see.

The large room was dimly lit, but not with natural light. There was a green lighting illuminating the room but Susannah couldn't see the source of it. The chairs had been removed, and the floors and walls were covered with some kind of spongy organic material. The air was stale and very humid. There were riders hanging from the walls. Riders slowly flying around. And in the center of the room was a giant black ball forty feet tall with big dark eyes. The dark surface of it was oily and dripping. Susannah's heart froze when those dark eyes fixated on her.

"Susannah, I'd like you to meet the Hive Mind... my master, and yours."

Susannah froze in place, but Nils took her firmly by the arm and marched her forward. As they got closer, she saw men and women around the base of it, humping the Hive Mind like mad. She felt its eyes on her, its glare, its malice.

"No, Nils, I don't want to be here," she whispered.

"It's all right. Everything's going to be all right," he said. He squeezed one of her tits soothingly.

A bright white light shot out, fixing her in place. And then a slender tentacle shot out of the Hive Mind, shooting towards her body. Susannah, trembling like a leaf, watched as it brushed first over her left breast, then her right breast, then her groin. She felt it worming eagerly between her cunt lips. She gasped as she felt penetration was achieved. The Hive Mind began to slowly pump in and out of her vulva.

"What is it doing?" she gasped.

"Evaluating you," said Nils.

Susannah felt an intense presence in her mind. She felt her mind being probed just like her cunt. Thoughts and images filled her head. And then abruptly the tentacle pulled out, making her gasp.

Her uterus is sound, said a deep voice in her head. She is suitable for reproduction. An egg has been procured.

Susannah looked puzzled. "I, I heard a voice in my head."

"That was the Hive Mind," said Nils.
Next page: Chapter 02.2
Previous page: Chapter 01.2