Chapter 02.2
Susannah Barrington. You have served the Hive well, said the voice. Your efforts have provided many minds and bodies for us to control.
"I... thank you," said Susannah hesitantly. She felt her rider pulsating on her back, encouraging her to obey.
You will now be given the ultimate reward.
"Ultimate reward?"
You will produce Hivelife in your womb.
Susannah felt elated and repelled.
Show her the nest while her egg is being prepared. Then proceed to the implantation area.
"Yes, Great One," Nils said, bowing low.
He took Susannah by the arm and led her out of the Auditorium.
"What does it mean, that I will produce Hivelife?" Susannah said.
"You will see." Nils took her through a dark maze of corridors to another room, also with a greenish tint.
This room was dim and dark to see at first, and filled with people, most of them women, and most of those visibly pregnant. Susannah recognized some of them.
There was Mattie Holden and Trinity Donnelly who were both pregnant. Trinity was farther along than Mattie, and her belly had turned a brilliant shade of green. Susannah stared aghast at Trinity's enormous green belly. What was growing inside her?
She turned to Nils with a questioning look.
"It's Hivelife. The finest kind," said Nils.
Mattie was rubbing Trinity's back. They both had eager, content looks on their faces. Then they noticed Susannah.
"Susannah! Hey, girl!" said Mattie.
"Hello," said Susannah.
"Are you joining us?" Mattie asked.
"About to," said Nils. "The implantation is next."
"Ooooh, the fun part," Mattie grinned.
Susannah looked at Trinity, who appeared lost in space and hadn't said a word. "Trinity, are you all right?" she asked.
"Um? Um hm," she said, her body rocking slightly as Mattie rubbed her back. Her eyes were in a daze.
Susannah looked questioningly at Nils.
"Bringing new life into the world takes a lot of effort," said Nils. "As Trinity gets closer and closer to giving birth, it's only natural that she would focus all her energies on the Hivelife which she is incubating within her." He reached out and squeezed Trinity's shoulder and she smiled up at him. He turned back to Susannah. "When you are filled with Hivelife you will be just as pleased with yourself, Susannah."
They walked on. The room was filled with women in all states of pregnancy. Many of them had the same look of contentment on their faces. Susannah saw Gracie DeLeon and her husband Tran on top of some kind of delivery table. They were going hard at it, seemingly oblivious to all the people around them. Gracie had a small bulge in her belly which hadn't turned green yet. As Tran fucked her, his ass cheeks flexed in and out in tune with his rider.
As they walked by Gracie caught their eye. "Susannah! Delightful to see you, dear." She extended a friendly hand, and Susannah took it. Gracie squeezed her hand even while her husband continued to fuck her in front of them, totally uninhibited.
"It seems you have already been impregnated," said Nils.
"Yes," said Gracie. "But my master was so pleased with my obedience that it allowed us to enjoy each others' bodies during the incubation period."
Susannah blinked hard. Gracie was treating sex with her husband like a privilege, a reward to be given by the Hive. She had the total mindset of a slave. Susannah wondered how many bands her rider had. Would she become that way when her rider became double banded?
"When did you get pregnant, Gracie?" Susannah asked.
"Yesterday," she said, smiling.
"Yesterday?" Susannah stared at the small bulge in her belly.
"Pregnancy is accelerated by the finest advances in genetic engineering. The Hive is really unmatched in this regard," said Nils.
Susannah looked around at all the enormous, green pregnant bellies. "Yes, but what are they giving birth to?"
"Come and see."
They went farther into the big room. There was a blonde woman with her legs widely spread, gasping as something was coming out of her vagina. Susannah recognized her as Becky Solomon, who worked in Accounting.
"Oh... oh... oh....." Becky gasped. Her enormous green belly looked like a giant watermelon. Women clustered around her, holding her hands and encouraging her. Something was starting to come out of her vagina.
"What is that?" said Susannah.
"Wait and see," said Nils.
As they watched Becky cried out, and cried out again.
"Arrrrrrg!" she tossed her head back.
"Squeeze, Becky, squeeze!"
Becky gritted her teeth and pushed down. Something slick and green and oval started to come out of her vagina. In the dim light Susannah saw that above her pussy lips glowed an upside down U symbol with a dot in it. The same symbol she had above her own vagina.
Becky squeezed a greenish, pulpy pod out of her vagina. One of the girls caught it with her hands. "Becky, it's beautiful!" she cried, as the other girls hugged her and clapped.
"What did she just give birth to?" Susannah asked.
Nils took her to the far end of the enormous room, where there were pods of various sizes. The pods grew larger and larger as they got closer and closer to the far end. By the time they got to the end, the pods were over six feet tall and glowing on the insides so their contents could be seen.
Human beings. They were growing fully mature human beings. Susannah saw one of them, a blonde man with a hunky body who looked a little like Nils. His penis hung down below his balls. In another, he saw a brown haired woman with heavy breasts and a fully developed pubis.
"They give birth to fully grown human beings?"
"Human beings... and more," said Nils mysteriously. "And now it is time for the implantation. Come."
He led her to another chamber as thoughts raced through Susannah's mind. Did she want to be the mother of Hivelife? Part of her did, very badly, but another part of her didn't. It was a curious sensation, to feel two radically different points of view at the same time.
She was still working out her feelings when they arrived at a room with alien equipment she couldn't even describe in words. Nils led her to a half-melted green mound of flesh with a bulbous proboscis. Nils encouraged her to touch it.
Susannah looked hesitant.
"Go on, it won't bite you."
Susannah reached out and touched it. It felt slimy.
"Caress it. Tease it. Stroke it."
With a trembling hand Susannah started to stroke it. The proboscis vibrated, and opened up with a hissing sound, revealing a small green oval inside.
"Go on, take it."
Susannah took the oval in her hand. "What is it?"
"It is your egg," said Nils.
"My egg?" Susannah looked doubtfully at it. It looked far larger than a human egg.
"With a few adjustments," said Nils. "Now, insert it into your vagina. As far up as you can put it." He moved closer to her, staring at her intently.
Susannah withered under his gaze. She wanted to refuse, but Nils was so strong, so powerful, so manly. She felt her rider pulsating on her back. Each pulsation was like a wave of water on a sand castle, melting her resistance bit by bit, until there was nothing left.
I have to do this. The Hive demands it.
Susannah cocked her head as she listened to the rider inflating on her back, and slowly nodded. She spread her legs and looked down and saw the glowing upside down U with the dot in it. Suddenly she knew what the dot represented.
The egg.
She had been made for reproduction. That's what the Hive had marked her for. As she looked at the glowing symbol above her cuntlips, she felt her rider's tendrils hard on her back and in her mind and realized this is what she had always been made for.
Susannah exhaled as she inserted the egg into her cunt. Nils smiled and put his hand over hers, pushing her fingers inwards. She stared into his eyes as she felt this new kind of penetration. When it was as far up as it could go, Nils smiled and kissed her. "You were so intensely fuckable," he whispered in her ear. "I loved taking you. Using you. Making you mine."
Susannah groaned as her rider filled her with arousal. She was actually smiling now as she felt the egg lodged inside of her.
"Come," said Nils. "It is time for you to be fertilized."
They were back in the Auditorium with the Hive Mind, but Susannah no longer felt any fear. She was made for reproduction and she was about to fulfill her main purpose in life.
"The Hive has another gift for you, Susie," he said.
Suddenly Doug and Lauren entered the Auditorium, escorted by Harem Guards, the beings with Insects faces and human bodies.
"Mom!" Lauren cried, flowing into her arms.
She, like her father, were completely nude.
Susannah gave Nils a questioning look.
"Your husband has been selected to inseminate you," said Nils.
Susannah looked at the bewildered look on Doug's face and realized that neither he nor Lauren had riders.
"What's going on?" said Doug.
"Mom, I want to go home!" said Lauren. The 18 year old wasn't used to being nude in public settings, and the Hive Mind terrified her. She felt eyes on her small breasts and dark pubic triangle and felt terrified.
"We will go home, Honey," said Susannah. "But first your father and I have something to do."
"And what is that?" said Doug.
Susannah felt her rider pulsating on her back, encouraging her to speak, but all of a sudden she found she was at a loss for words. "You... you and I Doug...."
Nils came to her rescue. "What sweet Susannah is trying to say is that your assistance is needed impregnating her with Hivelife."
"What? I'm not doing that!" said Doug. "Let's get out of here!"
"There is no escape, Doug," said Nils. He was so manly that the mere statement caused Doug's shoulders to slump. "You and Susannah must procreate."
Doug shook his head. "Even if I were willing to cooperate--which I'm not!--I'm in no mood to have sex with my wife!" He looked down to prove his point.
Nils nodded. "That is why you must be given a rider."
"No!" said Susannah.
"It will help you overcome all difficulties," said Nils. He snapped his fingers, and a woman came out of the gloom, carrying something.
It was Denise, her personal assistant!
"Susannah!" she said, hugging her tightly.
Denise had changed. She called her Susannah now instead of Leader Barrington. And she seemed perfectly comfortable being completely nude inside the Hive.
"Denise, when I last saw you three days ago-"
"I was a mess, I know, I know," she said, looking abashed. "I didn't understand the honor the Hive was giving me!"
"But now you do," said Nils.
"Of course!" Denise smiled. "Bob Dresden has been working hard helping my rider mature. He says I'm making excellent progress."
"I can see you are." Nils smiled at her, and Susannah got an uneasy feeling as Denise smiled back at him....
"Oh, I almost forgot! This is for you!" she opened up a slender leatherite briefcase. Inside were two riders.
"Two riders?" said Susannah.
"Also for your daughter. She seems very distraught. This will help her calm down," Nils explained.
"No! No! I won't have one of those things on my back, I won't!" said Lauren. She turned to run but a light stabbed down, freezing her in place.
Doug didn't try to run. He saw it was hopeless.
Susannah bit her lip. She knew in her heart that this day would come. She turned to Nils. "What are you waiting for?"
"What are you waiting for?" Nils asked.
Susannah's jaw dropped open as she realized Nils expected her to give her husband and daughter riders. It would be the ultimate act of betrayal, after she had already betrayed everyone in the colony.
Why was she being put in this position? It felt like an unnecessary test of loyalty. The Hive could do to them--or to her--anything it wanted. Perhaps being mother to Hivelife required more than a purely physical commitment.
She felt Nils stare as intently as she felt her rider balloon up into a giant yellow-brown ball. She felt its bones pressing against her, pushing her on.
Do it. Do it now.
"Yes... Master," she whispered. Susannah hesitantly took one of the riders out of the container. It felt soft and slippery in her hands. She moved behind Doug. She felt him staring silently at her, frowning.
"Susannah, if there's anything left of you, anything at all, please don't do this." His voice was surprisingly calm.
Susannah glanced at the Hive Mind, staring down malignantly at her vulnerable, naked body. It could do anything it wanted to with a mere thought. She felt so naked, so helpless. "I'm sorry Doug," she whispered. She placed the rider on his back.
"My head, there's something in my head!" Doug cried.
"I know."
"My head, my head-" Suddenly he stiffened, and gasped.
"Dad? Dad, are you all right?" said Lauren.
"I... I am Hiveflesh," said Doug.
"What is your purpose?" Nils asked.
"To reproduce, and spread the Hive," said Doug.
"Very good, Doug," said Nils. He turned to Susannah and gestured towards Lauren with his eyes.
Susannah gulped as she took the second rider and moved to her dear 18 year old daughter who she loved so much.
"Mom, please don't do this, please!" Lauren cried.
Susannah glanced at Nils, whose face was impassive.
"I'm sorry, Honey, but I have to!" said Susannah. "The Hive demands it!"
"No, Mom!" Lauren cried. She tried again to move her feet, but her legs were still frozen by the Hive Mind.
Susannah looked at her young daughter. She was so beautiful. She knew the Hive would use her to fuck other men, to bring them into the Hive. Lauren would be used like a tool, as she was, and there was nothing she could say or do to stop it. On the contrary, she was required to actively participate.
"Please, Mom, don't!" Her eyes were pleading.
Susannah swallowed heavily. She felt her rider heavy on her back and in her mind. She felt it inflating on her back. She felt its bones digging into her. Her master shouted one command into her head: Put it on her!
She had no choice. "I'm sorry, Honey. The Hive demands it." She looked at Lauren's young, tender face. Would she ever forgive her? "You'll understand everything once your rider reaches maturity." And then she leaned forward and put the rider on her young one's back.
"Mom!" Susannah's body stiffened beautifully, making her breasts stick out. Her mouth opened, forming a wordless "o" shape.
Then it was done.
"Congratulations, Susannah," said Nils. "You have helped bring many people into the Hive, but these are the first you have done with your own hands. How does that make you feel?"
Susannah bit her lip. "It... it had to be done," she said grudgingly.
"Yes, it did," said Nils approvingly. "And now are you ready to be impregnated by Doug?"
She nodded.
"Well I'm not!" said Doug.
"Doug, you have to!" said Susannah.
"Have to? Why?" Doug had an immature rider on his back, but he was hardly under the total control of the Hive.
She looked into his eyes. "Doug, do you know what they do to people who don't obey? They get eaten."
"I've seen it." She stared hard at him. "Please, dear. For me. For Lauren. Please, cooperate."
Doug's rider pulsated fast and hard on his back. It was immature, and couldn't make him do what he didn't want to do, not yet, anyway. But it was still capable of influencing him when he was indecisive. As it inflated hard on his back, he looked at her with a pained expression. "We're to have a baby?"
"Hivelife," said Susannah.
"I'm to impregnate you... with an alien?"
"The Hive demands it, Doug," said Nils. "You have delayed long enough. Will you cooperate?"
Doug looked up at the Hive Mind. He could feel its malevolence. He looked back at his wife and reluctantly nodded. "All right."
"No, Dad, don't!" Lauren cried, as her new rider pulsated furiously on her back. "Don't do it!"
Nils frowned and nodded fractionally at Denise. Denise nodded back and started to pull Lauren away.
"Where is she taking her?" Susannah demanded.
"Not far," said Nils.
Indeed, they moved only twenty feet away in the dim green light. Then Denise had Lauren sit down on the ground, and Denise sat down so she was back to back with her.
"What are you going to do?" Lauren asked.
"You'll see. You'll simply love it," Denise promised her. She leaned backwards, and then both of them gasped.
Both their bodies started to rock back and forth as they faced away from each other.
"Momomomomomom!" said Denise.
"Momomomomomom!" said Lauren.
"What is it? What's happening?" Doug asked.
"She's communing," said Susannah. "She'll be fine." She smiled as she imagined the pleasure that Lauren was having on that alien dreamworld she had enjoyed so much with Nils.
Her young one's first introduction to the Hive.
Nils handed Susannah a black rubbery patch which seemed alive, trembling on his own. Susannah was about to ask what it was for when her rider inflated on her back and she nodded. "Stand still, dear," she said, cupping his testicles gently.
Doug cried out, but only for a second as the black rubbery mass burned his testicles. But when he looked down the rubbery mass was gone... and his testicles were now jet black.
"You are ready for reproduction," said Nils. "You may begin, Susie."
How to begin? She was supposed to be impregnated by her husband while a giant alien creature stared down at them. But as her rider inflated on her back Susannah became confident once more. She embraced Doug and kissed him passionately. He kissed her back.
As the kissing continued, she reached down and started to stroke his penis. His rider helped. In moments, Doug's penis was erect and sticking out at a 45 degree angle. Compared to Nils' penis it looked like a child's toy. Susannah realized she had been thoroughly corrupted into expecting more.
Still, it was her husband and she loved him very much. She pulled Doug down to the spongy ground. They continued to kiss and hug and she sensed him breathing more rapidly. Susannah spread her legs and lifted her knees. "Put it in me, Doug," she said simply.
"Do you really want this, Susannah?" he looked aroused, but also confused and bewildered.
Susannah glanced up at the Hive Mind. "We have no choice," she said."
Still looking unhappy, Doug nodded. Susannah gasped when he put it inside of her.
The act of reproduction has begun.
Doug obediently started to pump his wife while his rider throbbed on his back.
"Doug, I... I wanted to tell you for weeks, but I couldn't," Susannah said.
"Now I understand," said Doug. His rider inflated and deflated in sync with his thrusts.
"They made me do things, terrible things," Susannah whispered.
"It's not your fault," said Doug, rubbing the head of his penis against her inner walls. "Ahhhh!" he cried, as his rider inflated fully on his back.
"Feels good?" she whispered.
"Yeah," said Doug. "Despite everything we're doing, we're being made to do, it feels good." He reached down and kissed her.
Susannah felt a tingling go through her body as she kissed him back. "I love you so much Doug!"
"I love you too!" he said. His pace suddenly increased. "Ah, ah, ah," he gasped, his ass cheeks clenching and unclenching like mad while his rider pulsated madly.
"Getting close?"
He nodded.
"Me too," said Susannah. She frowned. "Something is odd."
"What?" Doug gasped.
"Something happening... on my back!" said Susannah.
"Ah, ah, ah, ah!" Doug continued to pole in and out of his wife.
"Nils, something is happening to me!" Susannah cried.
"Something good, I am thinking," Nils grinned.
Doug stiffened and cried out as he climaxed. As his rider hammered on Doug's back, his tainted sperm rushed out of the head of his penis into his wife's willing vagina. As he felt himself emptying his balls into her, his rider filled him with a well earned sense of satisfaction.
Susannah also climaxed, but much more stronger than Doug. Her eyes went wide and she felt an explosion of tingling radiating out from her rider to the rest of her body. A heavy curtain descended over her mind and she was filled with a delicious sense of well being.
She was blinking and still trying to process this when Doug helped her up. Nils went behind her confidently and nodded. "Your rider has reached the next level of maturity, Susannah."
"Let me see," said Doug. He turned his dazed wife around. Her rider now had two golden bands, one inside the other. It was much larger now, covering her shoulder blades. The knuckles stuck out in "v" shape intervals within the rider flesh. "Are you all right, Honey?"
"Never been better," she said, her eyes gleaming with an alien light. She looked over at Lauren. She was still rocking back and forth opposite Denise. Her small red nipples were erect and her face was filled with perspiration. She smiled at Nils. "What are our orders?"
"You will have sex every few hours until your pregnancy is confirmed," said Nils.
"I can't do that!" said Doug.
"You can," said Nils. He pointed to a green column. "You can insert yourself into that every two or three cycles. You will also need to reapply the black patch to Doug's testicles every three cycles. Do you think you can handle that?"
"Can we!" said Susannah, with a hungry smile. She pulled Doug down to the ground.
"Again? Don't you want to rest?" Doug asked.
"No," said Susannah. "I want to fuck!"
The doublebanding had changed her, Doug realized. His wife was now fully onboard with the program. She wanted to get impregnated. She wanted to have an alien creature growing inside of her. She had fully given into the Hive.
"I can't wait to get big and round," Susannah whispered, as Doug obediently made love to her. It was their third go around. "I saw them Doug. I saw the pregnant women. They looked so happy. So incredibly pleased with themselves with their giant green bellies. I want to be like them!"
Doug looked genuinely conflicted as he rubbed his penis against his wife's vaginal walls. He was participating too, but not eagerly as she now was. "Susannah, listen to yourself! Your body is being hijacked, forced to carry an alien life form which is going to enslave humanity!"
"I know, Doug," she said, wrapping her arms around his neck. "And it feels so good!" She glanced over at Lauren. After she and Denise had finished their first communing session, she had seemed much more relaxed. She held hands with Denise and they whispered and giggled together for some time. But now they were doing something else. They were kissing!
Susannah smiled as she wrapped her legs around her pistoning husband. That's what families should be about, she reflected. Happy and loving.
Even Doug's reluctance started to wear down. He lost track of time in the dark Auditorium, but it seemed by the fourth or fifth time he recharged his penis his attitude had changed. He no longer needed to be prompted to make love to her or recharge himself. He no longer protested when Susannah periodically reapplied a dark patch to his testicles. In fact, one time Doug looked down and saw his testicles returned to normal color and said, "I think I need a new patch."
"Indeed you do," said Susannah hungrily. She eyed the rider on Doug's back. It was still immature, but with all this intense fucking it had been growing rapidly. It was already beginning to influence him.
Susannah gave him a new patch, and just as Doug groaned she kissed him. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"
"No, I guess not," said Doug.
Nils came walking by. "How are you two doing?"
"Fine," said Susannah. "We were just about to start again." She rubbed her pubic triangle. "Are we doing it right? I don't feel anything inside me yet."
"You will," Nils assured her. "Are you eager to be impregnated, Susannah?"
"Oh yes!" Susannah rubbed her glowing upside down U Hivemark above her cunt fondly. "I have been designated for reproduction!"
"Yes you have," said Nils. "And how do you feel, Doug?"
Doug shrugged. "The Hive requires it, so I guess... why not?"
"Why not indeed? Well, I'll leave you to it," Nils said, saluting them.
Susannah pulled Doug to the ground and they proceeded to make love once more. She relished the feeling of her husband's small but lifegiving penis inside of her. "Admit it, Doug. It excites you. The idea of impregnating me. Filling me with Hivelife."
"Ah, ah, ah," Doug gasped. His penis felt hard and tense. As he thrust into his wife his rider pulsated on his back perfectly in tempo with his thrusts. "That's what men were born to do. To fill women with their seed."
"Oh you sweet darling! I knew you'd come around!" She gave him a strong passionate kiss.
Doug was so inflamed that he climaxed at that very moment, filling her with his seed. "Ooooh!" he cried, as he felt sperm whip out of the head of his penis.
"That was quicker than last time!" said Susannah accusingly. As Doug pulled out she rubbed her wet cuntlips. "I love the feeling of you coming inside me. I love making you come." Her eyes sparkled with delight. She had never looked happier.
"I do too," said Doug. He stared long and hard at her. "I love you so much."
"I love you too!"
Three days after they had entered the Hive, Susannah and Doug were taking a well deserved break from their lovemaking, their legs intertwined. Susannah felt more relaxed than she ever had been before. She began to understand how happy the pregnant women were. She looked over Doug's shoulder and noticed that Denise was gone, but Lauren had a new partner, a man she didn't know, who was making love to her.
"Hey, you!" said Susannah softly.
Lauren turned to face her mother, a broad smile on her face. "Hey you."
"Watcha doin'?"
"I'm helping Deklan here get his rider to maturity." She gave her mother a lazy smile. "And he's helping me too!"
"I can see that," said Susannah, smiling broadly. She winced and reached down and felt her belly. There was a new hardness she had never felt before. Suddenly her rider pulsated madly on her back and she felt a tremendous wave of accomplishment.
As Susannah rubbed her pussy lips, she realized she never been happier.
"I... thank you," said Susannah hesitantly. She felt her rider pulsating on her back, encouraging her to obey.
You will now be given the ultimate reward.
"Ultimate reward?"
You will produce Hivelife in your womb.
Susannah felt elated and repelled.
Show her the nest while her egg is being prepared. Then proceed to the implantation area.
"Yes, Great One," Nils said, bowing low.
He took Susannah by the arm and led her out of the Auditorium.
"What does it mean, that I will produce Hivelife?" Susannah said.
"You will see." Nils took her through a dark maze of corridors to another room, also with a greenish tint.
This room was dim and dark to see at first, and filled with people, most of them women, and most of those visibly pregnant. Susannah recognized some of them.
There was Mattie Holden and Trinity Donnelly who were both pregnant. Trinity was farther along than Mattie, and her belly had turned a brilliant shade of green. Susannah stared aghast at Trinity's enormous green belly. What was growing inside her?
She turned to Nils with a questioning look.
"It's Hivelife. The finest kind," said Nils.
Mattie was rubbing Trinity's back. They both had eager, content looks on their faces. Then they noticed Susannah.
"Susannah! Hey, girl!" said Mattie.
"Hello," said Susannah.
"Are you joining us?" Mattie asked.
"About to," said Nils. "The implantation is next."
"Ooooh, the fun part," Mattie grinned.
Susannah looked at Trinity, who appeared lost in space and hadn't said a word. "Trinity, are you all right?" she asked.
"Um? Um hm," she said, her body rocking slightly as Mattie rubbed her back. Her eyes were in a daze.
Susannah looked questioningly at Nils.
"Bringing new life into the world takes a lot of effort," said Nils. "As Trinity gets closer and closer to giving birth, it's only natural that she would focus all her energies on the Hivelife which she is incubating within her." He reached out and squeezed Trinity's shoulder and she smiled up at him. He turned back to Susannah. "When you are filled with Hivelife you will be just as pleased with yourself, Susannah."
They walked on. The room was filled with women in all states of pregnancy. Many of them had the same look of contentment on their faces. Susannah saw Gracie DeLeon and her husband Tran on top of some kind of delivery table. They were going hard at it, seemingly oblivious to all the people around them. Gracie had a small bulge in her belly which hadn't turned green yet. As Tran fucked her, his ass cheeks flexed in and out in tune with his rider.
As they walked by Gracie caught their eye. "Susannah! Delightful to see you, dear." She extended a friendly hand, and Susannah took it. Gracie squeezed her hand even while her husband continued to fuck her in front of them, totally uninhibited.
"It seems you have already been impregnated," said Nils.
"Yes," said Gracie. "But my master was so pleased with my obedience that it allowed us to enjoy each others' bodies during the incubation period."
Susannah blinked hard. Gracie was treating sex with her husband like a privilege, a reward to be given by the Hive. She had the total mindset of a slave. Susannah wondered how many bands her rider had. Would she become that way when her rider became double banded?
"When did you get pregnant, Gracie?" Susannah asked.
"Yesterday," she said, smiling.
"Yesterday?" Susannah stared at the small bulge in her belly.
"Pregnancy is accelerated by the finest advances in genetic engineering. The Hive is really unmatched in this regard," said Nils.
Susannah looked around at all the enormous, green pregnant bellies. "Yes, but what are they giving birth to?"
"Come and see."
They went farther into the big room. There was a blonde woman with her legs widely spread, gasping as something was coming out of her vagina. Susannah recognized her as Becky Solomon, who worked in Accounting.
"Oh... oh... oh....." Becky gasped. Her enormous green belly looked like a giant watermelon. Women clustered around her, holding her hands and encouraging her. Something was starting to come out of her vagina.
"What is that?" said Susannah.
"Wait and see," said Nils.
As they watched Becky cried out, and cried out again.
"Arrrrrrg!" she tossed her head back.
"Squeeze, Becky, squeeze!"
Becky gritted her teeth and pushed down. Something slick and green and oval started to come out of her vagina. In the dim light Susannah saw that above her pussy lips glowed an upside down U symbol with a dot in it. The same symbol she had above her own vagina.
Becky squeezed a greenish, pulpy pod out of her vagina. One of the girls caught it with her hands. "Becky, it's beautiful!" she cried, as the other girls hugged her and clapped.
"What did she just give birth to?" Susannah asked.
Nils took her to the far end of the enormous room, where there were pods of various sizes. The pods grew larger and larger as they got closer and closer to the far end. By the time they got to the end, the pods were over six feet tall and glowing on the insides so their contents could be seen.
Human beings. They were growing fully mature human beings. Susannah saw one of them, a blonde man with a hunky body who looked a little like Nils. His penis hung down below his balls. In another, he saw a brown haired woman with heavy breasts and a fully developed pubis.
"They give birth to fully grown human beings?"
"Human beings... and more," said Nils mysteriously. "And now it is time for the implantation. Come."
He led her to another chamber as thoughts raced through Susannah's mind. Did she want to be the mother of Hivelife? Part of her did, very badly, but another part of her didn't. It was a curious sensation, to feel two radically different points of view at the same time.
She was still working out her feelings when they arrived at a room with alien equipment she couldn't even describe in words. Nils led her to a half-melted green mound of flesh with a bulbous proboscis. Nils encouraged her to touch it.
Susannah looked hesitant.
"Go on, it won't bite you."
Susannah reached out and touched it. It felt slimy.
"Caress it. Tease it. Stroke it."
With a trembling hand Susannah started to stroke it. The proboscis vibrated, and opened up with a hissing sound, revealing a small green oval inside.
"Go on, take it."
Susannah took the oval in her hand. "What is it?"
"It is your egg," said Nils.
"My egg?" Susannah looked doubtfully at it. It looked far larger than a human egg.
"With a few adjustments," said Nils. "Now, insert it into your vagina. As far up as you can put it." He moved closer to her, staring at her intently.
Susannah withered under his gaze. She wanted to refuse, but Nils was so strong, so powerful, so manly. She felt her rider pulsating on her back. Each pulsation was like a wave of water on a sand castle, melting her resistance bit by bit, until there was nothing left.
I have to do this. The Hive demands it.
Susannah cocked her head as she listened to the rider inflating on her back, and slowly nodded. She spread her legs and looked down and saw the glowing upside down U with the dot in it. Suddenly she knew what the dot represented.
The egg.
She had been made for reproduction. That's what the Hive had marked her for. As she looked at the glowing symbol above her cuntlips, she felt her rider's tendrils hard on her back and in her mind and realized this is what she had always been made for.
Susannah exhaled as she inserted the egg into her cunt. Nils smiled and put his hand over hers, pushing her fingers inwards. She stared into his eyes as she felt this new kind of penetration. When it was as far up as it could go, Nils smiled and kissed her. "You were so intensely fuckable," he whispered in her ear. "I loved taking you. Using you. Making you mine."
Susannah groaned as her rider filled her with arousal. She was actually smiling now as she felt the egg lodged inside of her.
"Come," said Nils. "It is time for you to be fertilized."
They were back in the Auditorium with the Hive Mind, but Susannah no longer felt any fear. She was made for reproduction and she was about to fulfill her main purpose in life.
"The Hive has another gift for you, Susie," he said.
Suddenly Doug and Lauren entered the Auditorium, escorted by Harem Guards, the beings with Insects faces and human bodies.
"Mom!" Lauren cried, flowing into her arms.
She, like her father, were completely nude.
Susannah gave Nils a questioning look.
"Your husband has been selected to inseminate you," said Nils.
Susannah looked at the bewildered look on Doug's face and realized that neither he nor Lauren had riders.
"What's going on?" said Doug.
"Mom, I want to go home!" said Lauren. The 18 year old wasn't used to being nude in public settings, and the Hive Mind terrified her. She felt eyes on her small breasts and dark pubic triangle and felt terrified.
"We will go home, Honey," said Susannah. "But first your father and I have something to do."
"And what is that?" said Doug.
Susannah felt her rider pulsating on her back, encouraging her to speak, but all of a sudden she found she was at a loss for words. "You... you and I Doug...."
Nils came to her rescue. "What sweet Susannah is trying to say is that your assistance is needed impregnating her with Hivelife."
"What? I'm not doing that!" said Doug. "Let's get out of here!"
"There is no escape, Doug," said Nils. He was so manly that the mere statement caused Doug's shoulders to slump. "You and Susannah must procreate."
Doug shook his head. "Even if I were willing to cooperate--which I'm not!--I'm in no mood to have sex with my wife!" He looked down to prove his point.
Nils nodded. "That is why you must be given a rider."
"No!" said Susannah.
"It will help you overcome all difficulties," said Nils. He snapped his fingers, and a woman came out of the gloom, carrying something.
It was Denise, her personal assistant!
"Susannah!" she said, hugging her tightly.
Denise had changed. She called her Susannah now instead of Leader Barrington. And she seemed perfectly comfortable being completely nude inside the Hive.
"Denise, when I last saw you three days ago-"
"I was a mess, I know, I know," she said, looking abashed. "I didn't understand the honor the Hive was giving me!"
"But now you do," said Nils.
"Of course!" Denise smiled. "Bob Dresden has been working hard helping my rider mature. He says I'm making excellent progress."
"I can see you are." Nils smiled at her, and Susannah got an uneasy feeling as Denise smiled back at him....
"Oh, I almost forgot! This is for you!" she opened up a slender leatherite briefcase. Inside were two riders.
"Two riders?" said Susannah.
"Also for your daughter. She seems very distraught. This will help her calm down," Nils explained.
"No! No! I won't have one of those things on my back, I won't!" said Lauren. She turned to run but a light stabbed down, freezing her in place.
Doug didn't try to run. He saw it was hopeless.
Susannah bit her lip. She knew in her heart that this day would come. She turned to Nils. "What are you waiting for?"
"What are you waiting for?" Nils asked.
Susannah's jaw dropped open as she realized Nils expected her to give her husband and daughter riders. It would be the ultimate act of betrayal, after she had already betrayed everyone in the colony.
Why was she being put in this position? It felt like an unnecessary test of loyalty. The Hive could do to them--or to her--anything it wanted. Perhaps being mother to Hivelife required more than a purely physical commitment.
She felt Nils stare as intently as she felt her rider balloon up into a giant yellow-brown ball. She felt its bones pressing against her, pushing her on.
Do it. Do it now.
"Yes... Master," she whispered. Susannah hesitantly took one of the riders out of the container. It felt soft and slippery in her hands. She moved behind Doug. She felt him staring silently at her, frowning.
"Susannah, if there's anything left of you, anything at all, please don't do this." His voice was surprisingly calm.
Susannah glanced at the Hive Mind, staring down malignantly at her vulnerable, naked body. It could do anything it wanted to with a mere thought. She felt so naked, so helpless. "I'm sorry Doug," she whispered. She placed the rider on his back.
"My head, there's something in my head!" Doug cried.
"I know."
"My head, my head-" Suddenly he stiffened, and gasped.
"Dad? Dad, are you all right?" said Lauren.
"I... I am Hiveflesh," said Doug.
"What is your purpose?" Nils asked.
"To reproduce, and spread the Hive," said Doug.
"Very good, Doug," said Nils. He turned to Susannah and gestured towards Lauren with his eyes.
Susannah gulped as she took the second rider and moved to her dear 18 year old daughter who she loved so much.
"Mom, please don't do this, please!" Lauren cried.
Susannah glanced at Nils, whose face was impassive.
"I'm sorry, Honey, but I have to!" said Susannah. "The Hive demands it!"
"No, Mom!" Lauren cried. She tried again to move her feet, but her legs were still frozen by the Hive Mind.
Susannah looked at her young daughter. She was so beautiful. She knew the Hive would use her to fuck other men, to bring them into the Hive. Lauren would be used like a tool, as she was, and there was nothing she could say or do to stop it. On the contrary, she was required to actively participate.
"Please, Mom, don't!" Her eyes were pleading.
Susannah swallowed heavily. She felt her rider heavy on her back and in her mind. She felt it inflating on her back. She felt its bones digging into her. Her master shouted one command into her head: Put it on her!
She had no choice. "I'm sorry, Honey. The Hive demands it." She looked at Lauren's young, tender face. Would she ever forgive her? "You'll understand everything once your rider reaches maturity." And then she leaned forward and put the rider on her young one's back.
"Mom!" Susannah's body stiffened beautifully, making her breasts stick out. Her mouth opened, forming a wordless "o" shape.
Then it was done.
"Congratulations, Susannah," said Nils. "You have helped bring many people into the Hive, but these are the first you have done with your own hands. How does that make you feel?"
Susannah bit her lip. "It... it had to be done," she said grudgingly.
"Yes, it did," said Nils approvingly. "And now are you ready to be impregnated by Doug?"
She nodded.
"Well I'm not!" said Doug.
"Doug, you have to!" said Susannah.
"Have to? Why?" Doug had an immature rider on his back, but he was hardly under the total control of the Hive.
She looked into his eyes. "Doug, do you know what they do to people who don't obey? They get eaten."
"I've seen it." She stared hard at him. "Please, dear. For me. For Lauren. Please, cooperate."
Doug's rider pulsated fast and hard on his back. It was immature, and couldn't make him do what he didn't want to do, not yet, anyway. But it was still capable of influencing him when he was indecisive. As it inflated hard on his back, he looked at her with a pained expression. "We're to have a baby?"
"Hivelife," said Susannah.
"I'm to impregnate you... with an alien?"
"The Hive demands it, Doug," said Nils. "You have delayed long enough. Will you cooperate?"
Doug looked up at the Hive Mind. He could feel its malevolence. He looked back at his wife and reluctantly nodded. "All right."
"No, Dad, don't!" Lauren cried, as her new rider pulsated furiously on her back. "Don't do it!"
Nils frowned and nodded fractionally at Denise. Denise nodded back and started to pull Lauren away.
"Where is she taking her?" Susannah demanded.
"Not far," said Nils.
Indeed, they moved only twenty feet away in the dim green light. Then Denise had Lauren sit down on the ground, and Denise sat down so she was back to back with her.
"What are you going to do?" Lauren asked.
"You'll see. You'll simply love it," Denise promised her. She leaned backwards, and then both of them gasped.
Both their bodies started to rock back and forth as they faced away from each other.
"Momomomomomom!" said Denise.
"Momomomomomom!" said Lauren.
"What is it? What's happening?" Doug asked.
"She's communing," said Susannah. "She'll be fine." She smiled as she imagined the pleasure that Lauren was having on that alien dreamworld she had enjoyed so much with Nils.
Her young one's first introduction to the Hive.
Nils handed Susannah a black rubbery patch which seemed alive, trembling on his own. Susannah was about to ask what it was for when her rider inflated on her back and she nodded. "Stand still, dear," she said, cupping his testicles gently.
Doug cried out, but only for a second as the black rubbery mass burned his testicles. But when he looked down the rubbery mass was gone... and his testicles were now jet black.
"You are ready for reproduction," said Nils. "You may begin, Susie."
How to begin? She was supposed to be impregnated by her husband while a giant alien creature stared down at them. But as her rider inflated on her back Susannah became confident once more. She embraced Doug and kissed him passionately. He kissed her back.
As the kissing continued, she reached down and started to stroke his penis. His rider helped. In moments, Doug's penis was erect and sticking out at a 45 degree angle. Compared to Nils' penis it looked like a child's toy. Susannah realized she had been thoroughly corrupted into expecting more.
Still, it was her husband and she loved him very much. She pulled Doug down to the spongy ground. They continued to kiss and hug and she sensed him breathing more rapidly. Susannah spread her legs and lifted her knees. "Put it in me, Doug," she said simply.
"Do you really want this, Susannah?" he looked aroused, but also confused and bewildered.
Susannah glanced up at the Hive Mind. "We have no choice," she said."
Still looking unhappy, Doug nodded. Susannah gasped when he put it inside of her.
The act of reproduction has begun.
Doug obediently started to pump his wife while his rider throbbed on his back.
"Doug, I... I wanted to tell you for weeks, but I couldn't," Susannah said.
"Now I understand," said Doug. His rider inflated and deflated in sync with his thrusts.
"They made me do things, terrible things," Susannah whispered.
"It's not your fault," said Doug, rubbing the head of his penis against her inner walls. "Ahhhh!" he cried, as his rider inflated fully on his back.
"Feels good?" she whispered.
"Yeah," said Doug. "Despite everything we're doing, we're being made to do, it feels good." He reached down and kissed her.
Susannah felt a tingling go through her body as she kissed him back. "I love you so much Doug!"
"I love you too!" he said. His pace suddenly increased. "Ah, ah, ah," he gasped, his ass cheeks clenching and unclenching like mad while his rider pulsated madly.
"Getting close?"
He nodded.
"Me too," said Susannah. She frowned. "Something is odd."
"What?" Doug gasped.
"Something happening... on my back!" said Susannah.
"Ah, ah, ah, ah!" Doug continued to pole in and out of his wife.
"Nils, something is happening to me!" Susannah cried.
"Something good, I am thinking," Nils grinned.
Doug stiffened and cried out as he climaxed. As his rider hammered on Doug's back, his tainted sperm rushed out of the head of his penis into his wife's willing vagina. As he felt himself emptying his balls into her, his rider filled him with a well earned sense of satisfaction.
Susannah also climaxed, but much more stronger than Doug. Her eyes went wide and she felt an explosion of tingling radiating out from her rider to the rest of her body. A heavy curtain descended over her mind and she was filled with a delicious sense of well being.
She was blinking and still trying to process this when Doug helped her up. Nils went behind her confidently and nodded. "Your rider has reached the next level of maturity, Susannah."
"Let me see," said Doug. He turned his dazed wife around. Her rider now had two golden bands, one inside the other. It was much larger now, covering her shoulder blades. The knuckles stuck out in "v" shape intervals within the rider flesh. "Are you all right, Honey?"
"Never been better," she said, her eyes gleaming with an alien light. She looked over at Lauren. She was still rocking back and forth opposite Denise. Her small red nipples were erect and her face was filled with perspiration. She smiled at Nils. "What are our orders?"
"You will have sex every few hours until your pregnancy is confirmed," said Nils.
"I can't do that!" said Doug.
"You can," said Nils. He pointed to a green column. "You can insert yourself into that every two or three cycles. You will also need to reapply the black patch to Doug's testicles every three cycles. Do you think you can handle that?"
"Can we!" said Susannah, with a hungry smile. She pulled Doug down to the ground.
"Again? Don't you want to rest?" Doug asked.
"No," said Susannah. "I want to fuck!"
The doublebanding had changed her, Doug realized. His wife was now fully onboard with the program. She wanted to get impregnated. She wanted to have an alien creature growing inside of her. She had fully given into the Hive.
"I can't wait to get big and round," Susannah whispered, as Doug obediently made love to her. It was their third go around. "I saw them Doug. I saw the pregnant women. They looked so happy. So incredibly pleased with themselves with their giant green bellies. I want to be like them!"
Doug looked genuinely conflicted as he rubbed his penis against his wife's vaginal walls. He was participating too, but not eagerly as she now was. "Susannah, listen to yourself! Your body is being hijacked, forced to carry an alien life form which is going to enslave humanity!"
"I know, Doug," she said, wrapping her arms around his neck. "And it feels so good!" She glanced over at Lauren. After she and Denise had finished their first communing session, she had seemed much more relaxed. She held hands with Denise and they whispered and giggled together for some time. But now they were doing something else. They were kissing!
Susannah smiled as she wrapped her legs around her pistoning husband. That's what families should be about, she reflected. Happy and loving.
Even Doug's reluctance started to wear down. He lost track of time in the dark Auditorium, but it seemed by the fourth or fifth time he recharged his penis his attitude had changed. He no longer needed to be prompted to make love to her or recharge himself. He no longer protested when Susannah periodically reapplied a dark patch to his testicles. In fact, one time Doug looked down and saw his testicles returned to normal color and said, "I think I need a new patch."
"Indeed you do," said Susannah hungrily. She eyed the rider on Doug's back. It was still immature, but with all this intense fucking it had been growing rapidly. It was already beginning to influence him.
Susannah gave him a new patch, and just as Doug groaned she kissed him. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"
"No, I guess not," said Doug.
Nils came walking by. "How are you two doing?"
"Fine," said Susannah. "We were just about to start again." She rubbed her pubic triangle. "Are we doing it right? I don't feel anything inside me yet."
"You will," Nils assured her. "Are you eager to be impregnated, Susannah?"
"Oh yes!" Susannah rubbed her glowing upside down U Hivemark above her cunt fondly. "I have been designated for reproduction!"
"Yes you have," said Nils. "And how do you feel, Doug?"
Doug shrugged. "The Hive requires it, so I guess... why not?"
"Why not indeed? Well, I'll leave you to it," Nils said, saluting them.
Susannah pulled Doug to the ground and they proceeded to make love once more. She relished the feeling of her husband's small but lifegiving penis inside of her. "Admit it, Doug. It excites you. The idea of impregnating me. Filling me with Hivelife."
"Ah, ah, ah," Doug gasped. His penis felt hard and tense. As he thrust into his wife his rider pulsated on his back perfectly in tempo with his thrusts. "That's what men were born to do. To fill women with their seed."
"Oh you sweet darling! I knew you'd come around!" She gave him a strong passionate kiss.
Doug was so inflamed that he climaxed at that very moment, filling her with his seed. "Ooooh!" he cried, as he felt sperm whip out of the head of his penis.
"That was quicker than last time!" said Susannah accusingly. As Doug pulled out she rubbed her wet cuntlips. "I love the feeling of you coming inside me. I love making you come." Her eyes sparkled with delight. She had never looked happier.
"I do too," said Doug. He stared long and hard at her. "I love you so much."
"I love you too!"
Three days after they had entered the Hive, Susannah and Doug were taking a well deserved break from their lovemaking, their legs intertwined. Susannah felt more relaxed than she ever had been before. She began to understand how happy the pregnant women were. She looked over Doug's shoulder and noticed that Denise was gone, but Lauren had a new partner, a man she didn't know, who was making love to her.
"Hey, you!" said Susannah softly.
Lauren turned to face her mother, a broad smile on her face. "Hey you."
"Watcha doin'?"
"I'm helping Deklan here get his rider to maturity." She gave her mother a lazy smile. "And he's helping me too!"
"I can see that," said Susannah, smiling broadly. She winced and reached down and felt her belly. There was a new hardness she had never felt before. Suddenly her rider pulsated madly on her back and she felt a tremendous wave of accomplishment.
As Susannah rubbed her pussy lips, she realized she never been happier.