Chapter 03.1

"I don't know what to think," said Daniel Harris.

Daniel had a beautiful frown. At least, that's what his best friend Casey Farmington thought. The two were so close that it was commonly thought that Casey was his "work wife", though Daniel was so dedicated to his wife Joanna that nothing would ever happen between them. At 40 years of age, Daniel had handsome light brown hair that his daughter Julie had inherited, as well as his high cheekbones and broad shoulders.

They had just finished watching Leader Barrington's broadcast, warning them of the coming plague, and insisting on the need to take riders. The broadcast had also simulcast an image of a rider on a host's back. The yellow brown creature had instinctively repulsed Casey.

"A plague, about to hit the colony? A plague from where?" Casey asked.

"That's what I wondered. Perhaps an incoming ship," said Daniel.

"I don't buy it," said Casey.

"But... she claimed that Golem Sachs and Moudy's and-"

"I don't care if Father Time himself made this prediction," said Casey. "I am not putting one of those things on my back, and if you have a lick of common sense I credit you for you won't either."

"The scientists claim it's harmless."

"I don't believe the scientists. Surprised?" said Casey. "Just wait, Daniel. Wait until others have tried it and sees what happens."

Daniel nodded. His natural skepticism overlapped hers, but his distrust of the authorities was not as strong. After all, they worked for the Colony Government! They all did. The Colony Government wouldn't do anything to harm them... would it? On the other hand, the decision to put an alien creature on his back was not something to be done lightly....

He had an argument with it over dinner with his wife Joanna. At 38 years of age Joanna was a real cutie, with thick, jet black hair, nice heavy breasts and a narrow waist that was just perfect for lovemaking. But she was just as opinionated as he was, and when it came to governmental authority Joanna's' views were different. Very different.

"We should get riders. We should all get them!" Joanna said.

"Just wait a minute, Joanna," said Daniel. "We know nothing about these creatures. They could be dangerous!"

"How could they be dangerous, when the Colonial Government says they are safe?" said Joanna. "The Colonial Government has our best interests at heart. If they say a plague is coming, we should prepare for it."

"I don't always think the Colonial Government has our best interests at heart, Joanna. The Colonial Government is made up of people, and people are flawed."

"But they know much more than we do. They employ the best experts! That's why we have to listen to them!" said Joanna. She turned to her children, 18 year old Julie and 21 year old Ben. "Kids, would you like to go to the North Building tomorrow and get a rider with me?"

"No!" said Ben emphatically. "You couldn't pay me enough money to put one of those things on my back!"

"Good for you, Ben," said Daniel.

"But if a plague is coming, a rider could save your life!" said Joanna.

"I don't believe it," said Ben, crossing his arms.

Joanna recognized his stubborn ways. "What about you, Julie?"

Julie sighed. "I don't know, Mom. Maybe we should do what Dad says and wait a bit. Let's wait until some people have gotten riders and see if there are any side effects."

"Promise me, Jo," said Daniel. "Promise me you'll wait and won't rush into this." He took her hand and squeezed it.

Joanna sighed and smiled at him. "All right. I'll wait a little while. But not too long!"

That weekend they went to the Swim Club. The small colony had exactly one swim club, which was located on the shores of the Plake, the long, narrow artificial lake the colony had constructed on the east side of the Settlement. The ground had been excavated and the bottom had been lined with soft, rubbery, Turfocrete, which felt a lot like wet sand.

When they got there that weekend Daniel saw riders for the first time. A handful of people were wearing them, small yellow brown things between their shoulder blades. But they were smiling and laughing and playing in the gentle waves along with everyone else. They didn't seem to act any different... except they had riders on their back.

And then Joanna's friend Tammy came over to them, and she too had a rider on her back. Daniel watched them hug with some discomfort as Joanna put her hands around her friend's back.

"Joanna darling! You look wonderful!" said Tammy.

"You do too!" said Joanna. She stared at her friend's black bikini. "Something new?"

"Brad loves it," Tammy grinned.

"I'll bet he does!" said Joanna. "I see you have a rider on your back."

"You noticed!" said Tammy. She turned around and let them see it. It hung on snugly just above her bikini top line. Tammy's rider was small and immature.

"Can you swim with that?"

"Darling, I can do everything with that!" she said, making Joanna laugh.

"Seriously, what does it feel like?" Joanna asked. "I want one, but Daniel...." she gestured with her eyes.

"Danny boy, are you afraid?" Tammy asked.

"I don't want a creature on my back, or Joanna's. It's an alien lifeform. Who knows what it's doing to you?" said Daniel.

"Have you noticed any changes, Tammy?" Joanna asked.

"No," said Tammy. "Really, I barely feel a thing. I mean, I can feel it's on me, of course, but unless I think about it I barely notice it. And it actually feels kind of nice having something warm... snug... between my shoulder blades." She winked at Joanna.

"So... really, no changes? You don't feel different at all?" Joanna asked anxiously.

"No. Nothing. Well, maybe one thing," said Tammy shyly.


Tammy took a deep breath. "Sex."

"What?" said Joanna.

"It makes sex better."

"What?" said Joanna.

"I don't know," said Tammy, running a hand through her hair. "It makes it better. Stimulates nerve endings or something. All I know is that ever since I've gotten my rider I can't keep my hands off of Brad. And he can't keep his hands off of me!"

Joanna gave Daniel a playful push. "See? It's not so bad."

"It sounds wonderful," said Daniel dryly.

"I see other people with riders like Tammy, and they are perfectly fine," said Joanna.

"They are fine today," Daniel agreed. "But what will they be like in a week?"

"You're impossible!" said Joanna. "Do you want some ice cream?"

"No thanks."

"Well, I do." She turned to Tammy. "Can you reason with my obstinate husband until I return?"

"I can do more than that," said Tammy, smiling at Daniel lecherously.

Joanna walked towards the ice cream shack, aware of the hungry eyes on her. At 38 she prided herself on keeping in good shape. She was wearing a dark one piece which showed off her heavy breasts and the tight v shape between her legs. She knew that her bathing suit exposed her ass to the crowds but it was small exhibitionist indulgence she permitted herself. As Daniel had once told her, "All right, you can show off your ass, but only I get to spank it."

She saw there was a line and sighed. As she stood there, she saw one of the lifeguards approaching her, joining the line right behind her. It was Nigel Williamson. Nigel was the same age as her son Ben and in fact went to Colonial College with him. He had wide shoulders and a strong, muscle builder's chest. Joanna secretly found him attractive and had tried to steer her daughter Julie in his direction, only to have Julie shrug and say, "He would never be interested in my type."

"Hey Nigel," said Joanna, smiling as she self consciously ran a finger along her bathing suit's crotch line.

"Hey Mrs. Harris," he grinned,looking up and down at her.

"Please," she put a hand on him. "Joanna. You make me sound a 100 years old when you call me Mrs. Harris!"

"Joanna then," he grinned.

Joanna started to smell a musky odor. She felt her clitoris starting to stiffen and tingle. "Do you smell something?" she said.

Nigel turned around briefly, showing a yellow-brown circle on his back. "No, I don't think so."

"You have a rider!" said Joanna.

"Yeah. Just got it two days ago," Nigel grinned.

The musky odor was stronger now.

Nigel smiled at her. Suddenly Joanna had the overwhelming urge to run her hands over his muscular chest.

"How is it?" she asked, finding it difficult to think.

"It's great!" said Nigel. "Are you planning to get one, Mrs... Joanna?"

"I plan to," she smiled. "In a few days." She found her gaze shifting downwards. Nigel's penis formed a giant ball inside his tight bathing suit. She could only imagine what that cock monster would look like when it was erect. But Nigel was almost 20 years younger than her. He'd never be interested in her.... would he?

"You're looking very pretty in that swimsuit, Joanna," said Nigel.

"Why... thank you," said Joanna. She looked down and saw her nipples were erect! She self consciously raised an awkward arm over her breasts.

"Don't," said Nigel, pulling down her arm. "You're beautiful just as you are."

"I... I am?" Joanna blinked. "I'm not... too old?"

"I think you're gorgeous," said Nigel. "I have a thing for sexy mature women."

He called her a sexy mature woman!

Joanna felt terribly aroused as she inhaled more of the musky smell. All she could think about was having sex with Nigel. Nigel smiled as he saw the lust in her eyes. He reached over and moved his face closer to her, closer... closer... closer....

"Mom, have you seen Ben?"

Joanna blinked. It was her daughter Julie. "Why, no, dear," she said, hastily covering her chest with her arm again.

"Dad wants you to find him so we can go," Julie explained.

"I guess... we'd better go," said Joanna. She looked up at Nigel. "Nice talking to you, Nigel."

"And you, Joanna." And then he actually winked at her!

"Amelia Singer offered to have sex with Donnie Wong," Casey said casually the next day.

Daniel, who had been typing up a report, stopped in mid keystroke. "What?"

"You heard me."

"Are you sure?"

"She said it in front of three other people."

"But... Amelia is married!"

"Very much so!" said Casey. "But she now feels it's her mission in life to save her fellow man. She's taken a rider and offers to give a rider to any man who wants to sleep with her." She saw the confused look on Daniel's face. "Haven't you heard? One way that riders can reproduce is through sex. They can tap into their host's sexual energy and split into two, making a new rider for their sex partner. Amelia is offering to have sex with any man who will take a rider."

"What does her husband Norman have to say about that?"

"You'd have to ask him," Casey grinned. "Mia says it like she's doing charity work. She's convinced the great plague is going to hit the colony and if she has to temporarily sacrifice her body to save a life, she'll do it."

"That's odd," said Daniel.

"Very odd," Casey agreed.

At that moment Melissa Gruber walked by his cubicle. Melissa was a stunning blonde with a very sexy figure. She sometimes flirted with Daniel, but she was very committed to her husband Charles.

"Hey Daniel," she smiled at him, totally ignoring Casey.

"Hey Melissa. What's new?"

"Actually, since you ask, the topic of discussion in the office is riders," said Missy.

Daniel suddenly noticed that Missy was wearing a very revealing shirt which showed off her breasts. She was also wearing dark makeup around her eyes and bright red lipstick which made her look very different.

"Have you taken a rider, Melissa?" he asked.

"Um hm." She turned around to show him. She was wearing a sheer white shirt which clearly showed the outline of her rider.

"How is it?" Daniel asked.

"Wonderful," Melissa smiled. "I've had it a week, and now that it's mature I can use it to help others."

"To help them?"

"My, ah, rider can reproduce under the right circumstances," said Melissa, giving him a sly look.

"I've heard that Mia Singer is offering to have sex with anyone who would take a rider," said Daniel.

"Yes. She has a big heart," said Melissa.

"A big heart?" said Daniel.

"Of course!" said Melissa. "Giving someone a rider is like saving a life. It's like donating blood. If a man needs a trivial sex act to get him to save his own life, it's a price well worth paying."

"Is that a price you're willing to pay, Melissa?" Daniel asked.

She paused and rotated her shoulders slyly. "For certain select men. Men I like, yes." She pinched his cheek.

"I appreciate the offer, but...."

"Oh, I don't want to see you die in the plague, Daniel!" she cried.

"I don't necessarily believe there will be a plague," said Daniel.

"There will be," said Melissa with certainty. "Golem Sachs and Moudy's are never wrong." She put a hand over his. "Please, let me save your life."

Daniel started to smell a musky scent, one which made his chest feel tight. "And what would Joanna say about you... saving my life?"

"She'd be grateful! She'd thank me for saving your life!" said Melissa.

She might not be wrong, Daniel thought.

"Please, Daniel." Her dark makeup encrusted eyes gleamed with an alien light. There was something about Melissa.... something about her that was different. Something that wasn't right.

As the musky scent invaded his lungs, Daniel felt his will to resist sapping. He didn't feel strong enough to say no. Instead he said, "Let me... let me think about it, Missy."

She looked disappointed but tried not to show it. "All right," she said. "You think. But not too long, all right?"

Daniel smiled amiably and she was gone. It was only after she left that Daniel realized his palms were sweaty. "She's changed," he said.

"They've all changed," said Casey. "Everyone who's gotten a rider is like that. My Bernard is bugging me to take a rider."

"What did you tell him?

The blond grinned. "I tell him not to be stupid."

The next weekend they went back to the Swim Club. What a difference a week made! Last weekend, there were only a handful of people with riders. But by this weekend, nearly a third of people were wearing riders, many of them people they knew!

Slender Peggy Singer with her bright smile was wearing a rider. So was big Mike Massey, who worked in Maintenance. Redheaded Petra Arkanian smiled and waved at Daniel as he saw the rider glistening on her back.

And some of these riders had golden bands around the edges of them. They were bigger, thicker than the other riders Daniel had seen. No one wearing a rider seemed bothered in slightest. They were all smiling and laughing and splashing in the waves and busy having a good time.

A good time.

Men and women were hugging and kissing openly. A occasional peck on the cheek or a quick stolen kiss was not uncommon in the Swim Club, but that's not what Daniel saw here. He saw men and women lying in recliners kissing and hugging strongly as if they were about to make love. He saw Gavin Morrison rubbing his groin against his wife Kitty as he kissed her strongly and passionately. He saw Jenny Dunlap wrapping her legs around her husband Greg as the two kissed wildly.

And all the people doing this had riders.

"A change," said Daniel. Part of him was glad the kids hadn't come today. Ben was working on a school project and Julie was off with friends.

"Yes," said Joanna, not sure what to make of it.

"Incredible, isn't it?" said Tammy. Not only Tammy had a rider, but her husband Brad, as well.

"It's a little... flamboyant," said Joanna, watching a couple writhing on a recliner like a four legged being.

"A side effect of the riders?" said Daniel, shooting his wife a knowing look.

"A feature, not a bug," said Tammy, smiling broadly as she pat her own long black hair. She gave Daniel's body a rapid up and down look, lingering briefly on his bathing suit. "The riders free up our emotions. They tell us we shouldn't be afraid to express our feelings. What could be better than love?"

"Hard to argue with that," said Joanna, watching the couples around her. At first she had been surprised, but she rapidly found herself getting used to it. Joanna felt a tingling between her legs as she watched Gavin Morrison really giving it to his wife Kitty. She suddenly felt the urge to get into cool water. "Going for a swim, dear. Want to come?"

Daniel shook his head. "I'll just catch some sun."

"Suit yourself."

Joanna tippytoed into the water. She shivered as her body quickly got used to it. She slowly got into the water and began to do the breast stroke. Ah, that was better! There was something about seeing all these couples hot for each other which excited her.

Back on the beach, Tammy and Brad were talking to Daniel. Daniel started to smell a strong musky scent. He recognized it as nearly the same scent he had smelled when Melissa Gruber had tried to seduce him. His body started to respond. He felt his chest getting tingly, and a tightening in his groin.

"You don't have any lotion on," said Tammy. "You'll burn up! Here, let me put some on you."

"I'll be fine. Really," said Daniel.

"Nonsense," said Tammy. She started to rub lotion on his hair chest.

Daniel glanced up uneasily at her husband Brad, who just stood there grinning like a fool. Evidently he no longer minded standing by while his wife rubbed down a half naked man. Daniel noticed that their riders now had golden bands around the edge of them and were thicker than they were last weekend.

"Look at all these fine people enjoying themselves," said Tammy. "Wouldn't you and Jo enjoy doing that too?"

"I don't enjoy public performances," said Daniel uneasily. He felt himself getting severely aroused now, and he didn't know exactly why. He had inhaled more of the musky scent and now felt an erection growing in his pants. He felt afraid to look down to draw attention to it. Was it sticking out? Still looking at Tammy, he put his hands strategically in his lap.

Tammy smiled at him, as if he had just shared a secret that only they knew. The feeling of her fingers on his chest felt electric.

"You might," said Tammy. "If you took a rider."

He noticed the sparkle in her eyes. There was something very attractive about it.

"I don't plan on doing that," said Daniel tensely. By now he was very aroused and finding Tammy very, very appealing. And her husband was just inches away!

"Jo does," said Tammy. "Once she does, you'll want to. You'll have to."

Daniel looked over at the beach, and saw his wife talking to Nigel, the beefcake lifeguard.

When Joanna came out of the water she rubbed her eyes to clear the water out and shivered.

"Here, let me help," said a new voice.

Joanna looked up and saw Nigel wrapping a towel around her shoulders.

"Thanks," said Joanna. She shivered as she saw his big, handsome muscular body.

"I was watching you swim," said Nigel.

"You were?"

"It's my job," said Nigel. "You have excellent form," he said. His eyes moved slowly up and down her body. Joanna felt her wet bathing suit clenching her skin tightly, showing every curve of her heavy breasts. She also felt it gripping her vagina tightly, showing every indentation there as well. She essentially felt naked in front of him and shivered as his smile grew broader.

"You have a very sexy body," said Nigel.

Joanna's eyebrows shot up. A week ago that would have been wholly inappropriate. But seeing everyone openly hugging and kissing had extended her mental boundaries of what was appropriate or not. And Nigel was so incredibly attractive. He had a big muscular chest, and was wearing a tight bathing suit which constricted his penis into an enormous pubic ball.

"T-thank you," she stammered. "You... you look good too."

Nigel smiled. "Come. I want to show you something."

He started walking; Joanna followed. She noticed that Nigel's rider had a golden band now. It inflated softly on his back as he walked. She wondered what that felt like and whether it could influence his mind.

"Where are we going?" she said, starting to get nervous.

"It's not far," he reassured her.

He led her across a short strip of shoreline to a recliner where a man and a woman were making out on a recliner. The man was Lee-Hung Wang, the woman Jenny Anderson, They were both married--but not to each other! Susannah's eyes grew wide when she realized that unlike the other couples she had seen, Lee-Hung and Jenny were completely naked and Lee-Hung was fucking Jenny, right in front of a circle of interested watchers!

Lee-Hung's flat, Asian ass pumped in and out as he entered her. Jenny moaned in pleasure. Joanna smelled a very strong musky smell which excited her. She looked at the faces watching avidly. Almost everyone she saw around her already had riders.

"But they're married!" said Joanna.

"Marriage is of small consequence if they both die of the plague," said Nigel. "Lee-Hung had a rider, and he offered to save Jenny's life by giving her a rider. She agreed."



As Joanna watched, Lee-Hung's rider started to split down the middle. There was something exciting about watching his rider bubble up and sizzle while Lee-Hung's ass cheeks were pumping in and out, in and out. Joanna had breathed in too much of the musky scent by now. She found the sight of the rider beginning to split intensely erotic. A stream of liquid came out of the bottom of Lee-Hung's rider, flowing into his asshole. The effect was immediate, like a catalyst: Lee-Hung started to pump inside of Jenny furiously.

Joanna felt Nigel's hands on her shoulders, squeezing gently. Even this mild touch made her intensely aroused. She needed to have sex, and she needed it now!

Lee-Hung cried out and his body stiffened as his rider completed splitting down the middle. Now there were two riders on his back, a banded one and a smaller immature one.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Nigel whispered.

"Yes," Joanna breathed. Her sexual arousal was somehow mixed up with the sight of watching the rider reproduce.

The new baby rider started to crawl down Lee-Hung's right arm. Lee-Hung's arms were wrapped around the back of her neck.

"He's giving her life. He's going to help her survive the coming plague," said Nigel.

Jenny noticed the baby rider when it crawled onto Lee-Hung's forearm. Her eyes grew wide and she felt an instinctual revulsion. "Lee-Hung, I don't know-"

Lee-Hung muffled her objections with a strong kiss. As Jenny struggled to speak, the rider jumped from his hand onto her back. Jenny instinctively stiffened and cried out. She started to say things but her voice was muffled by Lee-Hung's tongue inside her mouth.

"Is she all right?" Joanna asked.

"Better than all right. Wait and see."

After a moment Jenny relaxed and Lee-Hung let go. Jenny blinked and looked confused and sat up slowly. The audience could see the new baby rider on her back. They clapped as Jenny reached out and hugged Lee-Hung with gratitude.

"You see?" said Nigel. "He just saved her life and she's so grateful for it."

He just fucked her in front of a crowd while they are both married to other people, Joanna thought. But what she just watched raised possibilities in her mind. If it could be portrayed as saving lives, like donating blood, then why not have sex with someone else, even if they were married? Having sex outside of marriage was a small price to pay for saving someone's life!

Nigel sensed he was planting ideas in her head as he turned her around to face him. Joanna was very much aware of the big, muscular body builder mere inches away from her. She glanced down quickly and saw his big, pubic bulge and wondered again how big he was when erect.

"Would you like to touch it?" Nigel whispered.

"Touch it?" Joanna's pulse started racing. She looked down again. Did Nigel mean touching his penis?

Nigel smiled. "My rider. Would you like to touch my rider?"

Oh. Joanna thought about it and nodded.

"Go ahead, touch it."

Joanna tried to walk around him but Nigel kept turning to face her. She frowned at him.

"You can reach around from the front, can't you?" Nigel gave her an irritating grin.

Joanna swallowed heavily. She nodded even as she wrapped her arms around Nigel's giant body. She felt his big manly chest pressing against hers through her flimsy bathing suit. Farther down she felt the big round ball of his pubis pressing against her belly. An intense wave of sexual desire went through her. She felt the urge to have sex and to have it now!

She reached around him and found his rider by trial and error. She tentatively touched it. The surface was soft and creamy.

"Oh!" said Nigel.

"Does it hurt when I touch it?"

"No! Just the opposite! Keep doing it!"

Joanna touched his rider again.

"Ooooooh!" Nigel groaned.

Nigel's arousal inflamed her own. The idea that this bodybuilder was being turned on by her touch excited Joanna without end.
Next page: Chapter 03.2
Previous page: Chapter 02.2