Chapter 03.2

Nigel saw the look in her eyes and bent his head down. His lips were inches from her own. He looked again into her eyes, liked what he saw, and kissed her.

Joanna groaned as she felt a tense tightening in her vagina.

When Nigel pulled back, he smiled at her. "How was that?"

"G-good," Joanna gasped, not trusting her voice.

"Would you like me to make a rider for you, Joanna? Would you like me to save your life?"

His enormous figure cast a shadow over her, blotting out the sun. At that moment Joanna's brain was fried. She wanted sex more than anything. If she could get fucked under the cover of getting a rider, that was fine with her. But even in her aroused state one concerned remained. "Yes! But... my husband...."

"He has matters of his own to attend to," said Nigel, sending a chill down her spine.

Joanna glanced over and saw Tammy on Doug's lap, rubbing him intently.

They planned this. Tammy and Nigel planned this.

"So, Joanna?"

Joanna felt so aroused that she didn't trust her voice. She looked up at him and nodded even as her whole body trembled.

Nigel smiled and walked her over to a vacant recliner. Joanna's heart was thumping a mile a minute as she realized what she was going to do. She was going to get fucked while everyone was watching. She was going to get fucked while her husband was only a hundred feet away. She was going to get fucked and take a rider and she was so excited to make it happen!

Nigel reached for one of the straps of her bathing suit. Joanna frowned but let him pull it down, revealing one of her breasts. Then he pulled down the other one. She was totally topless now. He pulled further, and the bathing suit was now around her ankles. She was totally nude on the beach, and no one was giving her a second look. She suddenly felt a wave of exhilaration as if she had been liberated. Joanna felt a cool breeze run over her private parts, and realized for the first time how constricting the wet bathing suit had been. Part of her never wanted to wear it again. She smiled at Nigel who smiled back at her.

Nigel gestured for her to lay down on the recliner. Joanna did, her body trembling with nervousness of what was to come. Nigel stood before her once more, again blotting out the sun, casting an enormous shadow over her. He reached down and lowered his swim trunks. His penis, even flaccid was enormously long.

Nigel smiled as he leaned towards her. Joanna smiled as she nervously leaned back, ready to be taken.

Somehow Tammy was now sitting on his lap, just below his groin, and still rubbing lotion into Daniel's hairy chest. Daniel had breathed in too much of her musky scent, way too much, and he had an erection in his swim shorts. He was afraid it was all too visible, but was afraid to look.

"Wouldn't it be nice?" Tammy said. "I can save your life, Daniel. Please, let me give you a rider."

Daniel, his mouth dry, didn't know what to say. He was so incredibly aroused.

"Perhaps he needs more persuasion," observed Brad, her husband.

Tammy nodded and reached inside his swimshorts. The minute she touched his penis, Daniel abruptly sat up but Brad pushed him back down. "Relax, buddy. Just relax and enjoy it."

"You're hard," said Tammy, almost accusingly, as she stroked his shaft inside his shorts.

Daniel gasped every time her hand went up and down his shaft.

"Really hard," said Tammy. She looked at Brad. "Want to see?" Without waiting for an answer, she pulled down Daniel's bathing suit. To Daniel's great shame, his solid erection poked out.

"Nice," Brad grinned, as Tammy continued to stroke it.

"You're all right with this?" Daniel gave Brad a pained look.

"Of course!" said Brad. "Tammy is doing a good deed. She's about to save your life. I think he's ready, Honey."

Tammy smiled and stood up, and slowly removed her bikini bottom. Her dark pubic triangle and glistening cuntlips seemed to beckon to him. Daniel saw a thin chain hanging from her vulva, one with a small green rock attached to it. What was that?

Tammy sat down on his lap again, her pubis pressed against his. "You're simply going to love this," she promised.

"What about Joanna?" Daniel cried.

"Don't worry about Jo," said Tammy.

Daniel leaned forward and looked over Tammy's shoulder. In the distance he saw Joanna standing with Nigel the lifeguard. Joanna just stood there while Nigel removed one bathing suit strap and then the other. Then he pulled down her bathing suit entirely! Nigel lowered her into a recliner and took off his own bathing shorts.


Daniel instinctively pushed Tammy off him and was running on the artificial sands even as he pulled his swimshorts up again.

"Joanna!" he cried, even as he watched Nigel slowly get on top of her. He arrived at a run and pushed the big lifeguard off his wife.

"Daniel!" Joanna cried, her eyes as wide as saucers.

"What are you doing?" Daniel demanded.

"I... I...."

"I was about to save her life, Mr. Harris," said Nigel calmly. He showed no shame being caught in the act. "If you will permit me to finish, I'll give your wife a rider and she will be safe from the coming plague-"

"No thank you!" Daniel snarled. "Come on, Jo, we're getting out of here!" He helped his daze wife back into her bathing suit.

Nigel didn't try to stop them even though the big man could easily have taken Daniel out. His rider pulsated on his back and Nigel cocked his head and nodded. As Daniel got the straps back on Joanna's bathing suit, Nigel said, "No hard feelings. Perhaps another time, Jo?"

"Never!" said Daniel, speaking for her.

As they drove back in the hovercar Joanna's mind started to clear.

"How could you do that?" said Daniel.

"He was going to give me a rider," said Joanna. "He was going to save me from the plague." She looked at him. "And what were you doing with Tammy while I was with Nigel?"

Daniel didn't answer.

"If I called Tammy, what would she tell me you two were doing?"

"She... she tried to seduce me," said Daniel.

"Tried to save your life, you mean." She grabbed his arm. "Daniel, it's been almost two weeks. I haven't heard of anyone having side effects from their riders. I think it's time we got one."

"No," said Daniel. "Didn't you notice how strange they were acting? All the hugging and kissing?"

"If having a slightly increased sex drive is the price for not dying from the plague, I'm for it," said Joanna. "I have a mind to go to the North Building tomorrow and get myself a rider, and to take the kids with me."

"Don't get our kids involved with this!" said Daniel.

"We'll talk about it over dinner," said Joanna.

But before they could talk about it over dinner an urgent broadcast was sent into their homes, into the homes of all colonists on Sirius Minor.

It was Colony Leader Susannah Barrington. "Citizens," she said. "I am so proud that so many of you have taken the responsible step to take your rider inoculations which will protect you from the coming plague. As I told you before, the three leading Future Prediction agencies are all in agreement that a devastating plague will strike Sirius Minor within the next two months. But I am disappointed to see that the number of people signing up for rider inoculations have dropped off. Scarcely 400 of you out of a colony of 2000 have chosen to be inoculated. I have heard rumors that riders are untested or unsafe or harmful and I an assure you that nothing is farther from the truth."

The holo panned out to show Susannah, her husband Doug, and her daughter Lauren, all without shirts. Susannah and Lauren's breasts were only covered by their breast control collars.

"I would never recommend a medical procedure to you that I wouldn't recommend for my own family," said Susannah. "Doug, show them your rider."

Doug turned around briefly, showing the single banded rider between his shoulder blades.

"How do you like it, dear?"

"It's fine," said Doug. "After a while, I barely even notice it's there. It's pumping me full of lifegiving medicine, for which I'm grateful. I'm so glad the experts have developed this treatment for the plague. It's really renewed my faith in the government experts."

Susannah smiled. "Lauren dear, it's your turn."

Lauren spun around. She too had a banded rider on her back, nestled between her young shoulder blades just above the strap of her breast control collar.

"How does it feel, dear?"

"It feels great!" said Lauren. "I have to admit that I gave into the hysteria at first. I was afraid to take a rider because I listened to all the stupid rumors."

"And now?"

"It's wonderful!" said Lauren. "It feels so soothing on my back! I love my rider and it loves me!"

Susannah smiled. "I'm so glad." The holo panned out some more to show that Susannah had a bulging belly.

"Yes!" said Susannah. "Riders are so safe that you can even take them when you are pregnant. As I prepare to bring new life in the world I'm comforted to know that my baby will not get struck down by the coming plague." She caressed her belly with a warm, loving smile.

"So if you haven't taken a rider yet there's still time! And if you have taken a rider, talk to your family members. Talk to your friends and coworkers. If you convince even one person to take a rider, you're saving a life. Remember, Community is about wellness for me and you."

The holoimage zoomed in on Susannah's contented smile as the image faded.

"Well, that settles it," said Joanna. "I'm going to the North Building tomorrow and get myself a rider."

"No, Joanna!"

"We've seen how safe it is. No reported side effects. Our top experts say its all safe. Susannah gave it to her own family, Daniel! What more evidence do you require?"

For once Daniel was at a loss for words.

Joanna turned to her children. "What do you say, kids? Do you want to come with me to get a rider tomorrow?" She looked at her 21 year old son. "Ben?"

"No!" said Ben.

"Why not?"

"I don't want one of those... things... on my back!"

"But you saw how gentle and harmless they are!"

"I don't want it," said Ben.

Joanna sighed. She turned to her 18 year old daughter Julie. "Jules?"

Julie looked uncertain. "I don't know, Mom," she said.

"What's not to know? It will save your life!"

"Don't do it, Julie!" Daniel cried.

Julie looked at her father. She had always been closer to him than her mother. "I guess... I guess I'm going to wait a while longer, like Dad."

Joanna frowned. "Just don't wait too long." She sighed. "Maybe when I get a rider, and you see how it does nothing to me, that you'll realize it's safe and you'll be willing to get ones yourselves."

"Please don't do this, Joanna!" said Daniel.

"My mind is made up."

But the following morning Joanna found her resolve softening, however slightly. She had made a 9 AM appointment at the North Building to take a rider, but Daniel made one final plea.

"Please, Joanna," he said. "I'm begging you. Just.... just think about it a little more. Just for one more day. One more day won't make a difference, will it?"

Joanna looked at her husband's face. She loved him so much and wanted to please him. "All right, Daniel. I'll... I'll think about it."

It felt so good when he hugged her and thanked her profusely.

But as Joanna drove her air car to work, she couldn't help thinking of Nigel. How he had been about to make love to her yesterday and give her a rider. How big his pubic bulge looked in his bathing suit. How long his flaccid penis looked outside of it. How good it felt to feel his chest against hers. How exciting it had been to watch Lee-Hung's rider split and give Jenny a rider. How she wished it could have been her.

Joanna's newfound sexual attraction shouldn't factor into her decision about getting a rider but somehow it did. She found herself driving to the North Building instead of the Eastern Complex where she worked.

Joanna would get a rider today.

When Joanna entered the North Building, there was no longer a line to get into the clinic. All the early adopters had come and gone. But when she stepped into the waiting room she was pleased to see a handful of people there. She gave her name to the nurse and sat down next to Audrey Rivers, who lived two floors below her in Southwestern District Building Four.


"Jo!" they hugged awkwardly.

"Here for your rider?" said Audrey.

"Yeah. You?"

"Um hm," said Audrey. "After hearing Leader Barrington on holo last night, I decided the time to wait was over."

"Me too!" said Joanna. "What about Eric?"

Audrey made a face. "He wants to wait. I'm hoping once I get mine he'll see it's harmless and he will too."

"Same here!" said Joanna. "Daniel and the kids are being stubborn. I hope they'll come to their senses before the plague hits."

They smiled at each other, even as they heard a voice say, "Joanna? Joanna Harris?"

"That's me," said Joanna, standing up.

"Good luck, dear," said Audrey.

"Thanks! You too!" said Joanna.

Joanna was delighted to find herself in the company of Nurse Jenny. In a small colony, it was not unnatural for most people to know each other. This was not the same Jenny from the beach yesterday. Nurse Jenny was a tall blonde who Joanna had known for years.

"Jenny, I'm so glad it's you!" said Joanna. "Is Doctor Tainsky available?"

"No, you'll be seeing Doctor Tripoli," said Nurse Jenny.

"Tripoli. I don't know him," said Joanna.

"He's great. You'll love him," Nurse Jenny assured her. They walked down a long corridor of examination rooms. One of them had a door open. As they walked by Joanna saw a woman, topless except for her breast control collar, sitting on an examination bench while a doctor put something on her back. The woman immediately grabbed her head and screamed, "There's something in my head! There are things moving inside my head!"

Jenny abruptly closed the door with a thump. "Sorry, you weren't supposed to see that."

"Is that what happens when you get a rider?" Joanna asked.

"It's very rare to have side effects, and they usually don't last long," said Jenny.

She led her an examination room. "Take off all your clothes, and Doctor Tripoli will be with you in just a minute."

Joanna frowned but did as she was told.

A few minutes later Jenny returned with Doctor Tripoli, a dark skinned man with a large arab afro. He looked at his Pad. "Ah, you must be Joanna Harris," he said. "Good to meet you."

"And you," said Joanna.

Doctor Tripoli immediately got to work, examining her body methodically. He squeezed her breasts and smiled when he got a reaction from her.

"You have a very attractive body," he said casually.

"Thank you," said Joanna. A week ago such a comment, especially from a doctor, would have been inappropriate. But after Nigel said it to her yesterday, she realized that the cultural mores in the colony were suddenly shifting.

Doctor Tripoli used a finger to trace her areolas. "Where is your family?"

"My family?"

He looked down at his Pad. "Husband, Daniel, 21 year old son Ben, 18 year old daughter Julie."

"They... they are not ready yet to take riders."

"A shame." His finger played over her nipple, making it stand out. "Perhaps you can convince them."

"We ask all citizens who take riders to act as goodwill ambassadors to convince the rest of the citizenry to do the same," Nurse Jenny explained.

"I can do that," said Joanna. She frowned as Doctor Tripoli teased her other nipple, making it hard as well.

"Is all this really necessary?" Joanna asked.

Doctor Tripoli put on rubber gloves and gave her a long look. "We want to be sure that all our citizens in the Community are health and enjoying wellness," he said. He spread her legs wide. "Nurse?"

Nurse Jenny handed him a device, which Dr. Tripoli inserted into Joanna's vagina, making her gasp.

"Why?" said Joanna. "Have any people had complications from taking riders?"

"Complications? No," said Tripoli. "It's perfectly safe. We just want a benchmark of your condition before you take a rider. It is thought that Riders can not only immunize against viruses but improve general health. This study will enable us to find out if that is the case."

"Ah," said Joanna, relaxing slightly.

The tip of the probe glowed green.

"Good," said Tripoli, pulling out the probe. "Mark her as fertile, Nurse."

"Yes sir."

Joanna frowned. "What does my fertility have to do with taking a rider?"

"You're still capable of having children. Doesn't that excite you?"

"I'm 38 years old. I don't plan on having more kids," said Joanna.

"You may change your mind," said Dr. Tripoli, giving a mysterious grin. He took a green device off a shelf and said, "Nurse?"

Nurse Jenny reached out and spread Joanna's vaginal lips. "What are you doing?" she asked.

Dr. Tripoli took the green device and gently inserted it into her vagina. "This may tingle a bit."

The green device felt like flesh; it felt alive. As it sat inside Joanna's vagina she felt it start to tingle. The tingling sensation spread to her clit. She started to breathe heavily.

"Oh, oh, oh," Joanna said. "Doctor, it's causing more than just tingling!"

"Go on, you're doing well," Tripoli encouraged her.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh," Joanna gasped. She felt an orgasm building up inside her. How was this possible? She looked down at the green, fleshy rod half buried inside her cuntlips. What was this device?

Suddenly Joanna got an image in her mind, an image of Nigel, Nigel fucking her with his enormously long penis. Her body rocked back and forth. Firecrackers went off in her pussy and Joanna climaxed!

"Oooooh!" she cried out. Suddenly Joanna was embarrassed. What had just happened here?

"Very good," said Tripoli, making her gasp again as he removed the device.

"What was that all about?"

"We were just testing your orgasm potential. Mark her as an 8.2, Jenny."

"Yes Doctor."

"Orgasm potential?"

"We have acquired new technology to assess the sexual well being of the citizens of the Community. All we're doing now is taking a baseline reading. If there's a problem later, we'll better be able to identify it."

Joanna's eyes narrowed. "Do riders interfere with sexuality?"

"On the contrary, they improve it," said Tripoli. "That's one of the things we are trying to measure."

Joanna got a nasty suspicion. "Doctor, do I have to have sex with someone to get a rider?"

Tripoli laughed. "Of course not! Although that is a valid method of transmission. Riders can tap into sexual energy to reproduce themselves. Some couples actually find it romantic to make a rider for their loved one while committing the ultimate act of love. A husband for a wife, a wife for a husband, or a friend... for a good friend." He gave her a knowing look. "But we have plenty of riders in storage here. No, Joanna, you won't have to make love to someone to take a rider... unless you want to."

"Good," said Joanna, who had been half wondering if Dr. Tripoli was going to make love to her. She wouldn't have minded if Nigel had done it, but there was something about Dr. Tripoli she found a bit creepy.

"And now the time has come. Put on all your clothes, please, except your shirt."

Joanna slowly got dressed, putting on her panties, then her skirt, then her breast control collar. She struggled a bit to get into her collar, she really should be wearing ones a size larger, but Daniel said he liked the way her breasts stuck out in these.

"Very good. Nurse?"

Nurse Jenny reached into some kind of green organic container and pulled out a baby rider. Its skin was soft and more yellow than brown. Joanna's eyes widened as she saw it. The immediacy of what she was about to do suddenly struck her.

"Jo, lean against the wall with your arms spread wide," said Jenny.

Joanna just continued to stare at the rider. It pulsated in Nurse Jenny's hands!

"Jo?" said Jenny.

"Yes? Yes, of course."

Joanna slowly turned around and leaned against the wall, palms out.

"Are you sure this is going to be all right, Jenny?" she asked nervously.

"Of course I'm sure," said Jenny. "I've done this dozens of times. Now, take a deep breath. Good, now take another. You're going to feel a little pinch...."

Joanna was trembling like a leaf. Suddenly she felt something warm and clammy attach to her back. She immediately felt something in her head as well. "My head, my head!" she cried, grabbing her head.

"It's all right, Jo!"

"I feel something moving in my head!" she cried.

"Jo, Jo, it's all right," said Jenny, grabbing her hands and pulling them down.

Joanna gradually relaxed, and her eyes grew vacant.

"That's right, you're doing fine," said Jenny.

"Joanna, what are you?" Dr. Tripoli asked.

"I am Hiveflesh," said Joanna.

"And what is your purpose?"

"My purpose is to make the Community happy and healthy. Wellness is everything."

"Indeed it is," Dr. Tripoli grinned. Joanna was a very sexy woman. He knew she would be a tremendous asset to the Hive, bringing her family in as well as others.

"Did I... did I just say that?" Joanna blinked.

"Indeed you did," said Nurse Jenny. They hugged and cried for a moment.

"Want to see it?" Nurse Jenny asked.


Joanna turned her back to a holomirror, and saw the small rider lodged between her shoulder blades.

"How does it feel?" Jenny asked.

"Warm. Soft," said Joanna.

"You'll just love it, trust me," said Jenny.

"Now Joanna, your next step is to help your rider mature," said Dr. Tripoli.


"In order to distribute lifesaving vaccines throughout your body, your rider needs to be mature enough to produce them. The rider's maturity is marked by a gold band around the edges," said Tripoli.

"How can I help it mature?"

"A variety of ways. Showering is good. Also sex with your husband would be even better. It would go more quickly if you were on top, exerting yourself more. Your rider grows by tapping into your sexual energy. The more you generate, the more it can use."

Joanna nodded. "Anything else?"

"Yes. Another way to help your rider grow is by communing."


"Yes. You have been assigned a communing partner to help your rider grow to maturity. Nurse, please call him in."

The door opened, and a tall, handsome blonde man came into the room.

"You must be Joanna Harris," he said. "My name is-"

"Nils," said Joanna. "Nils Haverstrom, isn't it? I think we met briefly at the Community Fair during the last World Government Submission Day."

"Oh yes!" said Nils, giving a grin. "Nice to meet you again." He extended a hand.

Joanna took it, and felt a chill go through her arm. Suddenly with her shirt off she felt completely naked, even though she was still wearing her breast control collar. She reflexively wrapped an arm over her control collar without knowing why. He was so handsome!

"Nils will teach you about Communing," said Tripoli.

"Come with me, please," said Nils.

Joanna fumbled with her shirt.

"You don't need to do that."

She nodded and walked with him.

"You're the Chief of Staff to Leader Barrington, aren't you?" Joanna asked, as they walked in the corridor.


"I'm surprised that someone with important work like you would have the time for this."

"There's no work more important than ensuring wellness in the Community, Joanna," he said, giving her a bright smile.

He led her into a small room that consisted of a sofa. Nils closed the door and removed his shirt. He was so handsome! His chest was not as muscular as Nils, but he had a tall, lean body.

"What are we doing?" Joanna asked anxiously.

"We're going to commune. It will help your rider grow, so it can give you lifesaving medicine. You want that, don't you Joanna?"

Joanna nodded dumbly.

"Then sit on the couch facing away from me."

"Away from you?"

Nils was already sitting down, facing away from her. Joanna saw that his rider was much larger than hers. It had two bands and covered much of his upper back. Nils' rider also had bones, big bones that Joanna had never seen on a rider before.

"Joanna?" he said with a smile.

Joanna nodded and sat on the couch facing away from him. "What are we supposed to do now?"

"Just lean back against me."

"Like this?"

"A little more."

"Like this?"

"Almost." Joanna saw he was leaning towards her as well. Their riders were almost touching.


Suddenly she was on another world, one pockmarked with craters. Riders were flying through the air everywhere. Joanna was nude... and so was Nils. Somehow they both knew exactly why they were there, and what they were about to do. Joanna flew into his arms-

Joanna gasped and blinked rapidly. She was back on the couch in the little room. Her entire body felt sweaty and sticky. "What time is it?"

"Almost 11," said Nils.

Almost 11? Joanna rapidly put her shirt on. She had been here for nearly two hours! "I... we...."

"Riders can grow by stimulating each other. During this time our minds are encouraged to relax," said Nils. "Dreams are quite common."

"Dreams," said Joanna. "What kind of dreams?"

"Any kind you like," Nils grinned. "The first session is usually the longest. We need to set aside an hour or so every morning to do this. It will help your rider to mature more quickly. Can you make it here every morning, say, around 10?"

"I... I think so. I'll have to check with my supervisor."

"I'm sure that won't be a problem," said Nils. As Joanna finished putting her shirt on he reached over and kissed her on the forehead."You're a real gem, Joanna. I'm so glad we were able to save you from the plague."

"I... thanks," she blushed.

And then Nils stepped out the door and was gone.
Next page: Chapter 04.1
Previous page: Chapter 03.1