Chapter 04.1
When Joanna got home that evening she greeted the kids, kissed Daniel, and calmly prepared dinner. She felt her rider snugly lodged between her shoulder blades. It felt soft and comforting.
As Joanna put dinner out Daniel said, "I was thinking about what we talked about this morning."
"I was too," said Joanna.
"Maybe if we go together to a doctor and talk about it," said Daniel. "Maybe I can be convinced to let you-"
"That's not necessary, dear," she said.
"What do you mean?"
Joanna took a deep breath.
Daniel's eyes went wide. "Honey... did you get a rider?"
Daniel slammed his hand down on the table, making Joanna jump slightly. "WHY, JO! You promised not to do it!"
She looked defensive. "I promised to think about it. And I did! I didn't see any harm in it, no harm at all!" She extended her arms. "Look at me, Daniel. Really look at me. Do I seem any different to you?"
"Mom," said Julie. "Do you really have one of those things on your back?"
"They are called riders, dear, and the answer is yes."
"Can I... can I see it?" Julie asked.
Joanna looked at Daniel, who frowned. Well, they're all going to see it sooner or later. Joanna slowly lifted up and removed her blouse. Underneath her breast control collar was holding her breasts firmly in place. This is it. She took a deep breath and turned her back to her family.
"Mom!" Julie cried.
Ben's eyebrows shot up. "You've got one of those things on you!"
"I can't believe it!" said Daniel. He looked at the small, pulsating yellow-brown creature lodged between her shoulder blades. "Can you take it off?"
Joanna stiffened. "I can't take it off. Not until it matures."
"Until it gets its golden band. It won't start generating vaccines for my body until it's mature."
"How long will that take?" said Daniel.
Joanna shrugged. "I don't know. A few days."
"A few days?" said Daniel.
"You act like it's the end of the world. I'm the same wife and mother you've always known. I just made dinner for you. Was the food poisoned? Did your steak explode? Do I sound any different to you?"
"I suppose not," said Daniel grudgingly.
"Mom, that thing looks so creepy on you," said Julie.
"I know it does, Honey, but it's going to save my life when the plague hits us. I hoped I could be an example to encourage you and your brother to get riders too."
"Not me!" said Ben.
Julie made a discouraging face.
"Jo, I really wish you hadn't done this," said Daniel.
Joanna put her shirt on again. "Well, it's done."
That night, as they went to bed, Joanna tried to kiss her husband. He flinched and turned away.
So is that how it's going to be?
She sighed and lay on her back. As her rider pulsated on her back she calmed down and fell asleep.
Joanna groaned as she felt the shower stream pouring down the back of her neck onto her rider. Her rider enjoyed the flow of water tremendously! She could tell. She could begin to sense what it was feeling at times. As it sucked up water her rider started to slowly inflate and deflate on her back. Joanna stood there, smiling serenely with her eyes closed, as her rider hydrated herself. This is exactly how Daniel found her when he stepped into the bathroom.
"Jo!" he cried, startling her.
"Oh, hello Daniel!" she said, wondering what he had seen.
"What are you doing?" he cried.
"Taking a shower," she said.
"Showering by standing absolutely still with your eyes closed?" said Daniel. "It's that thing! It's inflating on your back! Jo, you didn't tell me that thing inflates like that!"
"I... I didn't know," she said, hastily turning her back away from him as she instinctively felt the need to protect her rider.
"I don't like what it's doing to you, Jo," said Daniel. "I want that thing off you as soon as possible. Do you hear me? Jo?"
"I'm going to go make breakfast for the kids."
"I can do that-"
"I'll handle it," said Joanna firmly.
By the time Joanna got out of the shower, everyone was eating breakfast and staring at her oddly. What had Daniel told them? Joanna felt like her rider was creating a schism in her family. Maybe she should consider removing it. Joanna felt her rider pulsating on her back. Pulse. Pulse. Pulse. With each pulsating she calmed down. No, of course she couldn't remove her rider! Her rider was going to save her from the plague! She had to keep it on long enough so the medicine from her rider could get into her system.
"I can't believe she did it," said Daniel. "She went behind my back and did it!"
"I'm so sorry," said Casey. "Has it affected her?"
"I caught her in the shower this morning. She was standing there like a zombie while that thing inflated on her back. I don't know what it's doing to her!"
"Have you asked her to take it off?"
"She won't," said Daniel grimly.
"I know what you're going through," said Casey. "Tom got a rider, also without telling me."
"He did?"
"I yelled at him. He just said that he didn't want to die when the plague hit the colony. I told him he should be more worried about me than some theoretical plague," said Casey. She gave a bitter smile. "Your wife, and my husband. Perhaps we could arrange a swap." She put a hand over his and looked into his eyes.
Nils seemed to sense that something was wrong with Joanna when they got together to Commune that morning. She looked down at she took off her shirt. As Nils removed his own shirt, she looked hastily at his big hairy chest then turned away.
"Something wrong?" he asked.
"It's nothing," she said.
Nils raised her chin. "Joanna?"
"It's Daniel," she said with reluctant eyes. "He doesn't understand."
"He will," said Nils.
"He will?"
"You'll see," said Nils. "Come." He led her to the couch, and had her sit back to back opposite him. Joanna glanced at his double banded rider. It was so big! As he leaned back towards hers, Joanna wondered if-
They were making love once again on the alien world. Joanna felt Nils' enormous penis moving inside her. It felt so good! She looked him in the eye. "Is this really a dream?"
"Whose dream?" Nils asked, grinning as he boned her.
"My dream, of course!"
"How do you know it's not someone else's dream?" said Nils, pulling out of her cunt with his long rod.
"Who else's dream could it be?" Joanna asked.
"Well, mine, of course. You could simply be a character in my dream." He inserted himself into her again.
Joanna cackled. "I'm not a character in your dream!"
"How do you know?" he asked with a smile.
"Because this feels too good to be a dream," she said, looking down at his long penis moving in and out of her cuntlips. She looked up at him and suddenly got a very serious expression on her face and kissed him passionately.
When Joanna came out of it her body was once again sweaty as if she had run a mile. She saw Nils staring at her intently. With his shirt off, his big hairy chest looked exactly the same as it had looked in her dream. Had it really been a dream?
Nils turned her around and nodded with satisfaction. "Your rider is beginning to mature."
"It is?"
"You have small liquidy bumps growing on her rider. It is undigested energy your rider has taken from you. When your rider finally absorbs them, it will grow even more rapidly," he said. He stroked one of the liquidty bumps, making her jump. "Sorry," he grinned.
That evening Daniel was still cold and distant to her. He wouldn't hug or kiss her. The kids were giving her odd looks as well. Joanna felt uncomfortable at being ostracized by her own family.
"How long are you going to have that thing on you, Mom?" Julie asked.
"Until it matures," said Joanna.
"And how long will that be?" Ben asked.
"I don't know," she said, wilting in their stares.
Nils noticed that Joanna looked unhappy again the following morning but said nothing to her until they started communing.
"Ah, ah, ah," Joanna panted, as Nils' long penis moved in and out of her hairy cunt. A swarm of riders flew above them, momentarily blotting out the sun.
"You are still troubled," Nils observed.
"Yes," said Joanna. She wrapped her arms and legs around him tightly so she could feel him deeper inside her.
"He still does not understand."
"No he doesn't," said Joanna. Nor would he understand this. This was the third time she had communed with Nils and each time it was the same exact dream. Joanna began to have a suspicion that perhaps this dream was something else entirely.
"Yes, Honey?" he said, as he pleasantly inserted his penis inside her widely stretched pussy lips.
"Is this really a dream?" She said.
"Why do you ask?" he said, gradually pulling his thick rod out of her.
"Well, we've communed three times, and each time I have the exact same dream, of you making love to me."
"Perhaps that's what's of most interest to you," Nils said, smiling at her. His face tensed up. "You have such a sexy body! You always feel so tight inside, you always make me come!" He cried out, gasped, and-
Joanna was back in the little room, sitting on the sofa, her face covered in perspiration. Nils smiled at her. "That was great, Honey! You always feel so tight inside!" He stared at her meaningfully.
Joanna's jaw dropped open. "So it's not a dream! It is real!"
"In a matter of speaking," said Nils. "There is no physicality, of course, but our nerve endings are stimulated so it feels like it was real and our minds are linked together... for our shared experience." He stared at her meaningfully.
Their shared experience.
"So it really is you... in my dream... making love to me? You've heard everything I've said, seen everything I've seen?"
"Yes," said Nils. "We have been sharing communion together."
Joanna didn't know what she felt about that! It was one thing for her to have erotic dreams about Nils, but another for them to have a kind of "mind sex" with each other. She hurriedly put her shirt on and ran a hand through her long dark hair.
She turned to go, but Nils put a hand on her wrist. "Hey," he said. "I've had an amazing time with you. You really are a very sexy woman."
Joanna turned red. "Thanks."
He massaged her wrist. "About your husband."
"What about him?"
"If you want him back in your bed, you will have to manipulate him."
"Like you've been manipulating me?" Joanna said.
Nils smiled. "Kind of. But your ways are different. Play to his weaknesses. Then he will be yours."
That evening Daniel continued to give her the cold shoulder. Joanna said nothing. Her rider started to pulsate on her back. It whispered things in her ear too softly to hear. Joanna cocked her head and nodded.
Later, when Daniel came into the bedroom, he found Joanna sitting on the bed, completely naked, and sobbing.
"Hey!" said Daniel, rapidly sitting besides her. "What's wrong?"
"You... you don't love me any more!" she said.
"Of course I do!" said Daniel.
She turned to look at him with tear stained eyes. "Then why won't you talk to me anymore? Why won't you even look at me!"
"I'm looking at you now." Daniel started to rub his hands up and down her arms. "I love you, Jo, you know that!"
She shook her head. "Not lately! Not since I've got this," she said, turning her head to indicate her rider. "Does it really make me so different, Daniel? Am I really no longer the woman you fell in love with and made a family with?"
"Of course I still love you!" Daniel said. He reached out and kissed her on the lips. She took the kiss but didn't respond. "I love you so much!" he said. He kissed her more firmly this time. By the third kiss they had their arms wrapped around each other.
And five minutes later they were making love.
Daniel was on top. Joanna knew her rider would get the most stimulation if she were on top, but that could come later. She smiled through rapidly drying eyes as her dear, dear husband made love to her. Daniel's penis wasn't as big and long as Nils' had been in that other place, but Daniel was her husband. She loved him so much! She felt so relaxed as her husband finally made love to her.
When it was done, they lay arm in arm.
She looked at him. "So do you love me again?"
"Of course. I never stopped loving you."
"Will you make love to me every night?" she asked.
"Every night?"
"My rider needs it, to mature." She saw his expression. "The sooner it matures, the sooner this will all be done."
Daniel bit his lip. "All right."
"Oh Daniel!" she hugged him tightly.
The next morning at work Casey said, "Tom made a pass at me again."
"He did?" said Daniel. "What did you do?"
"I told him there was no way I was going to make love to him with that thing on his back," said Casey.
"Casey, he's your husband," said Daniel. "How long are you going to ice him out?"
"Until he takes that monstrosity off," she said. Her eyes narrowed. "Don't tell me you and Jo...."
"Last night," said Daniel.
She looked horrified. "You made love to her with that thing on her back?"
"It hasn't really changed her, not very much," said Daniel.
"You gave in," said Casey accusingly.
"You're an enabler now. You're part of it now," she said.
"Casey, it's only until her rider matures, then-"
"I don't believe a word of it," she said firmly.
Joanna smiled and hugged Nils when she saw him that morning.
"Are things better at home?"
Joanna nodded. "Much better."
"I'm so glad to hear that."
As Joanna took off her shirt, so did Nils. But he didn't stop there. He took off his pants as well and hooked his thumbs in his underwear.
"What are you doing?" said Joanna.
"Communing feels even better when you're totally nude," he said. "Come on, Joanna, take it off. Take it all off. You'll feel better for it, I promise."
Joanna felt his hungry eyes on her tight breast control collar. Now that she knew that Communing was real, she felt reluctant to get naked with the man she was having mind sex with. She knew where this was leading to, and she didn't want to go there.
"No," she said hastily. "I'd just as soon do it with my clothes on, if you don't mind."
"Suit yourself," Nils shrugged. He checked his chrono. "You know, I just realized I have a meeting in less than an hour. I don't really have time to do a whole session with you."
"So? We'll shorten it."
Nils shook his head even as he worked his pants back on. "Don't bother. We can just pick up tomorrow. There's no harm in skipping a day." Suddenly he was all dressed again. He kissed Joanna on the forehead and said, "See you tomorrow, Jo."
And then he was gone.
Joanna quickly drove home in a state of panic. She felt an intense feeling of sexual arousal. She didn't know if it were her own feelings or her rider stimulating her. All she knew is that she needed relief and she needed it now.
Before she knew it she was sitting on the living room couch with her pants open and her hands inside her panties, rubbing avidly. As Joanna pleasured herself awareness started to fade.
"Momomomomomom," she said, her eyes getting glassy.
It was in this state that her daughter Julie found her several minutes later.
"Mom? Mom?" she said.
"Momomomomomomom," said Joanna. Her hand was busy moving inside her panties.
"Mom!" said Julie, shaking her shoulder.
"Wh, what?" Joanna blinked rapidly. "Julie!" She said.
"Mom, what are you doing?"
Joanna looked down and suddenly realized she had her hands in her pants. She blushed with embarrassment.
"I, uh...." What to say? She looked into her daughter's eyes. "It's my rider. It stimulates certain... needs. Please don't tell your father, all right, dear?"
Julie looked very unhappy.
"Please, Jules?"
Julie nodded reluctantly, still looking unhappy. "Mom, when are you getting that thing off you?"
"Soon, dear. I'm sure it will be mature real soon." She kissed Julie on the forehead. "Best daughter!"
Jo got up and went into the master bedroom and then the master bath. She closed and locked the door behind her.
Her face was still red and burning. How had she ever been so careless to let that happen? She felt her rider pulsate on her back and her arousal returned once more. Joanna rapidly took off all her clothes. When she was nude, she leaned against the bathroom wall, careful to lean against her lower back so her rider wouldn't be harmed. She spread her legs and looked at her furry cunt. She hadn't done this in years. Not since she had gotten married to Daniel. Daniel took care of all her sexual needs. But Joanna's needs had grown.
Joanna hesitantly started to put a finger inside her furry cunt. She quickly found what she was looking for and started rubbing.
Joanna gasped as her body started to gently rub up and down against the wall. She looked into the mirror and realized how sexy she was, breathing heavily and making her breasts rise and fall while her finger was buried deeply in her cuntlips at the base of her pubic triangle. If only Daniel could see her like this!
But her thoughts of Daniel quickly turned into thoughts of Nils. Joanna knew that he had cut their session short because she had refused to disrobe and that this was some kind of test or punishment for her uncooperative behavior. Joanna thought about their first two sessions where Nils had made love to her on that barren alien world. She remembered how good it felt have his long penis inside of her, to have his strong chest pressed against her, to see him looking into her eyes as they made forbidden love.
As Joanna rubbed her clit she frowned. Why should it be forbidden? If one man could not satisfy all her sexual desires wasn't it only natural that she should seek out more? As she bit her lip and cried out and her body shuddered, Joanna realized she was going to have to start making some compromises if she was to stay sane....
"It was beyond bizarre, Dad," said Julie. "Mom was making odd sounds and... touching herself."
"What kind of sounds?" said Daniel.
Julie shook her head. "I don't know." She looked distressed.
"You said she was touching herself? Touching herself where?" Daniel asked.
"You... you know." She shyly turned her gaze downwards.
Daniel looked disturbed. "Thanks for letting me know, Honey."
"Daddy, I think you should stay away from her. At least until she gets rid of that thing on her back."
"I know you do," said Daniel. He hugged her. "Thank you for telling me, dear."
Joanna came into the kitchen. "What are you two hugging about?"
"Joanna just got an 'A' in symbolic anti-racism at Colonial College," said Daniel.
"Oh, I'm so proud of you dear!" She turned to check the oven. The round outline of her rider could be seen through her thin shirt. "Dinner is almost ready!"
Julie gave her father a knowing look.
After dinner, Daniel made love to Joanna.
He hadn't been deaf to what Julie had told him. He knew her rider was influencing her in some way he didn't quite understand. But he had found the evening before intensely distressing. Regardless of whatever Jo had on her back, she was still his wife and he wanted her to be happy. Joanna claimed that having sex would help her remove her rider that much sooner. And so when she kissed him in the bedroom and gave him that look, he nodded and put his hands on her ass, making her jump for joy.
This time Joanna was on top. There was no longer any need to hide what she was doing now. As she rode on her husband's penis, she felt her rider sucking up her chemical energy on her back. It drained her, making each movement up and down all the more exerting, but Joanna felt like she had to do it. The sooner her rider matured, the sooner it would give her lifesaving medicine which would make her immune to the coming plague!
And so Daniel cooperated as Joanna moaned and groaned. She had become a much louder lover now. She kissed him furiously and cried out when she climaxed. Actually she climaxed three times over the course of the evening, outstripping Daniel who could only come twice.
"You have a lot of energy," he said, as she rode him for the third go around.
"It's my rider," said Joanna. "It hungers for you." She said it in such a sexy way!
Despite Daniel's worries about her rider, he couldn't deny that their sex life had become much more exciting. Every time he climaxed inside of her now it felt stronger and lasted longer, as if she were stimulating him more. A part of him, a very small part of him, would miss it when her rider finally came off.
Julie came into the kitchen that evening while Daniel and Joanna were drinking coffee and giving each other lazy grins.
"You did it, Daddy?" said Julie. "After what I told you, you still did it?"
"Jules, you don't understand," said Daniel.
"I understand all right! You're helping that thing grow on Mother's back! You're so hyped up that you're letting your dick do your thinking for you!" she cried.
"Julie! You tell your father you're sorry immediately!" Joanna cried.
Julie bit her lip and ran out of the room. A moment later they heard the door slam.
"She'll understand, eventually," said Joanna.
"Um hm," said Daniel. Joanna had such beautiful eyes.
The next morning Nils casually removed his shirt. "How are things going with your husband?"
"Better, actually. Much better," she grinned, as she removed her own.
"I told you he would learn to accept the situation." Nils gave her an uncertain look, and then he began to remove her pants. As he watched, Joanna took a deep breath and unclipped her skirt. It fell in a puddle around her feet.
Nils removed his underwear. The size of his penis made her gasp. It was as long as Nigel's had been. He looked at her expectantly.
Joanna bit her lip and unclipped her breast control collar from behind. It slowly came off of her in front. As the heavy cups came down, she became aware of Nils' eyes on her.
"They're beautiful," he said. "You're beautiful."
"Thank you," she whispered.
She saw the expectant look on his face, and she reluctantly put her fingers around her panties. Joanna felt her rider on her back, pushing her onwards. Do it, Joanna. Do it.
Joanna nodded and lowered her panties. Nils smiled as he saw her dark pubic bush. "The same color as your hair," he observed.
Joanna gave a nervous laugh.
Nils took her into his arms. He didn't kiss her, he just gave her a look, but such a look! It sent chills down her spine. "You don't have to do this, you know."
She clutched his arms. "I know. But I want to!" She was wild for him.
Nils smiled, as if she had passed some hidden test, and pulled her down to the sofa.
Joanna eagerly did most of the leaning this time, leaning back farther and farther until her rider was almost touching-
They were in the other place once more. Joanna ran into Nils' arms and kissed him strongly. "I feel so free, free free free!"
"I notice a change in you," said Nils, as he held the squirming naked housewife in his arms. "Your rider has begun to liberate your sexuality. Soon it will do even more."
He gently lay her down on the ground and got between her legs. Soon he was moving smoothly inside of her.
"Oh Honey! You feel so good inside me!" Joanna cried.
"And you feel good as well," said Nils. "I missed you yesterday."
"You did?" Joanna cried. She felt her vagina so full of him. "Oh, Honey, I'm sorry! I just wasn't ready for it!"
"And now you are?"
"Yes!" Joanna smiled, as she felt his penis moving in and out of her. "Now I am."
They made love slowly, leisurely, while riders flew all around them.
"What is this place?" Joanna asked.
"It is the race memory of the ancestral home of the Hive."
"The Hive?"
"Our masters," said Nils.
The word made Joanna shiver.
"They started out here eons ago. Then they spread out across the galaxy, searching for hosts."
"People they could share their love with."
Nils' penis felt so warm, so loving, inside of her. "Oh Honey you feel so good," said Joanna. "But...."
"But what?"
"But what about Daniel?'
"Soon enough Daniel will understand." He rodded her methodically. "Once he joins us, he will even approve."
"Yes," Joanna smiled, suddenly relieved. "He will approve."
"So how was it?" Casey asked, trying to hide the eagerness in her voice.
Daniel looked around. He didn't usually discuss his sex life with coworkers. But Casey wasn't just a coworker. The bushy haired blonde was his closest friend and confidant.
"It was... pretty good," said Daniel. "Her rider has increased her... her enthusiasm, let's say. She's a lot more, ah, appreciative of my efforts in bed." He reddened as he said it.
"You're such a manly man!" said Casey. "All a woman has to do is moan and cry your name and you're putty in her hands!" She gave him a sultry grin. "Actually, I'm just teasing you. I'm glad you two have patched things up."
Daniel frowned. "Just a few days ago you were telling me in no uncertain terms that I should stay away from her while she has a rider."
"Yes, well, I've given it some more thought," said Casey.
Daniel glanced sharply at her. Casey was wearing a lot more makeup than usual. And she was giving him sultry looks. "How are things with you and Tom?"
"Oh you now, same old same old. I won't let the cad near me while he's wearing one of those things on his back."
"Good," said Daniel, giving his friend an uneasy look. "Very good."
"Honey, are you home?" Daniel's voice reverberated through the apartment. He heard a faint sound.
Daniel followed the sound and it got louder as he entered the master bedroom and then the bath. He found his wife with her shirt off and a glazed expression on her face as she stared into the mirror.
"Momomomomomom," she said. She seemed to be looking into the mirror, but her gaze seemed to be a million miles away.
Daniel looked at the rider on her back. It had grown since he had first seen it, thicker and wider. Most notably he noticed bones growing on the back of it. They looked like a symmetrical pair of horizontal knuckles gripping his wife's back tightly like a pair of hands.
What was it doing to her?
"Joanna! Jo!" he shook her shoulder roughly
"Oh, Daniel!" She looked dazed. "What are you doing?"
"What am I doing? What are you doing?"
She looked around. "I came into the bathroom to get something...."
"That thing had you in a trance," said Daniel. "More than that, it's growing bones on your back! Does it hurt?"
Joanna rotated her right shoulder. "I can feel it, a bit, but it doesn't hurt."
"Jo, I want that thing off of you right now!" He reached for her.
"No!" she pulled back. "If you take it off before it matures, this will all be for nothing! I won't get the lifesaving medicines which will protect me from the coming plague!"
Daniel pressed his lips together. "Fine. But I want nothing more to do with it."
The next morning Joanna bounced up and down on Nils' penis on the alien world. She smiled lovingly at him.
"Your body belongs to the Hive," he said, giving her a steely stare.
"My body belongs to the Hive," Joanna repeated.
"You will do whatever the Hive tells you."
"I will do whatever the Hive tells me," she said.
This was something new for her. As Nils made love to her in this dreamworld he repeated phrases and Joanna was expected to repeat them. To her, repeating the key phrases felt like the most natural thing in the world. As she rode up and down on Nils' cock, she felt so free, so liberated, that she didn't mind saying whatever he wanted. Anything at all.
"Your body will be used to bring other people into the Hive."
"My body will be used to bring other people into the Hive," she said, giving him a dreamy smile.
"Good," he smiled at her. "You are making progress. Soon you will make love to other men. Many men. Would you like that?"
"Yesssss," Joanna hissed. She was so sexually aroused that she would have told him anything. She continued to ride on his penis, eager to escape the real world, at least for a short time.
When they came out of it in the real world, Joanna realized she was standing up and Nils had her in his arms. How had that happened?
"You are so sexy," he murmured. "You are so incredibly sexy."
"Really?" her eyelids fluttered.
"Yes." And then his head moved down and his lips met hers and they kissed, for the very first time, in the real world.
The effect on Joanna was electric. She felt it all the way down into her cunt. She looked up at him with a shy smile.
"Come," he said, taking her by the hand. "There's no need for you to go to work in such a sweaty condition."
He took her next door to a shower and turned it on. Joanna eagerly got inside. She groaned as she felt the water hitting her rider, which started to slowly inflate and deflate on her back.
"That's right, give your rider a nice cool drink," said Nils.
Joanna laughed as she felt his hands all over her, on her thighs, on her ass, on her breasts. As Nils squeezed her breasts he kissed her again. She kissed him back, eagerly.
"I'm so hot for you, Nils!" she whispered. "You're so sexy!"
Nils smiled broadly, his hands moving up and down her body before settling on her ass.
"But... but what about Daniel....?"
"Our riders teach us that love is universal," said Nils.
"Love is universal," Joanna repeated.
"Soon your rider will unchain your sexuality and you will be free to share your gorgeous body with everyone." He saw the confused look on her face and kissed her again. Joanna wrapped her arms around him tightly as the loudest sound was the spray of the shower.
"She has bones growing on her back!" said Daniel.
"I heard you." Casey had a mysterious smile on her face. She was wearing dark makeup around her eyes, which was unusual for her. She was wearing a short skirt which showed off her thighs, and a pushup control collar which made the blonde cutie's breasts stick out.
"You don't seem to be reacting to this," said Daniel.
"I hear everything you're saying, Daniel," she said, giving him a teasing look as she stuck a finger in her mouth. "But tell me, what is it you want most of all?"
"My wife back," Daniel said immediately.
"Well, then why don't you fuck her?" Casey asked.
"You heard me. Fuck her!" Casey was never usually this blunt, but she seemed to enjoy the effect she was having on him. "She told you that sex would help her rider mature more quickly, right?"
She ran a finger over his arm, slowly moving upwards. She looked into his eyes longingly. "Then give her what she wants. The sooner it matures, the sooner you get it off her." And then she suddenly kissed him on the lips.
"Casey!" Daniel was shocked.
"That was my consulting fee," she grinned.
Joanna cast worried glances at her husband at dinner that night. Daniel's face was impassive. He didn't look away, however. He kept staring at her, though Jo couldn't sense what he was feeling. After his reaction to seeing her rider growing bones on her back last night, however, she anticipated another cold quiet evening in the bedroom. She couldn't have been more wrong.
When she entered the bedroom she saw Daniel, sitting on the bed, glancing at his Pad. He put it down when she came in.
"Honey," she said nervously.
"Joanna," he said.
She watched as he got up and slowly approached her. He took her in his arms and stared into her eyes.
"About yesterday, I can explain-"
Her voice was cut off by a strong and passionate kiss which electrified her.
"I love you," said Daniel.
"I love you too!" she said, her heart thumping a mile a minute.
She lifted her arms and allowed Daniel to remove her shirt. At the same time she opened the clasps on his shirt and sent it dropping to the floor.
She winced as Daniel turned her around, as if to look at her rider. But all he did was undo the clasp of her breast control collar. When it came off her arms he turned her around again and kissed her again.
"Oh Daniel, I missed you so much!" she cried, pressing her heavy breasts against him.
"We only took one day off," he said, sounding pleased and amused.
"It felt like an eternity to me!" she said. "Make love to me, Honey. Make love to me and I'll please you, I promise!"
"You always please me, Joanna," said Daniel levelly.
At that moment she wanted her husband more than anything. She raced to strip off his remaining clothing and he hers. As she bent forward, Daniel got another look at her rider. He shivered when he saw the bones clamped to her back. The sooner we get that off her, the better, he thought.
And then they made love. Daniel didn't object when Joanna wanted to ride him. On the contrary, he was entirely with the program now. He wanted to do whatever it took to get her rider to mature as quickly as possible, so it could be removed and he could have his old wife back. As Joanna rode up and down on his penis, he reflected that he might miss this new, more sexualized version of his wife, but the most important thing was to get that alien parasite off of her.
"Oh, Daniel, you're so sexy!" Joanna moaned. "My rider thinks you're so sexy!"
Daniel's eyes widened. "Your rider can communicate with you?"
"Um hm," she bit her lip as she rocked up and down on his shaft. "It wants me to fuck you, Daniel. It wants me to fuck you so much and make you happy." She leaned forward and kissed him strongly, inserting her tongue into his mouth. As their tongues swirled together Daniel felt his penis explode inside of her.
"Heh heh heh!" she said, still grinding on top of him. "Just the beginning!"
They had sex for two full hours that night. Joanna seemed to have an incredible capacity to keep him stimulated long past what he thought was his point of exhaustion. At one point Daniel was even taking her on her hands and knees. As he pounded into her vagina from behind, he saw the alien mass between her shoulder blades. It still repelled him, but in a way it also excited him. This is the creature which is making my wife so sexy. This is the creature who's making her want me to fuck her senseless.
When he creamed inside of her the third and final time, Joanna cried out and yelled his name as she collapsed lovingly in his arms. It didn't get much better than that.
As they lay there together, totally exhausted, she said, "You liked that, didn't you?"
Daniel nodded.
"You could feel even more, if you took a rider," she said.
"Oh no no no," said Daniel. "Once your rider matures it comes off of you and that's the end of it. That's our bargain, Missy."
Joanna gave an enigmatic smile but said nothing.
Joanna smiled as she finished removing her clothing in the small room in the North Building. When she saw Nils was naked, she flew into his arms and kissed him. "Ummmm, yum!" she said.
Nils was pleased with her progress. The woman who just two days ago was afraid to Commune in the nude was now openly kissing and hugging him naked. Joanna was a sexy, even at the age of 38, with nice heavy breasts and a brilliant smile. He would enjoy having her once her rider had matured.
"Things better at home?" he inquired.
"Yeah," she said, with a sly grin. "A lot better!" She gave him a longing look. "I'm ready to Commune!"
"Always with you," he said, which pleased her greatly.
They communed for over two hours, their longest session ever. As Nils made love to her in that strange, alien environment, he gave her key phrases to say, both old and new.
"You want to serve the Hive."
"I want to serve the Hive," Joanna said with a grin. She didn't know what the Hive was, not exactly, but she did know that she was now a part of it.
"You love your rider."
"I love my rider! Oh, Nils, I really do!" she cried, even as Nils sank balls deep inside her.
"I know you do. Your rider is your master." He saw the look of confusion on her face. "Say it."
"My rider is my master," said Joanna.
"You want your master to control your mind. Say it, Jo!"
His tone and his penis was relentless. In this world Joanna could deny him nothing. "I, I want my master to control my mind."
"You will do everything you can to help your rider mature so it can take control of your mind."
"I will do everything I can to help my rider mature so it can take control of me." She bit her lip. "Nils? Is my rider really going to take over my mind?"
"It already is," Nils told her. "A week ago, would you have gotten naked with another man and Communed like this?"
"No, I guess not," said Joanna, sounding surprised. Somehow, she had never given the matter very much thought.
"Your rider will change you so much that you will not even recognize your former self," said Nils. He sounded so confident, so manly as his penis filled her inside. "You will love it and never want to give it up."
As Nils continued to pound into her, Joanna suddenly thought, but aren't I supposed to give up my rider when it matures? That thought was snatched away as soon as she had it. She smiled and wrapped her arms around Nils, eager to continue her training.
"I'm glad that things between you and Jo are working out so well," said Casey.
Casey was again wearing dark eye makeup and a lot of lipstick and cheek coloring, and a short skirt that showed off her thighs and a low cut shirt. But it was her dreamy eyes and soothing tone which finally tipped Daniel off. He gestured for her to follow him and led her into a conference room, closing the door behind them.
"What? What is it?" Casey asked.
Daniel gave her a hard stare. "Casey, have you taken a rider?"
"Me?" said Casey. "Are you serious, Daniel?"
"Turn around."
"Turn around."
Casey bit her lip and turned around slowly. Daniel could just barely make out the outline of a round circle between her shoulder blades.
"Why, Casey?"
"I... I didn't plan too!" she said.
"You told me that you told Tom in no uncertain terms that you wouldn't take a rider."
"That's right, I did," said Casey. "He made advances on me and I shut him down. And then...."
"And then what?"
"One night I had this dream. A really sexy dream, involving Tom," said Casey. "I suddenly woke up, and realized he was inside me! He had lifted up my nightgown and was making love to me!"
"Didn't you tell him to stop?"
"I...." She bit her lip. "I couldn't!"
"Why not?"
"There was this smell. This really odd smell. I felt really, really needy," said Casey. Her eyes shone with an alien light. "I had to let him finish what he started."
"And then he gave you a rider."
"Yes," said Casey. She hung her head. "After all my resistance, I was afraid to tell you."
"How long have you had it?"
"Three days," said Casey. "Tom is helping my rider mature. Want to see it?"
Daniel nodded.
Casey spun around and eagerly lifted up her shirt. He saw a yellow-brown mass pulsating between her shoulder blades. It had small liquidy bumps on it, but no bones so far. It looked less far along than Joanna's.
"Listen, Casey, it's not too late. I can take off your rider, if you want me to."
"I don't know," said Casey.
"You don't know? Just a few days ago you were telling me you'd never take a rider! Let me take it off you, please."
"Why don't you take it off of Joanna?"
"She'd never let me. She's too far gone. But I can save you, Casey."