Chapter 05.1
Daniel was cheery as the family finished breakfast the following morning. He was all smiles and looked at his wife in a new way. As Joanna got her jacket and her car keys he actually hugged her.
"Don't forget to get that thing off your back," he said, with a gleam in his eyes.
"I won't, dear," Joanna said, giving him a kiss.
"We'll celebrate, tonight," said Daniel.
"Hmmm! I like the sound of that!" said Joanna. She waved to Julie and Ben as she headed out the door. "Bye, kids!"
Daniel's fine mood persisted through the morning at work.
"What are you grinning about?" Casey asked.
"Nothing," said Daniel.
"Nothing?" Casey rubbed his arm. "Tell me!"
"Jo is having her rider removed today."
"She is?" said Casey.
"Yeah. Her rider matured and she doesn't need it anymore," said Daniel.
"Removed?" Casey made a face.
"Yeah. Aren't you having yours removed once it matures?"
Casey frowned. "I don't know. Tom's has matured, and he still has is."
Now it was Daniel's turn to frown. "Well, Jo isn't keeping hers. She promised to get it removed this morning."
"Promises, promises," said Casey. The short blonde wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips, startling him.
"Casey!" said Daniel.
"Sorry," she said with insincere eyes. "That was my rider, not me. I think it's crazy about you." She grinned at him as she wiggled her way out of his office.
Joanna entered the small room she had shared with Nils Haverstrom over the past week. It had been a short period of time but they had gotten intimate very quickly and the room was full of memories. There had been so much fucking in that strange alien world filled with craters and riders. So much shared intimacies. And now it was all coming to an end.
Joanna stared at Nils. She didn't say a word. Nils was so tall and handsome and blonde. Jo felt her rider inflating on her back, filling her with lust. She wanted him. She wanted him so badly.
She flew into his arms and kissed him hysterically. He kissed her back. They raced to remove each others' clothes. In moments they were nude on the sofa. Joanna's knees were lifted and her legs widely spread. She looked at Nils' long, hard penis and spoke the first words since coming into the room.
"Put it in me, Nils. I need it so bad."
Joanna groaned with pleasure. Nils was big, really big, exactly as he had been in the other world. Only here the tactile sensations, the feeling being filled with a hot, thick penis was much more immediate, much more tangible.
"Nils, you feel incredible!" said Joanna, enjoying the sight of her penetration. "I've been going out of my mind waiting for this!"
"I have too," Nils confessed, as he moved deeply inside of her.
Joanna smiled as she watched her pussy lips grip his long, hard rod as he methodically polled in and out of her. "The day you didn't Commune with me, the day you sent me away, I went crazy," Joanna confessed.
"You did?" Nils looked pleased.
"I kept touching and touching myself but I couldn't get off! That's when I realized I needed you!" She looked up at him with vulnerable eyes as she exposed her inner feelings for him.
"You need the Hive," Nils corrected her. "Your sexual appetites have expanded to the point that your husband can no longer handle them alone, is that correct?"
"I... yes." Joanna lowered her eyes in shame. She needed more, but at the same time she didn't want to hurt Daniel.
"It is all right now. Everything is all right now," Nils assured her. His tone was so soothing, his penis so comforting as he filled her so wonderfully. Joanna noticed that Nils had the most handsome dark eyes. "You will have sex with men, many men, and Daniel will not only understand, but even approve."
"Approve? How?" Joanna panted.
"When he takes a rider." As he said the words his penis smoothly moved inside her again, making her gasp again.
"I came here to have my rider removed!" said Joanna.
"Did you?" He gave her a cocky look, even as he continued to rod her. "Do you really want your rider removed, Jo?"
Joanna tried to think as she felt Nils moving deeply inside of her. The movements of his penis somehow were stimulating her clit. Or was it her rider?
"No," said Jo immediately. "I don't want to lose my rider. I love my rider and it loves me!"
"Good," Nils said, giving a sly smile as his penis impaled her yet again. "Then you will keep it."
She gasped as his rod filled her once more. "But... what will I tell Daniel?"
Nils considered this as he rotated his hips while he was inside of her. "Tell him... tell him you need more time. Tell him your mature rider needs a week to fully immunize you."
"Is that true?"
"Of course it is." His voice, his hard gaze, and his stiff aching shaft were all irresistible.
"And after a week?" Joanna asked.
"We shall see," said Nils. "You should not be thinking of Daniel now. Daniel does not matter. Say it."
"Daniel does not matter," Joanna repeated meekly.
"Your purpose is to spread the rider inoculations and to save as many lives as possible."
"My purpose is to spread the rider inoculations and to save as many lives as possible." Joanna felt her rider's bones, pressing against her, fortifying her, encouraging her to go on.
"You will have sex with men, many men, and give them riders to save their lives." He looked expectantly at her.
"Sex, with other men? But... I'm a married woman!"
Nils laughed. "What are you doing with me, married woman?"
"I... I....." She looked helplessly at him. "I don't know!"
Nils watched his penis sink between her cuntlips once more. "We are having sex so you can be trained. Now that you are ready, you will have sex so that you can save lives."
"What are your marital vows compared to saving a person's life? If you could violate your marital vows five times, ten times, twenty times, and save the lives of twenty people, wouldn't it be worth it?" His gaze was as insistent as his thrusting cock. "Wouldn't it?"
"Yes!" Joanna gasped, as she felt her rider pulsate on her back. "It would!"
"You will become a Lifesaver," said Nils.
"A Lifesaver?"
"One of an elite corps of men and women who will persuade unvaccinated colonists to take a rider," said Nils. "You will save many lives and be very happy."
"Yes, yes I will!" said Joanna, suddenly realizing her real purpose in life. Her positive thinking was rewarded as her rider's tendrils stimulated her mind and her breasts and her cunt. "Oh Nils!" Her entire body stiffened on his cock.
"I feel it too!" he cried.
Joanna had a look of pure ecstasy on her face as Nils ejaculated inside her, filling her vagina with his sperm. Joanna gave a gasping grin and her chest turned red as she felt such a delicious relaxation from head to toe.
"Ahhhh," she said with a smile.
As they lay together afterwards, Joanna noticed something about Nils' penis. The tip was bulbous, covered with what looked like yellow-brown Hiveflesh. Underneath it was a glowing green mark, like a curved bone.
"What is that?" she asked, fondling his penis.
Nils chuckled as he held her in his arms. "You are only now asking what that is after it's been inside you for the past thirty minutes?"
"Yes!" she laughed, punching him lightly with a smile.
"The outer layer is Hiveflesh. Like the same material of your rider."
Joanna studied it with fascination. "What does it do?"
"It helps my rider ensure I have strong and healthy orgasms," said Nils. "You'll get that too when your rider gets double banded."
Joanna's eyebrows shot up. "Really?"
"And the green symbol below it?" she asked, looking at the glowing green curved bone underneath the Hiveflesh on the tip.
"That's my Slave Mark."
"Your Slave Mark?"
"Yes, it marks me as a slave of the Hive. It indicates my role is to be an inseminator." He saw her troubled look. "You understand now that you are a slave of the Hive, don't you, Joanna?"
"I... yes," she said hesitantly. "I... I am a slave." She gasped as her rider stimulated her cunt.
Nils rubbed her cuntlips possessively. "The Hive protects you from the plague. You owe it your life. It's a small price to pay to give it control of your mind and body, isn't it?"
Joanna tried to process these thoughts as her rider pulsated on her back. "Yes, yes it is."
"I knew you would see it that way." He reached over and kissed her. Joanna felt a tingling all throughout her body. Nils looked at her possessively. "And now it is time to meet your true master."
"My master?"
"The Hive Mind."
Nils took her down a hallway in the North Building. Joanna had reached for her clothes but Nils told her they weren't needed. At first Joanna felt extremely self conscious walking around completely nude, but Nils took her into a secure wing of the building where the lighting was darker and the air was hotter, more humid, and stale. Other people casually walked naked around them.
"What is this?" she asked.
"This is the Center for Health and Wellness," said Nils. "Otherwise known as the Hive."
As they walked passed open doors, Joanna peered in the dim light trying to figure out what was going on. She saw men having sex with women, women being examined and having things done to them, and even women having sex with men who had insect heads! She looked at Nils wide-eyed.
"Those are Harem Guards."
"Harem Guards?"
"They serve the Hive Mind, as do we all."
The air got even thicker and Joanna heard a faint sound of "Momomomomom". Joanna's sense of nervousness only increased as the air became more humid and sweat dripped off her hair and tits. Nils led her to a chamber flanked by two Harem Guards. "Wait here until we are ready to perform the Assimilation Ceremony."
Joanna nodded and entered the small room. It was filled with women naked like her, some of whom she knew.
"Jo!" said Mia Whitley, giving her a hug. Joanna felt Mia's small breasts pressed against hers. "Newly banded?"
Joanna nodded.
"Me too! All of us. We're waiting to be evaluated by the Hive Mind."
"Evaluated?" Joanna asked. "Evaluated for what?"
"For whatever the Master decides we are best suited for," said Jasmine Millander. "There are rumors that some of us might be consumed."
"Consumed? What does that mean?" Joanna asked.
"Oh Jo, you don't have to worry about that," said Sarah Stuttgard. She brushed Joanna's breasts. "There's no way the Hive would waste such a sexy body like yours! You're the prettiest of us all!"
"Oh come on!" said Joanna, suddenly embarrassed.
"No it's true!" said Jasmine. "You're delicious, Jo! You'll be used for breeding or propagating for sure of it!"
Breeding or Propagating.
Jasmine asked, "Can I see your rider? Turn around." She stared at it with awe. "It's beautiful, Jo! It looks so gorgeous on your back!"
"Your ass and tits go so well with it," Mia agreed, licking her lips.
"Really?" said Joanna, feeling secretly pleased.
"Yeah, babe," said Mia. She turned Joanna around and started to stroke her rider.
"Feel good?" Mia asked.
"The best!" said Joanna.
The other girls started to take a hint. Jasmine started to stroke Mia's rider while Mia was stroking Joanna's, then Jane Wells started to stroke Jasmine's while another girl stroked Jane's, and very quickly they formed a complete circle, where Joanna found herself stroking Gracie Dunn's rider while Mia stroked hers. The circle of very sexy naked females groaned with intense pleasure as their riders were stroked. Joanna saw the expression of pure sexual pleasure on Jasmine's face, Sarah Stuttgard's erect nipples, and Gracie Dunn's bucking back. They were simply females giving pleasure and receiving pleasure in a wholesome way, completely as nature intended.
"Oh Mia that feels so good!" said Joanna. Mia's fingertips expertly rubbed her rider but it felt like Mia was rubbing her clit instead. As she gave and received pleasure, Joanna heard a "Momomomomom" sound in the corner of the room. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light she saw a heavily pregnant woman there with an enormous green belly. Her eyes widened as she recognized who it was!
"Leader Barrington?" she said incredulously.
"Momomomomomom," said Susannah.
"What's happened to her?" Joanna said.
"Don't distract her!" said Mia. "She's incubating Hivelife."
"If you're marked as a breeder, that will be your fate."
Joanna looked at the enormous green belly. What was the leader of their colony carrying inside of her? Susannah Barrington had been the one to tell them all to wear riders, and she was obviously deeply under the control of the Hive. A flicker of doubt entered Joanna's mind, which her rider immediately wiped away.
"All right girls, we're ready for you," came Nils' voice.
Harem Guards led them into the presence of the Hive Mind in the Main Auditorium.
The Hive Mind was a giant black ball forty feet tall. Its skin was black and shiny and seem to give off an oily substance. Nude men and women clustered around the base of it. They seemed to be humping it, somehow. The Hive Mind had two giant dark eyes which glared down at them.
They shivered as they were made to line up in front of their master, a dozen women at all, all young women in their 20's and 30's, all with freshly matured riders on their backs. Joanna saw the line of pretty faces and breasts and pubises and shivered along with the others as they realized they were all totally nude, totally helpless, and that the Hive Mind could do anything it wanted to them.
Anything at all.
A tentacle shot out and impaled Jasmine. She gasped as it wormed its way into her vagina. Jane Wells was next, and then Sarah Stuttgard and then Gracie Dunn and finally Joanna, who was last in line. She cried out as the tentacle wormed its way into her vagina. It started to pump in and out rhythmically. The women started to moan with pleasure.
As the Hive Mind stimulated them, its dark eyes roamed back and forth, back and forth, as if their sexual potential was being evaluated. Joanna felt the dark eyes resting on her and she felt the heat of it on her breasts and pubis.
Slave, it seemed to say in her mind.
"Yes Master," Joanna said, almost automatically.
You are a slave of the Hive.
"I am your slave, Master," said Joanna obediently, as the tentacle thrust in and out of her cunt. The words just seemed to spill out of her as her rider inflated on her back like a giant yellow-brown balloon. In fact all the girls' riders were fully inflated. They looked like a row of naked women with giant sickly colored balloons stuck to their backs.
You are all slaves of the Hive. And now the Hive will determine your fate.
The Hive Mind went one by one down the line of naked women.
Reproduction. Reproduction. Propagation. Propagation. Reproduction. Experimentation. Reservation-
One by one the Hive Mind sealed their fate. When it got to Joanna, it said, Propagation. Then it spoke words that only Joanna seemed to be able to hear.
You are the female known as Joanna Harris.
"Yes, Master," said Joanna.
You will use your body to bring others into the Hive. You will seduce them with your body and offer them intercourse, while giving them new masters. By doing so you will be saving many, many lives.
"Yes, Master," said Joanna. "I understand."
Serve us well and you will be rewarded.
Joanna shivered as those big dark eyes turned away.
The women gasped as the tentacles abruptly pulled out.
It was over.
Nils approached her. "You did well, Jo. I think the Hive Mind was pleased with you."
"I'm... I'm glad," said Joanna, rubbing her stretched cuntlips. She looked around and saw that each woman had a man by their side. Nils was assigned to take care of her.
"Now you must be branded and tagged," said Nils.
"Branded and tagged?"
Nils held up a green cone. "Spread your legs, Jo."
Jo obeyed, opening her vaginal lips in front of her new master. The Hive Mind.
Nils knelt down between her widely spread cunt lips. "You're so obedient, Honey," he said, brushing away her pubic hair as he looked for just the right spot above her cuntlips.
"What are you going to do to me?"
"You are going to be marked as a slave of the Hive. You want that Jo, don't you?"
She smiled readily. "Yes, of course."
"Then stand very still."
Suddenly Jo felt a sharp pain and cried out. But even as Nils stood up, the pain faded away.
"What have you done to me?"
"Look down."
Jo spread her legs further and bent her head. She saw a bright green glowing symbol above her vulva. It was an upside down "V" with several dots inside of it.
"That marks you as a propagator," said Nils. "It means your duty is to spread the Hive. To spread the cure for the Plague."
"I'm so glad!" said Jo.
"I knew you would be," said Nils. He held up a piercer.
"What's that for?"
"I have to pierce your labia now," Nils explained.
"What??" said Jo.
"To give you your labia chain." Nils held up a small two inch chain at the end of which hung a small green rock. "This way the Hive Mind will be able to track you wherever you go. It will always be looking out for your health and well being."
"I... I understand," said Jo. "But to pierce my labia!"
"You won't feel a thing," said Nils. He stared into her eyes. "Momomomomom!"
"Momomomomom!" said Joanna
"Momomomomom!" Joanna's eyes were glazed.
Nils bent down once more and gently spread Joanna's vulva. He put her labia between the piercer's grooves and pressed the button. Joanna gasped and jumped slightly, but otherwise stood staring straight ahead. Nils worked the chain into the hole he had created, snapped it in place, and stood up, his work done. He watched as awareness slowly came back to her.
Jo blinked, then blinked again. "It hurts," she whispered.
"The pain will slowly fade," he said.
Jo looked down. She could see a two inch chain between her legs. At the end of it was a small green emerald.
"Congratulations. You are now officially Hiveflesh."
They hugged, and Joanna felt a wave of relief.
"What do I do now?"
"You will take a leave of absence from your job so you can work full-time as a Lifesaver."
"I can't just walk off my job," said Joanna. "My supervisor will have to approve a leave of absence."
"Who is your supervisor?"
"Rachel Wiltz."
"You mean her?" Nils pointed to one of the women avidly fucking the base of the Hive Mind.
"I don't think getting that approval will be a problem," Nils grinned.
Nils walked her out of the building. Joanna blinked as she felt the brightness of natural sunlight on her. It was such a contrast to the greenish darkness of the Hive.
"What will I tell Daniel?" she asked.
"Your rider will guide you," said Nils. "Are you ready for your first assignment?"
"Yes," said Joanna.
"Daniel will be your first assignment. Give him a rider tonight." He saw the expression on her face. "You can make love to your own husband, can't you?"
"Yes, but Daniel doesn't want to take a rider," said Joanna.
"Then don't tell him," said Nils. "Just have sex with him, and make a rider for him."
Joanna's head was spinning. "Even if I knew how to make a rider... which I don't... giving Daniel a rider without getting his permission would be dishonest. Unethical!"
Nils sighed. "Jo, we're talking about life and death here. The Plague is due to hit Sirius Minor in just a few weeks. Which is more important, your husband's life, or your precious ethics?"
"His life," Jo said promptly.
"Then just do it." He kissed her. "Trust me, he'll thank you afterwards."
Daniel hugged her the minute she stepped through the door while the children cheered her on.
"Way to go, Mom!" said Ben.
Joanna looked at all those smiling faces and felt terrible. "Thank you, dear."
"Was there any problem getting it removed?"
"Any side effects?"
"Not exactly." Jo averted her eyes.
Daniel's eyes narrowed. "Jo?" he said. He frowned and roughly spun her around. When he saw the clear outline on the back of her shirt he turned her to face her again. "Jo, you said you were going to get it removed!"
"I know I did!"
"Why do you still have that thing on your back?" he demanded.
Joanna swallowed heavily. "It was a misunderstanding."
"What kind of misunderstanding?" Daniel demanded.
"Daniel-" She took a deep breath and struggled to control her anxiety. Her rider filled her with renewed confidence as it pulsated on her back. Joanna saw words appear in her mind, and she said them.
"Daniel, I was told I had to wear my rider until it matured. What I didn't understand is that while a mature rider starts making medicine almost immediately, it takes up to a full week for a body to get saturated."
"A week?"
"That's right, Honey." She took him in her arms. "My rider is just starting to pump me full of lifesaving vaccinations, Hon. I just need to give it a little time to do its work."
"Another week," said Daniel, his eyes narrowing.
"You say it like it's a lifetime," said Joanna. She slid a hand around his waist. "Tell me, dear, was the past week really so terrible? Was the past week in the bedroom really so intolerable?"
Ben looked away and Julie frowned.
"I... I guess not," said Daniel.
"So you can survive one more week. We all can," she said.
Over dinner she told them how she was taking a temporary leave of absence from her job, to be an ambassador of goodwill, to encourage people to get rider inoculations. She could tell from Daniel's expression that he was not happy with that either.
"Did Rachel approve that?"
"Yes, I've already spoken with her."
Daniel said nothing else at dinner, which greatly troubled her. She saw Julie exchanging worried glances with her father.
When it came time for bed Joanna wore her sexiest nightgown, a sheer material which was virtually see through. She kissed Daniel goodnight and tried to turn it into something more, but he gently pushed her away.
"What's wrong, dear?" She looked at him. "We've had wild hot monkey sex the past few nights. Is tonight really any different?"
"Jo, I just want to get some sleep."
"But Daniel-"
"Goodnight Jo." He turned off the light and lay down faced away from her.
Jo went to sleep in a panic. She had been ordered to bring Daniel into the Hive. She had failed at her very first mission. Her rider throbbed on her back, calming her down, and she fell into a deep, uneasy sleep.
"I can't believe it," Daniel said the following morning at work.
"I can believe it," said Casey.
"She said she was going to take it off."
Casey laughed. "Daniel, I love you like a brother, but sometimes you're as dumb as a rock. Have you seen anyone put on a rider and then take it off?"
"Well...." Daniel thought about it. "No."
Casey gave him a sexy smile. "She's going to keep her rider, and do you know why?" She rubbed her body against his. "Because it just feels so fucking good!"
Daniel gently pushed her away.
"Daniel. My rider just matured last night," said Casey. "Do you know what that means?"
"I can guess."
"I can make a rider for you," said Casey. She ran a hand up his thigh. "Wouldn't that be nice, if Joanna came home tonight to find you already had a rider too? One big happy family!"
Daniel removed her hand from his leg and glared at her. Casey kissed him on the lips and laughed.
"I liked you better before you fell under the control of the alien creature on your back."
"Well then, Danny boy, you're the only one," the short blonde grinned.
"I failed," said Joanna. She stood stiffly in Nils office, the office that used to belong to Susannah Barrington. But Susannah no longer had any need of it, now that she was gestating in the Hive.
"He wouldn't have me," said Joanna, her lower lip trembling.
Nils nodded. "His obstinance was to be expected. I've read the reports on him."
"We've gathered psychometric data on all the colonists. To help us find out who would be most likely to cooperate and who would be most likely to resist," he said. "Not to worry. Daniel will join us one way or the other."
"I hope he agrees to get the rider vaccination before the plague strikes Sirius Minor!" said Joanna.
Nils smiled. "I'm sure he will." He looked her up and down hungrily. "I like your wardrobe. I've never seen you dress like this before. Is it new?"
"I, yes," she blushed. "When I got up this morning I just felt the urge to get some new clothes. I... I think my rider picked these out for me, though I'm not sure."
Joanna had felt the sudden urge to go shopping. So she got up early, made breakfast for Daniel and the family, and was off to the colonial mall. She found herself buying scandalous, revealing clothes she would never have dreamed of wearing a week ago but there she was. Joanna was wearing a short pencil skirt which showed off her shapely thighs and legs. Underneath that she wore black pantyhose and high heel shoes. She wore a bright white shirt which was unbuttoned on top to show off her breasts, and underneath that she had bought a breast control collar with extra padding. In short, she looked extremely fuckable.
Nils devoured her with his eyes. "Well, your rider has impeccable taste, I must say." He got up and kissed her passionately. She wrapped her arms around him.
"Nils, I'm so scared," she whispered.
"There's no need to be," said Nils. "You aren't having qualms about your new work, are you?"
"No," said Joanna. "I'm... I'm willing to let men use my body if... if it will save lives."
"It will save lives, I assure you of that," Nils said, eyeing her creamy breasts hungrily. He glanced over at his Pad. "Your first assignment is a man named Andy Bell. Perhaps you know him?"
"Andy?" Joanna's eyebrows shot up. "Yeah. Andy and I went to high school together."
"What a coincidence," Nils smiled. He read from his Pad. "Andy Bell, age 38, still single," said Nils. "The World Government database suggests the two of you were friends."
"Yes," said Joanna.
"Or perhaps, more than friends?"
"We... we dated briefly. It didn't work out," said Joanna.
"Well, maybe this time it will."
Joanna swallowed heavily.
"What is it?"