Chapter 07.1

"I recognize that smile, Mom!" said Julie, as Joanna sat down for dinner with her family. "Who did you save today, Mother?"

"Charlie Fairfax, dear," Joanna grinned. "You remember your old quantum mechanics teacher in high school, don't you?"

"Do I!" Julie grinned. She had had half a crush on him.

Joanna had been working her way through the male staff members at Julie's high school, because they were all people she was somewhat acquainted with. The Hive felt that she would be more successful trying to save people who were already somewhat familiar with her.

"Another teach at our school, Mom?" Ben clearly wasn't happy that his sexy Mom was sleeping with his former teachers.

"Yes, another one," Joanna said. "Charlie was unusual. He wanted to do it twice."

"Twice?" said Julie. "He wanted you twice before he would agree to take a rider?"

"Not exactly," said Joanna, avoiding Daniel's frown. "He wanted me once before... and once after."

"What?" said Julie.

"He wanted to be... rewarded... before he took a rider, and again afterwards," she said, again avoiding Daniel's stare.


"Well dear, perhaps he's heard that taking a rider increases one's... sensitivity in certain areas. Only one of the benefits from taking a rider," said Joanna.

"Another benefit being losing all fidelity and moral principles," said Daniel.

Joanna ignored him. "Actually, we were kind of interrupted in the middle. Do you remember your principal, Mr. Darrow? He kind of walked in on us in the middle when we were having our second go around."

"What?" said Julie. "What did he say, Mom?"

"You're lucky he didn't have you thrown out," said Daniel.

Joanna smiled. "On the contrary, dear Husband. He watched us go at it just as we were finishing. Then he asked me if I could make a rider for him too!"

Julie laughed hysterically, slamming a palm on the dining room table. But Ben and Daniel looked uncomfortable.

"Really, Mom?" Ben grimaced.

"Yes!" said Joanna.

"As I recall, Mr. Darrow is married," said Daniel coldly.

"He still is," said Joanna.

"I wonder what his wife will think of you sleeping with him?"

Jo waved a hand dismissively. "Once his rider matures, he'll give one to her. In a way, I'm going to be saving two lives!"

"You sound so pleased with yourself."

"I am!" Jo licked her lips. "And that's not all. When I was in Mr. Darrow's office setting up my next appointment, two of his fellow administrators overheard and they set up appointments with me too."

"Really?" said Julie, with a big smile on her face.

"Yes," said Joanna. "They... they said...."

"They said what, Mom?"

She actually blushed. "They said I was... hot."

Daniel scowled. Ben looked away. Julie smiled and shifted excitedly in her chair.

"What's wrong, dear?" said Jo. "It's nice to be feel desirable, to be attractive to men! You know, Daniel, the way you used to make me feel."

Daniel frowned furiously. "Jo, why do you have to talk about your infidelities at the dinner table?"

"The children asked!" said Joanna. "And I'm not ashamed of what I'm doing. I'm saving lives, in case you forgotten. If in the process of doing so men men flatter me... well, Daniel, I'm only human!"

"Are you, Jo?" he glared and left the room.

"She's actually bragging to the kids now. Setting a terrible example for them," Daniel fumed the next day.

"How awful," Casey smiled. She was wearing a bright red low cut shirt which showed off her breasts as well as tight white pants.

Daniel gave her a wary look. "You... you haven't been doing this too, have you?"

"No, I'm not a member of the Lifesavers," said Casey. "But, since you asked, I did recently help out Greg Richmond over in Accounting."


"Well, we're old friends! He hasn't taken a rider, he's kind of afraid of the unknown, so I offered to help him out." She wiggled her hips and smiled. "What's wrong? I just saved his life!"

"And his wife's too, I suppose."

"Once his rider matures, yes."

"And what does your husband Tom think about this? Oh, let me guess. Since he has a rider, he doesn't mind you banging other men."

"No he doesn't," said Casey. "He knows I'm saving lives." She rubbed his hand gently. "Daniel, you're my best friend. I don't want you to die in the coming plague. Won't you please let me save your life?"

She stared at him so eagerly, so intently, that Daniel felt his anger melting away. "Casey... you're my best friend too. But after seeing what this did to Jo... I just can't."

She nodded, looking sad, which touched him deeply.

"I like your chain," Nils murmured. He and Joanna were in bed together, enjoying the after experience as their genitals were perfectly relaxed. Their riders did not require them to have sex together. It was one of those rare decisions that Nils and Joanna were permitted to make on their own, because they both served the Hive so well.

Nils fingered the chain that extended from Joanna's vulva two inches down to the small emerald rock at the end of it. He felt the hardness of the green rock between his fingers. "I like how it hangs between your legs. It makes you look so sexy."

They kissed and Jo felt it all over her body. She looked down at his enormous spent shaft. "And I love the way your thing hangs between your legs."

Nils chuckled as Jo fingered his penis. Even flaccid, it had a good length. Nils also had a tracking gem, but his was connected by a two inch chain to the bottom of his scrotum. Jo's fingers lingered over the Hiveflesh encoated tip of his penis. She gently peeled it back, revealing the glowing green curved bone symbol which was warm to the touch.

"You like my Slave Mark?" Nils asked.

"Um hm," said Jo.

"It means I'm an inseminator. I'm licensed to take any woman I want."

"Well, I'm glad you took me." She kissed him passionately. "Ummmm."

"Feels good, doesn't it?" said Nils.

"Yeah," Jo smiled. "And I don't just mean saving lives, though I love that too. But... having all these men attracted to me. Lusting after me. It feels so wonderful!" She looked into his eyes. "And sometimes my rider doesn't have to even use the smell. Nils, they want me. Me, me, me!"

"Who wouldn't?" Nils grinned, squeezing one of her heavy breasts. "You should be happy to know that you're among our most successful Livesavers, one of the few with a hundred percent success rate."

Jo was surprised. "You mean that some of the other girls don't succeed in persuading men to get the rider immunizations?"

Nils nodded. "On average there is roughly a 1 out of 5 failure rate, which is quite good. But you're nine for nine, very, very impressive." He squeezed her tits again with a grin.

"I did have one failure," said Jo, looking up at the ceiling.

"Daniel." Nils looked at the ceiling and considered. His rider whispered something inaudibly in his ear and he nodded. "Have you tried to make him jealous by talking about your conquests?"

"Yes. It only makes him angrier."

He squeezed her breast again, this time so hard it made her gasp. "Then maybe you need to do more."

"How was work today, Mom?" Julie asked eagerly over dinner.

Joanna was pleased to see her daughter's change in attitude. Ever since their little talk Julie had become more supportive of her efforts to save lives. The only question is when and how Julie could be persuaded to take a rider on her own. The easiest mechanism would be her boyfriend Robbie, but Robbie hadn't yet taken a rider himself.

"I saved another life today, dear," she said. She saw Daniel scowling at her at the dinner table. For the first time she was wearing her new "work clothes" at home. The low cut white shirt which revealed her heavy breasts, the short pencil skirt which showed off her legs, the dark pantyhose, and the high heels. She had also had her hair permed to be big and fluffy and wore dark makeup around her eyes. When Daniel first saw her dressed like this his eyes had widened and he had looked shocked. He couldn't stop looking at her, but Joanna sensed surprise had turned to desire.

"Who?" Julie asked.

"You don't know him, Hon. Bill Larson. He works in Chemicals," said Joanna. As she leaned forward to put food on the table she saw Daniel trying to furtively look down her shirt. He's hungry for it. "A very nice man, a very handsome man. Bright red hair, good firm shoulders," said Jo. "And very complimentary."

"What do you mean, Mom?" Julie asked.

"Well, while I was giving him his... reward... he was so... appreciative," said Joanna. She put plates of food by Ben, Julie, and one for herself. Then she sat down in a proper ladylike fashion. "He kept telling me what beautiful eyes I have. Daniel, do you still think I have beautiful eyes? You used to compliment them. Oh wait, you're no longer talking to me, I forgot." She turned back to Julie. "Bill kept repeating how beautiful I was over and over over. He told me I was ten times prettier than his wife."

"That must have thrilled you!" Julie grinned.

"Yeah. And that wasn't all," said Joanna. Should she say it? Yes! "Bill kept telling me how much he liked my breasts. How good I felt inside-"

"Joanna!" Daniel cried. He loudly scraped his chair against the floor as he got up and walked out.

"That was cruel, Mom, even for you," said Ben.

"Excuse me, dears." Joanna got up and followed her husband to the bedroom. She saw him packing a suitcase. "What are you doing, Daniel?"



"Why? You have to ask why?" He gave a bitter laugh. "Jo, I can't stand it anymore!"

She grabbed his wrist and turned him around. "Neither can I!" She reached out and kissed him hard. Daniel initially tried to break the embrace, but then his shoulders slumped, and he wrapped his arms around her. "Jo, Jo. Jo."

They fell on the bed, hugging and kissing and caressing. She pulled off his shirt. He pulled hers off. But when he saw her rider on her back he stiffened and pulled way.

"What? What is it?" she said.

"Jo, I love you to pieces," said Daniel.

"But?" Jo put her hands on her hips. Her heavy breasts were overflowing from her one size too small breast control collar.

"If I have sex with you, you're going to give me a rider."

She nodded. "That's how it works, dear."

"I don't want one. I've seen what it's done to you. I don't want it," said Daniel.

She slipped an arm around his waist. "But isn't it better than dying?"

"I'm still not convinced this plague is actually going to happen," said Daniel. "There's been no sign of it so far."

"And there will be no sign until it's too late." She looked pleadingly his eyes as she touched his arms. "Please, Daniel. Don't make me watch you die."

Daniel stared into her hazel eyes. He loved her so much. "I'm sorry Jo... but I can't."

He turned and left the bedroom abruptly. But Joanna noticed that his suitcase was still there, open and forgotten.

Somehow, Daniel was having sex with Casey Farmington.

He had poured out his sorrows the following day in a conference room. Casey, always the good friend that she was, listened attentively, her hands running over his shoulders and arms. Daniel was so upset about Jo that he barely noticed the strong, musky odor emanating from Casey's rider. As he focused on her sympathetic face and nods and hand squeezes he felt himself becoming increasingly aroused. Before he knew it, they were kissing and hugging furiously and Daniel's shirt was off and so was Casey's.

"I've always wanted you, Daniel!" said Casey, kissing him furiously. "For the past two and a half years you've always been by my side, you handsome man you, you with your sexy smile and big, broad shoulders! You shared all your secrets and intimacies with me! I felt like your second wife, a workplace wife, a wife who could do everything with you... everything except what I wanted most!" She kissed him passionately.

Daniel groaned as he kissed her back, aching as he felt her breast control collar pressed against him. He was intensely aroused, and hard like a rock. "I feel that way too," he whispered.

"You do?" The bushy haired blonde gave him a sexy smile.

"Yes!" The musky odor had somehow not only loosened his inhibitions but his tongue as well. "I've always been attracted to you, Casey!"

"Oh Daniel!" She hugged him again. "How I've longed to hear you say that!"

"Yes!" said Daniel. "Powerfully attracted to you! Your sexy hair, your breasts-"

"You like my breasts?" she looked down and grinned.

"I, I try to steal glances at them when you don't notice." He looked guilty saying it.

"Oh, I always noticed!" She gave him a sexy grin, and they kissed again. "Would you like to see them, Daniel?" Without waiting for an answer, she reached behind her and unstrapped her breast control collar. She slid it off her arms with a smile.

"Woooow!" said Daniel. He looked at Casey's fleshy breasts They didn't stick out as much as Jo's, but they were much wider. "I always imagined they looked like that!"

Casey was tickled pink. "You fantasized about my breasts?"

The musky odor was deep in Daniel's lungs and bloodstream. He could deny her nothing. "Yes!"

"Oh, Honey!" Casey hugged him again, and this time her bare breasts were pressing against his bare skin for the very first time.

"Oh Casey, you feel so good! You make me so excited!" said Daniel.

She smiled from ear to ear. "How I've longed to hear you say that!" She reached down to remove her skirt as Daniel hurriedly lowered his pants. As she did Daniel got a good look at her rider. It was single banded, like Joanna's, with symmetrical bones gripping Casey's back. The sight of it gave him pause.

"Casey... you're not going to give me a rider, are you?" he said.

"Nooooo," she said, with a sexy smile. "Not if you don't want it!"

"I don't," said Daniel. "Are you sure you can prevent it from making a rider for me?"

"I'm sure," she winked. She kissed him again. "Trust me." Her breasts were hot and heavy against his chest. She kissed him again. "Trust me," she repeated.

Was she telling him the truth? A small part of his mind wondered.

And then Casey pulled down her panties. Daniel gasped as he saw her trim pubic triangle, which was as brown as the hair on her head was blonde. I thought so.

Casey, now totally nude, wrapped her arms around his neck with a triumphant look. "I can't wait to have you! I've always wanted this!" She gave him a smile filled with lust, laid back on the conference room table, and spread her legs. It was time.

Daniel felt the overwhelming urge to fuck her. But something held him back.

"What's wrong, dear?" she said, sitting up. "Don't you want to do it?"



Daniel fought against the overwhelming influence of the musky odor like a swimmer going upstream. "I can't."

"Of course you can!" she squeezed his underwear and grinned.

"No, I can't," said Daniel.

"What?" said Casey.

"Casey... I love Joanna."

"What does that have to do with anything?" The nude woman crossed her arms under her breasts.

"If I sleep with you, I'll be betraying her."

"What?" Casey's eyebrows shot up. "Daniel, she's betrayed you with what, a dozen men or more?"

"Yes. But Joanna believes she's sleeping with other men for a good cause, to save their lives. If I slept with you, it wouldn't be nearly so noble," said Daniel.

She put her hands on her hips, making her tits stick out. "Are you seriously telling me that you're going to stand there and let your wife fuck other men, but feel too guilty to fuck me in return?"

"I... yes. I love her," Daniel said simply. He reached out and kissed her gently, to try to put some salve on the wound he had freshly created. "I'm so sorry."

Daniel was once again sleeping in the same bed with his wife, though they weren't having sex with each other. That evening Joanna, wearing a sexy black nightgown said, "Dear, can I have a word with you?"


She smiled at him. He could see she had freshly applied lipstick and makeup. "Dear, I have wonderful news."

"What is it?"

"My rider. It's about to mature," said Joanna.

"It already has, hasn't it?"

"The first band, yes," said Joanna. "But my rider tells me that it's going to get its second band very soon."

"What does that mean?" Daniel asked.

"It will be bigger and more potent," said Joanna.

"And you want that?" said Daniel.

"Yes!" said Joanna. "Nils tells me that once I get second banded-"

"Wait a minute. Who is Nils?"

Joanna paused. "Nils Haverstrom. He's Chief of Staff to Colony Leader Barrington."

"What does he have to do with you?"

"He... gave me an orientation when I first got my rider," said Joanna. "He does that for a lot of people."

"I'm sure he does," said Daniel bitterly.

"Anyway, Nils told me that if my rider got second banded, that I would be five times more immune to viruses and infections than if I were only single banded. Can't you see how great that would be?" Without waiting for an answer she took off her nightie and turned her back. Jo's rider was much larger now and starting to cover her shoulder blades. The horizontal knuckles looked bigger and thicker and Daniel could see the faint outline of a second golden band inside the first one.

"What is it you want?" Daniel asked.

"Nothing extraordinary." She turned around and put her arms around him. "Just for my husband to make love to me." She looked at him tenderly.

"So that thing on your back can get stronger and have more control over you."

"Yes, so it can have more control over me," said Jo mockingly. "You see Daniel, if it weren't for my rider, I would never, ever do this." She kissed him. "Or this." She kissed him more strongly. "I never loved you until I got my rider," she said sarcastically. "I must have had a hidden rider on my back to get me to marry you, spend twenty of the best years of my life with you, and have two wonderful kids with you." She saw him give a wintery smile. "So, will you help me?"

"No," said Daniel, shaking his head.

"All right," said Joanna. "Then I'll just have to find someone else to help my rider mature."

"I'm sure you won't have a shortage of volunteers."

It was easy to see how the Hive's hold over society had progressed simply by going to the swim club. The following weekend it seemed to Daniel that three quarters of the beach goers had riders on the back. Those without them were now in the minority. Men and women were kissing and hugging on recliners and a number of them were having sexual intercourse. Riders were bubbling and sizzling on peoples' backs and no one thought twice about it.

Daniel watched worriedly as Julie spent time with her friends, all of whom already seemed to have riders. Julie was wearing a tight bikini which got too many stares for Daniel's taste. He saw her grinning and laughing with Neil Nelson and Lewis Chandler, who both seemed to be competing for her attention. As Daniel watched, Neil reached out and kissed Julie. Julie looked startled at first but kissed him back. As Neil kissed her again Daniel saw the rider on his back pulsating.

Oh, oh.

He ran over and separated them.

"Dad!" said Julie, wiping a strand of light brown hair out of her face. "What are you doing?"

"Julie, this isn't appropriate behavior for a public place," said Daniel.

"Why not? Everyone else is doing it."

It was true. One had only to look around to see the couples writhing in pleasure on the recliners.

"I don't care about everyone else. Besides, don't you have a boyfriend named Rob?"

Julie made a face. "He's too busy studying this weekend."

"And this is how you honor your commitment to him?" He pulled her close and spoke softly. "Julie, I don't want you being involved in any of these boys who have riders. Who knows what they might try to give you?"

Julie looked exasperated. "Daddy, everyone in school has a rider now. Why can't I?"

Daniel was stunned. "We'll talk about this later. For now, just remember what I said."

"You should have let it happen," said Joanna, as she sat on a recliner next to him. She looked gorgeous wearing a black one piece which showed off her breasts and sexy legs. "She's going to get a rider sooner or later."

"Not if I can help it," said Daniel.

"Do you want your daughter to die in the coming plague?" Jo asked.

"No, I want her to live," said Daniel. "Putting on a rider is a kind of death. The death of free thinking."

"Oh, you're so dramatic," said Joanna. "We really should get riders for the kids."

"We've talked about this."

"And we're going to keep talking about it. You're only delaying the inevitable, you know," said Joanna.

Maybe so. Daniel watched as Neil turned his back to show Julie his rider. He said something to her which made his daughter laugh. Julie grinned and reached out and started to pet Neil's rider. Neil stiffened and started to gasp, making Julie laugh even louder.

Cathy Medford, a sexy redhead who worked in Daniel's Admin Section, came over wearing a very revealing swimsuit that her breasts were practically falling out of. She also had a banded rider on her back. "Hey Daniel! Jo, good to see you!"

The women hugged.

"How are you, Cathy?" Joanna asked, looking at her voluminous breasts.

"Couldn't be better," she grinned, looking at Joanna's in turn. "Daniel, what are you doing without a rider?"

"Sitting here, taking in the sun," said Daniel.

"But Daniel." She leaned down and touched his hand. As she leaned forward, what little of her breasts which had been hidden by her swimsuit became visible. "You don't want to die from the plague, do you?"

Daniel tried hard to avoid looking at her breasts. He failed. He was vaguely aware of his wife's amusement. "I guess not."

"Then why haven't you taken a rider?" She turned to Jo. "Jo, what kind of wife are you, not to make a rider for your loved one?"

"I'm a terrible wife," Joanna agreed.

Despite his annoyance with her Daniel couldn't help but smile.

"Then let me do it!" said Cathy.

"Do it?"

"Let's make a rider together!" She looked at Joanna. "You wouldn't mind, would you, Jo?"

Joanna spread her arms wide. "Be my guest."

Cathy raised her eyebrows and gave Daniel a come hither look.

"I'm sorry Cathy, but I don't want a rider," Daniel said.

"You don't want a rider?" She struggled to understand the words. "Do you want to die in the plague, Daniel?"

"Preferably not," Daniel said.

"He's stubborn," said Joanna, looking amused. "But he'll come around, sooner or later."

"Hopefully sooner... than later," said Cathy, running a hand over her ass, which stuck out prominently around her tight crotch. She gave Daniel a sexy smile and a wink as she made her goodbyes.

"Tell me, my dear, devoted, faithful husband, which did you look more at, her tits or her ass?" Joanna asked.

"Looking is allowed," said Daniel.

"What a flexible morality you have, dear husband," said Joanna. "Want to rub lotion on my back?" She turned over, revealing the large rider between her shoulder blades.

"With a ten foot pole, perhaps," said Daniel.

Joanna gave him an angry and amused look.

At that moment Harvey Beck and Oscar Brady came over. Both had riders. "Hey, Jo!" said Harvey.

"How you doing, guys?" she said, turning over to face them. Their eyes lit up when they saw Jo's breasts overflowing out of her bathing suit.

"We're doing great!" said Oscar. "We're looking for someone to make riders with. Would you like to make a rider with me, Jo?"

Jo cast a glance at her husband. "Uh, maybe not right now, Oscar."

"I could use some help getting my rider to mature," said Harvey. "I'm almost first banded. Would you like to help push me over the edge, Jo?"

Joanna felt Daniel trying very hard not to appear interested. "I... uh... I just came to relax with my husband, guys."

"Well, there's relaxing, and there's relaxing, Jo." Oscar winked at her. "Another time?"

"Sure," she smiled at them.

As they left, Daniel said, "Why didn't you have sex with them?"

"You mean, why didn't I help them create a lifesaving rider or help their rider mature on their backs so they could be saved from the plague?"

"Like I said, why didn't you have sex with them?"

Jo gave him a dirty look. "You're impossible, Daniel Harris! When are you going to take a rider?"

"When you get rid of yours."

She laughed and reached out and kissed him. "I love you, you know that?"

Suddenly a shadow fell over both of them.

"Hey, Jo."

It was Nils.

The tall handsome blonde man was wearing a loose bathing suit but nothing else, showing off his manly chest. He wore a tight bathing suit which compressed his penis into an enormous ball, making him look very manly.

"Uh, hi, Nils," said Jo.

"Nils? You're Nils Haverstrom?" Daniel said.

"I see you've heard of me. You must be Daniel." He extended a hand, which Daniel reluctantly shook.

"Joanna has told me much about you," said Nils, looking cocky and confident.

"She has? Was this during her orientation?" said Daniel.

"Orientation?" Nils' eyes narrowed. "You mean her training."


"Yes," said Nils. "You didn't tell him, Jo?" He turned to Daniel. "I helped Jo's rider mature."

"Really?" said Daniel. "I thought I was responsible for that."

Joanna looked like she wanted to sink under her recliner. It was her embarrassed reaction which made Daniel frown the most.

"Well, riders require a lot of stimulation. I'm just glad I was able to help," Nils grinned, but his grin was directed at her. "You've got a very pretty wife, Daniel. A lot of men would be jealous." He gave Daniel a cock-sure challenging look.

"I'm sure they would," said Daniel evenly.

"You know, Joanna has been doing incredible work. Some might even call it... stunning." he stared in a very obvious way at her breasts and cunt. "You should be proud of her." He grinned again.

"As proud as I can be," said Daniel, through gritted teeth.

Nils glanced at Daniel's groin. "I can see your pride bump is showing. Oh well!" And then he actually winked at Daniel! "It was nice seeing you both. Jo, don't be a stranger! Drop by my office sometime and say hello!"

"I will, Nils," she said, giving a him an anxious smile and a nervous wave as he left.

Daniel didn't say a word. He just turned to Joanna and looked at her.

"What?" said Joanna, rubbing her chest nervously.

He continued to stare.

"What? Say something!"

"Did you sleep with him, Jo?"

Joanna took a deep breath and looked this way and that. "Not really. Not at first-"

"Not really? Not at first? You did sleep with him!"

"No! I mean, we did... but it was only in our minds.... on some alien kind of planet-"

"I've heard enough!" Daniel got up abruptly and grabbed his towel.

"Where are you going?"​
Next page: Chapter 07.2
Previous page: Chapter 06