Chapter 07.2

"To cool off." He headed to the water.

Joanna frowned. She knew exactly what Nils had been doing. Trying to get Daniel jealous enough to have sex with her again so she could give him a rider. It wasn't the way she would have handled it.

Joanna closed her eyes and tried to calm her rapidly beating heart. Her chest felt very tight. As her rider pulsated on her back, she felt herself calming down.




Suddenly she was calm again. A small smile graced her lips. She spread her legs and felt the warm glow of Sirius's twin suns on her body.

And then she felt a dark shadow hovering over her.

Jo opened her eyes, and saw the hunky form of Nigel, the big beefy lifeguard, standing over her.

Jo and Nigel were having sex on the recliner.

Jo felt sure on some level that their riders must have planned this. She had no evidence that riders could communicate over distances, but it seemed more than just coincidence that Nigel showed up to satisfy her tremendous need. She also noticed how easily she gave into him. Under normal circumstances, Joanne would never have had sex with another man while Daniel was nearby. But as her rider pounded on her back and filled her with lust, Joanna realized the circumstance were far from normal.

When Nigel pulled down the straps of her bathing suit, revealing her breasts and dark pubic bush, instead of pushing him away, Joanna reached up and removed his own bathing bathing suit, revealing his enormous penis. The way she gave into him so easily convinced her that it must have been her rider's doing.

It had to have been her rider!

Nigel looked so happy, so content as the giant man made love to her. "Ahhhh! I've wanted this for a long time, Jo! But we never could seem to find the right moment, could we?"

"Not until now," Joanna grinned. All thoughts of Daniel were fled from her head. All she could think about was how good it felt to feel Nigel against her. Against her... and inside her.

"Nigel, you're so big, so very big inside me," she said, with an incredibly sexually tortured look on her face.

"Bigger than Daniel?"

"Uh huh," she gasped, her arms wrapped around his neck.

"Bigger than Nils?"

Joanna gave a small smile. "Yessss," she whispered. Nils was a big man, but Nigel was stockier. Nigel was a bodybuilder, and had muscles on top of muscles. "I love the feeling of your enormous muscular chest against me! I've never had a man your size before!" She gave him an extremely intense look of passion, then kissed him strongly, even as Nigel continued to pole in and out of her. "I love Daniel to pieces, Nigel. I really do. But to have someone with a body like yours... it's a gift only the Hive could give." She gave him an extremely grateful smile.

"I feel the same way," Nigel admitted. "We've been wanting you for a long time."

"We?" said Joanna, clutching onto his back.

"The other lifeguards," Nigel gasped, as his penis filled her vagina snugly. "We spend all our time looking at bodies, what do you expect? You always win the Hot Momma award, Jo."

"Hot Momma Award? What is that?"

"It's the award for the most fuckable mother," said Nigel. He looked at her with such intense lust that Joanna shivered. Nigel impaled her completely with his penis and held it there for a moment.

"Nigel! I feel so helpless!" Joanna cried, as she felt her body pinned down by his.

"That's because you are helpless," he grinned. He started moving again, but instead of moving in and out, he moved his hips in a circle. Joanna groaned as she felt the circular motion of his thick cock inside her.

"Oooooh!" she cried, jerking her head back. "That feels so good!" She kissed him fiercely. "You're such a dream! Tell me, you guys can't really pine for women in their late 30's, can you? What about all the skinny 18 year old girls on the beach?"

"There are some good ones," Nigel admitted, as he resumed pumping in and out of her. "But not so many with your heavy breasts." He squeezed one with his hand. "Not so many with your thick lips." He kissed her hard. "Not so many with your thick hair, and high cheekbones. They're girls, but unlike you, they haven't learned how to carry themselves as women."

His admission excited Joanna without end. "Oh! Oh Nigel, you make me feel so hot!" she cried. She could feel her rider bubbling on her back.

It was working! Her rider was on the verge of getting its second band!

"Nigel, my rider is almost ready to mature again, I can feel it!" Joanna whispered excitedly, like a lover's confession. "But it wants me on top, to exert myself to the maximum. Is that all right with you?"

"You bet!" Nigel expertly rolled over so she was on top and he was on bottom even while they were still connected.

"Now I have you!" said Joanna, giving him a wicked laugh. "Now you're the one pinned down and completely helpless!"

Nigel laughed and kissed her back. He weighed 240 pounds and Joanna was perhaps a bit more than half that. There was no way her dainty hands working together could even hold down even one of his hands.

"You like fantasies of control, do you?" he said, staring up at her heavy breasts hanging over him.

"I like fantasies of controlling you," Joanna said, kissing him hard as her cunt was filled so tightly with his enormously thick shaft.

As Joanna bounced up and down on Nigel's penis, a crowd started to form around them.

"Go Jo!" said her best friend Tammy, clapping her hands. Others started to take up the call.

"Go Jo!" said Melissa Gruber.

"Go Jo!" said Michelle Engelighter.

The small crowd started to clap and chant her name.

"Go Jo! Go Jo! Go Jo!"

Joanna rode up and down on Nigel's shaft, her breasts bouncing in every direction. She felt her rider sizzling and expanding on her back. As Joanna Harris stared at the smiling, cheering and supportive faces around her, she felt so free, so sexually liberated. It was as if her sexuality had been locked in a dark room her entire life and she had never realized it. But now the door was open and the light was shining down on her!

Joanna felt the warmth of Sirius Minor's twin suns on her back as she passionately made love to Nigel. She smiled as she brushed strands of her dark, thick hair out of her face as she rode Nigel's penis passionately. Everyone was staring at her fucking the enormously hunky man underneath her. Hungry eyes were eating up her tits and her cunt and her ass. But Joanna Harris loved every second of it. She felt so free, so loving, like an angel who had just grew her wings. The angel of sex.

"It feels so good, Nigel!" Jo said, riding him like a jockey. "I can feel it... I'm so close... My master is so pleased with me!"

"Go Jo! Go!" the crowd cried, cheering her on, as Joanna's rider bubbled up furiously. Joanna gritted her teeth and plowed down on Nigel's enormous cock. She was almost there.....

"Jo! Jo! What are you doing?"

Daniel's face was a world of shock and hurt. His hair and his body was thoroughly wet. He had only been gone for a few minutes, but it felt like a small lifetime. Daniel saw his wife fucking another man, fucking another man with glee, with an enormous grin on her face while a crowd clapped and cheered, and Daniel's mind went mad.

"No!" he cried, pushing Tammy aside to get to her. He tried to pull Joanna off of Nigel, but a big lifeguard named Dominick grabbed his arms and pinned him from behind.

"No! No! Let me go!" Daniel cried.

"Don't try to interfere!" said Dominick, as his double banded rider inflated on his back. "This is not your concern!"

"She's my wife!" Daniel roared. He struggled to free himself, but Dominick was too strong. "Jo, no!"

Focus on your task, Joanna.

"I... I understand, Master," she whispered. Joanna looked down at Nigel's very exciting body. She still had his penis inside of her, stiff and hard and thick. She ground her cunt against it in a circle. But even as she did, her rider's sizzling started to feel less intense on her back.

"Nooooo!" she cried. She grounded her cunt against Nigel more furiously, anxious to recapture the lightning in the bottle she had just had, her cuntlips grinding against his pubic hair and scrotum as strongly as she could.

And then Jo's rider stopped sizzling entirely on her back. It had expanded in size, but not enough. It pulsated softly now.

"Nooooo," she whispered, just before collapsing with exhaustion on top of Nigel.

When they got home, Daniel wordlessly went to the bedroom and took out his suitcase. He started packing again. Then he stopped in mid effort and slumped down in his desk chair. This is where Joanna found him when she came in.

She closed the door softly behind her. "Honey, I'm so, so sorry." She went over to him and started to rub his shoulders. He shrugged her off. Undeterred, she started rubbing them again.

"I had to do it, Daniel!" she said. "My rider was on the verge of maturing."

Daniel said nothing. But Jo felt him leaning into her as she continued to massage his shoulders.

"Now I need your help more than ever, Daniel."

"My help?" Daniel gave a bitter laugh.

"I need you to help my rider mature."

"You just did it!"

"No," she shook her head. "I was on the verge of it, when you interfered." She pulled him out of the chair. She slowly pulled his shirt over his head. Daniel didn't resist.

"Too bad," said Doug.

She gave him an inscrutable look as she removed one of his shoes, then the other. "You now know I had sex with Nils while my rider was first maturing."


She pulled down his swimshorts he was still wearing. "I'm not proud of what I did, but there is a point to be made." She looked at his penis. It was flaccid and small.

"And what is that?"

"Nils was stimulating me like mad, trying to help my rider mature," said Joanna, flicking her thick dark hair back. "But it was you, not him, that pushed my rider over the edge into sexual maturity. Have you ever wondered why?"


Joanna lowered one of the straps of her black bathing suit. One of her heavy breasts came into view. "Nils is handsome. He's big and blonde and everything you're not. But you're my husband. However much I enjoy romping with him, you excite me more. And that's what my rider needs to expand and grow--excitement." She lowered the other strap of her black bathing suit. Now both her breasts were exposed. Her areolas were big and red and prominent. She glanced down at her husband's penis, and saw it begin to stir.

"I know now it was my rider who arranged for Nigel and me to get together so we could finish stimulating my rider so it could get its second band." She started to run a hand along Daniel's body.

"Your rider can do that?"

"Um hm," she said, giving him a playful smile.

And is your rider making you do this now? Daniel wondered.

"I was making progress with Nigel. Really, I was," said Joanna. Her dark eyes were so big, so expressive. "He's everything you're not, Daniel. He's so muscular, so strong, so big... everywhere that matters." She saw that her words were hurting him. But they had to be said. "And yet, when I was on the verge of completion, when I was high as a kite and I saw you, I went crashing down to the ground. I couldn't do it. I couldn't finish."

"Why?" said Daniel.

"Don't you know?" She stared intently into his eyes. "Because I love you so much." She kissed him strongly, passionately, pressing her heavy breasts against his chest. Daniel groaned, and Joanna smiled as her husband squeezed her arms.

Joanna took a step back and removed the rest of her bathing suit. She felt her husband's hungry eyes on her dark pubic triangle. She saw his penis starting to stiffen. "This is your last chance, Honey."

"What is my last chance?" Daniel looked distracted. Joanna's rider hadn't released airborne pheromones because it somehow sensed it didn't need to.

"To fuck me." Joanna ran her fingertips along her cuntlips. "This is your last chance to fuck me safely, without any fear of my making a rider for you."

"Why?" Daniel's eyes were hypnotized by the movements of her fingers. He looked at his wife's big, fleshy cuntlips and realized how much he wanted to put his cock inside of them. Hard.

"My rider is only concerned about one thing tonight, Honey," she said, wrapping her arms around him. "And that's maturing. Maturation takes a lot of effort. So does reproducing and making a rider. My rider can't do both in one night." She gave him a clear look. "Tonight is the night my rider matures, Daniel. Tonight is the last night you can safely make love to me without any fear of taking a rider."

Daniel looked into her eyes. He wondered if she was telling the truth. He wanted to believe that she was telling the truth.

"So how about it, Honey?" she whispered. "You do something for me, and I'll do something for you? Isn't that what sex is all about?" She kissed him strongly. Daniel felt his penis getting hard as it was sandwiched between them. "Only you can do it, Daniel. You're the only one who can get me excited enough to finish what Nigel started."

Her words had a powerful effect on him. He looked down and saw something hanging from his wife's furry cunt, a little chain with a small green rock at the end of it.

"What is this?" he said, bending down to study it closely. As he held it in his hands he saw that his wife's labia was pierced and that the chain was hanging from it. The weight of the rock had the effect of pulling one of her cuntlips open, making her lovehole look bigger and darker.

"It's my tracker," said Joanna. "The Hive uses it to know where I am and to make sure I am safe and healthy at all times."

Daniel frowned but nodded. "And this?" He pointed to the glowing upside down V symbol above her cuntlips, the one with the glowing dots clustered below it.

"That's my Hive Mark," said Joanna.

Daniel stood up. "You let them mark you, Jo?"

"It's my designation." She whispered in his ear with hot breathe. "To fuck, Daniel. The Hive has marked me to be fucked. It makes me feel so hot, so sexy." She looked him in the eye. "You make me feel so hot." She pressed her body against his, feeling his stiffness pressed against her. "Please, Daniel. Give me what I need, and I'll give you what you need." She rubbed her heavy tits against him. "You used to say you liked this."

Daniel groaned as he felt an ache in his penis. "I still do!" said Daniel, in a choked up voice. "Despite everything you've done, Jo, I still love you!"

"Oh Daniel!" She kissed him hard, for a long time, letting her hands caress him lovingly. When she pulled back she looked searchingly into his eyes, "You liked it, didn't you? Being the one to make my rider mature. Seeing it bubble up on my back as you fucked me, as you stimulated me so much that I was able to bring new life into the world. Tell me you liked it, Daniel!" She kissed him again. "Tell me!"

The feeling of her lips on his, her soft, heavy breasts against him, her pubic hair against his hardness... all of it was too much for him. "Yes," he barely whispered.

Joanna nodded knowingly, as if this moment had been foretold. She pulled him down to the bed, and Daniel followed willingly.

And so Daniel Harris was once again making love to his wife. It had been two weeks since he had last inserted his penis into her vagina, but it felt like a small lifetime. For two weeks he had watched helplessly as she openly boasted about her exploits in fucking other men. A rage had simmered deep within.

But the other side of that rage was lust, lust for the woman he still loved so badly. When he saw her riding on top of Nigel with that high smile, Daniel had wanted to pull her away and beat Nigel senseless. But he also had the simultaneous desire to fuck her strongly. And that was exactly what he was doing now.

"Oh Daniel... Oh Daniel....." She smiled lovingly at him as she felt his cock pistoning inside her.

"You feel so good, Jo! I missed you so much!" Daniel cried, letting the stiffness and pleasure between his legs guide him.

"Oh Honey I missed you too!" She hugged and kissed him even as he pounded her tightly. "Oh Daniel... I can feel it! My rider is starting to bubble up again!"

"Yeah," he said, in an unenthusiastic tone. "So happy about that."

"You should be!" said Jo. "Once I'm double banded, I'll have total immunity from all diseases!"

"And what about your mind, Jo? Will it have complete control of your mind?"

"Not complete," said Jo. "Just the right amount." She gave him a sexy grin which triggered him. Daniel kissed her furiously. He couldn't help it. Even with a mind controlling alien on her back, he was just so into her. She was still his wife.

"I feel your vulva chain rubbing against the side of my penis," Daniel grunted, as he thrust into his wife's willing cunt.

"Does it hurt?"

"No," Daniel grunted, as he thrust into her again. "Feels... kind of good," he gave a grin.

Joanna moaned with pleasure as she felt her dear, dear husband's penis massaging the insides of her cunt. "Oh, oh, oh, oh Honey, I can feel it! I'm getting close, really close. Do you want to see it?" she asked. Without waiting for an answer, she pushed him off her. Then she got up on her hands and knees on the bed. "Finish it, Honey! Finish it now!"

Daniel got behind his wife. He made the tricky insertion between her ass cheeks. He groaned as he once again buried his penis deep inside of her.

"That's it Honey! Keep going!"

As Daniel moved in and out he had a beautiful view of his wife's rider bubbling on her back. It grew in size, covering much of her shoulder blades. It got bigger and wider before his very eyes. He watched as her rider's grasping knuckles became harder and thicker and stuck out more within the sickly yellow-brown circular alien flesh on his wife's back. They grew and grew and grew with every thrust of his penis. I'm causing this, Daniel thought, with both elation and horror as his rock hard penis reamed his wife over and over.

"You like this, don't you?" said Joanna, as her breasts bounced in every conceivable direction. "You like knowing your penis makes this happen!"

Daniel bit his lip and grimaced.

Joanna turned her head to make eye contact with him. "Tell me you like it, Daniel! Tell me you need it!"

The intensity of her gaze, the massive bubbling of her rider, the feeling that he, Daniel Harris, was the driving force behind his wife's ecstasy and the creature bubbling on her back made him feel so powerful, so masculine. The feeling of being such a masterful lover drove him completely over the edge.

"Yes!" he gasped. "I love it!" He gasped again, as his penis continued to bang her pussy hard. "Oh Jo, I'm going to-"

"I feel it too! Daniel!" She cried out for her husband!


"Daniel!" She looked at him with such longing!

"Jo, I love you!" Daniel cried.

"Dear, I love you too!" At that moment Joanna meant it more than anything in the whole wide world!

Her face, her gaze, her love, pushed Daniel over the edge. He gasped as he felt his penis flooding into her. At the same time Joanna stiffened beautifully as her rider solidified on her back.

"Ooooh!" she wailed

It was done!

Daniel slowly pulled his wet, shrinking penis out of her. Joanna collapsed on the bed. "You all right, Honey?" he asked.

"Just... just need a moment to rest," she gasped. She sat up slowly and reached for him. "That was incredible, Honey!"

"Better than Nigel?" Daniel asked.

She wrapped her arms around him. "Better than Nigel."

"Better than Nils?"

She kissed him. "Even better than Nils."

"Better than the 553 men you've had in recent weeks?"

"Well... maybe 552 of them." She laughed at his pained look and slapped his ass. "Have I told you how much I love you?"


She gave him such a sincere look that sent chills down his spine. "I love you, Daniel Harris."

Joanna slowly turned around. "How does it look?"

Joanna's rider was much larger now. It was almost two inches thick, and it looked like she had enormous knuckles grabbing her back. Daniel felt uneasy as he watched it slowly inflate. It was huge!

"It's... it's much bigger now," Daniel said carefully. "Do you feel any different?"

"I feel it more in my mind," said Joanna. She had an alien light in her eyes.

Now that the lust had worn off, and his penis was wet and deflated, Daniel wondered if it had been really such a good idea to help an alien creature take greater control of his wife's mind.

"Oh, don't fret," she said, rubbing a finger along his lips. "I...."

She stopped abruptly.

"What is it, Jo?"

"I don't know. Something feels like it's... leaking." She reached behind her. When she brought her hand back, it contained a semi-liquid piece of her rider.

"It fell off you?"

"Yeah." Joanna's rider inflated on her back. She listened and nodded. Jo put the gelatinous rider flesh in her husband's hand. Then she lay back and spread her cuntlips. "Put it in me, dear."


"Put it in me!" she roared.

Daniel looked at his wife's glistening, sweaty pussy lips, already stretched from their lovemaking. He saw the glowing upside down V symbol above her cunt, marking her as the Hive's property. He saw the chain hanging from her pierced labia. The way the small rock hung from the chain just outside his wife's cunt hole was incredibly sexy.

Licking his lips, Daniel leaned forward. Without quite knowing what he was doing, he spilled his hand over his wife's vagina. The effect was immediate. His sexy wife's body trembled as the yellow-brown liquid flowed into her vagina. Her vibrating cunt looked so sexy as it was coated in liquid Hiveflesh.

"Jo! Jo! Are you all right?" Daniel cried.

Joanna blinked rapidly. "I, I think so."

"What did it do to you?" Daniel asked.

She sat up and cocked her head as her rider inflated on her back. "It's, it's part of my second banding. My rider has taken direct control of my vagina."

"What? What have I done?" Daniel moaned.

Joanna cupped his cheek. "Don't be alarmed, dear one." She kissed him. "I sense I am now capable of providing greater pleasure during sex. Would you like a demonstration?"

Daniel looked down at his softening penis. "Not right now. I don't think I can."

Joanna's eyes shined with an alien light. "My rider wants to reward you for helping it mature. And so do I." She crawled over to him with a hungry look. She started kissing him as she stroked his penis.

"So... you and your rider... are in agreement?"

"Uh huh," she said, between deep kisses. "My rider likes you, Honey." She gave him such a sexy stare. "My rider likes you a lot!" And then Joanna moved down and took him in her mouth.

Daniel groaned with pleasure.

In moments Joanna had converted rubber into iron. His penis came out with a pop. Jo gave him such a sexy grin, the very same one she had given Nils. "Now do you see some of the benefits of serving the Hive?" she asked.

Daniel nodded.

"And that's just the beginning." She pulled him down to the bed, and spread her legs.

Daniel looked at his wife's augmented cunt. Joanna's pussy lips had changed color. They were now bright orange. And they stuck out a full inch from her body. They were the thickest, fullest pussylips he had ever seen. They made her lovehole look incredibly big and deep.

"Put it in me, lover," she purred.

Daniel inserted himself into his wife. "Joanna!" he cried, his eyes wide.

"Yes, dear?" she smiled as she wrapped her hands around his neck. "Is something wrong?"

"You're so tight!" said Daniel. "You're so incredibly tight!" He started poling in and out of her like it was the first time and not the second. "Oh. Oooooh! Jo, that new lining inside you... it's stimulating the head of my penis... it's like little electric shocks... but it feels so good!"

"That's one of the fringe benefits of getting double banded," said Joanna smugly, as she played with his hair. "No man will be able to resist me now."

"I could never resist you, Jo," said Daniel, in such a powerful loving way as his penis rubbed against her Hiveflesh coated inner walls.

"I love you so much Daniel!" she cried, gripping him tightly.

"And I love you so much Jo!" he replied, groaning again as the head of his penis was stimulated by otherworldly alien flesh.

Later, the kids found them in the kitchen, both in bathrobes, Joanna sitting on Daniel's lap and feeding him grapes.

"Mom! Dad!" said Julie. "It looks like you two have made up!"

"Indeed we have, dear." Joanna leaned her head back. Daniel kissed her.

"What happened, Dad?" Ben asked.

"Your father gave me the tiniest bit of help I needed to help my rider mature some more," said Joanna.

"Tiny?" said Daniel.

"Maybe tiny wasn't the right word," Joanna laughed.

Daniel pinched her nose.

"Ow!" she cried.

Then he kissed her.

"Ummmm," said Joanna appreciatively.

"Can I see it, Mom?" said Julie.

Daniel frowned.

"You want to? Sure!" Joanna jumped off her husband's lap and took off her bathrobe. She was totally nude underneath, not that it mattered. Joanna leaned provocatively against a countertop, shamelessly sticking out her well rounded ass to her husband, daughter, and son as she playfully half bent a leg slightly behind her.

They saw Joanna's enormous rider covering much of her upper back.

"It's awful!" said Ben.

"It's incredible!" said Julie. "I've only seen one double banded one up close before, on Timmy Mathson. But yours... yours is so much bigger, Mom, and so much more impressive!"

"Thank you dear." Joanna's upraised leg bounced up and down happily.

"How does it feel having those big bones on your back?" Ben asked. "Isn't it painful?"

"No, dear. It feels like an extra backbone. It's woooonderful."

"How big does it get when it inflates, Mom?" Julie asked.

"I don't know." Joanna smiled playfully. "Let's see...." As they watched, her rider inflated into a giant yellow-brown balloon.

"Wow!" said Julie.

"It's monstrous!" Ben said.

Julie stared at the bright shiny golden bands on her mother's rider. They seemed almost hypnotic to her. She found herself reaching out a hand... until Daniel said, "Careful, Honey," and pulled her hand back.

"That's right, Honey," said Joanna, slowly putting her bathrobe back on. "Only your father allows himself to touch my rider." She grinned even as she was wrapping her bathrobe around her ample breasts.

"Dad, you helped the thing on her back grow? How could you?" said Ben.

"Your father realizes that riders are not some evil alien invasion," Joanna smirked. "He's decided to take a rider himself, and he wants you kids to take one too."

Daniel's eyebrows shot up. "I never said I was taking a rider, Jo!"

"You didn't seem to mind helping me with mine," she said, sitting back down on his lap.

"I'm not taking a rider, Jo!" said Daniel. "And I don't want the kids to take one either! You have a rider, all right, there's nothing we can do about it, but it ends with you!"

"Hm," said Joanna. She looked at Ben and then Julie. "Jules, would you like to take a rider?"

"Maybe," said Julie. "Almost all my friends have one now."

"Julie, you are not taking a rider," said Daniel.

"She's 18, Daniel, and can do what she wants," said Joanna.

"Julie, don't," said Daniel.

Julie just frowned and walked out.

"You were right," said Joanna. She was once again sucking on Nils' Hiveflesh coated cock. "Nigel gave Daniel just the push he needed. He fucked me and pushed me over the edge." She resumed sucking, giving him a knowing look.

Nils nodded. "You'll give him a rider tonight?"

"I'll try," said Joanna, as his cock came out of her mouth with a slurp. "But he's very stubborn." She smiled, and reached up and kissed him.

The following evening Joanna wore a sexy nightgown, one that went down just barely below her waist, giving her the illusion of nudity. As Daniel prepared for bed, his wife put her arms around him. "I want a kiss!" she said.

Daniel turned around and kissed her.

"I want a real kiss!" she demanded.

Daniel wrapped his arms around her and took longer this time.

"Ummm," she smiled. "Ready for the fucking of your life, Mister?"

Daniel's eyes narrowed. "You said yesterday was the last time. That if we had sex again, that you would make a rider for me."

Joanna shrugged one shapely shoulder. "Maybe I will... and maybe I won't." She shrugged the other shoulder. She caressed his chin. "The way I see it, it's a risk you'll have to take."

Daniel looked deeply into her eyes. They were filled with that strange alien light, a light of lust and hungering... hungering for more.

She leaned forward to kiss him again, but stiffened when he pulled back.

"No, Jo," he said simply, turning away.

"Daniel!" she cried. "I don't want you to die! Please let me save your life!"

"You've been saying that for weeks, Jo," said Daniel. "So far I've seen no sign of this plague. Tell me, since most of the colony now have riders, how exactly will this plague spread, since most people are immune?"

"I don't know, Honey," she said, wrapping her arms around him. "That's science. Leave it to the experts, Daniel. They know better than we do."

"I prefer to think for myself."

"A shame." Jo pouted, sticking out a lower lip. "Are you sure you won't take a rider. Not even a little one?" She held two fingers an inch apart.

"Not even a little one." He stared at her a long moment, kissed her, made her smile, then turned away.​
Next page: Chapter 08.1
Previous page: Chapter 07.1