Chapter 08.1

Nils inserted his penis into Joanna once again, but this time, very very slowly.

"Ah... ah... ah...." Joanna gasped, until Nils was all the way inside of her.

Joanna was on her hands and knees, and Nils was taking her from behind. Nils was teasing her, pulling out for a long moment until she got accustomed to his absence, and then inserting himself into her again and holding himself inside. Nils had just inserted himself into her again after a pause and Joanna felt him anew.

"Was this how your husband took you when your rider matured?" he asked idly, enjoying the warmth of her Hiveflesh coated vagina as he held absolutely still inside of her.

"Yes," Jo gasped.

"He must have had quite a view." Nils looked at the heavy double banded rider on her back, on the enormous knuckles holding onto her. The Hive had an enormous grip on Joanna in more ways than one, and wasn't about to let go of her. Nils moved a mere inch backwards and forward, making her gasp.

"The takeover of the colony is almost complete," Nils declared. "Of the 1700 or so colonists who are 16 years or older, nearly 1500 have joined us."

"What about the children?" said Joanna. "Won't they be vulnerable to the plague?"

"Children are naturally immune," said Nils. "When they get old enough, they will be given riders as well." He wiggled his penis again, making her gasp. "We just have a few stubborn pockets of resistance. One stubborn pocket happens to be in your household, Mrs. Harris." He started to pump and out, still slowly. Joanna breathed deeply, making her breasts bounce as they swayed beneath her.

"Your husband-" thrust "your son-" thrust "and your daughter" thrust. "I have been thinking best how to deal with them," Nils said, as his penis wonderfully explored her. "What is the situation with your children?"

Joanna wiped sweat off her forehead. Her arms were straining with exertion. She couldn't hold this position much longer. "Ben is against it. He's disgusted even by the idea of a rider."

"And young Julie?" His rod coursed inside her yet again.

"Julie... I think she's open to it. Under the right circumstances," said Joanna, wiping a droplet of sweat off her heavy breasts.

"Hm." For a few moments Nils gave the matter some thought as his penis slowly moved in and out of her. His rider started to inflate and deflate on his back.

Joanna gasped. "Nils? Nils, my arms are getting tired. Can we take a break?"

"What? Oh, of course."

Joanna gasped again as he pulled out of her. As she sat up she saw once more how long his shaft was. She had just had that monster cock inside of her! Hanging below his testicles was his scrotum chain, at the end of which was the green alien rock.

Nils stroked her breasts absent-mindedly, as his rider continued to inflate on his back. "You know, I think we could solve both problems at once if Ben joined us."

"How so?"

"If Ben joined us, he could then give Julie a rider."

"Brother... and sister?"

"Why not? It's the gift of life he'd be giving. What could be more brotherly than that?" said Nils. "You will see to it."

"See to what?"

"Ben joining the Hive."

It took a few seconds for Joanna to understand what he was saying. "You want me to have sex... with my 21 year old son?"

"Do you want Ben to die when the plague hits Sirius Minor?"

"No, of course not!"

"Then you must give him a rider."

Joanna looked hesitant. "But... surely there must be someone else who could...."

"You live together. You have easy access to him," said Nils.

"But... my own son...."

Nils sighed. Despite being double banded, the Hive still didn't have complete control of Joanna Harris. Her mind had been repurposed to perform certain tasks, but to go beyond those tasks more work was needed.

"Joanna, look into my eyes. That's right, dear. Momomomomomom!"

Joanna immediately stiffened, making her heavy breasts stick out. "Momomomomomomom!"


"Mamoomoisham! Mamoomoisham!" said Joanna, her eyes staring into the distance.

"Momomomomomomom!" said Nils.

"I will seduce Ben," Joanna said, sounding deeply hypnotized.


"I will have sex with my son and make a rider for him." Jo's eyes were almost as large as her areolas.


"I will train him to want to have sex with his sister, and to make a rider for her." At that moment Joanna, standing there naked with her heavy breasts sticking out in front of her, looked like the perfect fuckbot.

Joanna blinked rapidly. "What... what was I saying?"

"Ben. You were saying you were going to bring him into the Hive," Nils explained.

"Oh, yes, that was it," she said, frowning even as she nodded.

When Joanna got home that afternoon, Ben was in his bedroom and neither Julie or Daniel were home yet.


Joanna couldn't shake the nagging feeling that there was something very wrong with what she was about to do.

She was going to have sex with her 21 year old son.

She repeated the thought several times as her rider pulsated on her back. But try as she might, she couldn't figure out what was wrong with it.

She knocked on his door. "Honey, can I see you?"

Joanna sat side by side with her son. Ben was a handsome young man. He took after her in the looks department but unfortunately there were some minor defects in his character. He was something of a shy loner. He was the older child, but in many ways he was less emotionally mature than Julie, his younger sister. Joanna was confident that he had never been with a woman before.

And she would be his first.

"How are you doing, dear?" she asked. She smelled the musky scent coming out of her rider which made Ben sniff the air suspiciously. Yes, more of it, and the more the better.

"Fine. What's that smell, Mom?"

Joanna shrugged helplessly. "I don't smell anything."

Ben started to wriggle around as the alien pheromones did their work. Joanna talked about random nonsense until she was sure her son was thoroughly saturated. Then she said, "That's enough about school, dear. What about girls?"

Ben stiffened. "What about them?"

"Are you seeing anyone?"

"Not right now," he said, looking away.

"It's a shame. You're such a handsome young man," she said. She ran her fingertips along his arm. Ben was so aroused by her mere touch that he gasped. The pheromone had done their dirty work. He was ready.

"You know, I could help you, if you like," said Joanna.

"Help me? With what?"

"You know," said Joanna. She nodded towards his lap.

Ben reddened and covered up his pitched tent with his hands.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of, dear," she said, putting her hands over his. "In fact, I've come to help you."

"Help me how?"

Joanna moved her lips closer to Ben's. She saw the intense need in his eyes, and a realization,a realization that his very sexy Mom was about to kiss him. When their lips touched it would be a beginning, but not an end, an end which would only come with the entire family absorbed by the Hive-

"What's going on here?"

Joanna turned to see Daniel standing in the doorway, looking angry.

"Daniel!" she jumped up. "Ben and I, we were just talking-"

"I can see that!" said Daniel grimly. There was something in his tone which frightened her. She had never seen him this angry, not even when she had been with Nigel. "Ben, are you all right?"

"I... yes, Dad," he swallowed heavily, conspicuously keeping his hands in his lap.

"Jo, can I have a word?"

"What do you think you were doing, Jo?"

"Talking with my son about his schoolwork." Jo's eyes were blameless.

Daniel glared at her. "Do you think I'm a fool?"

"Nothing happened, Daniel." She tried to touch him, but he pushed her back.

"But something was about to, wasn't it?"

Joanna sighed, slumping her shoulder. She turned away from him, her rider throbbing on her back. When she turned around again, there were tears in her eyes. "I don't want my baby boy to die!"

"He's not going to die," said Daniel.

"Yes, he is! When the plague comes, it will kill him! It will kill all three of you!"

"There isn't going to be a plague, Jo," said Daniel. He saw the tears streaming down her cheek, and the rough edges of his anger started to smooth over a bit. "Jo, I don't ever want to see you doing that again. If I ever get a hint of you doing anything like that with the kids, I'll leave you. I'll leave you and take the kids with me. Do you understand?"

She nodded. "Daniel?"

"What is it?"

"Can I... can I get a hug?" She said, in a choked voice.

Daniel opened his arms. She flew into them sobbing.

Nils smiled as he held up the small emerald which was chained to Joanna's vagina. He seemed fascinated by it. He dunked it between her thick, orangey Hiveflesh enhanced pussy lips, watched it disappear, then slowly pulled it out, watching it appear again, back and forth, back and forth.

"So he caught you," said Nils.

"What do we do now?" Jo asked.

"Simple. Do it again when he's not home."

"No! Daniel threatened to leave me if I tried again!" said Jo. "He said he would take the children!"

Nils gave her a dark look, even as he dropped the emerald back into Jo's vagina again. As he pulled it out again, she gasped as she felt the rough edges scrape against her sensitized pussy lips. He turned to her and gave her a hard stare.

"There must be some other alternative," said Jo. Her mind raced. "What about Julie?"

"What about her?"

Jo felt the green rock dip into her cunt again. "What if I got you Julie instead?"


"She has a boyfriend, Robbie Westwood. He hasn't taken a rider. I'm sure if he did, he could give one to her."

Nils held the emerald by its chain and rubbed it along the length of her pussy lips. Joanna shivered, and Nils smiled.

Robbie Westwood was a freshman at Colonial College. He was six feet tall and had rugged handsome looks. He was also a very sensitive boy which is why Julie was attracted to him. Right now Robbie had a worried look on his face as he reported to Dean Cuckman's office. As he entered, he was surprised to find a familiar face sitting behind the desk.

"Mrs. Harris! What are you doing here?" said Robbie. "Where's Dean Cuckman?"

Joanne smiled. "Kyra had to step out for a moment, and she graciously agreed to lend me her office. Come in, Robbie. Sit down, sit."

Robbie sat down nervously. What was going on here?

"You and my daughter have been seeing each other for some time, Robbie." It was not a question. "Tell me, how long have you been going out together?"

Robbie shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "Well, let's see, about five and a half months, maybe six months if you count the-"

"Six months. And have you had sex with my daughter yet?" When he didn't answer she added, "Have you, Robbie?"

"Mrs. Harris, I don't know what people have been telling you, but I assure you I have acted with great respect for your daughter!"

Joanna sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "I'm sure you have, Robbie. That's why I'm here. I take it my daughter is still a virgin?"

"Well... with me, yeah."

"You're her only boyfriend, so I think that's a firm yes," said Joanna. "Now, Robbie, would you like to have sex with my daughter?"

Robbie Westwood turned purple. He tried to speak but words were not forthcoming.

"That's all right, just nod your head, that's right! Good! Now, why haven't you sealed the deal with Julie?"

Robbie opened his mouth, closed it, then opened it again, but no words came out.

"You're a shy boy, I can see that," said Joanna. "What if I offered to help you with your problem? Cure your shyness, so to speak, so you can take my daughter?"


"Have sex with her," said Joanna. "Would you like that, Robbie?"

"Yes, Mrs. Harris."

"Please, call me Joanna, or Jo," she said. "It can all be yours, Robbie. All you have to do is to take a rider."

"A rider?" Robbie's eyes went large.

"It will give you the confidence you need to bed and fuck my daughter." She smiled as her blunt words registered on his face.

Robbie said, "My, my parents told me not to get a rider. They don't think it's safe."

"It's perfectly safe. Ninety percent of the colony has riders. Do you see anyone getting sick or dying?"


"Then you won't either."

"I don't know," said Robbie. "Can I think about it?"

"You don't have much time, Robbie. Julie has been hanging around Neil Nelson, do you know that?"

"I... yes."

"She senses you're not going to be able to deliver the goods, Robbie. And I suspect Neil can. You don't have much time to think, Robbie." Joanna stared hard at the young man, drumming her fingers on Dean Cuckman's desk.

Robbie appeared to mull over his choices. "If I, if I took a rider... how would I get it?"

"Well, that's really up to you, isn't it?" said Joanna. She leaned back in Dean Cuckman's chair, showing off her prominent breasts. She was pleased to see Robbie staring at them. "You could go to the North Building today and have one implanted. It would be safe and painless. Or...." She leaned forward and smiled boldly at him. "I could give you one."

Joanna enjoyed seeing Robbie squirm in his chair.

"Well? What will it be?"

Robbie licked his lips. "I saw you. At the Swim Club."

"At the Swim Club?"

"You... and Nigel." Robbie swallowed heavily.

"Did you like what you saw, Robbie?"

He smiles shyly and nodded. "If... If I do this, if I take a rider, will I become like... like you and him?"

Joanna gave him the sweetest of smiles.

They were having sex on Dean Cuckman's couch. Joanna was almost certain that she was Robbie's first. Getting Robbie erect was not a problem. He was erect even before taking off his clothes. Merely smiling at him made him erect.

No, the problem was Jo's rather than Robbie's.

Robbie Westwood was eager but clumsy. And he certainly was not romantic. He was 18 years old but Jo hardly thought of him as a man. She needed to work herself into a certain mental state, a certain level of arousal which would permit her rider to reproduce. The other men she had made riders for were all attractive to her, in varying degrees.

But not Robbie.

So as Jo rode on his penis she closed her eyes. She closed her eyes and pretended she was riding on Nigel's penis. I'm back at the Swim Club. I'm riding on Nigel's penis and everyone is cheering me. She thought how good it felt to have him inside her. She thought how wonderful his strong chest felt against hers. She remembered all the hungry eyes in the crowd eating her up as her heavy breasts bounced up and down under Sirius Minor's twin suns. As she fantasized about being used, about being desired, Jo felt the rider on her back getting hot and starting to bubble.

Jo's daydream turned to Nils. She fantasized about sucking on his cock. For some reason, Jo loved being subservient to Nils. When she sucked on his penis she felt a strong tingling in her cunt. She half wondered if her rider made her wanted to be subservient to him... or whether it was her own idea. As her rider grew larger on her back and in her mind, it became increasingly difficult to separate her rider's thoughts from her own.

Jo's rider bubbled up on her back. She could feel it getting ready to split! Now her thoughts turned to her husband. She fantasized about Daniel being persuaded to fuck her and make her rider double banded. Even after seeing her ride on top of Nigel's penis in front of adoring crowds, he still loved her so much that he was willing to make love to her in her ultimate time of need. She loved him so much... she loved Daniel so very much.....

Jo, her eyes tightly closed, cried out and got the perfect orgasm face as her rider split into two on her back. She opened her eyes and smiled as she felt the immature half starting to crawl down her arm. When Robbie saw the rider crawling down her arm his eye he cringed and cried out. "Is that it?"

"That's it!" said Jo.

"I don't know...." said Robbie uncertainly.

"Trust me," said Jo. "You'll simply love it."

For the next six days Joanna proceeded to train Robbie Westwood. She had him come to her home at lunchtime when the kids were still in school and Daniel was at work. She had sex with him in the master bedroom, the bed she shared with Daniel, because it was the most comfortable and why not have sex in the most comfortable bed?

After their next lovemaking session, Joanna noticed some improvement, but disaster almost struck as Robbie was getting ready to leave when Julie stepped through the front door.

"Julie! What are you doing here?" Joanna cried.

"I live here," said Julie. "I came home because I forgot one of my-" suddenly she saw Robbie come around the corner, tucking his shirt into his pants. "Robbie?" she looked from her mother to her boyfriend. "What are you doing here?"

Joanna saw the panicked looked on Robbie's face. Robbie had just had his first training session after taking his rider, but as not nearly ready to face his girlfriend.

"He came looking for you," said Joanna smoothly.

"He did? Why?" Again she looked from her mother to Robbie. Something was definitely wrong here.

"I think... he wanted to ask you out on a date. Wasn't that right, Robbie?"

"Yes, yes, that's right," said Robbie.

Julie's eyebrows tightened. "Why didn't you just comm me?"

"He wanted to speak to you directly. Didn't you, Robbie?" Joanna gave him a wide eyed look. Say something, dummy!

Robbie's rider pulsated on his back. It didn't have full control of him, not yet, but it could make suggestions. "Yes," he said hesitantly. "I, I haven't seen you in a while, Jules. I was wondering if you'd like to go out for a holo on Thursday night."

"Didn't you say you wanted to ask her for Friday, Robbie?" Joanna said.

"Yes, Friday, thank you for reminding me," said Robbie.

"You two should see a double feature, the longer the better," said Joanna, giving a sweet smile.

"Yeah. What do you say, Julie?" said Robbie.

"Sure," said Julie, giving him a puzzled look. "Friday night, why not?"

When Robbie showed up at lunchtime the following day he was half in a panic. "How am I possibly going to be ready to go out with Julie by Friday?"

"Relax. We have five days. Your rider will be mature by then. You'll be a totally different person by Friday," said Joanna. She saw the fear on his face. She squeezed his arm. "Confident. I mean you'll be confident. Ready to get started, dear?"

Over the course of the next five days Joanna proceeded to train Robbie Westwood. She didn't think it possible that such a shy, meek individual could be transformed so quickly. But the Hive had a way of working wonders on its host. As Joanna had Robbie fuck her again and again, his rider started to grow on his back and so did its tendrils in his mind. Joanna could see the changes in him growing from day to day.

On the first day he was terribly shy, making love to her as ordered to, but afraid to make eye contact.

On the second day he was starting to learn, hesitantly repeating the phrases she taught him and touching her with less fear and reluctance. He even looked her in the eye and finally stopped calling her Mrs. Harris.

On the third day Robbie reached an epiphany of sort, for just a moment, when he was on the verge of climaxing. He suddenly affected a deep voice and grabbed her tightly, yelling, "I'm going to come in your pussy, Jo! I'm going to give it to you real good!"

His transformation continued, and by the fifth training session Robbie had become a totally different person. His immature rider was much thicker and heavier on his back and it exerted much more control of him.

That afternoon Robbie sauntered into the Harris household like he owned the place. He was wearing tight white pants, a partially open shirt, and a gold chain around his neck. "Hey Babe," he said casually. He grabbed Jo by the waist and kissed her strongly while squeezing her ample ass cheeks. He looked down. "New breast control collar?" he said casually.

"You noticed," Jo grinned.

"Yeah. It really makes your tits stick out more," said Robbie. He squeezed one of her breasts through her control collar. "Mmmm. Can't wait to get myself some of that!"

Joanna had to smile as she took off her clothes. At first she had pitied Robbie but now she actually found herself attracted to him. His rider had done a tremendous job on him in just a short period of time.

As Robbie pounded into her vagina, Joanna had to wonder how her own rider had changed her. Had she changed at all? Joanna didn't feel any different. It's true that she was having sex with men, a lot of men, but she felt her personality was the same. Still, the nagging feeling that she had been changed, that she had been altered, nagged her a bit until her rider helpfully snatched the troubling thoughts away from her.

"Yeaaaah," Robbie said, in a low voice as he pounded her pussy. "You're nice and tight! A real sexy fuck!"

"Oh Robbie!" Joanna tittered. She knew his rider was responsible for what he was saying, but even the appearance of an 18 year old boy flattering her 38 year old body excited her to no end. She wondered what Julie would make of the radical transformation of her shy and sensitive girlfriend. "Just remember that Julie won't be as tight as me. She doesn't have Hiveflesh coating her insides."

"I don't care!" Robbie growled. "I'll fuck her anyway and make her mine!"

His words sent a chill down Joanna's spine. She had created a real he-man who was about to initiate her little girl into the joys of sex!

"You must be gentle with her," Joanna said firmly, even as she felt his penis poling into her rapidly.

"Sure," Robbie said, in a heavily sarcastic tone.

"And kind and sweet. Remember, it will be her first time," said Joanna.

"I'll give her what I give you, Babe. And she'll be sure to like it!" Robbie smirked.

I've created a monster, Joanna thought. But it was too late to change course; Robbie's conditioning was almost complete.

Robbie started to gasp. "I'm coming, Babe! I'm going to empty my balls in your sexy cunt!"

"Do it! Do it, lover!" Joanna cried, as her rider suddenly brought her to the edge of orgasm as well.

They cried out as they climaxed together. Jo felt Robbie's shaft pulsing inside of her and felt proud. She had turned him into a real man!

Afterwards, though, she realized there was just one little problem.

Robbie's rider was not yet mature.

Joanna could see the outlines of the first band, but he wasn't there yet.

"What am I going to do? Julie and I are set for tomorrow!" he said, momentarily falling back into his little boy's voice. "Should I postpone?"

"No!" said Jo firmly. She bit her lip. "We'll have to have one more session tonight."

"All right. I'll come over at seven," said Robbie.

"I don't think so."

"Why not?"

"Robbie, don't you think that Julie might find it the tiniest bit suspicious to see you coming over to our home tonight and going with me into the master bedroom?"

He paused, then nodded.

"So we'll do it at your place," Joanna decided.

"My place? But... my parents haven't taken riders. They wouldn't understand."

"Make them understand." She stuck a finger in his chest. "Are you a man, or aren't you?"

Robbie took a deep breath and considered. "I guess I'm a man," he said finally.

"Then I'll see you at seven."

Joanna purposefully wore a sexy low cut shirt which showed off her breasts and a miniskirt which would leave no doubt about her intentions as she showed up at the Westwood home at seven PM. She realized this was an opportunity to give Robbie another test, a final test, before he took her daughter's virginity and gave her a rider. Robbie opened the door to see his leering sex instructor in high heels leaning against the doorframe.

"Who is it dear?" came a feminine voice from inside.

"It's... no one, Mom," said Robbie hesitantly.

"No one? Robbie, I'm insulted!" Joanna stepped through the doorway, her high heels clattering. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your parents?"

"Who is it, Robbie?" said his father. Chris and Martha Westwood were in their late 40's but looked older, much older.

"This is, ah-"

"Oh, I know you," said Martha. "You're Julie's mother! We met at World Government Submission Day!"

"Nice to see you, Mrs. Westwood," said Jo.

"Please, call me Martha. What brings you here?"

Jo looked at Robbie, who shrugged and looked away. "Not much," said Jo. "Just looking to spend some time with Robbie."

"To spend some time with him?" The father, Chris Westwood, frowned.

"Yes. Robbie and I... are friends," said Joanna.

Chris Westwood's frown grew deeper. "Isn't Robbie seeing your daughter?"

"That's right," said Jo. "But tonight, Robbie is seeing me."

"That's wholly inappropriate!" said Martha. "Robbie, what are you doing?"

"Stay out of this, Mom!" said Robbie. "We're going upstairs to my room and we don't want to be disturbed!"

"Not in my house you're not!" Chris said abruptly, standing up to his son.

"Stay out of this, Dad!" Robbie roared. "This is not your concern! If you know what's good for you, you'll stay in the living room and keep reading your little Pad!"

Chris Westwood blinked like he had been slapped. He had never seen or heard his son act like this before. Robbie had become someone else, a complete stranger.

"So nice seeing you both again," said Joanna, wrapping her arm around Robbie. "Come dear. I'm so eager to see your bedroom!"

"You were so strong, so manly. I was so proud of you!" Jo purred.

"Yeah," said Robbie, concentrating on the feeling of the head of his penis rubbing against Joanna's Hiveflesh lined inner walls. He was fucking his girlfriend's Mom in his childhood bedroom, while his parents watched and waited downstairs! As his thick penis penetrated Joanna's tight cunt, he realized that life didn't get much better than this.

"When you're done with my little girl perhaps you can give your mother a rider too," said Jo.

"My Mom?" Robbie barely paused as he rubbed his cockhead against Joanna's inner Hiveflesh.

"That's right. Don't you want to save her from the plague? And once you save your Mom, she can save your Dad. Wouldn't that be nice?"

"I don't know," said Robbie contemplatively, as he felt Jo's inner Hiveflesh electrochemically stimulate the head of his penis. "To have sex with my Mom?"

"Once your rider gets banded you'll want to. You'll need to," said Joanna.

Robbie's breathing grew harsh and rapid as his penis tightened. "I can feel something... something happening on my back."

"Something good, I'm sure," she said sweetly.

As Robbie's long hard penis pounded between Joanna's vaginal lips his rider bubbled up on his back. The immature bones solidified, and the faint golden band became bright and shiny.

His rider had matured!

"Ooooooh!" Robbie groaned as he filled Joanna with his sperm. Joanna's rider triggered her own orgasm as a reward and she groaned as the the hard cock inside of her brought her over the edge.

As Robbie collapsed on top of her he looked at her tenderly and stroked her hair. "First the mother. Then the daughter."

"That's it," Joanna smiled at him. "But you be sure to be gentle for her first time, all right?"

Robbie gave her an unsettling grin. "Sure."

The following evening, Joanna watched as her daughter got ready to leave for her date with Robbie. Julie was wearing a dark shirt that went up to her neck and ordinary denim pants. She wasn't dressed for sex. She doesn't know, Joanna realized. Jo's chest tightened. When her little girl came home tonight, it would be without her virginity and with a rider.

"Where you going, dear?" Daniel asked casually.

"Out to see a holo with Robbie. I may be back a bit late," she said.

Jo held her breath as Daniel gave his daughter an appraising look. "Well, make you're your back by 11. Have fun, dear."

"I will Dad." She turned to her mother. "Do you want me to have fun too, Mom?" She gave her mother a smile and a little grin.

She knows!
Next page: Chapter 08.2
Previous page: Chapter 07.2