Chapter 08.2
Joanna tried not to pace as 11 PM rolled around. She worried that something could have gone wrong. What if Robbie couldn't make a rider for her? What if Julie had a bad reaction to it? What if she refused to take a rider?
At that moment Julie stepped through the door. "Hey Mom!" she announced, throwing her air car keys on the counter.
"Julie! How was your date?" Joanna asked.
Julie gave a mysterious smile. "Do you really want to know, Mom?"
Joanna nodded.
"I did it." Julie looked triumphant.
"You did?"
"I lost my virginity. I had sex for the first time!"
"Oh, how wonderful!" Joanna embraced her tightly. "Robbie is such a nice boy! I'm so glad you did it with him!"
"Robbie used to be a nice boy," said Julie. "He's changed, Mom,, and something... or someone... has changed him." She stared at her mother pointedly. "He's all manly and confident now. He's taken a rider, in case you didn't know."
"Really?" Joanna swallowed.
"Yeah, but I kind of like the new Robbie. I always wished he could be a little more, you know, take charge," she said with a grin.
As Julie turned around, Joanna looked at her back and frowned. She didn't see a telltale hump between her shoulder blades.
"Dear, how are you coping?" Joanna asked.
"Coping? I'm, uh, a little sore down there. It was my first time," said Julie. "I didn't feel much the first time, but Robbie says that will improve in time."
"Indeed it will," said Joanna. "And... what about your rider?"
"My rider, Mom?" Julie gave her mother a quizzical smile. "I don't have a rider." She lifted up the back of her shirt to show her bare back, making Joanna gasp.
"He didn't give you a rider?"
"I wanted him to," said Jo. "I think I'm ready for it. All my friends have one now. But Robbie said he wanted to do it special."
"He wants to give it to me tomorrow at the Swim Club. We're going to become Lifetime Members."
Lifetime Members. That was the slang that the teenagers used for anyone who had public sex at the Swim Club.
Julie smiled at her mother. "What's wrong, Mom? You did it yourself last week."
"Yes, I did," said Joanna hesitantly. "But I didn't think you were ready for that."
"Well, I guess I am," she rubbed her backside and smiled again. "I'm really tired. Robbie wore me out! Goodnight, Mom!"
Julie immediately called Robbie on holo.
"Hey Babe," Robbie said, stifling a yawn. "I fertilized your little girl, just as planned. She was almost as tight as you." He winked at her.
"This was not the plan," said Joanna. "You were supposed to give her a rider tonight!"
"Well, I was going to, Jo-girl, really I was. But then I got to thinking how much more fun it would be to bring her into the Hive at the Swim Club, so all the kids like Neil could see us becoming Lifetime Members."
Joanna frowned. She wondered how much of this was Robbie's idea... and how much was his rider's.
"After all, you did it at the Club just last week! And you looked really hot doing it!" He winked at her again. "If it's good for you, why isn't it good for her?"
Seeing Joanna riding up and down on Nigel's penis, seeing her heavy breasts bouncing under the morning sun had triggered something in Robbie, a deeply repressed sexual urge which had been released when Joanna had given him a rider. She saw the way he was smiling at her.
"Yes, Robbie, I did have sex at the Swim Club," said Joanna. "But I also have a very mature rider on my back. Julie doesn't."
"Oh indeed. What if she gets scared?"
"I've just got just the thing to keep her calm, Babe," he grinned as he grabbed his crotch.
I've created a monster.
Joanna frowned. "Robbie, have you ever considered that my husband is going to be at the Swim Club tomorrow as well."
"He is?"
"And that maybe he won't just passively sit by and watch you fuck his little girl and give her a rider."
"Oh indeed." What an idiot. It was a mistake to use him.
"I never thought about that."
"Apparently not."
Robbie paused. "You want me to reschedule?"
Joanna's rider inflated on her back. She quickly shook her head. "No, no more postponements. Julie's willing to take a rider and I don't want any more delays. I'll... I'll handle Daniel."
Robbie blew her a kiss. "You're the best, Babe. Maybe after I take Julie we could have a threesome at the Club, eh?"
Joanna cut the connection and tried to contain her anger, even as her rider pulsated on her back like mad.
"You don't want to go to the Swim Club this morning?" Daniel asked. "But we always go on Saturday mornings."
"Yeah, I know. I thought we'd take a break." She sat down and rubbed his shoulders.
"You like?"
"Yeah." Suddenly they were kissing. Joanna's relationship with her husband was very uneven. He refused to have sex with her but obviously was still very attracted to her. Joanna was still trying to figure out how to leverage that into giving him a rider but hadn't figured out a way yet.
"Let's stay at home today," she smiled at him.
"I still can't sleep with you," said Daniel.
"Who said anything about sex?" Joanna grinned, wrapping her arms around him.
"Hey!" said Julie, stopping by their door. "Are you guys ready to go to the Swim Club?"
"I think we should talk," said Joanna, as she and her husband lay side by side in recliners.
"We are talking," said Daniel. He kept an eye on his daughter, who was chatting with her friends some distance away.
"I mean about us," said Joanna. "At least do me the courtesy of looking at me when you talk."
Daniel turned his head to his wife, who was wearing a stunning orange bikini. She wasn't hard to look at.
"Listen, I love you and you love me," she said.
"Stipulated," said Daniel.
"Then why can't we have a normal family relationship?"
Daniel cast a glance at Julie. She was still talking to her friends. "How can we have a normal family relationship when you have an alien creature on your back which wants to duplicate itself and take over my mind?"
"Well, when you put it like that, of course it sounds terrible," said Joanna.
"Of course," Daniel agreed, glancing again at Julie.
"But my rider is perfectly harmless. It's pure love, Daniel."
"Pure love," he repeated. He looked over and could no longer see Julie. A bunch of teenagers had gathered in a circle around where she had been standing. He frowned.
"Daniel... I love you." She turned his chin and kissed him tenderly. "Do you love me?"
"Of course I do," said Daniel.
"Then why can't we be together?"
"You know why," said Daniel. He looked around but still couldn't see Julie. He heard the sounds of the teenagers chanting, but couldn't quite hear what they were saying.
"We can be!" said Joanna. Her eyes shone with an alien light. "We can work it out together, you and I."
As Daniel turned his head to look for Julie again, Joanna turned it back to her. She kissed him again. As she did, Daniel heard the teenagers chanting.
"Go Jules! Go Jules! Go Jules!"
Robbie Westwood was having the time of his life. He was pounding into Julie Harris's young, sexy vagina while his peers cheered and clapped for both of them. All of them--Neil Nelson, Lewis Chandler, Cindy Weatheral, Judy Brenner, had in the past treated him with contempt, and Neil had even tried to make moves on Julie.
But now Robbie was the one making moves on Julie and the others were not only watching, but cheering him on! As Robbie inserted his penis into Julie's tight vagina he never dreamed he could be celebrated for such an act of public lovemaking. He saw the look of admiration in Lewis's eyes, but different kinds of looks in Cindy's and Judy's eyes, a hungering, a hungering for his powerful cock. Perhaps after he took Julie, the other girls would be next....
He had initially been very nervous when Joanna Harris had initiated him into the joys of sex... and also the joys of having a rider. At first the rider had felt odd and alien on his back. But over the course of a few short days he had grown to love it, as well as growing increasingly confident as he porked Julie's sexy Mom while his parents were cowed downstairs.
For her part, Julie had been ready to join the Lifetime Member Club but, sensing her increasing nervousness as the moment of truth approached, Robbie's rider had released its musky scent. It was a good decision. Julie was anxious about performing in public but the alien pheromones put all her concern to ease. She had let Robbie pull down her bikini bottom and insert his penis into her, and as he made love to her, Julie gave him a blissful smile.
"Go Jules! Go Jules! Go Jules!"
At first the kids had chanted for him, but as Robbie's rider increasingly started to split, they chanted her name as well. They all knew what was about to happen next.
Robbie's ass cheeks tightened as his rider bubbled up on his back. Creating riders felt so good! If he could, Robbie would do it every day. He felt it in his mind and his dick and his balls. As his hard penis split Julie's juicy cunt lips, the head of Robbie's penis was intensely stimulated, giving his rider the chemical energy it needed to sizzle and expand on his back.
"Feel good, Babe?" he gasped, between thrusts.
"The best!" Julie grinned. She had inhaled too much of the musky odor to turn back now. Robbie felt so good inside of her, much better than last night. She was anxious but also excited to get her first rider.
Suddenly her father appeared in the crowd, trying to wrestle his way towards her. "Julie, no!" Daniel cried. Joanna tried to pull him back by the arm but Daniel pulled free. He would have pushed Robbie right off of her if Neil and Lewis hadn't each grabbed one of his arms.
"Let me go! Let me go!" Daniel cried.
"Daddy, no!" Julie cried.
"Get off my daughter!" Daniel yelled. If looks could kill, Robbie would be dead.
"Don't interfere, Mr. Harris! This is not your concern!" Robbie growled. Somehow the sight of Julie's enraged father watching him inseminate his only daughter stimulated him further. Robbie groaned and his eyes rolled into his head as his rider split into two on his back. Daniel watched helplessly as there were now two halves, a banded rider on the left and a new immature rider forming on the right. And he knew just where the newly formed rider was about to go.
Robbie felt so manly, so powerful, as his rock hard penis plundered the helpless girl while his newly born rider started to crawl down his arm. "It's coming for you, Babe," he said.
Julie's eyes widened in horror. She had thought that Joanna's rider made her more sexy and more womanly; and she had also thought that Robbie's rider made him more manly and more attractive. But now, seeing a rider coming for her, she began to have second thoughts.
"No... I don't want it...."
"Relax Jules!" her best friend Cindy said. "You'll simply love it!"
Julie's eyes got even larger as the rider crawled down Robbie's forearm. "No! I don't want it!" She tried to remove it with her hands, but Robbie easily pinned both her hands above her head, making her young breasts stick out more.
"Daddy! Daddy, please save me!" she cried, as the rider crawled on Robbie's hand, which was wrapped around the back of her neck.
Daniel struggled to free himself, but the boys holding his arms were too strong.
"Daddy help me!" Julie cried again. Her whole body suddenly stiffened as the rider jumped onto her back. "My head! I can feel things changing in my head!"
"Julie! Julie!" Daniel cried.
Julie's body shook for a moment. Then she was still.
Robbie slowly released her hands. She stared at him passively. "What are you?" he asked.
"I... I am Hiveflesh," said Julie, blinking rapidly.
"What is your purpose?"
"To... to spread health and wellness in the Community. In the Community, Wellness is priority one," Julie said in a monotone.
Even as everyone was hugging and congratulating her, Julie broke free and ran into her father's arms. Daniel embraced her tightly.
"Daddy!" she sobbed, with tears streaming down her cheeks. "What have I done?"