Chapter 09.1

Julie was still sobbing even as they drove home. When they got there the 18 year old ran to her room and slammed the door.

"I hold you responsible for this," Daniel declared.

"Me?" said Joanna.

"It didn't escape my attention that you tried to distract me while Robbie was on top of her." He glared at her.

She took his hand. "Daniel, if you believe anything I say, believe me that I didn't want Julie taken at the Swim Club! It was all Robbie's idea!"

"But you knew about it, didn't you?"

Joanna bit her lip.

"I never imagined she'd have such a reaction. No one has had such a reaction before that I know of," said Joanna. "And even if she's upset now, think of the big picture. Your daughter's life has been saved. She won't die before our very eyes in the coming plague."

Daniel put his hand away. "I don't believe there ever was or will be a plague, Jo. Does that surprise you? I think this was all a scheme by the World Government to put riders on our back."

"Why? Why would the World Government do this?"

"To control us better," said Daniel. "You showed me that gem hanging between your legs. You said it allows them to know exactly where you are at all time. You now have a creature on your back which tells you what to do. That's control, Jo."

"It... it doesn't order me around, Daniel. That's not how it works," said Jo.

"How does it work, Jo?" He folded his arms.

"It... it's hard to explain," said Joanna. "It's like it's operating in the background. It... makes suggestions... but most times I usually don't even notice them."

"Uh huh," said Daniel. He turned away.

"Where are you going?"

"To help our daughter."

When Daniel entered Julie's bedroom, he found her shivering and clutching a pillow tightly to her chest. She hadn't even changed out of her bikini. He sat down by her. "How you doing, baby girl?"

"I don't know, Daddy!" said Julie. "I have this thing on my back... I thought it would be fun, and sexy, like what Mom has. But I can feel it trying to get into my mind, telling me to do things."

"Yeah," said Daniel. He paused for a long moment. "Would you like me to remove it?"

She gave him a startled look. "Is that even possible, Dad?"

"I don't see why not," said Daniel.

Julie felt her rider pulsating on her back. "I... I don't know, Dad," she said uneasily.

"Julie, you've had it for less than an hour. If you want it removed, now is the time to do it, before it grows and takes control of your mind. You saw those giant bones on your mother, didn't you?"

She nodded.

"Then let me take it off you, Honeybun. It won't hurt, I promise."

Julie bit her lip. She could feel her rider trying madly to influence her, to tell her that it loved her, that removing it would be a terrible idea. She looked into her father's eyes. He was so loving and concerned. "All right, Daddy."

"Turn around, Honeybun."

Julie reluctantly turned around. Daniel saw the small, yellow-brown rider pulsating on her back. It was much smaller than Joanna's, much thinner, and as of yet it had no bone structure. It shouldn't be difficult to remove.

Daniel gingerly put his fingers around one of the edges of the small rider. It gripped her back tightly, but started to give. As he started to peel it, Julie cried out. "It hurts!"

"Just hold on," said Daniel. He peeled a little more. It gripped her back incredibly strongly, but it did come off slowly.

"Daddy, it hurts!" she cried.

"I'm almost halfway there!" he cried.

"No!" Julie cried out in agony. She spun around so her rider was faced away from him. Daniel found himself wrestling with his daughter's arms.

"Please, Julie!" he cried.

"No Daddy!" she yelled. As he tried to grab her wrists she pulled away and scratched him across the face. Then she ran to the corner of the room, sobbing.

Daniel just sat there, touching the red marks on his face.

"Oh, Daddy, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," said Julie, as tears streaked down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry too," said Daniel. Even if after being attached to his daughter's back for only an hour, the rider still exerted enough control over her to prevent anyone from removing it. There was no way to save her now. He saw Julie staring at him with her tear streaked face.

"Come here," he said.

"I'm not going to let you do it!" she cried.

"I won't. Come here."

"You, you promise, you won't touch my rider?"

He nodded. "I promise."

"Oh Daddy!" Julie flew into his arms. She shivered as she hugged him. "Oh Daddy, I'm so so sorry! I'm so very sorry!"

"Shhhh," said Daniel. He rocked back and forth as he hugged her. "Everything's going to be all right."

The following morning Robbie Blackburn came to the door. "Hello, Joanna. Mr. Harris."

"What do you want?" said Daniel.

"I've come to take Julie for her first training."

"You're not taking her anywhere!" Daniel snapped. "Haven't you done enough already?"

"Daniel, Julie is at a vulnerable stage. She needs help and guidance so her rider can mature properly," said Joanna.

"She's vulnerable because you two conspired to put that thing on her back. She's not leaving this house!" said Daniel.


All eyes turned to Julie.

"Hey Robbie," she said, her face calm.

"Hey Julie. How you feeling?"

"A little mixed up," Julie admitted.

"I can help with that," said Robbie.

"I'll bet you can," said Daniel.

"Mr. Harris, with all respect, she's 18 years old. She can decide for herself."

"What will it be, Hon?" said Joanna. "Robbie could really help you with your angst."

Julie looked from Robbie to her mother to her father. Her father mouthed a silent "no" with pleading eyes.

"No, I guess not," said Julie.

"Are you sure?" said Robbie.

"Yes, I'm sure," said Julie.

"I can come back later if you change your mind," said Robbie.

"No you won't," said Daniel, slamming the door in his face.

Joanna frowned but said nothing.

An hour later there was a tap-tap on Julie's door.

"Come in, Dad."

"I'm not your Dad, dear. Just your Mom," said Joanna, with a gentle smile as she closed the door behind her.

She sat down next to her loved one. "You know, Julie, your father loves you very much."

"I know," she said.

"And I know you love him too. That's why you decided not to go for your training, isn't it?"

"Maybe," she said.

"But Julie, you need to be trained. If your rider doesn't grow and mature, it won't be able to give you the medicine you need to fight the coming plague." She looked at her daughter with compassion in her eyes.

"Daddy says there won't be a plague."

Joanna sighed.

"By training, you mean sex, don't you?" Julie asked.

Joanna nodded. "That's right, dear. Sex helps your rider grow and mature, Honey. It's the most natural love making process for a creature whic is made of love."

"Does my rider really love me?" Julie gave her mother a look of pure vulnerability.

Jo grabbed her daughter's hand. "Yes! More than anything!"

"But... it's trying to control my mind! I can feel it!"

"It's trying to guide you, Honeybun. Like a loving parent. Like a Dad," Joanna said, staring at her knowingly. Joanna paused. Her rider pulsated on her back. Jo cocked her head and nodded. "Honey, I know you're confused, but there's something we can do which will make everything much, much clearer. Would you give it a try?"

"What is it?"

"Take off your shirt and I'll show you."

Julie hesitantly took off her top. She was surprised to see her mother doing the same. She eyed her mother's heavy breasts. Joanna wore a much larger breast control collar than she did. Julie felt a little envious and wondered if her breasts would ever grow that large.

"Turn around, dear."

Julie turned around so that her rider faced her mother's. Joanna also turned her back on her daughter.

Julie eyed her mother's enormous rider with its thick knuckle bones which seemed to grab her tightly. "Mom, what are we doing?"

"Just lean back and relax, dear."

As her mother leaned back towards her, Julie said, "I don't see what-"

Suddenly she was transported to another place, another world. Riders were flying around everywhere on a pockmarked moon. Julie was completely nude. She saw her mother, also nude, running towards her with a joyous smile. Her mother's heavy breasts bounced with every step. Her dark public triangle was in vivid contrast to her creamy skin. As Julie embraced her mother, she felt-

Julie blinked. Then she blinked again.

She was back on her bed, with her mother at her side.

"What... what was that?" she said.

"It's called Communing," Joanna explained.

Julie looked at the time. "Mom, over an hour has passed!"

"I know. How do you feel?"

Julie considered. "Like I've just run a mile. But I'm a little more relaxed."


"And sweaty," said Julie, wiping perspiration off her arms.

"Me too," said Joanna. "Come." She went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Joanna started to remove the rest of her clothes.

"You want to go first, Mom?"

"There's no need to take turns, is there, Jules?" Joanna's smile was infectious.

And so as Joanna took off her clothes, so did Julie. She felt a little shy being nude around her mother, but Joanna's smile set her at ease.

And her mother's body was so stunning! Her heavy breasts sloped downwards but had the largest areolas Julie had ever seen. They made her look so feminine, so womanly.

And then Julie looked between her mother's legs. Her labial lips were huge and orange, sticking out a full inch. A glowing upside down V was stamped just above her vagina. A small green rock hung from her vulva on a chain. It all made her look so sexy. "Mom!" she cried.

"What is it, dear?"

"You... you're incredible!" said Julie, looking her up and down.

"I was about to say the same of you." She kissed her loved one on the forehead, and took her hand. "Come."

She led Julie into the shower, positioning her so that her back was right under the water spray. Julie immediately stiffened and gasped. Then she gasped again.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" said Joanna. "It's your rider. In the beginning, it has to be watered, like a plant."

Julie started to pant, her small breasts bobbing up and down. "Feels, feels really good Mom!"

"I know it does." Joanna watched as her dearest daughter leaned against the shower wall, her eyes tightly closed with a big smile on her face, just processing the flow of pleasure coursing through her body. Julie's ass was nice and round and starting to grow larger. Her slender figure and perky breasts would make her an incredible asset to the Hive.

"Oooh. Oh Mom!" Julie turned to face her mother. Her body felt incredibly stimulated. She had just had sex with her mother for over an hour in a virtual reality world and now her mother stood before her, completely nude and dripping with water with an enormous smile on her face. Julie, her face trembling started to move her lips closer to her mother.

Joanna reached down and moved her lips closer to Julie's.

Their lips moved closer... closer...

And then they met.

Their first kiss was long and wonderful, not exploratory or hesitant in any way. It was Julie who extended the kiss, wrapping her arms around her mother. "Mom!" she said when it was over. That one word and the expression in her eyes said it all.

Joanna cocked her head as her rider whispered something inaudibly in her ear. She nodded and moved her hand down over Julie's belly... into her pubic hair... over her vaginal lips.

Julie just stood there, dripping water as her mother slowly caressed her labia. She had such a look of contentment on her face as her mother touched her most intimate place. And then Joanna grew bolder and inserted a finger inside of her dear, dear daughter.

"Mom!" Julie cried, instinctively standing on her toes as if to reduce her impalement.

But it didn't help. Joanna's finger immediately found the place she was looking for and started rubbing expertly with her index finger.

"Oh Mom! Oh Mom oh Mom oh Mom!" Julie cried, as she flexed up and down on her toes.

"This is just a fraction of what the Hive can do for you, dear," said Joanna.

"Oooooh!" Julie looked so joyful!

"You'll feel this and more when you start your training. You do want to start your training now, don't you?"

"Yes, Mom!" said Julie, her breasts heaving even as Joanna continued to finger her. "Anything you say, Mom! Just don't stop touching me!"

Joanna smiled. "Repeat after me, dear. You want to be trained."

"I want to be trained!" Julie cried.

"You want your rider to grow strong on your back and in your mind."

"I want my rider to grow strong on my back and in my mind!" She smiled joyfully at her mother as she fingered her cunt.

Joanna smiled back at her. "You want to serve the Hive."

"I want to serve the Hive!" Julie said, with a big grin.

Julie's smile only grew wider as her ride decided she had earned her reward."Oh Mom! Oh Mom oh Mom oh Mom!" The young 18 year old's body stiffened beautifully as she felt an explosion in her clit which radiated out of her cunt. She sagged and leaned against her mother, hugging her tightly. "Oh Mom," she repeated once more.

As they hugged together, rocking back and forth slowly, the only sound that could be heard was the spray of the shower.

As Julie was finishing getting dressed, Joanna knocked on her door. "Sweetie, are you ready to go for your training with Robbie?"

"Yes, Mom. You can call him."

"I already did. He's on his way."

Ten minutes later Robbie arrived. He received another hostile reception from Daniel.

"You're back quickly," said Daniel.

"I've come for Julie."

"She's already told you that she's not coming," said Daniel, in an impatient tone.

"Yes I am."

Daniel turned to see Julie standing there, looking nervous, in a fresh white blouse and miniskirt. She looked so beautiful. Joanna was behind her with her hands on her shoulders, as if pushing her forward.

"What changed your mind?" Daniel asked, glancing at Joanna.

"Mom. We... talked about it." She averted her eyes. She walked towards Robbie, but Daniel blocked her way.

"I'm not letting you go," said Daniel.

"Please Dad. Everything will be all right." She gave him a pleading look which sapped his resistance. She lifted his arm effortlessly and went to Robbie. "I'm ready."

Daniel shook his head. "I want her back by dinner."

"Of course, Mr. Harris."

Daniel watched them leave with gritted teeth. "I can't believe I'm permitting this."

"You're a good father who loves his daughter," said Joanna.

Daniel gave her a dark glare and left the room.

When Julie came back that evening she seemed to be fine. She was animated and spoke to everyone and even smiled. Daniel just stared at her. He knew what she had been doing. She had been having sex with Robbie, working to help her rider get stronger on her back and in her mind. He had already tried once to remove it and failed. Now all he could do was watch helplessly while an alien took control of his beloved daughter's mind.

Julie saw the long expression on his face, and flashed her father a gentle smile. He found himself warily smiling back at her.

The following day, after Julie returned from her training, Daniel found her in the kitchen, staring at the far wall.

"Momomomomomom!" she said.



"Julie?" Daniel said with increasing concern.


"Julie!" Daniel shook her shoulder, making her blink and shake her head.

"Dad! What, what is it?"

"You were saying things."

"What things?"

"I don't know," said Daniel. "What's happening with you and Robbie?"

She looked doubtfully at her father. "Do you really want to know?"

"I really want to know," said Daniel.

Julie looked chagrined. "We... we're having sex, Dad." She found herself still capable of blushing.

"I guessed that part. Go on," said Daniel.

"It's... it's helping my rider grow. Robbie says it's growing liquid bumps which it is slowly digesting to grow larger."

"Do you feel it controlling you more?"

"Controlling? Nooooo," said Julie, shifting uncomfortably in her chair. "It talks to me, sometimes."

"What does it say?"

"I... I don't know. Usually, I can't make out the words," said Julie. "Isn't that strange?" She flinched as she saw Daniel staring at her oddly. "Robbie... he also makes me say things, while we're... doing it."

"What kind of things?"

"That... my body belongs to the Hive. That I want to serve the Hive. That I... I want my rider to be strong on my back... and in my mind." She gave Daniel a very guilty look.

"And does this seem normal to you?"

"No, of course not!" said Julie. "But... Dad, my rider saved my life! It's giving me the antidote to the coming plague! Don't you think I owe the Hive something for that?"


"Dad, all it wants is love," said Julie. "Look at Mom. Her rider is much bigger than mine. But she still loves you to pieces." She touched his hand. "I won't change. I promise."

"I wish I could believe that," said Daniel.

When Daniel saw Julie the next day he noticed she was dressed differently. She was wearing high heels, a short black skirt, and a sheer shirt which allowed one to see right through to her breast control collar. Her hair had been fluffed up, but the most striking thing is that Julie had been given blonde highlights, streaks of sunshine which really made her look stunning.

"Do you like it?" she asked, spinning around in a circle.

"The highlights actually look... nice," said Daniel grudgingly. "Your mother?"

"Yes. She took me shopping and to the beauty parlor after my session with Robbie. She said it was a reward for my cooperation."

Daniel felt a chill go down his spine. "Your cooperation?"

"Yes." She rubbed the material of her miniskirt against her thigh self-consciously. "Robbie tells me my rider is growing nicely and it's more than halfway to maturation. Would you like to see?" She casually removed her shirt and turned around. Daniel saw that Julie's rider had grown since the day he had tried to remove it. It was thicker and wider, and he could see slender bones projecting out of the center of it, grabbing onto his little girl's back. He also saw small liquidy bumps which he assumed was stored energy that her rider would use to grow even larger.

Julie looked critically at her rider from a reflection on the wall mirror in the living room. "I think it's growing nicely, but my friend Cindy says it's not as large as hers was when she was in training. I'm a little worried that mine may not get as big as hers. But she looked at it and told me that the bones are coming in nicely."

"That pleases you?" Daniel asked.

"Of course, Daddy! I want my rider to mature so it can feed my body lifesaving medicines from the coming plague," said Julie, giving him a bright smile.

"I recall you had some misgivings the first day you took a rider."

"Oh, well, I was confused," said Julie, running a hand over her ass as she studied her reflection in the mirror critically.

"Were you?"

"Was I what?" said Julie, staring at her ass.


"Yes," said Julie. "I felt that way before I learned all the benefits of giving my body to the Hive."

"Tell me, darling. What are the benefits of giving your body to the Hive?" Daniel asked.

"Well, for one thing, as I just said, it's saving my life. That's pretty big, don't you agree, Daddy/" She looked at the mirror image of her rider anxiously.

"Go on."

"And the sex, well."


"Do you really want to hear?" she gave him a grin. "It's ten times better. And I'm fortunate to have the before and after perspective. Robbie is good, really good, but the first time was only so-so. Once I got my rider, however, it was tremendous." She rubbed her groin. "My rider seems to do something to me down there, something to make me enjoy it more. I really enjoy sex now, Daddy!"

"I'm so glad to hear it," said Daniel dryly. "Do you think enjoying sex is worth the price of becoming a sex slave for this Hive?"

"Not a sex slave, Daddy. A Lifesaver." She kissed his cheek. "You're so cute when you're angry!"

That evening Julie's best friend Cindy came over for a visit. They greeted each other as if they hadn't been together in years.

"Darling!" Cindy cried, hugging Julie tightly. Julie hugged her back. "You look wonderful! The sex agrees with you!"

Daniel winced.

"I have tremendous news," said Cindy, as they walked into the living room.


"My rider matured!" Cindy was all smiles.

"Again?" Julie was incredulous.

"Second band, Sweet Cakes!"

"Let's see!"

Cindy pulled off her shirt and turned around, looking extremely proud as she showed off the giant pulsating alien mass on her back.

"Incredible!" said Julie. "The bones are so big now! I think they're as big as Mom's! What does it look like when it's fully inflated?"

"Big. Really big!" Cindy smiled.

The girls giggled.

"Now show me yours!" said Cindy.

"All right!" Julie took her shirt off and turned around. "It isn't fully mature yet," she said apologetically.

"But making very nice progress," said Cindy. She reached out with a finger tip and started to stroke Julie's rider. Julie gasped. Cindy stroked it again. Julie started to breathe rapidly.

"Ah, ah, ah!" she panted, her head jerking upwards like she was having intercourse.

"Children!" said Joanna. "Could you take that into the bedroom?"

"Why?" said Cindy.

Joanna's eyes pointed to Daniel, who was glaring at them.

"Oh. All right," said Cindy. "Mr. Harris hasn't taken a rider yet?"

"No, he hasn't," said Joanna.

"I thought everyone has taken a rider by now," said Cindy. As she walked by him she tapped his arm. "Get better soon, Mr. Harris."

An hour later Daniel walked down the hallway to see his wife peeking through a crack in Julie's bedroom door. When he touched her shoulder she jumped. "Oh, it's you," she said.

"Watcha doing?" Daniel asked.

"Just checking on their progress. Want to see?" She opened the door wider now. "Don't be alarmed. They can't see us."

Daniel saw Cindy and Julie on her bed, back to back. They were both completely topless. Their bodies were slowly rocking back and forth. Julie was panting heavily, staring into nothingness. Her face were flushed and her nipples were hard and pointed.

"What are they doing?" Daniel asked.

"They're Communing!" She said excitedly.


"It's kind of like... mental yoga," said Joanna. Better to say that for now. She went over and sat down next to Julie. Her gasping daughter was completely oblivious to her, her mind billions of miles elsewhere, her eyes looking wide and exhausted, her tits hard and pointed.

"Look at her breasts, Daniel! Aren't they beautiful?" said Joanna.

"I'm her father! I'm not supposed to talk about things like that," he said.

"You're only supposed to think them?" she grinned. Joanna raised a fingertip a mere inch away from one of her daughter's hard, erect nipples. "She's gorgeous. She'll be prettier than me, I can tell. All the boys will love her."

"Is that what you want, Joanna? For all the boys to love her?" Daniel asked.

Joanna got up and put her hands on his chest. She looked into his eyes deeply. "I want the exact same thing Julie does."

The following afternoon, Julie came home after her latest training session.

"Hey Mom!" said Julie.

"Hello dear!"

Julie surprised Joanna by kissing her on the lips.

"Nice to see you too! How was your session with Robbie?"

"It was fine! It's all fine now! I've accepted the dominion of the Hive, Mother," Julie said, with a shit eating grin.

"I'm so glad, dear," Joanna smiled. "You started out having a rough time when you first took your rider."

"I know, Mom! You helped me through it and I'm very grateful," said Julie, brushing a lock of yellow-brown hair from her face. "When I was trying to decide what to do, you had me sit back to back with you-"

"Yes, we communed."

"Yesterday I did the same thing with Cindy. The result was the same. She and I... just like you... and I...." Julie blushed.

Joanna hugged her. "Oh dear, there's nothing to be ashamed of."

"I know, Mom. I just... I never saw you in that way before." She looked into her mother's eyes anxiously. "And then afterwards, when you comforted me in the shower.... and..."

"And what?" Joanna asked.

"It... it was kind of nice," Julie whispered, her face turning red.

"I liked it too," said Joanna.

"You did?" Julie was astonished, her body suddenly becoming excited.

"Yes, Honey, I did," her mother smiled back at her.

They rocked back and forth for a long moment. Joanna felt a tingling in her cunt growing insistent as her rider inflated on her back. "Julie dear, would you like to show me your rider?"

"Of course, Mom! Could I also see yours?"

They both took off their blouses. Julie was very much aware that her mother's breast control collar had bigger, deeper cups than hers did, making her look much more womanly. Joanna turned around first.

"Mom it's so big!" said Julie. "You grow the biggest rider I've ever seen!"

"Thank you dear," said Joanna, sounding pleased.

"Do you like your rider?"

"I love it!" said Joanna. "It's so comforting! It guides me, Jules! It's the best friend I ever had!"

"It looks so beautiful on you!" Julie said, her eyes wide. She looked at the enormous row of v shaped knuckles. "Can I touch it?"

"Uh huh."

Julie stroked the protruding knuckles. "So hard," she murmured. Then her finger moved to the two golden bands along the edges. As she started to stroke them, Joanna moaned.

"You like that, Mom?"

"Oh yes, Honey."

"Now do me!" Julie turned around excitedly.

Joanna smiled. She could see that this wasn't about inspecting each others' riders. It never was.

Julie's rider was not yet mature but she could see the faint outline of its first band and the growing bone structure. It was more yellowish than brown and had the consistency of an omelet with a much, much softer surface than Joanna's. Joanna started to stroke the faint golden band line, making her daughter moan.

"Oh Mom, it feels so good!" she cried. "Oh, oh, oh, oh." Julie rocked back and forth with every caress. She turned around to face her mother. "I'll bet we both could touch each other's riders this way!" Julie hugged her mother and reached around to touch her rider. Joanna did the same. In moments they were both giving and receiving tremendous pleasure as they were still hugging tightly.

"Oh Mom you make me feel so hot!" Julie moaned.

"You do too, Honey!" said Joanna. Her breast control collar was pressed against Julie's. The touch of Julie's fingertips on her rider stimulated her nipples and her clitoris. She could only imagine what her touch was doing for her daughter.​
Next page: Chapter 09.2
Previous page: Chapter 08.2