Chapter 09.2

Julie started to pant as they masturbated each other's riders. She looked deeply into her mother's eyes. "Mom...." she gasped.

"Yes?" Joanna panted.

"I....." Her lips moved closer and closer to her mother's, who in turn moved closer and closer to her daughter's. And then their lips met.

As if by mutual agreement they both stopped stroking each other and grabbed on tight, focusing all their attention on the kiss of their lives.

"Oh Mom!" Julie cried, her face full of urgent need.

"Julie!" Joanna said. "I love you, dear!"

"I love you too, Mom!"

They kissed again.

Suddenly they heard heavy footsteps. Daniel entered the kitchen. "Jo, have you seen the battery backup-" he abruptly noticed his wife and daughter standing side by side with their shirts off. "Have I interrupted something important?"

"Ah, no," said Joanna, touching her hair self consciously. "Julie was just showing me her rider. It's almost mature."

"Wonderful. Best news I've heard all day. Now, can you help me find the-"

"Battery. Of course, dear, come with me."

The next day there was a bounce in Julie's step as she found her mother in the kitchen. "Mom!"

"What is it, dear?"

"My rider, it's almost mature! Want to see it?"

"Of course!"

Julie took off her shirt. Joanna looked at her rider. The faint golden band she had seen just yesterday looked a lot more solid. It was only missing continuity in a few parts. The bone structure was almost full developed as well.

Joanna was so happy for her young one. She was on the verge of becoming a happy and productive member of the Community. Once the Hive fully controlled her mind Julie would be serve the Hive well. "It looks wonderful, dear!"

They hugged tightly.

Julie's eyes sparkled. "Robbie tells me that tomorrow will be our last session, that my rider will mature by then."

"So happy to hear it! We'll have to celebrate!" said Joanna.

"Yes." Julie's smile was fleeting.

"What's wrong, dear?"

"I don't know, Mom." She paced the kitchen. "Can I ask you a question?"


"Who got your rider to mature?" Julie gave her a pointed look.

Joanna licked her lips. "You mean for the first band, or the second one?"

"Both. Either."

"Your father actually was the one who pushed me over the edge the first time." Joanna smiled at the remembrance. Daniel had his own reasons at the time, believing she would get rid of her rider once it matured. In reality, he had unwittingly helped the Hive take greater control of her mind and body. Joanna remembered how enthusiastically he had fucked her, causing her rider to bubble up on her back and grow solid in her mind.

"And the second time?"

"Well... come to think of it, that was also your father too." The second time had even been more exciting than the first. This time Daniel knew full well what he was doing. He was under no illusions as he helped Joanna's rider grow stronger yet again on her back and in her mind. But Daniel was so aroused by her body, so attracted to her, so madly in love with her that he agreed to fuck her, even knowing the cost to the both of them. The feeling of being on her hands and knees while Daniel took her from behind, feeling his cock coursing in and out of her vagina, causing an enormous mass to bubble up and solidify on her back, was one of the happiest moments of Joanna's life.

"Was that by chance, or by choice?" Julie asked.

Joanna rubbed her sexy thighs and looked around the room. "I... I don't know. A little of both, I think," she said. "It was nice to have your father be the one to help my rider mature. Why all the questions, little one?"

"Well...." Julie looked down at the floor. "When I go to see Robbie tomorrow, he's going to push my rider over the edge."

Joanna understood immediately. "And... you like Robbie, but you don't love him."

"Yeah," said Julie. At first she had been infatuated with Robbie's new "take no prisoners" personality as he fucked her aggressively. But in the space of a few short days she realized that the new Robbie started to bore her and she even found herself pining for the old, more sensitive Robbie.

Joanna casually rubbed a hand against her well rounded ass. "Well, who would you like to help your rider reach maturity, dear?"

Julie looked at her mother for a long moment. "You, Mother."

Joanna smiled, feeling both pleasure and embarrassment. "I can't say I'm surprised, after yesterday."

"It started long before yesterday, Mom," said Julie. "It started that day when we both got naked. Remember that? I... I was on my period... and feeling scared and sensitive."

"I remember," said Joanna, rubbing a finger over her lips.

"But then you showed me your... your vagina, and you were so calm and womanly and supportive and... I began to feel something for you, Mother," said Julie. Her face turned red. "And then later, after I got my rider and was all confused, we Communed. Mom, we made love on that alien planet with the flying riders!" She gave her mother an uncertain look.

"I know we did, Honey," Joanna smiled at her.

"We made love on this alien planet and then we never talked about it afterwards," said Julie. "But I'm talking about it now. Mom, it was incredible! I've never been attracted to women before, but you have such a sexy body!"

"I do?" Joanna touched her backside again self-consciously.

"Yes!" said Julie. "And after what we did yesterday...." She gulped. "I want you, Mom!"

Joanna paused. She felt her rider inflating on her back. "Your father said he will leave me if I do anything with you or Ben."

"He doesn't have to know! He thinks Robbie is training me! It can be our little secret! Please!" she stared at her mother with big eyes.

Joanna sighed. She loved her daughter so much.

"All right dear. We'll wait until after your father goes to work."

Julie gave a sigh of relief.

Everything seemed normal as Daniel got ready for work. Ben left for school. He noticed, however, Joanna and Julie lingering behind. "What's going on?" he said.

"My training session doesn't start until ten," said Julie.

"Oh." He grimaced. He turned to Jo.

"My next assignment isn't until this afternoon," Joanna said.

"Training. Assignments. You have such bloodless words for what you do," said Daniel.

Joanna kissed him on the lips. "I love you too, Honey. You'd better go; you don't want to be late for work, do you?"

He gave both a suspicious stare and left.

They waited until they heard the slam of the car door, and then waited further until it drove away.

And then Julie and Joanna were all alone with each other.

Julie stared at her mother with a look of open apprehension.

"Come here, dear. Sit with me." Joanna patted the couch.

Julie sat next to her mother. Her anxious expression said it all.

"We don't have to do this, you know," said Joanna. "You could just finish your training with Robbie."

"No, I want to!" Julie said. "It's just... I... I don't know how to get started." Julie blushed.

"Darling girl. Why don't we start with what we were doing before?" Joanna took off her shirt. Julie did the same. In moments they were both shirtless, wearing their breast control collars.

Julie looked at her mother. She was so beautiful!

"Oh Mom!" she fell into her arms, kissing her strongly.

Joanna kissed her back, laughing between kisses.

They wrapped their hands around each other and found their riders. Gentle fingertips started to rub at the edges. Joanna's rider felt rough and pebbley; Julie's younger rider felt soft and fluffy like a half cooked egg. Both of their bodies started bucking with pleasure.

"Oh Mom! Oh Mom!" Julie cried. "You make me feel so good!"

"You do too, darling! And you make me hot!" Joanna said accusingly, with a sexy smile. "Let's get these pesky things off!" She whirled around. "Can you remove my breast control collar, dear?"

"Gladly!" Julie unstrapped her mother's massive control collar. Her rider was so big now that there was barely space for it. If it grew any more than she wouldn't be able to wear one. Julie looked with awe at her mother's rider. It was huge! The flesh was hard and thick, like leather. The knuckles almost looked like rows of teeth. It looked so sexy on her!

"Now I'll do you." Joanna spun her daughter around and removed her dear one's control collar. She looked at her daughter's rider. At this stage in its development it looked more yellow than brown, with the consistency of a soft omelet. But Joanna could make out the faint outlines of bones and the even fainter outline of her rider. Once her loved one's rider matured, she would be firmly under the control of the Hive.

Their pants came next. Jo took off her white pants and panties, and Julie took off her skirt and her own panties. And then they were totally, totally nude in front of each other.

"Mom...." Julie struggled for words. "You're so sexy!"

"You think so?"

"Yes!" Julie cried. "Your heavy tits... your narrow waist... your long legs... and what's this?" she pointed at her mother's labia. It was big and puffy and orange. "Is that for real?"

"Yes, dear," said Joanna, crossing and uncrossing her legs anxiously. She felt thrilled to pieces that Julie was attracted to her Hiveflesh enhanced labia.

"Can I touch it?"


Julie reached out nervously and started to stroke her mother's labia. It felt soft and warm, like Hiveflesh. Every touch send stimulation deep inside of Joanna's cunt.

"Your pussy is so sexy, Mom!" she said. "Your pubes are so dark and thick. Mine are brown and looked like they've been mowed!"

"Your pubic hair is cute too, Honey," said Joanna.

"Not as cute as yours," said Julie, in a very jealous tone. She continued to rub her pussy lips.

"Ummm, feels delightful, dear!" Joanna smiled. She leaned back, spread her arms across the couch and closed her eyes with a tremendous smile.

"And your vulva is so big, so thick! It makes your pussy look so sexy!"

"You'll get it too, dear."

"I will!"

"When your rider matures some more," said Joanna. Her eyes were still closed. She was still relishing in the touch of her sexy daughter. Technically she was supposed to be helping Julie's rider mature, but for the moment the pleasure was all hers.

Julie looked at the small green rock suspended by a chain which was attached to her vulva. "This chain thing makes your pussy look so sexy, Mom!"

"I'm glad you think so," said Joanna, getting a chill down her spine. As Julie's finger continued to move up and down her cunt, she wondered, Could she actually be attracted to her own daughter?

"And that glowing symbol." Julie was fixed by the upside down V above her mother's vagina. "It really makes your pussylips stand out! What does it mean, Mom?"

"It means I'm a slave of the Hive, dear. Just as you soon will be, when your rider matures."

Rather than alarming Julie, her mother's words seem to only inflame her more. She leaned up and kissed her mother strongly, passionately. "I wish you were my slave, Mom," she whispered.

Her words inflamed Joanna, who kissed her little girl back just as strongly. "I love you, Julie!"

"And I love you, Mom!" Julie said.

"You have such adorable breasts!" said Joanne, with lust in her eyes.

"My breasts?" Julie looked down at them critically. "They're little girl breasts compared to yours, Mom!"

"Don't ever say that! There are men who would kill for firm breasts like those." She reached out and squeezed one, enjoying Julie's open mouthed reaction. Then she reached down and started to suck on one of her teats.

"Oh Mom!" Julie cried. She found herself patting her mother's head. "Oh Mom oh Mom oh Mom!"

Joanna pulled out with a pop. Julie's nipple was bright and red. "Nice, dear?"

"The best!"

"Then let's do the other one!"

Julie groaned as her mother pleasured her orally. They couldn't get enough of each other, hugging and kissing and fondling. The ostensible purpose of their coupling, to help Julie's rider mature, was temporarily put aside. All they were concerned about was enjoying each others' bodies.

"You were the one who brought Robbie into the Hive, didn't you?" Julie said in between kisses.

"How did you know?" Joanna asked.

"How did I not know?" Julie grinned. "When I came home to find the two of you together, that was kind of a big clue, Mom!"

They both laughed. "Then why did you agree to go out with Robbie again?" Joanna asked.

"Because I wanted a rider," said Julie, kissing her mother hard. "I wanted a rider that was made by you."

Joanna felt overwhelmed by her daughter's attraction. She wasn't a lesbian, but at that moment she was tremendously attracted to her little girl.

"I knew I had to have you when I saw you with Nigel," Julie said, in between kisses. She had "sex hair" now, her hair sticking in every direction from all their caressing and touching.


"Mom! You should have seen yourself!" Julie cried. "You were riding up and down on Nigel's penis. Your ass cheeks were clenching and unclenching in such a sexy way! Your big breasts looked so heavy and suckable as they hung over him, bouncing every time you went up and down." Julie swallowed heavily. "But the best thing was your face."

"My face?"

"When you were fucking Nigel, you had this amazing orgasm look on your face. You looked so happy, so sexually satisfied, your eyes closed with this giant smile on your face. That expression was what turned me on to you! That expression is what turned everyone in the crowd on to you! You were just so... fucking... sexy!" Julie roared as she kissed her mother passionately. As she pressed her smaller breasts against her larger ones, Joanna felt a stirring in her cunt.

Jo gasped and pulled back, taking a breath. "Julie you... you're just incredible! But... we have business to attend to, don't we?"

Julie nodded in agreement. "We have to help my master mature."

"Yes, loved one." Jo reached between Julie's legs. She started rubbing.

"Oh Mom!" Julie cried, squeezing her arm tightly.

"I think I found the right spot," said Joanna. She grinned. "It's hard to miss. Your clit is as hard as a grape, dear."

"You make me hard, Mom," she said accusingly, with a sexy grin. And she said it with such passion that Joanna had to stop for a moment and kissed her daughter lovingly. Could I be falling in love with my own daughter? she thought.

"Oh Mom!" Julie shuddered. "My rider is getting hot! It's starting to bubble! Rub me harder, Mom!"

Joanna rubbed her daughter's clit. She was so beautiful, Joanna realized. Julie had slender legs and a brown pubic bush matching her hair. Her breasts were small but perky. Her slender, athletic body could be used to bring many men into the Hive, she reflected.

But as she rubbed Julie frowned. "It's not enough, Mom! I need more!" She kissed her mother strongly. "I need more," she repeated, with a pained expression.

"I'm sorry dear. I... I don't have what men have," said Joanna reluctantly. "Maybe we should call in Robbie to finish you off-"

"No!" She said strongly. "I want you to do it, Mom!"

Joanna grimaced. Her rider inflated on her back and she cocked her head. "There... there may be a way."

Julie was in the shower, her palms pressed against the wall, with her sticking ass out. Her mother was strapping a dildo around her waist.

"Where did you get that from, Mom?" she asked.

"It was a joke, from your father, on my 30th birthday," said Joanna, as she tightened the strap.

"You didn't like the joke."


"And yet you kept it all these years."

"Yes, I did," said Joanna. She took a deep breath. "Spread your legs, dear." She watched as Julie spread her glorious ass. "You'll have to have some patience with me. I'm new at this."

"I am too Mom!" Julie grinned, which made her feel better.

Joanna aimed the dildo between Julie's ass cheeks. She fumbled as she tried to insert it.

"Careful, Mom, not there!" said Julie. She reached behind her and helped her mother aim it. "That's it... that's the way... ahhhh....." The dildo slowly slid into her young cunt.

And then Joanna found herself thrusting inside her daughter!

Joanna never thought she would be inserting a dildo inside her daughter's vagina. But it seemed to come naturally. As Joanna's rider pulsated on her back she realized:

1) The needs of the Hive were paramount.

2) The Hive demanded that Julie's rider mature.

3) Julie's rider needed to mature to save her life from the coming plague

4) Julie was in love with her, and desperately wanted her mother to make her rider mature.

In light of that, taking her daughter with a strapon made sense. Perfect sense!

Julie groaned with pleasure as her rider started to bubble up once more on her back. She looked so sexy, with her wet ass cheeks clenching like mad while her rider expanded on her back. Julie was the perfect slave for the Hive. Joanna was so proud to turn this young, sexy body over to her masters.

"It's happening, Mom. Keep doing it!" Julie cried.

Joanne thrust harder, her hands grasping Julie's waist. What would Daniel say if he could see them now? She tried not to think about it. Her young one's body was buckling and she was moaning. Joanne wondered what it would be like to take her like a man, like Robbie.

As the rider bubbled up on Julie's back, Joanne said, "You have a really nice ass, Honey." The way her pert round globes were sticking out was so sexy!

"Thanks Mom! I like your too!" Julie grinned, her head turned sideways as her arms were splayed out in front of her.

Joanne continued to thrust into her little one's cunt. "This is what men will be doing to you soon enough, Honey." She grunted as she impaled Julie again, moving in and out, in and out. "They'll be fucking you, using your body. At the same time you'll be saving lives, saving many lives!"

"I want that!" Julie cried, even as her mother continued to use her almost-virgin pussy from behind. "I want to be used to save lives!"

"You will, dear, you will!" said Joanne, as her rider inflated on her back. "You want to be enslaved!"

"Yes! I want to be enslaved!" Julie cried, as her rider bubbled up furiously.

"You want your rider to control your mind!" Joanne cried.

"Yes! I want my rider to control my mind!" Julie cried. She was in sexual ecstasy, her cunt and clit massively stimulated as her rider jetted up with big, fleshy bubbles on her back.

"You want to be used, controlled, and fucked, all to serve the Community!"

"Yes!" Julie gasped, as she rubbed her intensely stimulated cuntlips while the rod moved in and out of her. "I want to be fucked in every way imaginable!" Her body started to shake. "Oh Mom! Oh Mom, I think... I think.... Ah.. ah... ahhhhh! Mommie! Mommie, I'm coming!" Julie's body shuddered with a tremendous climax. On her back, her rider's bones had solidified, and the golden band around the edges were now super bright and shiny.

Julie's rider had matured!

Julie gasped for breath as if she had just run a marathon. "Mom, we did it!" she cried.

Joanne pulled out of her daughter's darling cunt. Julie turned around and kissed her mother hard, grinding their bodies together. The feeling of Julie's young, appreciative body rubbing against Joanna's was exciting, to say the least.

"You did it!" Julie said again, staring at her Mother with open lust. "You are so sexy, Mom!"

"I... thank you, darling." Even with a doublebanded rider on her back, Joanna found she was still capable of blushing. She slowly unstrapped the dildo. "There's just one more thing."

"What is it, Mom?"

"Helping you has... stirred up certain... feelings in me," she said. "I was wondering...."

"Wondering what, Mom?"

"If you'd help me out." She looked her daughter in the eye and handed her the dildo and the strap.

Julie grinned as she accepted them. "Say no more, Mother."

Daniel found them sitting on the sofa several hours later, both wearing long white fluffy bathrobes, sharing a large bowl of popcorn with their arms around each other as they watched a holo.

"What do I see here?" he asked

"Hey Dad!" said Julie, sounding very relaxed and pleased with herself.

"Julie's rider just matured," said Joanna, also sounding very relaxed and pleased.

"It did?" Daniel said.

"Yes. Robbie really worked her over good," Joanna said.

"And what are you doing now?" Daniel gave them an odd look. Something wasn't quite right here. He had no idea his wife had just been fucking their daughter in the shower with a dildo. All he knew is that they were looking very happy with each other.

"We're relaxing. Taking a break," Joanna explained.

Julie jumped up and kissed her father on the cheek. "You see, Daddy? My rider matured. I didn't turn into a monster or a zombie, did I?"

"Not yet," he said warily. "What happens next?"

"Tomorrow morning I'll take her to the Hive."

"The Hive?"

"That's what we call the Health and Wellness Center," said Joanna. "Would you like to come, dear? It could be very educational?"

"No thanks," said Daniel. He gave them a wary look even as Julie threw him a kiss. After he left the room. Julie snuggled up against her mother and said, "Mom, my vagina feels so relaxed! So at ease!"

"Mine too," Joanna whispered, sharing a secret smile.​
Next page: Chapter 10.1
Previous page: Chapter 09.1