Chapter 10.1
Julie felt the first wave of nervousness when she was asked to take off her clothing. Joanna had taken her to the wing of the North Building where the Hive now resided. Julie's rider has prepared her for the concept of becoming a Livesaver, someone who would have sex with people to persuade them to take riders to save their lives. But she wasn't yet comfortable with the concept of public nudity, and felt very insecure about showing her breasts and pubis to others.
Her mother saw her hesitation. "There's nothing to be afraid of, dear." She smiled warmly as she removed her breast control collar in the alcove changing room. She saw Julie's face light up as she saw her mother's heavy breasts she enjoyed so much. When her pants and panties were down, she saw her daughter's eyes hungrily devouring her cunt. "Come on, dear, I'll help."
And so Julie lifted her arms as her mother pulled off her shirt. "So beautiful," Joanna purred.
Julie blushed. Her breast control collar came next. As Julie's budding breasts came free, Joanna said, "So sexy!"
"Mom!" Julie blushed even more furiously.
Her skirt came next. And then her mother put her hands on her daughter's panties.
"Mom, are you sure about this?" She stared up at her with big blue eyes.
"I am," Joanna assured her. Julie must be processed by the Hive Mind. Joanna pushed her daughter's panties down. Now they were both nude. Julie gave her another look of vulnerability. Joanna leaned forward and did the natural thing. Mother and daughter kissed for a long moment.
"Are you ready, dear?"
Julie nodded. "Yes Mom."
Mother and daughter walked completely nude, hand in hand, deeper into the Hive. Julie felt the air getting thick and stale and hot and humid. She started to hear the "momomomomomom" sound getting louder and louder as they got closer to the Hive Mind. The dim corridors were lit by an eerie green light. Everything in Julie's common sense told her to GET OUT OF THERE. But her mother held her hand firmly, and Julie's mature rider spurred her to go on.
They passed by rooms, rooms of men making love to women and women making love to men. They also saw things Julie couldn't even begin to describe, experiments on people, and people with INSECT HEADS who were fucking other people. Julie's mouth dropped open as she saw a man with an insect head fucking a blonde woman, pounding between her legs as she lay passively on an examining table.
"Mom, what is that?" she pointed at the creature fucking the poor girl.
"There are many forms of Hivelife, dear. Come."
She took Julie to a green lit room full of pregnant women. But these pregnant women had giant green bellies.
"Mom, what are they pregnant with?" Julie asked.
"Hivelife, dear," said Joanna.
"They have alien creatures in their bodies?" said Julie, clearly horrified.
"It's all part of the cycle of life," said Joanna.
Julie saw the alien light in her mother's eyes, and the giant double banded rider on her back. She was starting to have misgivings about joining the Hive. Will I become like that? she wondered.
There was a middle aged blonde woman gasping in the corner, her legs widely spread, as she was in the midst of delivering a baby. Julie recognized her. "Mom, is that Colony Leader Barrington?"
"Indeed it is, dear," said Joanna. "Let's take a closer look."
They walked over to see Susannah's husband Doug and daughter Lauren holding her hands and supporting her as she gave birth to Hivelife.
"Come on Mom, come on, you can do it!" Lauren shouted encouragingly.
"Grrrr!" Susannah cried as she bore down. A fleshy, pulpy green pod started to appear between her cuntlips.
"Squeeze, darling, squeeze!" Doug cried.
"Arrrrrgggg!" Susannah cried. Julie could see the slimy pod slowly worming its way out of the Colony Leader's tightly stretched cuntlips. It slowly oozed out like it was covered in slime. The family cheered hysterically as it landed between her legs.
"Mom... what is going on here?" Julie said.
"It's Hivelife, dear. The finest kind," said Joanna. "You wait here while I see if the Hive Mind is ready for you."
"Don't go, Mom!" Julie cried.
Joanna patted her head. "Everything will be all right." She kissed her daughter quickly on the lips, and was gone.
A young black woman about Julie's age came up to her. "You just got banded?"
"Uh huh," said Joanna.
"Me too," she said. Her name was Kendra Mills, and her father had brought her into the Hive and helped her rider mature. She was here to be evaluated by the Hive Mind, just like Julie. "We're going to meet the Hive Mind."
"What is it?" Julie asked.
"I don't know," said Kendra. "But my master says that it's their master. We're going to be evaluated."
"What does that mean?"
"The Hive Mind will decide what use to put us to," said Kendra. "They can use us for sex... or propagation... or reproduction, or... or...."
"Or what, Kendra?"
"They could eat us," Kendra whispered.
"No!" said Julie.
"Yes!" said Kendra. "Riders exist on protein. Riders without hosts need it."
"They... they could kill us!" Julie cried.
"Yes!" said Kendra.
"I'm scared, Kendra!" said Julie, grabbing the black girl tightly.
"I'm scared too!" Kendra cried.
The two naked girls did what came naturally to them. They turned around and pressed their riders together. All fear left them as their minds were transported to an alien world where they encountered their naked bodies and Hive inspired feelings of intense love.
Nils was chatting with a brown haired woman Joanne didn't know while an extremely attractive blonde with big breasts who Joanna recognized as Nikki Clarke from Accounting sucked on his cock.
"Yes, tell them we're going to need a dozen new bodies to tend the Hive Mind," he said.
"We're running out of staff," said the brown haired woman. "We're going through slaves quicker than I'd like."
"Our likes are irrelevant," said Nils. "See that it is done."
"Yes, Nils."
As the brown haired woman left Nils saw her. "Joanna!" he said with a big smile. He pushed Nikki's face away and his wet, erect penis came out with a pop.
Jo flew into his arms and they kissed.
"I hear you've been busy," he murmured, looking down at her breasts.
"Yes," Joanna smiled. "I brought a gift for you."
"A gift?" He smiled, even as his erection pressed against her. "I like gifts."
"It's my daughter, Julie," said Jo.
"Excellent!" said Nils. "Take me to her!"
They returned to the birthing room where they found Julie and Kendra facing away from each other, rocking back and forth on their heels. Julie had a blank look on her face but her nipples were erect.
Nils eyed the sexy young 18 year old, her pretty face, her firm tits, her slender body. "You have done well, Jo." He kissed her approvingly.
"Thank you. I have brought her to see the Hive Mind," said Joanna.
"Very good," Nils said, eyeing Julie's young body greedily.
"She's going to get her assignment. I was hoping-"
"Hoping for what, Jo?"
"That... she wouldn't be consumed," said Joanna.
Nils gave her a stern look. "I am very much a slave just as you are, Joanna Harris. A more highly placed slave, perhaps, but a slave nonetheless." He held up his Hiveflesh encrusted penis, the tip of which had his green glowing Slave Mark.
Joanna gripped his arm. "Oh please, Nils! Don't let my little girl be consumed!"
"It is not for you to decide, Joanna!" He smiled as he saw her cringe. "However. However, she is the sexiest young thing I have ever seen. I cannot imagine the Hive Mind using her for consumption. Bring her now. You have nothing to fear."
Joanna nodded. She shook Julie's shoulder.
"Wha... what, Mom?" From her perspective, her mother had just appeared right in front of her.
"It's time to see the Hive Mind, dear,"
"All right," said Julie. She glanced at Nils.
"Oh, where are my manners? Julie, this is my... this is Nils. He trained me, when I first joined the Hive."
Julie's eyes widened at she stared at the tall blonde man. "You... and my Mom?"
Nils smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Julie."
Julie shivered as cool eyes looked her over from head to toe.
"You have a very sexy body, Julie," said Nils. "I especially like your breasts and your vagina."
Julie's eyebrows shot up. No one had ever said that to her before. "I... thank you. But my Mom... she has bigger breasts... and a hairier down below than me," she stammered.
"There is more to being sexy than having big breasts and a 'hairier down below'," said Nils, looking extremely amused. "You have a very slender body, a pretty face, and small but firm breasts. There are women who would kill for such a body. You know you're very sexy, don't you?" His face was inches from hers.
Julie stammered, suddenly feeling very aroused. "I... yes." She looked away.
"How many sex partners has she had since she was taken?" Nils asked Joanna, as if Julie was no longer in the room.
"One," said Joanna promptly. "Well... maybe one and a half."
Nils grinned. "I look forward to hearing about the half!" He turned to Julie again. "Julie, are you ready to give your body to the Hive, to do whatever it asks of you?"
Julie glanced at her mother who looked as anxious as she was. "I... yes."
"Then come. The Hive Mind awaits."
Nils led Julie and her mother into the presence of the Hive Mind. Julie gasped as she saw the forty foot tall black ball. Its skin was shiny and glistening with alien oil. Slaves were clustered around the base of it busy humping and fucking it. And near the top were two enormous dark eyes. When they stared at Julie's naked body she froze in her tracks.
"Mother!" she whispered.
"It's all right, dear," said Joanna. "We have to go forward."
"I don't want to!" Julie said. She felt a terrible, terrible foreboding about the Hive Mind, one she couldn't explain not even to herself. Even as her rider pumped her full of love and affection for their master, Julie's gut instinct was that the creature was constructed of intense malice and hostility for mankind.
"We have to dear. It's all right. Trust me," her mother said.
The combination of her mother's eerie smile and her pulsating double banded rider made Julie shudder. But she let herself be led before those giant eyes, almost to the base of it where people were fucking it like mad, somehow.
As Julie stood there, completely naked like her mother, showing this alien creature her breasts and body and vagina, she realized how truly helpless she was. The Hive Mind could do anything it liked to her and her Mom... anything at all.
The Hive Mind's eyes fixed on her, making her stiffen. Julie tried to run but couldn't. Then a tentacle shot out of the oily black skin, in between a dark haired man and a voluptuous blonde woman who were busy fucking it. Julie gasped as the tentacle wormed between her legs, seeking access to her cunt. "No," she whispered as she tried to resist, but her cunt was not made to resist such an intrusion. She gasped as she was penetrated, as the tentacle moved deep inside of her.
"Relax, Honey," said Joanna, watching the tentacle wiggle into her cunthole.
"Yes, Honey, relax," said Nils, with a mocking grin on his face.
Julie gasped as she felt the tentacle pumping in and out of her, like a penis. "What is it doing?"
"Evaluating you, dear," said Joanna, trying to keep the panic out of her voice.
Suddenly a bright light shot out, making Julie's eyes go wide.
"Momomomomomom!" she said, as her rider pulsated rapidly on her back.
Joanna watches as the Hive Mind used her daughter sexually for its own purposes. She was helpless to interfere.
"Mahmoomisham! Mahmommisham! Momomomomomomom!" Julie said. Her body writhed as if in the throes of an intense orgasm.
And then the bright light faded and the tentacle pulled back.
"Mom!" Julie cried.
"It's all right, baby. Everything is all right now," said Joanna.
Joanna Harris. They both heard in their heads. You have done well. The one called Julie Harris has an excellent body, one which will serve the Hive well.
"I, I am pleased to have served you, Master," said Joanna.
You have given up your daughter to the Hive but have yet to give your son and husband.
The Hive Mind knew about Ben and Daniel! "It, it is only a matter of time, Great One," Joanna stammered.
See that it is sooner rather than later. Then the Hive Mind's giant eyes turned to Julie. Young one, your sexuality will be turned to be used for our purposes. You are being given a distinct honor, to be be bred by the Hive. However, until all the remaining colonists are taken, you will assist us with propagation. Nils, see that she is marked and tagged and take her to the Rewards Chamber.
"Yes, Great One," said Nils, his head bowed. He stood before Julie and smiled. "You did well."
"Thank you," said Julie. She watched Nils get down to his knees and hold up a green cone as he gently spread her legs. "What are you doing?"
"It's time for you to get your Slave Mark, dear," said Joanna. "I'm so proud of this moment."
"Will it hurt?" she asked, as she felt Nils' fingers on her pubis. And then she screamed as the cone burned into her flesh!
But the pain was fading even as he pulled the cone away. Julie wiped the tears from her eyes and looked downwards. There was a glowing mark above her vaginal folds now, a green glowing upside down U with a dot in it.
"It's different from yours, Mom," she said, looking at the inverted V with the dots under it which was burned above her mother's vagina.
"That is because your Hive roles are different," said Nils. "Your mother is a propagator, Julie. And a very good one. Her role is to bring people into the Hive. Although you will serve the same role for a time, the Hive Mind has determined that your ultimate purpose is to used for breeding."
"Breeding?" Julie's eyebrows shot up. "Breeding what?"
"Hivelife, dear. The finest kind," said Joanna.
"You mean... like the women in the room with the giant green bellies? Like Susannah Barrington who gave birth to a green pod?" Julie shook her head. "No. No no no."
"Don't worry, sweet Julie," said Nils. His hand graced her cheek. "Soon you'll want to. Soon you'll need to." He smiled disarmingly at her. "There is one more thing I must do. I must pierce your labia and give you your vulva chain."
"Pierce my labia? No!" Julie cried. "Mom!"
"It has to be done, dear," said Joanna. "Be reasonable. Didn't you tell me that my vulva chain was sexy?"
Julie looked between her mother's legs to see the green rock hanging from her furry pussy. "Yes."
"And look, even Nils has one too." Sure enough, Julie saw a rock suspended by a small chain hanging from the bottom of Nils' scrotum. "We all have one, dear. And now it's time for you to have one too."
"But it will hurt!"
"No it won't," said Nils. "You won't feel a thing." He looked into the scared girl's eyes. "Momomomomomom!"
Julie's body stiffened and her eyes went wide. "Momomomomomom!"
As Nils knelt between her legs once more, Joanna looked at her daughter, standing there erect, her buttocks clenched, her breasts and pubis exposed and ready to serve the Hive. At that moment her daughter never looked more beautiful to her.
Julie gasped ever so slightly as the piercer sliced a hole through her labia. Then Nils inserted the chain and it was done.
As Julie slowly returned to awareness she felt tremendous pain. But her rider quickly filtered it out. As she looked down she saw the chain and the green rock hanging from her labia, one just like her mother.
She had been tagged by the Hive.
"Congratulations, Darling!" Joanna gave the startled girl a quick hug.
The Rewards Room was filled with young naked women like them, as well as a handful of men, standing around, seemingly waiting for something to happen.
"Rewards?" said Julie. "What kind of reward am I getting here, Mother?"
"There's been a misunderstanding," said Nils. "You aren't being rewarded, Julie. You are the reward."
"Wha... what?"
"Your body, Julie," said Nils. "For the remainder of the day, you and your Mother will pleasure fellow slaves who the Hive has decided have earned a reward."
"You mean... like a whore?" said Julie.
"Not at all," said Nils. "Like a slave. You were trained to accept the dominion of the Hive during your training, did you not?"
"Well, yes."
Nils walked around her in circles. "You did agree to give your body to the Hive, did you not?"
"Yes," Julie admitted.
"And you agreed to be enslaved by the Hive, didn't you? Didn't you, Julie?"
Julie gasped. She had said all these things, at the height of sexual pleasure. But saying them while being on the edge of orgasm and understanding what it meant in a dark alien environment were two different things. "Yes," she admitted. "But-"
"But what?" said Nils. Joanna tried to quiet her but Nils in turn quieted her, silencing Joanna with a curt hand gesture. "But what, Julie?"
Joanna shot Julie a warning look.
"I...." Julie bit her lip. "I thought I was going to give my body to persuade people to take the rider inoculation. I thought I was going to be saving lives. I thought I was going to be doing something noble."
"You are going to be doing something noble," said Nils. "You are going to be rewarding other slaves who have served the Hive well. Many of them have served as propagators like your mother, bringing people into the Hive and saving lives. Your role is merely secondary to that." He stared at the naked girl with a scary intensity. "Do you understand, Julie?"
"Y-yes," said Julie. "I understand."
"Good," said Nils. "The next group should be here in a few minutes. I'll see what's keeping them."
As he left Julie immediately turned on her mother. "Mom! I didn't know it was going to be like this! That Hive Mind is scary! And I don't want to be used just for random sex by strangers! Let's get out of here!"
"It's too late for that, Julie," said Joanna. "You're marked by the Hive now. It will never let you go."
Julie looked down and saw the glowing upside down U with the dot in it above her cuntlips, marking her as a slave to be fucked and impregnated. She saw the green rock dangling from her vulva, suspended by the little chain, which would allow the Hive to track her wherever she went. And on her back she felt her master's tendrils in her body and her mind. Now that it was banded and stronger it couldn't be resisted.
She nodded. "I... I understand."
Joanna caressed her face. "It won't be so bad, dear. In time you'll come to like it, you'll see."
"Like being impregnated with a big green belly? I doubt it," said Julie.
"Being impregnated with Hivelife is the highest honor a female can aspire to," said Joanna, in a very creepy voice as her eyes shone with an alien light.
Nils returned with a group of mostly young men, also naked. The women in the Rewards Room immediately arched their legs and smiled solicitously, attracting a few of the men, but the bulk of them zeroed in on Julie, who by far was the youngest and the prettiest in the room.
"Hello hello, who do we have here?" said a red haired man with a hairy chin.
"My name is Julie," said Julie shyly, as she felt the men's eyes eating up her body.
"Nice tits!" said one. "Sexy cunt!" said another, making Julie feel distinctly uncomfortable.
"You're very pretty, Julie," said the red haired man. His eyes flickered to Joanna. "Hey, don't I know you? Hey, guys, it's Mrs. Harris! She taught Social Studies in grade school, didn't you?"
"That was a long time ago," said Joanna. "Hello, Chad."
"Hello there, Mrs. Harris," said Chad.
"You boys have obviously grown up," said Joanna.
"Yeah," said Chad. "But even in the 8th grade I had a crush on you. All the guys did!"
"They did?" said Joanna.
"Yeah," said Chad. He looked at her heavy tits. "And now I see why." He looked from Joanna to Julie. "Was this one of your students?"
"No, this is my daughter, Julie," said Joanna.
"Daughter? Wow! You make sexy girls, Mrs. Harris!" said Chad.
"Thank you, Chad," said Joanna.
"Your name is Julie, huh?" said Chad, running a hand along her arm.
"Yes," said Julie.
"Nice and shy, I see. Well, we'll soon fix that." He pulled her by the arm.
"Hey, I want her!" said another boy. "No, I want her!" said another.
"Boys!" said Nils. "If it's Julie you want, it's Julie you'll have. But you'll have to wait your turn like proper gentleman. Julie, you will begin with Chad."
"I... understand," said Julie. She let herself be led to the spongy ground which had been covered with some kind of organic material. Chad started to hug and kiss her. He quickly became erect. And then Joanne watched as Chad slowly inserted his penis between her daughter's vaginal lips. Julie gasped as Chad moved inside of her.
Joanna watched with a blank expression as her former student used her daughter sexually. Her most recent job had been to bring her daughter into the Hive and that job was now complete. She was no longer required to feel any particular way about it.
"How are you doing, Julie?" Nils asked, as he put an arm on her blank faced mother.
"Fine, I guess," Julie said, her body jolting slightly with every one of Chad's thrusts.
"This is an important first lesson for you," said Nils. "Some assignments in the Hive can be pleasurable, and they will be pleasurable. But some may not. As a slave, you do not get to pick and choose. Your purpose is to only do what you are assigned."
"I, understand," Julie said hesitantly as she felt Chad's penis thrusting within her.
"And you, Chad, how are you enjoying the Hive's latest acquisition?" Nils asked.
"She has a nice tight body!" said Chad. "But it would be nice if she showed a little more, interest, you know?"
"I know," said Nils. "Julie?"
Julie's rider flooded her with sexual arousal. Her clitoris grew stiff and sensitive. Now every movement of Chad's penis aroused her. She grabbed him with her arms and wrapped her legs around him. "Oh!" She cried. "You feel so good inside me! You... what was your name?"
"Chad," Chad grinned, as he rodded her.
"Yeah, keep doing what you're doing, babe!" Julie had a wide smile on her face and looked pleased with herself now.
"Another satisfied customer," Nils said, looking pleased.
Joanna looked at the four young men standing a few feet away. "Are all of them waiting to have sex with my daughter?"
"Yes," said Nils. "I told you her body would be in great demand. She'll serve the Hive in many delightful ways."
The last man in line got an annoyed look and stepped forward. "There are four people ahead of me. I don't want to wait."
"Then you'll have to choose someone else," said Nils.
"I will." He turned to Joanna. "Hello, Mrs. Harris."
His name was Willis. He was a handsome black man who had also been in Joanna's eighth grade class years earlier, back when she had been a teacher. As he moved his black shaft inside of Joanna's pierced pussy lips, he smiled broadly at her.
"It's nice to see you again, Mrs. Harris," Willis said, as he rodded her.
"Nice to see you too, Willis! My, what a handsome young man you've become!" she said.
"Thanks, Mrs. H." He smiled at her. "I had a crush on you. I always sat in the front row, so I could see the shape of your breasts up close. I was so fascinated with them." He looked down at them. "Still am."
"Why thank you dear!" said Joanna.
Willis watched his black penis being grabbed tightly by Joanna's pussy lips. "So sexy... so fuckable... so tight inside... I never thought I'd have you like this, Mrs. H!"
Joanna smiled good naturedly. "Willis, when you're having vaginal sex with your former teacher, you have permission to call her Joanna."
"Thank you, Joanna!" He gritted his teeth as he rubbed the head of his penis against her Hiveflesh coated inner walls. The electrochemical stimulation was incredible. "Thank you for everything!"
Joanna turned her head. "How are you doing, Honey?"
"Fine, Mom, I guess," said Julie.
Suddenly Chad groaned and lay still on top of her. When he pulled out, a line of sperm momentarily connected them. "Thanks, Julie. You were hot!"
But even as he turned and left without so much as saying goodbye, a new man replaced him. "My name is Ron," he said, as he started rubbing and kissing her.
"Hey," said Julie. "I just got finished with Chad a few seconds ago, and I'm already on my next customer?"
"That's right," said Nils, as Ron squeezed and kissed her breasts. "In fact if you look behind you you will see two more young men waiting patiently for their turn, which should flatter you immensely. You have a very sexy body which will serve the Hive in many fabulous ways I am sure."
"Thanks, I guess," said Julie. She gasped as Ron entered her. Julie turned her head and gave her mother a helpless look. But her mother, still being taken by Willis, simply smiled knowingly.
"How was your first day?" Daniel asked at dinner.
Sore, Julie wanted to say. After Ron were three other men and then there were three other men after that. By the time they were done her pussy felt sore and bloated. The place where her labia had been pierced was also starting to ache. "It was fine, Dad."
"You really should have come with us, dear," said Joanna. "You would have been so proud of our little girl."
"Of that I have no doubt," said Daniel, giving a sad look. He was powerless to help Julie now, just as he had been powerless to help Joanna. All he could do now was to watch. Both of the women in his life were under the control of the Hive now.
"And what do you have planned for tomorrow?" Daniel asked.
"Julie and I both have clients to attend to."
Clients. Daniel winced.
"I have good news for you, dear."
"Good news? How can there be any good news from any of this?" said Daniel.
"Well, I have been told that there are only 73 adult colonists left who have so far refused to accept the rider inoculation, 59 men and 14 women."
"I wonder why the disparity," said Daniel.
Joanna smiled. "Women are wise enough to accept the word of the authorities when their lives are endangered."
"Well, that explains it," said Daniel.
"Anyway, there are only 73 left to persuade out of a colony of 2000, or 59 men left to persuade, to be precise. It won't be long before Julie and I and the other lifesavers manage to persuade the last remaining holdouts to take a rider."
"Don't be too sure of that," said Daniel.
"Oh, Husband, of that I'm very sure." She gave him a confident grin.
"And what happens after these 59 men take or are given riders? 59, I mean, minus two in this household?" Daniel asks. "Will you then remove these creatures on your back and resume your normal lives?"
Joanna blinked rapidly as her rider pulsated. Then she said, "Of course, Honey. Once the plague has come and gone there will no longer be any need for them. We'll all be able to remove our riders." She ignored the alarmed look from her daughter.
"I look forward to that day," said Daniel.