Chapter 10.2
"Mom, why did you lie to Dad?"
"Lie about what, dear?" Joanna said, as she combed her thick dark hair. It had become silkier and shinier since she had taken a rider.
"About taking off our riders when all this is done. You know that the Hive will never let us remove our riders."
Joanna turned to face her daughter. "That's right dear. We are slaves. We will always be slaves. But I'd rather my husband be a slave to the Hive than dead from the coming plague, wouldn't you?" She resumed combing her hair as she stared at Julie. "Isn't that right, Honey?"
Julie was considerably chipper the following evening. When she came home, wearing high heels and a low cut dress and short skirt, she hugged her mother hysterically. "Mom, I did it I did it I did it!" she cried.
"Congratulations, dear!" said Joanna. She hugged her young one and then, to the surprise of Ben and Daniel, kissed her on the lips.
"What did you do?" Ben asked.
"Don't ask," said Daniel.
"Do ask!" said Julie proudly. "I saved my first life today, Daddy!"
"You mean you had sex with a stranger," said Daniel.
"Not a stranger anymore," Julie grinned. "His name is Bill Boggs and he works in Technical. He's already turned down three Lifesavers before me, including Jessica Hilton, Marge Vrees, and Becky Stinson. You know Becky from Processing, don't you Mom?"
"You mean Becky, big blonde Becky, with the-" Joanna pantomimed large breasts with her hands.
"The very one!" said Julie. "But after refusing all of them, Bill agreed to take a rider with me!"
It hadn't been all her own effort. Her rider had released a musky, sensual odor which had helped. Bill Boggs, who had been deadset against taking a rider, found he couldn't resist the charms of the sexy 18 year old girl, who was able to muddle his thinking the way the previous charmers couldn't. Before he knew it, he was on his back and Julie was moving up and down on top of his penis in a conference room. Julie had been nervous as this was her first reproduction. But she did what came naturally to her, using Bill's own arousal against him, using the feeling of the head of his penis rubbing against her insides to stimulate her rider into reproduction. When her rider split on her back for the first time it was such an amazing experience. It was like living inside of a rainbow. When Julie came off her high, Bill had already joined the Hive.
"I'm so proud of you, dear," said Joanna.
"That makes one of us," said Daniel.
"Oh, Daddy!" She reached out and hugged him from behind. He didn't respond.
"So you like being part of the Hive now, don't you Julie?" Joanna asked.
"Yes, Mom!" The horrors of the previous day, the scary Hive Mind, the experience in the Rewards Room, all were fleeting memories. Julie was convinced she was doing good now, saving lives. From time to time she thought about her future, her fate, to be impregnated and to become large and bloated and green; but when thoughts like these came to her, they were quickly washed away by her attentive master.
Julie brought three more men into the Hive over the course of the week. Most of these were resistors who had refused previous attempts at seduction. Nils had been correct when he said that Joanna's young, sexy daughter would be a great asset to the Hive, in many ways.
Then when Friday rolled around Daniel came home to an amazing sight. Alfredo Gonzalez, the disheveled maintenance man for their building, emerged from his daughter's bedroom, followed by Julie herself. Alfredo was tucking his work stained shirt into his pants, and Julie was self-consciously adjusting her skirt and patting down their hair. What they had been doing was as obvious as the expressions on their faces.
"Hello, Mr. Harris," said Alfredo, suddenly embarrassed.
Daniel's jaw dropped open.
"Well, uh, thank you very much, Julie," said Alfredo, looking very awkward.
"The, the pleasure was mine, Alfredo," she said. She felt butterflies in her stomach as she watched Alfredo walk past her father to the door. When the door slammed shut it sounded like a gunshot.
Her father's eyes were full of rage. "Julie, what did I just see?"
"You just saw your little girl save someone's life," said Joanna firmly, as she came through the door. She felt the big, thick knuckles of her rider pressing into her back, hard.
"No, that's not what I saw," he said. He turned to her. "Julie, I can't stop you from doing what you're doing. But this is my home. You are not to bring your... activities into my home. Do you understand me?"
"Dad, I'm so sorry," said Julie. "It's just... Alfredo worked in our building. Once I persuaded him to take a rider, it seemed like an easier and simpler thing to do the deed in my bedroom, you know?"
"No more, Julie! Never again!" said Daniel.
"I understand, Dad." She had never seen him look so angry.
"Go to your father," Joanna urged her after dinner.
"I can't! He hates me!" said Julie.
Joanna rubbed her shoulders vigorously. "He could never do that. No one could."
"What if he yells at me again?" she said nervously.
"He won't," said Joanna. She saw the uncertainty on her daughter's face. "What does your master want?"
Julie cocked her head as her rider pulsated on her back. "It wants me to have good relations with Dad. It wants me to make up with him. I... I should do it," she concluded.
Julie went into the study where her father was reading a Pad.
"Daddy?" she said, in a tiny voice.
Daniel turned to face her.
"Daddy, I'm so sorry I upset you," she said. When he didn't speak, she continued. "I'm only doing what I'm doing to save lives." She took a step closer, than another, than another. She reached out and ran a finger along his back. Dad would look so good with a rider just about there! she thought.
"You're not saving lives. You're just selling yourself for no good purpose," said Daniel.
"That's what you think," she said, putting an arm around him. "I think I'm saving lives. We can argue until our faces turn blue but we're never going to convince each other, right?" She paused. Words appeared in her head. She said them. "You always told me that you would be proud of me regardless of what I did. Is that true, Daddy?"
"I'm not proud of what you're doing now," said Daniel.
"But... it's only for a short time... another week... maybe two...." she looked longingly at him. "Then it will all be over. Then things will be back the way they were."
"Will they really? Will you promise me to take off your rider?" He stared at her intently.
"After the plague passes? Of course, Daddy!" she said, repeating Joanna's lie. "Can you... tolerate me until then?" Her face was close to his. She felt the sudden urge to kiss him. Is that me, or is that my rider?
Daniel looked at his darling daughter. "I can't approve of what you're doing. But I will always love you, Honey."
"Oh Dad!" She hugged him tightly. As she did, her fingers absentmindedly made slow circles around the area between his shoulder blades.
"Mom, I have a problem," said Julie, the following morning. She hadn't been required to seduce anyone today. She was being given a day of rest for what was to come tomorrow.
"What is it, dear?" Joanna asked.
"The Hive has given me a new assignment, and I'm not sure I can do it."
"Of course you can, Honey," said Joanna, staring at her Pad. "By now you should be used to using your sweet body to serve the Hive. You can seduce any man you want."
"That's just it. The Hive doesn't want me to seduce a man."
Joanna put down her Pad. "You mean-"
"A girl," said Julie. "Mollie Garrett. She's in my class at Colonial College."
"Why, dear?" Joanna asked. "Surely there are male lifesavers who could-"
"They've all failed," said Julie bluntly. "The Hive thinks she's either frigid, or-"
"Attracted to girls," said Joanna. "But why you?"
"I... I think... I think the Hive knows about us, Mom. About... the things we did," said Julie, giving her a shy look. "When the Hive Mind probed me, it must have sensed that. It thinks because you... you liked being with me that maybe... maybe Mollie will too."
"Oh my darling!" Joanna gave her a big hug. "You have an enormous challenge ahead of you!"
"I know," said Julie. "But I don't know if I can do it."
"Of course you can!" said Joanna. "The Hive demands it!"
"I mean yes, I can try to seduce her," said Julie. "But I don't know if I can get into a state of mind to... to give my master the energy I need to reproduce."
"Oh. I see," said Joanna.
"What if I can't?" said Julie. "The Hive will be displeased."
Joanna bit her lip. It was obvious that Julie needed a shot of confidence. "It's tomorrow night, you said?"
"Then why don't we do a test run right now?" Joanna asked. Daniel had just left for work, and Ben had gone off to school. They wouldn't be interrupted.
"A test run?" Julie asked.
"To see if a woman can get you aroused enough to make a new master."
"Any woman in particular Mom?"
Julie took a deep breath as her mother took off her shirt. Her breast control collar came next. Julie's eyes went wide as she saw her mother's heavy breasts. She hastily scrambled to remove her own clothing. By the time she was undressed so was her mother.
Joanna widened her stance to show off her body. Julie felt a strong tingling inside as she saw her mother's dense, dark pubic bush which made her look so grownup, much more sexually developed than her. Joanna's big, thick cuntlips made her look so experienced, so womanly. And between her legs, just below her hairy cuntlips, dangled the alien green rock, the same green rock which now dangled below Julie's own cuntlips.
They were both tagged and marked as slaves of the Hive.
Joanna reached out to touch her daughter, and the touch of her hand was enough to make her gasp. She pressed her lips against her daughter and Julie responded lovingly, passionately. Soon they were kissing and rubbing and Joanna was snaking her fingers along Julie's clit.
"Mom! I feel my rider starting to bubble up! It's working!"
"Wonderful, dear!" said Joanna. "Of course, when you're with Mollie tomorrow, you can't expect her to rub you off like I am. She'll be frightened, and a little scared. You'll have to touch yourself, or perhaps hump her leg to get where you need to go."
"To get where I need to go," Julie grinned. "Mom, you're so funny!"
Mother and daughter laughed together as Joanna helped stimulate her loved one's clitoris. Julie felt her rider jetting up big, fleshy bubbles, an immediate precursor to splitting. "Oh Mom, oh Mom, you make me so hot!"
"You do too, Jules!"
"I do?" Julie was delighted.
"Yes!" Joanna confessed. "When the Hive Mind had you in its grasp... the way you were standing there, completely helpless before it... seeing your young, sexy body held firm... sexually stimulated... rocking back and forth like you were being taken, used, orgasmed.... it excited me! It shouldn't have, but it really did!"
Her words moved Julie like no fingers ever could. She felt her master starting to split on her back. True confession told, the lovers stared into each other's eyes. "I love you so much, Mom!" said Julie.
"I love you too, dear!"
They kissed strongly. As they did, Julie's rider split neatly into two.
Reproduction had occurred!
Julie felt an orgasmic wave sweep through her young body. "Mom, I did it, I did it!"
"And so you did!" Joanna reached behind her and gently took the baby rider in her hands. It was young and yellow and immature and ready and waiting to take over someone's mind. "Darling... it's beautiful!" She stared at her daughter with obvious lust and admiration and they kissed long, hard, and passionately.
"Wow," said Julie, wiping sweat off her brow. "That was incredible!" She looked at the rider. "What do we do with it, Mom? Save it for tomorrow?"
"You'll make another tomorrow for Mollie," said Joanna firmly. She went to the window and opened it. "We'll let nature take its course." They watched as the rider flew away into the crisp morning sky, in search of someone who needed it.
Daniel was totally clueless when the door buzzed that evening. He opened it and saw an unfamiliar young man. "Hello," he said.
"Hello," said the young man.
"Can I help you?"
"I'm here for the slumber party."
"Slumber party?"
Julie came to the door. "Eric!" She embraced him like they were lost friends. "Come in, come in!"
More boys and girls showed up. Joanna was also very welcoming until Daniel took her by the arm and pulled her aside. "Jo, a word?"
They went into the study. "What's going on here, Jo?"
"Julie is having a slumber party tonight."
"Here? In our living room? Why wasn't I informed?"
"We... we didn't want to bother you, dear."
"Don't lie to me, Jo!" said Daniel. "I saw the looks on those kids' faces. Some of them have it, and some of them don't, right?"
Joanna nodded.
"And by the end of tonight, they'll all have it, right?" said Daniel.
Joanna bit her lip and nodded. "Dear, their parents sent them here," She explained.
"You mean... these poor kids don't even know?" Daniel looked surprised.
"Daniel, the plague is almost upon us. Nearly everyone has a rider now. Their parents... they didn't want to watch their children die."
"So they sent three kids here to have riders put on them unwillingly."
"Not unwillingly, Daniel. They will all have a choice," said Joanna.
"I know all about your choices," said Daniel, remembering the musky smell Joanna and Melissa Gruber had used on him. "What did I say the last time this happened, when Julie boffed the maintenance man in her bedroom? What did I say, Jo?"
"That you didn't want to see it in our home," said Joanna.
"That's right, Jo! And yet it's happening again. Why, Jo, why?"
Joanna turned away for a moment. Her rider pulsated on her back furiously.
"Am I the master of this household, or are they?" he asked.
Joanna spun around to face him, a smile frozen on her lips. "You are, of course, my dear."
"Then why is this happening again right under my nose?"
Joanna took a deep breath. "It was all arranged right before... you got upset when you saw Julie with Alfredo. It was too late to change our... arrangements." She saw how unconvinced he was. "Listen, Daniel, almost everyone is in the Hive now. I promise you, I promise you, that you will never see this happen inside our household again. Believe me!"
He stared at her hard. "I don't Jo. I don't believe you anymore about anything."
It was immediately obvious who were the predators and who were the prey. Eric Lindsey and Alex Weaver had that alien light in their eyes and that frozen smile on their lips. Mollie Garrett, Shannon Tierny, and Michelle Nash had confused looks on their faces. Mollie for one didn't know why she was there. Her parents had practically ordered her to go to this slumber party but she barely knew Alex and Eric from school. Her parents said they wanted her to get out more, to socialize, but ever since her parents had taken riders they had acted strangely. They had seemed to put her in situations where young men tried to seduce her to take a rider. Despite her own mysterious arousal around her suitors, she had resisted their efforts.
And now she was smelling that same musky scent again, the same musky scent she had smelled last week when Sammy Klineborg tried to get into her pants and Donnie Birch before him. Mollie felt herself getting sexually aroused as Eric started to kiss Shannon and Alex started to fondle Michelle's breasts. It was with some relief that Mollie found herself paired with her host, Julie Harris. Julie was a very attractive girl with a kind looking face. But when Julie started to rub her hand against Mollie's thigh, she instinctively stiffened.
"You're a very beautiful girl, Mollie, you know that?" Julie said. Seducing another woman to have sex with her to stimulate her rider on her back would have been an alien notion mere days ago. But Julie's experiences with her mother had opened a door, a door to a room she was becoming increasingly comfortable with. She started to make a trail of hot kisses across Mollie's neck. Mollie groaned with pleasure as the musky smell made her sensitive to every touch of Julie's lips.
"You like that?" Julie whispered.
"What... what are they doing?" Mollie asked. By now Eric had Shannon's shirt off and Alex was working on Michelle's breast control collar. In moments they were both topless as Eric kissed Shannon tightly while Alex squeezed Michelle's enormous breasts, making the 18 year old groan with pleasure.
"What do you think they're doing?" Julie whispered. She kissed Mollie on the lips for the first time. This greatly stimulated her and Mollie pressed her lips back against Julie, devouring her hungrily. The musky odor had again opened a door for Mollie, but this time it was a door she seemed willing to step through.
Mollie didn't resist as Julie took off her shirt and breast control collar before taking off her own. As she did Mollie got wide eyed. "Your breasts... Julie, you're beautiful!"
Julie felt incredibly pleased. The Hive had been correct! Mollie was a lesbian!
Julie pressed her breasts against Mollie, making her gasp. Mollie kissed her furiously in response.
After that, there was no more resistance. Julie finished undressing both of them. Both Eric and Alex were busy pounding pussies by the time Julie started rubbing her naked body against Mollie's. The heavy smell of musk permeated the air. As Julie kissed Mollie she felt Mollie kissing her back. Julie smiled as Mollie hesitantly wrapped her arms around her.
"What's happening to me?" she said, in a little girl's voice.
"The most wonderful thing imaginable," Julie assured her. She shifted position slightly so that Mollie's left leg was between her own. Then she proceeded to hump her new friend. Julie felt her clitoris getting stimulated as she moved her crotch up and down, up and down. She could feel her rider getting hot on her back, the first sign of reproduction.
But after several minutes she could see she was getting nowhere. Julie felt her rider hot on her back, but it wasn't bubbling. She tried to rub harder.
"Ah!" Eric cried, stiffening as he filled Shannon's pussy with his cum. His rider split beautifully on his back, and started to crawl over his shoulder towards her.
Julie kissed Mollie more furiously, rubbing her breasts against hers.
"Oh!" Alex cried, his body stiffening as his own rider split into two.
"What's happening?" said Mollie. She looked at Julie's face. "What are we doing?" She looked over as a rider started to crawl down Alex's arm towards Michelle. She watched as a rider jumped from Alex's hand onto Shannon's back, and Shannon cried, "My mind, my mind, there's something invading my mind!"
Mollie's eyes widened in horror. "You're one of them!" She pushed Julie off her and grabbed her clothes.
"Mollie, no, wait!" Julie cried.
But Mollie ran out of the living room, clutching her clothes, not even stopping to dress herself. A moment later, the front door opened and slammed shut.
"I failed, Mom." Julie was crying in her mother's arms. Joanna pet her hair tenderly.
"No you didn't."
"Yes I did!" said Julie. "I couldn't make a rider for her! I couldn't get excited enough." She sniffled. "I guess I can't, I can't get excited enough to do it with another girl... unless the other girl is you." As she stared into Joanna's eyes neither of them could resist. They kissed, passionately.
As Joanna pulled back she said, "It will be all right, dear. Everyone fails once in a while."
"You don't!" said Julie accusingly.
"Don't I?" said Joanna.
"What man can resist you? Name him!" said Julie.
"You know his name. The only man in my life who truly matters. And I've failed with him countless times," said Joanna.
"I... I can't believe he could resist you, Mom. You're so attractive!"
Joanna smiled. "Thank you, dear."
"We have to find a way to save Dad from the plague! To save Dad and Ben!" said Julie.
"We will, dear." Julie rocked in her arms. "I'm sure we will."