Chapter 11
Joanna was getting undressed for bed when she broached the subject with her husband.
"Dear, when are we going to have sex again?" she asked.
Daniel looked at his wife, who just happened to be wearing only slender dark panties and a matching dark breast control collar as she spoke. She looked incredibly sexy, which she undoubtedly knew.
"When you take off your rider," he said. He saw her face fall. "You are taking off your rider soon, aren't you? You said you would once everyone joined your Hive, as you call it. You said it would only take a few days more."
"A week, maybe two," said Jo.
"So? There's your answer."
Joanna rubbed her hands over her shapely thighs. "But that's not the end of it."
"I never thought it would be," said Daniel.
She came over and provocatively sat on his lap. "You see, dear, we can't remove our riders until the plague has come and gone."
"And when exactly will that be?" He looked closely at her reaction. "A day? A week? A month? A year?"
"Soon," she said hesitantly. "I don't know exactly when that will be."
"Neither do I," he said, dumping her off his lap unceremoniously.
Joanna rubbed her hands over her smooth ass. "So... no sex for the foreseeable future?"
"I guess not."
She licked her lips nervously.
"Something else on your mind?"
She nodded. "We're going to the Swim Club tomorrow. Every time we go, a lot of men approach me. They want help making a rider. They want help getting their rider to mature, or to get their second band."
"The key operative phrase is 'help', I suppose," said Daniel. "Is that it, Jo? You want my permission to fuck all the guys at the Swim Club? You never asked my permission when you fucked all the other ones."
"That was business, dear."
"And this is pleasure. I see." Daniel took a deep breath. He still found Joanna so very, very attractive. He could just imagine those heavy tits bouncing as he fucked her hard. But no, the price to pay was still too high. "All right, Jo, I'll set your mind at ease. You can fuck anyone you like tomorrow. The ticket vendor. The pool boy. The sausage man. I won't raise an eyebrow. You go, girl, and have fun."
Joanna looked so embarrassed. But she still kept going. "I... appreciate that, dear. There's just one more thing."
"Isn't there always?"
"What about her?"
"She'll be there too, fraternizing with her young friends. All of whom have riders." She stared at him pointedly. "If she decides to be... proactive... with any of them, you won't be permitted to interfere."
Daniel shook his head as if he had tasted something sour. "Maybe I won't come at all then."
"That, that might be best."
AND YET... the following morning Joanna's eyebrows shot up as she saw her husband in the passenger seat of their aircar. Julie also looked surprised, but said nothing. Ben was the only one who chose to stay behind.
When they got to the Swim Club, it was a bright and shiny Saturday. Everyone had a rider, everyone except Joanna's husband. If he seemed uncomfortable he didn't show it. He sat down in a recliner and appeared to take in the sun.
Gary Williams was the first to approach her. "Hey Jo, looking good," he said cheerfully.
"You too, Gary!" she said.
"Want to make a rider with me?" He winked at her. "My master is itching to reproduce and have some fun!"
Jo cast a worried glance at her husband who was only five feet away but acted as if he hadn't heard a word. "Not right now, Gary. Maybe later."
"All right, Jo." He didn't bother to hide his disappointment.
Next over was Big Mike Wyden with his very hairy chest. "Jo!" he said, boldly kissing her on the lips in front of Daniel. "Long time no see."
"It's been a while, Mike," Jo agreed. "How have you been?"
"Couldn't be better!" he said. "Estelle is so happy now that she finally gave in. But Trudy got taken to become a Harem Guard."
"Yeah," said Mike, his face falling. "We had no choice. The Hive demanded it."
"The Hive demanded it," Jo said, nodding grimly. But still, to have your only child turned into an insect hybrid! Jo shuddered at the thought.
"Still, we're happy enough, since Estelle's rider matured." His face brightened as thoughts of Trudy were wiped from his mind. "The sex between us now is fantastic!"
"Isn't it!" said Joanna, her face brightening as the fate of poor Trudy Wyden was flushed from her mind as well.
"When you have one spouse in the Hive, the quality of sex doubles. But when both of you are in it..." Mike looked at Daniel. "Tell her, Daniel!"
Joanna looked shocked. "Mike, Daniel hasn't joined the Hive yet."
"Oh? Oh, that's right! I heard about that. Sorry." He turned back to Joanna. "Listen, Jo, I was wondering if you could help me out. My master is almost second banded. I'm right on the cusp of it. See?" He turned around to show her his back. Mike's rider had enormous knuckles gripping his back and a brighter outer golden band and a dimmer inner one. "I know Estelle would be thrilled to pieces if I came home double banded. Can you help me out? What do you say?"
Joanna glanced at Daniel, who was staring out into the clear blue sky as if he wasn't even there.
"I'm... I'm sorry Mike." Joanna gestured to Daniel with her eyes. "Maybe another time."
"Another time. Sure." He turned to go, but looked at Daniel first. "Get better soon, Buddy!"
Joanna bit her lip and turned to her husband. "I, I think I'll go and see how Julie is doing."
"You do that."
Those were the first words Daniel had spoken to her all day.
Joanna was pleased to see that her youngest one was the center of attention. Men were buzzing around Julie like she was the queen bee sitting on a pot of honey. Neil Nelson and Lewis Chandler and Robbie Westwood and Eric Lindsey and Alex Weaver were in a circle around her, eating up her sexy body which was barely covered in a flimsy one piece, laughing at everything she was saying and desperately trying to enter into a conversation with her while girls like redheaded Cindy Cores and heavy breasted Caitlin Delgado stood with their hands crossed looking deeply dissatisfied. Julie, on the other hand, looked as pleased as punch to be the center of attention.
She preened for the boys, leaning forward to show off her budding breasts. She lifted and bent her right leg on a recliner, conveniently spreading her legs so those in front of her could see where the tight material of her one piece made a tight v shape between her legs and those behind her could see her ass cheeks sticking out. Her rider was clearly evident above her bathing suit, strong and mature and banded with bones that gripped the sexy girl's back tightly while the bright golden band symbolized both its maturity and control over the young girl's mind.
Neil reached behind Joanna and stroked her rider, and suddenly Julie's raised leg went crashing to the ground and she almost fell. She panted like a woman in heat, her small breasts projecting outwards with every pant. Then she spun around and grabbed Neil by the face and kissed him hard, as the other boys clapped and laughed. When Neil pulled back, their tongues were briefly still connected, finishing the impromptu dance they had started in his mouth. Julie's nipples could now be seen poking out of her bathing suit. She looked down at her tits and up again at the boys and smiled.
Joanna was so incredibly pleased to see her daughter's sexuality released. Julie seemed as alive and sensual as Joanna did the day she made love to Nigel on the recliner. She was so glad that her little girl had finally given in and was enjoying everything the Hive had to offer.
Joanna went into the circle with the intention of congratulating her daughter. But much to Joanna's surprise, when she entered the circle the attention shifted to her. "Mrs. H, what a surprise!" said Alex Weaver, squeezing her arm possessively. In a surprise move he reached up and kissed her quickly on the lips. "So nice to see you again! Had a great time at your house the other night!"
"I'm, I'm so glad!" said Joanna. Now all the boys were focused on her, asking her how she was doing, how she had been. Julie rolled her eyes and folded her arms, seemingly annoyed but with a little amused smile on her face.
"You should really have joined us on Friday night," said Eric, winking at her.
"As I recall, you seemed to have enough on your plate that night, Eric," Joanna said, as they all laughed.
"My plate is always big enough for you," he said, in a very serious tone. Then he leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. "You have really nice tits, Jo." He stared at her with all the boyish seriousness he could muster. "I think you're very, very sexy, Joanna."
Julie's mouth dropped open so wide that an insect could have flown into it.
Joanna was trying to figure out what to say to gently extricate herself from the situation when the loudspeaker blared. "Attention all hands! Attention all hands! Rider races start in 5 minutes! Rider races start in 5 minutes! This is the girl on top heat! Pick your partners, pick your partners now!"
"Rider races!" Lewis cried. "We should do it!" He turned to Cindy. "How about it?"
Cindy looked thrilled to be asked. Boys and girls started to pair off.
Robbie turned to Julie. "How about it, Julie? Make a rider with me?"
"Oh, I don't know," said Julie, looking bashful.
"Why don't you, Julie?" said Joanna. "I'll bet you could win the race and be the first to make a rider!"
"Me, Mom?" Julie looked supremely flattered.
"With your strong, healthy sex drive you'd have no trouble coming in first, I'm certain of it," said Joanna. "Come on, Julie, go and play!"
"Oh, all right," said Julie reluctantly.
"Partner with me, Julie?" Robbie asked.
"No, sorry." She grabbed Neil's arm, making him look incredibly pleased.
"You should join the races too, Mrs H!" said Eric.
Joanna looked surprised. "Me? No no no! I'm too old to keep up with you young ones!"
"Come on, Mom!" said Julie. "If I'm going to do it, you have to too!"
"Who would want to partner with me?" said Joanna, feeling supremely flattered by all this attention.
"I would."
She turned to find Nigel, the big muscular lifeguard standing there. "We have some unfinished business, you and I, Jo."
Joanna looked over at Daniel, who was staring morosely at her. Fuck whoever you want to Jo. See if I care. All right Daniel, I will!
"Oh... all right Nigel," said Joanna, taking his arm.
"Racers report to your recliners," came the loudspeaker voice.
"I'm really looking forward to this," said Nigel. He removed his tight bathing suit, revealing his long flaccid penis. Then he reached for Joanna's swimsuit straps.
"I can do it," said Jo.
"I like to help," Nigel grinned. There was something incredibly arousing of standing face to face with Nigel while he undressed her, revealing one heavy breast, then another, then her dark bushy pubis. When Jo's bathing suit was at her feet, he looked down at her and gave her a very happy look.
Jo glanced over at Neil and Julie, who had taken the recliner next to them. Neil had a nice sized penis for a boy his size which she realized in moments would be coursing inside her dear, dear daughter. Neil had just finished undressing Julie and stared at her naked body. "Jules..."
"You are sexier than I ever imagined!"
Julie wrapped her arms around him and kissed him strongly.
The loudspeaker voice said, "All contestants in the rider race, start your engines!"
The men lay on their backs on the recliners. The women got on top of them. And then, without any hesitation, the women took the men in their mouths and started to suck them off. Jo looked at Julie, who was avidly sucking on Neil's penis. She was a little surprised how quickly her little one had taken to pubic sex acts. It was only few days ago when she had been too embarrassed to take off her clothes in the Hive.
Joanna sucked on Nigel's enormous cock. It was so huge she had trouble fitting it in her mouth. She concentrated on just the head, which was coated in delicious Hiveflesh which gave her tongue a buzz every time she lapped at it. In seconds Nigel was hard and stiff and thick in her mouth.
"You don't have to suck me to make me hard," Nigel growled, squeezing her breasts. "Just touching these will do it."
He was so flirtatious! Joanna hugged and kissed him passionately. She felt his erection pressing against his belly. In moments, that monster would be coursing inside of her. She looked to her side to see Julie sucking hard on Neil's cock, her head moving vigorously back and forth to make him hard.
"All right! Are your engines all revved up? Contestants on the starting line, get ready!" said the announcer.
Joanna mounted Nigel, who looked immensely pleased.
"Ready to fuck?" he said.
"You bet, Darling!" Joanna looked over at Julie, who had climbed on top of Neil.
Julie took his penis in hand. "I'm going to give you a run for your money, Mom!" she grinned.
Joanna smiled back at her. How she wanted to kiss her darling so much!
"On your marks... get set... GO!" said the announcer.
Joanna inserted Nigel's penis inside of her and started bouncing up and down on his shaft. To his side Julie did the same. A long line of 20 girls rode up and down on men's penises up and down the lakeline, bobbing up and down like keys of a long piano, each straining as they tried to be the first to get their rider to split.
"I wanted you for so long," said Nigel fiercely as Jo rode his cock. "I felt so frustrated last time when your husband interrupted! I so wanted to finish what we started!"
"Well, he's not interfering now," Joanna grinned. She looked at Daniel, who was simply looking away. What is he thinking while his wife and daughter fuck other men?
"I know!" Nigel said. "It feel so good to do it while he watches. He's a new Daniel, a compliant Daniel."
"Not so compliant," said Jo, as she felt his penis rubbing her insides. The feeling of Nigel's Hiveflesh coated penis head against her Hiveflesh coated inner walls was incredible.
"Isn't he?" Nigel grinned as he stared at her split pussy lips. "I don't hear him objecting. I don't see him trying to tear us apart." He put his hands behind his head. "And this is only the beginning."
"The beginning?" Jo gasped, as she felt her rider getting hot on her back. The first step towards reproduction.
"Once he takes a rider, he won't mind us fucking at all." He gasped as Jo's cuntlips were briefly flush with his pubic hair as she thrust downwards. "He'll even enjoy it. He'll beg us to do it."
"I doubt that," Jo gasped, as she felt his penis splitting her cuntlips yet again.
Nigel raised an eyebrow. "Really? Would you have fucked me before you got a rider? Would you have let your daughter fuck a stranger in public while you fucked another man in front of your husband?"
"No!" Jo gasped. Suddenly she realized what she had become. What the Hive had made her into. But her horror was snatched away from her just seconds later as she once again was focused on the joys of hosting new life on her back. She felt her rider bubbling up tremendously. She was creating life. Hivelife!
Joanna looked over at Julie. Her daughter was happily bouncing up and down on another man's cock. The nipples on her small breasts were hard and firm. The sunlight accentuated the yellow highlights in her light brown hair. The smile on her face was incredible. And on her back, on he dear daughter's back, her rider was draining her life's energy to reproduce itself. As Julie's rider bubbled on her back, Joanna felt so proud of her little girl. So incredibly proud!
"How you doing, Honey?" she said.
"The best, Mom!" said Julie giving her a brilliant smile and a thumbs up. "It feels so good, Mom! Everything feels so good!" Her body was spotlighted by the sun. Her cuntlips were repeatedly impaled on Neil's hard cock. Her little girl looked so happy, so pleased with herself, now that her sexuality had been released.
"She is sexy," said Nigel. "Almost as sexy as you, Jo."
"Nigel!" said Jo, with a pleased smile.
"Those heavy tits, those enormous areolas... I've never seen a woman with red circles as big as yours, Jo. Never. They make you look so feminine!"
That earned him a passionate kiss. Jo leaned forward and groaned with pleasure even while she was still lovingly impaled. "You say the most wonderful things to me," she whispered intimately to him, as she felt her rider bubbling even more. Reproduction was getting closer!
"Soon you'll have your husband back. Soon he'll be the one saying these things," said Nigel.
"Daniel always loved me," said Jo, smiling as she felt the warmth of the sun on her back and the breeze in her hair. Making love in the great outdoors was so intoxicating! She looked down at the line of 20 girls riding on 20 penises. That's what life should be all about, unashamed loving and fucking!
"Yes, of course he loves you, but soon Daniel may love others as well," said Nigel.
"What do you mean?" Jo asked.
"You don't know what Daniel will be capable of, once his sexuality is unleashed," said Nigel. "He's one of the last resistors, isn't he? The Hive likes that."
"It does?" said Jo. She felt perspiration dripping off her cuntlips onto Nigel's pubic hair..
"Yes. It makes for hardier slaves. If the Hive can break him, they'll use him for breeding," said Nigel.
"Breeding!" said Jo.
Nigel gave her a smug grin as she rode up and down on his thick penis. "Perhaps multiple times. Imagine him fucking a long line of women in the Hive. Imagine him sticking his penis into woman after woman. Women you know in the colony. Women you're friends with. Imagine your friend Tammy getting an orgasm face as your husband fills her with his seed."
"No," Jo whispered.
"Imagine as friend after friend gets impregnated by your dear, loving husband. Imagine as one by one a whole line of women you know, from work and school and all over the colony, get big, green bellies, big green bellies filled with the babies your dear, sweet husband has given them. Maybe one of them will be your best friend Tammy... or maybe one of them will be your dear daughter Julie!"
"Julie! No... It will never happen!" said Jo. She felt her rider bubbling up wildly on her back.
"It will happen," said Nigel. "My master told me. You will betray Daniel and bring him into the Hive. He will be used for breeding. He will fuck and fuck and form emotional attachments to other women, many women. But you won't be one of them."
Nigel's words were horrible, terrible. Jo looked over at her beautiful daughter who was completely oblivious, skating on the edge of her orgasm. What Nigel promised would never happen, could never happen! And yet his words excited something inside of Joanna, something she'd rather not admit.
"Come for me, Joanna. Come for me and let us produce Hivelife together," said Nigel, in a deeply hypnotic tone.
"No... I can't... I won't!" she cried, her heavy breasts sweating buckets onto his thick, muscular chest.
"You will," said Nigel, speaking with the Hive's voice.
Joanna had no choice. Simple biology dictated her response. The Hive had direct control of both their sexual organs now. Feeling a Hiveflesh coated cockhead inside her was incredible; but feeling a Hiveflesh coated cockhead inside of her while her own inner walls were also coated with Hiveflesh was incredible times ten, if her master chose so.
And her master did.
Joanna's body stiffened as she felt the most amazing orgasm in her life. The immense tidal wave of sexual energy pushed her rider over the edge. It snapped neatly into two in one swift move, something almost never before seen in the Hive. Suddenly, where they had been one rider on Jo's back, there were now two, a smaller, double banded one, and a smaller immature one. The smaller immature one flapped its sides experimentally, and flew into the air.
"We have a winner!" came the announcer. "Nigel Watson and Joanna Harris!" Cheers rang up all over the Swim Club. As Joanna collapsed exhausted into Nigel's waiting arms, she saw out of the corner of her eye as another rider was born on one of the runner ups and then another and another.
She vaguely heard, "-and in fourth place we have Neil Nelson and Julie Harris-" and she looked over and saw an equally exhausted Julie lying prone on top of her partner, gasping for breath as she gave her mother a wide eyed look. "You did it, Mom," she whispered. She reached out and took her mother's hand, and squeezed it. "I knew you could."
Her smile meant everything to Jo. Julie was exhausted, but exhausted and triumphant; she had gladly sacrificed energy and mass from her body to fuel the alien master who ruled her mind. Joanna felt so proud of her little girl at that moment.
As she painfully sat up, she saw a flight of riders, flapping their wings as they flew among the clouds. She turned to look at Daniel, but his seat was empty.
Daniel was extremely proper to her at dinner that night, but the cold war between them was back in full force. What did he expect? He refused to have sex with her. Joanna had warned him not to come to the Swim Club. She really did!
After dinner Joanna took a long, relaxing shower which felt so good for her aching muscles... as well as her rider. She sensed her master was quite pleased with her. She had not only successfully made love in public, but had encouraged her daughter to do the same. Both mother and daughter's sexual inhibitions were being progressively dismantled.
Jo smiled as she remembered the joyous feeling of riding on Nigel's big cock while watching Julie enjoy being speared right next to her. That's how things should be between mothers and daughters, sweet and loving. Then she remembered something which had upset her, something Nigel had said which had bothered her, but as she tried to grasp the thought it became as slippery as an eel and vanished as soon as she grabbed for it.
And then the door opened and Julie came into the bathroom. Staggered would be the right word. Jo could smell the alcohol on her breath from the open shower stall. "Julie! Have you been drinking?"
Julie raised a small bottle of whiskey. "Guilty as charged, Mother!" She got into the shower with her clothes on and put the bottle to her mother's mouth.
"Drink. The Hive demands it!"
Joanna instinctively swallowed, feeling the burning liquid go down her throat. She coughed slightly even as the bottle was removed from her lips.
"I was so impressed with you today, Mom. Impressed, but not surprised," said Julie. "You're the sexiest bitch on Sirius Minor, you know that?"
"Julie, you're drunk!"
"The kids and I had a little party afterwards." Julie winked at her. "You were good, Mom, very good! But I think I'm better! I want a rematch!"
"A rematch?"
"Let's see who can really make a rider faster," she said. She put down the whiskey and pulled her shirt over her head. She wasn't wearing a control collar. Her small breasts jutted out in front of her.
"Dear," said Joanna. "Our riders can't reproduce twice in one day. It's too tiring, both for them and for us."
"That's what I want to find out," said Julie, with a slur in her voice. She fumbled as she pulled down her pants. "Take off your clothes, Mother."
Joanna gave a small smile. She looked down at her wet body in the shower. "My clothes are already off, dear."
"Oh. Oh yeah," said Julie. She pulled down her panties. Joanna could see the green rock hanging between her legs from the tiny chain which was attached to her darling's vulva. "Get out of there, Mother! We've got some heavy fucking to do!"
Joanna got out of the shower, with the water still running. She rubbed her body with a fluffy towel. She watched Julie's hungry eyes eat her up as she rubbed her heavy breasts, then moved downwards as she rubbed her pubis and thighs. "Dear, it's not going to work. We're not going to be able to stimulate each other enough to reproduce twice in one day."
"That's why I brought this, Mother!" she said, holding up a small box.
"Where did you find that?" said Joanna.
"I know all your hiding places, Mother." She grinned as she opened the box and took out the strap-on. "Do you want to go first, Mother, or should I?"
Julie was lying on the padded bathroom bench, her legs widely spread as her mother worked the dildo between her darling's cunt lips. Joanna saw the glowing upside down U symbol with the dot in it just above Julie's vagina. She was marked for reproduction. Would Julie's belly grow big and green and bloated just like Susannah Barrington's?
Julie's eyes started to clear as all the sexual arousal sobered her up a little. "Keep fucking me, Mother! I can feel my rider getting hot! It's starting to grow!"
Joanna smiled as she rocked back and forth. The dildo was attached to her pubis and in some ways she was rodding her little girl as a man would. Joanna adored her beautiful smile. She would do anything to make Julie happy. She rocked back and forth between her little girl's widely speared cuntlips. She enjoyed seeing the phallus moving back and forth, pushing and pulling Julie's cuntlips as it moved in and out, while she rocked her own pubis back and forth as if she were taking her like a man. "I loved watching you today," Joanna whispered.
"You mean fucking Neil?" Julie asked.
"That too!" said Joanna. "But I meant seeing you with your new circle of friends. Seeing the boys all lusting after you. Seeing you proudly show off your tits and your ass and your rider. You've freed your sexuality, darling, and I'm so proud of what you've become."
"Oh Mom!" Mother and daughter kissed passionately. Joanna rubbed her heavy breasts against her daughter's erect tits as she rodded her again and again.
"You make me so hot!" Julie said, with such an intense look as her neck glistened with sweat. "I can feel my rider starting to bubble up. Harder, Mom, harder!"
Joanna pounded her loved one's cunt. But after several pleasurable and frustrating minutes, it became clear that they weren't making any more progress.
Joanna reluctantly slowed down and then stopped.
"What? Why did you stop?"
"It's not working, Julie. It's like I told you. You can't make two riders in one day."
She gave her mother a fierce look. "I'll bet you can! Give me that!" She wrestled the dildo and strap from her mother, and put it on herself.
"Julie, I really don't think-"
"Lie down, Mother!"
"Now! The Hive demands it!"
Joanna smiled as she lay down on her back on the padded bench. Julie got between them with a particularly intense look on her face. She spread her mother's legs, but at first did absolutely nothing.
"What is it? What's wrong?" said Joanna.
"Nothing," said Julie, looking stunned. "It's just... your cunt. Mom, it's beautiful!" Julie once again admired her mother's thick, dark bushy pubic hair which made her look so mature. Below it was the green glowing inverted V symbol with the dots underneath it which marked her as a sex slave of the Hive. Her cuntlips had been thickened and augmented and were now thick fleshy orange things which led into an orange coated love canal. The thickness and protrusion of her labial lips only made her look even more womanly, more feminine, then any woman's private parts that Julie had ever seen. Compared to Joanna, the genitals of other women were little more than that of immature girls.
Julie lifted the small green rock which had dropped between her mother's ass cheeks. It was held in place by the small chain attached to her left vulva. The chain pulled her labia open, making her love hole look even wider and more plunderable. Julie took the green rock and started to rub it against her mother's cunt lips.
"Ooooh... oooooh... Oh Julie," she gasped.
Julie licked her lips with pleasure as she saw her mother's nipples get hard. She rubbed the rock back and forth against those thick fleshy orange toned lips.
"Ow!" said Joanna, as a sharp edge scraped her.
"You have to take the pain with the pleasure, Mother," Julie smiled. She leaned forward and opened her mouth. So did Joanna. Their tongues dueled furiously inside of her mother's mouth. Julie's fingers replaced the rock and Joanna groaned even as her mouth was full of her daughter's tongue.
"Are we making any progress, Mother?" Julie asked.
"My rider's getting hot!" Joanna said.
"Let's see if we can make it even hotter," Julie grinned.
Joanna gave a slow, moaning groan as she watched Julie sink the dildo inch by inch inside her Hiveflesh coated pussy. When it was all the way inside, Julie slowly withdrew it. Then, when Joanna had adjusted to its absence and her love tunnel had deflated, Julie slowly worked it in again.
"Ooooh!" Joanna had such a pained expression on her face. "You know just how to do it!"
"I had an excellent teacher, Mother," Julie grinned.
Suddenly they stiffened as they heard a knock on the door. "Jo, are you in there?"
It was Daniel!
Joanna stared at Julie.
Julie stared at Joanna.
Suddenly Joanna realized the bathroom door was unlocked.
Daniel could come in at any time.
"I'm taking a shower, dear," she said in a relaxed voice, suddenly glad she had left the water running.
"I want to talk to you," he said.
Julie made wide eyes at her mother. Joanna frowned back at her. Even as they debated what to do, Julie was continuing to work the dildo in and out of her mother's cunt! She couldn't help it; she couldn't stop herself even if she wanted to!
"What, what do you want to talk about" Joanna asked, struggling to keep her voice calm even as her daughter rodded her cunt.
"I want to talk about what happened today at the swim club."
Joanna stared at the door in horror. All Daniel would have to do is to turn the handle and their marriage would be over. He was just getting used to the idea of her having sex with other men, but she felt sure that Daniel would never, ever understand seeing his beloved daughter inserting a dildo inside her mother's cunt.
Her marriage would be over.
"Can't it wait?" she asked. When she got no immediate reply, she panicked and said, "Fine! If you're so insecure, come and talk to me while I'm showering."
She waited five small eternities for a response. But even as she waited Julie continued to work the dildo in and out of her cunt. She glared at her. Why can't you control yourself, girl?
"All right," Daniel finally said. "See me in the study when you're done."
"Fine. Love you, dear," said Joanna, even as her daughter's phallus plunged into her yet again.
There was no response from the other side of the door.
Joanna turned to Julie. "How could you keep doing that while your father was on the other side of the door? Don't you know what would happen if he saw us like this?"
"I can't help it, Mother!" said Julie. "I want to fuck you so badly!"
Her words inflamed Joanna and they kissed again. Once again Julie's tongue was inside her mouth, dueling with hers while the dildo did its dirty work inside her ultrasensitive cunt.
"Jules! I feel my rider starting to bubble up on my back!" said Joanna.
"That's great, Mom!"
"But that shouldn't be possible!" said Joanna.
"But it is!" Julie grinned tightly as she thrust into her mother's cunt. "Oh, Mother! How I wish this could be a real penis! I wish I could feel the flesh on flesh of having a real penis rubbing the inside of your cunt. How I wish I could be like Dad, taking you!" Her eyes gleamed with an alien light. "Fucking you!" She thrust into her mother again with gritted teeth. "Seeding you!"
Joanna gasped as she felt her rider on the verge of splitting. She watched the incredible sight of Julie gritting her teeth as she thrust her pelvis forward into her mother's cunt again and again and again. It was as if Julie was a man and the dark phallus sticking out of her brown pubic triangle was a penis, and her daughter was fucking her hard!
"How I wish I had balls!" Julie growled with insane intensity. "How I wish I had a flesh and blood penis so I could feel what it's like to come inside of you!" She stared intensely into her mother's eyes. "To fill you with my own sperm!" Thrust! "To impregnate you with my seed." Thrust! "To mark you with my DNA." Thrust! " To make you mine like no one's business but our own." The lust in Julie's eyes, her tremendous hungering for Joanna, for Joanna's body, for Joanna's cunt, was so overwhelming that Joanna gasped from the intensity of it. As she did she felt her rider robbing her body, stealing her sexual energy, draining it right from her back into itself, causing it to split right down the middle.
"Julie, it's happening! My master... it's spawning!"
Julie abruptly pulled out of her mother and flipped her around. She gazed at the beautiful sight of her mother's sizzling rider, stealing energy from her gasping, heaving body as it split down the middle. In seconds there were two riders on Joanna's back as she gasped furiously for breath, her ass cheeks heaving with exertion. It was done.
Reproduction had occurred!
Julie tentatively took the new baby rider in her hands. She barely noticed the red rash on her mother's back at the remaining rider reasserted itself over a smaller space.
"Mom... it's so beautiful!" said Julie. "You make the most wonderful riders!"
Joanna, feeling thoroughly exhausted, put an arm around her daughter as she stared at her latest offspring. "We did it, dear. We did it together. I didn't think it was possible."
"You were turned on by me," said Julie. "You did it because you were so turned on by me."
"Yes... I did." She stared deeply into Julie's eyes. Then they kissed for a long, long moment.
And then Joanna jerked to attention. "Your father! I almost forgot! I have to see him now!"
"Why don't you give him this?" Julie grinned.
"Don't be silly," said Joanna, rapidly reaching for her clothes.
"No, I'm serious!" said Julie. "Put it under his pillow, and let nature take its course."
Joanna took the baby rider in her hand. She felt her rider pulsating on her back. It was tempting. But then, with a great effort, she opened the window, and let the rider go. She watched it fly away in the moonless night.
"We'll do this another way," she said.