Chapter 12

"Jo and Julie were both like jockeys riding horses!" Daniel exploded. "They both had sex with men right in front of me!"

Casey nodded sympathetically. She wore dark eye makeup, an extremely tight shirt which showed off her breasts, and a short miniskirt. One could easily see the outlines of the double banded rider on her back, its heavy v shaped knuckle bones sticking out from her shirt. Casey and her husband had worked hard on each other and recently had been richly rewarded when their masters matured even more, becoming stronger on their back and in their minds.

But Casey was the only friend Daniel had left, even if she was part of the Hive now. He had no one else to talk to.

"I tried to talk to her afterwards. Tried to explain how upset it made me," said Daniel.

"And what did she say?" Casey asked, putting a hand on his arm.

"The Hive demands it," said Daniel, raising his eyebrows in an exaggerated way.

"Hm," said Casey. "Poor Daniel." She stroked his flat back with a caring touch. "Perhaps I can help."

"Help?" Daniel laughed. "How?"

"By talking to her for you," said Casey.

Daniel laughed again. "In case you haven't noticed, you're one of them. Why would you possibly take my side?"

"It's not about taking sides, sweet Daniel," said Casey, giving him that hypnotic look he had seen all too often lately. "Yes, I'm part of the Hive, and so is Joanna and now so is Julie. But that doesn't mean they have to have sex on a public beach."

"It doesn't?"

"No, of course not," said Casey. "Tom and I don't have sex in public places." She took a breath. "It's true that the Hive sends Jo and Julie out on assignments, and they have to complete their assignments they are given. But it sounds like they are flaunting their status in your face."

"That's right! That's exactly what she's doing!" said Daniel, feeling vindicated.

"Then let me talk to her," said Casey. "What do you have to lose?"

Daniel considered, then nodded.

"Great!" Casey activated her Pad. "Get me Joanna Harris."

A holo of Joanna appeared, wearing a sexy low cut shirt that her breasts were practically falling out of. She must be working today, Daniel thought bitterly.

"Casey! Long time no see! How are you, dear?"

"Wonderful! My master just got its second band!" said Casey.

"I'm so happy for you!" Jo gave a broad smile. "How does it feel?"

"Loving it!" Casey declared. "The thicker bones feel so nice and firm against my back!"

"I know!" Jo grinned.

"Listen, Jo, Daniel is right here besides me, and has been giving me an earful about your marital problems-"

"Oh, Casey, I'm so sorry he's gotten you involved!" said Jo compassionately.

"Don't be sorry, dear. What are best friends for? Listen, I was thinking we could get together and talk, girl to girl. I just know I could help smooth things out between you."

"I'd like that!" said Joanna brightly.

"I know you would." Casey gave Jo an intimate look. "Why don't we get together at 12, at your place?"

"That would be fine! See you then, dear!" The holoimage of his wife faded.

"See?" said Casey.

"You'll accomplish nothing," said Daniel.

"Wait and see," said Casey.

When it was nearing noon, Casey turned to Daniel. "Are you ready to go?"

"Go where?"

"To your home," said Casey, as if she were talking to a retard.

Daniel frowned. "I thought you were going to talk to Joanna."

"I am. But it's like couples counseling. The couple has to be there to counsel." She pulled him by the arm. "Come on. Are things so bad that I really have to persuade you to go to your own home?"

Jo greeted Casey with laughs and a warm hug and a kiss on the lips. They both had an alien gleam in their eyes. Daniel again wondered how this was going to play out.

"I'd welcome you too dear, but I know you don't like my touch anymore," said Joanna.

"That's not true, and you know it," said Daniel.

"Oh? When was the last time we had sex?" Joanna said.

"Jo! Daniel! Let's sit down like adults and talk about this," said Casey. She had them sit on the sofa, with Daniel sandwiched between her and Joanna.

"Now Daniel, you know that Jo loves you very much, don't you?" Casey asked.

"She has a funny way of showing it," said Daniel.

"She does love you," said Casey firmly. "And Jo, you love Daniel, don't you?"

"Only with all my heart," she said in a sincere, loving way that some of Daniel's resistance started to melt.

"Of course you do." And then, for the next ten minutes, Casey started to talk about their relationship. And the importance of communication, and respect, and listening to others. As she talked, a strong musky odor started to come out of her rider. Daniel was distracted by the two attractive women around him and the seriousness of the situation. He noticed the odor without really thinking about it. But before long it was in his lungs and then his bloodstream. And before long he was seriously sexually aroused.

"-and you are such a handsome man, Daniel! I've admired you from afar for years!" said Casey, giving him a hungry look. She turned to Jo. "Is it all right if I say that?"

"Of course!" Jo assured her. "I would expect any woman my handsome husband worked with to be attracted to him!"

Casey's hand started to roam Daniel's thigh. It was a simple touch, but Daniel was so aroused that he got an erection just from the movements of his fingertips. Daniel hadn't had sex in a while, a long while, and his body found Casey's touch very exciting. He looked over at Joanna to see if she sensed what was going on and she gave him a wolfish smile, as if she not only knew but also approved, which only excited him even more.

"Yes," said Casey, rubbing her hand over Daniel's chest. "A very handsome husband indeed." She moved her lips closer to him. To Daniel, her lips were like a magnet. It was Daniel, not Casey, who initiated the kiss. He felt a thrill go through his body, and his penis got very, very hard as he felt Casey's soft, plush lips against his.

As Daniel pulled back he whispered, "I'm sorry. I don't know what's gotten into me."

"There's nothing to be sorry about, is there, Jo?" Casey asked.

"Not at all," said Joanna. "You can kiss her again, Honey, if you like."

And so when Casey dipped her head again Daniel did exactly that. Jo smiled approvingly as Casey and Daniel wrapped their hands around each other like lovers.

"I've always wanted you Daniel," said Casey. "I told Jo that, and we arranged this," she said, kissing him again.

"This?" Daniel's foggy mind was finding it increasingly hard to think.

"It's my way of saying I'm sorry, Daniel," said Jo. She looked contrite as her husband kissed another woman besides her. "Sorry for all the men I've slept with. Sorry for how I had sex with Nigel at the Swim Club, without considering your feelings."

Casey took off her shirt. Her control collar quickly came next. The redhead's heavy breasts sprung out at him. Daniel's eyes went wide.

"Consider this... just compensation," Jo explained, as Casey worked his shirt off. While Casey was undressing, so was Jo, working off her own shirt and control collar. Daniel's mind felt like it was wrapped in cotton. The musky smell was deep in his bloodstream.

"Compensation?" Daniel said, as Casey worked his pants off. Her own pants came next.

"I slept around, which wasn't fair to you," said Jo. "There's no way I can fix that, so now I am giving you permission to do the same, with your dear friend Casey."

Casey pulled down her underwear. Daniel saw the green rock dangling from the small chain between her legs. He saw her big, fleshy orange cuntlips, and the green glowing inverted V with the dots under it just above her vagina, just like Jo's. Casey's been doing the same thing Jo has, he thought dimly.

"Casey told me what you almost did at work together," said Jo, as Casey ran her hands over Daniel's bare body. "She told me how noble you were, refusing to have sex with her because it would be unfaithful to me." Jo swiftly removed her skirt and panties, revealing her own bushy cunt. "Well now you don't have to worry about it, because I'm right here and I give you my full approval."

"You... you do?" Daniel was more than a little astonished.

"Yes, dear." Jo smiled and ran a hand over her dark, thick pubes. "Have at her, dear, and don't feel a shred of guilt!"

Casey saw the dawn of realization come to Daniel's face and smiled. Jo was offering him consequence free sex with his best friend! As Casey kissed him, he kissed her right back.

"That's right, dear, get into it," said Jo, as she started to rub her own cunt lips. She resolved to enjoy every minute of this.

Casey pulled down Daniel's underwear, the last remaining barrier between them. She saw his erection sticking up proudly. "Oh, I always wondered what that looked like!"

"You did?" said Daniel.

"Yes!" Casey cried. She kissed him even as she fisted his shaft. Daniel groaned with pleasure. "Relax, dear, I'll do all the work," she promised, getting on top of him. Daniel had a beautiful view of her big, thick orange cuntlips, the glowing green symbol which marked her as a slave of the Hive, and the green rock dangling underneath her love hole as she mounted him.

Daniel tried to concentrate. There was something which concerned him. "Casey... I don't want a rider!"

Casey glanced up at Jo. "I'm not here to give you a rider, dear." She grabbed his penis and aimed it carefully.

"You promise?" said Daniel.

"I promise!" Casey grinned.

Daniel gasped as she inserted him into her. Casey now had the same Hiveflesh coated inner walls that Joanna did. As Casey started to ride up and down on his shaft, Daniel moaned with pleasure.

"How is that, Daniel? Is that how you always imagined it?" Casey said.

"Better!" Daniel exclaimed. The musky smell had freed his inhibitions. "A thousand times better! I've always wanted you, Casey! I've always wanted to fuck your brains out!"

"And now you are, dear!" she said, her voice deep with approval as she bounced up and down on his shaft.

Daniel reached out and squeezed her bouncing breasts. They were rounder than Joanna's. "So soft... so beautiful...."

"Why thank you dear!" she looked incredibly pleased.

"And you're so tight inside!" said Daniel, with a pained look. "So incredibly tight!"

"Thank the Hive!" Casey grinned, winking at Joanna.

Joanna was standing to the side while Casey and Daniel took over the entire couch. She rubbed her cunt lips as she watched Casey riding up and down on her husband's shaft, his face a mask of intense pleasure. On her back, Casey's rider was sizzling strongly. It wouldn't be long now.

The sight of her husband receiving tremendous sexual pleasure while being about to join the Hive was extremely arousing to Joanna. She shamelessly stuck a finger into her furry muff, rubbing her clitoris furiously. She groaned as she felt her clit was as hard as a grape. Jo felt her master pulsating on her back. She felt its lines of control stimulating her clit. She sensed she was about to be rewarded with the strongest orgasm of her life when her husband got taken.

Despite his ardor for Casey, Daniel turned his eyes for a moment to look at his lovely wife. He watched as she stood there with feet boldly spread wide apart, her green rock dangling between her legs, her finger buried deep in her vulva as she pleasured herself to the sight of her husband being taken by a very attractive redheaded woman. There was a bright light in Joanna's eyes which Daniel for the first time found very, very erotic. Jo's face held such a relieved smile that Daniel wanted to kiss her even as Casey ride hard on his shaft.

"I love you so much!" Daniel cried, staring at his wife even as Casey's vagina intensely massaged his shaft.

"Oh!" Joanna cried, and her body shook, as if struck by a bolt of lightning. "I love you too, dear!" she replied strongly, her hips gyrating as she pleasured herself. She suddenly felt the tremendous urge to unburden herself, just as her husband had done. "To... to be bluntly honest, Daniel, I used to be jealous of your friendship with Casey, back when I was a silly goose."

"You were?" Daniel was astonished.

"Yes!" Joanna admitted. "She got to spend all day with you, every day. She got to hear all your intimate work secrets and feelings. I was always secretly jealous about her because of that!" She rubbed her clit furiously.

"And now?" said Daniel

"And now?" Joanna gave a wolflike smile. She rotated her hips slowly in a circle as she fingered herself, giving Daniel such a sensual look as if she were the one making love to him and not Casey. "And now I love every minute of it!. My rider unlocked my sensuality, Daniel... and soon it will unlock yours." She looked at the rider which was now jetting off enormous fleshy bubbles on Casey's sweaty back, the last state of reproduction before it was to split. As Casey's ass cheeks clenched and unclenched furiously, as her heart pounded and her blood pumped vigorously, she was giving her master the energy it needed to reproduce. It wouldn't be long now.

"I love you, Jo," said Daniel, apparently oblivious to the enormous hint he had just been given.

"And I love you, Daniel," she said, smiling sweetly as Casey's cuntlip's grasped her husband's shaft.

"Oh... oh...." said Daniel. "Casey, I'm going to come!"

"Not yet, Daniel, not quite yet!" Casey cried. Reproduction was imminent! She just needed a minute or two more....

But for Daniel, the sensation of the head of his penis rubbing against Casey's inner walls, inner walls made much more narrow by stimulating Hiveflesh, was simply too much for him to handle. Daniel cried out, "I'm coming!" and he stiffened, flooding inside of her. Emptying his balls into a woman never felt this good.

Casey gasped as she continued to pole his rod, desperately trying to give her rider the last bit of energy it needed to split. But as Daniel's mind cleared, he looked up at Casey and realized what was going on.

That musky smell... Casey insisting she be on top.... His eyes widened in horror. "What are you doing?" he cried, pushing her off.

"No, Daniel!" Casey cried.

But it was too late. As Daniel jumped up, Casey felt her arousal dimming. He turned her around and looked at her back in horror. "You lied to me!" he said, seeing the still sizzling rider. Realization dawned on his face. He looked at Jo. "You both lied to me!"

"Yes, Daniel," said Jo calmly. There was no remorse. "We both lied to you. Daniel. The plague is going to hit Sirius Minor any day now. I was hoping your feelings for your friend Casey would be enough to save your life. And she would have, if she had been a bit quicker."

"I'm sorry, Jo," said Casey. "I've never made a master for an unwilling client before. I should have timed his orgasm better."

"It's not your fault," said Jo. "Daniel has always been a stubborn nut to crack."

Daniel looked from his wife to his best friend in horror. He quickly put on his clothes. "I don't know either of you anymore." A moment later, the door slammed.

"So you failed again," said Nils, as he moved in and out between Joanna's widely spread legs.

"Not from want of trying!" said Joanna earnestly. "We'll figure out something else!"

"There's no need," said Nils. His hairy chest was dotted with glistening sweat.

"What do you mean?" said Joanna, whose own breasts were wet with effort.

Nils gave her a pointed look as his penis moved inside her. "The Hive has decreed that the last of the resistors are to be brought in immediately. Starting tomorrow, the 29 men and 7 women who have refused to take riders will be brought to the Hive. Including your husband and son," he said.

"Will they be hurt?" Joanna asked anxiously.

"Not if they don't resist," said Nils. "Uniformed security men from the Department of Health and Wellness will take them in peaceably, if possible. If not, they will be fitted with World Government Anal Control Rods to pacify them."

Joanna gasped. "What will happen to them then?"

"They will be taken to the Hive Mind." Nils grunted as he continued to fuck her. Jo's cunt was tight; very tight!

Joanna's eyes narrowed.

"What will happen to them then?" she repeated.

Nils shrugged. "It is up to the Hive Mind."

"No!" Jo cried. She held her palm against Nil's chest, preventing him from moving forward.

Nils looked amused. "No? Jo, I don't think I've heard you say that particular word before. Do you want to rephrase that?"

Jo bit her lip. "I just need more time." She gently pushed him off her and stood up. She felt his eyes on her heavy breasts. and round ass.

Nils stared at her approvingly but said, "Jo, there is no more time to give."

Jo rubbed a palm against her sweaty ass. "Please Nils, I'll give you anything. Anything you want!"

Nils looked at the pleading heavy breasted woman. His penis tingled hungrily. "You already give me everything I want. And quite well, I might add."

"Not... everything." Jo turned around to show him her backside. She had an enormously well rounded ass. Above it, her giant double banded rider had thick knuckles like hands which dug into her back. The two golden bands shone brightly even in the dimly lit room.

Jo leaned back and rubbed her ass crack against Nil's penis. She did it once, twice, thrice. "I could give you something you've never gotten before."

Nils looked intrigued. He slapped her ass loudly, making her jump, and he got up. Then he made her lean forward against his desk and put his pelvis flush with her ass. With his free hand he started to aim his penis speculatively between her ass cheeks. "Have you ever given this to a man?"

"No," said Jo, shivering from head to toe.

Nils grinned. "I thought so. And what would your anal virginity be worth to you?" He maneuvered his Hiveflesh coated cockhead so it was playing with the entrance to her anus.

Joanna bit her lip. "A week! Give me one more week to bring Daniel in."

"Uh uh. You don't have a week, Jo." The cockhead started to penetrate her, just the cockhead, going in and out, in and out, very, very suggestively.

"Four... five days! Please, give me five days!" said Jo.

Nils worked more of his cock into her, making her gasp as her anal passage opened for the very first time. His penis felt incredibly thick inside her narrow passage. "Sorry, Jo. I can't." And then Nils worked the rest of himself into her, and Jo gasped as she was fully penetrated.

"So big! So thick!" she cried, her ass sticking out provocatively as she was bent over the desk. Nils was standing nude behind her, totally flush against her ass as his entire length was buried inside her.

"You'll get used to it," said Nils, slowly working himself in and out of her. "So what will you ask for now, Jo? What will you ask for your anal virginity... which I've already just taken?"

Jo bit her lips as she felt Nils' strong penis moving deep inside her anus. She felt incredibly, incredibly violated. But she was doing it for Daniel. She tried to think. "Three days! You can give me three days, can't you?" She gasped as Nils stuck it all the way in again, letting his entire shaft rest inside of her, before slowly pulling it out. Nils penis was now coated with brown shit from Jo's anus.

Maybe I should have gone to the bathroom first, Jo realized. She didn't know; she never had sex in the ass before! Jo thought rapidly before Nils reamed her again. "Today is Thursday, right? Right! So three days.... You'll have him by Sunday, I promise!" Jo bit back a groan as she was reamed again. "You were going to take him tomorrow, Friday. What's two extra days... for a friend?"

Nils seemed to think about this as his long penis pulled out of her again and then, after a suitable pause, reversed course and moved inside her lovely body once more. Nils loved the way Jo was bent over his desk, her heavy breasts bouncing underneath her as she let herself be taken in this new and submissive way. The fact that she was using her sex to bargain for her husband's life only made it all the more exciting.

"Sunday. That might work," he said finally, watching her breasts move as he slid out of her. "All right, Jo! We'll give you until Sunday! But for Daniel only! I want Ben taken into the Hive by tomorrow!"

"What?" Jo said.

"By tomorrow!" said Nils, thrusting into her once more to make his point. "I will be at your home tomorrow morning at 10 with guards from the Health and Wellness Ministry. There I will either see Ben with a rider, or I will have to take him in. Do you agree, Jo?" He moved inside her again, making her gasp. "Jo, I can't hear you!"

"Yes!" Jo cried, as her anus was so full of penis once more. "I... I agree....."​
Next page: Chapter 13.1
Previous page: Chapter 11