Chapter 13.1

That afternoon Joanna and Julie were lying side by side in her bed with the bedroom door firmly locked. Daniel wasn't expected home for hours but Joanna wasn't taking any chances.

"It looks like a tiny penis head!" Joanna giggled.

"Come on!" said Julie.

"No, really, it does!" said Joanna, still laughing. At her urging, Julie had spread her cuntlips with both hands and her mother was stroking her clitoris.

Julie frowned. "Let me see yours."

"Of course, my love!" Joanna spread her cuntlips, and Julie leaned forward to have a look.

"Yours looks like a penis head too, Mom!" said Julie. "I never knew!"

Mother and daughter laughed together. "Oh, dear, I'm so treasuring our time together!" said Joanna, as she resumed rubbing her daughter's clit.

"I am too, Mom!" Julie said, staring lovingly into her mother's eyes.

Ever since they had both joined the Hive, Joanna had become closer to her little girl. A lot closer. "Dear, I need your help."

"Anything!" Julie gave a wide grin.

"I want you to make love to your father and give him a rider," said Joanna bluntly.

"What?" Julie sat up in bed. "He'd never do it!"

"Are you attracted to him?" Joanna asked. When she got no answer, she said, "Jules?"

"Yes, Mother," she said reluctantly. "Yes... I'm... I'm attracted to Dad."

"It's all right, Honey, I already knew," Joanna smiled.

"You did?" she said.

"Of course! I'm your mother!" Joanna rubbed her dear one's clit lovingly. "Before we joined the Hive, we accepted that such forbidden attractions would always have to stay hidden deeply beneath the surface, didn't we?" Her fingers traced the hard stiff circle of her daughter's erect clit. "But now we can acknowledge such feelings and act on them, can't we?"

"But... Dad isn't attracted to me," said Julie, crossing her arms tightly.

"Of course he is," said Jo. She turned her daughter away from her, and gently starting to stroke Julie's rider with an expert fingertip.

"He is? Really?" Julie gasped.

"Yes!" said Joanna. "I've seen the way he looks at you. The way he stares at your breasts when you're not looking."

"He does? Are you sure?" Julie looked extremely anxious. She started to pant.

"Of course I'm sure, dear," said Joanna, as her fingertip made broad clockwise moves along the golden band.

"Ahhh... Mom, oh Mom, that feels so goooood!" said Julie.

"I'm so glad!" said Joanna, as she continued to manipulate both Julie's rider phyiscally and her little girl psychologically. "Now, shouldn't your father to enjoy the same pleasures that we do? Of course he should! That's why we need you to bring him into the Hive, dear."

"But what if he resists? What if he refuses?" Julie asked, her eyes wide with fear even as her mother continued to stroke her back.

"He won't refuse," said Joanna firmly.

"But if he does, he'll hate me forever!" Julie shook her head. She tried to think clearly. "No, I can't risk that. I won't."

"Julie, we're out of time," said Joanna.

"What do you mean?" Julie asked. She turned her head to stare at her mother's face, even as her mother continued to stimulate her rider.

"Sweet dear, the Hive is going to take your father and brother if we don't bring them in immediately. And if the Hive takes them in directly, it may not be so gentle about it," said Joanna.

"What?" What did that mean?

"That's why you have to bring your father in now." Joanna smiled as she continued to stimulate Julie's rider. "Think of it how fun it could be, Julie. Think of kissing your father on the lips, not like a daughter, but as his full fledged lover."

Julie groaned with pleasure. Her mother was touching her rider, but it felt like a penis was rubbing insistently against her clit.

"Think of the way your father's face will light up as he sees your naked breasts for the very first time."

Julie groaned again, as her clit grew painfully, painfully stiff. She felt the direct lines of control from the rider on her back nipping at her, prodding her, teasing her.

"Imagine your father's strong body pressed against yours, as he inserts his penis inside your young cunt... for the very first time." Joanna's voice was hypnotic and intoxicating. Julie gave an erotic wail of pure sensual pleasure. Joanna's fingertip was moving so fast it was like a blur now, over the rider's most sensitive part, the shiny golden band.

"Oh Mom!" Julie cried. Her nipples were as hard as erasers; her face covered in sweat. She had to come!

Joanna smiled. Almost there! "Imagine your father crying out your name as he comes inside your young, sexy cunt, Julie! Imagine your father coming inside of you, spilling his sperm inside of you as he kisses your neck and tells you that he loves you so very much!"

"Aaaahhhhh!" Julie's body stiffened and she felt an explosion in her cunt. "Mom! Oh Mom oh Mom oh Mom!" she gasped, collapsing into her mother's arms. Her face was red and drenched with sweat; she felt totally exhausted.

Julie, looking very relaxed with perfectly combed hair and makeup expertly applied by her mother on her cheeks and lips, broached the topic over dinner that night. "Dad, how would you like to go camping with me this weekend?"

All eating at the dinner table stopped as all eyes--Julie's, Joanna's, and Ben's--focused on Daniel.

"What? Why?" Daniel asked slowly.

"Well, we used to go camping together," said Julie, shifting uncomfortably in her chair as all eyes turned on her.

"Yes, we did," said Daniel. Originally all four of them had gone camping on a regular basis, but Joanna and Ben had lost their taste for it quickly enough, so for years it was just Daniel and his little girl. Only Julie wasn't so little anymore, and the last time they had gone together was when Julie had barely turned 16. After that she preferred to spend more time with her friends.

"Why now?" Daniel asked suspiciously. He was still smarting from her mother's attempts to use Casey to give him a rider. The memory of him under the influence of the musky rider odor, making love to Casey while a rider bubbled on her back and his wife watched approvingly, was still painfully fresh in his memory.

"Why? I'm your daughter, that's why. Do I really have to have a reason?" Julie gave a nervous smile. She felt her rider pulsating on her back. Words appeared in her mind. She said them.

"Dad, I won't pretend there haven't been some serious schisms in the family," said Julie. "I know Mom and I have done... certain things... you don't approve of. But I'm still your daughter... and I love you. Let me prove that. Let's spend time together... like we used to." She put her hand over his.

Daniel looked down at her hand, and then at her. "You... you won't try to give me a rider?"

"Daniel Harris!" Joanna thundered, slamming her hand so hard on the table that poor Ben jumped in his chair. "Did you just accuse your daughter of trying to seduce you?"

"No- I-"

"And if she did try to seduce you, would you not trust yourself to resist such advances?" she said aggressively.

"Mom!" Julie cried. "Please don't be so mean to Dad!"

"No, you're right, Honey. I apologize, I'm so sorry, Julie!" said a clearly chastened Daniel. "These have been very challenging times for me! I'm so sorry, dear, the question was wholly inappropriate."

Julie squeezed his hand. "I won't give you a rider, Dad. Really, I won't." She stared into his eyes earnestly. "I promise!"

Daniel stared back into his daughter's beautiful green eyes. She looked so loving, so adoring. There was no way he could refuse her.

It took only a little more prompting from Julie to get her father to take Friday off, so they could leave the very next day and spend the long weekend together. And so it was first thing the following morning when Daniel and his darling daughter drove their aircar north, into the neighboring wilderness.

The colony had constructed a series of cabins two hours north of the main settlement, a place for colonists to relax and unwind, and Daniel had reserved their favorite cabin. As he drove out of the city he relished the thought of spending alone time with his daughter. His beloved Julie had changed into something else, but maybe there was enough of her that remained so he could still enjoy a strong father-daughter connection with her. Daniel had been incredibly, incredibly moved by her offer to spend time with him, and he vowed to make the most of it.

As they drove down the fareway, Daniel cast glances at his young daughter. At the tender age of18, she was more woman than girl now. Julie's face had matured. She had the same beautiful high cheekbones and thick red lips as her mother. As the wind whipped through her light brown hair with yellow highlights, he realized that some man would be lucky to make her his own... if the Hive didn't hijack her fate first.

It was nearly noon by the time they got to the cabin. They had a quick lunch and then Julie suggested they go sunbathing. She put on a tight string bikini and lay down by the sandy beach near the river. Daniel, wearing baggy swim trunks, lay down next to her.

For a long time neither of them spoke. Daniel found himself relaxing despite himself, briefly forgetting about riders and the problems he was having with his wife and daughter. He could hear the birds singing in the trees and in front of them was the narrow river which separated them from another cabin on the far bank.

"Nice, isn't it, Daddy?"

Julie had such a pretty smile. She really took after her mother. The twin suns of Sirius Minor really brought out the blonde highlights Julie had added to her light brown hair. These highlights made her look more adult and more sensual, but in a sophisticated way which Daniel approved of.

"It's wonderful, Honey."

She squeezed his hand, sending a thrill through his body. "I'm so glad you came," she said, staring at him with big green eyes.

"I'm so glad you invited me," said Daniel, making her smile.

They lay like that for several minutes. Daniel felt himself getting even more relaxed. And then Julie reached around her back and fumbled with her bikini top.

"Whatcha doing, Honey?"

Julie's bikini top came off and she lay back down. She saw her father's look of disapproval. "I don't want bikini tan lines, Daddy!" she said. Daniel said nothing and Julie smiled.

For several minutes Daniel pretended not to look at Julie's breasts, but he couldn't help himself. His little girl had grown up. Her breasts were not nearly as big as Jo's, but they were ripe and firm, like oranges ready to be plucked from the grove. Some lucky man would enjoy them... if Julie managed to escape the clutches of the Hive.

"Do you like my breasts, Daddy?" she asked.

Daniel shifted uncomfortably. "I don't think of them in terms of like or dislike, Honey.... They're simply there."

Julie laughed.

"All right," said Daniel. "They're very pretty," he said, as quickly as he could.

"My breasts," said Julie, cupping them. "Are you capable of using the word breasts in a sentence, Daddy?"

Daniel suppressed a smile. "All right! Your breasts are... they're very pretty! But don't tell anyone I said so!"

"I won't, Daddy," said Julie, feeling a tingling go down her spine. She gently rubbed one of her tits and looked up at her father. "I really wish you'd reconsider and take a rider, Daddy," she said, shifting her shoulder blades slightly to reduce pressure on her rider.

"Not that again," said Daniel.

"The plague is supposed to hit us any day now. I don't want to watch you die in front of me!" she said.

"I'm not going to die, Honeybun." He saw she was unconvinced. "Really," he added.

Julie frowned and looked away. Then she started taking off her bikini bottom.

"Whoa! What're you doing now, Honey?"

"I told you Daddy. Bikini lines," she said. She looked at him. "If my body offends you, you can lay over there." She pointed some distance away.

Her father didn't move, making Julie smile. He tried to look away, but before long Daniel couldn't help but look between her legs. "Dear, I couldn't help but notice, but... you have lines."

"You mean my highlights?" said Julie.

"I don't mean in your hair. Well, yes, I do mean your hair, your hair... down there," said Daniel.

"But these are my highlights too, Daddy," said Julie. Julie's trim brown pubic triangle had white lines emanating from it, going upwards from her cuntlips like lines of sperm.

"Those... you had highlights... put in your pubic hair?"

"Uh huh," said Julie, rubbing a finger between her delicious thick red lips. "All the girls are doing it. My friend Cindy brought me to a stylist who does the best work. What do you think?" She spread her legs wider. As she did her smirk grew wider as well. And something else started to happen, something Daniel did not immediately notice; a strong musky scent started to fill the air.

Daniel turned a bit red. "You... you're very beautiful, dear."

Julie gave him a wide eyed innocent look as the musky scent began to fill her father's lungs. "Mom has much thicker pubes than I do. I think it makes her look more womanly. What do you think, Daddy?"

"I think... I think you shouldn't be worried about comparing yourself to your mother. You're... you're a very attractive young lady," said Daniel. His mind started to grow cloudy. He smelled the musky odor, but he was so focused on his beautiful daughter that he wasn't really paying attention to it.

"You think I'm attractive? Why thank you, Daddy!" Julie grinned.

Daniel licked his lips. "Julie... I couldn't help but notice that you have the same... things... around your groin that your mother does."

"Things, Daddy?" She spread her legs further, showing her father her cuntlips boldly.

Daniel started to sweat and he felt a tingling in his groin. "The, uh, glowing symbol. And the chain. Yours... yours is different from Joanna's." This whole discussion was making him very aroused! He just hoped Julie didn't notice!

"That's right, Daddy!" said Julie, rubbing her Slave Mark which was just above her cuntlips. Her little finger moved sensuously up and down, very much aware that her father's eyes were locked tight on her cuntlips now. Suddenly Julie came to an amazing realization. Her father was openly looking at and talking about her cunt! Maybe Mom was right; maybe Daddy is attracted to me!

"Do you like my Hive Mark, Daddy?" She asked, as she noticed her father's eyes latched onto the glowing upside down U with a dot in it.

"A young girl shouldn't have a sexual tattoo like that," said Daniel, feeling a painful ache in his penis. "It's... it's not appropriate." His mind felt like it was wrapped in cotton. He felt the warm sunlight of the twin suns of Sirius Minor beating down on him. What was happening to him?

"I didn't ask if it was appropriate, Daddy," said Julie, batting her eyelashes. "I asked if it was attractive." She stared deeply into her eyes as she boldly widened her legs further, spreading her cunt lips as wide as she could so her dear, sweet Daddy could see it all.

"I..." Daniel swallowed heavily. "Yes, dear. It's... it's very sexy."

Sexy! He called it sexy!

Daniel blushed and rapidly readjusted his shorts.

Julie smiled with an alien light in her eyes. She raised the chain linking the small green emerald to her vagina. "And what do you think of this, Daddy?"

"You've... you've pierced your vulva, like your Mom," he said. "Does it hurt?"

"Not anymore," said Julie. "Mom says it makes me look beautiful. What do you think?" She lifted the rock by the short chain and dangled it over her open cunt lips.

Daniel stared at the pretty green gem hanging over his daughter's widely spread cunt hole and felt a painful tightening in his balls which was extremely distracting. "It's... it's very...." he blinked rapidly, shaking his head. What was he saying? "You're a very beautiful girl, Julie. Any man would be lucky to have you."

"Any man, Daddy?" she smiled at him flirtatiously. Then, to his great disappointment, she turned on her back. "Can you rub some lotion on my back, Daddy?"

Daniel looked at her rider. The bright golden band gleamed in the morning suns, symbolizing the creature's maturity and control over his daughter's mind. He saw the narrow set of bones gripping her back. Was that his daughter talking to him... or her rider?

"Please, Daddy?" she said, handing him the tube.

He nodded and started to rub lotion on her back, below her rider and to the left and right of it, being careful not to touch it. The rider started to pulsate, inflating and deflating slowly. "Do you like this thing, this... rider?" he asked.

"Oh yes, Daddy! I love my rider, and it loves me!" Julie declared. Farther down, her ass cheeks were round and firm and very sexy. "And that's not the only thing my rider likes," she added.

"What do you mean?" he said, rubbing lotion on her smooth, young skin.

"My rider really likes you too, Daddy," she said, in such a sexy deep tone, giving him a sultry look over her shoulder.

"It does?" Daniel looked at the pulsating creature.

"Yes, Daddy," she said. "It's filling my head with all kinds of thoughts."

"What... what kind of thoughts?" Daniel asked, beginning to get a bit light headed under the hot afternoon sun. The musky smell was making his blood boil for his little girl. His penis was aching for release.

"Thoughts about you, Daddy." She winked at him, sending a bolt of sexual energy through his entire body.

"I, I hope you can resist it," he said, swallowing heavily.

"I'm trying, Daddy!" she said, in such a sexual way. "But it's hard. Really hard!" She smiled at him. He noticed the alien light in her eyes again. "Can you rub my rider, Daddy?"

"Oh, I don't know-"

"Pleeeease?" she gave him such a lustful look. The ache in his balls was starting to get more and more painful. He'd have to see to his needs soon in the cabin shower. Real soon!

"All right, Honey." Daniel reached out and tentatively touched her rider with a shaking finger, prepared to withdraw it quickly if something unexpected happened. It didn't. Much to his surprise, Julie's rider felt pleasantly soft and tender.

"How does it feel, Daddy?"

"Feels... fine," he said, surprised by his own admission!

"See?" said Julie.

Julie's rider had little bones growing in it horizontally. Daniel also noticed liquid filled bumps which pressed quite easily into her rider. He started to stroke her rider more and more confidently.

"Ah! Ah, ah, ah," said Julie, rocking slightly with every touch. "That's nice, Daddy, really nice! But can you just touch me around the edges? Around my rider's golden band? Ah, that's it! That's it Daddy! Not too hard, just like that! Smooth, long swishes of your finger. Longer swishes, Daddy. Much longer! Yes, yes, like that! Just like that!"

Julie's head started to buck up and down and her body alternately stiffened and relaxed. Her body mimicked the motions of a woman being well and thoroughly fucked. "Ah, ah, ah, ah, yes, Daddy, yes yes yes, just like that!"

What am I doing? Daniel thought. It was clear to him that he was giving his daughter sexual pleasure, albeit in a very unusual way. Was this really proper? he wondered. But he kept doing it. The deep throbbing ache in his balls would not allow him to stop. It was the only possible way he could have sex with her. Perhaps the only respectable way. Perhaps he could climax without her noticing it.

Julie gasped, her eyes wide and young nipples firmly erect. "Ah, ah, ah, ah. I love you so much, Daddy!"

"I love you too, dear!" Daniel cried.

"No, Daddy!" she said. "I love you! I'm attracted to you, Daddy!"

"No!" Daniel cried. He was surprised, but he didn't stop stroking her rider. He couldn't stop. The sight of his daughter so sexually aroused was feeding him something vital, something he desperately needed. He needed to come just as much as his little girl did!

"Yes!" Julie cried. She gave him a look of intense frustration. "I'm sexually attracted to you, Daddy! I always have been! I want you to make love to me!"

"No, that's impossible. That's your rider talking!" Daniel said.

"My rider only freed the feelings I always had for you!" said Julie. "You're my Daddy, my Daddy who I always loved so much... in every possible way!"

As he looked into her eyes, Daniel sensed she was telling the truth. It was Julie he was speaking to now, not her rider. Her rider may have unlocked some feelings deep within her, but the feelings were her own. His daughter was physically attracted to him!

"Oh Daddy, Daddy Daddy Daddy! Stroke me harder now! Faster, much faster! Just like that! Oh Daddy, you make me so hot! I'm so very hot for you Daddy!" she cried, her body rocking up and down faster, faster, and faster still. And then Julie's body stiffened, and she cried out "Daddy!" and gasped, her face cherry red.

Julie panted for a long moment as if she had just completed a marathon. Her erect nippled tits bobbed in front of her with every exhale. For along moment no one said anything. And then his darling daughter turned to him, took his face in her hands, and said, "My dear, dear Daddy," and kissed him.

But it was not the kiss of a daughter. It was the kiss of a sexually mature woman. As Julie pressed her lips against him, Daniel was acutely aware that a gorgeous 18 year old girl was now in his arms, grinding her naked body against his. He felt Julie's firm breasts pressing against his bare chest. Farther down, she pulled down his swimming trunks, revealing his enormously painful erection. She ground her pubis against his.

"Daddy," she murmured, kissing him strongly. "My dear, dear, Daddy!"

Daniel kissed her back. He was too intensely aroused not to do otherwise. He needed release, and needed it badly.

Julie took his erection in hand and ground it against her vaginal opening. "Put it in me, Daddy! Just for a moment! You'll like it, I promise!" She rubbed the head of his cock against her pussylips.

Daniel groaned. He could stand no more of this! And so without further delay he reached down and inserted himself into his own daughter.

Julie was beyond surprised. She had been certain that she was going to have to be the one to insert him into her. But her father had taken the initiative and done it all on his own.

Mom was right; Daddy is attracted to me!

Daniel grabbed Julie tightly as he started moving in and out of her rapidly. He could hardly do otherwise. "Oh, oh, oh, oh," he gasped, as his penis moved in and out of his daughter's young cunt.

"We shouldn't be doing this," Daniel said guiltily. "We shouldn't be doing this," he repeated.

"But we are!" Julie said with a smile.

Daniel glanced at the cabin across the narrow river. "They'll see us. People can see us."

"Let them see us, Daddy! Let the whole world see!" Julie declared, kissing him hard.

Daniel groaned again. His pent up desire was so strong that he knew he wouldn't last long. "Julie! I'm going to come! I'm going to try to pull out before I come, all right?"

"There's no need, Daddy!" said Julie. "I'm on birth control!"

"You are?"

"I got on birth control just for you, Daddy!" And she said it in such a sexy way as she looked deeply into his eyes that Daniel creamed on the spot. He groaned as sperm whipped out of the head of his penis, bathing his daughter's vagina and cervix with the overload of heavy cream which had painfully built up in his balls all morning. He creamed every load after heavy load inside of her, gasping as each deposit squirted out of him. When he was finally empty it felt so good!

Daniel panted as he slowly came down from his painful pheromone induced sexual high. He and Julie lay on their backs, lightly embracing each other.

"That was so good, Daddy," Julie whispered, touching his face.

"Good... but wrong," said Daniel.

"In time you will think otherwise," said Julie. She saw the warning sign on his face. "Tell me, Daddy. Did I just give you a rider?"

"Why... no, you didn't!" Daniel looked surprised. He had been so sexually aroused that he hadn't even thought about it!

"You see!" said Julie. "I kept my promise! I didn't try to give you a rider in a sneaky way!"

"Oh, I love you, Julie!" He kissed her hard, pressing his genitals against hers once more.

"And I love you, Daddy!" She caressed his face some more. "And tonight, after dinner when we're both rested, I'll give you a rider!"

"Julie, I'm not taking a rider," said Daniel.

"Please, Daddy!" said Julie. "I have saved so many lives. The lives of strangers, of people I barely know. Why can't I save yours?" She seemed on the verge of tears. "It's not like the sex is a problem. We've just had sex, right?"

"Right," said Daniel, though he was starting to regret it. It had changed his relationship with his little girl forever.

"Don't regret it, Daddy!" she said, seeing his expression. "Our relationship hadn't ended, it's only grown!" She touched his cheek lovingly. "Please let me give you a rider. Please let me save your life, man who I love so much!"

Daniel felt emotion swelling in his throat. "I'm... I'm sorry, dear."

"So am I," said Julie, with big eyes.

Julie cooked dinner that night in the cabin. She was dressed for sex, wearing a half open shirt which more than exposed her breasts. She also wore white short shorts which showed every curve of her ass as well as the beautiful stress lines around her vagina. She was wearing lipstick and rouge and dark eye liner, making her look ten years older and even more sensual. Julie fawned over her father, smiled and laughed with him, flirted him, touched him, and even kissed him on occasion. She stared at him lovingly as they ate dinner. Daniel loved being the center of attention but grew increasingly uncomfortable as he was clearly not prepared to give her what she most desired.

Finally, after dinner, Julie sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around him. "I love you Daddy," she declared.

"I love you too, Pumpkin."

She kissed his lips. He kissed her back. She kissed him again. Her hand snaked down to his groin.

"No," said Daniel.

She kept squeezing gently.

"No," he repeated, abruptly dumping her off his lap. He went outside and sat on the porch, staring at the stars and listening to the night insects. Julie joined him a few minutes later. There were tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry about that, Daddy," she said.

"I'm sorry too," said Daniel.

"But... you have to join the Hive!"

"No I don't."

"You don't understand, Daddy. You have to join the Hive, right now!" said Julie.


Julie bit her lip and looked very distressed. "I had hoped it wouldn't come to this. I had hoped you would make the decision on your own."

"What do you mean?"

She looked straight at him and he could see clearly now that she had been crying. "You have to take a rider right now, Daddy! Mom is expecting a call by 9 PM tonight. If you haven't taken a rider by then...." her voice trailed off.

"What? What will happen if you don't call Joanna?" he said.

"She... she'll give Ben a rider."

"No!" said Daniel. "She wouldn't! She couldn't!"

"She will, Daddy!" The tears in her eyes seemed to confirm the truth. One flowed down her cheek as she spoke. "She knows how stubborn you are. So she gave you a ch-choice. Either you join the Hive, right now... or Ben does."

Daniel swallowed heavily as he listened to the night crickets and looked up at the stars. "How... how long do I have to think about it?"

"No time at all! I'm supposed to call her by nine. That's... forty three minutes from now, Daddy! If I don't call her and tell her you've taken a rider, she'll give one to Ben!"

"Then call her and tell her I've taken one."

"No!" said Julie. "I didn't lie to you, and I won't lie to her! It's time to decide, Daddy!" She paused. "Who will it be, Daddy? Ben... or you?"

Daniel took a deep breath. He would always remember this fateful moment, sitting out under the stars, as he made the most important decision of his life. "I guess... I guess it will be me."​
Next page: Chapter 13.2
Previous page: Chapter 12